THK AILV CITIZKN. i. ih most ntcnuivcly clrcti- fully I- to ' ynV t.,itin 1 nl l.illtn. ".r will llilivir the HT in "'. .V.h. ,Atv to sul.scrilK-rs. an.l I"" ,,f,hV ritv to sul.scrilK-rs. .! I"" VT? I 11 nleusc cull at th.' ClTlZBN tit's wanunn - '--.-K-rtrr-An Tancc. nil in in line- Ht'- r'Zaaml sodcty ..tu'i' my - ?a,'h "not ci-lii'B tcnl.tu s or tilty cents kt imh. l-KIUAY. AnU ST Hi, lXSi). KIM."" OF TKKRV. . ..;,.t. ffuti'rdav ti ....nii-v tail ii ' ... .1... LillilllF Oi in the amiouncciiK-m. - l,c,cta,Kscrvc.l fi.u-. Hewn, a .... . . slaver ,.fln..lcm-k ... llu-furlR-. .Ias ol Calirnia.wlKM. n.i-i. were very reek Wsim.usl.inK ...i-lc Uiosewl... en.sse.l their interests'tl;.U, vea, lie eame nil" ,,ton.'i.s pnnimieii ... ...,-ti,,i. with the woman i with whom hehve.1 in the relation ol wile, the mat te, eominKintotheeonrt over Iml. ju.hji-Ku-hlpresi,!.-.!; an.l Loll. Terry ami las w,eomlnete,l themselves will, r,-,Keoi.san.leontenil.lnoiis v.olenee thai the woman was sent to prison lor on. , , r,- k : an.l ih.s inontn am. i' wastl.eoeeasiororlhe.lea,llyan..nos,.y of Terrv against . I nil.ue I'iel.l. Thein.liity.soossa,,,! lunlal o ,,,e,l to the latter, will shoek every tl.o.lulul min.l. It isan.mlif;ml olieml lo Hie highest tril.nnal on earth, the Supreme eonrl ol' the I'mUil Stales. hieh.ii"lKf l'ivll member, -a . ot w cnliar reverenee .in.on.ilini; almost to :iii. .itv. is aserihe.l t that lioilv, an.l 1 1, mill' willili ,.lv reeoime UK' ... - i ' ... . , vinilv that l.eil.yes tliein m, notwiin stamlint; thai party exi.enees sometimes l,trn,le upon the h.ltv seal some o.u whose in.livi.lnality snests ...ihtness .1 ,1(,t miwor.himss. 1'a.l the Amenean peo- le will revere the.r Supreme eourt as the sheet anchor ol' their most sacrei rifhlsaiull. He. lies, an.l will stan.l to it .lelenee against any assaults made upon it. in.,.!, its lame, its U.mtions an.l Us personnel. Th.- :issaull n.a.le ilium Jnile rid. I was wanton, urnvalol. hrulal am ..,,w:,r,llv. It was the culmination " lmiK eherishe.l hale, ami loin; awaited I. was advantage taken "PI"" " -' , , . in veal's, .iresi.mahly oi a ..... ii apahle ol' resenting imhcmty or rcpcii inea issault; and made upon one picsiiu. alilv seeuie ... the am. ..". " .in otliee in which Wi a ve duties were so eon seientiouslv .lischarjjt .1 as to have re lie veil the pure and al.le timet ionary iiom individual responsili.l.ty- Sale m I,l,r,. l-'i,-1 uiiL'ht Have sense oi scm . .i ..-'f-. r,..r.-,,-ded the presence ill the same ro and at the same tal.le of the murderer Terrv with indifference, lie ndwht cvci have Uen "hi. v.ous to the quick move met of the she devil, Terry's wile, to th. roach, where she evidently went to d 1,,-r nistol from her satchel. If the assault ......voccled. so was the were sun. .....- - -. resentment of it prompt and decisive I'nknownto Judye 1'ield. his protect"! i,.,,l .nl.'iliiiost sin.ultaueoi.slv with Terry's l.h.w was the report Marshal Sable's pistol. The law in this case w.u.ld he siramcc ti make Nafle's act one of murder . .. : I,..., .l.-i.