THE DAILY CITIZEN THE DAILY CITIZEN BOARDING, WANTS, For Kent, and Lost Notlcei, three linei or less, 25 Cents for each insertion, Delivered to Vttitori in any part of the City. One Month "Oc. Two Weeks, nr lew 25c. VOLUME V. ASHEVILLE, N. C, TUESDAY, AUGUST 20, 1889. NUMBER 111. EUROPEAN LETTERS. CHANUKU HIM PLANS, OYER AT HOT SPRINGS. FAT ON THE FLOOR. AN IMPRESSIVE SERVICE. FOLKS VOU KNOW. CONSUL CONROY DEAD. THE LAND THAT BISMARCK RULES WITH IRON HAND. The Scenery of the Rhine Like that Along; the French Broad German schemes to Relieve the Traveler or His Shekels. Mayknck, Germany, August 0. Editor Citizen: A sail up the Rhine, which we fully enjoyed on yesterday, is a thing long to be remembered. In some respects the features of the country re semble those of our own, as seen UKn ascending the French Brond, from Mor ristown to Transylvania. First a broad, comparatively level country, but here grim with frowning fortifications, which disfigure with thoughts of blood nnd vio lence the otherwise peaceful and lovely scene. This character prevailed from Cologne to Bonn, probably a distance of fifty miles, but there the country suddenly changed ami a precipitous mountain juts out into the current crowned with a massive ruinouscnstlecallcd "Draecnfels" (Dragons Crag we suppose), which fills us with wonder how the ancient builders could haveraiscd the tremendous amount of stone to its dizzy height, their qunrry said to have been at Cologne; but in re scct to beauty, it is far eclipsed by the numerous towers and castles which greet us after pussiug Coblentz. At every turn of the tortuous river have become narrow and in places so swift as to make our steamer puff pain fully. Our neck is sore with craning from side to side, and eyes strained with looking upward, at these marvelous works of the Robber Kings, erected hundreds of years ago, and still standing as durable as the mighty rocks eternal, upon which they are perched. At one place we have pointed out the remains of the buttresses of Ca-sar's fa mous bridge, over which many school boys have labored and accomplished the crossing with more pain and tears than it'Cost the great General himself. After passing a defile where the river hits broken through the mountains (very similar to that lrom Ashevillc to Taint Rock I, extending from Coblentz, at the mouth of the river Moselle, to Hingen, a distance ol probably fifty miles, we reach again a brond, open, comparatively level county, similar again to the upir French Broad. Naturally the most interesting is the intermediate section, and never have we experienced anything bo charming, en tirely differing lrom any of our American rivers in the marks of a dynasty long since passed uway. Our boat crowded with pleasant English tourists, and on either bank a railroad, whose crowded trains excite our sympathy that they are hurried through scenes so delightful. Every )oint of rocks, however precipi tous, is crowned with some old fortifica tion, of which the guide books give us the hard German names, and some legend, which makes us wish that they had been made delightful by someSir WalterScott. Possibly they have had writers of their own equal to Scotland's wizard, and it is our ignorance which keep us so in the dark. Many ot the ruins are of vast dimen sions, and their rugged walls covered with most exquisite ivy, which at a dis tance seemed to resemble the famous Kenilworth Some had been partly re stored and occupied, which filled us with envv for their fortunate owners. To ourunpoctical term of mind, not by nny means the least interesting feature, was the Vineclad mountains; literally vincclnd from the lofty summit to the very water's edge, and far the most part so sleep that the licds, or spaces, had to be prepared bv blasting out the solid rock and building up stone walls to sup port a small bed oflcvel ground, in which the grapes were bedded. At places these walla ngzagged back and forth across Ihe face of the cliff, affording an easy grade for the laborers to ascend. We noticed that the numerous little beds seemed covered with vines of va rious ages, and a friend explained this by ayingthat instead of plucking only the bunches of grapes, the pickers pull up the whole vines, carry them to their houses, separate and stone the grapes, which are turned into the wine vats, and return the seed to the soil fertilized by the ashes of the vines. We can hardly think