THE OAILY CITIZKN Will be published every morning (except Mon day I at the following .atc-stmtr ens-.- One Your 8i Month -V Three Months 1 " One Month Yr, l,")u?cnrrie7''win'VuTi'ver' tiie pncr every morning in every part of the city wriliera. anil parses wanting it will pkam .all at the Citizkn Ofliee. New Adertleiiieul. I.oul Thin llliee. Wanted Kccvcii House. Conl Aidicvillc Coal J ..mpanv American Carnival, litrnurs W alchoum At I.aWB, on Mala Street. You can li'l now n vt-ry full stock of mill i-Imss. silver ami cutlery, iiihi in fact, i-vfiytliiiiK lor table use- Sonic ....... m.-LlUv nw nnccsarc nowoiicmion knives, forks and spoons. The calcium 1 :. is still in the lead. It is the lust lamp made, ami is pi iced very low. 1 ry one. Kallroad TlcUetn. HoiiKht, sold and excliaui,'ed. All trans- ,,.,..,!,iii,-,il. Reliable inlorma lion luvrfullv furnished. Mtlicc removed to Grand Central Hotel. V. M. Ci.akkk. su-.'itly I- per MAKK1.TM UV TKLHiKAl-H, Money and SecurlHen- Cotton 1-rovlHioiiH and produce. MONKV AN H SKCI K1TIKS. Skw Yokk. Auk. IS lichangc ilull hul slciiil v. Money easy. BljM.-i. Suli-'l'reasurv liahimrs (.old. l.vl, Olio; currency, . i '.ti .o, . I'.ov. rnincnt tioiiiln ilnll lint cent", $l .s; n, per cciitit. i.i"". State liomls emirelv mnli'iUil. Mii.CI.'umA 'Jar. ma' i'.S 1 1 I'ae. lstnior I 1 Ala. Class H. .-... 1 1 "l .... X. Y. Central ...111; i'.a. 7s, mort im.i...,N. .V W. phi ;;- N C. Cons.. Us. r.'T Northern lac.. .. N. C. Cons.. 4-s UT N. I', phi S C llriiwn's...l'i- ll'a.llie Mall 'i1' Trim, (is 1" INca.liilK Tcnil f'S 1"- Kich. .V Allc iVi.n! Set.. :ts 7:1 IK. .V W. l'uillt.. a.)- KIKK li.tini . . !St. Paul 1 1111I..I in phi in 1 (-L'l4 Ti-. I'aiihc -1 14.V-, ItmiCoal.'vlron .'l'1 jr-'v.l'liiiiil 1'acilie '. in N, 1. Central. ..It-1 ln-.i4 M.i. I'acitic 7-;l . iili'.,esiern t'nion Hfi1 HI' (Cott'in-seeil (111 1 :t Certiticates .rijl VI" i llrunswick Wrong valine. Mr. Clias. Tidmondstou, at the Swan nanoa hotel made a mistake and took the wroiiK satchel off the car. Tarty having his will please notily linn ami ue will make tile exehaiiKC. liartenall VeHterday. At IndianapolisIndianapolis 7, Wash ington H. At I'lttslnnn I uisiuirii iiosuui n. At Cleveland Cleveland , New York At Chicago CliicaKii.'t. I'liilailelpliiali. At Ciuciimati Cincinnati 4, Athlet ics 10. At Louisville ISaltiniore i, Louis ville 1. At St. Louis St. Louis 12, Colum lius 3. At KansasCitv KausasCity 2. Urook lyn n. " A pocketliouk made of rattlesnake hide, which is so repulsive to ladies that they won't touch it, is having a lai -jje sale anions married men. Mr. I. C. Hrnwn has just received a lull assortment of the latest styles of fall suitings; also materials for trousers and overcoats. Call in and see them, and leave vour order for a fall suit. Virginia ns Virginia Cons.. Northwestern llo pill I H I ,Vc Lack line liast Ten n Lake Shore Lou. Nasll Mem. .N: Char.. Mob. .V I illio Nash. At Chat.. Asked. COTTON. New Yohk. Auk 1 .1.