-i for it must lie pa I L, mi n"- .Mi,irneil as dC'encc, since both the nets' of Terrv and his wife lead lo the pit sumption that their time for full veil L'cauce had eonu was a hinh public ol licial. travelini; in the execution ol the duties to which the jjovcrtiinctit had as signed him. Those duties in the path t. which he was called were full of a pecu liar iicril. The j;overi.iiiei.t knew tht and wisely provided its representative with a sliield and Kuardiau. A faithful one he proved to be; perhaps a loo prompt one. Hut in such emergency, with such imminent peril to the object ol his care, with lull knowledge of the teni icr, character and antecedents of the as sailant, and also with full sense of the ic sponsibility ileviilvcil upon him, Marshal Natile will stand acquitted of even tech nical criminality. Where an assassin is to be eirc... ..vented, natural and human law justify the extremesl course, even though ihe party resorting to it acts not for his own protection, but for that ol another innocent unsuspecting person ; in this case for the protection of one whose life and services IK.I011J4C1I not alone to him, but to the whole country. KXAIMI'I.K 1 OK ASHKVII.I.i:. The lollowiiiK from the Knoxvillc Trib une niinht set us thinking: CrMiiDKi.Axii 1'tAP, AuKinil i:t. The Louisville ami .Nashville railroad entered Middlcshoroujjh lo-day and the new city is now connected by rail with the outside world. A through car from St. Louis will arrive at Middlcsborounh to-morrow hrinuhu; a party ol prosiicctors. On the same train a party will arrive from Knoxvillc. It isexacllv two vcars to-day since the citv of Knoxvillc voted $:Jo..iiio to the Knoxvillc, Cumlierlaiul Cap and Louis ville railroad. This new railroad is now prnclicallv completed to Cuni lurland Cap. 'The firadinj.' has liccn done for some time, and the track has been laid from Knoxvillc to within a mile and a half ol the Cap. The track will lie laid throunh the LuiulieilaudCap tunnel Ivy next Sunday. At the close of the war, or say Iwcnty five ycurs ay,o, Knoxvillc had a popula tion considerably less than Ashcvillc has now, It probably contained about 6,000 people. It now contains about 45,000, and is steadily increasing. What has wrought the change? Knoxvillc had sonic natural advan tages Ashevillelocs not possess. It is in a comparatively ox-n and very fertile country, productive in all the cereals, and well adapted to the raising of cattle, horses and hogs on a large scale. It is also situated in convenient proximity to mines of coal, iron, lime and other indu- civc elements of iit.'inufncturi.u; cuter- prises. It had also the early advanlaKe of railroad communication which made it nil important commercial point. Hut these advantaucs it possessed in no such remarkable decree as to have made devel opment and prosperity the unavoidable and unsought result ol'location. While conditions were happy and favorable, fiirlune was no more lo fall upon Knox ville without effort than upon somcolhcr places cquallv blessed, which idly and complacently wrap their talent in a nap kin, and vainly wait the result ol natu ral evolution of fortune. No; Knoxvillc owes its life and its growth t" thecneruy , llieeouraKC, the liberality, the sagacity, the intelligence "fits businessmen. Its growth is the result of wise and hard work, briunint; fortune within its doors, not waitini; for fortune to come and knock for entrance. The doors, and manv of them, are thrown wide open. Such remarkable Krowlli, however, is factitious The material ol prosperity had to In- sought abroad and introduced. The coal and the iron woe not at the doom of Knoxvillc, neither was the wood or the timber. The wa had to be opened lor them. We, here, occupy a position not inli rini to that ol Knoxvillc in relation to the 1. mural sources of supply of l he raw ma terial formal. niacin. its. The iron is not fan her oil. the coal is only a little nunc distant, the wood surrounds us. AN that remains is t" stretch mil more anus .11 other directions fur inlets and millets, flic conditions I"' prosperity