PKOl'ESSIOHA L CA A7AS. TIIKO I'. DAVIDBIIN, TllDS. A. JUNKS Kulcilih. JA8. (i. Maktin, Aslwvillc. Asheville-. jQAVIDSON, MARTIN & .JONHS, Attorneys mill Couiisi lliim ul Law, Ashrvlllc. N. C. Will nru ike in the 11th mill l-'lh .luilunil Ilislri.tK. -ril in the Supreme Ciitii"t "I N.irtli Carolina, mill in the l'eilernl CimrU "I the Western Iiistriet ol North l anilmn. Refer to Hmlk of Anhevllle. "twl CMAS. A. MOOKK. lll'Fl' MI'.KHICK. rixiRIi Kt MHKKlCK, Allnmeva unci CounnelliirB lit l.n . AKheville, N. C frnetiee in the I'nitcil State Circuit anil 1 lislrict Courts at Asheville. stutcsville, c liar lotte an.l (ireensforo. in the SIV lit RaleiKh, unci in the eourts of the I wellth judicial llistrict of the State ol North C.iro. "s,U-eilll uttention Riven to eolleetion ill Claims. , . . ....... t Partnership iloes noi exieim i.. ... lluncomlie Inferior Court. iltm-a r. ii. conn. . Il.-MI'.KKIMON. 111111 it MUKKIMON. - Attorneys anil Counsellors at Law. Trnetiee in all the eourts. (Illiee: Nos. 7 and M, Johnston IiiiiIiImk. iltstl. :. v. JONKS. IIINliS it SIIIU'ORII. CliO. A. SlU'lMIHII. Attorneys at I. aw, Asheville, N. C. I'raelies in the Superior Courts of Western North Carolina, the Supreme Court "I the Ulate. anil the l-eileial Courts at Asheville. (Illiee in lohnslon ImililiiiK. where one iiicin lirr of the firm ean always lie loiiml. iltnovll J A. T1SNNUNT, Architect and Contractor. lMmls, smeilieations ami esliintites lur- .. .,... i All work m my line eoiuraiieo mo. u1 nochaiKes Kir ilrawiiiKs Axyunlrcl me. Keleren " hen ilesiml. MIice: N. I J llemlry lllnck, (biuiiie, Annevilif. N. C eontraets Norlli Coiirl fehl '.III I y IJ. (I. UOUCI.AS8. 1). U. S. DENTAL ROOMS, Over (null Kesiilellee, No. , . NO. 24 SOUTH MAIN ST., V vVinnert's limn Store. !im lluiky SI. til.UHlly R. II. KHKVI Mrs. S, II. U.S. j II. K. SMITH, II. U.S. Hcm-D & Smith. iii:n'i'AI. Ol'FIClf id's Store, V n Claim.!. liuililini:. over Keilw Pulton Avenue. r..rt....t.iii-11-l wilhoiit pain. will, the ne .nim'sthecie, unlal rccu-il. .iisi'S of iri'iiiularity lelil.'lill.v K. UUltOlN, M. V. officii : Nc (ijfuul Central liuililini;. over ClolliiUK Store. .kliliaiftl KAMSA V, 11. U.S. Dental OllUe : In nanuiril liuililini: lilltiaiites, Patton Avium' anil Main Street. fcl)2iil 1 v Ir. 'rank Harvey, "Vlvrinary Surgeon. Ollict- at fccvicrVH Stable. Resilience w ith Mr. Natt Atkinson, Jr., No. 21 1 llnvwooil street. iul-T. il 1 Urn KTIU'K M. I'llil.ll, Graduate Optician, Main Street. All mechanical ocular ilefeets of the eye eor-n-cctcil. lours for exaininatioli II to 1- a. m . to .flp. Ml. jullllltl ll.F. Arrins ton, II. D., ..., (tl'KUKON moi'rwr. 1illinir teeth a sneeinltv: also trent'iiL' ills- i'liseil Kiinis ami all diseases pertaining to the jlnl at st rueture. iltfit-e rooms on I'atlon .Avenue, one door ent of Cosliy's jewelry store. JJOK SA1.1S. One Mteam ICniiie, Suitable forKnw Mill, ite. Apiily to TK1!BT RAILWAY COMPANY. nu7 tlitwiiw ' THE ASHEWLLE LIBRARY ASSOCIATION, UiMiins iin jMdin street, opposite the post olliv. ( liH'ti ifaily, eeepl Sundays, from lo a. in. until 1 p. in., and r. :tn until 7.:to u. in. The terms of sulist'i-iiilioii are: line year $'; c, iiios., $1.5(1; a ino., $1 ; 1 mo., Ooets.; dailv 2 ets. (llWcrs for ISHtl President. R. R. Kawls; Viee-President. Charles W. Woolsey; See. and 'I'reas., 11. S. Watson ; Librarian, Miss li. . Ilateh. Ciliicns anil visitors are cordially invited to inspect the entaloKtie and iuserihe Iht-ir names as nieniliers. feliKdtf Ml cy fitt-l untl fit KH'H'"lt(l- A com vUtvk of the aliuvc Kut.ils ;ii CHANT'S nunc; STORE, it SOUTH MAIN STKIiliT. llcillists lu-cscriptluns (i specially. feli'.'Tiliim fftn (lnaler MTl He Inu thi HhiMm without ubiiio Hiiil pri the bottoui. put hun down Ha 7. