THE DAILY CITIZEN Will Iw published every morninit (except Mon day) at the flluwi.i rates strictly cash: One Year .. $tt.on Six Month 3.00 Three Months One Month fin One Week in Our curriers will deliver the putter every mominK in every part of the city to our ,ul .crilier., anil parties wantiliK it will plcaac .all at the Citizkn Other. New AclvertlHemeiilH. Wanted A. l-'reck. To-Day Chandler's. Notice Street Railway Co. Announcement Hostic Itros. .V Wright. Al I.nw'H, on Main Htrt-et, Ynti can Iiml now a very full stock ol china and nlfiss, silver ami ctillrry, anil, in lact, cvi'i y tiling lor talile use. Sonic remarkably low prices are nowolTerciloii knives, forks and spoons. Tlie caleimn lamp is still in the It is tile licsi lamp made, anil is pi iced very low. Try one. Railroad TivkvtH. ltom;liL, sold and exchanged. Al! trans actions nuaranlecd. Kclialilc iiiloniia tion cheerfully funiislied. (Itlice removed to Cil and Central Hotel. W. M. Cl.AKKli. Home Coiiilnic Novell. From the Terra Hattle Uxprcs,. "Whiskev Straight," lv the author ol "Wliieli Shall it lie?" "The Siamese Twins." liy tlie author of "An rutiatiiral Monilae." "On a C'liieaj,'!! I'ann," Ivy the author of "l'ar From the Madding Crowd." "A United, " I iv the aulhor of'llnil to Ileal." "Painly Kivers," liy the author ol "Ilaisy Hrooks." "The White Morse," liy the million.!' "kid as a Kosc is She." TotirlHtH Whether on pleasure lient or liusincss should take on every trip a bottle ol Syrup of I'iys. as it acts most pleasantly and effectually on the kidney, liver and bnwells. preventing fevers, hcailachesaud other lorms ol sickness. For sale in oilc anil $1.(1(1 bottles by all lcailinn tlrtij; Kists. Tlie I liter-! tale II u I Id Inn and Loan JlNMOClallOll. We clip tlie following from the lail'aula Ala., Snndav Times, of Aul-usI . I speaks for itself: liri-At i.A, Ala., August .'I, INS'.I. Mr. . Iv. Mann, Aui-ut, lnler-State lltiilriino; iiml Loan Association: Hear Sir: I hereby acknowledge re ceiiit of $7(1(1. a loan from vour Assoeia lion reipiire that a manlier must carry Ins stock lor !1(1 davs before he is cliLMblc to a loan, your company bave ieMnilled me to pay my three months dues m ad vance; and althoiiLrli I have been it tuem ber for only a week, the arratiL'cmctits have been made and I bave my money This contrasts so yrcallv with the vcxa lions delays expel ienccd by tile members ol some other limlihni; and Loan As sociatious in "dlin loans, that 1 can not, too strongly, express my endorse incut oj the "Inter-Slate. I appreciate lliis kinilness, and eheeifiillv eoiimieiid vour Association for promptness and lilK'ialilv. To any one wishing In bur row or invest inonev, I would uiL'clhcm bv all means, to join the "Intcr-Slalc ltuililini; and Loan Association of Co liimbus, (,a. Il is