.' PROFESSION A I. CA MS. TIKI". A. J0NK8 TllBO. P. IIAVIIISON Raleigh. JA. O. MAKTIH, i.m.-.... ahhv. ,..v. rfcAVIIISON, MARTIN JONI5S, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, Refer to Hunk of Asncviiu. . mH'K MKKKICK CH8. . MOOKK. miiiK15 fc MHRKICK. Attorneys and Counsellors at Law. ........lilc. N.C. ..rnetieeinthe ..nUcd S.e, CireuR and llislricl Courts l suiircmc Court lotte n.l C.reens ".ro. in the Sup"..! ftdMa. tV,fYnlsttc of North Ci.ro "'special attention pvcu to eo.iection of C,'i.Ttncrship does, lot extend to prncticch, lluneotulie InlcnorJ-ourt. " I ;, M KKKIMON. T. II. COII1I. ' OHH & MHKKIMON, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law. dtse UKO. A. Slll'fOKn. W. W.JONKS. M lONKS t 8HUTORl. Attorneys at l.uw, Asheville, N. C. .. ... ..... : ri.,r fourts ol Western bcr of the firm ean always l.e lound. iltnovll A. TliNNBNT, Architect and Contractor. ll warded inc. ISMTfSi-. N.jnCourt Sipiarc. Asheville. NC ; jjl" llTltOUOI.ASS, 1. l- S. I DENTAL ROOMS, . NO. 24 SOUTH MAIN ST., over Omul .Vinuerfs limn Store. tm-ittUi-ee. No. W l.iley St. felilllllly Zl IJ. JifciS, K.K.S- II. K. SMITH. I.".s' Jj-r. jKeevca & Smith in Cin1ty DuildinK. 'er Redwood's Store, in Livnnnit; ,,ltoll Avenue. elii:iM.V fw.'cd. jj" p. UI'ROIN, M. D. OFFICK l New Grand Central Hiiil.lniK. ClotliiiVK Store. (elil7dlm 11'. HAMSAY, II. 11.8. over Hi '- OlHcc Dental In llanmrd nuil.liiiK-lintinnccs, Avenue and Main Street. telilMidl V J. W. ROULINfiS, Veterinary Surjjeon, ASH UVI l.l-li, N. c, wilt i.rnelii-e in the town anil sum. undine . . . Also have seii ntilie llorseshoeuiK Vloiie. tlice hi Col. Ray's stamen. .iuia i;tw Or. FranU Hareyf -Veterinary Surgeon. Office at Scvier'sStaMe. , s-leuee with Mr. Natl Atkinson. Jr., -il J llavwood street. ivian il iam t-rrK M- 1-1H'-I, gradual c Optician, Muiu Street, -All m1.Mua) ocular .lefeets ol the eye eol reeled. .,, t Hours for e.lliialion 'J to 1- 0 p. m. " ' DENTISTRY. 'UJ-Dtu.. ,l.-rsii.iied hnvinic resunieil ,.ii r n.iilistrv in Asheville, respectfully !...,. l..r his orolessiounl services to tlu liuhl.e ..on-.. ,,,i,l Irri.lini: diseased uunis spe .'eiallies. Local nn.esthetle to prevent mm iniilineu IKH Itinii.". .l,.,.r ,.Kiw i-mimK ,.n Piitlon .Avi-nue, one door . i, , v l. iv.-lrv store, same ns lor- merlvoeeiniicd. ' II. I'. ARRINOTON jtili t dtf THE ASHEVILLE LIBRARY ASSOCIATION, Rooms on Mnin street, opposite the post- llnrn daily, except Sundays, from Hi a. m ..I I I m anil ri.ll until 7. .to n Tk. .Ma siilmeniitioil are: line year $2; 6 mos..l-r.); .1 mos., $1 ; 1 mo., nticts, d1'.,i , Uv..i.i,l,.,,i li R. Rnwls w.l'n.iilpiit. Charles W. Woolsey : See. and Tixm., D. 8. Watson; Librarian, Miss Iv. J Citiwns and visitors are eordiully iny'''.'1 inserilie their to lfisiect tne eataioi;"e names as mcniliers. fehXdtf fifl ejts tUlUA mid fit Biiarnnleed. A i tilcu of Vn illiove coixls tit GRANT'S nHUG STORE, SISOI'TH MAIN STRHIiT. Oculists' prescriptions u sis-cialty. cliXTdnm fany dralcr Mrs ne has I Ii . 4hoa without nauia nd pr, ittm bottom, put blin down as VV. L. DOUGLAS " I J f C FOR 3d OrlVC OENTLKMEN. S5.00 .KNI?INK H ASD-iSKUKI) NHOR SS:So II AND-SKW Kit WW T SHOK. a.0Oandl.?5 ItOVS" " All luwVe lo Conctw r- W. L. DOU S3 SHOE Boot Material. Best I If o old hj T"nr dealer, W. L. DOUGLAS. I SHOU. 8. Ini Kiamlne W. I.. Ui.nvn i.oo 44 It oe it for iientlemen mill I jiiiicm, For sule bv HERRING A WKAVliR, 30 South Main Street, Aslicville, N. C Ml ic i mi i i i ii i- 3i. jaol'JdlT Ul'MNKHtt ANO PI.KAHVRK. I'riva'.e Board. lirst-elnss howl, al rensiin.ililc ipply to Mrs. 1'. !lri-csc, corner ami Sirmc straits. l-'or terms, Ciillej;i The man wlio mnlics tin- fewest words Kn furl best is tlic telegraph iicrntor. Terrible ForewariiiiiK". CoukIi, i t,,c "lorniiiR. hin ricil or ililli eull breathing, raisini; plilejiin, tightness ill the chest, quickened pulse, chilliness m tl. cvcniiiL' or sweats at ni;-lit, allorany of llusc tilings are the first stages ol con sumption. Acker's Ivnu'lisli CoiiKh lum- eily will cure tiieseiearun n. io.. .