PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Thro V. DAVIliaoN, Thou. A. Jiinhs Killcilih. JA- (i- MAKT1N, Ashcvlllc. AHhcvillc. JAVID8)N, MARTIN & JONUS. Attorneys nnil Cmiimi'llors at Law, AHhrvillc, N. C. , Will iir it lire in the 1 1 th "' 1 -l JuiHi'iitl Dintrit in. ni'rt in the Supreme Cimrt il North Cumlina, nnil In the Federal Courts ..I the Western DiHtriet if North Cunihnn. Kefer to Hank of AslievilU . CHAR. A. MOOKhT llirFI' MHRKICK. )OKIi c MHRKICK. Attorney anil Counsellors at I.nw, Asherille, N.C. I'rnelu-ein the Unite.) States Ciieuit ami llistrlet Cmrts at Ashevllle, Stulesvllle, C liar lotte and C.reensl.oro. in the '""2 nt Knleinh, anil in the court of the I vi'ltt I judieial Pistrietol the Stale ol North Caro- '"slweial attention uiven to collection of claim- . . . ....j i 1'artnersniinioes nm i r. .. Huneoinhe Inferior Court. lit. .ell r. H. cnl.ll. . .1. JIHKKIMON. (11111 it MliKKlMON, Attorneys anil Counsellors at Law. I'raetiee in all the courts. Ollicc: Nos. 7 an. I H, Johnston liu.lil.nt;. disc W. W. JONKS. OK.i. A. SllllFOKl). JONliS & SHUl-OKII. Attorneys at l.a.v, Asheville, N. C. 1'raetieslil the Superior Courts of Western North Carolina, the Supreme Court ol uu State, anil the Federal Courts at Asheville. tnice in lohnston liuililinK, w here one mem ber of the firm can always he found, dtuoyll . , - J A. TKNNliNT, Architect and Contractor. I'lnns. siieciticatious and estimates fur nished. All work in uiy line contracted lor, and no churKcs for drawings on contracts awarded me. ... when ilesired. I I lllice: No. 12 Hendry Work, North Court Snuurc, Asherille. N. C lel.llnlly U 11. DOUGLASS, D. I). S. OtNTAL ROOMS, . NO. U SOUTH MAIN ST., OverOruul W insert's Uruu Store. Kesi.lenee. No. '..M llnik-y St. feliioilly :K. ILKHHVliS, II. U.S. II. K. SMITH, II.U.S. Drs. Reeves & Sniitli. UENTAI. Ol-l- ICIC (.lltcmwy Huililinc. over Redwood s Store, ration Avenue. Tccth,cii acted without l"i. w ith Hie new 'esthetic, jnd all eases of irri Kuljjrity cor- jJ f, SUlKOlN. M. L. OFFICE i New Grand Central lluililhiK. ClolhinK Store. fcl17dlm over liiK 211 1'. RAMSAY, II. U.S. Dental ;T ? Ofliee In llarnard Huildinc lintrxiuccs, Avenue and Main Street. fehUUdlv j. -w. roilin., Veterinary Surgeon, ASI1KVII.I.I5, N. C, Will iH.lern the town and sin r.iiniiHni; o.mlrv Also hive seiintilie horseshoeiUK .done. Il)k )ul, Kuy's stnliles. jul5 d.lw Dr. l"rak Harvey, "Veterinary Surgeon OflVcc at Sevier's Stable. Residence with Mr. Nutt Atkinson, Jr.. Ni: 211 Haywood street. iul-'O il 1 '-'in RTHl'K M. 1-lliI.l), Graduate Optician, Main Street. Ml mccnanical ocular defects of the eye cor eete.K ll.mrs U to 11! n. in., 1! to -i p. m. )"''' ,lu M.F.Arrlujftoii.M. ., U.D.S. dl'RKEON OKIHTIHT. VilliiiK teeth n specialty ; also tretaOntf dis eased KUins anil ail diseases iK.'rtaiuiuK to the ilt'tilnl structure. Office rooms on Pntton .Avenue, one door west of Cosliy's jewelry store. THE ASHEVILLE LIBRARY ASSOCIATION, Rooms on Main street, opposite the post otliee. Iliien dailv, except Sundays, from to n. nt. until 1 l. tn. and .'..'111 until 7..'lo n. in. The terms of suliscriplion are: One year n mos., $; :i mos., f l : l mo., on els. daily 2 ets. Officers for ISM'.I President. R. R. Rnwls Viiv-l'resiilent. Charlw W. Woolsey : See. anil Trcns., D. S. Watson; Librarian, Miss 1,. J Hatch. Citiiens anil visitors are cordially invited to inspect the entaloifiic and inscrioe their nnmes as mcniuers. ieofiiii AH eyes Acted and fit Kunniritttu A com lctc stock of the above j(oo1g nt GRANT'S nKUG vSTORE, 2t SOUTH MAIN STKHIiT. OculiHtK prescriptions a MiH-i'lulty. fch27d6m f mny dnlr sari he hu th- t .ftioes M It ho ut Dune and prh -he botton put iiiiu down a 7. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE GENTLEMEN. Brut In the world. FiimiiM hla II. OO (1KNI1INK IIANII SKIVKI) HIIOB. 4.00 HANII-SKIVKII 1VKLT SIIOK. 3jio roi.K i: AM) HI. Ml US' SUOK. J.1H) EXTRA'K f'.M r MIOK. m.o i n miiii;. m.00 and mi.7.1 r.ov.i' . All made In Cunni't'i. ., 1 . W. L. DC' S3 SHOk Bt Material. IV-jw t II mot sold brToar itoaler, W. U COHOLAo. ) r. HUOBS. 9. Kxamlue w. ff.. fiheea lor Centlenaen aud Iidtew. For sale bv ' HERRlISfi & WEAVKR, 30 South Main Street, AalKrvillr, N. C. jaol'Jdly; IllTHINKSit AND Pl.KASIl'HK. I'rlvate Hoard. lirst-cliiss lioml, at For lirst-cliiss lioml, at reasiinaldf terms, apply to Mis. lf. 15- "rccse, curnvr Cullt'KC ami Spriire streets. "What arc you doinj;?" the farmer cried To till' tramp who stood in the onion Hut a rcadv answer the man supplied ! 'Till takiiiK the seenlses, sir," he said. A Lovely Woman overheard one sav ol her, "Hy heaven: she's paintetl"! "Yes," retorted she, m (li(,'iiantlv, and by heaven only"! Kmldy health mantled her cheek, enthroned on the rose and lily. Vet this lieautilul lady, once thin and pale, with a dry, haekiitfj cmu;h, niKht-sweats, and slight spitting of blood, seemed destined to hll a con sumptive' Kiave. After sieudini hun dreds of dollars on physicians without lienelit, she tried Hr. 1'ieree's Colden Medical Discoverv; her improvement was soon marked, and in a few months she was plump and rosy .-in-'iin. the picture ot health and strength. It is the only medi cine of it class, sold liy drtiK.msts, under a positive jjii.-iraiiUv that it will licnclil or cure in all cases of disease lor which it is recommended, or money paid will he promptly refunded. "Look at the murderer," said one man to another in theeourt-room. "lie's the picture ol health." "Vcs; but the picture needs haiiKiiif;. I'lamiiiK l ire- in tlie veluH. . We hold positive proof that Acker's liiuilish HI. od lilixir cures all blood poi sons where cheap sarsapai illas and so called purifiers fail. Knowing this, we will sell il to all who call at our stoic on a positive j;uarantec. T. C. .Smith & Co. Wisdom does not always come ill the yellow leaf, but you'll ,'eiicrally find it in the seer. For lame bnck.sidcorchcst, use Shiloh's I'm otis Plaster. Price 25 tents. SHII-OH'S COIH'.II anil Consumption Cure is sold by us on a KU.traiiUx'. It cures Consumption. If that elixir of lilt turns out well it will lie ill order to ikI up an elixir of honesty and try it on the boodlers. (ilve the Clillrtrcn a Cliance. There is something radically wrong with the health of a child when it seems listless, has poor or no np)R-tiu, eves sunken mid with dark skin licticalh. hi most eases showing these symptoms the child has worms, and all that it needs is sonic simple remedy, such as Hart's Worm Cream, to expel the worms, and Hie child will soon lie in ierlcct health again. Pa rents, try il and let your little ones have a fair chance for life. A (,'ovi'riuuenl ol IhiuiIIv, liy boodle, lor liooille, slmll nut Htisli In tn the earth ito lonjj as there is a hij;h war tarili to keep it Koinjj. No liniment is in IkHUt repute or more wiilelv known than l)r. J. II, McLean's Volcanic Oil Liniment. Il is n uoiulcr Jill rcincilv. For sale liy F. L. Jatolw. A Iiahv carri.iL't' lor twins is a sort of bounty juni r in its way. HctU-r Tllilii liliiody llattleH. Ceneral Whcati-roll Nelson savs: "My exierieiife ill the linlish arniy lit well as in America, convinces inc that iiolhiuso purities the Moot! or adds to tile health, vicjor and lile as Acker's Kurdish III I lilixir. 