-Cot ton .iii.t. Sales to-dav S7 hales; iiiiiMling upiailils 11 a-lo; tindiliilii: Orleans 1 I ll-lli. Total netlTeeipIs at all ports to-day Ci'.i. lisportsl Itritain Jtll'.l; France . : Stock '.IO..VJ7 hales NKW iikk. Aus. Ill Cotlon Netreeeipls Oljrross :!ll iMiluriseloseil ipnet hut stendj Sales U. loo hales. Aug 1 o..-, la 1 ii..-..-. l''ih 1 1 l.o 1 a 1 0.O- S.-PI lii.ail'.March 10 O7alo.ns (let in. Klalo.l H.Muil III. I -lain. I. Nov '.i.'.it.Mav in Joaln.i;- tiee p.'.ila '.i.'.i-' June lii.'Ji'.ain.-'s Jan Ii.'.i.-.a 11. .', Cai.vksio.n, Auk. Kl. Coltou linn, II. receipts o. Norfolk, Auk- l.'L Cotton steady. 11. ri CCijitS O. . Aiil- i:t. ( niton iiuiet. 111-. i ('.real i.lltillCIlt -OO. 11-"'.; receipts n. lloSToN, AuK- l.l. receipts II WII.MINI'.TON. N.C., AUK KL Cotton illiet. 1 1 i,t; rceeipls o. I'Hil.Aio.i.ruiA. Auk l.'l- recciptso. Savannah. Auk 1 :l Cotton nominal. IO"s receipts 1 7. h new . . .. NKW iihi.kans. Auk. l.'l .-Cotton linn, 11 receipts 1 7s. Moiiu.u, Auk- l;l " receipts o. M km ions, Auk l a. "a'iv.i'sta, Auk 1 .1 Cotton linn. 1 1 ; receipt' -Cotton nuiet. 1 l;lsal 1 ': ilton linn. 1 1 1 " -Cotton iiotniiial, lo; Cotlon quiet, ln;,.t; 1 Ciiaki.kston. Auk. ia. HI-hI recciits.l -Cotton iioiuinal. PKOVIMONS AMI l'lllll'I CI-:. Cincinnati, Auk. Kl - I'lour ipiiel. Wheal stcadv No. - red 71'.. Com linn No. L' ml xci I its.Ltsl.. I hits tilict No. I.' llnxeil 'Jill ll -'o't Pork wenker 1 1 .;t7 ' .... I .ard weak and lowei i;.u7';.. Hulk incuts dull. Ilacoucasy. Wins kev linn, ill K 1 demand l.oU. Cimcaoo. Auk i:i.- Cash.i-olatloiist.. ilay were as lollows: l-loui .iiicl. licat No 2 red 77. Corn-No. x".' i:i.W i mis No a iiill. Mess pork in. loal'i.lo. Lard ll.aoa Ii ::-Jl ... Short nh .-.JOa.-i an. Whiskey 1 11'.' Nl w Voiih.AiiK. ia .Southern Hour heavy Wheat slroiiKcr No. 2 red K(iL.iis". Com hiKhcr-No 2 ta"4aH.. Hats linn-Si pt i('e"H. Collei Sept. SUKIli r.-nv weak. Molasses I'oreiKU ilull- l-'ice slcaily and ipiiet. I'cirolcum weaker retincd lure 7. an Cottonseed oil quiet and steady. Tuhu tindirin. I'ork weak and ipiiet. Lard lowei western steam 11.771 .... 1'n ikIHs-- Coll. .n linn a-llil; i'.raiti sleady UK AMERICAN CARNIVAL. TONIGHT Fj i r mc rs' "War eli ousse. Thrt-tf Hat ki" m one MtilVnf. trunk :nnl valine ki-v --hvtwiTil Hsto)Ht.T .-mil Mrs. Kry nolris'. ki-wiinl. I.fiivfiit this Dllicc. Swaiiiianoa Hotel. I'tM-xcrMrtl cuisine. I'npular with tuiirii-ts, fjuiiitus ami business ttU'll- Hkctrii.- ears pass tVie ilmir. KA vi,s nmts., ai.ldly I'rnpr's. iii:ri:afti:r We will run two (lelivcr.v Wiiiions. 