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE CENTLKMEN. Bmt In tlif world, Kvnmlnftill . tlKNUINK ll.NI-SKWI-:H NHOB. 4.K) IANI-KKWKI WK1.T SIK. :JIO I-OI.ICK AMI I' AliAlKHS' NIIOK. S.BO F.XTKA V.IM'K, V-.W Ml OK. XJ.2S WOKKINUSIASV ian-.,lll.r, l.i,..' "il, SROK& All niaile lit t'encr, s I w. l. r S3 SKC s. ttmt HT-tiriml. It,. . il mtt told bj yntir di aler, -W. U DOUGLAS. I A88 l.". Amine M'. 1.. Ii ii SZ.OO HlioeH for tiendeinen anil 1 jMlleH For sale bv hi:krin; & wkavi h, J10 South Main Street, Aslu villi , X. C ll('HINi:M AMI IM.ICASl'RK. Private Bimrd. l'ur liisUhiss 1mil, at ri'iis'iin.ililf terms, npply t" Mrs. IJ. IJ. Urea, corner Culk'Ki' ami" Sprmv streets. The ilistnrliiiiiecs in the house of com mons make tin' meniliers semi very com mon. SHrial li.irirain week. HiniiiiiiiiK Mo rlav, August. 112. parusols, fans, ciiiliroiil eriis, la vs, dress kooi Is, 1" ht cent, lie low cost, at Wliitloek's. Reform will commence when trousers are made without hip pockets. A Lovely 'Woman overheard one say of her, "liy heaven! she's painted"! "Yes," retorted she. in dignantly, and liy lieavenonly"! Kuddy health mantled lier cheek, enthroned on the rose ami lily. Vet this lieautilid lady, once thin and pale, with a dry, hacking cough, night sweats, and slight spitting of lilood, seemed destined to fill a con sumptive's grave. After spending hun dreds of dollars on physicians without licmlit, she tried Hi'. Pierce's Golden Medical I liscovcry ; her improvement was soon marked, anil in n lew months she was plump and rosy again, the picture ol health and strength. It is the only medi cine of its class, sold liy druggists, under a positive guarantee that it will benefit or cure in all cases of disease for which it is recommended, or money paid will Ik' promptly refunded. The Klixir of I'ilc is a popular brand among the moonstruck boys. Special bargain week at Whillock's. Millinery trimmed and miliiiniiicil, rib bons, vcrVctsand plushes ten percent be low cost. Pathcr What makes you so extrava gant wit h my money ? Son ltcc.iiise I didn't think you would like lo spend it yourself alter working so hard for it. I lauiluu l-'lre In the Vt-iiiM. We hold positive proof thai Acker': lihli IJIoo'l Ivlixir cures all blood poi- ins where clicuii sarsaparillas and so- died purifiers fail. Knowing this, we 'all at our store on T. C. SniitluV Co. will sell it to alt who a positive guarantee. The tcnderfool w.iv down in Maine Speaks of the lire nu.1 in Siokanc. And nearer the sloiic ol tjic Aljeghanv, They say. "Hiid news this, from Spokany." Hut out in Wyoming, the native man Says, "That was a scorcher down in Spokan." l-'or laincbacli.siilcorelicst, uscShiloh's Porous Plaster. Prici- 'Jfi cents. SHll.OII'SCdl '(',11 and Consumption Cure is Kojd by us on a guarantee. It cures CoiiKinnp! ion. With the Hunting population at the hcasliore undressed kids me iilijtc com mon. SK'cial sales of sheetings, towels, doy lies, l;ivns, cambrics, dress linings, trini niiiiL:! iif ;J1 kinds below cost, at Whit lock's. Owner of a racing lim sc I looking closely al scalesl Williams, you arc a trifle over weight. Can't you lighten yourself a little? Williams I the jockey I (lot on my lightest suit, sir. Ain't ett a bite to-day, and 've just trimmed niv linger nails. Owner Well, go and get shaved. the Cliilclreii a Chance. There is something radically