1 his j;reat remedy is soltl under a positive guarantee. It costs the State a power ol money to make reat criminal lawyers. SLIilil'LliSS NH'.HTS, iiiademiseiable bv thai terrible coiurli. Sliiloh's Cure is Ihe rcincilv lor vim. CATAKKH CUklvI), health and sweet breath secured, bv Shiloh's Catarrh Kcincdy. Price 50 cents. Nasal Injector I roe by T. C. Smith & Co. Auelion pitch is sonielhiii", that makes a bidder stnk to his buldiiij;. Manv i..'oole habiluallv endure n feel inn ol lassitude, lx-eause thev think they have to, II' they would take Hr.J. II MclA'an's Sarsaparilla this feelint' ol weariness would L'ive place to vijjor and vitality. I'orside hy 1'. h. Jacobs. Ilippolilc is a political boomer anil its tryiiiK to bombard liunsell into power, Hucklen'H Arnica Halve. The liest salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, ehapjied hands, chilblains, corns, anil all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required. Il is Kuiiranfced to jrivc iKMicclsalislactioii, or money refunded. Price 12f cents pel Imx. For sale bv F. L. lacobs. daw It is no longer eternal viyilaiicc. Puck puts the price of lilwrty at $10 instead of 10 davs. IH CoiiHuiiiplton Incuralle? Re;id the following: Mr. C. II. Morris, Newark, Ark., says: "Was down with Abscess of Lung's, and friends and phvsicians pronounceil me mi Incurable Consumptive. Hcan taking Dr. Kind's Mew Discovery torLonsumption;amnow i in my third bottle, and able to oversee the work on mv farm. It is the finest medicine ever made." Jesse Middlwnrt, Decatur, Ohio, says: "Hail it not lieen for Dr. Kind's New Discovery for Consumption I would have died of LmiK Troubles. Was given up by doctors. Am now in liest of health." Trv it. Sample bottles free at L. lacobs' drug store. Filler Goodwin Do yon practice that sinful amusement called dancing ? Waglev Yes, but I don't dance well enough to make it very wicked. 'An idler is a watch that lacks both hands; As useless if it goes, as when it stands." Also! how manv women, though house hold and children need their care, are necessarily iille, because siilfering from diseases peculiar to theirsex. Toallsttch lr. ricrce s ravorilc rrescrintion is a precious boon sieeilily curing internal inflammation, Icticorrjica, displacement, ulceration, tormenting jicrioihcnl pains, prolapsus, "bcai ing-down" sensation, inorniug sickness, bloating, weak stom ach, nervous prostration, and tendency to cancerous disease. In all those ail ments culled "female complaints," it is the most reliable siiecitic known to medi cal science. First Omnium How do you account for your hair lieing so very much grayer than vour' whiskers? Second Omalian My hair is about !I0 years the elder. electric HlllcrH. This remedy is liccoming so well known anil Kipiilarasloneed no Siccial mention. All who have used hlc-lnc Hitters sing the same song of praise. A purer medicine does not exist and ilisguarniitcedtodonll that is claimed. Flcclric Hitters will cure all diseases ol the Liver and Kidnevs, will remove Pimples, Hoils, Salt Khcum anil otlicr affections caused hy impure blootl. ill drive malanu Iroin the sys tem and prevent as well as cure all Qialarial fevers. For cure of Headache, Constipation and Indigestion try Hlcetric Hitters bntirc satistuction guaranteed, or money refunded. Price 50 ets. and 91. OO per bottle at I'. L. Jacol's drug store. THAT HACKING COl'GIl can lw so iiiickly cured by Shiloh's Cure. We jjnarantee it. WILL YOU SI'FFF.K with Pyspcpsia ami Liver Complaint ? Shiloh's Vitalizcr is guaranteed to cure you. That verv nions journal, the New York llcrnld, publishes il washout item under the rllowiiiK lieaillinc: "Iiain Weak and Gave Way." ItyMpepHia, letspalr, lc-Htli. These are the actual steps which follow iiidit'eslioii. Acker's Ivnulisli lScpsia Tablets will both check anil cine this most fearful of diseases. Omaha teacher I would like someone of the class to dcliue the meaniiiK of vice versa. Illicit Hoy It's sleeping with your feet toward the head of the lied. SHILOH'S VITALIZFK is what you need for Constipation, Loss of Apetitc, Dizziness, anil all symptomsof Dyspepsia. Price 10 and 7f cents nr bottle. CKOI'P, WHOOPING COI'GII anil llronchitis inuncdiatcly relieved bv Shiloh's Cure. Ilccrly What iliil Mrs. Pure do when von went to kiss her last nielli ? Oucerlv She noiiited to the door. Itccrly Was she as iniHiy as all that? Oiicerly Oh, no. She wanted me to lock! 