THE DAILY CITIZEN Will be published every morning (except Mon day) at the fallowing rate strictly cash: One Year " Six Month S.iiO Three Mont hi l.fll One Month B0 One Week 1 s Our carriers will deliver the pnicr every morning in every part of the city to our sub scribers, and parties wanting it will please rail at the Citizen Office. New AdvertlHemeuU. Lout This Office. Wanted Nndeshda Farm. Countrv Board K. L. I.uthcr. Racket Store Ceo. T. Jones .It Co. Packard's Shoes H. Redwood A: Co. Masquerade Cnrnival Ray's Wurchotisc. At I.aWsj, on Main Street, You can find now a verv full stork of china and glass, silver and cutlery, ami, in fact, cvcrvtliintr for table use. Some remarkably low prices arc now offered on knives, forks ami spoons. The calcium lamp is still in the lend. It is the Ik-sI lamp made, and is priced very low. Try one. It is not good that rcK'ls or evil that attracts, hut the monotony of good and the variety ot evil. Railroad Ticket. Hought, sold and exchanged. All trans actions guaranteed. Keliahlc informa tion checi t'ullv furnished. Office removed to Grand Central Hotel. W. M. Cl.AKKU. HAHKKT8 HV TKLKVRAPH, Money and tsecuritleH Cotton -lrovlHionH and Produce. UO.NKV A N II KKCI'KITIKS. NKW Vokk, Au. lo. lixellange dull lutt steady. Money easy, all loans nt .'I. Sub-Trcimurv bulam-t's llohl, $1", l-.l'nr,,-ooo; currency, SUl.l'.'ll'.ntH I. Covcrnmcnt bonds, dull Inlt steady I per cents, $I.1'H; 4.1s, rt cents, $1.oc,'H. State bonds neglected. Ala. Class A L'a.l mat 9N 1 1 I'm', lstmor !lo"' .llo N. V. Central ...loin, r.a. 7s, mort rHi'4N. ,V W pal ."1 N. C. Cons.. s..lL'i (Northern i'ac. N. C. Cons.. s '.ul'ajN. I', pl'd l7i S. C Hrovn's...lO-' ll'adtk-Mail .'I.V., Tenn. lis inlit.Kc.itliiiK ?,K Tenn. lis l'l jRich. Ar Alle -'2 Tenn. Set., , 'Is 7:1 K. . W. Point.. a:i'-4 Virginia lis 4S 'Kock Island .Hi , Virginia Cons... :tf St. I'aul North western ...I IM.1,1 do pfd ll'Jl4 do pal ...14.1 Ilex. Pacific 1MI. Pel it Lack I t.1i4Tcnii Coal.S; Iron .'l'.l, Krie 1!7 I'tlion Pacific Ill7 Hast Tenn Ill s. J. Central...! I a l.uke Shore lo:t"H:Mo. Pacific 7'-.. I.ou. fli Nash i;V, W estern I'uion H3U Mem. & Char... liL' IColtoa-sccd nil Mob. it-Ohio ia4 Certificates n:il, Nush. it Chat... llti illrunswick IM'-.. Asked. COTTON. Nrv Yoiik. Auk- 111. Cotton piiet. Sales to-day 77 hales; uiidilliti uplands ll.Vlti; middling Orleans 1 1 'J-lo. Total m-t receipt at all ports to-dav 117. Kxpnrt. to Great ltrituin 1o:t. Slock '.in, 71 7 bales NkwYokk. Au. lo. Cotton Net rei-eipts O;nross.ri 1'utures closed iUiet. Sales 21:. lion bales. Auk lo..rHalo.r,oil"eb lo.l I5alil.ini Sept 1 II. .'Uiilo.ajl March lo 1 lalll.l '-' Oct 1 il. 1 4a 1 "lo! April lo. 17a HI. is Nov li.lii!Mav lil.LTiam.l;r. lec !l.lHlunc lii.:ilalll.:ia Jan ID. in lalo.llli Klcclrin wires siem to Ih-(if such iiick temi)erel mettle that it is danucriius ti cross tin: m. At the seaside the wild waves are snv "ig histcr the whole day long. SiX'ial