a Souihcru eulcrpi ise. and isoHiceieil by honest eiillcnicn, and men nl hue business nluhtv. Ayain, I thank vim lor your promptness anil fair ucss to me. Kcsiecl!iilly yours, J W. Ciiastaix. In fancy worsted. work women freipiciillv jjel HARKKTU 11V TKI.KUHAI'H, I n-ilav is the appiiinlctl time to come to Chandler's for clus, Iresh butter poultry of all sizes and prices, vegetable: ol all kinds. Also ihe liiiesl vani'lics of fresh yrajies, luscious peaches and pears Aii'l last, not least, will arrive al 1 p. in. lo-dav a car load ol mammoth "rattle snakes" don't be alarmed melons, just nut of the patch; beauties, not monsters though snmcnf them dn wcib 7i pounds each, lias is Chauillcrs dav. tome aloni:. Swamianoa Hotel. I'ni'XL'i'lU'd ciiisini'. I'lipular with tmirists, tamilics ami hutim in Kk'i'trit,' curs pass the clour. KAW1.S HKOS., fchld 1 y I'mpr's. Money and HvcuritieM Cotton -ITovIhIoiih ami Produci'i MONKY ANH SKCt KITIKS. Nkw Yokk. Auk. It. lixihanc quilt ami akt r $ ..hri...a 4.xm. Miincv t'MKv, .'lai, closing nui-ml at Snli-Trtasiirv balances I Void, $1.4. 1 7L IMHI; currency, :;:(. ooo. liovernnu'nt bonds, dull hut steady 1- per wilts, $1.UN; H5 per wilts, $l.o17s. State bonds dull and icatiireless. Aln.ClassA iiii.r 1 iK( ' a( N ) I'ai . Isltlior ut's Ala. Class M."s .llo j. Y. Central ...lmW,, C.a. 7s, nmrt 1 o-' -..n. .V V. pld Til', N. C. Cods., tis.. 1 'Jfi jNorthern 1'nc.. J'.",s N. C. Cons., s Im;i;.N. plVI f,i:s S. C Hmwn's... mi! IPacitic Mail ;t.V'v Tenn. (is UMi IKi-adine lu;i Kuli. ,V A lie Uti .. . , Tenn. Set.. 3s 73 k.. I'oint.. L''s ! Il V(T Wit 11 Oil' WilU'( Ml Virginia lis Knik Island !s Northwestern 1 1 ' do pftiZZl llil V( ImH'II (( l 1 1 1 ); II 1 1 1 S (,lll ii o piu ...ill '. i ex. i 'acme i Del Lack 1o 'si'i enn Coal.S: Iron :tH;i, lint -7Ui' nton I'aeilie til ' liast Tenn H'llN. J. Central...! 1 -'"-s Lake Shore l)ii'.Mn. I'aeitk 7'J1 I. on. ,V Nash Cs'ii Western I 'nioti Hr"s Mem. At Char... tin jCotton-sted Oil Muli. fv ( ihio l.'t;lil Certiliiates o.'t'U Nash. .V Chat... '.Mil a, Uriinsvvick -il'x Asked. HEREAFTER V(- will run I wo iIHiver.v I w;iii'oiis. I In- iH-ivssuy l!' ! (Iiis 1ms Imvii ciMisrd htv ur liirvlv iiirri'.-isiiiu' 1 nidi', making it iinpossihli- t( lii- COTTON. Nkw Yomk, Aii. it. Cotton steady. Sales to-day UM7 hales; iniildliiiK uplands 1 1 .VHl; niiddliiiK i rlt-fiiis 11 ;i-li. Total nelreeeipls at all ports to-day Uoii. lixports to Clival Britain l.'.M'J Stink Utt.L'lH hales NkwYomk, Auk- It Cotton Net reeeipts 0;Krossii I'liiurts tlost-d tjiiiet hut situdv. Saks 'A2,7iM hales. Ann in r.;talo lii- l-'eh lo.n.'a in ini Sept in. .'initio. .'11 1 March in 1 la lo, 1 net lo.l i hi ii 1 JIAtuil lo.lMalo.lii Nov il lia :iii7;Mav lo l!."ia lo.L'H Ih-c :.;n;a '.i.i7Juue lo.aialo.:t;i Jan It.ii'.ia lo.nii f ai.vkston, Ann. it. Cotton minimal, 11; reeeipts .'to all nav, Noki oi.k, Auk. 