T r. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. TllFO. F. DAV.l.SON, TllOS A.JoNKS .. KniiKh. JA. G. MAKTIN. Ashcv.llc. ' . Ashcvllle. I) AVIDSON, MARTIN &JONBS, Attorneys null Counsellors at Law, Aslieville, N. C. , IVill lit lice In the 1 ' th ' . 1 at 1 W, h"J D,"t icls. i UK- Siiim-mc Cirt irf Norlh r.. n.i. ami in the Federal Court, ol tl.c Western liuini'i "Y' .,, Refer to Hunk of Aslieville. cltScl (.HAS. A. MOOKK. DI'I'P Ml'.KKICK. rilOKUK MKKKIC'K. ' Attor.a-.vs and Councilors at Law. mmmm "social attention given to collection of CX"T..crship docs not extend to prnHieein Buncombe manor Court. ' I. MKKKIMON, Attorney ami Counsellors at Law. I'rncticc iu all the courts. ..!,,,: Olliee: Nor. 7 all.l H, Johnston building disc liKU. A. siiuroKii. W. '. JONKS. WIlNliS & SlIl'l'OKII. Attorneys ut Law, AshcviUc. N. C. I'ruetio in the Superior Courts ol North Carolina, y""?" rA.hevlllc M,".me"rn Johnston hUnK here one nun, ber of the firm can alwuys l.e fouml. dluovll J A. THNNBNT, Architect and Contractor. ,u unit estimates lur nih! il. ' All work in my line e anil no charges for drawings awarded me. , . , Kelerenees when lcsl.c.l. Olliee: No. 12 Hendry Hluck, intruded for, on eontrads North Court liliHidl v square. Asncvim-. .- 11. II. . DOUGLASS. U. II. S. NO. 24 SOUTH MAIN ST., OENTAL KOOMS, . Over OruiH .V WiiiKcrt's Residence. NotlH llailey St Mug Store. fclil'Hlly ,i n ki:kvi:s. ii. U.S. H K. SMITH, U. U.S. - On. Reeves & SinitU. dkntai. i 1 Cwaijlly UuildillK. er Redwi ill's Store. l cel4iiradeil without iain, with tlienew esi,eS!,.mlull cases of irregularity cor- jM'fteil. . . ' JJ P. UUKGiN, M. U- oi'fici: t , T- ... conn. .f-Ollll it MISKK1MON. New Grand Central Building, over Clothing Store. i-'! tcl17dlm 1IIB US F. KAMSAY, I. U.S. Dental In Bnniarrt lluil.linK-lintrauees, Avenue and Main Street. fcbliOdlv J. V. ROIJLINi, Veterinary Surgeon, ASIIIiVILLU, N. C Will iirwiiiv in the town and surrounding ,,"11. have seii-utilic horseshoeing Juoue. Olliee ill Col. Kay's stables. juir, d:iw Dr. Krank Harvey, Veterinary Surgeon. Ollit c at Sevier's Stable. ResWence with Mr. Natt Atkinson, Jr., No. JJ11 Haywood street. julLT d I 'Jin JjBTHI'R M- 1'lliLI'. graduate Optician, Main Street. "All meehanleal ular defects of the eye eor- recleo. Hours for examination 5 p. in. i 12 a. m.. 2 to jlll'.l iltl DENTISTRY. The undeisiKileil linvinR resunieii praetiee of luntislry in Ashiville, resiieetfully tenders his urofessional services to thepulilic l-'illinK teeth and treati.lK diseased riuiis spe einltics. Loeul anasthetic to prevent pain .applied when desired. Olliee rooms on Patton .Avenue, one door -..ul ..1 I'iim iv'h leweirv sioie, w.,n. ... anerly oeeuiiied. "B. I'. AKKINOTON. julll dtf THE ASHEVILLE LIBRARY ASSOCIATION, Xiximi on Main street, opposite the posl ulliee. I li .11 ilnily, .Mepl Sundays, from 111 n. in. until 1 P- in-, and .r :io until 7..'U I", in. The terms of suliseription are: One year $2; mos., $l.r.ll; :i mi., $1 : 1 nio.. r.Oels.; dailv li ets. iltliivrs for ISK'.i President, K. K. knwls, Vice-President. Charles W. Woolsey; Siciind Treas., U. S. Watson: Librarian. Miss v.. J. Citizens and visitors arc cordially invited inHiM'et the eatuloiriie nail inseriiie men names as members. I'ehSdtf jlll eyes fitted and lit Buarnnteed. A com eU' stock of the above (jords at CHANT'S ORUG STORE, !U BOl'TH MAIN 8TRHUT. Oculists' prescriptions a sisvinity. frhCT.lnoi ranydralm luu tlx Shoos without nam. and r. ibe bottom, put bim down as W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE GENTLEMEN. Best In thn world. Ksamln his 1.00 tiKNIIINK II.NI-SKVK1 NHOB. 4.IM1 HANI-MKWK.I) lVI'.I.T SHOK. t.flO POI.IOK AM) KAKlWKltS' SIIOB. 