ZEN BOARDING, WANTS, For Kent, and Lost Notices, three lines or lens, 25 Cents for each insertion. THE DAILY CITIZEN k Delivered to Visitors in any part of the City. One Month Two Weeks, or less.. 50c. 25c. ASHEVILLE, N. C, SUNDAY, AUGUST .., 1889. NUMBER 104. VOLUME V. DAILY CI i 5 ! AUGUST CROP RETURNS SHOW AN ADVANCE OF TWO POINTS IN COTTON. Tobacco Han Materially Fallen Off, Corn Shows an Improve ment and Sprluir Wheat Is Three Points HlKher Than In 1887. ur.u.uur.TiiN. I). C. August 10. The " August crop report of the Department l Agriculture makes the eomlition ol cot ton 89.3, an advance ol nearly two points durinK the month. Since 188(1 this av erage has been exceeded but three times in 1882, 1885 and 1887. An improve ment is noted in five States, two report the same condition, while Virginia, North Carolina, Tennessee and Missis sippi show lower averages than a month ago. Kains have been frequent and general during the month, except in jor i.,ns of Texas, and in many districts, have been excessive. WITHIN TMRKIS VIvARS A DARING SCHEME Spokane Falls will he Kebullt and ItH Population Increased. Spokane Falls, W. T., August 10. Insurance adjusters, representing some 200 companies, are here, and on the way here, and the work of ascertaining the" loss has lieen in progress for several days. After a careful overhauling ot the burned districts, it is found tnaltne total losses, including buildings and stock, will not reach over $8,000,000, while conservative business men whor arc well acquainted with the growth of the city, and thcainoiiiitsinvolved.nreofthc opin ion that the loss will not exceed $0,000, 0M. The citv council promptly met and entended tire limits, and this had a wholc effect on nroncrtv owners, n large mimlicr of whom are removing the debris and making contracts lor the immediate erection of brick and stone blocks within the burned districts, most ol them to be FORCE THE ABDICATION OF KINO KAI.AKI A. ..... .-,,.,l ia attributed to excess of f; moisture and consequent inability to V v keep the crop clean. Sonic tear is ex-J- V " pressed of the two heavy growth of stock, ;; t rendering injury liablcshoulil dry weather ' f . -"';Bet in. , , . ?'" North Curohna has had loo much - irain, delaying cultivation, but the weed I' hows good growth. in South Carolina the condition has ! t been improved bv good seasons, though i ? there was some focal damage from cx '. cess of rain. ''.. Alnh.-nna returns show that the crop Win a promising condition, clean, with - ood growth and fruiting well. Mississippi reports the condition lower i ' than a month ago on account ol excess Slljve rainfall. The cro. was late Irom 5 slow germination, and on many planta- tlonsisnow badly in grass, and not ' fruiting well. ' ! . . ' Louisiana has enjoyed frequent lams K' ; rather too much for bottom lands, and r'; the crop has a rank growth ol weeds. V Portions of Texas were in need ol rain U the first of the month, .though no .4Mlfe had J resulted. In other " iditrtt loo much ram had put fields somewhat in grass, but a lew days ol ff.-Jrj weather would enable planters to " ' Vemedy this. In Arkansas, the early season was not v" Varorablc and the plant was small and ' (ate; hut favorable weather during July ; r fca placed it in a vigorous condition, V V. :..mi mt iu ..rovinr' rnpidlv. '. , Ia Tennessee the condition has fallen 1 i, jk Ari,r 1 1. month. The stand was ' ' iwMtr nml late, and excess i Vji -i'v Moisture lias prevented proper cultiva- ' twin. Averages of condition by States arc as ' 'follow: Virginian.!, norm , en Onntli t'nrolina 00. Georgia 1)1, Mor- . ida 95. Alabama 98, Mississippi 88, I,oi. isiana 92, Texas 1)1, Arkansas 03, leu - -'. The caterpillar and boll worm are oc . . ? enonallv mentioned ill Mississippi and Louisiana and in several eoiiutics ol t '", Texas, but the damage from them as yet is inappreciable. , , ' V:,-., tobacco has fallen oil' materially on nc-'J'--" cowA excessive rain. The decline is '''-'"ipcial.ly marked in thcJUluntic States, r nd the Indiana fields arc lull ol weeds, " , 0xA there has been a but .ol sunshine lor iroper development, Average . ing states are as ioiiows. i c.ii.tv ynuia 99, Maryland . "g'" ',. Kentucky 81, Ohio 93, Indiana 55, W is Coiisin 93. The August crop report of the depart ment of agriculture makes the condition of corn, 04-.8; spring wheat, 81.2; spring rye, !5. ; oats, 02.3; barley, !)).; buckwheat, 05.2; potatoes, y,3; hay, 1I4-.5 ; tobacco, 8.. Lorn lias maoc an i improvement during the past month ol four and a half points, and is now less than one point lower than at the same idate last vcar. The August return ol con .ltuwn has not stood more than one point higher during the past nine years and the present return has lieen equaled ,out three times during that jienod. 1 he improvement quite generally dis puted throughout tlx.' country, follow ing favorable growing weather and .sufficient rainfall. In a few States especially along the Atlantic const, the condition has lieen somewhat reduced from excessive rainlall and local floods and overflows; while in many other districts where im provement, is noted, similar causes have In vented full cultivation, and thus towered what otherwise might have hecn nearly a pcrfcctcondition. In Ohio, m r nml Indiana the result of early ...,l.,v,, ruble meteorological conditions gur hfing overcome, and the crop pros pect is rapidlv improving. The drought, which, in (tortious of the Northwest w.