wrong with the health ol a child when it seems lisllcss, has poor or no upju'tite, eyes sunken and with dark skin licucatli. In most cases showing these symptoms the child has worms, ami alt that it needs is some situ pie remedy, such as Mart's Worm Cream, to cxiel the worms, and the child will soon lie in perfect health again. Pa rents, try it and let your little ones have a lair chance for life. The man who can not take a joke, and will not lake a drink, nor a bath, should be made lo take medicine. No liniment is in better repute or more widcly known than Dr. J, ((. McIa'.'iii's Yolcamc Oil Luumciit. Il is a wonder ful remedy. For sale by I". I.. Jacobs. The Hrown-Scipiard elixir of life will lie a big thing in polities. It will enable men lo hold ollice linger. Hetler Thau Illoocly IlattleN. Cicneral Whcalcroft Nelson says: "My cxK'iiencc ill tile Iviiglish army as well as in America, convinces me thai uothiugso purities the blood or adds to the health, vigor and life as Acker's Fuglish Hlood Ivlixir." This great remedy is sold under a positive guarantee. Mr. Suburb I ncle 'Kastus, 1 wish you'd go over lo my place and clean out my hen house. Pncle 'Kastus I with a grin) What! ill broad daylight, sail 'i Ladies will find il to their interest to buy line goods below cost al Wliitloek's. To promote one man over the head of another ill the army is looked upon as rank injustice. SLIil-PLIiSS NIC.IITS, tnndcmiserablc bv that terrible cough. Shiloh's Cure is the r-nieih for vou. CA TAK'KIl CI KI'll, health and sweet breath secured, by Shiloh's Catarrh Kenicdv. Price oil cents. Nasal Injector free hy'T. C. Smith K Co. When a poet reaches the age of SO he must be given tender lines. His literary life is at slake. Many people habitually endure a feel: iug of lassitude, because thev think thev have to, If they would take Dr. J. IL McLean's Sarsaparilla this lecling ol weariness would give place to vigor and vitality. For sale by V. L.Jacobs. lie "My dear, I shall sell a lot oil" our Iroiitage.' She "W by, Charley! you said when vou bought the place vou would never sell ail inch of that lovelv lawn, even if we were starving." He My love, al thai lime I had never had any exiicrience ill running a lawn- mower." All goods must Ik1 sold lo make room for clothing. Corsets, underwear, bill ions, zephyrs, hosiery, handkerchiefs mil gloves will lie sold, regardless ol cost, al Whillock's. "So," said tlic minister to a prisoner, just after his sentence had been pro nounced, "the law docs not yet release its grip on yon." "No," was the reply ; it holds me with the lirniness ol convic tion." h CoiiHimiptlon Incurable? Head the following: Mr. C. II. Morris, Newark, Ark., says: "Was down with Abscess of Lungs, and friends and physicians pronounced nic au Incurable Consumptive. Ilegan taking Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption; am now on my third bottle, and able to oversee the nork nit niv farm. It is the finest medicine ever made." Jesse Middlwart, Decatur, Ohio, says: "Hurl it not lieeu for Dr. King's New Discovery lor Consumption I would have died of Lung Trimbles. Was given up by doctors. Am now indent of health." Try it. Sample liotllcs lice at F. L. Jacobs' drug store. THAT ean be so quickly cured by Silicon's Cure. We guarantee it. WILL YOU SI'l'I'liK with Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint ? Shiloh's Vitalizer is guaranteed to cure you. Spattcrkins, who was a copicrhcad during the war' says the only genuine elixir of life is a place on the pension list. Summer clothing at reduced rales lo