'J. Cotton steady, 11; re ceipts O. ilALTIMOKK, Auk- IL Cotton quiet, 1 1 U.-i 1 I r,s; reeeipts n ItosTos, Auk-Cotton ipiiet, ll all'.; reeeipts o Wilmington. N. C., Auk. ' Cotton (juiet, 1 1 '; reeeipts it. I'Mii.AHKH'iiiA, Auk- ii. Cotton tinu, 1 1 'a; reeeipts o. Savannah, Auk it. Cotton notuinal, lo-'-H;! reeeipts ins. Nkw (iki.kans, Auk- it. Cotton steady, 1 1 reeeipts 1 . Moiui.k, A UK- H. Cotton nominal, ln reeeipts it. Mkmi iiis, Auk i. Cotton ipiiet, ln;i,; re eeipts ii. Arci STA, A UK- it. Cotton tirm, 1 1 ; reeeipts I Cm AkLKsroN, A uk. IL Cotton nominal, I ii hi reeeiffi justly, too) by soim ciistoiiicrs ;it not U'ooils del i vcrrd of our in viiitf iiiorr I'MOVISIONS A N It I'koiM'L'K. t'iNi'iNN ati. Auk- it. Flour firm. Wheat in lair demand No. -J red 7a7i. Corn tirm No. L' mixed :t7' Hats steatlv No 2 mixed ld tlo'-j; new -1. Pork tinu I 1,.'I7'2. l.anl aitivi Hulk meats quiet. Itaeou quiet. W hiskey steady 1 nl". Cult ago. Auk. i Cash quotations to-dav were as follows: l-'lour stead v. Wheat No 1' red "li'-j. Corn No. '2 .'iri-ij. Oats No. L' l,nit,ii'j()l1. Mess pork 1 o.iina 1 ii" . I.ard ii. MarH."-j. Short rihs .-i. t-r.n i-.Mi, shoulders l-.M7'2ar HO; short elear o.M7iaali.tto. Whis kev in:1. Nkw Yohk, Auk- it. Sou them Hour dull and weak. heat lower new No. 2 red siiaMti'.a. Corn dull and easier No U .'s. (tats un settled A UKMst f2. Collee Sept. lo. 1 On 15. 'io. SuKar raw entirely nominal. Molasses dull Ktee steady and quiet Petroleum steady retined 7.4-n, Cottonseed oil steadv. Turjirntine firm. Pork quiet. Lard htKher western steam ti.77' -jnii.MO. l-'reiKh ts irreKU lar. Cotton a-ltili. Oram It. XV I wnnt t' buy a wood seeond-hand Mahv CurriaKe. Apply to A. I-' reek's Shoe Shoji, 40 S. Main street. null) dl't Notice to Travelers. HeKinnin to-day and eoittinuinK until lur ther notiee, n street ear will leave Court House St ti a re at la minutes hefore H o'eloek. it. m.. for the train tor SpartanhurK. All travelers who will take this ear will have their valises transported to the train free of eliurKe. All who take the regular "di pofor "train" ear, whieh will leave the Square at M o'eloek a. m. as usual, will heeharKed 5 tents nr eaen valise anil larKC hunille. This ear also ennneeti with the SpartanhurK train, hut if all jtersona take it there w ill not he time enough for all to uet their ttekets nml cheeks, and man v may he left; while if as many as can w ill take the ear leavinK the Square at 15 minutes hefore H they will not onlv save the extra chnrKe for valises on the "depot" ear, hut have ample time for them selves and leuve ample time for others to net their cheeks and tickets. Tllli ASIIKYILI.H STKIiliT KY. CO. ASHEVILLE STREET RAILWAY