bargain week. Heginniiig Mini (lay, migusi parasols, tans, eniliniid cries, laves, dress goods, 1(1 ier cent. In. low cost, at Whitlock's. " rliat s stuff, said the editor, as he handed the poem hack. "That'stough, said the poet, as he turned sorrowfully awav. Special bargain week at Whitlock's Millinery trimmed and iinlrinnncd, rib bons, velvets and plushes ten jar cent lie low cost. it seems inmost iiicrciiiinc a man should he prosecuted m I'hiladelpliia for marrving Ins mother-in-law. In most States the crime would lie held conclusi vely to carry its own punishment with it. ParentH Criminally Liable. More than half of all deaths occur lie f'orc six years of age. An annv of inno cent, lovely children arc swept needlessly awny each year. Parents are criminally responsible for this. The death rale ol children in I'.ngland is less than half this. Acker s r.ngbsli ltabv Soother has done more to In ing this about than all othci causes combined. You cannot afford li In? without it. Heat usually expands things, but it makes an undershirt seem small. Tell the good news lo the sulVcring At last is a remedy found, Which might have saved, had they known it, Many wlio'rc under the ground. Tell of the "Favorite Prescription," Hid hotielcss women be glad Hear the good news to poor creatures, Heart-sick, discouraged and sail. "I'cinale diseases," so terrible in their eflccls, and so pri'Viitcnt itiiottjj till I'tassts, c;in lc cum I hy tlic use ot Ih Pierce s I-avontc Prescription. "What do von think of the I.allet-C.irl Trust, Mile. Pns-Scul?" "Oh, I'm not kicking," remarked the retired nymph. -Cotton 1 1 ; it (Iai.vkston, Auk- 1" rmriptK ,t;i. Norfolk, Auk. 10. Cotton stcmly CCtHS o. IUl.TlMomt, Auk- 10. Cotton (iiict, t1i;;i 1 1 receipts O. Boston, Auk- !. Cotton uirt, 1 l'Ual 1 1 B; reeripts n Wilmincton, N. C, Auk. 1". Cotton iniivt. 1 1 V4; receipts o. I'Hii.AitKi.riUA, Auk- lo Cotton tirm, 1 l'o. reeeiptsO. Savannah, Auk- lo Cotton nominal, lo"-v. receipts o. Nkw i iki.kans. Auk. H. Cotton steady, 1 1 ; receipts Momii.k, Auk- lo. Cuttou nominal, 1(1'; receipts o. MKyt'ius, Auk- lo. Cotton quiet, lo.'4; receipts- r. Aeta-STA, Auk- lo Cotton linn, 1 1 ; receipt. Chaki.kston, Auk- lo. Cotton nominal, 10'f,; receipts). KOVIKloNS AND I'HiilHil!. Cincinnati, Auk in, Flour tpiict. Wheat in fair demand No. a red 7iia77. Corn stronK No. H mixed .'tK. (Nits active hut Ihwer No. '2 mixed old U4; new L'oia'j'j I'ork niiift U.:i7'a l.anl less a-tive (. 1 ... Hulk meats in liKlit demand. H.i(.n quiet Whiske.v active 1 .02. Chicago, Auk- in. Cash (imitations to-dn were an follows: Flour quiet. heat No 'J red (h- Corn No. 'J .'lot. Oats No. - 111' r. Mess pi.rk lo.oo. I.ard (,:i7 ' auti.-(.o. Short rihs Ti f-oa.").."o. Whiskev 1 ,(iy. Nkw York, Aiir. lo. Southern thuirdull Wheat dull and weak new No. 2 red i.3;isii. Corn moderately active and steady No. 1' 4-:i.