will then lie no more Mentions for Ashcvillc than ihev had hicn lor Knoxvillc The for mer will have all the facilities ol thenlhci is a railroad centre. It has nlrcuih chicved a wide distinction throui;houl he country as a health and plc.istiic re orl. w ith some strong suicst.vencss to ,ccn business 111, n as a place in which arue li.l me piolil miyjit lie safely allied , it h present sentiment. There is us 0,001 1 ..iiiidalioii lor ihcealcul.ilion thai Ashe lille bee. line a busy and extensive ...anu- i.ictiu.nj; locus as thai it will continue row as a health and pleasure resort. It is the wise policy ol the men ol Ashe , illelo combine these business and pleas ire leal. ires, and doint; so. lo make s,.lid hat w hich may possibly be ephemeral. More railroads, more factories: and 1 hen the growth and slrciiL;ih ol Ashe villc will be more remarkable even than hut of Knoxvillc' tiif. Ku.n r wav -ro vn:w it. ol the loss of, or great injury .1, the corn crop in the great grain cmiu ivof llv.leliyhighwatci the over il.iw caused by the lion completion ol the I Slack creek canal, begun with a view to Ir.iin the surplus waters into I'ungo Lake, but never finished, the Ncws-ob--crver says : We arc not ol l hose' who think it well to lie constantly recognizing lines be tween the Last and West. We look over tl.c whole State. livery part ol it is xorth Carolina lo us. We rejoice will, verv coiutnunitv that attains a desired object, and we sympathize with any par. it our people w h relief. siluatiou demand: This is the jusl sentiment ol a wise man. The adherence to sectional lecliug the selfish lostcring ol sectional interest! and, have been vastly ilclri mental to the interests of North Can. iii.u. All its purls are bound in poliliea bonds they cannot break if they would It is therciorc the part of wisdom I. -.Illiterate as far as possible those an lauouisuis which diverse topographical icaturcs and industrial pursuils have created, and to blend and harmonize then, into one great common interest. This can be done only by a liberal and enlightened view, and a knowledge ol the capacities and needs of the several parts ol the State. When once under stood, to the eye of paLriotistu and in telligence they present themselves, mil as hostile to each other, but as so many varied sources of strength, wealth and State pride, liach part ol the Stale... ust come to the help of the other to supple ment the needs of one part out of the abundance of the other. Ivach in turn needs the help ol the other. Tl.c West must call i. pun the Last to aid it in 1 1 it construction ot its railroadsand its turn pikes, the vital essentials of its prosper ous existence. The Last must call upon the West to help it dig its canals and ci vet the drainage of its swamps. The mutual help thus given adds greatly to ; he prosper!, y ol each ot the sections so .li.led. Hut it also adds vastly to t he ag gregale prosperity of the whole Stale: . mil this is the aim to which the eye ol wise and patriotic legislation must be directed. Otta'.ll Of HI! Oltl I. inly. M urpliy A.lvauce. On last Saluiilay night in all probability in the State, passed peaeelullv awav. Mrs. Host on, more familiarly know u as .'rjinny Itos'on, passed away last Sal- urday night at in o clock, at her home on Vallcv river. She was buried in Wctherinnn cenielerv Suudav atter- aoon, a large concourse of icoplc follow ing the remains lo their last rcstin place. She herself did not know her exact age. but from the best information we could :et, it was thought she was born ill I "lis, which would