-if ened lu crop, hns been broken by tt-asonable raips, and present returns Show a high condition in that section. Figures for the principal corn States are i.. 1 I.,,!;,.,,,, K7 Illinois. 00. Iowa III 1II.,1J Ul.lfc. ...v., I I 1 i, i The damage wher-1 five, six, and seven stories high, liricks arc being produced bv one company to the number of 120.000 a (lav; and in addition to this, the Northern Pacific has irivcn sneeial rates on brick and other hnildinir materials from Taconia and other points within the Territory. It is found that $2,350,000 will lie paid in insurance; and it is esliinaetd that fully l OOO.OOO will be expended here in buildings during the next two years, and that tne extra woi k oi omiuiug mm limai'mmls incident thereto, will in crease the population. Several sales of vacant ground within tne mirneiiuisiiici h.-ive U'eii made since the lire, at the rate of $1,000 per front foot, and strange to sav, the ground is ucui at an au- vniHid valuation in that part ol the citv. Numerous representatives ni east ern capitalists and iiivestnientcoiupanics are here ollering loans lor inuiiimg. ii- leis and telegrams arc coining in to the . . I : same cltecl ironi companies navnn here: and it is lielicveil that everv foot of ground within the burned district will Ik- covered by brick and granite walls within the next three years at the outside. Maratutcn Racen, Sahatoba. N. Y., August 10 Wcathe i-le.-ir: track uood. First race six furlongs: Violantewon Minnie I'.-iliner second. Teuton third Time 1 '!(). Second race six furlongs: Dukcnl the lliirhlauds won, Itrown rrmcess sceonii. Sinilii'ht third. Time 1.18 Third race mile and a furlong: King slot, won. i.-i.mHIi ran ineichauts' stakes, sweep stakes, all ages $1,1-00 added mile and r.,- i'u,l,.,i,.s- Hanover won. Montrose sect mil, lilkwood pulled lip jn Hie niiddle ,f 1 lie stretch. I line 2..J i '.'2. Pill h race live furlongs: Judge Mor row won, Fellowship second, Oarog third. Time 1. OHM,. Sixth race live furlongs: (leiplte won, won, I'ohninesc seconu, ununiu. nmw Tim.. I lilt Si-vent !i race selliiiL' mile : I talesman M.-i'onlev second. Viuilant third Time .4-3V The Hrutnl Foreign llarltarianH CoNNKI.l.SVll.l.K, l'A., AllgHSt lO. 1 lie J0O, Missoun Uf, Kansas n. iieor.is 101, Nevada 9, Tennessee 08, Kentucky 07. ' The general averages for the seven .1 us States is 95 against 0o last jnontli, and J for August, 18, Spring vheat ha suHcrea a mriner imniis iluring the mouth, the decline being nearly 3 ooiuts. The condition is now nearly 3 .mints higher than in 1887, and 1 above that of 188(1. With these exceptions, it js the lowest since the very small crop ol 18K1. Minnesota records the same ini- IH-ovemt'nt since that report, but in Ua uta tlicre i a further decline Ironi same eaj,ses noted l4t month. Dakota is now the luigest Sriiig wlicat State, and the Very low condition there minces general averages, In the rest of the spring wheat distrkt.s, the condition is generally good, perhni ubove an average for the recent Series l years. Averages in the principal States are; Wisconsin 00, Minnesota 03, Iowa 0, Nebraska ,;ikotaS7, Wash (ngton 75, The quality of Oif crop will tie belter than usual, especially In t))e ex treme Northwest, Kiccnnd barley ciicll decline 1 Kint, the falling oft liemg mainly in Nebraska and Dakota, 1 he condition of oats, while 2 points lower ihan reported last month, is higher than Ai,,-,iat ofnnv veur since 1885. In many sections the crop has suffered troin heavy Vin()s and rains about haryest time, and net report mav show dumagi' Ironi 1. j-iiiK not yet appreciated. Potatoes have maintained their high condition of a month ago, and now stand 1 point hnJier than at this time last year, n..nrl ofterinirs to-dav uuuregated $111.')H. Accepted $01,000 hi lOli7' for four and a hall's and 128 for fours, A Horrible Death. Lkxlsgton, Va August 10, Chas. Camden died last night ol aenncer which, In one year, literMlv ate away the lower portion of h - body, starting m his legs. The cas resisted the treatment ot the most eminent surgeons. Tks weather. Washington, D. C, Aug.. JO -Indications for North Carolina Uical showers; slightly cooler, except in southeastern portion ; stationary temperature, varia ble winds, lliini'.iiiaiis made another raid on tl workmen at the Mercer coke plant and drove them from work. 'Squire Duncan and Officers Franks and Sluinii attempt ed in iirn'St fifteen of the rioters whe thrv were set iinoil bv the mob. Duncan was terribly lieatcii anil Jeft lor dead 4 n and Franks cscaix'd bv running. Alter bratitig Duncan the Hungarians broke the windows and doors ol the .-I :ir ...III company 8 store, i iiceiM.n" wm ;."