that this can be the common custom, but only give the information as told to us. The manufacture of wine is certainly the leading industry, and it is more diffi cult to procure drinkable water than good wine, although the price of the lat ter is higher than we expected ; perhaps it may be cheajK-r lor the residents, and only the ordinary fleecing of a traveller, providing him no decent water, and forcing the purchase of wine at an exor bitant price. The nuisunce of no soap, no lights, ex-r-mt ilim candles, is very great, more es- iieciallv the former. We must either put ui) our soap immediately after washing while wet and soft, or buy a new piece at rnc-h hotel. We huve caught on to the candles, by quietly carrying away those that we nave paid for, and supplying our own light altcrwarcis, ami naving our bills docked accordingly . i. The bills will always ullow insiiection, which generally discloses one or more er rors, always on the side of the landlord, cither in computation, addition or items. And the rascals do not seem at an mom- fied when their attention is drnwn to it, but promptly make the correction with m imoudent shruir of the shoulders. Another scheme is that they cannot be induced to render your bill over night hut withhold it until the omnibus is at the door, and you are hurried to catch the train or boat, thinking you will not have time to insiiect it. In this way we came near being left behind by our party at Cologne, but we had nerve enough for the occasion, and gained the receding boat, after accomplishing a considerable reduction. As regards the polities of this section we of course can gather very little, but ure impressed with an apparent uisposi- tlon towards war, and a settled hatred for the French. Soldiers and fortifica tions on all sides are a blur on what would otherwise be a charmingly beau- ful country. While we can scarcely think that in this enlightened age the world will again be disgraced by a war between two nations calling themselves cnristiuns, we would rlmllv mrr nn atmosphere of "Dence irood wUl" pervading the people, which would be the Dest saieguaru agninsi mc nor- rora of the dark aires oeing repeated We are now dashing along on a Ger man rnilwnv. verv similar to the Eng lish, except that the ears are larger and locomotives heavier, towards Hcidcl hmr. where we will soon stop to inspect its famous University and other points of ntrrrat. and Drobaulv proceed later in the day towards Switzerland, where we hope to have a continuance of this balmy weather, to enjoy its mighty mountains , aud sweetxalm lakes, of which we will write you in our next. i. w. r. The President will Stop a nay In Porkopolls, Dker Park, August 19. President Har rison has somewhat changed the plan of his trip West, intending to stop in Cin cinnati before, instead of after, his visit to Indianapolis. A suh-cotnmittee of the Cincinnati chamber of commerce waited upon the President this morning, and he promised to attend a reception to be given Wednesday at 12.30 p. m., in the new chnmlicr of commerce building, nnd to poy a short call nt the Builder's Ex change. President Harrison will heat the Gibson house in the morning and receive callers from 9 to 1 1 o'clock. The Presi dent will leave here Tuesday night, nnd arrive in Cincinnati at 7 a. m. Wednes day, and take a special train about 4 p. m., on the Big Pour. Secretary Kusk, United States Marshal of the District of Columbia Ransdell, and private secre tary Halford will accompany him. The committee which waited on the Presi dent consisted of Theo. Cook, Jas. R. Brown, O. I,. Peervinc, L. R. Kick, B. H. Cox, and . M. Bnlier. They are highly elated at the success of their mission. The President S)ent Sunday quietly. In the morning he went to the little chapel of the hotet with ex -Senator Davis, and listened to a sermon based on the parable of the fig tree. The minister spoke of the worthlcssncss of the lives of those whose aims arc selfish, and how they became unhnppv, forgotten and friendless, while those who live for humanity never lose interest in life. Private Secretary Halford's daughter s; rug a solo, the "Better Land," during service. The President's old law partner, Attorney General Miller, and Lawyer Klam, met him ufter service. After dinner the President took a mile walk in the mountains, enjoying the scenery. Mrs. Harrison remained athonic all dav, resting from her journey