made her age at the . inie ol her death llil vcars. She told oi ir Inloi 'maul that she was (piile a large girl and distinctly rcmcmlicrcil seeing the sol diers drill, while in rendezvous near Kimr's mountain, and she could narrate manv incidents of the Nevoliitioiiarv war, of which she wasyct a lH .isioner. She was verv diminutive and was scarce anything but skin and bones, ami we arc told that the corpse', had it liecn weighed would not have reached more than Ii ft v pounds. She died very icaeclully and without pain. Her death is attributed to old age. Hr. I'arkcr I'rays cream Van-Ola, Kosa line, (Ingalinc and Diamond nail powder having now Income the ladies' favorites, at F. I. .Jacob's drug store, these Kipular manicure articles may always lie lound, together with pocket emery lmnrd, or ange wood sticks, nail scissors, files and other such requisites. Also a complete line of drugs and toilet articles, in addi tion to the Hclie Soda Fountain from which ice cold drinks urc dispensed. Cor ner Main street and 1'attou avenue. SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT. (RANII COMBINATION OF HARfaAlNS. If .vim lire looking fm" 11"' licst fi'otiils for tin li'iist money cfill on Iiostic P.rns. cV Wrilit. Tlicir stock is simply iiiiiiii'iisi'. ,'in.l fri'sli. iind ii initflil well lie worlli n .lew's eye lo you to insiect I lieir floods wliileon the buy. ClotliiiiK ! Clothing ! A full iiml complete line of (Jeiits' l!e; .M.ule Clotliiiij;'. Mini it must li'o, ms we nre rleiiriiifj out for Fiill iirrivals. lints iind tients' Furnisli-in- (loods ;i double,v on Ii.iihI. in wliieli we offer speciiil bnrji'iiins. Dress ;oods. .lust opened tlie very lill esl product ions of imported ;ind Aniericfiii nuiiiufiict ures .-mil I rimminu's to iimtch. Choice cxtrn tine f.-ibrics, medium iind lower grades. i i . . ... i . caicuiaic.i hi sun anyoouy. I'arasols. For l lie next few days we offer our uncqualed line of Ladies' ,-iiid Cliildreiis' line I'arasols at ".rently reduced rates, coniprisinjiilain Silks, fancies in I'laidsaud Stripes witli colored sticks at all prices. We can suit anybody in Table Linen. Towels, etc. Hoots and Shoes. We will make it to your in terest to inspect our well se lected stock ot Ladies and Mens' Fine Shoes, medium and lower".rades. ur l'arfi'iiin Counters are still attracting and pleasing t he bargain seekers. A full lineof Directory Kucli-iu;- just in. When you call for any tiling in I he ry ( ioods lineyou will not be bothered with I ha I old chestnut ".lust out." Respectfully, I'.OSTIC I5KOS. A: WKKillT. KOOKH AM) STATION ICR Y, Ait l is i s' m ati:ki n.s, i;ni;im:i;ks' sri'i'l.ilis. I'lCTCKIvS AM. I KAMliS, I'ANCV 11 ll IS. iii.amk hooks, i;vi;kv;kaii., hulls, toys anii c.amics. wkstkhji x. c. hc'icnics, IliiTII I'lliiTiH.KAl'IIIC AMI 1IAN1I- tain ri:i, r EST A BROOK'S, 2i S. Main Street. ARTHUR 31. FIELD, LEADING JEWELER, MECHANICIAN, GK IDI en; OPTICIAN. AI GOLD ,;ooi)H WairauUil to assay as represented. A" Stcrliujj Silver ,ioolH ( 'uarauleel !t( u. Olio tine -THE GREATEST ATTRACTION" Is that Hue lot if KNI'.I.ISII IlK.lil.KS mill l llKI'Ii-IIDUN CHAMOIS SliAT SAIHH.liS at J. M. ALEXANDER'S Ami the low prices at which he in ncllin nil kikhIm in his line. lie has Inerensed his force and intnuls ti meet the dcmnnil. SAT I SI' ACTION t;iAFANTi:iiI. TLANTIC COASr LINK On and after this rlntr the following sched uIch will Ik- run over its "Columliia Pivision. No. T3 l'Hven Columbia p m Ai-rivcR ntCharlenton .3 p. m No. fia Lrftvcft Charleston 7.1U a. m Arrives atColumhia lt.iS5 a. m