-j. Oats duli and steady AiiKiist J(iiB. Coffee Sept 1 o.LTna 1 SuKrrav nom inal. Molasses nominal. Kiee steady. I'e troleum steady retined here 7.4-o. Cotton seed oil steady. Turpentine tirm hut stead v. I'ork quiet hut steady. I.ard dull nnd easier western steam ti.7onii.7Ui-... Freights easy and irrcKUlur. Cotton ;J-1M. ('.rain 4-uit asked. ANTIvli, A competent man. solier ud reliahleto take chnrKeoflfi Inail of enttle. (Until milker. Must he ahle to k"' recommendations. Ap ply to NAIHiSllltA I AKM. nul 1 illit sti we wit Ardcn, N. C. OST. A pair of koIiI cyeKlnsses, withchain. Leave at Citizen (Mtice and Kct suitahlc rewanl. Desirable Country Board. At Luther House at Hominy Iiepot, in miles west of Asheville, on the Murphy rail road, at $1.1 to $1H per month, ('rood larc rooms and excellent tahle honrd. Located in full view of and accessihlc to I'tsKah. Cfiod livery. R L. U THKK, auKll dlw Proprietor. Swannanoa Hotel. I'nexcclled cuisine. Foptilar with tourists, families and business men. lilectric cars pass the door. RAWLS HK(iS., febldl y I'ropr's. IIERICAFTICR We will run two drlivery wiifi'ons. Tlic iii'ccssity for t liis 1ms lii'cn ciiiisi'il 1 v (Mir liirji'fl.v iiiiri-iisin- tnidc. iiiiikiiiii' it iniK)ssililc to di' livcr uilli one Wilson. There have leei i complaints (and justly, too) hy some of our customers at not having ii'ooils (leliered more prompt ly. Witli our addi tional facilities for delivery we hope to increase our al ready la rye trade, and prom ise to meet all compel it ion, ( ur stock, as heretofore, will he kept up to the highest standard in ipiality. All floods sold hy us guaranteed to he as represented, hoth in weights ami ipiality. POWELL & SNIDER MISCRLLAShOUS. A FOUNTAIN OF HEALTH ! The Kins: of Tonic Waters I it tuck Mountain truti unit Muni Muss.;it -v's h'vmvily for the Cure iiiul Relief o Otitic Itiseiiset- Thc Cftttfcnseit Wu-?r of t lit' W'otulvrtut lUuck Mountain Iron ttntl Alum Sitiiixs. Tin's Nativity is muhitif; inorcortcss than the rcsiituc left oil cviintrutiiif; fmrc si'i inx .iter. The mi.ilysis sin i us Unit this is conawi ot nlitmt t u I'fif.r distinct tttupertics, form hit; u coiiihinntitm of the hest tinttc unit nlicrntivvs kntiwn in med icine. In tin t, each unit every ititzre tlicnt is mi vsscniiitt f:irt of the other, so urnutKctl ami ;uljustctl hy the un erring luinil of Suture tlmt no itevivc oftnnifs injzenmity couhl imitite or improve it. It is vnlunttle ;ts :i remcily for M -oh'mVi. Ilcuilnclic, Kiilncy unit Nlicumuti A fleet ions, etc. Try n lutttte of it mul he con- iiicctl ot its womtafiil powers for re lieving sunt eutinn tunny complaints so cinninoii in every family, t'Ntci: r,o cicxts i'i:n isotti.i: Grant's Pharmacy. 1,500 ACRES : -OF Court Square. J?ul S.M.Ii. One Steam ICngiuc, Stiit.-ihli- fur Saw Mill. ,Vc. Apply to STKIiHT K.MI.WAV C'l I.M I'AX V. 2L99 Shoe. For Rentlemen. A perfect shoe nt a moderate cost. Try a pair of our specialties in K"ntle men'afootwfar, at $..on, $4.oo, $, $2.ill, $a BO and $2. on. Kvery pair warranted. Kx amine our sjecialties for lnlies at $.00 $a.y'J, $2.r.