from Nantucket. Saratoga Races. Saratoga, N. Y., August 19 First race five furlongs: Objection won, Lady Pulsifer second, Lucan third. Time 1,04 Mi. Second race five furlongs, Deer Lodge and Bnccncio finished head and head both pocketing Ilaraniburuc who came first on last furlong. Time 1.03. Third race mile and one-sixteenth: Brown Princess won, Duke of Highlands second, King Crab third Time 1.48V4, Fourth race four furlongs: Rainbow won, Major loni second, Nannie 1 third. Time 5.01 Mi. Fifth race six furlongs: Ben Harrison won, Gypsy second, Honila third. Time 1.11. Sixth race one mile: I-onsic won, Mirth second, Redlight third. Time 1.43 '4- Sneaker Carlisle in Mexico. St. Loi'is, August 19. A despatch from the city of Mexico snvs the Hon. olin (i. Carlisle and wife accompanied by United States minister Bryan, left here for Guadalajara Saturday nighl, where they willtegivennrcccptionhy Governor Casona, of the State of Jalisco. Satur day afternoon the Secretary of the In terior, Romero Knbio, gave a dinner at Tacubnva, nt what Mr. and Mrs. Car lisle, Minister Ryan and President and Mrs. Diaz were present. The cnterLaiu ment is said to have been the finest ever given in Mexico. Mrs. Carlisle was visited by Mrs. Diaz during her stay in the city, and by many of ladies of the American colony. Mr. Carlisle has re ceived more attention from Mexican officers since he has been here than any American since General Grant s visit. Reunion of Tar Heels. Unltinicire Sun. There is to Ik- a grand reunion of na tive North Carolinians, now resident in other States, nt Raleigh at the time of the Southern industrial display and State fair, which begins Oct. 14, and con tinues five days. Ihe lowest possible rates have been furnished by the railways, and there will lie no obstacle in the way of those who wish to revisit the old scenes and renew the tender associations of past years. The sous of North Caro lina arc scattered nil over the country, and ninny of them have won distinction in the various avocations of life and re flect credit on their native State. Lven Connecticut's favorite son, Gen. Joseph R. Hawlev, is proud to claim North Car olina as the State of his nativity, and will no doubt figure conspicuously at the coming reunion. It will doubtless prove n most pleasant affair. Attempt at Train Wrecking-. Vincknnks, Ind., August 19. A most atrocious attempt at train wrecking is reported on the North-Unstern and Rich mond Railroad, about tour miles out ot Ogden. Some miscreant had placed a lot I rails on the track with the intention of wrecking the first train that came along, but several (icrsons ol the town ot Ogden borrowed a hand car to go to El mira on a visit, and were going over the railroad at a terrible rate when the car struck the obstruction, knocking the licht structure into the air and throwing the passengers in every direction, i ne attempted train wrecking was thus averted. They were all more or less in jured. Baseball Yesterday. At Louisville Louisville 8, Brooklyn 9. At Indianapolis Indianapolis 3, Chi cago 10. At Cleveland Cleveland a, riitsuurgn 4. At Philadelphia Philadelphia 14, Bos ton 4. At New York Called on account of darkness. At Cincinnati Cincinnati 3, Colum bus 4. Sale of Coal and Iron Works. Montc.omkrv, Ala., August 19. The Bricrficld Coal and Iron company was sold to-day under order oi the United States circuit court, lor uuu,iiuu. i nos. F. Lnsube and Thos. F. Peters, trustees, were the purchasers for the bondholders, The plant is situated in Bibbcounty, and onsista of furnace, nailery, and thirty- twn thousand acres of coal and iron lands. Several creditors giive notice of appeal from the decree of the court. Resumption of Work. Lancaster. Pa.. August 19. .The Pennsylvania iron company of this citv resumed work this morning, after eighteen weeks idle ness. Employment given to au men Jail Delivery. Lynch HfRG, August 19. Two negroes named T. F. Allen and John Carter es caped from jail here yesterday evening Dy knocking the jail riooi down. One was recaptured, but the other is still at large. The weather, Washington, D. C, Aug. 19. Indica tions for North Carolina r air weatner; stationary, southerly winds. Brilliant Performance of an Amus ing Farce. Special Correspondence to The Citizen. Hot Springs, N. C, August 18. Last niirht the much talked ot dramatic entertainment at the Mountain Park ho tel was given in the large ball