ConnectinfE with train to and from all points on the Charlotte, Columbia 9c An jfunta and Columbia & Greenville Kailroads. "naiiy. T. M. KM HRSON, Gcu. Pass. Agt. J. F. UBV1NB, Gen. upt. M1SCELLASU01S. Notice to Travelers. HrKiiiniii i ttwluy ami cuiitinuiiiK until I'ur Out iidiirc, n JUrcct rnr will have Court Mousi- Siiiiiv at 1 " minutes hWnre oMoi'k, a. in., Uv tho truin I'ur Si;itt;iiiliurK. AT travclt rs win w ill tnkr this ear w ill have their valises traiisiiirttl to the train tree ol eharne. All who take the tej;iil:ir "ilepot" or "train" ear, w hieh will leave the Snimie at o'ehuk a. in. as usual, w ill heeharetl r eents tor i-jieh valise and la rye ImiiiiIK-. This ear also eoiiueets w ith the Spin lanhuiK train, hut if all persons take it 1 1 lite will not U" lime enough tor all to jjet their tiekets and eheeks, ami manv tunv lie left; while it as manv as enn will take the ear leaving th Si u a re at t.r inii.utes before N they will not ml v save the extra charge for wilises on llu ilepot" ear. but have auiple lime lor the' elves aii'l leavt- ample time fur others to ji.-t the r elu eks and tiekets. Tin-; asiu: 11.1.1: stki:i:t hv. ct. SCHOOLS. TRINITY tOI.MCi:. luilranee examinatiotis Si pt. .'t ami I-. Kee ilattons anil l.cetures lu.uin pr.itnptly Sept Semltor new ealalone at oiiee lo JOHN 1'. CKiiWKI.I.. riesi.lellt, juulMi ilL'm Tiinili Collide, N.C. St. Mary's School, KalciKl C. The Niui'tv-l-'iltli Siiiii-Aiiini.'il l.e- uiiis mi.miay, si:1'Ti:m iu:k u, ismi. l't.r ealalunues, a.l.liess tile Kcetnr, REV. BENNETT SWEDES, A. M. iiiiiU il: turns RAVENSGROFT HIGH SCHOOL FOR BOYS, ASHEVILLE, N. C. Ronald ItlacOoiialtl, It. A., Head master. Tin h ., Mar will nnn u i:ni:si..Y. s.:i' ri:.i i;i:u is. l'l lillN l ol lloaril, 'r.iili..l ill all luaiu ll. s. iiml oil; t'tilM , !f.".oo p,r iililliilil. Pav eliolai. S1..' pit" ainiuiii. I'. r I'm ill, r inl.,i mat i..ii a... loss KKY. 1'. II. ill i:i.. Alieville, N. C, until Sept. I : .liter that ,'i.l.livss Mli. IJUNAI.H MacIhiN A I. II. Ilea.l Ma, r. inl'.'T ilL'lll ICiiJi'isli and l'reiit li BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL, FOR YOUNG LADIES AND LITTLE GIRLS. N. to l-'n lu ll Itr.i.'i.l Allull. MRS. BURGWYN WAITLAND. PRINCIPAL. il'nr m.'iin year. Assoeiate I'rineipal of Mt 11 noli hivtitutf, Italtniioie. i tul hy a eorp-i ol' eouipentt nt It aehei's The course of i list met i Ml inelmU s the usual I'Mlih Ilium lies w ith l-'ieueh ami Latin. i;Has Mu-ie. lit riiKill. Ai t Neeille Work, l'aintiui: on i'hiiia. I a in iny ntid Killing'. Speeial atttntion ien to the training "t little irls. aujl dL'ui SALEM FEMALE ACADEMY, alcii, N. C. LARGEST. OLDEST AND BEST FEMALE COL LEGE IN THE SOUTH. Session opens August -7, l'aeulty .'to I'rofessots iml I eachers. Speeial features - the Development of Character, Health and Intellect. I'iH v equipped Preparatory and Collegiate depal'l limits, lieircs lirst-class se oos in MtiMc, Ait, 1. a tij: tinges and Com mercial stmiic-. Send for Catalogue lo l.'i.v. .. II. CI.ICWKI.I., au.'t dVv-v I'rineipal. HENDERSONVILLE. N. C Season of isv.i-'po i )pns Monday, Sept. Il't. and closes fusi Thursday in June, lsiMt. A lull corps of instrm lots in Ancient ant) Modern I.auuaes ami Literature, Moral and I'hysieat Si ieuce. Commercial Ari thine tie, SutAcyiii)', rinsjoloKy ami Hygiene, Music i Vocal anil lustriiuienial ), Art, Drawing and I'aiutiiiL;. I;uil particulars can he had from KICIII' II. I. ICWlS. A. M ., M . R. iutHi d.'tiii lu fri President. FOR RENT OR SALE. The Best Chance Yrct Otic re d. That desirable house, eontainiiiK eighteen looms, now apptoacliiu completion at No. iio Clayton street, will be ready I'oi tecil paney anil I Oil SAI.1C OK RUNT i u or about I lie 1 ."th day of .