THE DAILY CITIZEN. The CmZBH is the most extensively etrcu Inteci and widclj read newspaper in Western North Carolina. Its discussion of public men and measures i- i . v.A r,t vmlillt Inteurritv. honest government, and prosperous industry, and it knows no personal allegiance in ireniiiiR pu-- The Citukn publishes the dispatches of the Press, which now covers the u-h.ti world In its scooe. It has other facili tks of advanced journnlism for KnthcrinK news from all quarters, with every thine care fully colted to occupy inc sniiiuim n,..vv. Specimen copies of any edition will be sent f cc to anv one sendinr; their address. TKKys-Ilaily, $l for one year; $3 for six ..lonths; 50 cents for one month ; IS cents for one week. Curriers will deliver the pnijerin every part of the city to subscribers, and pur tics wuntiiiK it will please eall at the Citizkn yhee. t, , . Aiivkktihino Ratks Reasonable, and mnile known on application at tnis onice. no transient advertisements must be paid in ad vance. ,. .. Reading notices ten cents per line. Obitu ary, marriatse and society notices fifty cents each (not cxciediHK ten lines) or titty cents per inch. Sl'NIUY. AlV.l'ST 11, 1HMU. THK ClIAlS;i-: VOINii ON. In an article a few days ago we spoke of the great ehanges that have taken place in New ICnglanil population, and the more striking change tliathasalmost reversed New linglatul creeds the en cro.ielmienls of papal inlltieiice over the once hide bound puritan domination. It apKiirs that it is not Mr. Uurtlett alone that had sounded the note ol alarm ; not he alone that had presented his array of fatal ami formidable statistics; and these notes of alarm and these tell tale statis tics show "that the sceptre is departing from Israel." It is with no pleasure that the decay ot any part of this great country can Ik' witnessed by any other section ol it. Least of all should the decline of that one, if not the first in date, the In st ill effect, to set tin in the wilderness the standard of liberty of conscience even thoiiL'h that liliertv was restrained to the elect, and first to proclaim the prin ciples of free government, though they did make it doubtful whether the tyran ny of councils and select men was lessop- prcssive than that of kings anil star chandlers. Hut some how they throve under what would have been poison and death to liberty and religion any were else With unflinching courage they met and overcame all the obstacles that opposed them, the savage, the 110 less savage cli mate, the sterility of the soil; and with admirable skill and undaunted resolution turned to profitable account what would have rciellil or disheartened any other bodv of men. Within certain limits New Hugland systems worked successfully Intelligent, industrious, ingenious and persevering, every thing was converted into an element of success and profit (hit of their very rocks they (lug for tunes, and skimmed the frozen surfaces of their rivers for gold. New lvngland grew populous, rich, and also domineer ing and rapacious. The principles ap plied in early days to local government she obtruded into the larger national arena. She dictated every act of public policy and resisted everything that an tagonized her special interests. She de manded sjiecial government favors and immunities, and selfishly resented the same indulgences to others. She pros lcrcil when territorial limitations orcon- ditious kept her people at home. When field and farm and home were found abroad, then even her own people burst the bonds because too tight even for them. The New lvngland system wanted flexibility and adaptation to conditions though it must be confessed that the swarms of emigrants she sent forth car ried out their inherited bigotry and in tolerance into new wildernesses just as their fathers introduced them into their promised land. Therefore the New ling lander, amiable and admirable inilividu ally, is not loveable or popular in the ag gregate. The change to which we refer is com ing on gradually, but certainly. The long prosiierily of New linglaud was founded, apart from the