room, in a manner which might hnve surprised Mr. W. D. Howclls, the author ot that de lightful farce known throughout the length and breadth of the land as "The Mouse Trap. 1 his well written, one- net farce depicts the mortal terror of half a dozen ladies who meet socially in the drnwing room of one of their "set," over the supposed presence of a mouse. A gentleman culler, having, in a spirit of fun, convinced the hostess, his fiancee, that there was a mouse in the room sim ply to test the physical courage of wo men, as a means of arrivingntthe conclu sion of an argument then taking place be tween them, that women are braver than men. The ruse of this supposed presence of a mouse succeeded only too well. 1 he lady callers, in their anxiety to escaie the supposed mouse jump upon tables and chairs. The maid is overcome in the dis charge of her duties, mounts a chair, while the charming Hostess loses ner courage completely and stoutly refuses to leave the safe retreat ot a most com fortable chair. Finally, herguestsescane from the room alive amid an uproar, and such a terrific scries of feminine shrieks as might have scared a lion, rhe gentle man caller labors energetically, entreat ing his betrothed to leave her perch on the chair. At last, after much amusing dialogue between the wrouglit-iipcouple, the hostess, Mrs. Amy Nimcrs, )crniits her young man, Mr. Willis Campbell, to carry her out of the fated room, as the curtain falls. The role of Mrs. Somers was charm ingly im)crsonatcd by by Miss Shoc, of New York, one of the most brilliant and handsome young ladies in the Empire State. Miss Bishop, of Washington, D. C, as Mrs. Agnes Kolicrts, gave a tal lentcd representation as the fastidious sister of Mr. Campbell the author of all the troubles ot these dear ladles. Jane, the maid, was simply lierfcct in the hands of Miss Labouisse. Mrs. Barrows, as Mrs. Curwen, u caller. Miss Comer, ns Mrs. Miller, and Miss Kunibough, as Mrs. Bcnris, were simply inimitable. The part of Mr. Willis Campbell was taken liy Mr. licaen, oi Massaenuscus. A recitation by Miss Traynor won the heartv applause of the audience. An ex cellent musical programme by the orches tra, and dancing, coueiuoeu one oi the happiest evenings ever passed it the Mountain Park. Much credit is due to MissDoru Jones, of Greensboro, N. C, lor ner assicious cnorts in arrang ing the pluv. drilling the company and for the general oversight of the details of the comedy. Lieutenant Governor Holt and wile were among ihe arrivals on Saturday evening. A distinguished party ot New vorKcrsps expected during the week. AMOTHKH StKW PARTY. North Carolina Negroes Dissatis fied with the Administration. Charlotte, N. C, August 19. Ill olicdiencc to a call issued sometime ago, bout six hundred negroes gathered here Saturday, the purpose teing to organize a black man's republican party. Negroes came from all parts ot this state and South Carolina. As no suitable place could be secured in town mc crowd re paired to a grove about one mile in the country, and after stands had been ar ranged, John Wilson, a colored police man, of Charlotte, called the convention to order. Speeches were first in order, d soon blood could be seen in the ma jority of the negroes' eyes. The sjienkers denounced President Harrison s appoint ments in the South generally, and espec ially in this State. The speakers charged that Harrison's policy was to give idl good places to the white men and the colored brethren had to play second fid dle to everything. "Yes, but we won t do it, echoed a hoarse negro voice through the grove, at which juncture tremendous applause went up from the crowd. It was charged that out of thirty thousand dollars sent to this State last year as a campaign boodle fund, the negroes did not see more than one thousand of it, it having been misapplied by those into whose hands it was trusted. The convention resolved to either change Hurrison's ap pointments in this State or withdraw forever their support from the party. After much debating nn "independent republican party" was organized. The Roman Catholic Centennial. Baltimore, August 19. Answers to invitations to theeentennialof thcCntho lic hierarchy to be held in Baltimore, November 10th, and succeeding days, indicate a very large attendance. Fully fifty ot the bishops ol the tinted Mates will be present. Cardinal Taschereau, archbishop of Ouclicc, has sent a very cordial