make room for fall goods, at Whillock's. TascotL is still lieiug captured in several dillercnt languages. IlyHpepHla, Oenpair, Oeath. These arc the actual steps which follow indigestion. Acker's Huglish I)ysicpsia Tablets will both check and cure this most fearful of diseases. Let us not be surprised if we presently hear that Beatrice Mary Victoria I'codora's baby has Ikch named llenja tuin Harrison Itattcnlicrg. SHILOH'S VITALIZI-K is what you need for Constipation, Loss of Apietitc, Hi.incss, and all symptoms of I )ysK'psia. Price 1(1 and 7f cents per bottle. CKOI'P, WHOOPINC, CnlT.II and llrouehitis immediately relieved by Shiloh's Cure. The true inwardness of a newspaicr cannot be found in its patent outside. Pimples, boils and olhcr humors, arc liable lo appear when the blood gets healed. I he lust rcuicdv is Dr. . II McLean's Sarsaiiarilla. l'or sale bv I'. L. Jacobs. What is the board of education ? The school-innstcr's shingle. Special sales week at Whillock's, II von wish lo Know how (puck von can run a mile, tell a rcil-licadcil lady her 1 1 j 1 1 i.v sipiiuts, How HoctorH Conquer llealli. Doctor Walter K. Hammond savs : " After a long cxiicriciicc I have come to t he conclusion that two-thirds of' all the deaths from coughs, pneumonia ami con sumption might lie avoulcil il Acker s Kiiglish Cough Remedy were only care fully used in lime." This wonderful Kcm i dy is sold under a positive guarantee. The Icllow who moves for a non-suit is I. Hiking for notrvity. tlvlce lo MollierN. Mrs. Winslow's Soolhiiig Svrupshiiiihl always lie used for children teething. Il 'mil lies llic cliihj; softens the gains, nl lavs all pains, cures wind colic, and is I lie lust remedy for (liarrhiea. "JCk, a boltle, Why hasn't tiie drill of Nature been jiaid 'i She's got the rocks, CareleHH MotlierH. Many mothers have permitted (heir children to die bclore Iheireycswhcn they might have been saved. Any mother who keeps house without a bottle ol Acker's Lnglish llaby Soother at hand, runs a risk which she may sonic lime 1'17,'l'l't. It has saved the lives of '.hoiisamlt ; l children, ami is doing so every year. The horse-ear driver is a uou-coii-iluctor. Special sales week, ('.real bargains for tadjes. Table linen, while and red, oil cloth, white and red llanuels, below cost, at Wliitloek's. The mail who is hard of hearing is apt to lie troubled with "hey!" fever. No matter what the school of physic I'hcy each ean cure an ache oi phthisic At least 'tis said they ean ; ' Hut as Science turnstile wheel still faster, And quacks and bigots meet disaster, To us there comes a man Whose meril hath won countless zealots. Who uuc and praise his"Pleasanl Pellets." The "Pleasant Purgative Pellets" of I r. Pierce, though gentle in action, are thorough, and never fail to cure liillious ncss, diseased or torpid liver, and consti palion. While you are inveighing against this hot weather don't forget that il tarnishes work to the pore. due of Dr.J. II. McLean's Little Liver and Kidney Pillcts, taken at night before going lo lied, will move the bowels; the effect will astonish you. For sale by F. L. lacobs. President Harrison's great speech at Huston: "I am very much pleased with the arrangements." Special sales week. Lace curtains at $1.(10, $2.00, $;!.() and $1.00 a pair; worth $l!.