original princi ples of government and religion, upon the necessity forced upon them to wage incessant war with the forces of nature the necessity that was forced upon the Hollanders, couiielling them to become an alert, industrious, patient, economic al, brave and prusiicroiis people. The condition was an artificial one, the su periority attained was a fictitious one it weakens when other more natural and favorable conditions are brought into action. Illustration of this is gradually dawning in the translcr of the seat of manufactures from New lvngland to sec tions that present advantages which judicious enterprise, and to which the most inveterate sectional prejudice must yield. It may lie another of those forms of retribution that awaits New lvngland, that having Itcen first and foremost in the crusade against slavery, by its ex tirpation she should have cleared the way for the rise of a despised rival upon her own ruin. We arc enough in progress now to make the utterances of Wendell Phillips, the most pronounced of abolitionists and the most venomous of Southern haters, who has been dead some years, sound like prophecy; and his voice from the grave conies like the note of doom to the people for whom he was spokesman, blessing against his will, when he was called upon to curse. lie says: "The handwriting is so plain on the wall that none but a fool need mistake it. New lvngland is doomed just as sure as natural laws will produce fixed re sults. New England has no soil worth mentioning, and her wealth has all lccn derived from her manufactures. They arc gradually leaving her, and eventually they will all go; some to the West, the must to the South, where the advantages for profitable manufacturing are all lo catcd. The coal and iron in the South arc easily gotten at and inexhaustible in amount, and the iron mills, the foundries and the machine shops can go to them better than they can le carried to the shops. Then the cotton and woolen mills must go there, for the raw materi als are, and are to be, procured there most cheaply, uniformly and better. Then look at the advantages of thecxtra hours of daylight in a year's run. This of itself is no small matter. As the South grows stronger and stronger, the wealth, culture and power of the country will lie centered there until she will become not alone the mistress of America, but the central empire of the world." Immense drives in all kinds of dry goods for ladies, misses and children, at Whitlock's. KniTuuiAi. i-oirsTs. An important work was completed on the 9th, the tunnel through Cumberland Gap having been finished on that day. This opens up anew line of railroad be tween Knoxville and Louisville. The conviction of Mrs. Maybrick is as cribed exclusively to the harsh and hos tile charge of the presiding Judge. In this country .1 Judge may charge himself hoarse if shrewd counsel have previously secured a jury to their interests or sym pathies in the right way. The President has made a tardy and somewhat indifferent recognition of one if the liest men his party can claim in the Southern States, best, in that he is hon est, able and learned, much too good for his party association South. Sain'l I". Phillips has been appointed Commis sioner on the part of the I'nited Stales to adjust claims with Venezuela, New York and Chicago arc active coin intitors for the site of the great cxposi lion of t K'.ili. The former proposes ti nganize a slock company with $111,0110,- 000 capital, and Chicago will soon have ticorporatiou palters with a capital stock of $"1,000,000, with the same ob iect. Washington City, like all capitals State or national, depends 011 the public purse. New York will have the show. It is hard lo kccpcipial to China and lupau in floods, tires and cartlicprikcs. I'liforttmatc biluislown made the near est approach in the dismal competition. Ina recent Japan freshet twelve thous and houses were swept awav. In aland proportionately as populous as China they do not trouble themselves to esli mate the number ol drowned human be ings. It is judicious sometimes to regard the