( and $.oo, unexcelled for com fort, dut ability and style. Insist on having the iiriRtna! M. A. Packard Co.' Shoes. The Kenuiue have our stomp on bottom of each shoe. Sent postpaid to nny part of the V. S. on receit of price. M. A. PACK AR1 ttc CO., firockton, Mass. For aic in Asneviiicoy H. REDWOOD & CO. auKl 1 deod Kmos su we Iri Masquerade Carnival RAY'S WAREHOUSE Faiday, Aug. 16, 1889. Priara for the brat coitumcs ! Drcaaing Rooms for the Ladiea! Skatins Monday, Wednesday and Friday eTenlnga and erery afternoon. AdmlMloti, Only 10 cts. ausll d3t ra ta th LADIES' NEW FURNISHING STORE. Silks, Plushes, Whitedoods. Laces, Lnihroideries, Kih hons. Art Needlework Mate rial, Handkerchiefs, Corsets, (iloves, Hosiery, Ladies I'u derwear. La nih'reipiins, Tahle 1 overs, I illowMiams, J ulies etc., etc. Lessons in Art Km hroidery and Stamping fret to all wliopurchaseniiiterial, Kid (iloves tit ted tothehand, -Mampin done wnile vou wait, at S Alt All ELLICK'S, Cirner of Main and Willow Streets, unde Swannanoa Hotel. J. V. MOWN Will continue tin- unilertnkrr'a liuainemat his old mand ovrr J. li. I ii ki rxnn Si Co.'l Hardware Ston-. under the firm nnme of J. V. BROWN & CO. Having thirty yenrs' rxK-rinrc n under taker anil cmlmlmer, and uneiualed facilities for buying, can safely Kuarantce satisfaction. Calls promptly attended to at all hours. Everything pertaining to the business al wavsonhand. fehl.ldem FINE MINERAL AND TIMBER LANDS, TO nu SOLD IN Traiisvlvania County, N. C. Hy virtue of a decree of the Superior Court if Transylvania county. North Carolina, the undersigned as executor of lilizur I'atton, lec'd, will sell at puhlic auction at the court house door in Hie tow n uf Krcvard, on Itlonclay, 2d Day of Sept. 1889, Ml that tract of laud lyin on Cathcy's creek, known as the lilizur I'atton !ecula- tion land, contaiuiiiK about One ThoiiHand I'ive Hundred acre. The land is accessible uid finely timhercd. It is situated about 1 miles southwest of Hrcvard and lies parallel the French Krond river, about two miles listant trotn the same, and about two miles istant Ironi the proposed line of the L, C. i. .S: C. rallriid. Also the same distance from the r.allimorc, Asheville and Atlanta railroad line as proposed. There nrc line in dicntiout of Iron, Lime and other minerals the land. It is well adapted to KHizinK pur poses and can be conveniently divided int small farms. The land will he sold to make assets to pay debts ami for final settlement. Terms one-third cash, balance on six and twelve mouths, with note ami interest on same at K ikt cent. Title reserved till la pnvmcut is made, l'nivhascr has privilege of paving cash in full of amount of sale if he ile sires. Title guaranteed. For further infor mation apply to or address the undersigned or W A. Cash, Att'y, Brevard, N. C. Full description and plats of the land can be seen on tile in the om'ec of the Clerk of the SuiHTior Court of Transylvania county. thas. C. I'atton, ASHEVILLE ADYEtxTISEMEMS. ASIIEVIIXE COAL, COMPANY, WIIOU-SALE AND RUT AIL DEALERS IN HARD AND SOFT GOAL. KXCLUSIVli A01-NTS Southern Coal Co.'s Celebrated JcllicoCoal Wooldridge Standard, Kant Tenn. and Proctor Milieu. Iliomcsticand Steam) fur Western North Carolina. fSW Orders will have prompt attention nt Lowest Market Kntc.