3.50 KXTKA VALI'I! ' HJ' MIOK. W)HKINGU."'.S " 1 .00 and 1.1.1 I'.l '..-,' All usde Iu Coimri 1 W. L. DQV 83 SHOE Beat Malarial. Brst f 11 awl sold br ynur dester, W. I DOUOLAS, 1 i. iHon ' IJK 8. -n AB3. Examine W. I.. IIi.hk.hs li.oo ajhoes for Gentlemen and Iadiea). For sale bv HERRING & WEAVER, SO South Main Street, AsheviUe, N. C junl9dly 'TttiMyT il-'"-' - ' si BlTglNKMH AND PLKMUmE. private Board. For first-class bond, at reasonable terms, npplv to Mrs. F. E. Hrecse, corner College and" Spruce streets. Whlip f'.lwml has siirncd and the Sioux treaty now stands more than n wium oi a show. Terrible Forewnrnl.ms. Couuli. in the moraine hurried or dilli- eull breathinn, raising phlegm, tiKliliicss iu the chest, iiickcncil pulse, cnunness in th.. nvi.oimr i.r swen Is at tiiulit. a'.lorany of these things are the first stages of con sumption. Acker's English Cough Rem edy will cure these learlul symptoms, aim is sold under a jK.sitive guarantee. Ieli.rnlawl w Quicksilver is food for reflection only when it is served on the back of a looking-glass. Siecial sales of sheetings, towels, doy lies, lawns, cambrics, dress linings, trim mings of all kinds lielow cost, at Wlnt lock's. A buy-word "How much ?" Fur lame back, sideorchest, use Sliiloh's Porous Plaster. Price cents. SHlLOH'S COUGH and Consumption Cure is sold by us on a guarantee. It cures Consumption. The man who mows his hay on Sun day is generally cut by his neighbors. Persons .olvanced in years feel younger anil stronger, as well as freer from the infirmities of age, by taking Ur. J. II. McUan's Sarsaparilla. For saW liy I-. I. Jacobs. Gossip reminds us of a high building. Only one story out ol a dozen rests on a Inundation. Ladies will find it to their interest to buy tine goods Ijcluw cost at Whitlock's. Scissors grinders do not complain of dull limes. JSasal Calarrli Is a dantrcrotiK disease. From its ten- dcucv to extend to the throat, bronchial lubes, and finally to involve the lungs in coiiKiimnlive diseases, it should be promptly cured, that these grave dangers mav lie averted. So confident arc the inantifacturers of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Ke.ncdv of their ability to cope success fully with this very prevalent disease, 1 h.i'l tlicc have for vears otlcred, in good faith, $.100 reward' for a ease of catarrh, no matter how bail or ol now many vears standing, which they cannot cure. "Remedy onlv 50 cents, 'iy druggists. Robert Itrowning's verse always was oncer, and now he gives us Fitz in his i pot try. All v Is must lie sold to make room for clothing. Corsets, underwear, but tons, zciihvrs. hosiery, liaiiclkcrchicl! and gloves' will lie sold, regardless of cost, at Whitlock's. The confectioner is the fellow who can be relied upon tor candied criticism. ;ive tlie Clilldreu a Chance. There is something radically wrong with the health of a child when it seems liui less, has noor or no appetite, eyes uioilico :i ml with dark skin licneath. In most cases showing these symptoms the child has worms, and all that it needs is vi itue simple reined v . such as 1 1 art 's Worm Cream, to expel the worms, anil the child will soon be ill perfect health again. Pa rents, try it and let your little ones have a lair cliancc lor inc. Inst now the nuifilists who took part in (he late nrizc-fii-'ht are giving blow for blow. No liniment is m better repute or more widely known than Dr. J. H. McU'an's Volcanic Oil Liniment. It is a wonder ful remedy. For sale by F. L.Jacobs. The people who sav this summer has been a very comfortable one are not land lords of seaside hotels. Special bargain week at Whitlock's. A useful society The policeman's club Better Than