CO. Will call al any house in the city tor DAGtiAGK FOR TRAINS, Anil deliver name to any house from trains for i!5c. ikt trunk. All orders for HaKKe left at the olVicc will receive prompt at ten tion. FasiwtiKer cars meet all incoming and oatKoinK trains. buk7 dtf OTICB. T. I. kliVUI. ha acctuu-il n iHisitiin with the Aahrvtlle Millins Conipntiy and the Afthe- vuir Lomiinny, nnn will rcicivc onlm lor flour. Meal and orain, also lor Coal, autt dlw gTRKUT RAILWAY NOTICK. Until farther noticr a strrct enr will leave the court huaw squnre every morning at lo minutes to H o'clock, and another enr will leave the public square at H o'elitck a. m.. both cunnectins; with the train for Spartan bars;. As many as can are urged to take the car leaving at lo minutes to K o'clock, so an to have ample time to check baggage, pur chase tickets, etc. JNO. J. AKTlil'K. UK dtf promptly. Willi our iiildi tioiiiil lacilil ics for delivery we liope to incre;ise our ;il lo.'H l.v liire trnile, .'Hid prom ise to meet nil eoinpet it ion. Our stock, ;is heretofore, will lie kept up to the lii'hest st;iil(liil'( ill ipl.'ility. All ,1 mils sold hv us ,ii;ir;inteei I o lie its represented, hot li in weights ;ind ipmlity. PO WKLL & SNIDKR Court Sua. c. JpoK SAI.Ii. One Steam leucine, Suit.'llilc lor Saw Mill, :c. Apply to STKIiliT KAII.WAY COMPANY. :ni 7 li.V w'Jw LADIES' NEW FURNISHING STORE. Silks, Plushes, Whitet Lin-en, Knibroideries, l.ih hons, Art Needlework M.ite riiil, Iliindkerehiefs, Corsets, (iloves, Hosiery, hiidies' I'n derweiir, hiimlireiiuins, T.'ihle Covers, Pillow Shi i ins. Tidies, etc., etc. Lessons in Art Km-1 liroidery iind Stumping' free to iill whopiirchiiseiiiiiteriiil. Kid (iloves tittedtotliehiind. Stumping done while you Wiiit.iit SARAH KLLICK'S, Corner of Main and Willow Streets, under Swuunanoa Motel. J. V. BROWN Will continue the undertaker's husinessat his old stand over J. li. Iiiekerson it Co.'s Hardware Store, under the firm name of J. V. IIKOWN & CO. Having thirty years' ciirrirncc as miller taker nml enilialtner. and ttnequalcil facilitit for buying, inn safely guarantee satisfaction Calls promptly attended to at nil hours Kverything (icrtaining to the business ul w nvs on hand. I'elil .'lillim E.FOGETTE, Architect. Plans and siccihVations prepared and esti mates given, at short notiee. Ortiee: Wolfe lliiililing. Court House Square Asheville, N. C. may.'lildly MISCELL.WHOI'S. A FOUNTAIN OF HEALTH ! The King ol' Tonic Waters ! muck liunt;iiii lntl mul Alum M.tssWit -v's h'emcty for tin Cure ;tml h'vlivt t umic Itisv.isvs- 'i'liv CoihIciisciI 11 ,i rr 'l Hie W tniifctlut lU.ick Mountain Itim nml Alum lrhiKs. This AVhmv is tiotltitix nunVurU-ss limn tin resWje lift mi twiimi nt ini mrc s firing u.itcr. Thv mm lysis shows (Imi ui.iss is coio.sf, oj tin mt t ucuty