(io, $:t.on, $4-.."io mid $c,.oo apiece, to ehangebusiness, al Whitloek's- Thc iiiaxim-makcr should oien a hard ware store and stock it with his own saws. I.DMUN 1XIX1R. A I'l.KASANT I.KMItN 1KINK. Fur liiliniisncss and constipation , lake Lnnon Ivlixir. l'or inilitstion and lonl stoniaili, take U'inoii lilixir. I''or sk'U and iktvoiis liuad aches, taUe Ix-iiMm Ivlixir, I;or slct'j ik'ssni'ss and nci voiisikss, take Lemon Ivlixir. l;or lss ol apiK'tite and dcliitity, take Lctnon Ivlixir. I'ur levers, chills and malaria, take Iahioii Ivlixir. Lemon Ivlixir will not (ail you in any of the a hove diseases, allot which arise Iron) a torpid or diseased liver, stomach, kid- uevs, Imiwc's or mood, i'reparcu only hv" Im. II. Mou;v, Atlanta, (la. " 'iOe. and $1 (KThottle. Sold ly dru- Wists. A I'liOMlNl-NT MINISTKK WKITI-S : After ten vears of ureal sutVerinu lioni iniliycslion, with ureat n rvous prot ra tion, hilionsness, disordered kidnevs and constipation, I have men cured by Pr. Molev s lA'iuou ivlixir, ami am now a well man. Rev. C. C. Iavis, lvldcr M. H. Church, South. Ni. 2H Tatnall stM Atlanta, Oa. aprLM dtoc'Jl th su fK'ht was unknown to the ancients. They named one of their goddesses lo. Iinmeuse drives in atl kinds of id v gonds lor ladies, misses and children, al Wlutloek s. The jail wauon is built on popular principles. When one sent is dropped into the slot a ride comes ottl ol it. An idler is a watch that lacks holh hands; As useless il it g(K-s, as when it stands." Also! how nianv women, though house hold and children need their can.-, are necessarily idle, Ikvuukc sullcrinu; Ironi discascH eeuliar to iheirsex. Toallsuch Vr. ricrce s ravonte rresiTiplutn is a precious boon sturdily cur inu internal iiillainination, leueorrhea, displamuetil, ulceration, lormeitiiuu; h.tkhiicui pams, prolapsus, "Iteariug-dowu" sensation, moiuiuu sickness, bloating, weak stom- ich, nervous prostration, and teudciiev lo eaueeroiis ilisi-ase. In all those ail ments called "lemnle complaints," it is the most reliable siecitic known to medi cal science. Accepted Suitor: "Won't you luid it wkwarri when von meet votir other two husbands in heaven ?' Interesting Widow: '! do not expect to meet cither ul item there." ICleelrlc Hitters). This remedy is becoming so well known and popular as to need uosiccinl mention. All who have used ICIc.trie Hitters sing the same song of praise. A purer medicine does not exist and it is guaranteed tudotill that is claimed, lilcctric Hitlers will curr all diseases ol the Liver and Kidneys-, will remove Pimples, lloils, Salt Rheum and other allcctious caused by impure olooil. N ill drive malaria trout the svs tcin and prevent as well as cure all malarial levers. l or cure ol Headache. Constipation and Indigestion try lilcctric Hitters lintire satisfaction guaranUril, or money refunded. J'riee "ill els. ami M.IMI per bottle at F. L. Jacobs' drug store. Hioncs That voimg fellow seems to '.K' rather iK'Ssiniistic. .Mcrriti es, He's an amateur nhoto- grnphc of life. , and always takes a poor view Hucklen'H Arnlea Halve. The liest salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, stilt rlieuui, lever sores, tetter, chnpicd hands, cliilblnins, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi lively cures piles, or 110 pay rcipiircd. It is guar.inteed to give (icrlcet satisfaction, or money refunded. Price iifi cents jier box. l'or sale hv K. L. lacobs. dnw' Hosloii Voimg Lady. "What do you mean by saying that your ball nine has the opposing team 'rail led !" " Omaha Miss "It's whin wehavethem luzzlc-dajzlcd and give thcni the grand razoo." Siceial bargain week at Whillock's. A young man in Paris dolh pine l'or the shekels his purse once did line, And lament the sad wish l'or the great "cxposish" That induced him to sail o'er the brine. I'oiid papa No, young inau, youcaii'l