(line. It is es pecially adapted to the uses of n private boHi'dinn house. All persons hitcrentrd are invited to call and cmuiihic it this day. Terms, which are most reasonable, can be had on application to T. V. PATTON. mav-i! dtf 'JpKrSTKl-'S SALli. Itv virtue of a 1 eed of Trust executed ttime bv V. N. Kell. rand I. H. Keller on ihe 7th of June, isss, to secure the payment of a cer tain note mentioned in said Trust, which said Trust is dulv reirislercil in the Weirister solliee of Itiineoinbe eouutv in Hook 1 piikc l7 of inortKae reeords. I will sell lor cash lo the htj:lu'st biflder !it the court house door in AshciUc on the 7th day of Sept- iiwer. 1 two lots, situated on each side of Mall street in the citv of .' slicvillc. bein vacant lots. This Auk. . . JAM MS III TTKICK, aiiK'.t dlawl fri $2.99 Shoe. I'or gentlemen. A jwrleet shoe ut n moderate cost. Trv a pair of our specialties in entie mi n'sfooiwenr. nt S.Vno. $.ti(, $ Su.tili. $2 ."( and $J.Oi. livery pair warranted. Mx- anitne our specialties tor ladies nt i-.(hi, $J.!H. $2.o ntid S2.ot. unexcelled for tom lort. du ability and style. Insist on having the original M A. Packard ! Co.'s ShiH-n. The Kenuinr have our stamp on hot torn of each shoe. Sent postpaid to nnv part of the I'. S. on receipt of priix-. M. A. PACKAKIt A: CO., Hrrnkton, Mass. Kor sale in Ashevilleby H. RKD1VOOD & CO. ntiKll dctid Hmos su we fri JOH SALE. A pair of tine Mules, kind, nnd ood work ers; also waKon and duble harness. Apply to C.J. MeCAPK, U-ft- Grove St. ) THE ItACKET COLU3IN. OUR SALE OF dress; GOODS i AT : COST, : in older to t -Iff 1 1 llii'iii out. coiit iiim-sainl will lie kept up UNTIL ALL SOLD We need tlie iimiiii I'orotlier !; mis. J lie iisson nielli con sisls ol' Cltallics, I.avu.H, Salines, (.iiiKlianiH, Alba truss, Nuns' VclliiiK, Ilanisli Clolli, Henriettas, Casliniercs, ItloIiair.H, I'laiincls, I ;tc, ICtc. Ami mi eijinil i'iioi tunity lo nnv DRESS GOUDS For present or future useli;is never lit 'fore offered itself. DO NOT PUT IT OFF Come iind see our floods or write for samples. Our stock of ISuttons, Plush, Surah, Ribbons, iiml ot licr trimmings is FIRST-CLASS, iind w ill lie sold ill prices t WILL 1112 SATISFACTORY. COMIC TO THK RACKET STORE for everything and do not buy any tiling UNTIL YOU LEARN OUR PRICES. 1'esiMitfulIy, GEO.T.JONES&CO. N. Y. Office, 466 Broadway. MISCKU.ANb'OUS. ONE YEAR AGO. The finest and best equip ped )iX Store in North Car olina was opened in Ashcvillc by T. C. Smith iV Co. After eifi'hteen years of prosperity in the wholesale iind retail (true- business at Chariot te. they sold out iind moved to Ashcvillc, where they secured the best and handsomest store room in t hecity lit ted up in style, with all thelatest appliances iind conveniences possessed by other modern 1 1 my; stores. Twelve months have' passed since this vent ure was made they Iind the outlook far ahead of their ex peel iit ions business row- iny larger monthly, having nlreadv reached a solid basis. Theirsuccess deuionst rates wlmt Ashcvillc will do. for those who come here with "the know how." Prescrip tions iiml yenei'iil business have poured into t his New )vx Store until necessity compels the employment ofa larye force of thoroughly competent clerks. This new linn do not want tlicearth. onl v a small pari ol it . I iiey ire enteriny,1 the second year of I heir business career with new snap, hi