- m- a posse this altcrnoon to ii,rcsl tne raiders, TJic llungarians do not apjiear to iiudeistaiul t;it the strike issetticii, and regard the workmen as "black sheep." llaxehall yesterday. At Louisville-Athletics II, Louisville 0. At St. Louis St. Louis 4-, llrooklyn 2. At Kansas City Kansas City 0, Co lumbus 1. At Cincinnati Cincinnati 20, Haiti more 0. At Pittsburg First game: Pittsburg 1. Washington 2. Second game: Pitts burg H, Washington 5. At liidiaiinpo1is"lwliauajohs 0, New York 9 At Cleveland-Cleveland 10, Philadel phia 5. At Chicago Chicago 7, Hoston 9. Duel Ilctween Railroad Officers. ATLANTA Cn., August 10-Pat Cal houn, general counsel for the West Point Terminal Railroad, ;iiil J.D- Williamson, president of the Chattanooga, Koine and Can ollton Kailroad, fought a duel a I Make's llliifl.oii Coosa rivcr.thisevening, in which Calhoun wounded Williamson in the right arm. The trouble grew out of Williamson's denouncing a statement ininle bv Calhoun before the legislative committee as false Captain Harry jackson. of Atlanta, was Calhoun's sec ond, and Captain Jack King, of Koine, was Williamson's second. The AdirondnckH Shaken. Saratoga. N, Y August 10. A shock of an earthquake of forty-live secoudsdii ration was felt in the Adirondacks at 8.4-0 o'clock this morning, Dishes rat- rlcd, and buildings shook m at least a i dozen difTcrent places. The motion was from cast to west. The noise accom panying the shock was distinct aim sharp. The shock was particularly hard at Warrensburg. Weekly Rank statement. New YokH, Am,''1 10. The weekly bank statement is as follows: Reserve, decrease $1 ,4-23,050 Loans, increase 1,521,200 Specie, decrease 572,500 I-cual tenders, decrease 1.37,00 lfcposils, decrease 1.088.2O0 Ciix illation, increase 3,200 Thebauks iov hold $0,793,125 in ex cess of the 2.S percent, rule. The World's Cotton Supply. Nkw Yokk, August 10. The total visi ble iinnlv of cotton for the world is 1,- n.L-t!13 bales, of which 024,313 are Anicrican.against 1,050,823 and f.94,223 bales, resiicctivcly. '"st year. Receipts at all interior towns are 1,027 bales; crop in sight li,(i.8(8,720 bales. The NIphIc on Her Way Home, San Francisco, August 10. The steamer Australia, from Honolulu last night brings news that the U.S. steamers Nisic and Alert, from Samoa, were sighted fifteen miles out from Honolulu August 2, just before the Australia sailed for this port. Ronton Capital IHovlnic Mouth. Boston, August 10. About eighty gentlemen, capitalists of this city, lelt this afternoon at three o'clock for Shef field, Ala., bv special trains. It is stated that the parly intend to invest heavily in local enterprises at Sheffield. IiiHurrectlonlNtH Headed by Hall Hreedtt Attack tin- kiiik'h Palace but are Repulsed and Finally Compelled to surrender. San Francisco, Cal., August 10. The steamer Almada thai arrived last even ing from Australia brings news ol a dar ing, although liitue, insurrection mm broke out in Honolulu, Tuesday, July 30. Two half breed Hawanans named koiii. Wilcox and Kobt. Hoyd, who had hem sent at L'ovcrnmcut expense to be educated at the Italian military school, had been plotting an insurrection ioi sonic time, but the rumors that were cur rent were little heeded until the move ment culminated in an armed hand ol ibout 130 natives marching Ironi Pulanm in Honolulu two miles, and securing an entrance to the palace grounds in Hono lulu. All was ciuiet UUl lIllz llic mum., m though in most of the natives houses lights were burning at miiiuigin.. noom. 8 a. ni. an unusual number ot nativesand t'liin.-imeii were seen on the streets as ll somcthiiiL' very uncommon was about to happen. But while the people went 1 1, Im'iI as usual the rebel rioters formed it I'alania. am about 3 a. in. incsday m.-irchcil from that suburb to to the city. Arriving at the Manka gate ot the palace it 4 a. m., thev knocked at tins gate aim demanded admittance; when, alter some parleying, they entered the grounds un opposed. 1 he raiaina rioters wcicjoinn bv other so uads from other local cities ainl at one time the rebels upon the palace irroiinds must have iiuml)ered about 250. The Knur was absent irom tne p.-iuuc at the lime the alarm was given. He was telephoned to and the royal party then hastened to the King's boat house, where thev remained during the day, guardci bv a number of household troops. Mean while the rebels summoned Lieutenant P.-irker to surrender the palace, hut that olliecr refused to surrender. A general al.-u-ni was spread throUL-hoiit theeity by means o the tc ephonc, and tne iioiioiiuu Killes were immeiliatclv ordered to rcpoi al their armory. There was u great dea I exeiti nient. especially among the Port- uiiiicsc and (.lltncsc. j uiiiiiiici oi ii"iii"-" lied to the top of the lull, and a lew la dies took refuge at the American legation where a corps of marines Ironi the I', h. steamer Adams was stationed. A cabi net council was held, and with the three ministers present were convened the American, British, French and Portu guese commissioners, t-api. vtoouwaio ol the I'. S. steamer, also neuig present. The cabinet decided to demand the sur render of Wilcox. S. M. Damon was ap pointed to cany out the demand; but 1.1m niiusioii proved to be unsiicccsslul. Several shots inn) povy iccn exchanged on both sides. Hy 1 1 ii. ni., the rioters had all taken shelter in the house termed the "Bunga low," situated on the palace grounds, while the