Suicide. Professor Arnold savs: "An incurable dysieplie is justified iu committing sui cide. We will guarantee to cure any dys peptic within three months by Acker's liniilish Dvsncptic Tablets. I'cb5dawlw f-fc The man who mows his hay on Sun day is generally cut by his neighbors. Summer clothing at reduced rates to make room lor tall goods, at WhitlocK s, A rising joker The boy who bends a pin and inadvertently sits down on it himself. Manv i.joplc habitually endure a feel ing ol lassitude, because they think they have to, II they would take Dr. J. McLean's Sarsaparilla this teeling weariness would give place to vigor and vitality. For sale liy f. L. j aeons. Itoulanger's name will soon lie Siclled lloulouiiger, tor he is likely to be out of a lob. lluckleii'n Arnica Halve. 1'hc lst sitlvc iu the world for cuts Io nises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, leve sores, tetter, enapiieu nanus, ciiiioi,iiu, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi lively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give pcriecisaiisiacuoii or money refunded. Price 25 cents pci box. For sale by P. I. lacobs. daw So far as the lichriiiL' Sea is concerned I'neleSam assumes to lie Keeper of the Great Seals. The First SymptoiliH of Heath Tired fcelillL'. dull headache, pains various uurts of the bodv, sinking at the pit of the stomach, loss of appetite, lever islmcss, iiimples or sores, arc nil positive evidence of poisoned blood. No matter how it became lwisoned it must Ik- liuri- lied to avoid death. Acker's English lllood Elixir has never failed to remove scrofulous or syphilitic poisons. Sold un- tier jMisitivc guarantee. fcbGdawlw It a big man in knee-panties feels as silly as he looks it's a wonder be doesn't K'BK'e- A Hcrnn of Paper Haves Her Life, It was just an ordinary scrap of wrap J .... . i.- i:r- cl.. iinir luiiier. put 11. savvo .It. lilt, .ov . in tin- last stages of consumption. fold hv phvsiciaus that she was incurable and could live only a short time; she weighed less limit seventy Miunds. On a ,inf nf wrniioinir naiK-r she rcadofllr. King's New Discovery, and got a sample bottle; it bellied ner, sue in.giii a uiryc i.nL. ;r helped her more, bough .iiiiiiliernnd irrew lietter fast, continued ;i nsp mid is now strong, healthy, rosy iilniiio. wcitrhim: 10 pounds. For fuller particulars send stamp to V. II. Cole, dnurmst. Fort Smith. Trial bottles ol this wonderful Discovery Free at F, Jacobs' drugstore. . Wisdom does not always come in the yellow leaf, but you'll generally find it in the seer One of Dr. J. H. McUan's Little Liver and Kidnev Pillets, taken nt night before going to bed, will move the bowels; the ellect will astonisn you. rur uic uy , L. Jacobs, THAT HACKING COUGH can lie so quickly cured by Sliiloh's Cure. We guarantee it. WILL VUU OUrriVK Will. lJS mm and Liver Complaint? Sliiloh's Vitahzer is guaranteed to cure you. A man may not be afraid of danger, but he looks down in the mouth when he prepares to descend into a mine. SLEEPI-liSS NIGHTS, made miserable bv that terrible cough. Sliiloh's Cure is the remedy for vim. CATARRH CURED, health and sweel breath secured, by Sliiloh's Catarrh Remedv. Price 50 cents. Nasal Injector free by T. C. Smith & Co. "People live to a great age now, do thev not, doctor?" "Yes; but don't in dulge iu false hoiK'S. They arc usually men of brains." no Not Sutler Any Longer. k'tmwhiL' that a cough can lie checked in a day, and the first stagesol consump. tion broken in a week, we ncrcny guaran tee Acker's Emrlish Cough Remedy anil will refund the money to all who buy, take it as per directions, and do not find ur statement correct. Icbiidawl w A woman who has recently