-tt.S II. T. COLLINS. I'rtsHltiit. E. K.LAOAN, Secretary ASHEVILLE ICE COMPANY. l'liru lee made from Distilled Water. Office: No. 30 I'atton Avenue. D. C. Waddell. President. W. W. Untnaid, Vice President. I.awivnee I'lilliani. Cushicl . THE BANK OF ASHEVILLE, DON'T ORDER From .vouHSroeer, even for Iriiil, our "ROLLIiR KING" PATENT HeemiMe it is made in Asheville, "YOU KNOW," Hut we pledge our word for it, (lint no WHITER BREAD, BISCUIT, ROLLS, ('mi lie made from nny imported Flour. ELECTRIC LIGHT Is the most popular stniiuht iroods in this m.-n-L-nr Ask your (iroeer for theahove Brands, iminufaetured hy the ASHEVILLE MILLING CO. ASHliVlLLli, N. C. UlMl C'IOKh i I. V. 8AWVKK. . O. MAKTIN. I L. CAKKUI.l., T. w. i a r niN w, w , v.i;kam. e. c. M i l I.I f.UO. W. WILLIAM.-,, ill WiIiihiikIiiii. N DESIGNATED STATE DtPOSfTOf-i V HERRING & WEAVER, THE SHOE STORE, NO. 30 SOUTH MAIN STKliliT. While we Have Hie Finest and Most 1-nNliioiiablc Uoods in Our, Wc ,-ilsn liavc the cli(.'.-iH.-st. L'till and sec us. Oldest Hank in Wcslciii .aiilM'"t INCORPORATED BY ACT Or THE I.ENtRAL ASStMPLt rjf tilt itAtC CAPITAL STOCK $100,000. SURPLUS FUND 520.000. LUMBER YARD. OAK STREET INN, A.SHliVU.I.K, N. C, juli: I. I'txtvutor of lilizur I'atton, ili'c'il. tltsepi'J X. L. MARKET. Cor. I'atlon Avriiui- anil Mi-pot Street. HAS CIIOICKST Beer, Veal, .Mutton and Iamb Always on li.iinl in tht lk-st KtTrijj;crator in ii v n. JAMIiS Wnl.l-'li, I'rop'r. nui y- i- (If, ni GEO. KIMBER, GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER MosaU- Tile iiikI Cement work li siKCtalty . Grates, Rmtnes and Boilers act. liuihlin! moved aad repaired in lirst class manner, SeweniKi", HialiiJiKf ami traps lor the antne thoroughly and promptly at tended to. O flier: Wolle HiiilditiK. Court Mone Square, Asheville, N. C. may.'lOdly VVINKELMANN'S J. N. MORGAN & CO., No. 3 Barnard Building. .Seliool and Colleirfi Text liooKK, anill line, l'oets. H s- tory, Komanee, Ihoffrapliy, Travel and Novels, Family i:ii n . h i i ' . iiuien, ,1. ,,. jsimeH and TeHt amentH, Oxford Teaehers' IJibleH, Konjr IJooks of all kinds, larestoek Stationery, Blank liooku and Office mid School SujijilieH. New line Ladiew' and (Jentw' IVntket books iust onenml. Fnnev Goods and Dolls. fcblOdlT AN UNEXCELLED SPECIFIC IN CASES OF CHOLCRA. CRAMPS, DlAtR4CEA Summer Complaint dvsentesy no otmir tctions op thc Stomach and bowels PRICE 25 CENTS. J. H. WINKELMANN & CO OLI PHtJPltTCm, BALTIMORE, MD , U S. A. For sale lv J. 8. GRANT, dnwtaiil-'X lli niitiliillv l"i-Mtiil ill n Kr,.vc nf iinkn nnil white niiu-, with lln iliist r niilw Ml tin- ".iiirt h"ii" ""0"m,3lr,ll!' ',t"rt"1' 1'""'l- eulliw, unci ,.iily three .,uu,'c Ironi tl v hiivc a llliniliir nl iliKiiiitl.y-l'uriiisluil ronnis ti aiTDiiiiuniliili- Imanlrrn who rt, .ir ,. it .uifi iiiaiv, 1HV.IJ- m.m the h.,ul. Ni.e,. 