Honolulu Killes had secured a splendid position commanding this. Shots were fired from both sides at inter vals. Finally a corps of government vol unteers began hurling giant powder bombs at the Bungalow. About this time thjrty or more rioters surrendered, oneol whoin hiul been fatally shot. Farlv in the skirmish, Robert lioyd, chief lieutenant of Mr. Wilcox, wa se verelv wounded ill two plates, ll is stated that Wilcox shot two of his men who he noticed were about to desert. Win le this bombardment against the Bungalow lasted, sharp shooters from thcoperti house kept up a steady and furi ous fusiladc, until finally, after hours of lionibardmcnt, the rioters rushed irom the building paying a white sheet upon a pole anil shouting "peace." The surren der gates were thrown open, ami a forci. of volunteers entered and took the whole of the rioters prisoners, The tiring ceased about 7 p. m and Wilcox was inarched to the station house at 7.15 p. m.. his comrade prisoners arriving at the lock up a few minutes later, Among those opposed to the rioters, the only serious casualty was a wound in the shoulders received by Lieutenant Piirker. and it is supposed it was from a shot fired by Wilcox. On the side of the rioters there were seven natives killed and twelve wounded, several seriously. The armed patrol which was organized to watch theeity during the lightsand aft erwards was composed of the Honolulu Killes, the Blue Jackets, and tne marines from the I'nitcd States steamer Adams, and the Citizens' Volunteers, as hpceiul constables, besides the whole polite force. There were, however, no attempts at incendiarism. There were plans of a program said to have been formed by Wilcox in each riot that he made. One ,-,.iioi l was to the effect thai he intended to secure the crson of King Kalakua and compel him id abdicate in favor of his sister lllvokalaui. heir apparent, and demand a new constitution and new cab inet. Honolulu paers state this was probably the plan proposed, either in whole or in a modified form. But mal lei s were kept so very secret thai the exact reasons arc yet unknown. Com nientiui' on the "situation, the Com mercial Advertiser, of Honolulu, says: The insurrection, although long pre meditated and planned, was one ol the most silly and hopeless attempts to over turn the Hawaiian government that could lie attempted. Nothing but gross ignorance ol the situation couui uac prompted any such attempt; and had the rioters lieen white men, a lunatic asylum or a heniiK-n cravat would have been the most suitable punishment mat couui have lieen meted out to them." The oncra house, palace, government buildings and many private dwellings were more or less damaged hy bombs. An inquest was in progress on the bo dies of those killed in the riot when the steamer Almada left Honolulu August ! A cabinet meelinil was held, but olh ,.;..il lifeline to stale the result of their conference as regards the probable fate ol the instigators ol the not. Aeronaut Perry'H Marvelous l-.H- cape from Death. Ciiarlottk, N. C, August 9. There was an exciting scene at Mt. Holly fair rounds this evening. Pmiessor . K. Perrv, the aeronaut ol the American Hal- loon Company, was to make Ins marvel ous leap to the earth afler ascending to the height ot llnee quarters oi a nine, ut- seending by aid ol a parachute. At o o'clock, everything being in readiness, the lazzlintr feat was attempted in the pres ence of 1,500 iieople. The crowd watched the man climbing into the air won unicii breath. When the balloon had traveled upwards about 700 led the crowd dis covered that it was bursting. I he gas could be seen shooting out, and soon ttit canvas cloth began to drop. As Professor Perrv was holding on under the para chute, he was not aware ol his tcrnlili iluation. The crowd liteaiuelraiilie with excitement. c! went up and pisloh were fired to attract t he man s.itteution but all of no avail. Soon, however all the gas and air ni the balloon was exhausted, and, twitching jerking, and whirling, it began to lall downward. It was too late to loose the parachute from the wrecked balloon, but lor some dis tance it was successfully engineered. Tin balloon causing the paraehuteto capsize all came down wilha terrible-crash totln eaith. The crowd rushed around the un fortunate man and every attention wip given him. but lor twi-nlv minutes he tlii not move or show signs of life. His mil is variously estimated a I from one to four hundred feet. Professor Perrv was bronchi here to night and is being i rented by the best medical skill ill the citv. Many of hi bones are broken, bid physicians think it is possible for him to recover. He weighs ISO pounds. At this hour (lip. in., I the chances for Pi-olessor Perrv's recovery are not good FORl'IGX DIPLOMACY QI'K'K IN SliTTI.INt. ?.- Itl'I.OARIAN TBOI I"."' AN ASSASSINATION. Robert Parker Sliol IHran al Connelly Sprinus. ClIAHI.OTTIi, N. C August IO. Kobt Parker was assassin; i .ed yesterday morn ing at six o'clock in his garden at t mi nellv Springs, iust west of Hickory, N. C The" murderer is unknown as vet. lit shot Parker from .