ilistinct irnicrMV.;, I'urmiiiK ;i vmhiimt inn nl' thv Inst tmiic niitl ultvintivcs kmtwn in nirtl iVi'ic. In .i t. ivui ;ii77 ri'ff.v iniv ilicnt is ;m vt itti;il jutrt itt'thv uthrr, .so nrruniivtl .iml niljustvit hy the mi t iling fmml nl Xnttirv thut no icnrc it's ininnity vmihl ituit;itr or im'invv il. It is tsiuci.illy vnhmhlc its u n nii 'ly I'm I ysiwisi;i, lU-mlnchv, Kill my nml Khvtnmt t it Athrt inns, t c. Try n hnt i It- i,i it mitj he eon i iintil nl its nti.lcrl'ul ftniwrs thriv ing in;; nml Killing ninny nni,lniuts so i-ninnmn in evety tiimily. rwici: on ci: ts ncx mn'Ti.i: Grant's Pharmacy. FOR RENT OR SALE. The Best Chance Yet OlFercd. ASiwvii.u: mi i:irisi:.u;.n: ASIIEVILLK COAL C031PxlMY, ANI KM'All. DEALERS IN HARD AND SOFT COAL. ivxci.i sivi; ac.i;nts Southern Coal Co.'s CelchratctE Jcllico Coal VVoolcIriclKcStHixlarcI, liawt Tcnu. and I'ructor MincM. 1 1 loim slit- anil SU.-nio lor Weslern North Carolina. rrOiilers will lime inoinpl atlrutinn al Lowest Marlict Kuti-.-fcA WON'T ORDER I'ldin yoiii'droeei'. even lor triiil, our "ROljjCR KING" PATENT liei iiiise it is niiiile in Asheville, "VOl KNOW," !iil we iltM iii our word for il, tluit no AVIIITICR ISRKAI), BISCUIT, ROLES, Ciin he niihle from ,'iny imported Kloiir. ELECTRIC LIGHT Is Hie most m iiil.-i i strnilit piods in t Iiis nuirket . Ask your ( Iroeer for I lie ill to ve I minis, niiiiiufiut ured by tin ASHEVILLE MILLING CO. II. T. COLLINS. 1'rcsiilrnt. li. IJ.IJAC.AN, Sccuia, ASHEVILLE ICE COMPANY. Pure lee niiii Piit ton Avenue. le from Distilled Water. Oilicc: A',, l. C. Wadilell, President. W. W. Pit.riuiril . 'iee President . Lawrence Pi.lliniu, THE BANK GF ASHEVILLE, AMHi; villi:, n. c. Tluit desirahle house, eoul. titling cihtei-u ioms, novv approaehitiK completion at No. Clayton street, will he ready lot oeeu- pancv ami FR SAIJi OR RKNT on orahout the loth day of June. It is es pecially adapted to the uses of ;i private hoarding house. All persons interested ure invited to call and examine it this day. Terms, whieh are nio.t reasonahle, can he had on application to T. W. I'ATTON. ni.'i.vliy dtf HERRING & WEAVER, THE SHOE STORE, NO. :iil SOl'I'll MAIN STKI-l.T. VVlillc wi' Have the Finest and MomI I iiHliiuuable (.uuclHin Our Line, W'v .tlso li.'ivc t lie i lii';iKst. C.-ill f i lit sir us. 500 ACRES - OP FINE MINERAL AND TIMBER LANDS, Tt 111- Sdl.ll IN Transylvania County, N.C. My virtue ol' a decree ol' the Superior Court I' Transylvania county. North Carolina, the undersigned as executor of lilizur I'atloti, dee'd, will sell at public auction at the court house door in the town of llrevard, on Monday, 21 Day ofSent. 