- is sold under a posmve Some men ncvor find iheir level in this 1,1 Tin- Hi-can is oniv seven limes leep. Ilrt-i-He, No. morlli Main St u ,...,1 il. u iiinrniiiL' a line line oi on , ,-..n i.:...i i i,....;iu i.ml vi't'etaliles. Iresh; also fresh' butter and cm,'s, which he is sellinif i v low for cash, (.all on nun 101 ...u- inis. Ai.ili.it You return evcrvthini; I oiler, What can 1 send you that will he acccp- ihle ? Kililor A year s siiDscripiiou. Fur laiueliack,si(leorchesl,iiseShiloh's .nuns Plaster. Price 'Jo cents. SIIII.tlirSCOlHill anil Consuiiipuoii i'..r iu o.l.l hv us on a iriuiranlcc. It cures Consumption. r.mii-s: IliL'L'ie Niuuic is wakini; ill it last, lie is paying attention to .miss WiL'L'ie. Piu'iiie Is tliat so.' Well, mill i i In. lirst time I ever heard of the old lical paying anything to anyliody. ..iilv.-iiued in vtars lid voiniKcr ml i in nirer as well as IrciT iroin uir iiitirmitiis ol af-e, liy taking - J Mclean's Sars,-iianlla. 1'or sal'.' ny i !,. Jacobs. ti. uu,..ril fish oinrhl to have no dilli i.liv in i-iittinir a wav lor itseii in tins world. NaHal Caturrli lu ii il.-iiiKi'iuiis disease. Imoiii lis It'll IfiK-v to t'Ntcnd to tin- throat, lirominai tiilies, and Imally to involve tut nniKS in ,.,.i.uii.iiiiIi.vi. i iseases. it snoinii oe iii-iniiiii v eniec .1 lattni-sf L-iave u.inutir imiv In- .'iverled. io eoiniiieiiL .in n. nianiirai-tiircrs ol Dr. hane s caian Wemeilv ol' their ahihtv to ci il if success- illv'illi I his vcrv nrcsalcnt disease lha't thev have lor vcars oHcrcd, in Kood lith, $."illtl reward lor a case ol caian n, no ma tier how had or ol how many vcars sl.-indinn. which they cainiol cure. Kcnicdv only Till cents, iv ilriif!Kli!lh- So liif as I'm concerned, I'd marry a small woman rather than a Inrjjc one my day." "lint why."' liecaiisc 01 two evils one naturally cnooses uu least." tilve tlic C'lillclreit a C'liaiicc. rherc its sonictliinii radically wioii with the health "I ') i'1"'1'1 when il seems listless, has poof of iio appetite, eyes iinkcn anil with dark ski licncalli. in most cases showinn these symptoms the hild has worms, and all that U nccils is some simple remedy, such as Marl's Worm Cream, to expel the worms, anil the chihl will soon lie m pcilecl ncaiiii .-ik.-iiu. i a reiits, try it and let your little ones have lair chance lor hie. Volumes of gas must furnish very linhl readiiiK. No liniincnl is m heller repute or mure idelv known than lr. ,. II. McLean's Volcanic Oil I. inimciit. It is a wonder ful remedy. I-'or saleliy 1-. 1 J.u-ohs. (1,1, llv i-iioiiL'h. it's the man ol loose hahits'who is most likely to fjel lij;lil. letter Than Suicide. I'rolcssor Arnold savs: "An incuiahle lysiieptic is justified in coinmittiiiK sm- ide. e will Kiiaranree to cure ,-int u; n icptic within three inonths hy Ackers vnjjhsli HysKitie laiucis. ico.hi,i. Hilfciciiee Jtetsvccn a ship and street mil the sniinkler Hue walks the waler other waters the walk. Many l.-ople haliituallv endure a feel . . 1 . . , " 1 1 i.:..i., t....