returned hum a summer boarding house, says sue nine back to the city to get plenty of fresh milk and eggs. Special sales week at Whitlock's. New Haehelor of Arts "Why is it, Professor, that these exercises are ealleii 'commencements ." " Prolessor llecause ii a tew short months you young men II commence to know your busin 'ss. Knpepsy. This is what you ought to have, iu fact, on must have it, to hilly enjoy inc. liouiauds are searching lor it daily, ami mourning liccause they find it not. Thou- nds upon thousands ol ciouars are sicnt annually by our people in the noic that thev may attain tins noon, mm yee it may lie had by all. We guarantee that lectric Hitters, it uscci according to ui- rcetions and the use nersislcd in, will bring you Good Digestion and oust the demon Dyspepsia and install instead Eu- K'psv. We recommend Llcetne Hitters for Dysiieiisia and all diseases ol Liver, Stomach and Kidneys. Sold at 50c. and $1 per bottle at F. L. Jacobs' drugstore. "Why do you pass me the largest ears il corn, sonny r ' nccausc lamer sum esterday that you were ! member of he long-eared fraternity." SHlLOH'S VITALIZE! is what you need for Constipation, Loss of Apietite, Dizziness, and nilnymjiioinsoiwyspcpsia. Price 10 and 75 cents iier bottle, CROUP, WHOOPING COUGH and llronchitis immediately relieved uy Sliiloh's Cure. "Did you have a good time at the ;ernianpicnic, Pat?" "liegorra, I did mt. Thev gave me sonic iiimoago hcesc to ate, and it almost tuk me iic.i th away." Pimplci boils and other humors, arc appear when the blood gets liable to licnied. The best remedy is Dr. I. II. McLean's Sars;t)arilla, For sale by F. L. Jacobs. The man with badly formed limbs should learn the art of padding licfore he tteuips to wear knickerbockers, titlier- wise tnegiris will not icaye nun u icg w stand upon, The tetter board of life goes up, The tetter board of life goes down." 1'p and down, up and down one day a millionaire, next day "dead broke" one lay buoyant in spirits, next day gloomy is'a frog one day iu seeming perfect health, next day "laid out" with a bilious Hack or vour stomach on a strike. This is the wnv the world wags nowa- lays. II you are bilious, melancholic, lizv headed, dyspeptic, want apiietitc or have torpid action of liver, kidneys or bowels, take Dr. I'icrce s ricasani relicts -purely vegetable, pertcctly Harmless; nc a dose. A ship goes down when it strikes the mens; a Ptisiness concern wuei. u doesn't. LEMON ELIXIR. A I'l.KASANT 1.H.MON IIK1NK. For biliousness and constipation, take Lemon Elixir. For indigestion and foul stomach, take ICinon Elixir. For sick and nervous headaches, take U'timu Elixir. For sleeplessness and nervousness, take Ix'tnon Elixir. For loss ol apiietile and debility, take Lemon Elixir. For fevers, chills and malaria, take Lemon Elixir. U nion Elixir will not tail vou in any ol the above diseases, allol wluchariselroni torpid or diseased liver, stomach, kid neys, liowe s or lllood. rrepared nim by Dk. II. Mozi.kv, Atlanta, (la. 50c. and $1 per bottle. Sold by drug gists. A I'ROMINHNT MINISTliK WHITES: After ten vears of great suffering from inditrestion. with great nervous prosir." tion, biliousness, disordered kidneys ami instillation, 1 have lieeu cured by Dr. Mozlcv s Lemon Elixir, and am now ii well man. Rev. C. C. Davis, Elder M. E Church, South. No. US Tatnall St., Atlanta, (la t prat dtoc21 th stt Presents in the most elegant form THE LAXATIVE and NUTRITIOUS JUIOE OF THI FIGS OF CALIFORNIA, Combined with the medicinal virtues of plants known to be mast Ijeneficial . to the human ystem, forming an agreeable and effective laxative to perma nently cure Habitual Consti pation, and the many ills de pending on a weak or inactive rendition of the XIDNEYS. LIVER AND BOWELS. It ii the most excellent remedy known to CUAMSe THESrSTEM EFFECTUALLY When one is Bilious or Constipated SO THAT PURE BLOOD, RIFRtiHINO SLIEP. HEALTH and TRINOTH NATURALLY FOLLOW. Every one Is using it and all are delighted with it sx rotrn ORuaourr SOR ervxiTTF ox fioh MANUFACTURED ONLY BY CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. 