-nuliusli and then lied Parker leaves a will- and two children Several years ago in a drunken row near Monroe. Parker shot and killed a man ii.inud Stack. Parker was convicted manslaughter and sentenced to eighteen months imprisonment, being pardoiic before the expiration of his term. At hi trial Stack's brother was heard to s; he would "kill Parker yet, if it tin twenty years. Alter Parkers release he moved to Matthews, near Charlotte where he rose to considerable local pom ical influence. W hile at Mai thews an .itlemoi was made to assassinate I Being ambitious, Parker moved to Con ucllv Springs, wheic there is a secotii rate college; and It is said he has I study iiu al college. A telegram was re ceive'd here lale last night for blooi hounds with which to track the as sin. STATE NEWS, a ;r ni n am., ing. 'he Abandonment by servia in Muster Her Troops Fu Masse Kiiiri lo be line to HIsiuarck'H l.i-num- of Peace influences. CopyriKllI 1KKU ! the N. V. Associated I ress. Berlin, August lo. Among the Inst fortunate h ints ol l-.nglaiid s allacnniciii lo Hit- triple alliance are the cessation ol Servo-Bulgarian war preparations, and the simultaneous suspension ol tretniuz- T he e lect ol the coniomeu oi no- itic action of Hngland, C.ei many, Aus tria and ltalv upon a ecrtain ipicsiion as pro iled by the t'.reek note lo the powers is the result of a previous tindti -stauding of the powers with Turkey on muled action in the I'.asl. 1 uc nieci. note, which thrcalcned a niid-intervcn- Cion in Crete, inspired as it was by kiis- sia, met witn a occimyc htinii ,;' the lour powers within twonays. i neic nothing in modern History hkc u mi pidity of diplomatic action, with a straigiitforward assertion ol dcliiule policies. In a circular note recci yen neic to-m,t;iii, issued under concert, me mm piuliale the charges of the Creek note that Turkish misrule is solely responsible for the Cretan iiisurrcetion. ll asserts '.hat the reforms dcinauik-il In lliel lirisl ians have been readily granted and that (lie people would remain peaceful il they were not incited by i.retii agnaiois. The Porte's response does not allude to the leading point ol tne arrangcnieui in which the lour powers depend lor a set I lenient of the I retail troubles, namely, thai a Christian governor wit ha nixed Christian and Mahometan council leetcd by the people government alter Hie ire over. A semi-official article in I he ourual de St. Petersburg adinils that the proinpli- udc ol decision ol I he powers has pre vented the venu nl Irom assuming pro portions which would menace the peace I l-.tiropc, ami mat tne nei inn .gowau- i lien I snha in ion n ictt i oi a iuumitcu uiassc lalll he reserves is as certainly due to the influence of Prince Bismarck's League of Peace. Only a portion ol the reserves is now ordered mil for loriual inspection. These diplomatic successes insp'ue the l-'oreigu I llliec here with brightci h"s of drawing Spain into the League. I lie Italian govcrnincii! having liclbr rc lations with the Spanish than lias t'lCinianv has been enlruslcd with 1 1 it carrying on ol 'i he negotiations a I Mail rid, and sends Signor Ciahlini as a special envoy, ll Cialdini succeeds in pcrlei liny an arrangement similar to thai w,i!i pr .sent liluie ; trouble llatutBoinc- W iiiiieii In Hauclsouie Costuiues a( Way liesvllle. The grand q iciiiiig ball and gentian al the Haywood. White Stdjihtir Springs, Friday evening, was a charming event, and was largely participated in by the guests at the Irolcl and visitors from this city. Over l wo hundred icople were present, ami tnanagerSwaHield has every reason to be proud of the elegant way in which ihe ball went off. Thcsupper was simply elegant, and the dancing fine. Among the ladies ill attendance were the following: Mrs. J. M. Campbell, black net and diamonds. Mrs. Arthur M. Payne, pink silk, en iraine. Mrs. o. M. h'oystcr, tan silk. Mrs. Ci. A. Mcbanc, black cashmere. Mrs. Josiah Kylauil. red silk. Mrs. A. A. Wiley, purple silk, en traine. .Mrs. Jas. H. Webb, black ncl and diamonds. Mrs. C.J. Koddy, black lace. Mrs. C. N. Fcathcrstonc, green silk and diamonds, Mrs. Win. Oarsig, black lace and dia monds, Miss Lain C. Webb, china silk and albatross. Miss Mattic II. Webb, led cashmere! and silk. M iss (ictiie Tunstall, embroidered in i it 1 . Miss Alice Wise, while china silk. Miss M.'izic Wise, white mull. Miss Kate Dcrr, blue china silk diamonds. Miss Lithi Tunstall, vvllow silk net. Mis Maria Love, black lace. Miss Mary Love Striuglield, white albatross. Miss llattie Walker, pink silk and mini, MissCallic Kylauil, blue china silk. Miss Camniic Tunstall, white eash-nieie. Miss Hlvira I- Miss Mav HUNCUMBI- PAUPERS. WF.I.I, FKD, WKI.I, ATTENDED, ANU WI-I.I. HOl'SKU, silk and and Koiiav, ere , ercine e tin ,-ilbatrtiss. islitnere. las gone Fatal Railway Collision. Ciiarlottk, N. Y.. August 10. A col lision occurred near Forest Lawn, on the Rome, Watcrtowil -'lid Ogilciisburg rail road about 8 o'clock mis morning. The night express bound west for Niagara Falls ran into the Rochester train, which was backing down, telescoping lour ears A crockery manufactory is to be csta lished at Wilmington hy Baltimore men The Acme Wood-Fibre Company been charted in Dare county, with $150 ooo capital stock. Ilii-liot-v's new opera house is to I done by ' November 20th. The audit riinn will seat 750 people. The Confederate Veteran,-! of Kowau will have a grand picnic at Henderson's ('.rove. Salisbury, on the 22nd, instant. The Farmers' AMianee has completed arrangements for an oil mill al Tillery. It will be a large one, with the best ma chinery, The Kalcjgll Call figures the expenses to the State of the Asylum investiga tion to be $3,000, besides $800 paid out by those interested in the prosecution. It is staled that Hlias Carr. of l-alge-coiubc county, will very probably be . . .