antecedents of a candidate for office. Tlie Republicans of Kentucky did not do when thev run I). (' Colson as candidate lor treasurer in the recent Stale election Judge Sharp beat him by M.'i.oi 10 major ity. It appears that Colson belonged ti a Hell county family notorious for their shotgun propensities. The Colsons have been mixed 1111 in half a dozen lend Four of I. (i. Colson's brothers have killed their man in street encounters. This was charged in the campaign: and l rue or not, had its effect. It is rather curious to note the indiffer ence with which the Ivnglish and Ameri can public regard the llchring Sea all'air. Il.ith H'oplc regard the trouble as one likely to grow out of the carelessness or tardiness of both governments to guard a point which might be productive of trouble at some time. When trouble does come, good sense dictates that it should be adjusted by the pen, not by the caution. Mutual interest and the really good feeling between lvngland and the Failed States make war a contingency to bcavoidedat all hazards. The only bellicose voice wc hear comes from Canada, the noise ol a supcrsci viccablc loyalty which feigns a courage or a confidence il does not feel; for Canada, torn by internal race and re ligious factions, is the last of the Itriiirdi possessions to invite the hostility of the Fnitcd States. Hie Philadelphia police are 111 pursuit o a so-called respectable man, become often- sive lo his neighbors by his voluble pn fanitv and blaspheme. A law of tin- State of Pennsylvania has been fotini which makes it possible to punish, if not to control, the swearer. This habit one of the survivals of many obsolete bai habits of our forefathers, among whom indulgence in ribaldry, blasphemy, pn fanity and indecency of sjiecch were ii dulged in what to us seems to have been a shocking and unwarrantable ex tent; and yet so common and so unrc strained as to be indulged in freely, even before females, and in the highest circles of society. The novels of Fielding am Smollett in their truthful pictures of the manners and conversations of the show how freely, coarsely and offensively speech was interlarded with obscenity and how little the line gentleman of the day feared to offend the sensibility of the line lady by free indulgence in the choice of' his expletives, his indecent words 01 his profanity. The gentlemen of this day rarely offend thus in the company ol eacli other, never in the presence of ladies Yet there is too much of rude, prol'aue and blasphemous sjieech still in use to be justified by any occasion for it. The canons of good manners, to say nothing ol the weightier obligation of religion should banish it all. The gentleman's code, like that of the Christian, is the same, "Swear not at all." Ir. Parker Prays cream Yan-Oln, Kos; line, Ongnliue and I i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 nail powder having now liecomc the ladies' favorites at I- L.Jacob's drug store, these popular manicure articles may always lie found together with pocket emery board, or ange wood sticks, nail scissors, tiles and other such requisites. Also a complete line ol drugs and toilet articles, in addi lion to the Hclie Soda Fountain Iron which ice cold drinks are disfieuscd. Cor ner Main street and Patton avenue. The roast of yesterday is generally re vealcd in the chicken croquette ol to-ilav at some ol the fashionable watering places. Whether on pleasure bent or business should take on every trip a bottle ot Syrup ol I-igs, as it acts most pleasantly and effectually on the kidney, liver and liowells, preventing levers, headaches and itncr torms 01 sickness. For sale in fille .-Inil $1.00 Imttles by all leading drug is is. Siiecinl sales week. Great barirains for ladies. Table linen, white and red. oil cloth, white and red flannels, below cost at Whitlock's. Reprove a man for hissiiuj and vou do wrong every man has hiss rights in this eoimtry. Special sales week. Lace curtains at $1.00, $2.00, $3.00 and $.00 a pair; worth $2.(IO, $3.00, $1.50 and $H.