- inj ol cissiliKie, nccausc inev innin mi., have to, If they would take lr. J. 11. McLean's Sarsaparilla this Icclnij,' 01 weariness would K'ive place to vi),'or and vitality. I-'or sale by V. L- Jacobs. Most intoxicatiiif; drinks arc had, but there is one in particular that a man should absinthe himself from. Ituvbleu'H Arnica Salve. The iK-st salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rlieiun, level sores, teller, eluipiwd hands, chilblains, m ns. and all skin erunlions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay rciiuircd. It is guaranteed to j-ive pei lectsalislaclion. ir inonev iciuniieii. l iice -.i ceuis ii iox. I-'or sale by F. L. laeohs. daw "The Women of Shakespeare" is the title of a book. The stones alioul Will iam are true, then, il seems. The l-"lrnt Symptom of Uealli. rireil li-eliiiL'. dull lieailaehe, pains in various parts of the body, sinking al the nit of the stomach, loss of apiK-lile, lever- ishness, pimples or sores, are (ill positive evidence of poisoned blood. No matter ow it lieeamc poisoned it must be pun- lied to avoid death. Ackers hnj-lisli Itlood Iilixir has never failed to remove scrofulous or syphilitic poisons. Sold un- ler positive j-uiiraiitcc. lebadaw 1 w "I see Kcmiuler, the first man sentenced to death by electricity, (injects mine innovation and is making music." "Yes; The Lost Chord.'" A scrap of Paper Sliiven Her l.lfe. It was just an ordinary scrap ol wrap- piiiK paii'r, Inn it saveo ner me. .-uie was in the last states of consumption, told liy physicians that she wasiiicurable and ciiuld "live only a short time; she weiK'icd less than seventy pounds, i in a piece of wrappinj- p:iR-r she read of Xr. Kind's New liiseovery, and (-ol a sample bottle; it helied her, she bought a larnc bottle, it helped her more, liiuu-ht .inolher and urew lietler last, eoiiluiucil its use and is now stro'nt;, healthy, rosy, plump, weijjhinj- UO pounds. For lullcr particulars send stamp to W. II. Cole, tlrtu-psl, lf'rt Smith. Trial bottles ol Ibis wonderful Discovery Free at F. I,. Jacobs' drugstore. 1'atti's farewell tours are urowiiiK more frequent. She comes again next winter. Tell the good news to the sulVcring At last is a remeily found, Which might have saved, luul they known it, Main- who're under the ground. Tell ofthe "Favorile I'rescription," Hid hoieless women lie glad Hear the good news to poor creatures. Ileart-siek, discouraged and sad. "Female diseases," so terrible in their effects, and so prevalent among all classes, can lie cured by the use ol Dr. I'ieree's Favorile I'rescription. Iron liars arc the most reliable sort of apieaniiice bonds. iinr ..f Dr. I. II. Melx-an's Little Liver i'illcts. taken c.t night before coim- to lied, will move the Imwels; the eflivt will astonish you. For sale by t L.Jacobs. THAT 11ACK1NC. COlit.H eaiineso (prickly cured by Sluloh s Cure. we j;iiaraiilcc it. . W I l.L YOII M I' 1" IVK Willi l'l nn ,i.. mil Liver Complaint ? Slnloh s itahzer is Kiiaranleed lo cure you. When l-ortiine (,'oes the other way, Or slips too swiftly by, It's apt to lie U-cause you say I've half a mind to try. Parent Criminally I.liiMe. More than half of all deaths occur I re hire six years of tine. An !"',n-v ol iiiiio- ......1 li.vi.lv e In i ren arc swe it neeoiessiv awa'v eacli year. Parents arc criminally ii.uibli- for this. The death rale ol children in Knnlnnd is less than half this. Acker's l-anrlish llaliv Niotner lias none more to briiiL' this about than all oilier causes combined. Von cannot allord lo be without it. Says the philosopher: "I take lhinjs casv. . . . To which the biiiKlai- responds: hij,'lit vim are, old lei . mo iio i. SLIiKPLIvSS SlOirrS, lnaileniiscrablc bv that terrible coin-h. Slnloh s Lure is the rcincdv lor vim. CATAKKII CI'KIvll, health and sweet breath secured, bv Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. Price fill cents. Nasal