-,1... o. v. MIL elected ncao oi tut- otatt- i-.om.i .- .- anvsat the meeting at l ayctteville next week. A man who gives the name of Vernon llarcourt, who is in the city prison at Wilmington, claims lo be a near iclativc of Sir William Vernon llarcourt, the dis tinguished Englishman. Launch of a Fine Steamship. CillvSTKR, Pa., August 10-The new iron steamship "Kansas City" built at Roach's yard for the New Fngland anil Savannah Steamship Company was suc cessfully launched to-day. T he vessel is three hundred and fifty feel over all. loitv-livc feet beam, and twenty seven feet depth of hold. Her engines are ol I riplecxpnuston, sui faeeeoiidcnsiiig type, with thirty-three inch and lil'ly four inch diameter, and lifty-lour inch stroke, sup plied with steam Iiv eighl steel boilers. sa- h.-iv been const ructed to move six- n ami tint-hall knots per hour. I lei passenger accominodaliinis are one Hun dred and sixteen first class, anil one hun dred ami twenty second class. When finished she will ply Itetwecn New York and Savannah. A large number ol peo ple, ninny ot litem Irom the West, wit nessed the launch. Resttuii and Worklim. Bar Hariiok, Maine, August lo. President Harrison has made the follow ing appointments: Samuel F. Phillips, of North Carolina, commissioner on the pari of the I'niied States, under the Venezuelan, and the I'nitcd Slates treaty concerning the adjustment of claims; Charles li. Pope, of Missouri, consul at Toronto; Richard (1. Lay, of the district ol Columbia, consul general at Ottawa. Tobacco Crop Prospects tiood. Daxvii.i.i:, Va., August 10. Reports from the growing crops of tobacco in tins section are mosl encouraging, and then is now every promise of a crop of line to bacco. Dr. John C. James, a prominent physician from Pittsylvania county, fill from u street ear here to-day and sus tained injuries about the head Iron) which it is feared he will die. -OI.KS VOI' KNOW. WlmTlit't Are i whereThev Are, and Wlinl Tliey Are IMiIiik Miss Annie l.ce.ot Knoxville, is visiting Miss Florence Doggell, on Woodlin street. 1 1 Mr. John A. Bixby, manager of the 1 tek iilioiie exchange in this citv, h lo I'liai lotlc on a visit. Mr. T. W. Rouse ami Misses Lillic ami Marv. Kmise, of l.atirange, N. C, were al the Sw uniinnon last night. .Mr. U 1 1 i i II. Arrington, formerly of ( .olusboro, .V L ., is visiting his parents. Dr. and Mrs. B. F. Arrington, on Wood I'm slrct-t. Miss Mary Trigg, a charming and pop ulnr young lady, of Chattanooga, Tcnn. : . . t I .... Ml I., i ...t . ... .........Un livRaiiibllim-Reporters , is t uc gu. si m .mis. im.o,,,, v Koauiinu Around the Cil. j Il.iywtioil street. The ureal American larmval at Hie: Key. Dr. J. L. Larroll has rccovcrci Farmers' warehouse, Wcdncs lay and sttll'n it-m Iv from a recent attack of illness Thursday evenings. Don't miss il. 1 to be able to occupy his pulpit at the pie were in from the l-rciien liroaii iiapitst ciutren mis inorii Ivnglauil, Bismarck will itave so lingtd France with a circle of powers hostile to a war til revanche as lo guarantee per utanellt peace and probahiy a tt-iluclion of aineilihucuts. T he rcpoi led in len I ions of Fmperor William and the I -an press to visit Madrid, though denied by sonic the Spanish pit pets, is a delinite pro.jcel, associated with overt nres for an iiuder staniliug. If the present plans are car ried out, Ivmperor William will go in the imperial yacht to Lisbon In September, and llieiice lo Madrid. 1-inpen n William and Prince Henry arrived at Wilhclms haven this afternoon, and immediately . . . , , . . o ...i: .. proceeded ny a special train to oi-uui. Prince and Princess Bismarck came to i Wilhchns Strassc from Varscu lo-uight. KANIKI.H NOTES , ami as a natural con was good with thy A great many pi country yesterday sequence, business merchants, ! The Ashcvilledclcgalion to the Wayncs vilic hall returned to the city yesterday. Hitch one said he had had a big time at the Springs. The Christian church congregation will listen to it sermon by lilder Harper, at the Farmers' warehouse, at 1 1 o'clock this morning. The August term ol Buncombe stipe, rior court convenes in lliis city to-morrow morning tit ten o'clock--Judge Wal ter Clark presiding. A school for boys will be opened in the hall oyer Jones ii Son's store, on South Main street, September 2nd, by Mr. B. F, Kuans and wife. Two hundred and sixty guesls were al the Battery Park last night, and not a single vacant room in the big building could be obtained alter 9 o'clock. AJIIIMi Till: CHfRCIIES. Special and Dedication Services to be Held This Morning. At 1 1 o'clock this morning Riverside Methodist l-piscopal Church, South, Rev. C. M. Bishop, pastor, will be duly ami solemnly dedicated. Rev. A. Coke Smith, a distinguished Methodist divine, of Spartanburg, S. C, preaching the dedication sermon. Mr. Smith will also, occupy the same pulpit at the evening service, beginning .