(K) apiece, to change business, at Whitlock's- SPECIAL, ANNOUNCEMENT. (.KAMI COMBINATION OF BARGAINS. If vou are lookinsr for "tin ' best () xls for tho nioiii'v mil 011 Mostic Jtros. Ac Wi'ifilit. Tlieir stock is simply immense, "linl fresh, and it niijilit well be worth n .lew's eye to you to inspect their '(MX Is wliileon the buy. ClutliiiiK ! Clothing ! A full mid complete line of Cents Kend.v .M.'ide Clothing, iiiul it must n'o, as we .'ire , . i .1111. : 1 . o.'i i iiiii' oui ior r .in iiiTiviiis. llnls , 'Hid (lents I' urnish- ino; diMuls si tloulile supply tin 1 1 ; 1 1 1 t . m which we oiler special bargains. Orcss t.ootlH. .lust opened the very lat est product ions of imported and American manufactures and trimming's to match. Choice extra tine fabrics, medium and lower jiTndes calculated to suit anybody. Parasols. For the next few days vi offer our uneipialed line o Ladies' ami ('hildreiis' fin Parasols at jreiitly redm-ei rates, coniprisiiiinilain Silks fancies in I'laids and Stripes with colored sticks at all prices. We can suit anybody in Table Linen, Towels, etc. Boot.' unci Slioes. We will make it to your in terest to inspect our well se lected stock of Ladies' ami Mens' Fine Shoes, medium and lower ,1'ii des. hn- Marram Counters are still attracting and pleasing the bargain seekers. A full lineof Directory Kmli in' just in. When you call fornnythiiifi in the Dry (ioodslineyou will not be bothered with that old chestnut ".lust out." Respectfully, P.OSTIC I5KOS, WKKillT, BOOKS AM) STATIONARY, ARTISTS' MATERIALS, KMllMiliKS' SCrl'l.lHS. 1'lCTl'k'liS ANIl I-KAMIiS. I-'ANCV conns. ti.ANK noouH, i;vi:kv;iiaii: IHII.l.S. I DVS AMI CAM liS. wi:sti-:kn n.c. hci-:ni:. with 1'ikiiockai'iiic ami hani' I'AlNTIill, AT- EST A BROOK'S, 22 S. Main Street. ARTHUR M. FIELD, LEADING SiKvi-ssMi to WHOLESALE JEWELER. II. 1,. LAM'..-AND RETAIL Practical Watchmaker and ICiitfravcr. okaiu ati: OI'TICIAN Wc maki u spiii;ilty nf ri'iwiirinj; WnUhc: tlirtt have never kept time r that have faiktl at the tiamls of iiieutniK'tent workmen. Parties wanting kooiI lasm-H can have 1 heir eyes examined t'reeol ' charge. Wc oiler at retail lor 'Mi days the follow in Kooils at wholesale prices: .'t oz. Ore Silver (It-niiinc Klin or Wal than Wateh $4-.; ii oz. Coin Silver 7. IT Also s)K-eial bargains in Clocks ant! Jewelry. A fine assortment of I'mlircllas and fnncs, THE GREATEST ATTRACTION: Is that fine lot of KNCI.ISH liKIIH.KS anil THKKK-IIOKN CHAMOIS SIJAT SAlilll.liS at J. 91. ALEXANDER'S And the low prievM at which he is sellinK all Kootfn in his line. He has increased his for and intends to meet the demand. SATISFACTION GUAKANTKIiU. jpmVATK I1IIARD. MKS. C. R. Kcil'l', l'J'J Haywood S'rvct, (Formerly of York, Pennsylvania.) First-Class Hoard. KIcRantly Furnished Rooms. Terms reasonable. auO dlw MISCELLANEOUS. Notice to Travelers. IleKinninj to-dav anil eontimiinR until fur ther niitiee. a street ear will leave t-'"u''t House Square at 15 minutes before M o'eloek, a. in., for the train for SiuirlanliurK. All travelers who will take this ear will have their valises transported to the tram free of eharne. All who take the regular "depot" or "train" ear. whieh will leave the Sipiare at M o'eloek a. in. as usual, will lieeharj;ed fi cents for eaeh valise and lare bundle. This ear also eonueets with the Spartanburg train, but if nil persons take it there will not be time en, mull for all to net their liekets and elueks. mid inanv miiv be left; while if as m.inv as ean wili take the ear leaving the Sipiare al l.r niinutts before H thev w ill not onlv save the extra eltnrne for valises on the "dfpot" ear, but have ample lime for the" elves and leave ample time lor others to uet the r elu eks ami tickets. Till! STkliliT RY. CO. FOR KOYS. Wc lin vi' ii nice liiicol' IJo.vs' Suit s, sucli in.iki's .is Rogers. lvt Co.'s, ltonli Jiiul Tumbli', I'd-., well uiiiili'. ni'iit .linl sl vlisli. To close on) a few hroki'ii lines we luive made extremely low prices on tliein. ill cost iiiul some below cost. Ziejiler Iros." I'.oys' Slices are tlie best wearers vni can bn.v and are always satisfactory. is. Ricmvooi) &co. One Price Strictly. SCHOOLS. trinity coi.i.i:;t:. Kntram-e examinations Sept. !t and 1. Kee itations and I.eelnres hiin promptly Sept. Send lor new eataloue at otiee to JOHN V. CKtiWl-I.I., ITesidtnt, jtmUil 1 1 "Jin Trinity College, N.C. SI. 3Iarys School, N.C. The Ninet y-l'il'tli Seuli-Auniial Session be cins MllNHAY, Si;i'Ti:.M Ill-K 1. issti. For catalogues, address the Keetor, REV. BENNETT SMEDES, A. M. .iiinL'M d.'tmos RAVENSCROFT HIGH SCHOOL FOR BOYS ASHEVILLE. N. C. Ronald MacIouall, II. A., Mead Master. The sehol.