have my daughter. I wouldn't give hel lo yon for her weight in gold. Younc suitor Icuiitieully practical I Well, can't we negotiate for a life lease? Two well known clergymen missed their 1 1, -i in, upon which one of I hem took out his watch and liniling il lo blame loi the trouble, said he would no longer Imvc liiilh in it. "Itul," said the other, "Isn't il a question, not of lailh but of works ?" k i M UAX A I IVt tut) NUTRITIOUS OUIOE - i.i" ritL FIOS OF CALIFORNIA, 'ii!tiliiHil willi (lie medicinal i 1 1 tics of plants known to lie .nost henefuial to the human system, '"oniiing- an ngR'eaH. and effective laxative to penn:; liently cure Habitual Consti liation, and the many ills di pending on a weak or inactive "' iidition of the KIDNEYS, LIVER AND BOWELS. It is the most excellent remedy (cnown to CLEANSE THE SYSTEM EFFECTUALLY When one is liili.iiis or Coiuaipatu'l SO THAT PURE BLOOD, REFRESHING SLEEP. HEALTH nnd 8TRENCTH NATURALLY FOLLOW. Kvery one is using it and all are delighted with it. ASK YOUR DRUOQIST FOR BYRUP 03T" FIGS MANUFACTURED ONLY DY CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL, LOUISVILLE, KY NEW YORK, N. Y. Masquerade Carnival RAY'S WAREHOUSE Faiday, Aug. 16, 1889, I'riis for the best costumes ltressiiiK Rooms for Hie l.;nliis! SkatiiiK Mn m1;i v, Weiliusila.v ami l-'Hdav evi'tiiiiKs nnd every tiltt t noon. Attmissioii, Only 10 els. aul I (I'll su tu til If what vou eat hnrls von WHAT YOU KAT HURT YOU? you, or if vou arc trouliled with hvsiK'psia, Nrr vmism-ss, Mcarllutni, llearlaehe, I.nw Spirits, Kidnt- Ciimplaiuts, Iwe., lUe., Try a boltle of IU. HAM'S Aromatic : Invijjorator 1 It liasstoiitl tlx ttst ol Hie pulilie for over 11 itiarlrr uf a cenlur.v, ami tliousamls liavi-ti-stilieil t its valnr. S-imI for circular aiul U'Atiuionials. TiO cents ami $1 (kt bottle. l;of sale ly I. I.. Jacobs, Corner Main Stir t ami Patton Avenue. llliATII V MI KKAV. ral Aks., llostoi tut I .Uf ISKOOM FACTORY. HANI OKD N tOCKWOOI). HAMi-UAUK ItrooniH, WhlskH, Hcartli and Ceiling ItrooniH. Mill and I'nctory jiradcs a Hoecmtty. (Juo tntions and snninks free. ivhU'xIiy JpiiH SAI.K. 1 i- neres of Inml on Heaver Punt road, just opposite J. S. HurucU's. A line site fr a suli tirluin re idenee. A nice knoll eovered witli clover tint) some tine oak, with iH-uulilul vii wn of mountain and the city. A rare chance to I my such h piece of land with niir elenr springs ushittK from the hit. Terms easy and price low IU1STIC, MbANTON Hi CO. aul.l dtf llM Wlitakcy DkH. Itcnmu .t home with nat nla. nonkofjwite UonlArs .enl fBBB. b. m woni.ucr.HDL to th rat mm Jk fi,-,...;, .1... ,..., .i,,..,,,, ;. W AUMUS it. ' lrhKhlRwlT KliAL USTA Til. W M.TUH II. C.WVN, W. V. Wkst. GVYN & WEST, (KiicmtKiira to Walter ICSTABLISIIED 1881 REFER TO BANK OF ASHEVILLE. REAL ESTATE. l-oans Securely riaeed at 8 Per Cent. Commissioners ol lieeds FIRE INSURANCE HoutlieHHl Court Muarv D. S. WATSOIV, Real KHtatc Ajfcnt, (Not a Speculator.) l-'or Sale A lare aniount of valuable City 1'roperly, improved and unimproved. l-dr Sale Siiine line farmiiiK lands ; alsi timber and mineral lauds. I ean secure for parties Inlying City Lot (rum ine money to improve the same on most reasonable terms ! Money to loan on K""d city and Country property ! tithee hours; l-'idtu h tu U. . S. WATSON, Southeast Corner Court Square, Asheille, N. C. tnay'Ji; dtl Wm. M. Cocke, Jr., REAL ESTATE AND MIHERALBROKER, Asheville, N. C. Cn i t ll you one million acres if land, in Ir.ieU i'r.Mii f.o to 100,000 acres. Have a number of city lots, improved and unim proved, which I can sell on the best of terms. If you want a lare or small farm call oil inc. N vou want minerals of aiiy kiiid, yiai need mi mi fpnlilT- M vnu mint litnlicr lands, this itt lieaditiarlcr. In fact I can suit you in anything yia waaL in my line. Services of a liisl-elasK civil cuim-tr and practical surveyor cnatd to s)iom up all property when reiptiied. I have had tillecn years' experience in the real estate husiucks, and think 1 know what will please. 