-it 8.30 o'clock. , Siccial services relative to the building of the new edifice, will he held at the i First Baptist church, at 11 o'clock this j morning, and it is important that every j member shall Ik- present. livening ser vice at the usual hour. ) Al the Central Methodist church, Sun- i ,1-iv Ki-h.iol will be held al 9, a. in., and regular morning service at 11 a. in., by the pastor Rev. Dr. 0. C. Rankin. Song service al 8.30 p. in. Regular services will also lie held other citv churches at the usual hours. ing. Adjutant Harvey II. Orr, of the l-'ourtl regiment. N. C. S. Ii., is here from Char lotte, lie is the guest of his father-in law A. T. Snmniev, Ivstt., oil Haywood street. Mrs. S. K. Hunter and daughter Nettie ami Mrs. W. J. 1 1 miter and daughte Xciiic, of Paris, 111., who have been slop ping at Dr. 11- B- Weavers lor the past mouth, w ill leave lor their home to-mor row morning. Dr. Wardlaw Pclham, of l'hilailelphi;i is here on it visit lo his brothers, Drs. W li. ami S. D. Pt-lhaiu. Dr. Wardlaw Pel- ham is a prominent surgeon m active practice at the Philadelphia Hospital one of the largest and most noted insti tutions of its kind in America. on to I-'ayettevllle. Unite a party leave here to-night by the lo o'clock train lo attend the great . meeting of the Fanners' Alliance, which metis al Fayeltcvillc, on Tuesday, al 3 o'clock, p. in. Among Ihose who go 'from here are: Messrs. W. F. Toinlin son, W. P. Chccscboro, li. L. Henry and N. Pliituadore. No doubt many others, of whose names we are not possessed. The train from the Murphy branch brought in quite il num ber of delegates Irom the Western coun ties. Aiptuig them, wc note Mr. A. II. Haves, the well known member of the House from Swain, Messrs. li. D. Davis from Jackson, John Morgan from Macon . T. ll.-ivs from Cherokee, J. 11. Hancock from Clay, Robert Winhcld Irom Hay wood, anil L.M. Bryan Irom Madison. To Resume Work Lancaster, Pa., August Pennsylvania Iron HI. The Works of this city of the train and killing one person- ami psled a noliee lo-day ol the resumption ight others. 1 he person , ,,f0, icr.ttions oil August 19 at .i.m 'i h.-idlv iniiiring eight killed was Miss bmina I'errni, oi m. John's, Michigan, aged twenty-three vears. Iter lamer aim niouier utn on the train. Mr. I'errin was bruised and injured internally. Mrs. I'errin has her collar bone broken ami is otherwise in jured, Andrew Tiffany, engneer ol the steamer nazcuon, oi viswego, ,..i.. ton for puddlcrs. Five months ago two Immlied and fifty men went on a strike when wages were reduced to $3.50 js r ton and since that time the mills have been idle l.arue Pack inn House Iturued CitK Vt.o. August lo. A siH-ei.-tl Irom Hammond, lnd., to the Daily News says: At I o'clock this morning the large pack ing house of t'.eorge 11. Hammond was hurtled. The blaze w;is caused by the can less striking ol a match near a barrel of benzine in the oil house Within two I hours the entire establishment was il till burned to the ground. The killing and dressing departments. Consisting ol two large two story buildings, were saved oy the Hammond and .,i i.t iint,.. the united efforts ol The Fourth Regiment military band. ! Chicago lire departments The lire threw of Hickory, will furnish the music for the A Newspaper Clianices Hands. Moktgomkky. Ala.. August lo. The N Y right leg broken; Lowell C.Brown, I Trov, to the Advertiser. There will be ; tainnicut. ' " .... .... i i ... 1 ll l.A........l nni1 thi eiliton.-ll ! On the 27th instant the State Tobacco sonic inn men oui oi employment, i.oss S; :'.ii, i 1 1( it I ll will take three months to American Carnival at the Farmers' ! n,.,r i,t. damage. warehouse on Wednesday ami I hursd.-iy evenings next. This is one of the Ih-sI j bauds in the Stale, ami those who tout o line iiiiiw niii f"'-'.' I, i i i . . , ,,..,, - ... ., ,, , I over bv .in engine in the yards ol I lie t. i i.. r.,r t . . In ,vl st rains I thev attend - . . i & O. railroad, at Covington, Ky., on the carnival on mi- i.vn,,,.-, ........ mentioned. HislressliiK Accident. Austin Smith, the only son of Mrs. J. . C. Smith, formerly ol this city, was run railroad, at Covington, Ky. day, and hud b severed above the knees. ... 1 1 1 1....1 ..I' l...ra T ,.. ,..11. Ih.