Injector free liyT. C. Smith et Co. Hubbv What's the matter, dear? Wife (VcviviiiK from faint I Oh, I went lo see if there was nnylhinj,' in the trap, and I found a horrid mouse there. I Not Suffer Any l.oiiutr. Knowini; that a coul'Ii can be checked in a dav, and the first staj;csof consunii lion briikcn in a week, we hereby j;uarnn tce Acker's Iviuilish Clinch Kemcily and will refund the money to all who buy, take il as per directions, and do not Hud our statement correct. fch"nlawl w Ilauana skins fall is near. are reminders that the l'.upeiH . This is what you oiinht to have, in fact, vou must have it, to fully enjoy 1 i li. Thousands arc scarchint; fur il daily.aud inourninH because they find it not. Thou sands upon lliousaiids of dollars are spent annually by our ikoiiIc in the hope that they may ait.iiu tiiis boon. And yet it mav lie had by all. We guarantee that lilccti ic Itilters.'if used aceoidinj; to (li-ic-.-tions and the use persisted in, will !ninn you Cood Hi.tjcsUon and oust the .lemon I lyspepsia and install instead Ivu pciisy. Vc recommend lilcctiic Hitlers for liyspcpsia and all diseases of l.ivcr, Slomiich and Kidneys. Sold al fillc. and $1 pcrboltlcat I-. L Jacobs' diUH stoic. The rubber trust hopes lo make prices It ss elastic. SIIIUlH'S VITAI.IZIIU is what vou need for Constipation, Loss of Appetite, llizziness, anil allsyinptonisoflysicpsia. I 'rice HI and 7o cents per bottle. CK -IT, WIltMiriXC. Ctlll'.ll and liroiichitis imincdiately relieved bv Shiloh's Cure. llair may be plaited and yet be nldcn. Advice to Mollic-rN. Mis. Winslow's Soothing Syrupshoiihl ilu-.ivs In- used for children lecthiiu;. It ,,i1m-s Ihi-ehild. softens theiiuilis, al lays all pains, ci'ivs wind colic, and isthe best rcincdv for iliarrlnt a. -Tic. a bottle. The Cdvcrnor of Mississipjii expects some Rich proceedings ju his Marion county branch of justice, riiunlcK, boils and other lunuors, are liable to appear when Hie blooil nets heated. The bcsl remedy is Dr. J. M. McLean's Sarsaparilla. For sale by I-'. I. Jacobs. When it conies to skillful work in the water, I'rof. Ilntlcr's name is not Hen nis. lie is bin in the swim. " flic teller board of lilc (joes up, The letter board of lilc ocs down." I 'p and down, up and down out- day a millionaire, next day "dead broke" one lav buoyant in spirits, next day gloomy .is'a fro;; one day in seeming pcilecl health, next day "laid out" with a bilious attack or your stomach "on a strike." IMiis is the way the world wnj,'S nowa days. II you" arc bilious, melancholic, diz'zv headed, dysieptic, wanl apH-litc ir liave torpid action of liver, kidneys or bowels, take Dr. I'ieree's Pleasant I'cllels purely vegetable, pcrfeclly harmless; one a dose. pi Presents in (he most elegant fon 1 HE LAXATIVE AND NUTRITIOUS JUICE l)K TUB FIGS OF CALIFORNIA, .'ombincd with the medicinal virtues of plants known to he most lKMiehxial to the human system, forming an agreeable and effective laxative to perma nently cure Habitual Consti pation, and the many ills de pendinp; on a weak or inactive ndilion of the AlDNEYS, LIVER AND BOWELS. It ii the most excellent remedy known to CLEANSE THE SYSTEM EFFECTUALLY When one i Hitimis or ConbUpaud Sll "I MAT PURE BLOOD, REFRESHING SLEEP, HEALTH and STRENCTH NATURALLY FOLLOW. Kvcrv one is using it and all are delighted with it. ASK VOUR DRUGGIST FOR HYH CJP OI PIGS MANUFACTURED ONLY BY CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FBAItCISCO, CAl. LOUISVILLE, Kt IHEii i WHAT YOU EAT ! HURT I YOU? new roM, . r. II' what you eat hurts you vou, or ii vou are trouliled with l(ysK-psia, Nervousness, lle.