8AH nAMCISCO, CAU 10UISYIUI. KT HW rORK. ft A Hnheinlan Hashery. ,rv71iat is a Bohemian restaurant?" The question was asked in my pres ence by a fair young girl wnosp knowledge of restaurante was ton fined to Dclnionico's and the Savarin. with, perhaps, an occasional dinner ut the Brunswick. Her companion proceed ed to explain. He was u clover writer on a morning paper, and had been do ing newspaper work for a number of years. IIo had experienced the usual ups and downs of such a life, and al though he is now making a haiid.sonio income, ho clings to his bohemian habits, and haunts certain restaurants where lie is sure of linding some con genial friend with whom he can enjoy his dinner and bottle of wine. Some what amused at this unless question from a woman not many years young er than himself, he proceeded to ex plain thut such a restaurant would probably not be found on Fifth avenuo, and his"fuvorite haunts were not even on Broadway. When she had fully di gested this ho further remarked that he had never met any of the so-called "four Hundred" at any of these places. Slio was curious to know in what street such delectable resorts were located, and what class of peoplo frequented them. Ho must havodrawn an attractive picture, for she expressed a desire to penetrate into ono of them a desire so eager that tie was com pelled to prop n so that it should bo gra tilled. And so, a few nights later, the bo hemian habitues of a certain little, basemcut restaurant, in an u ifashkm able street downtown, were startled by the apppearnnco of a group of ten gay men and women, who occupied the Inrgcst tablo and hud the iolliest time of any group assembled there. The men wore even ing dress, and the girls anil their chaperone woro gay dresses and new spring bonnets. Of course, a little something extra was ordered for the dinner by the enterprising newspaper man, anil it wus voted nn exceedingly good dinner. New York Star. Chinese Uorrora. Tho Peking Gazette 'jives a horrible story from ttio olliciul report of tho governor of Yunnan of tiio burningto death of a farmer of that iirovinco for stealing an ear of com. It seems that (luring- tho Yunnan rebellion a law was passed junking thefts of corn fruits in tho field an olfunso puiiish- nblo py burning to death, the vic tim's relatives were required to sign a document declaring they agreed to the penalty, and woro torced to iglt tho lire to oar them from bringing a dum- ago suit. Tins horrible praotico tho authorities havo tried to extirpate, but vuinly. A tew months ago in liar vest tuno, a farmer named Pentf Cltuo Slieng, while going to watch his field, iluckeu an ear oi corn from a neigti lor's field. IIo was seen and being shouted at dropped the corn. The matter was referred to tho owner of tho Held, and he, with his tenant. seized Peng aiitl demanded the death penalty. Peng's mother olrored to iiuiko restitution by forfeiting ull lier property, but this was refused. Sho wits torceu to givo her written consent under threats of death, ant was ac tually mado to light tho fieaj) of brush wooilond witness tho terribjo drinar agonies of lier son. As soon as she could eseapo slio reported tho crimo to tho authorities, tho two men were urrested and triod. Tho landlord was punished by tlio lingering