'l- Piniiiles. boils and other humors,! liable to appear when the blood gets healed. The best remedy is Dr. J. II. McLean's Satsaparilla. For sale by F. L. Jacobs. A bootless attempt To get up stairs without being heard by your wile. How UoclorH Conquer nvalli. Doctor Walter K. Hammond says: "Aficr a long c.)crienee I have come to the conclusion that two-thirds of all the deaths from coughs, pneumonia ami con sumption might be avoided if Acker's Kngiish Cough Ucniedy were only care fully used in time." This wonderful Rem edy is sold under a positive guarantee. There seems to lie a strange relation ship between courting at the summer resort and the divorce court. IroicreH. It is very important in this age of vast material progiHS that a remedy be pleas ing to the taste and to Hu' eve, easily taken, acceptable to the stomach and healthy in its nature and cIlcctM, Possess ing these qualities, Syrup of Figs in the one perfect laxative and most gentle diu retic known. When electricity vol ting i lieforc. oh Niagara gets harnessed in western fs'ew York will go tloug as il has ouvu- yonc CareleHH Mothers). Many mothers have permitted their .hildren to die U-lore theircyeswhen they might have liceu saved. Any mother who keeps Ijouse without a bottle ol Acker's Kngiish llabv Soother at hand, runs a risk which she mav sonic time regret. It has saved the lives of thousands of children, and is fining every year. The boy with a llshpole plays a close second to the woman with a baby wagon as a ilisliirbiuir ecincuf in a crowd. Xo mutter what the school of physic They each can cine an ache or phthisic At least 'tis said they can; Hut as Science I unit the wheel still faster, And iiiaelsand bigots meet disaster, To us there conies a mall Whose merit hath won countless zealots. Who use and praise his" Pleasant I'ellcts." The "Pleasant Purgative Pellets" of Dr. Pierce, though gentle in action, are thorough, and never fail to cure billious uess, diseased or torpid liver, and consti pation. A man may not be afraid of danger, but he looks down ill the mouth when he prepares to descend into a mine. One of Dr. J. II. Mcl-cnn's Little Liver mil kidney Pillets, taken at night lielore going to bed, will move the bowels; the ell'ect will astonish you. For sale by I-'. L. Jacobs. Vic.r.ciits :i ihe most circuit lot in TWE LAXATIVE and NUTRITI0U8 JUICE OK THE FIGS OF CALIFORNIA, 'nbini'il with the medicinal i lies of plants known to be ;ost lciic'(ieial to the human ystem, forming; an agreeable and effective laxative to perma nently cure Habitual Consti pation, and the many ills de pending on a weak or inactive ' ndition of the SIDNEYS, LIVER AND BOWELS. It is tlie most excellent remedy known to CLEANSE THE SYSTEM EFFECTUALLY When one is Milinns or Constipated so THAT PURE BLOOD, REFRESHING SLEEP, HEALTH and STRENGTH NATURALLY FOLLOW. Kvery one is using it and all are delighted with it. ASK VOUR ORUQQIST FOR HYmn ODE FIGS MANUFACTURED ONLY BY CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAH FRANCISCO, CAL. L0UISVIU. KY NCW fOflK, N. t. Kor irriitlrnu'n. A iK'trW-t shw at a moth nitc cost. Try o pair o!" our niKi-ialtifH in mnitr- rticn'titoMtwcnr. at $A.OO, $4.00.