-irtliuril, llendnch-. Low .ipirits, Kiilnev CiimplailltK, lite., lite.. Try a liottle of UR. HAM'S Aromatic : Iiivljfrator It has stood the tesm of the public for over aiiuailerol a cenlury, nnd thoiisauils have Irsliltt-il lo its value. Scud for circular nnd lestinioiii.ils. 5(1 cell In and $1 per liottle. For sftleliy F. I.. Jacobs, Cnnier Mnin Street and Tuttiin Avenue. IlliATH & Ml'KRAY, tlencrulAuts., Uostonl juU dtf MOTHER'S TEARS. On evening when themin had set, j All nature Htill and Uiifthed. Two little Ktara came poeplnjt out, J - 1X)kptl down on the earth and bhisbcd'tj ' Two llttk' whltn rotjed anpts J, liuuktn. down rmin the KUira of (fold, And kuw the KiiddtwU HWt-oteHt tiigaA ' Thiiy rvnr did behold It wtu a mother b net' ling By tin- nid of her dying child, Whow Utt lM qiilvprltiK lips now wore A Na4'4'rul. heavenly smile il Th fair youns hrow waHclaiuniy n t and qturk hl hrwith. And thuKwM hluooyw rcnvKinrtIiriK Ko mnin to Imj closed In death. j The Kt iiHT BtiMKl with isicklo drawn I 5 To Aick tho Wilder (lower , Whilo tho mother's heart for her dueling ynhurncd, lh, 'twas n Bnd. sad hour The cheruhu looked In pity Krom their home of Juy nnd mirth; Then luyhiff dowu both harp und crown They fluttered down toeurth They noiselessly entered thi dnrketietl room And hovennl Youud tho lHd, And caught tho mother's tars as they fell On her ilarllnRH golden head They were brighter far than the miser's j;ultl t Or tho treasured diaim-Dd'n Um And they sparkled like the brijlii tmubcuins. '. 'Mid tho fairest Miimiier days. C Ono little cherub took them all Anil hurried hack to heaven, And wovothetn Into a beautiful crown -To tho dyinu: child to Im-Urn Thoother nnt;el caiiKht the Ixilie In tender arms of lovo, Anil horo hint over tho dark wild river To t hat K'oriniiK homo ulmvu. When thov renehetl the "Ireuuilful city of Rold," With i inure doubLHor fears. They pliiced a crown on his shim inert nir eurW Tho crown of motlier'K teurtv. Little leila Wilson in Atlanta C'unstliiilloii. A llorder llriltuil l'liiyed Itiiekuiii-.l. Bull'alo Bill is ns handsome and statuesque) ns ever, und since liis -rout financial success and experience abroad lias taken on a quirl dignity which lieeoincs him j-reallv. Ills favoi'ilu reiniliiseence is touehiii( the days when Iio lirst became an aclor willi Texas .lack in Ned Bunt lino's play. Knowing how proud Biititlino was of his drama. Bill iin-.-iii!.ed with llie stago manager oin' nigiit lo reverse tho order of tlin acts, und iii-iiccedcd to play tho fourth act lirst, the third act second, tbu second net third and tiio lirst act last. Buiillini' bad liusi ness in llio front of the house looking after the admissions, so Iio didn't come on till the second net, when lie acted a small part, was promptly killed oil' and allowed to go out to the front again mid count up. lie eaino back to the stage to dress on llio night 1 1 to change was made, and was lioi'i-ilied to lilnl llieiu playing the fourth act. Ho was dazed for a min ute, but bo knew ho was sano und sober, and presently demanded an ex planation. "We've shifted," said Bill. ' It got monotonous playing it tho other way all llio time." "lint you'll ruin everything," do clnml Binitline, in a frenzy. "Nonsense." said Bill, "they'll never know tho dill'iTcucc." t id tho public never did. -Chicago Mail. llliiiiiliiiiliiii; liilei-tiul Ort;iiiiii. Tho well known experiment for show ing lotal reMcction of light in a jet of water or in li glass rod has been made use of hero bv lr. liotbniid I'm fessor Heuss ill devising a new method of illuminating from oulsiilo some cavities of llio bodv, such as the larynx and nose. The instrument used for this iniriioso is u well