process that is, his llesh was hacked with knives until ho slowly expired in awful torment, the farmer, who lost tho car of corn, being beheaded. Thero is no question of these facts, as tho report is ollicial. San Francisco Chronicle. The Sagacity of Oien. Oxen do not in an ordinary wny givo ono tlio impression of possessing any great degree of intelligence, liut my correspondent, "Ex -Colonist," tolls mil that m ono respect, at least, the trek oxen, so larcrely employed at tlio Capo os a substitute for horses, have the inestimable advantage, over the latter of not requiring to bo hobbled when turned loose at night forgraz ing: and that if, as is sometimes the case, they stray away front camp to tho distance ol a nnlo or more, their drivers can easily recall them tho next morning when it is time to get under way, by tho simple expedient of a few good sounding cracks of their enor mous stock whips. "Having regard,'' my correspondent adds, to tho trou ble I have before now experienced in capturing a thoroughly wideawake ponv who is allowed to lie out at grass during tho summer, and is ouly taken un when ho is wanted to do a short journey to the station or elsewhere. 1 have often earnestly desired that liis intelligence was equal to that of a trek ox. flly correspondent seems to ig nore the fact that tho pony is proba bly bv far tho cutest of tlio two. lie thinks it out, I tako it: the trek ox's ii.- .1 i.:i. iitieuigeiieo uwa not soar bu uigu. London torting News. Monkeys ami Snakes. It is a curious fact that monkeys, who havo an intense instinctivo dread of snakes, would seem from experi ments in zoological gardens to be stramrelv attracted to them. An Amer ican observer. A. E. Brown, coiled a dead suako in a newspaper, so us to bo easily cupauio oi coming iooso, unu set it on tlio floor of a cago containing a flrreat variety of monkeys. It was instantly carried off by a leading spirit, but in a few seconds tho paper becamo unfolded and tho snake wilscx poscd. Tho monkey instantly dropped Ft and went awny, but with a constant look behind. Thoother monkeys, per coiving tho snake, approached step by step and formed a circle around it six or eicht feet in diameter. None np- proached it except one Macaque, who cautiously mauo some snaicnes ai me paper. At this moment a string which had been attached to tho snake's tail was gen'.ly pulled; tho monkeys tied precipitately, with great chattering mid screaminir. Borne time after tlioy gradually returned to their former posiiiou, ana luey conunuea inis pro cedure for some hours, showing both intolerable fear and a strange attrac tion. Murray's Magazine. BROOM FACTORY. UANFOAD N. LOCKWOOU HAND-MADB Brooms, Whisks, Hearth and Celling Brooms. Mill and Fnetory jrrndes a specialty. Quo tations and samples tree, leblbdly POR RENT. From two to six bed moms, fully furnished and usual attention, with or without Doara lliirh loentiun. excellent water. For terms applv to au7 dtl 158 CHESTNUT STREET. REAL ESTATE. WAI.TKK II. tiWVN, W. W. WHST. GVVYN & WEST, (Successors to Winter B.Gwyn) ESTABLISHED 1881 HEFER TO BANK OF ASHEVILLE. REAL ESTATE. Loans Securely Placed al 8 Per Cent. Nntury I'tihlic. CfitntnisHionci'H oH teals. FIRE INSURANCE. OI-'FIl'K-HoutlieaHt Court Hiiuare. D. S. WATSON, Real Estate Agent, (Not a SKculator.) I'or Sale A lura' amount "f vulitalilc Cil.v ntpcrty, improved ami unimproved. Pur Sale Sonic fine farmitiK lands ; also, m Iter and mineral lands. I can secure fur parties buying City Lots from me money to improve the same on most reasonable terms! Money to loan on pMul city anil country tropcrty ! iMlicc hours: l-'nnn H to 0. I. H. WATSON, SiUithcast Corner Court Square, Aslieville, N. C. may'Ji