-ninsie. coucso.., ...... ...... wot.. o .. of Sherman, N. V., right leg ciushed at ' no livplienatcd name, nun tne eiin..i..i. knee and left foot badly crushed. He will I and oflice force ol the Advertiser remains probably recover. He is a salesman. I unchanged. Association meets at Greensboro. Axed and Indigent Sufferers who are Compelled to Rely I'pon the Charily of Ihe County for Main tenance and Medical Attention. Located in the southwestern portion of the city and adjoining the corporate limits of the suburban village of Victoria, is a long row of low, substantial build ings, forming three sides of a square. The buildings are comparatively new, and appear to have been excellently con structed. They arc plain and neat, and in and about the porches ami grounds surrounding the place, quite a munlier of igcd and decrepit cop!e arc grouped ibout. Some walk with difficulty, using sticks or crutches, while others set in iw chairs, or on stools, unable to move ront sheer physical exhaustion or broken ir deformed limbs, while still others lay stretched upon clean Itctls, in neat and heery rooms, suffering from diseases om which they cannot possibly hope to eeover, owing to extreme old age, and the ineurablencss of their maladies. The buildings above mentioned repre sents the alms house or poor house of Buncombe, and the people, Tim CiTiziix now talking about, arc the unfortunate poor of the county, unable to take care f themselves ill their declining years ind forced to rely upon the common harity of the people, taxed for their maintenance and support. It is a small ix anil is cheerfully paid by the people. The management of the poor house is vested in the Board ol Commissioners of the county, and is most creditable and atislactory, indeed. The physician to the poor is Dr. H. B. Weaver, who is also county superintendent ol health. The matron of the house is Mrs. Bickerstaff, mil it most competent official she is. Al present there arc about thirty-live annates under her charge, the sexes be ing nhoul evenly divided. The average tge of these people is about fifty years. while in one or two instances, some of the paupers have passed the three-score mile and ten years of life. One or two more of these unfortunates are young in years, sullering from inherited diseases, or rendered helpless for life by accident deformity ol limbs, in some easts tilling from birth. All ol them complain of physical Iron Its, and all of them are real sufferers to i greater or lesser extent. Of the ai'- menls that aiinct I lie poor in lite anus house, Dr. Weaver mentioned to the re porter a lew, such as tuberculosis, chronic heiimatism, epilepsy, paralysis of the nerves, general physical exhaustion ut- ident to extreme old age, dropsical liseases in their varied complications, etc. In ninnv, if not entirely, all ol these cases. t permanent cure can never In-cllcctcd. ind the only relief the patients find is of t temporary character. No county in North Carolina has done more or is doing more lor us unioriu ualc poor than Buneomlie, and Tiik Citizi-:n doubts very much if there can be found in tile whole Stale an almshouse that is better managed or kept in a leaner, neater and lietter general sani tary condition than ours, liaeh room is lathed and plastered, supplied with kt- Icct ventilation, clean Itcds and bed clothing, a grate in every fire-place, the floors scoured almost to w hiteness itself, and the grounds surrounding in a wcll draincil and perfectly clean condition. The water used on the place is from a well is sweet, pure, cool and sparkling, ami the supply inexhaustible. A large farm and garden adjoins the almshouse, and from these the table is abundantly supplied with all kinds of vegetables in season. Besides vegetables, there are always fresh meats, such as beef, mutton, pork, chickens, etc., served in nici slute and in the greatest quan tity. I'ows furnish a sufficient supply of milk I'm cooking, medical and other pur poses, and altogether the Buncombe paupers set down lo a feast three times each day. All ol thcin say they arc well fed and could not wish fiir any improve ment in that quarter. The cost ol keep ing a patqter. its we hit vetlescrilicd above, is about four dollars per head a month. There is no waste of anything owing to the matron's suiHTior methods ol maii- igeincul, anil everything sent to the in stitution is strictly ami satislactonly accounted for at the end of every month. Dr. Weaver, the physician in charge, is almost a daily visitor at the almshouse. His duties are onerous and responsible, ami his ierformancc of them has gained for him the respect and confidence of the commissioners and the people. He visits each ward, examines each patient, an swers a thousand and one questions, writes the necessary prescriptions, and is v.ry kind to the poor under his care. He also insK'i ts t he wards ami premises at each visit, and is uly was vigilant and attentive. He looks out for the welfare of the poor anil the interests of the tax payer at the same time, and comes as near as il is possible to come, in doing even-handed justice to all concerned. Chairman Kaukin, of the Board of Commissioners, is also a frequent visitor to Ihe alms house, looking niter tne wants of its inmates and seeing that everything goes right out there. Take it as it stands lo-day, Buneomlie has cause to lie proud of the institution she has erected lor her jioor and aged, and the officers her Board of County Commissioners has selected to control and direct its affairs. They cannot 1 improved upon, and The Citizen only wishes that every county in the State paid as much attention to its destitute The Flower Mission will purchase its drugs for this month from Dr. Grant and poor as does the glorious county of Bun its groceries at Mr. J. M. Y'oung's. I combe.

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