'Plii1 necessity for this liiis lici-ii ciiust'il li.v our liir'ivly iiMTfiisiiiji- trjuli', niakiiijA- it impossilili" to de liver with one wiio-on. TIhtc luivc Ix't'ii roiiipl.iints (iind instlv Inn) iv sonic ol our ciistoinrrs at not luiviuii' ioods del i vi-rcil more promptly. Willi our addi tional facilities for delivery we liope to increase our s 1 1 ceadv laive trade, and prom ise to meet all competition. ( nr siock. as heretofore, will lie kept Hi" to the liio'liest standard in duality. All o'oods sold liy us guaranteed to be as represented, both in weights and (piality. POWEIX & SNIDER Court Square. IK SAI.Ii. One Steam lCiiKiuv, Suilal.le tor Saw Mill. Vc. Apply to stki:i:t kaii.way cumpanv. a u 7 d.V v-v LADIES' NEW FURNISHING STORE. Silks. Plushes, Wliite!oods. Laces. Kmliroideries, Kib lions. Art Needlework Mate rial, Handkerchiefs, Corsets, (Moves, Hosiery, Ladies l'n derwear, liamlireipiinsrahle Covers. Pillow Shams, Tidies, etc., etc. Lessons in Art Kin- broidery and Stamping free to all who purchase material. Kid (doves fitted tothehand. Stamping done while you wait, at SARAH ELLICK'S, Corner of Main and Willow Streets, under Swanuanoa Hotel. MISCHLLAMSOUS. A FOUNTAIN OF HEALTH I Tlic Kiiif of Tonic Waters ! tlltuk Mtmutitin ttuti unit Alum M;tss'at "v's h'ctuvily t'vr the Curv ami Relief a ' rintic IHsvuscs 'l he Cttmlvnsvtl H ;i cr iff the Wittuiertui Hlmk Mitutituin Irou ami Alum This h'vnuilv is tiuthiiiK nitirctit Us thnn the resit luc left tut ev;iinnttitit; imre striiiK vntvr. The unttlvsis shfws this mass is eotnposvit in uhnut t w eiity tlistinet itrtierties, t'tnnnK ;i emliii;ithn of the I test tnnie uti'I .iltevntives ktU'wtl in meit teine, la tin t, vtieh unit every inre ilient is mi essential fnirt ttfthe ntlier, sit uri'HUW'l mjustcil hy the mi en in: of Suture tluit im tleviec nl Hum's ingenuity etnihl imitate r imjirove it. It is esiieeiully vulmihle ;ts u remeily fr lysi'eism, llemlnehe, Khltiey uml Khviiiliu t ie A fleet huts, ete. Try n hi tt tie ft it uml he eitti vimeil ft its wmnlerful towers tin- re lieving utiil rutin; many emjluiiiis so enmtmm in evety family. rKtci: .i" ct:Ts '.'A' hottu: at Grant's Pharmacy. 500 ACRES Asniivn.i.i-: Mvi:irisi:Mi;yrs. JELLICO COAL, STANDARD COAL CO., W00LDRIDGE. PROCTOR COAL CO. JELLICO MOUNTAIN COAL CO., EAST TENNESSEE COAL CO., lfor sale ut Wliolesale and Ketail li.V- ASHKVILLE COAL COMPANY, Inclusive Agents (lloineslie unil Sleanil for Western North Cnroliuil. TAHI.KAVX FROM A H Ii KHAN II ISTORVi AT EIGHT O'CLOCK, SHARP. Musicyz: zrRefrcslimciits. OPEN FROM 6 TO 8 FOR CHILDREN. FOR THE BENEFIT OF TRINJTY CHURCH ORGAN FUND. Admission, 25 Cents. WANTED. 10 to 20 More Boarders AT Til 15 REKVES HOUSE, WAYNKSVlLLli, N. C. The cuok-at room, and Rood new beds as clean ns the cleanest. Pure freestone water, 54. Fahrenheit. Plenty of choice, well cooked food in uliundant variety. Location Main street, 3 minutes' walk from depot express and post offices; 15 min utes' walk from Haywood White Sulphur Spring Rates $20 to $30 per month ; $6 to $8 per week. A. J. REEVES, aultdlw Proprietor. A competent man, soncT nd reliable to take