iiolisbed (not blackened) glass rod. to one end of which a small elcilric incandescent glow lamp, like those used for electric breastpins, is attached. The light of the lump is rclleeted eipially through tho whole ("lass rod to its ol her end, which is placed on tin-skin of the throat in the easeof a hu-yngoseopieal exami nation heiiiL' rciiuircd. Then tho inte rior of the larvnx becomes illuminated siillifiently for laryngoscopy. If this luminous irlass rod is aiMilied to the sclerotic, the interior of the eyeball can be examined in the same way as bv usinif an oiihllialiiioscoiie, the structure of the posterior parts of the vilreous hody heinix very well seen and studied. As the glass rod remains cold, it can be employed in operative surtrtTV to liirht the natural and arti ficial cavities. Tho Lancet. liiM-cU III the Klirs. It is popularly supposed that for an insect of anv kind to liuil its way into tho ear means dealh if not instantly roinoved. and iihvsieians arc aroused at all hours hy applicants w ho beg them tocoino (iiiieUly, a hut; lias pit tell in soinehodv s ear. Unless It IS an insect w ith very keen nippers there is no liossihle (laii"-er, all lnii!rli olteii unpleasantness, if tho hut; lias rapac ity to hilo sharply. Of course (hero is fear of its workin- its way to tho brain, hut as a rule this belief causes ti ir real deal of nervousness, which has a bad cll'ecl on the subject. Of course llio ear shou hi he examined un soon as possible, and llie insect ro inoved. but the popular idea that dealh will ii'Mill is qiiili) wrony-. tt. Louis Ulobo-Detnocrat. rillpiliillnu "f (hi Hi-art. A French physician aiinuiiiioes that distressinir or ei essive palpitation of the heart can always be arrested b; bendiier 'hmlili-. Hie head dowu am tho nanus hiiiiinv.-. sous tu proiluco a teinporin-.v coiieluni nl tho upper portion of th:- body. In nearly every instance nl nervous or ana-iiiif paiui tation, I in- le-;;i-t iniineiliatcl v i-esuujes ils natural luiietioii. If the movo uienlsnl' ri spiralion are arrested dur- iinr Ibis action, tl licet is still uiore rapid. -Herald of Health. Tho liny nnd llie Pi.-s, B. K. l'il;e. of fash's corner, who for sonic tine ' has chinned tho cliainpion hip as boss pio cater, has at last had to take u buck seat lor .lolin llio Moody, who has boldly slopped to tho front and performed the wonder ful feat of eatino twelve pies in tweut minutes. .Inhume now wears tie boll -Cape Ki;-:-'.- : . -..nv - IIKOOM FACTORY. 1IAM OAU N. LOtK-AOOU 1IAND-UAI1B Broouis, Whisks, Hearth and Celling Brooms. iai .....I l-n.-lorv irrnden n siK-einlly. (Jim- tntions nnd siliniiles free. felilOdly P(1K KtiST. lfroin two to sii IkmI rooiiin. fully furnished mid usual attention, with or without lioiird. Uiuh I.K-nlion. lixcellent water. I-'or terms apply to au7illf lSMCllUSTNfTSTRUliT. CROWN RF.AL liSTATIi. WM.TKK 1. C.WVN, W. V. Wl'.ST. GWYN & WEST, (Siicccss.ns lo W.'i'ler 11 . f.wj-n) ESTABLISHED 1881 REFER TO BANK OF ASHEVILLE. REAL ESTATE. ,oaiis ccurvi riaitu ;n a Per Cent. Niilary I'lililie. Coinniissioncis ol liecils. IRE INSURANCK. OI-"l"ICI-: SoutlieHHl Court Muare. d. s. ; Watson, Real KHtate Acnt. (Nul u SptiulatMr.) l-'nr Salt A larc atnnitut of valualik City rujicrty, itnprovcil antl imimpruvcd. -'ir Salt Suinc tine lariuiiiK lanils ; aiti, timlitr ami mineral lamls. 1 ean sffiirt-tor parlit-H ImyiiiK City l.ts inn tnc tnoiu-y U mipnivc the same mi nmsi asnnahle linns! Mom y to loan un v.y ami tminlrv ropt rty ! Ollitf hours: l;rom N lo (. I). S. WATSON, SolitlK-nsl Ciiriur Ciiurt Square. Asheville, N. C. nia.vl.M-. illl' Wni. 31. Cocke, Jr., EALESTATE AND MINERALBROKER, Aslicville, N. C. 111 sell vi. 11 one million ueren .it l.