1889, All that tract of laud lyitiji on Cat he v's creek, known as the ICliur I'utton specula tion land, coutniuhiK ahout One Thousand l"ive Hundred acres. The laud is accessible and finely limbered. It is situated ahout miles soiilhuest of (trevanl and lies parallel to the l'n 'itch lb nad river, about two miles distant Irotu tin same, and about two miles iiMani irotn llir pi.ipi.seil hue of the C, C -.. .v C. raili'ial. A No the same distance from the Haltiniore, Asheville and Atlanl railroad line as proposed. There are li in dications of Iron, I.iine and other minerals the land. It is well adapted lo Kntzin; pur poses and can be conveniently divided int small l.'irms. I he laud will he sold to make assets to pay debts and for final settlement Terms) nie-third cash, balance on six am twelvemonths, with note aixl interest on same at H per cent. Title reserved till last pavmcnl is made. Purchaser has privilcKf paviiiK cash in lull . amount of sale il he sires, rule guaranteed. I'or further infor inalion api to or address the undersiiui; r A. Cash, AU'y. Hievard, N.C. Full description and plats of tlu- land tan be seen on file in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Transylvania county. Clia.s. C. I'attou, l-xeeutor of l-liui- I'attou, dee'd jul 1 'J dtsi ptL' I. X. E. MARKET, Cor. I'allon Avenue and I lepot Street, HAS CIIUICKST Beef, Veal, Mutton and I.amb Always on hand in the I (est Refrigerator town. JAM EiS WoLI'li. I'rop'r, GEO. KIAIBER, GENERALCONTRACTOR AND BUILDER Mosaic Tile and Cement work aspeeialty . rates, RaiiK' s and ItoilcrK set. ltuildiiifcs moved and repaired in first class manner. NewcinKC, Uramae ami traps for the same 'Kmy iiniierstoiMi ami promptly at OAK STREET INN, I!i :iiltiliill v liK'ntril in n criiw of links .-illil w liilc yv.w. w ith Ii.t nr ni.isr. ,H tl- ,.,r I-Mur't Ii.'mJ'" stm'ls' U"-' l-Vn.,ilc C.illiw, n Mil.v tlnw s,iiar.s In.m tin- Wi- luivr 11 niiinlii'r il'i'ki.'itntlv-l'urniKlH'il nmtiis in .'uvinimu.ihiii' I I . i, ;. .. ni.v .iiim-t pliui-, iiiviiv iniiii tin' Im.uIx. Ni.v .u In. nil in i . k.h.,1 ti,n-, 1' -..". ...r.,r, mi. 1 lll IIIIU l( III. Ir. T.J. HAKUAN, Proprietor. COMPOUND OXYGEN ANDTEDICATED BALSAM VAPOR. All tiiMil.Tii mill l:it.-st iini.n.v.,1 nnth. .,1s rr trt-.-tl.Mu clli,.ni.- lisr.ts.s ,,l - M1!. Ilin.nt nml nnw. I.y the mli.ilaliun ut, il nn.l atomiz,.,! ni,s ,v . ,.,.,, it. ,, ,,,'l i-...ii,.r,-w-.l iinupp.-irntiis; ls., I. ,n,, Ihjeni in cnii.rtiiin with the v.-iiHirizcil Hal sum tin- balsam Maim-il Irmn tin- natural Imlsinn trn-s mar Aslit'villr I W i- also inaiiiitactim- a Ilmm Tnatin. lit nl tin-I ninpimnil t )s vein, whit'h is , , , . llu- otlm tr. atnu nt. nml w ill Ih- s, nt ,. ,,,,) ati,,,, t i-xpre.s, ,,ri r.