-istie year will open vi;nNi:si. v. si: I' l l- miihi. Terms For Itouni, Tiiilinn in all brallelies. and every expense, S.lilll per alliiiim. Ilav sell. ilars $su per aimiitn. I', r fiirllier a.. dress RISV. II. II. Ill'l'l., Asheville, X. C, until Seit. 1 ; niter that ad. Ii ess MR. KllNAI.Il MacIXIN Al.ll, Ilea. I Master. JullST dlll ICiiKlisli and French BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL, FOR YOUNG LADIES AND LITTLE GIRLS, No. Hi I' llroud Avenue. MKS. BURGWYN IWAITLAND, PRINCIPAL l I'or luiiny years Assoeiale I'rineipnl of ML enion liistilutr, Italtitllore. I Assisted by n eorps of e.miiieiitcnt teaehers The eourse ol 'instnietion ineliidcs the usual ICiiKlish branehes with I'reneh and I.iitin. Kxtras Musie. t'.irnian. Art Needle Work, I'aintinir on t lliim. Iianiinn and Kidinu. Speeial attention niven to the trniliillK of little nirls. iiurI d2in SALEM FEMALE ACADEMY, Salem, N. C. LARGEST. OLDEST AND BEST FEMALE COL LEGE IN THE SOUTH. Session opens August 1!7, ISHll. I'neultv ;io I'rolessors an. I leaehers. SK'eial feature's the Iievelopment of Charneter, Health nnd Intelleet. I'ul y eipiipiK.I Prepnratorv anil ColleKiate departments, besides Hrst-elass se ools in Music, Art, LaiiftuaKes and Coin, mereial studies. Send for CatnloKite to KKV. J. II. CI.HWEM.. au:idJvw2w I'rineipnl. DOES ! WHAT YOU I EAT HURT j YOU? ! If what you eat hurts you you. or il you are troubled with Dysiiepsin, Nervousness, Heartburn, Heudaehe, Low Spirits, Kidnev Complaints, lite., lite.. Try a bottle of DR. HAM'S Aromatic j Imigorator ! It has st I the tests of the mtblie rr a quarter ol n century, and thousands have testified to its value. Send for circular n.l testimonials. 50 cents and $1 per bottle. For sale by F. L. Jacobs, Corner Main Street and Patton Avenue. HEATH t MURRAY, General Ants., lloston jul dtf OTICB. T. I. HIiVlil. has acceiitcil n im,mIii.,m n-i.t. the Asheville MillinK Ciimpniiy and the Ashe ville Coal Comoanv. nnd will rp.riv.. rHr. for Flour, Meal and Grain, also for Coal. huh a i w NHW lU-Kl), carefully prepared by lead ... nn.ieviiic oar ion finest parchment and heavy flat paper), co. erinK all necessary points, jnst out and now on .ale at the office of the Citizkn Publish ing Co.. No. North Court Square, 'tanlwtf THE RACKET COLUMN. Our s.ilc uf Drt'ss (iiiods AT COST in order to cli'ju tlicm out continues and will he kept up until all are sold. We need tlie room for other ooils. Tlie assort nient con- sisls of Cluillies, Luwuh. Rat ines, (iinuiianis. Albatross, Nuns' Veiling, Danish Cloth, Henriettas, Cashineres, Mo hairs, Flannels. etc..etc..ani: an equal opportunity to hu.v Dress (ioods for present or future use has never before offered itself. Do not put it off. Come and see our'oods or write for samples. Our stock of Muttons, Plush, Su rah, Ribbons, and other trimmings is first-class and will be sold at prices that will be satisfactory. Come to the "Racket Store'' for every thing and do not buy any thing until you learn our prices. Respectfully, GE0.T.J0NES&C0. X. Y. Office, 466 Broadway. "RACKET COLUMN. MISCELLANEOUS. ONE YEAR AGO. The finest and best equip ped Drug Store in North Car olina was opened in Asheville bvT.C. Smith & Co.