rye stock, ample raw rash to make laryeaddi- t ions, hi- trade already es tablished, a successful past iind ii bright future. These tacts show what ean be done for those who have a well grounded faith in the com mercial importance of our fiTowiny cily lor those who have the nerve toburiiall the bridges behind tliein. and yi ve proper attent ion to their business, The people .are kindly asked to continue I heir fa vors to this prosper ous iind busy dmy; stort where every article sold is warranted as represented, or purchase money reluuded Address T. C. Smith iV: Co. beiidinti' Wholesiile iind Ue t ail iind Preserijit ion Drily yists, Asheville. .. ( . KICHMONIl .Sr liANVII.I.Ii KAll.Kl CUM I'ANV. (Wi'stt'rn Nnrlh l'iil..linti I l isiitn . 1 I'ASSKS.iKK 1 'Ii I'AKT M KNT, AsllKVII.l.K. .. C. (uiir 1, ISH'I. I'Assi;nci:h tuaix si ii i; uci.h. Is 1-:fi'kct Jim: 1', Ixh'.t: Nc. ,-,l N.i. n:i l,v. Ashfvilk', Ar. SiilislMtrv, " Dnnvilli'.' " l.viiihluirK. " !ishin:l.ii " P.alliiiii.lT, " I'lliln., " Ni w V.nk, " llnslun. " Kii-hni.HHl, 11 4-1 pui 1 I 4- -'unlit I ( ITiiiil I 1 (I lMm I 12ll.m lL"jr,;iin 7 1 apm ii.-.Mmiii 1 1 JOpin 111 17. , tii ('. jn.iin l'.'npml :K(llptn IMIopnij :t .topm A lrmnil " t;.)l,sl..i'., Illiipm lftiipm " Wilniinlon Itoopnil No. f5 I HMiliitn 1 tun a m 1 1 r.Oant 1 r:iiipm I -t tu pm I impm DOopm 0 lfiHin 1 4-Opm 1 IL'Oli m l.v. Asln villc. Ar. I li'ii.K'i'soii villi', Ar. S.arliinli'li " i.'harl.itU', " v'ohitut.iH, " Chiirk'ston. Augusta, ' Savannah. ' Thoinnsville,a ' .Jackson vllle ' Atlanta, ' MontKoiny Mobile, ' New ( irleans 104bmi 7 LTiatu 1 ri.rtptn 7 LMipm I No. r.4 t II inpm Ttiopiu No. r.' No. fl l.v. Spartaabui'K. Ar. llemlersonville, " Asheville, No. 7 foam itl'Oam 1 inpm i l.".pin OI nam 7 4i lain tiliuam 1 lOpill C.Kiam tiopm 7 .ripm l.v. Asheville. At . Hot Springs " Knowille, " ChattanVa, " Memphis, l.v. Ashevil.e, Ar. Hot Springs " Klioxvillv, " Louisville, " Cincinnati, ' ChienKo, " St. Louis, I ttpui Ii loptu N.'tOpm 5 t-Oani fiaoptu 4 1-4 p m ti lnptn 5 ,'llpin 7 ITiam 1 1 train (;i(ipm; 7 4ft pin 7Krpm 8 4opm MI'UIMIY IIHANCII. I No. 1M 1 H.'tr.utn 11147am a4Hpm Lv. Asheville, Ar. VYavncsville, " Janelt s. I No. 17 I Hoi )a m ;t uripm tittptn Lv. Jarrett's. Ar. Way uen villi', " Asheville, p4T SleepinK ears un all niht trains. JAS. L. TAYLuK, V. A, WINIU'KN, t;. i'. a. ii. i a. SOL. 1IAAS.T. M. L'ommeneini: June .'Ut, the following I'assen er Train Service will be operated on Sun days between Asheville and Way tiesville : WliST. I KAST. No. 12. STATIONS. No 11. h ;t.riiinLv. Ashevilie Arr I 7 .Vlpm H."("iain " Sulphur Springs ' 7 L'x pm IMi'iani! " Hominy " j 7 14ptn It L'H.-itnf ' Turnpike " ITellptii 1-7 am I " I'ikcoii Kivcr rt :17 pm lour, am " Clyde " li 1 it pm Hi 'J4amArr. Waynesvilk I,v. (1 iHipm J. W. &CIIAUTLE, MERCHANT TAILOR 42 N. Main St. fchlMidlv JOTICK. Will collect ilrbts for anyone in the citv for iter cent. C.ood facilities for renting ami eo lectin ri'itts un housts. Will sill furnt tun on weekly payments. I. It. JOHNSON, At Hlnir's Furniture Store, 37 1'atton Avenue. Heferenees irivrn mar14)ni J A 91 ICS FRANK, TtKALKB IN FAMILY GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS Affmt for Kin Creek Woilcn MiH.. North Main Ashtvillc, N. C. frblltUly HOTl-LS. STRAUSS' RESTAURANT ANI NEW ICE CREAM GARDEN. ICIcclric CarH Pass tliv Uoor. I herewith uolily the public that this dn . May I, I have milled tu my well known Kes tuurnut a line Ice Cream Garden The same tins been titled up neatly furl In eiistoii and 1 will always have on hand the