charge of 19 head of cattle. Good milker. Mast be able to girt recommendations. Ap ply to NADBSHDA FARM, kulld2tsuwc wit Ardca, N. C. M FINE MINERAL AND TIMBER LANDS, TO in; SOU) IN Transylvania County, N.C Hy virtue of a decree of the Superior Curt of Tr.insylvinii.i county, N'ctrth Ciiiolina, the iithlcrsiiititil Ms executor of Ivlizur Patton, dec'il. will cll al public auction at the court house tloi.r in the town ol Hrevanl. on Monday, ac! Ia oi Sept. 1889, 1 All that tract of land lyini; on CaOiey's creek, known as the liltzur raltou siwcula tiou land. conluiiittiK 'out One Thousand Five Hundred acres, The laud is accessible and finely timbered. It is at t tinted aboul miles southwest of Hrevanl and lies parallel to the French llroad river, about two miles distant from the same, and nbmit two miles distant from the propwl line of the C, C O. iSc C railroad. Also the same distance from the Haltimorc, Asheville and Atlanta railroad line as proposed. There are tine in dications of Iron, Lime and other minerals on the land. It if well adapted to gnuiiiK Pur poses and can be conveniently diided into small tarnis. The land w ill lie sold t" make issets to pay ilcbts and for final settlement. Terms one third cash, balance on nix and twelve months, with note and interest on same at s per cent. I itle reserved till last ment is made. Purchaser hasprivilcKe of pa vmi: cash in mil oi amount oi naic ti ne ue- sires. Title iunrnnteed. I'or further infor mation apply to r address the undersigned ir V A. Cash, Att'y, Urevard, N. C. Full description and pints of the laud can ic seen on file in the otliee of the Clerk tf the Superior Court of Transylvania county. Clias. C. Tatton, i:ci utor of lilizur Patton, dee'd. jullL'dtsept I. X. L. MARKET, Cor. I'atlon Avenue ami Depot Street. II AS CIIOICFST Beef, Veal, Mutton and Lamb Always 011 hand in the licst KefriKerator in town. JAM liS WOLFK, Prop T. tnav'J t- ditin J. V. BROWN Will continue the undertaker's businessut his old stand over J. Ii. IHckcrson A: Cu.'s Hardware Store, under the firm name of J. V. BROWN & CO. IlaviuK thirty years' exiieriencc as under taker and embalincr, and iinequaled fnciliti fcr buying, can safely Kunrnntec sntisfnctioa Calls promptly attended to at all hours F.vcrythitiK HTtainiiiK to the business nl wavs on hand febl.'tdtim J. N. MORGAN & CO., No. 3 Harnard Building. School iincl Colli?" Text Uooks. n full lino. Poets, His tory, Konmiue, bio-Tiiihy, Travel Mini Novels, Fsunily l'.ililes. S. S. Hihles nml Test- iitiients, Oxford Teacliers ISihles, Sotifi1 Hooks of iill kinds, Ijirestoek Stationery, blank Books and Office anil School Supplies. New lint Ladies' and Gents' Pocket- books just opened. Fancy (ioods and Dolls. fcbiodlr Desirable Country Board. At l.uthcr House at Hominy lk'Ht. lit mile, went of Anhcville, on the Murphy rail roml, at $ir to $IK per month. C.ood larse rooms and