-nul, in -Is from f,o tu lon.ooo aei-es. Have a manlier "I' eil.v Inls, iinirnved anil imini pruved, which I ean sell on the lies I lit terms. vim want a hirer r small Inrm cull mi inc. vim wnnt minerals 11I' any kind, Jim need u mi inrltier. n .vnu wain mnni-i litis is hcniliiiinrtcrs. In lael 1 ean sml juu anything yutl want in my line. Services nl a lirsl-class civil engineer anil radical surveyor cniaiKcd lo show up all roicrty when rciiiircit. 1 have hail titlccu ars' experience in the real cslate business, id think 1 know what will please, l'lompl iltrnlioii tu all inipiirics. lel.ii til I V OHTI.ANli I1UOS., Real listatc Itrokeis, And : Investment : AR'euls. Uliees: No. "-n South Main c-l Stt'oml IIimm. flli'.Hll V IXSlKASCi;. IKIi INSl UANCIi, MUli. L1F10. ACCIDKNT. ULLIAM & CO. Al I he llailk ol .Whcvillc, ASIIIiVI l.li, S. C. kcpi-cM-ul llie followiiiK coiiiianics, viz. IIKIi. V" sskts is e. s. ...f'. c.iT.sa.i .. ..sr.-i.i-.L':i .. I.U'.l.liol .. i ,r, la.'.itir. .. 1. Iii7. ''.'- AiikIo Nevada, ol L alilorni: llltllll-llt.'ll. oi M'W MamliiitK-llrcmcn.ol l.clllialiv mil. -ti Assurance. oi l.llKl'.i'o Xincarn, ol New Mirk iitint. o aiiioio h.cnix. ol lii-ooKiyu... .-i,ll;i l-,l 7ii I. lit l.oiil la'.i.e.s i i ,o;hi.-.'.i-.' SI. raul l-ircauil iiiaruic - ncsola.. Soiitherii, ol New (irlcans Western, ol I orolllo Muliial Acciilcnt Association, .litna Lite Insurance Cmnpaiiy. dtniar'.l CUMll AHHClH, IOO,IMI(l,Uu Another Advance ON THE PART OF THE EQUITABLE. MAV l'lU.ICY, WHICH, l.lKli A HANK IlKAI'T, IS A SIMl'l.li I'KdMISli TO PAY. NO LON1HTIONS VllATi;l-.K ON I nr. HACK. IJ. . Monroe, Ajft., Asheville. S. C. Ollice with Indue Aston. I'eliLMiH'.iii -jr!! riiii pi iu.ii.-. I hi- iiinlcrsiuncil may In fotiiiil in Shank's i,. I,.,,, on,, iloot-west ol . 1- Wooil- nii v's stable, on eoiu-nc strcst. I hey are iirriaKcs. Iini;;ics, nreliarcd to inaiiiii.-iciin .. ,,,,-il.l..i. else in tlicir hue. Kc- lirini! 'nnd hiirse-shoeinit urc spcciallics. I hcy have sccillcil llie scrmcsoi iiiin.i M. and woulil nc picusco i" ...... i .. ....... . Iiarc ol patl-onaKC ;nl','.''.V.l'"Ir,!.e,i1!.n iiiiadlim lU KNIiTTI. .N- lloWAKIi. W1!' PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL PLASTERER. All kinds loliliillU nl cement woi 1. ,ii. and kalsominini' inomptly nt- tended to. Residence Lliivtoii St. West all X- d i lnlt rs can be It'll ,. iviiitiir.m with W. II. WM. R. PENNIMAN 1'KOl'Klli I'OK Ol' THE ASHEVILLE BRICK WORKS, Asheville, N. C. I. (. liux 1. iinrKldl.v J.W. ROBIiR'IO, CUNT.IACTOR AND BUILDER, MOKl'AN ' OS. N. C. MANUFACTURES ALL KINDS OF DRESSED LUMBER. lNSlHH l-'INISH in On.. I AniK- il nllslylis now in use. MouldiiiKS of various kinds. Cnn comiiele in pri.-es with any inanulaet urer in the South. jull'H dim MISCEI.LA NEOUS. ?i5: 515,000 COMMENCING MONDAY, JULY aa, WE WllX, OFFER $15,000 WORTH OF DRY GOODS AT COST 3FOR CASHJEE- CHANGE OF BUSINESS. Goods Must be Sold to Make Room for Our Fall Stock of Clothing and Gents' Furnishings. Tin' liiidics ui Aslicville will find tliis ;i niro cliiincetobuy h.ir;iiiiis in Fine (lootls, consist in",' of Ulack and Colored Dress (ioods, White (loods in Mull, Persian Lawn, India Linens, Linen Caiiilnie, Stripetl and 1'laid Muslins, Kid, Lisle and Silk Gloves, Ribbons of all kinds, best quality Laces, I lainbur' ami Swiss Muslins, a larc stock of No tions, Dress, l'earl ami Crochet l?uttons, Gennmitown, Shetland and Saxony Yarn, Zephyr c. per oz., Silk Em broidery Material, Pride West Wanisutta and Fruit Loom I'leacbed Domestic, Table Linens, Napkins and Towels. Warner's Health Corsets, $1.00 Warner's Coraline Corsets, .HO Thomson's ilove-Fittin; Corsets, .08 A 7"c. Corset for ."". A ."