-,t'i,t ,,f i"riV " Our smvi ss Inn- lor the past thr.r v.ars ill, this tr. at,t,it has Inn pmnnim-naf i,av iiik inrcil niaiiv lasts that m proiionmvil l,.,p, l, ss. nhosi- tiaim s anil r.'siil.'mi-s I. iita, mil n.v I'linniK al thi' ,Sat,ita,,,n. Jty iK iiaissioii we rrfi r to the lollou iiiL. w. ll w,,..., ., h... Aston, rx-Mnyor; j. I!. Kcil. CU-rk V. S. Court: R.v l". f Pn... W. A. Nelson, pastor First Itaptist Church; II. T. L'i'lltlt'nu-tl ol Aslu-villr: kin. pastor first Mitlioilist Church; Kev Collins, Capl. Natt Atkinson. T. .. H AH(i AN, M. I. J. N. MORGAN & CO., No. 3 Barnard Building. School mul ('oIl(.f(. Text Hooks, h full line. Poets, His tory, Uoiiijiidc, HiofA'mpliy, Trnvcliinil Novels, Fjunily Hililes. S. S. HiMes iiml Test- anient, Oxford Teachers' IJibles, Soim- liooks of nil kinds, lar;estock Stationery, Hlank Hooks and Office iiiid School Supplies. Xew line Ladies' and Gents' 1'oeket- books just oj'iied. Fancv Goods and Dolls. febllMIlT iiiIUt: Wolll- HuililiiiK, Court IlinisiSiiuiirt' Ashi'villr. N. C. niny.lllill v IVINKFIMANN'S AN UNEXCELLED SPECIFIC IN CASES OF Cholera, cramps, Diarrhcea Summer Complaint Dysentery AND OTHCR AFFECTIONS or the stomach and Bowels PRICE 25 CENTS. J. H. IVINKELMANN & CO lOLI PROPPICTOHB. BALTIMORE, MD., U S. A. For sale by J. S. GRANT, rlawtnn2K w ANTIvll. A iiartner. nrliv. nr il...,t ;.!. ...... . lo.oilil capital in an rutiilil'ishril paving lus- ...... ...,,Auii.ijl Atltirt'SK nu ill w llo j 4-T2, Asheville,' N. C. ANCH I'HOI'HKTY SAI.liT That vnlnnlile and lesirnlle rocrty on ColkKoanil Spruce .tmu, the old home nn,l cither in lots .r ns a whole. Vor particuara apply to NATT ATKINSON A. SUN jula UtT Kcui listatc Dealers. THE BONANZA," thk i.i:aiin; ' WINE .-. AND . IJOl OR ... STORK IN THIS STATK. FINK SAMPLIJ ANII Itll.I.I AKI ROOM. J.A.MARm AK.,, . M K r. I NO. 43 S. MAIN ST., ASHEVILLE, N. C. iiKi:t 'roits i l. c. saw i;k, I. II. maktin. I. I.. CAKUIII.I.. 1 1 i v, I'.lill. W. WII.I.IAMI,. i l il ikI", . . t. T. V. I A I I I IN. W. I... I ,; DESIGNATED STATE DEHOSriOKV. llcli'Ht Hank ill WtMi rn t INC0HP0KATE0 BV ACT OF IHE CLNEIIAL ASSEMBLY (JF TlfC JTATt, CAPITAL STOCK $100,000. SURPLUS FUND $20,000;. LUaiBKR YARD. CiliO. F. SCOTT, (Siim-ssorti. Dotil.lcil.-iy & Scutt.) North Public .Square, WINDOWS, - IJIJNDS, - DOORS. I'cnciiiK I'osts. All kinds Muil,l,i,K . uiij, i.niie, i iastenni; llair, Shingles, l.atl, Material. T.-tf l irilcrs will receive proinpt atli ntion. I'rlilod I FITZPATRICK BROS. & ROBERTSON. IKaKrs 1.. Wall Paper. Wiiiclowsiiadoiand PaltMit II; Paints, Oils and Varnishes, Masury's Mixed l aiuls nml Colors. French an, I A riean We keep in stock St. I.onis ,! Kcilu. kv !.. ail. lilltcr". WilldoM (llnss, liutl; feli.rdly W. T. I'KNNIMAK, . R. I'KNMMAN. PENNIMAN & CO., JUHHKHH AN I' IIKA1.KKS IN WILLIAMSON & SON, (Successors to H;iil ci Williamsoii,) MANl'I'ACTl HIiKS OK SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, Moulding, Stair-Work, Fine In ti'i ior Finiish, Mantels, Fk-., ASHIiVII LK, N. C. ai;i:n is l int The Hiu kf vc I i . 