excellent table boanl. Located in full view of and accessible to risKah. Good livery. K L. LI'TIIKR, auKlldtw Proprietor. DON'T ORDER From yoiiKiroccr, even for trial, our "ROLLER KING" PATENT I Seen use it is made in Asheville, vor KNOW," Put we pledge our word for it, that no WHITER IIREAO, BISCUIT, ROLLS, Can he made from any imported Flour. liLECTRIC LIGHT Is the most popular straight floods in this market. Ask vour (irocer for the above Brands, manufactured by the ASHEVILLE MILLING CO. U. T. COLLINS, rnsidint. E. li.EAGAN, Secretary ASHEVILLE ICE COMPANY. Pure Ice made from Distilled Water. Patton Avenue. Ofliee: No. ao Ii. C. Wu.lilill, l-rc-iikiit. W. W. Uarmird. Vice President. Lawrence Fulllam. Cunhici THE BANK OF ASHEVILLE,! ASUVVILLK, N. C. uiKi:t"roHS i I. 1'. ,s. VliH. . C. MAKTIN. . I.. CAKKOLL, Clio. W. WILLIAMS, ol WilillillKtoli, N C. T. . I'A I I i iS. W. W. IIAHNAKII. II. C. WAllDliLL. DESIGNATED STATE DEPOSITORY HERRING & WEAVER, THE SHOE STORE, NO. SOUTH MAIN STKIiliT. While we Have Hie Finest and Most I'aHliiouable (ioods in Our Line, Wt iilsn hiivi-1 lie clu;insl. C.-ill iind situs. OAK STREET INN, ASHTZVILMC, N. CM :sxivt in a prove of nnks anil white piiu-, with no lut or noisr, at the cor ntti'm Ktrvt-ts, near the l-Ymak- College, ami only three squares from the Beautifully 1o ner of Oak and VV eourt house. ... We have a number of elej-antly-furnishi il rooms to aeeomnionate boarders w ho desire n ntee. iiiii t plaee. aw ay from the "hotels. Niee rooms, new furniture, ood fare, tirst-iiuss cooking, at rensonablV priees. Also, hot and eolil baths. Or. T.J. II AU; AN, Proprietor. COMPOUND OXYGEN AND MEDICATED BALSAM VAPOR, All modern and latest improved methods for treating ohmtiie .liseases of the lunjs throat and nosi , bv the inhalation of vapoi ied anil atomizi d iluids by the pneiitnatte and eoni pressed air apparatus; also Compound Oxygen in connection with the vnporied Hal sain (the balsftin iditained from the natural balsam trc-s near Ahcvillt I We also manuliu'ture a 1 1 nine Treatment o the Compound t xycn, which is, eipuil to the othee trt atmcnt, and will be sent on application b ex)rrri, on receipt of price, $11'. Our success here for the past three years with this treatment has been phenomenal, hav iK currd many eases that nere proiiouneed hopi-less, whose names ami residences can be obtained by calling at the Sanitarium. Kv permission we refer to the following well-known gentlemen id Asheville: li, 1- Aston, ex-Mavoi ; J. Ii. Kevd. Clerk V . S. Cnirt ; Kev. .. C. Kan kin, pastor I'irst Methodist Church: Kev. W. A. Nelson, pastor I'irst Baptist Church; II. T. Collins, Capl. Natt Atkinson. t. j. hak;an, in. n. GEO. KIMBER, GENERALCONTRACTOR AND BUILDER Mosaic Tile and Cement work iispeeialty. t'f rates. Kanes and Boilers .net. HuihliiiKs niovid and repaired in first class manner. Sewerage, lirainae and traps for the