1U lu.nit.iie, enod fare, lirsl-elcs. eiiiiKit.i:. nl hie iinci'M A k,i .i ,,. ....... i... i.- ' " uiai Dr. T. J. HARliAN, Proprietor. COMPOUND OXYGEN ANDMEDICATED BALSAM VAPOR, A.. ..... . ern . win iiuesi I... proven meth.Kls l..r trenti.iK lien-s ,r the lun Ihnwit iin.l ...ise, l.y the i.ihalati.,11 l vi.i..rize(l anil ntoiiiine.l Mm, Is l,v the line iniatie ,.n,1 nV hainV Snen'Z "U. d Vurni.he., KO. F. SCOTT, (Siititssiir to I)oullc.l;iy & Scolt,) North Public Square, WINDOWS, - BLINDS, - IftOORS. .utt.v. IMnnterHiK r. Sh.HKtjJ.IU.h I-eeiK ,,s,. All f nilU1(t Wl-Onlern will reeelvc nttentiim. frblndlv Weals., .nanulaet.ire a ll..nie Treatm.iil ,.l the Loinp,,.,,,,! (lxvKen.' whieh is, enual to i.lhee treatment, ami will he sent on a.ilieatin l.i cxprns, mi reeeipt of prieV I2 .n.r aneerm nere ...r me past tnree years this treatment hns lieen pheninneiinl hiiv inK euml many eases that were pr,,.i.,unee.l h, less. names nnd resi.lenees , I, ..lilnine.l l.y ealhnK at the Sanitarmm. My ,H rinissi,,i, we refer t.. the r.ilh.winK well-known Kentlemen ol Asheville: K. J. Aston. ex Mayor; . IS. Ree.l. Clerk I'. S Court- Ker (J C Han k.n pastor Hrst Mt-thmliat Church; Kc. W. A. Nelson, pastor I'irst llB.tist Chun-hill T FITZPATRICK BROS. & ROBERTSON, noalcrs i.. Wail Paper, Window Shades and Pat Wit.ScrH Masur,-, Mixed Taint, and Colo,.. Window Glass. Iiotl.. French nnd American Wekeep in stock St. Louis and Kentucky I.ra.1. apt. T. ,. HARtiAN, in. D. W. T. PKNN1MAN. THE BONANZA," TH1-; I.KADINC ' . WINE .. AND .. LIQUOR .. STORK IN THK STATE, FINE SAMPL.E AND lUI.LIAKI) ROOM. j. a. MAHm'AHiiTi iiic'r. I NO. 43 S. MAIN ST., ASHEVILLE, N. C. & CO., M'BHKKS am. i.kalkksin- HAR D W ARE ASHEVII.I.K, N. C. WILLIAMSON & SON, ( Successors to ll.-irtei Williamson,) MANI'l-'ACTrKKKS op SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, DUP0NT POWDER CO., OLD HICKORY WAGONS, ENGINES, SAW MILLS, ETC. I.lld I v aoknts For RICHMOND STOVE CO., CORTLAND WAGON CO., oiuutonatK WAGONS, M0LINE SCALE CO.. M'CORMICK HARVESTING MACHINE CO. Mouldings, Stnir-Work, Kino tt'i ior Finisli, Mantels, EU: ASHEVIIXB, Kt. C. Ill- Alil-NTS I'l.u The Itiickctc I'tnnp, Steel nnd Tin Shingles, l loor nnil llc.irlli I lies. I fell Idly AC.KNTS h M'l-'KS. OF Hyrkit's I'ntcnt Slietithinp Lath. THE HICKORY INN.' HICKORY, N. C. Uleetric LiKl,ts. (liis, Ht flI,tl Cold Water Haths and Toilets on each floor. Cuisine and appointments unsurpassed. FRANK LOl'GHHAN, Prrrerorw ASHEVILLE STREET RAILWAY CO. Will call at any house in the city for BAGGAGE FOR TRAINS. And deliver same to nny house from trains for 23c. per trunk. All orders for nagcaKC left at the office will receive prompt atten tion. Pancnucr car. meet all incoming n,,H outgoing trains. auK7 dtf E. FOGETTE, Architect. 