$3.5O, $2.t',l, on mm nvcry pair warranted, v.x- 11111111- mtr ttmiiiiltit'fi Tor Inilicn at S.M, !.!.. S'J . n iiiKl $2.00. umxccllcd for um- tort, flit ability ami ntylc. Insist on havinc uu- onpnal M A. I'ncknru Ac Co.' Shorn. The Kt-nuitic have nirr Klatnp on bottom of each iihor. Sent potp:ii(l to any part of the V. S. on recvipt of price. M. A. PACKARD At CO., Ilrockton, Mass. For sale in Anhevilleby H. REDWOOD & CO. auKll dcod Vmoa iu we fri $2.99 Shoe. A MIDNIGHT DUEL. On Top of the lllue story ol UM Rldgo A Itiimanric Late War. Tliery is no doubt tbut many singu lar tilings occur aa we journey through life, and he lixikud us though, memory wan struggling -with sonio sucl feature of his existence. He sijfb etl us be continued: 1 remember as though il were yestet-tluy the murch. of Hill's corps along the winding Shenandoah up to the famous Luruy gap V bo could ever forget that march! The road winding with tho ueaiiioni river, unu ovurnung with a uiu.jr.-iic chain of Ulue Uidgo inoiin lains, while across Hie erysuil water the ti::':'niiicenl vulley, with its charmii::; cottages dotling tlie hounte ous I., ml v. lin bite liko balls of snow ropi"! .;. Dowers. But the most eu-gaM::.- ! lovely objtwto paled into insiiM nee beside the H?erless wo men .i I .I.- blessed country, and you ma;. il believe that when the camp was -irueii Hie wildiers lost no time in Dial. i ini ii way to the surrounding coil. :',inii the inusie of tho vio lin v. : tit :. id and s! milling feel kept timi : i tie music, while, for a til no, tlie w.Mc i s lace was lit with old time joy M one ol these cottages the hello of tin- viiiiej ii'igned supreinu, while cevi-ial souiliei-ii soldiers vied with each other in paying homage to tho queen Among others were two youii" soldiers one I mm Georgia und Ihe ot. n i Iioiii Mississip)i who were spcciall;, energetic in their attentions, and inai keu had this become that those pit-sent watched tho play with constantly increasing interest, fully believing thai both exhibited a case of love at lirst sight. This sunniso on tiie part ol those present was ouly too title, us the tragic event which follow ed fully proved. The Ueorgiun seemed to huve tlie lead on tho Mfasissippian, and when the dancers were culled to take their places he led tho bello of the vulley to u place in the set. At this point the Mississippiau was seen to upproaeh tho couple and heard to claim the Italy's hand for tho dance. An alU reulioii ensued, but both wero cool, brave soldiers-- two of tho best ahot.s in thearmy wbodid not believe hi u war of words. So it was ended by JlieUeorgian dancing with the ludvand flip significant reiniii k of the Missis aippiiiii, "J will see yon ufter tills sot." V In-ii the ilaiico was pver (.ho Ueor gian was seen to seek tho Mlssissip pian, and together they called each a trie ml from the crowd and departed. When oulsiilu both claimed that an iiiKiilJ. hail been ptLSsi.'d which could only he wiped put in tho blood of (,hc other, and that u duel to the death should be arranged at once. A full moon was iiisv appearing ui ilxwe tho tell you this talk of blood in the si lenco of the night wits anything but pleasant, jso iirgutiiont, however, won Itl avail with liicso men, so it was arranged that tlie duel should take place on top of Blue Hidgo, near the center of the road that passes through the gap; that the weapons should bo pistols at til' teen paces, and to lire nt or between tho words, "one. two, tiii'i.i, " llrjiig fo coutiuuo until one or both were dead. The point was reached, tho ground measured oil', and tho men took their positions without a tremor. Tho moou gliod its pale light on u soeno never to be forgotten. A moment or two, and tho silence was broken by tho signal: "One, two, three." At tlo word "ono" the report of two pistols rung out on the midnight air, but tho principals inniiilaiiicil their respective positions. The Georgian's left arm was seen to drop closer to his side, but the Mis sissippiau was immovable, and still held his pistol to the front. Again a Eistoi snot was, coming from io Ucorglnn, and thg Mississippian till held his position, but did not lire. The Georgian protested that ho hud not come thero to murder him, but no answer was returned. Tho Mis lissippian'ssecond approached his prill cip.