dtf Wnt. M. Cocke, Jr., 1EALESTATE ANDMINERALBROKER, AMlievillc, N. C. Cim sell yim one niillimi uoris of luiiil, in r,-ict from nil to inn, immi luris. Huvl' n iiinlur ol' city lots, iiiiinivtil nnil uiiim- ivi-il, w liii-li I cun sull nn the lust of Urnin. ou wont 11 Inrm- or small fnnn I'll" o" nic. f vol! want nllneriils urnpy Kinil, yuu nreo ii fuvtlK-r. If you want timber Inmls, his is luniliiiarters. In fuel 1 cun suit you ii :injiliiig you waul in niy Mm'. ScrviiTi, of u rtrst eluss elvil enKlneer anil irnt'tll-ill surveyor en.miuell to show up all properly when reipiireil. I have hail tilleen curs' experience in the real estate business, nil think I know what will please, rronipt Mention to all inquiries. teb4ill v OKTLANIl IlUllS., Real Estate llrokcrs, And t Investment s Agents. Illiees: No. 511 South Main st Seeoilil lloor fehliilly INSURANCE. jIKU 1NSIKANC1!. "1HE. LIFE. ACCIDENT. PULLLAM & CO. At the Hank ol Asflu-villc, ASHIiVIU..;, N. C. Kvpirwiit the fullnwiiiK einnpanks, viz. : PIKH. CASH ASSKTS IN I'. S. Anjilo Nevmln, ufCnhhirnia J.m7,.t.t Limtiiuiital, if New Yonl ..K7.ri,.ia:i Iliin.liurK-l.rcintii.ol (.ertnany i . i -";p,"h i iHlon AssurniU't', in r.nniaini ,.-t-.i. Niagara, nl New York j.j.j..i- if 1'iit itt i arttiini i,.mh,.hf Phn-iiiK.nl ltrouklvtl ;,u;i,i;i St. Paul Fire ami Marine, ot Aim- Suutlurn. oi New Orleans Western, ui Toronto , w.t Mutual Aeenient Assueiaiiun. .1-;tna Kile liisuranee Company. dtinar2l Canli ANetHt 100.000,000 Another Advance ON THE PART OF THE EQUITABLE. A NEW 1'lll.lCY, Wllll.il, l.l Kit, l iiakis UK A FT, IS A SIMPLE PROMISE TO PAY. vii l iiNlllTIONS WHATEVER ON Till'. HACK. I. Monroe, Ajt., Ashevill felil! -, N. C. tilllin Olliee with ludue Aston rjno Till! PI'HI.IC. rln- uiulersiuned mav lit- found in Shank s ni-w huililinu one door west ol J. I-. Wnoil l.nrv's sliilik-.. on ColU-Ke strest. 1 hey arc ..r...-.n.,l i,. iiiiiuiil'iieture elirrinues, litiKiries. ii-..(itt mill nil vliiiiiu eire nun ; :.. i n..- iiiiirini; nno norse-MioeniK mi. i.,,.. I i,,l u'.tuli ie 11 enseo lo reeenv i iiip.iiii share ol introiiKe. SntislHClion K'inr.-iiiieeii jllKt lllilll I'll.'. 1. ' I 11 .X uonnsi'' sy E. WOLFE. PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL PLASTERER. All lrlmlB nfnIHP1ll U'lllli lllllie. lohliiuK nnd kalsomininK iironiptly ot- tended to. Mesidencc. Clnvtoll St. Orders enn lie left with V. H. Westnll : Co. len-.iiu.m WM. R. PE l'KOrKIUTOK OK THE ASHEVILLE BRICK WORKS, Abbeville, N. C. I", u. Ilox I. liinrl3clly J.W. ROBERTSON, CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER, MOKOANTON, N. C. MANUFACTURES ALL KINDS OF DRESSED LUMBER. INSlllli FINISH in (Jmin Anne iiml ull styles now in use. Mouldings of various kinds. Can comiicte in prices with any manufact urer In the South. jul'JO dim MISCELLANEOUS. 5.000 : 15,000 ZZZi COMMENCING MONDAY, JULY 22, WE WILL, $15,000 WORTH OF DRY GOODS AT COST IFORj3ASH& CHANGE OF BUSINESS. Goods Must be Sold to Make Room for Our Fall Stock of Clothing and Gents' Kurisishiiis. The liiitlies of Aslieville will b.H'o,,nus in Fine (Soods, consisting; of 5Inck and Dress (ioods, White Coods in .Mull, Linens, Linen ("nnibric, Striped nnd Lisle mid Silk Gloves, Kibbons of nil kinds, Laces, Iliinihur",' nnd Swiss Muslins, a lare lions, Dress, l'earl and t'rochet I5uttons, (iennnntown, SI let hind nnd Saxony Yarn, Zephyr 5c. per oz., Silk Em broidery Miitei'inl, Pride West Wnnisutta and Fruit Loom Pleached Domestic, Table Linens, Napkins and Towels. Warner's Health Corsets, .f 1.00 Warner's Coraliue Corsets, .80 Thotnsou's Glove-Fitting Corsets, .UH A 75c. Corset for 55c. A 50c. Corset for '15c. Ladies' and Misses' Hose, Straw Hats at any price. Many more 'oods which will OUR CLOTHING s too small for our growing move Hie I lolliing-1111.0 ine Whitlock's Dry (ioods Store, isive (it'iillenien's Outfitting to close out the entire stock of Fancy (ioods at wholesale or as quickly as possible. Very A. WHITLOCK. BRICK ! BRICK ! l-'o K SALE UY - GIRDWOOD & I.EE, Proprietors Buncombe : Brick x and : Tile : Company, ASIIKVILLi:, n. c. p. o. mix :ti.