-AUer eighteen years of prosperity in the wholesale and reran drug business at Charlotte, thev sold out and moved to sheville, where they secured the best and handsomest store room in thecity fitted up in style, with all the latest appliances and conveniences possessed by other modern drugstores. Twelvemonths have passed since this vent ure was made I hey find the mtlook far ahead of their ex 1 ect a t i ns I tusiness grow ing larger monthly, having already reached a solid basis. Tlieir success demonstrates what Asheville will do, for those who come here with "the know how." Prescrip tions and general business have poured into this New Drug Store until necessity compels the employment of a large force of thoroughly competent clerks. This new firm do not want theearth. only a small pnrtofit. They are entering the second year of their business career with new sua), large stock, aniph raw cash to make large addi tions, big trade already es tablished, a successful past and a. bright future. These facts show what can be don for those who have a well grounded faith in the com mercial importance of our growing city for those who have the nerve toburnallthi bridges behind them, and give proper attention to their business. The people arc kindlv asked to continue tlieir favors to this prosper ous and busy drug store. where every article sold is warranted as represented, or purcnase money reiunuet Address T. C. Smith & Co., Leading holesale and Re tail and Prescription Drug gists, Asheville, N. ( lflCHMONI) tk IANVil.I,K KAILKOAK (Western North Caioiiua hiviHion.) l'ASSrCNdlvk I KI A H T M li.NT, AsilKVll.l.K, N. C, June 1, lMl. iassi;n(h:k train sciiuih 1,1-;. IN liFI'KCT Jl'NK'J, 1HKVI; No. 51 No. r:( i , Asheville, Salisbury, hanville, I-yni'liburi. WnshiiiKtou Haltimore, I'hila., New York, Boston, it lpui 4'JOnm !'47am 11.' lupin 7 1 :ipm H50pm 1 1 L'npm tioam a.iupm 1 Spm Ti 4-.'tpin 1 - L'ram i,".tani H arnm lt47am 1 U'opm I IMMipm j "5iranij H.'loani (' llT.Mpill I Richmond, KnleiKh, T (o1dsloro, Wilmington .'WU)pm " 1 OL'ptiif : lopm oiMipm I No. Iv. Asheville, Ar. Ilejulcrsonville, Ar. Spartanb'K "CharlotU-r " Columliia, " Charleston. " AiiKUStn, ' Savannah, Thotnasville, Oa " Jacksonville ' Atlanta, " MontKom'v " Mobile, " New Orleans H.'tOani t) li( a in 1 1 r0am 5 3()piu 4-40 pm 9inpm ItOOpm (iram 1 40 pm 1 - ou m ln-Mipni 7 '25nni 1 ri5pm 7 I'tlpm t No. f.4. Lv. Spartanburg, Ar. Ilcndersonvillv " Asheville, I :tl-Opin I (lliTpin I TiHipm I No. f.O No. 52 No. r4 Lv. Asheville, Ar. Hot Springs " Knoxville, " Chattan')a, " Memphis, l.v. Ashevil.e, Ar. Hot Sprinjis " Knoxville, l.ttuitiville, " Cincinnati, " ChicaK, " SI. Louis, 7orpm 84Upm MURI'llY 11KANCH. I No. 1H I. v. Asheville, Ar Waynesville, " Jnrrett's. HSSam ln47aiu I No. 17 l.v. Jnrrctt8, Ar. WayneHvillc, " Anhevillc, IKOOam a ar. nm (iiii:iin PIT SlcepiiiK cara on nil niht trniiiM. J.S. 1,. TAYLOR, W. A. WINHItkN, O. 1'. A. II. A. S(1I.. IIAAS.T. M CommeneinK June 3d, thel'ollowiiiK I'asxen er Train Service will be oia-ratcd on Sun dnya between Asheville and Waynesville: WHST. Jill. 12. HAST. N.iir 7 r3pm 7 axpm 7 14pm A rli pill 6 37 pm 0 lilpm 6 00 pm STATIONS. N arm ml Aheville Arr 8ulihur Springs Hominy Turnpike " JMKeon River ' Clyde Wayncaville Lv. X (IS am I'llnm ax am U 47 am 10 or. nml lo aamArr. J. W. SCIIARTLE, MERCHANT TAILOR 42 N. Main St. fcbaodlv OTICB. Will collect debta for anyone In the dtv for per cent. Good facilities for renting and col IcetlnK rents on houses. Will sell furniture on weekly payments. J. B.JOHNSON. At Blair's Furniture store, 87 Patton Avenue. References riven innr14d0m JANES FRANK, nBALBK IN FAMILY GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS Agent for Reems Creek Woolen Mills. North Main . Asheville, N. C. feblOdly 74-On.m 4-41-pm !i2Ham A 10pm 1 lopm ssopin lt'pm 5 40nm 411 (lain naopm 74i)nm 4 14pm l2oam BlOpm 1 lopin Sfupm 7 1 5am 40nm 1 1 45am 030ptn fiHOpm; 7 45pin 7 45pm' hove us. STRAUSS' ' RESTAURANT AND NEW ICE CREAM GARDEN. Klcctric Cars Patts the Door. 1 hen with notify the public that this ,UJ May 1, 1 have added to my well known Kcs. taurant a fine Ice Cream Garden, The Mime has Itrrn fitted up neatly tor tin- Ul.. i-atmin and 1 will always hvc on luuul tliC hoicest of Cnams nnd ShtTtu tn and I'aki's Also, van supply fain Mies at Nhortist notice in lai'KC or small quantities. So tome in i.t.H time and have (tome fine Ice Cream and Cn kcs nnd don't