1'tompt attention to all inipurics, lehJ4dlv JJUKTUNIi HKOS., Real Estate lit okciH, And 1 Investment ; Agents. niiices: No. TiO South Main st. Second lloor feliDdly A'.SVA'.I.YC'i. JIKIi INSl KANCIv. fiui:. ufi:. acciihont. PULL1AM & CO. At the (tank of Asheville. ASIlIi VILLI!, N. C. Keprcsciit the following eoinpauics, viz. : I'lkK. eASvIl ASSIiTS IN 1'. S. Anj,'lo Nevada, of Calitbraia 1-U7,xt,'i Continental, of New Vord l.KVo.tia.'i llaiiibur-ltreinen,of C.ermany 1,1 -it,iO i London Assurance, of litiKland 1 ,fi Kt.O'jri Niagara, ! New York L',l'.'17,4-'.li Orient, of Hartford l,Ui7,HiU I'luenix. of I'.rooklyn .r,or .,17i St. I'aul l-'ire and Marine, of Min nesota l.r.H.or.i Southern, of New Orleans ;tlt,iiS4 Western, ol Toront) l.lKt'J,: Mutual Accident Association. .Ktna Life Insurance Company. dtmar2J Casli ArtHets, $100,000,000 Another Advance ON THE PART OF THE EQUITABLE. a m.w I'Hi.icv, which, i.iki: a hank IlKAl'T, IS A 1'HIIMISI! TO PAY. Ml CllXIHTHlNS WHATliVliK uX 111 1. HACK, 1C. U, Monroe, A;t., Aslu villr. N. C. (itlirc with IiiiIkv Astun. IvIiLMiliim T ) Til H IM HLIC. Flic undersigned may be found in Shank's w liuihiinu, one door west ol J. I-. Wood- tiurv's stalilc, on Collcue strest. They are prepared to manufacture carriages, bunnies. wagons, auu anyinmji cisc in ineir nuc. we- pairiiiK and uorse-Mtociu are specialties. I nev Have seen red lite servieesoi iienry row ell, and would he pleased to receive a liberal hare ol patronage. Sali-laelioii guaranteed. juKt .Ii. ,n IH'KNIi T'l'L .V lldWAKM. H. WOLTIi, PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL PLASTEKEH. All kinds of cement woik done. lohbinu and kalsomiuiuu promptly at- temleil to. Kesidence, Clavtoii St. Orders can be left with W. II. W estall ' Co. feb' WM. R. PENNIMAN, 1'KorKlhTDK Ol' THE ASHEVILLE BRICK WORKS, Ailicillc, N. C. 1. . 11 ox 1. iiuirl.'lilly J.W. ROBERTSON, CONTRACTOR AND BUILOER, MOKOANTON. N. C. MANUFACTURES ALL KINDS OF DRESSED LUMBER. INSU'li I'IMSII ill (Jmxil AuiK' unci nil st Uk nuw in uw. MoulilttiK" vnrimw kttiili. Cnn comjM-tc in priiJCR with any innnufnct urvr in the South. jul2 dim MISCELLANEOUS. ':00ZI. $15.000 COMMKNCING 3IONDAY, JULY aj, "WIS WILL Ol I ICK $15,000 WORTH OF DRY GOODS AT COST FOR CASH& CIIANGK OF BUSINESS. Goods Must be Sold to Make Room for Our Fall Stock of Clothing and Gents' Furnishings. The L'lilics ol' Aslicville will tiii'ii'iiiiis in I'inc (iddds, in of Di-ess (foods, White (ioods in Linens, liineu Ciimhrie, St i-ij h iisle and Silk (Jloves, Itilihons Li ires, Ilnniliui'tf iind Swiss lions, Pi-ess. l'e;iil ;iml Crochet Hut tons. Shetliind iind Siixony Yiirn. Zephyr r,c. per oz., Silk Em ln'oidery Miiteri.d. Pride West WninsiiH.-. m...i i ........ I'.le.iched Domestic, Tnlde Linens, Niipkins iimlTowels Wiirner's Health Corsets, Warner's Cornline (Corsets, Thomson's (iloye-Pilling Corst A 7-rw. Coi set for A "(. Corset for Lililies' ,'linl Misses Straw ILits n( iin.v Many more good. will OUR CLOTHING UKPARTMKNT Is too small for our i-owinj;' t r.