()(. Corset for .'S.V. Ladies' and Misses' Hose, a la rj;'e stock, St raw Hats at any price. Many more goods which will require an inspection. OUR CLOTHING DEPARTMENT Is too small for our growing tra tie, and we havedecided to move the Clothing into the corner store, now known ns Whit lock's Dry (ioods Store, in order to establish an ex clusive Gentlemen's Outfitting Business. We are compelled to close out the entire stock of Dry Goods, Millinery and Fancy Goods ut wholesale or retail. We wish to do this as quieklv as possible. Very respectfully, A. WHITLOCK. KRICK ! BRICK ! I-OK SAI.15 H Y - GIRO WOOD & L.EE, Proprietors Buncombe : Brick : and : Tile t Company, ASHKVII.l.U, N. C. l' o. in i N :n:i. "THE 1. I'm- the reeciitiim if patients sutlering of iliseases ol limns find throat, anil foniluctcd upon the plan ol lliesanitaria-s at Cicrlicrsiliirf and Kalkcnstcin in Gcr nianv. Ours is the only sueli institution in the United States, and endorsed by the leadinj- members of the mcdieal profession. Terms reasonalilc. KAKL VON KUCK, B. S., M. I). THE CAROLINA SALOON, Has the Finest and largest Stock ol WHISKIES, : BRANDIES t AND i WINES, liver BrouKht nl article lor family ur l'iit lics vvisliini; u K' Ifivc me 11 call. Kcs'icclfully lnar:ildl.v Frank BOUIS & BROTHERTON, PKACTICAl, ! Flnmbers & Tinners. 1'i.i'MiiiNi;, STIiAM A Nil I'.AS I' I IT I Nil, TIN AMI SI. ATli KOOl-'lNll. Kiirnaces and Heaters. Jobbing Promptly : Attended to. 22 Patton Avenue, Basement. 1111:11111.1111- J. C. BROWN, MHRCIIANT : TAILOR, J5 Patton Avenue, (Next tol'.rund Central Hotel. I .-pil'dlv A TI.ANTIC COAST I.INb . . k. ..,ll..i.,u sched ules w ill lie run over ils"Columliia llivision." No. 53-l.cnvcs Colunil.ia' S.i J V Arrives at Charleston .30 P- m. No. fla U-aves Charleston" 7.10 a. m. Arrives at Columbia 11. S a. m. ConneetinK with trains to and from all Miints on the Chnrlottr. Columbia & Ao J-usta and Columbia t Greenville Railroad.. I'ailv. . . . T. M. KMHKSON, Gen. Pa... Agt. J. V. UBVINB, Gen. Supt. ooo BRICK ! iul26 d.lm WINYAH SANITARIUM." ASHEVILLE, N. C. to Asheville. other purposes, will lind it to their itltcrtit to O'Donnell, PropV. A. D. COOPER, Groceries. We presume Asheville has more comment, passed upon it than any other eity in the State. They sny "Such eleijant buildinRS, such line houses, nnd Mich .plendid food." Hotels, lionnlinK houses nnd private familial are often asked liy their visitor. "Where do vou net Hour to make uch eleitnnt bread ?" "Why, nt Cooper'., where the best of every thing can tie had in the way of Grocerie.." I lur nlm is to furnish the purest and best Koods for the lenst money, to wage bitter war aKainst all adulterations of food prod ucts nnd never liny cheap Kroeerie. for tnt purpose of scllillR below cost. Schedule Street Railway. To take effect Friday. Marvh 1, at 6.30 a. m. Car leave. Court Hoiiae 8.3JJ .. !"""!!!"!!r!oo .. .. 9.IHI " I'rom then till 7 p. m car leave, court hoaM every 311 minutes. Also, ear leave, court house at B.UO and U.00 p. m. FARB. FIVB CBNT8. p. m. FITS 1I1KK1) BY OLD 8PBCIAL1ST PHYSICIAN. Bottle of medicine Free. We war ...ni r mrd v to cure the worst eases, and the only phy-ncians who do this to prevent your .-rinK "i"-"--- -i---- iislnK false names and who are not Doctor.. Ileeause others failed i. no reaaor tor not u-iiiK this meiiicine. Give Bipreu and Poat oHice address. It costs yon nothing. Addles. Asahel Medical Bureau, Sal Broadway. New York. an27dflcwlT poK SALE. A pair of fine Mnlc kind, and good work er.; also wagon and double harneu. PP'T to e.-J. McCAPB, 3 Grove. 61 K.'