Curvet that at Strauss' you will K(.t Tlie Ilet of Ice Cream, and nhete nlwayu polite and atte.n'fYc wiuy rs will lie pleased to serve, Vwuv eu-,. eome often, einne one, von aJl, vt uive our Iriend Slraus a 4oU many talks. Very tVMivvtlilly. Ii. STKAl SvS, iiiayl.'dtr I'ropriri't). mm head HOTKL wii.u uii oriiNiin Fun rim sawiv OP lXX'.l o. The First of June. The location or this llolil on tin .summit ot Cii'sar's Head Mountain, an oullyiiij; spur nt the Blue Kidc, in upper South Lainlnia, aflords a climate and :iU : utictpialrtl. As a summer resort il has no parallel in Hit South. AVERAGE TEMPERATURE, FROM 60 TO 70 , Whilst Us natui nl scenery Is varied and Krami, beyond conception. Cuml'oit ol' quests cart-, fully consulted. Livci.v ;nnl daily mail I..1-. ily reached from Ah MU in mic dav. oi irnm. Henderson villc in hall a da, over d'lihtiitlj roads, through a romantic ami ihanniiiK u 11 try. f. a. ihii.i;s innvirnltf ari)i:n park uoti i, AND FAMILY COTTAGES, pi 1 miles south of Asheville, on the A. V H, railroad in tmw open lor the seasnn. I?or circulars atldresK Tilt IS A. MOKKIS. I'nipv uay2dtf Arden, N. L- TURNPIKE HOTEL, Turnpike. N.C This In-autiful suninier rcHtrt Is Htunttd iiiinicdialcly on the Murphy Division of the W. N C. K. K., hall way between Asheville mill ayncsvillt , anmn the iiiokI nUraclic. scenery in the mountains. The hotel is new and well furnislRtl, farj: and well ventilated. Telegraph and I'tit ('Vices in the liouse. h'resh mutton, milk ami butter bupplicd from the pre 111 i wis . 1'artien ean leave Asheville in the morning take dinner and rvtuin in tliceveniiiK. For terms ami other information, apply lu J. C. Smathcr.H, Manager. iul.'t d.'lm PKIVATi; HOARD. NliW I IOI 'SKI NliWUN I'lkNISHliK 1 AM. MODHKN I M TK' VliM KNTS, MHS. E. J. THYLER AND MRS N. B. ATKINSON, No. 211 Havwood Street. liinJ i dl v JKlVATIi HOAK1). A Ini'Ktf, airy house, .11H Patton Avenue, on street car line. C.ood location. Terms reasoiiultle. lood fare. .iul d.'tm M KS. J. I.. KM ATM liRS. Si OAKOIiRS. Mrs. V. P. Penlev Is prepaiH'd to take a. (V w nice hoarder at .tmi N. Main St., tertni nus of the 8treet cur line. Table (good, terms reasonable. jull 'J dl tn MRS. S. STEVENSON. in removed to the Johnston Bulldinc. Ti ton avenue, comer of Church street, where nhe is prepared to keep regular or transient boarders. Table furnished with the best the tnarkctafTords. Terms reasonable. mar31m6. rlOUIID KNOB HOTEL KIcDuwell Co., N. C. (Situated un the W. N. C. R. R. An hour's ride from Asheville.) First class in every respect. Mineral waters I.ithin. Imn, Alum and Iron. Reil and White Sulphur and MilKneslu. The most picturesque siiot In Western North Carolina. Terms reasonable. Siiecial rates tu laiui lies. J. Bulow Erwiu, julu dam Proprietor. Hi OTICB. Ituneotnlte Cnnntv In the Superior Court. Jew A. (wnltney, plnintitl. versus The Seot tinh Carolina TuulK'r and Kand Company t Limited), defendant. State of North Carolina To the Sheriff of T'uncomlK- county Greeting: Vou are herrby eitminanded to summon The Scottish Carolina Timber and Land Company t Limited I, the defendant above named, if it be found within votircountv. to be and apiiear before the Jude of our Sue. rior Court, at a court to be held for the county of Buncombe nt the court house in Asheville on the third Monday beforcthe first Monday ol Septemler, and answer the com plaint which will lie deposited in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court for said county within the first three davs of said term, nnd let the said defendant take notice that if it fails to answer the said complaint within the time required hv law, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demand ed in the complaint. Hereof foil not, and of this summons make due return. Given under my hand and peal of said court, this the 2ith dav of June, lHH'j. VV. T. KKYNOMlS, Clerk Superior Court Buncombe Co. I 'avid son. Martin Se Jones. Att'ys for plaintiff. Jul ill dt sua ANTBD. I want to buy a good second-hand Bahy CarrlaKe. Apply to A. Freck s Shoe Shop. 40 8. Main street. anlo dUt