-nle, iiud we lmvedecided to move the Clothiii",' into the corner store, now known its Wliitloek's Dry (loods Store, in order to establish au ex clusive (ientleineii's Outfitting business. We are compelled to close out the entire stock of Dry (loods, Millinery and Fin icy (loods at wholesale or retail. We wish to do this .is quickly iis possible. Verv respectfully, A. WHITLOCK. BRICK ! KRICK ! I'llK I1Y - GIRDWOOD & LEK, Proprietors lSuncombc : Brick : and : Tile : Company, Asiiuvii.i.i;, n. e. . 1 1. in i. :n :i. "THE WINYAH SANITARIUM, " ASHEVILLE, N. C. For the reception of patients sulU rinK t diseaws ol luns and lltroat, and eondneted upon the plan ol I he sanitaria's at (ia-i'licrsdot l ainl I'alkenstein in tier many. tirs is the only such institution in the t'nited Stales, and endorsed by the leading mendiers of the medical profession. Terms reasonable. K A H L VON KI CK, H. vS., M. I, THE CAROLINA SALOON, Has the Finest and WIIISKIKS, : BRANDIES : AND : WINES, liver Brought I 'al lies wishing 1 iirtick lor lumily tr Hive nic n cidl. KcsiKClliilly Frank DOUIS & BROTHERTON, CKACTICAI. l'liimbcrN A: Tinners. I'l.I'MIIINC, siiiAM ami i;as i iti'im;, TIN AMlM.ATIi Kuill-IM'.. I'liniaccs and Heaters. Jobbing; Promptly : : Attended to. 22 Palion Avenue, Basement. iiil'lll ilk-l v J. C. BROWN, MERCHANT : TAILOR, 25 I'attou Avenue, (Next toC.rnnd Central Hotel.) HprlM) y TLANTIC CtAST LINK on nnd after this dnte the followiiiR hcd ule will lie run over its "Columliia division." No. rS Lrnven Cohimhin f.20 p. m. Arrive ntChRrleston U.'Mt ji. m. No. 52 Leave Charleston 7.1U a. m. Arrive nt Cdnmhin 11. ofi a. ni. ConneetinK with trninn to and from nil point on the Charlotte, Columbia & Au Kuta nnd Columbia Me Greenville Kailroad. lailv. T. M. KMKKSON, Gen. Pass. Agt. J. F. DEVINU, Gen. Supt. s .1 rMic cliiiiicc (o my I'.liick iiml Colored Mull. I' Iiiiwn, India IM.iid Muslins, Kid, 'I I illHl ol' kinds liest ijiiiility slock of IS'o- (icllllillllowil, .Muslins, ;i liir'c 1.00 .SO Mml I lose, a liii-o'e stock, price. require nu inspection. BRICK ! jtilLT. d.'tni Largest Stock, ot to Asheville. oilier pui poses, will Imd it to their interest to O'Donncll, I'rop'r. A. D. COOPER, Groceries. Wt piiMimc Asheville has more comment passed ii pott it than any other city in the Slate. 'I'hcy say "Such elegant butldiiiRs, such line houses, nrnl such splendid food." Motels, hoardtiiK Ionises and private families are often asked by their visitors "Where do v ou K't Hour to initkc such clcKimt bread ?" "W hy, al CiHipcr's, where the bent of every thing can be had in the w ay of Groceries. " i Hit aim is to furnish the purest and lient imils for the least money, to whkv bitter war against nil nihiltcratioiiH of food prod ucts and never buy cheap Kruceriett fur the purpose ot selling Ik-Iow etmt. Schedule Street Railway. To tiikeelVcct I-'ritlny, March 1, at 6.30a. m. Car leaves Court House fl.MO a. m. " 7.M " " " " 8.tM " " P.1M) " From then till 7 p. in. ear leaves court hoasc every ;ui niinutes. Also, ear leaves court house at H.OH) p. m. and U.OO p. m. FAKIi. F1VB CKNTS. FITS Cl?Klil BY OLD SPECIALIST PHYSICIAN. Bottle of medicine Free. We war rant our remedy toeure the worst cases, and the only physician whodo thi to prevent your being imposed uon by men a sin k false nnmes and who are aot Dociora. Because others failed is no rrasoi for not usinK (hi met Heine, (five Bxprcsa and Post otttee address. It costs you nothing. Addtess Asahel Medical Bureau, 21 Broadway, New York. an37d&wlT JOR SALB. A pair tf fine Mules, kind, and good work era; aUo wagon and double harness. Apply to C.J. McCAPB, Grove bt. i, 4' r i