1' and specification, prepared and esti mate, given, at short notice. OHict: Wolfe Building, Court House Souarr Asheville, N. C. may.Kkily ANCB PROPERTY SALE. That valuable and riesiraht nmn.. M College and Spruce streets, the old home and nropertv of Gov. Z. B. V.nv ! n r..- ... i- either in loU or a. a whole. For particular. I apply to NATT ATKINSON Ae SON. I julii au Real Batate Uealera. " ' ' 1, Vice-Pre. I. I!. RANKIN, Ca.hlcr. -.IV- M. Jnlen. M.F.1. RnW.J. I, Rav.J. V.. Reed WESTERN CAROLINA BANK IASIIKV I.I.P.. N. C. I'lillRI'AKV lt, IhK'.l, orgnniged May 1st, ihkm, CAPITA!., . . SI KPLI K, Sio STATU, COt'NTV ANII L'lTY llUi'OeilTOKY. Lois a (Uncral Hanking llllsinriw. iK-posits received. Kichange nought and sold. Col l.etlons ma-lr on all ac-8sililr points. The Saving Penturc will n-eeive siccinl attention. Onnll sums in this .lepartment. deposited for lour months or longer, interest nt thc rate of4 per cent, per annum will be paid. 8ccial attention given to loan, on real otiitc, which will l placed for long time on real sonal.le terms. Open Iron. 8 a. m. to 3 p. in. On Saturday, the 8avlng Department will be open till p. m. fel2dtf SKYLAND SPRINGS BUNCOMBE COUNTY, N. C. Slcyland Spring, is a inew resort, laid offin building loU. eight mile, south of A.hcville on the A.&S Railroad and the Hendersonville Pike. THE FINEST COLLECTION OF MINERAL SPRINGS IN THE STATE. fcnty-scven Springs-Chalybeate, Alum. Iron. Bpnoin, Snlphiir, MflKnc8ia, and Frcfslom pure, cold and health giving. Fine Hotel Finished and Opened Pnr "nil thc vrnr 'rniinrl 11 mrih n i a r . , , ,. -. w " omu rv n K ui I r J III n (inn IBTT. hcveral buildings are going np. Saw Mill and planer making lumber right in the ..l ror a snort time, choice lota are oHerrd very low to settler, or investors brand views, level lots, wide streets, pure air. fine water, OTIS A. MILLER, Proprietor. may JO d5m MANN, JOHNSON & COMPANY, CAMPBELL'S TONIC BE ICR, Medicated specially for family use. hi one of the healthiest beverage, ever introduced, as scores of families in town can testify. It is emphatically a Tonic, slightly lazattvc, will reg. ulate the bowels, promote the action of the liver and purify the blood. Ia itrlctly vegetable and non-into.lcating. Endorsed by the M.dlcal profcuion. Order direct from Pactorv. Real Bstate Dealer.. I C. H. CAMPBELL, ai7 Haywood Street. SI'CCKSSORS TO SHEPARD, MANN 4 JOHNSON, AND THE BLAIR FURNITURE CO., NO. 23 PATTON AVENUB, Wholesale and Retail Furniture Dealer, And Undertakers, " MJ-Prompt attention given to all orders, day or night PLUMBING, STEAM AND mWWtl TIN AND SJLATE ROOFING, ARCHITECTURAL IKON WORK. PlaatMndrSpecIUcaUon, 1- ur,shed u App,itaUoil We hare thorough mechanics in each line , busts) We can safely guarantee who have had m.y nptritn , ur patron. saUsfactlon In their our work, a low ngure.. BALLARD, rich & DOYCE, .op, ut I fcblSdlT