-il and found liiin dead, shot through the eye on tho llrst discharge of the, weapon. Heath, it seems, hod been instantaneous, so much so as not even todisturh his equilibrium. I may lorgel some things, but tho midnight duel on the top of a spur of tho lilue Ridge, with its utlcudant circum stauees, is not one of them. Detroit Free Hross. "KffliiR ' P a Skeleton. Dr. .lames Kurd, one of tho pioneers of Wabash, lud., reports tho finding of a skeleton on his residence lot in Ibis city The bones were struck while workmen were enuraged in uiakiuirex cavations for a sewer, und wero about twenty inches below tho surface in compact clay soil. The skull was re moved and cleaned. Examination shnwi il that the sutures had ossilied and the teeth gone, nl lowing tho jaws to lock logi-lher. The teeth had evi dently fallen out before death. AJlof the Is s -ire very fragile The first poriu f theskeleton struck by the spade was the neck. Tho frame lay bn an opposite direction from the course of the ditch, tho skull just le.-ielini'r the edge of tho excavation. D- I' onl is of tho opinion that the body was buried fully eighty years airo, and the remains are thoso of ui liiiii.iii advanced in years. Tho shape nl tho skull indicates that it be longed to one of tho aborigines. The fore part is low and sunken and the tuck protrudes, indicating a prcdom miaueeni I he animal nature. It was the ciisioin of the original settlers to bury the dead wherevor they were killed. Cincinnati Knquirer. Tlio Altifrtlnoriniun. Annul'; 1 1 10 inany good works of the iin i'ii i I' SriNony is licr educuliou of wimim'ii ui all mnks to bo nurses. Iu lMw sin- siininiiined tho women of Dii'sdrn in lAci t hrr in council, and at llir ml ui a year tlmro were 1,200 im rs -s i' -mly lin' srrvico. They wore I'.'illril A 1 1 it -1 tiiiri'inniiii, from tho name ui Hire:. mil pniicd. Any ono ill in I ire-.'l"!i -.'nt a request to any hospital in;r:. : i liy Albcrtiiierinnen. Under I In ii i n.irgc U the (juoen's hospital ami .1 ri'MVulcscent homo on tlie banks ol tlir ! Hie, which the queen purchased fi-.nn her private means. New York Twl'.'tfi 11 in. J?IK SAl.K. 1 ncn-H oritinil on Ik-nvor linni runtl.jiist opiioiti' . s. llurm-U't. A line niti- fur n null urliiin rc iili'tiiv. A nk-v kntill coTt'nl with flnvcr nml nmm- title links, with lietiutinil views of nioiintiiitiH anil the city. A rare cluinrc to Iniv nuih a (lieec of lanil with nice clear RiiritiKM KuMhinK from the hill. Terms eaKV anil price low IHISTIC. HLANTDN & CO. nul.'l iltf $75 TO $250 w. MONTH can 1e maile trkinii fir us. Aircnts pre ferred who can furnish a home and kvc their whole time to the business. Siinre moments may be profitably employed also. A few vacancies in towns and cities. R. F. JOHN SON K- CO., 1(Hl Main St.. Richmond, Vft. N. B. Please state ne and business expe rience. Never mind about sendinK stamp for reply. 