same thoroughly understood and promptly at tended to. i Uliee: Wolfe Building, Court House Sipmre, Asheville, N. C. may.'K'dly VVlNKELftlANN'S v AN UNEXCELLED SPECIFIC IN CASES OF CHOLIPA. CRAMPS. DlARRMdA, Summer complaint Dysentery and other at fection8 or the stomach ano bowels PRICE 25 CENTS. J. H. ttflNKELMANN & CO SOIC PROPRICTORt, BALTIMORE, MD.. U S. A. For sale by J. S. GRANT, dawtau'JH N (JT1CE. T. J. REVKI. has acctptcrt a position with tht Asheville Milling Compnny and the Ashe ville Coal Company, and will receive order for Flour, Meal and Grain, also for Coal. au9 dlw ANEW DEED, carefully prepared by lead inK memlK'ti of the Asheville bar (on finest parchment and heavy flat paper), co erinK all aecetwarr points, just out and now on sale at the office of the Citizkn Publish ing Co.. No. A North Crart Hqnurr 'fpnlfttf THE ASHEVILLE STREET RAILWAY CO. Will call at any house in the city fur BAGGAGE FOR TRAINS Anil deliver same to any house from trains for 25c. per trunk. All orders for BaKK"Kt' left at the office will receive prompt nttcn tion. 1'asscnncr cars meet all incoming and outKoing trains. auK7 dtf E. FOGETTE, Architect. I'lnns and siccificationa prepared and cwtl matn, iriTcn, at phort notice. Office: Wolfe Building, Court HoUMSnare Aataeville, N. C. may3Udly THE "BONANZA," THK I.ICAIINi v WINE .'. AND .-. LIQUOR .. STORE v IN THK STATE. FINE SAMPLE AND BILLIARD ROOM. j. a. MAKQi'AKii'r, nr. I NO. 43 S. MAIN ST., ASHEVILLE, N. C. WILLIAMSON & SON, (Suavssors to Hurt it Williamson,) MANl'l'ACTl'KHKS Ol' SASH, DOORS, BLINDS Mouldings, Stnii-Work, Fino ln UM'ior Fininh, Mantels, Etc?., ASHEVILLE, N. C. AC.I- N I S I UK Tlio Huikevc I'lini!, Steel ami 'I'in Shingles, I'loor anil Hearth Tiles. AI'.I.N i s h M I' KS. of Uyrkit's I'alent SheatliiiiK l.atli I.I5WIS MAIHll'.X DlKKeTOKS U. T. McMil'H, Vk-c-Prcn. I. K. KANKIN. Cn.dlkr. U-wis Maclilnx. M.J. Hi'arilin. M.J. Fnct'.J. li. Kallkin.J. K. May, J. I!. Kccd s. II. Ki-tcl, t'.i-o. S. I'owcll, w. Ji AH'l.OUU. WESTERN CAROLINA BANK lASIIIiV LLI5, N. C. I'l'.HKUAKV 1KHU. OrKitnilCfl May lat, INMK. CAPITAL., $50,000. 81'RI'l.l'S, io,ooo STATU, COI'NTV ANIl CITY Dlil'OSITOKV. lines n Ocmriil Hunkini! HiiHincBS. IKfiualta received. Hnhimirc lioUKht ami sold. Col lection inndc on all points. The Savins Feature will receive K-ciul attention in all sums in this department, deposited for four month or longer, intercut at the rate of 4 ier cent. kt annum will be paid. Special attention .riven to loans on real estate, which will be placed for Ioiik time on real sonablr terms tllien Irom a. m. to 3 p. m. On Saturdays the Saving Department will lie open till 1! p.m. fehftltf Beautiful Building Lots j Olilt'Nt Hank in Western Carolina. INC0KP0KATED BY ACT OF THL UENEIIAL ASSEMBLY OF THE St ATE CAPITAL STOCK $100,000. SURPLUS FUND $20,0(Jli. LUMBER YARD. ;i:U. V. SCOTT, (Siuwssor to Ihmlileilfiy & Seolt.) North