ehoieest ut Creams and Sherbets uml Caktn. AIsu. ean supply families at shot test nntier in laiKe or small ipiantitieS'. So cumc in Rood time anil have s e line Ice Cream and Cal. and don't forget thai at Strauss' you will; Tlie IJcst ol Ice Cicain, ami w here always polite ami attentive vrsw ill be pU astd to serve. Cor.t e . . I . nine often, eonie one, conic all, ui -i at e, your friend Strauss a ood many cits. Very respeetfnlly, inay'Jdtl i'tvn, f.t CESAR'S HEAD IIOT1X A ILL MIC tirivMCIi 1-ilK Tin; SKAmik The l irst of jtsnc. The Mention of t bis I Intel oh t Ik sum mi I ol L'.esar's lleail Moiuilaiu. an outlying spur ol the Mine Kidr, in up i South i. ,i i oliu.i, all'ords a climate and u.itet uneipiiiled. As a summer result it has uopaialUI in the South. AVERAGE TEMPERATURE, FliOM 60 ' TU TO Vhilst its mitiii..' seenei -. i-. va led .Ttvtm-aiui; U-yond cotiecptiou. t'-'.nlot l of it,s care hilly consult" d. lavi'i i .iml d.ttl mail. :ns-. ily rcaehctl from -lu ilk m out ila, orlroui, Henderson villi in b.ih a la-., over diliKhlfiii) toiids, throiiKli a romantic and iliurmiii)." eouulry, F. a. itiiK.r:s umvlodtf ARUEN PARK. IIOlliL, AND FAMILY COTTAGES, iii-it miles south of Anhc ille. un the A. & s railroad is now open lor the season. For circulars nibln ss TIU IS A. MnltUlS. I'rop'i, tnayL'iltf Anlcn, X C TURNPIKE HOTEL, Turnpike, N.C. This beautiful summer resort is situated immediately on the Murphy hivision of the. U N C. K. K., halt way between Asheville :i U i ues ille. union: the most attractive, sei nery in the mountains. The hold is new ami well furimtini, larr .iiid well ventilated. Teh irapE) ami !tst t 'Hues in the house. Fresh niuUoit, milk and butler MippJlAtl Iroin the premises. 1'artiescan leave Asheville in the inoiuiut; take dinner and return in the evening. b'or terius and other inlorniatiou, apply to J. C. Suiatlicrw, inl.'l l:im MiituiKi-r. I'UIVATi; ItOAUII. ni:v in it-si: ! ni;wi. i tknisiii:i i, Al.l. MllllliKN IMl'H'iVliMlvNTS. MI1S. E. J. THYLER AND MRS N. B. ATKINSON, N.. 1M 1 llaywoftfl Slrcvt. .iinlL'i: it 1 v BIIVATK IH1AKI1. A laryr, nir.v h.tusi', :um riittt.n Avim ..n strict air lint'. I'.oti.l loi-ution Term rc.''. C.Mt.l lure. iull.(l:iiii MKS. J. I.. SMATIIIiKS. MRS. S STIJVENSON Has removed to the Johnston ltuildlu, I'atJ ton avenue, corner oi" Church street, wherv she is prepared to keep regular or transient boarders. Table furnished with the lH't the market affords. Terms reasonable- mar :t1 mti ROUND KNOB HOTEL McDowell Co., N. C (Situated on the V. N. C. R. K. Au htiurta ride from Asheville.) Iirst class in every resicct. Mineral wMter l.i 1 hia, Iron, Alum and Iron, Red and White Sulphur and Magnesia. The most picturesque spot in Western Not th Carolina. Terms u asoualilc Sieeiul rates to thin I. lies. J. Bulow Erwliit jul'.t iLtm Proprietor. iC Summer Tours. Palace Steamirs. Low RTt- Four Trip. p.r Wwk I 'twr.-.i DETROIT, MACKINAC ISLAND Pctoakej, Sunlt Sie. Martc, nd Lftkfl Huron W .y Fort. Ttry Week Day Between DETROIT AND CLEVELAND Spfrtal Siiadajr Tftpi dnrinir Jim, July, Anj;'i and Arlt, Double Daily Lin Be vn CHICAGO AND ST. JOSEPH, MICH. OUH ILLU8TRATID PAMPHL t. lUteeend Kxtniraln Tlek' will l - r vC Jl by your Tlckc Atrnat, or addrees E. B. WHITCOMB, Q. P. A., OtTWOiT. Mir. . Oetrolt and Clvland Steam U.t. Co. mnylHdtf J7()K RENT. From two to six bed roms, fnlly furnished and ustinl uttentlon, with or without hoard, lliKh location. Hm-Ucnt water For term apply to au7 dtf 1G CIIK8TNUT STRIiKT. to mim s V vi

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