-(. "THE I'ur the reception uf pntit-iits sulTtriiiK of tliseast-s oI Iimius and throat, and conducted upon the plan ol thes.iiiittiriii-s al ('.a-i lici sdorl iind I-'alkensteiti in Ger many. Ours is the only such institution in the United States, and endorsed by the leadins niemlicrs of the medical profession. Terms reasonable. KARL VON KUCK, It. S., M. I). THE CAROLINA SALOON, Han the Finest and Largest Stock ol WHISKIES, : BRANDIES : AND WINES, liver Brought to Aslieville. I'urlks ivisl.i.iK a kuuiI urtk-lc for fiuuilj- ur otluriuriosis, will lind it to their Interest to yivo me u call. Kt-sncctlully, Frank O'Donnell, Prop'r. imiKtldly BOUIS & BROTHERTON, I'KACTICAL Plumbers & Tinners. I'l.l'M IIING, STliAM AMI CAS l-'ITTlNtl, TIN AN1I SLATB KOtlFINll. Furnaees) and Heaters. Jobbing Promptly : : Attended 10. 22 Patton Avenue, Basement. jul:t.l ilN:wl V j.c7i5iiT6wN MERCHANT TAILOR, 25 Patton Avenue, tNcxt to Grund Central Hotel.) aprlfdly TLANTIC COAST L1NB on nnd i.ftt-r this date the following sched ules will lie run over its "Columbia llivisiou." No. 63 l.cavcs Columbia B.Iill p. m Arrives atCharleston 8.30 p. m. No. o2 leaves Charleston 7.10 a. m. Arrives atColumbia ll.f5 a. m. Connecting with trains to and from all points on the Charlotte, Columbia & Au gusta and Columbia & Greenville Kailroads. Daily. T. M. KMEKSON, Gen. Pass. Agt. J. F. DUV1NB, Gen. Suut. 15.000 OFFER liud this 1 r.in; rhanrx'tobuy Colored Persian Lawn, India IMaid Muslins, Kid, best quality stock of No- a large stock. require an inspection. DEPARTMENT trade;, and we havedecided to coi ner siore, now kiiowii as in order to establish an ex- liusiness. We are compelled Dry (ioods, Millinery and retail. We wish to do this respectfully, BRICK ! jul'JG d3tn WINYAH SANITARIUM, " ASHEVILLE, N. C. A. D. COOPER, Groceries. We presume Aslieville has more comments passed upon it than any other city in the State. They say "Nucll elegant iiuiiiiiiik". such tine houses, nnd such splendid food." Hotels, boarding houses and private families arc often asked by their visitors "Where do you get flour to mnke such elegant bread ? "Why, at Cooper's, where the best or every thing can lie had in the way of (.rocer.es." Our aim is to furnish the purest and liest goods for the lenst money, to wage bitter war against all adulterations or food prod nets and never buy cheap groceries for the purpose of selling below cost. Schedule Street Railway. To take effect Friday, March 1. at 6.30a. m. Car leaves Court House B.30 a. m. .. 7.l .. ' H.lH) " i. " 9.IHI " From then till 7 p. m. car leaves court house every .'lo minutes. Also, car leaves court house at 8.00 p. m. and M (Hi p. m. FARB. FIVB CBNTS. FITS Cl'KBU BY OLD SFBC1AL1ST FHYSILIAN. Rottle of medicine Free. We war rant our remedy to cure the worst cases, nnd the only physicians who do this to prevent vour oe.ng impiiBni "l"'" "J using false mimes and who are not Doctors. Because others failed is no reasor for not using this medicine. Give Express and Post offii address. It costs yon nothing. Addtesa Asahel Medical Bureau, 21 Broadway, New York. ian'J7dwlT p OR 8ALB. A pair of fine Mules, kind, and good work ers; also wagon and double harness. Apply o C.J. McCAPB. 34 Grove St.

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