Public Square, WINUOWS, - BLINDS, - liOOUh, lass, Putty, IJnif, I'lastcrinf; Hair, Shingles, Laths, lVmin I'usts. All kinds ol iiuililiiiK MaU-rial. W inlirs will rnrive prnmpt atti-ntion. I'rl.lOill FITZPATRICK BROS. & ROBERTSON, . Dealer in Wall Paper, WMndow SliadcMancI Patent Haiircrff I'liiuls, oils uml Varnishes, Musury'H Mixnl I'uints ami ColorH, W'induw GIk, botl Frt'iich and Auicricati Wo kiT. in stock St. Louis anil Kinturky Lt-atl. rchfully W. T. PKNNIMAN. W. H. 1'BNNIM AN. PENNIMAN & CO., lOHtlKkB AM DHALKKS IN- HARDWAR E: ASlHiVILMC, N. C. Af.ENTS FOR DUPONT POWDER CO., RICHMOND STOVE CO., CORTLAND WAGON CO., OLD HICKORY WAGONS, STUDEBAKER WAGONS, . MOLINE SCALE CO. ENGINES, SAW MILLS, ETC. M'COHMICK HARVESTING MACHINE CO. I.'.xl 1 v THE"HICKORY INN." HICKORY, N. C. . lileetrio Limits. Cms. Hot and Cold Water ISaths and Toilets on each Moor. Cuisine and appointments unsurpassed. FRANK I.OVVHRAN, Proprietor. SKYLAND SPRINGS BUNCOMBE COUNTY, N. C. Skylnnd SpriiiK Is n new resort, laid off in bnildlns lotn, elvht mlleniiouth of AMlieville, on the A. t 8 Knilroad and the Hcndcnumvillc I'lke. THE FINEST COLLECTION OF MINERAL SPRINGS IN THE STATE. Twenty-seven Sprinjrs Chalybeate, Alum. Iron, Kpsom, Sulphur. MoKnenia, and Frewttone pure, cold and health Ktving. Fine Hotel Finished and Opened For "f1 the year 'round,' with low rate and lat of rooms and fare. Several uniMitiKB are poing up Saw Mill and Flaner making lumber rixht in the place. For a short time, choicr lots are offered very low to settlers or investors. Grand views, level lots, wide streets, pure air, fine water. OTIS A. MILLER, Proprietor. ' mavlO dSm Y"ANCE PROPERTY SALE. That valuable and desirable property on College and Homce streets, the old home and property of Gov. Z. B. Vance, is now for sale either in lots or as a whole. For particulars applv to NATT ATKINSON fit HON, julii dtf Real BsUtc Dealera. CAMPBELL'S TONIC BEER, Medicated specially for family use, i. one of the healthiest bererajm ever introduced, a. Korea of familie. to town can testify. It ia emphatically a TONIC, alightly laxative, will rec nlate the liowela, promote the action of the liver and purify the blood. I. STRICTLY vegetable and non-lntoilcating. Endorsed by the Midlcal prafeadoB. Ortltr rfrect from factory. C. H. CA1HPBEIX, ai7 Haywood Street. MANN, JOHNSON & COMPANY, Sl'CCIiSSoKS TO SHEPARD, MANN ft JOHNSON, AND THE BLAIR FURNITURE CO., NO. Ti PATTON AVENUE, Wholesale and Retail Furniture Dealers, And Undertakers. ' r Prompt nttentloh jrlvcn to nil onlcni, day or night. PLUMBING, STEAM AND GAS FITTING, TIN" AND SLATE ROOFING, ARCHITECTURAL IRON WORK. Plaus audSpecificatloiiP Furnished on Application We hare thorough mechanic in each line who have had many year' experience in then linslncar. We can aafely guarantee onr patron. aaUafactlon in our wort, a low kgnm. BALLARD. RICH & BOlCli. fcblddlT '