11. F. . & Co. apr3Utim wc REAL ESTATE. WAI.TUH 11. GWVN, W. W. Wkst. GWYN & WEST (Sta-ccssom to Walter It.Cwyn) ESTABLISHED 18S1 REFER TO BANK OF ASHEVILLE. REAL ESTATE Iguana Securely Placed at Per Cent. Notary Pulilk-. CottimiSNiulHTN (it lll'CflH FIRE IjNSURAjNCE. OFFIClv-HoutlieaHt Courl Hquare, D. S. WATSON, Real Ktate Agenl, (Not a SH'cu!ntor.) For Sale A larc amount of valuable City I'roiRTty, Improved and unimproved. I'or Sale Some fine farming lamls ; i timltcrand mineral lands. I can Hecnrc for parties tuivinu City Lots from mt money to improve the same on most reasonable terms! Money to loan on food city ami country property! ollicc In 1 u rs: 'rom H to fi. I. S. WATSON, Southeast Corner Ciurt Sitiarc, Asheville, N. C. tnaylMi dtf Wm. M. Cocke, JrM REALESTATE AND MINERALBROKER, Awlievillct N. C. Can sell you one million acres of land, in tracts from ,r( to 100, ono acres. Have t number of city lots, improved and unini proved, which I can sell on Hie best of terms. If you wttni a larxv wc muall htrm cull on me If you want minerals of any kind, you need uo no further. If you want timber lundi this is headquarters. In fact I can su(t you in anything you want in mv line Srrvin'vpft flt tiHtta civil engineer and practical surveyor cnKaj;ed to show up all properly when required. I have had littfeti years' cxju-ricnee in the nfl eitu(e liiiNluekS, and think I Hiiow wlmt will pleauc. rrompt attention to all imiuirjctt. fcbL'dlv tiKTKANK MROrC, " Real Folate llrokcrs, And s Invcsliiiciit x AkciiIs. Oflices: No. r0 South Main si. Second lloor feb'tdly JIKU INSURANCE. FIUK. LIF1 ACCIDENT. PULLIAM & CO. At Uu Hunk ol Anhcvillc, N. C. Represent the following companies, viz. ; FIR H. CASH ASSKTS IN 1'. S. AtiKbi Nevada, of California $'J.4,.t7,w:t:t ititincntal. of New Yord, HainburK-Mremeii, of Oermauy London Assurance, of Knluml Niagara, of New Yirk ( irient, ol' Hartford I'hu-uix, of Brooklyn i ,.rri-a,ti!r, 1,(t4i7,ttl! St. Caul l;ire and Marine, of Min nesota 1.54-l.tHil Southern, of New Orleans :(.), rM4- Western, ot Toronto 1 .tKltt.lKti; Mutual Accident Association. .-Klna I.ile Insurance Company. dtmarUD CUHll AHHCtH, $100,000,000 Another Advance ON THE PART OF THE EQUITABLE. A NliW POLICY, WHICH, I.I K IS A HANK llKAI'T, IS A SIMl' I'KllMISli TO PAY. NO CONDITIONS WHATBVHK ON Tllli HACK. K. D. Monroe, Agt., Asheville, N. C. OIlitT with IuiIkc Aston. felili.'liH'tin J(l Tllli PU11LIC. The unilerHiKiieil may tie found in Shank's new liuililiiitf, one lloor west of J. F. Wooil Imr.v's stnlile, nil College strest. They are preimreil to manufacture cnrriaires, 'uiKKies, wagons, nnil anytllini; else in their line. Kc pairiiiK anil horsc-shoeinK are sieciallicK. They have seeureil the servieesof Henry Pow ell, anil woulil lie pleaseil to receive a liberal share of patronage. Satisfaction ifniirantecil. jula illiill Hl'KNIiTTli i HOVYAKH. yB. WOLFU, PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL PLASTERER. All kinds of cement woi k done. Jobbing and kulsotnininj; promptly at tended to. Residence, Clnvton St. Orders can be left with W, H Wcs'tall He Co. feb'.l.Knii WM. R. PENNIMAN, 1'KOI'KIUTOK OIf THE ASHEVILLE BRICK WORKS, Asheville, N. C. p. (. Box p. tnurl3tlly J.W. ROBERTSON, CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER, MOKC.ANTON. N. C. MANUFACTURES ALL KINDS OF DRESSED LUMBER. INSIllU I'lNISII ill Juccn Anne anil iillst.vUn now in uk. Muuldlnstt uf variou kindit. Can compete in prices with any manufact urer in the South. Jul'JO dim COMLlENC:iNG 3IONDAY, JULY VK WII.I. OFFER $15,000 WORTH OF -IFOR CHANGE OF BUSINESS. Goods Must be Sold Fall Stock of Clothing and Gents' Furnishings. This L;i.(!is of Aslicvillo will liiii'iiiiH in Fiii('(, consist inK-of BliM-k mi.l Coloroil I)ivhh(Jo(m1h, Wlii1(!oosin Mull. IVi-sinn Lnwn, India Jni'iis, Linen Cinilii ic, Striped nnd Plaid MusliiiH, Kid, liisle find Silk (Jloves. HiMions of nil Li.wlu i.uf ,..,iu.. iiices, Hiinilmi iuid Swiss tions, Dress, IViu-1 mid (Vocliet Uut.tons, (iennantowii, Shetland and Saxony Yarn, .roidery Matrial, I'ri.l., West Bleached Domestic, Talile Linens. N'miLinu ...i,n..K. Warner's Health Corsets, AVarner's Coraline Corsets. Thomson's (ilove-Fittiu; (.'orsets, A 7")(;. Corset for "."