1 1 1 . Steel ;uiil Tin Sliinylos. I'liMir iiml I h at ill Tiles I I fell Idly At.K.VI M'l 'KS. fir liyrkit's I'lilenl Slieatliiti),' LiithJ H A R D W A RE ASIIKVIIXIi, N. C. DUPONT POWDER CO., 0L0 HICKORY WAGONS, ENGINES, SAW MILLS, ETC. Ii'.ldly AC.HNT8 FOR RICHMOND STOVE CO., CORTLAND WAGON CO.,, STUDEBAKER WAGONS, MOLINE SCALE Cm. M'CORMICK HARVESTING MACHINE CO. THE"HICKORY INN " HICKORY, N. C. lileclric,ts. Gas, llt a,l Cold Water Ilaths and Toilet. .... each ,oor. Cuisine ami apiinintinenls unsurpassed. FRANK I.OIUHRAN, Propiielor. I. KWIS M AlillI X, I'ns Iiikkctoks: l.c is Maililiu. M s. II. Keel, ( I'. Mcl.tll'h, Vice-I'ies M.J. Ilcnrilcn, M. . Fact, J S. I'owell, C. M Mel.oud. I. li. RANKIN, Cndiier, Kiilikin, J. li. Kay, J. I. Reed WESTERN CAROLINA BANK IASIIKV,, N.C, I IIMKI'AK V 1st, IsHP. Organized Muy 1st, ixsh. CAPITAL, . . kurpi iw . viu,wiru STATIC, COI1NTV AND CITV lllil'OSlTOKV. IIiksh I'.encral lliinkitlii llusiness. Ik oosits , iv .-...u ' ...v.,.,iKc oouni linu sold. Col lections made on all acccssi!,!,- poims. The Svi.,K Feature will receive si.cial .- i.... ..nail sum, in this, Icpartment. deposited tor lour rnontn, r longer, intert.t ut the rale of iier cent. k.t annum will be paid. Social atlcnlion Kin-n to loans on real estate, whieh will lie placed mnlilc terms. .'or Ioiik time on real l)K-n Iron, !l . ,. to 3 ,,. m. Un Saturdays the SavinK Ilcpnrtillent w fel,2dtf ill l,ei,K'ntill li p. .. " $25.! jg.e5 SKYLAND SPRINGS Bl NlOlWIli; COI NTY, N. C. Skyland Spring. i ,U w resort, laid off in Imitdin lol. rl..hi ,a.. , ... the A. N: S Railroad and the llendersonville i-ikc" -'Vir. on HE FINEST COLLECTION OF MINERAL SPRINGS IN THE STATE., Fine Hotel Finished and Opened ,'cnr 'round," with low rates nml liest of rooms und rrr ,inB ...... Saw ,nd I'laner mnkinK lu.noer riihHn the inc. choice lot, arc ollcred very low to Settler, or invnt. n ' v.ew, level lots, wide street,, pure air, fine watc?. OTIS A. MILLER, Proprietor. iiijivIO dr. 7 r I'nr "nil the yvnr 'round,' MANN, JOHNSON & COMPANY, SI'CCIiSSdRS TO SHEPARD, MANN & JOHNSON, AND THE BLAIR FURNITURE; ?0.v NO. 23 PATTON AVENl'U, Wholesale and Retail Fur,-iture Dea Ier8, And Undert'Aers I'roinpt attention Kiven lo all order, do- C. II. CAMPBELL, Manuratturer and Wholesale hin.. . INtICR ALE, CHADIPAi:ni.' cim.i. I.I MON SODA, SARSAPARILLA, MINERAL WATERS, TONIC BEER, 1 CARBONATED WATER IN SIPHONS. PLUMBING, STEVr.1 SGAUiTTlI TIN AND SLATE ROOFING, ARCHITECTURAL IRON XTOtiC. Planand-spccificatio.. Furnished App,fcUo We ban th..r.,uKh methani in each line ni"''' wn.afrlyBnaranter ho have had many yrar.' nur patron, satisfaction in "IwrieniT in their oar work, . tow hKunnm BALLARD, RICH & BOYCE. Factory, aij Haywood HV 1. 0..B0 as4. fcblSdlx