(.. A r0e. Corset for ."ic. liadies' and Misses' Hose, a lare stock. Straw Hiits at any juice. Many more goods which will require an inspection OUR CLOTHING s loo small for our growing move Ihe Clothing into the corner store, now known as Whit lock 'h Dry (ioods Store, in order to establish an ex- liisive (ientlemen's Outfitting to close out the on tiro stock ancy (ioods at wholesale or is nuickly as possible. erv A. WHITLOCK. URICK ! BRICK ! FOR GIRDWOOD & Buncombe : Brick : ASHliVII.LIC, iv. c. P. o. 1IIIX 313. "THE I'ur tlio ii'ci'ptiiin of piilivnls siilluriiij; of diseases ol lung's and throat, and e inducted upon the plan ot the sanitarias at (ln'rlicrsdiirf and Falkenstcin in Ger many. Ours is the onl' such institution in the United States, and endorsed hy the leading members of the medical profession. Terms reasonable. KARL VON RUCK, B. S., M. D. THE CAROLINA SALOON Has the Finest and WIIISKIKS, : BRANDIES : AND : WINES, liver Brought artics wishing a j;om1 article for family or sivc tuc a tall. KisiK-ctt'ully, Frank mur.'lldly BQUIS & BROTHERTON, l'KACTICAL 'lumbers & Tinners. I.l'MllINC, STliAM AN1 OAS l'lTTINO. TIN AN1I SI.ATli KOOI'INl'.. FuruaeeM and Heaters. Jobbing Promptly t : Attended to. 22 Patton Avenue, Baoeiuenl. jllKlll ilN: w 1 V J. C. BROWN, MERCHANT I TAILOR, as Patton Avenue, (Next to Grand Central Hotel.) apr2dly TI.ANTIC COAST LINK i n and after thin date the followinK nched ulen will lie run over it"Columhia IHvinion." No. G3 leaveit Columbia 5.1M p. m. Arrive at Charleston 9.30 p. m. No. 52 Leaven Charleston 7.10 a. m. Arrives atColumbia 11.55 a. m. ConneetinK with train to and from all point on the Charlotte, Columbia Ac Au Kuta and Columbia He Greenville Railroad. Uaily. T. M. BMBRSON, Gen. Paw. Agt. J. P. DUV1NH, Gen. Supt, MISCELLANEOUS. $15,000 ZZ'i ooo 22. DRY GOODS AT COST CASH.zE to Make Room for Our line tins a nui; cliuiicetolmy Muslins, iilnrje stock of No Zephyr .jc. per oz Silk Ein- Wamsutta and Fruit Loom 11.00 .HO .98 DEPARTMENT trade, and we have decided to Business. We are compelled of Drv (ioods. Millinerv mid retail. We wish to do this resnectiullv. BRICK ! SAl.K I1V LEE, Proprietors and : Tile : Company, ju!20 13m WINYAH SANITARIUM." ASHEVILLE, N. C. Largest Stock ol to Asheville. other ptirpoKi-s, will find It to their intcmrt to O'Donncll, Prop'r. A. D. COOPER, Groceries. We presume Asheville nan more eomnietits passed upon it than any other city in the State. They say "Such elegant buildings, sueli line house, and uch splendid fiwd." Hotels, bonrdtnK houses aud private families arc often asked by their visitors "Where do you nor to make such elegant bread ?" "Why, at Cooikt's, where the lest of every thing can Ik- had in the way of Groceries." Our aim is to furnish the purest and liest goods for the least money, to wage bitter war against all adulterations of food prod ut ts and never buy ehenp groceries lor the purpose ni selling below cost. Schedule Street Railway, To take effect Friday, March 1, at 0.3Oa. m. Car leaves Court Ilou e 6.3 a. m. " M 7.ou " " " " H.)H " y.tHj From then till 7 p. m. car leaves court house every .10 minutes. Also, ear leaves court house at 8.UU p. m. and 9.0U p. in. FA KB. F1VB CENTS. FITS ClKBl BV OLD SPECIALIST PHYSICIAN. Bottle of medicine Free. We war rant our remed y to cure the worst eases, and the only physicians whodo this to prevent your being imposed upon by men using false names and who are not Doctor. Because others failed is no rcasor tor not using this medicine. Give Express and Post office address. It costs yon nothing. Address Asahel Medical Bureau. 291 Broadway, New York. JanCTd&wlT poK SALE. A pair of fine Mules, hind, and pood work ers; also wagon and double harness. Apply to C.J. McCAPB, 34 Grove Bt

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