acceptance. A number of Cana dian archbishops and bishops will doubt less do likewise. An unprecedented feature of the occasion will be the probable at tendance oi a aeicgaiiou irom noiiic, headed by a prelate holding a high rank in the Propaganda. A delegation of dis tinguished laymen from the Pacific slope have scut letters lequesting tnat seats be reserved. Sullivan Goes Home. Pittsih'RO, August 19. lohn L. Sulli van and party passed through Pittsburg on the limited this morning enst. Sulli van was sleeping, and Mathew Clune would not allow him to be disturbed. Clune said it was true they were going to form a combination, and Kilrain would probably be in the company. Assignment of Wagon Works. Richmond, Va., August 19. Richard Frcy, proprietor of the Richmond Wagon Works, made nn assignment to-day. Liabilities $6,000. Assets not stated. Bible Society Notice. Members of the Executive Committee of the Buncombe County Bible Society are requested to meet in the basement of the Presbyterian church, on Mondny evening next, at 8 o'clock. Rev. Thos. H. Law, suieriiitendent of the American Bible Society, for this district, will he present. T. C. Smith, President. Progressive Euchre. The Misses Potter, of Wilmington, will give n progressive euchre party to' a select number of friends in the parlors of the Battery Park hotel this evening. The affair will be recherche. C. D. Blnnton & Co.,lothiers, tell the people of Asheville what they are going to do. Read their advertisement iu The Citizen this morning. FIRE Nine People Burned to Death in a New York Tenement Which is Supposed to Have Been Fired by a Restaurant Keeper. New York, August 19. Enrlv this morning a fire broke out in the kitchen of the big five story tenement at 355, Seventh avenue. Nine out of sixty odd occupants lost their lives, and it is a great wonder that many more did not perish. The dead are: William Glennier, aged sixty years, burned to death; Nel lie Nichalegan, aged twenty years, smoth ered; Mary Wells, aged tjiirty-one years, smothered; Thomas Wells, aged two years, smothered, Bertha Jastig, aged forty years, burned to death; William Mokcc, aged forty-seven years, burned to death; Jane Jeffrey, aged sixty-five years, smothered; an unknown woman, aged sixty five years, ' smothered. List of the injured: William Glennier, aged eighteen, badly burned; John Glennier, badly burned and injured. The building was occupied by thirteen families, who have been made temporarily homeless by the fire. The flames did not do much damage in the various apartments, but burned out theirstrcngthin the hallways. The loss will not amount to more than $10,000. The fire originated in the rear of ohn Snyder's restaurant, and at an hour when all the cople in the house were sleeping soundly. How the fire started is as yet a mystery ; but as the restaurant cook is missing, it is fair to presume that the accident occurcd while lie was making a fire on the range. The awful secd with which the flames swept up through the building, suggests the use of kerosene by the cook. The door lead ing from the kitchen to the hall was found open, and a great volume of fire rolled into the passage, and swept up the stairway so rapidly that families living on the first floor must inevitably have jicrished without even so much as warning. But it so hapiened that the rooms directly over the restaurant were unoccupied on account of the heat, which seemed to sift through the floor from the range underneath. Less than half a block awny, on the corner of 28th street and the avenue stood policemen Warner and McCullough, ol" 30th street station. They received warning from the cry of paiii which came from the building, and looking in the direction from whence it came, saw wall of fire lieating against the front windows of the restaurant. By the time they realized what the trou ble was, a forked tongue of flame shot out from the roof and lighted up the neighborhood ; and with their clubs, the two officers beat on the front door, but the spiteful blaze shot out nnd drove them back. They tried the next door, and by that way found an entrance. There were signs of life in the building, and the officers hurried from otic room to another, rapping on the doors with their clubs, and calling to the inmates to fly for their lives. Murmurings at first were heard; then the buzz of many voices were finally changed into n wail of terror and agony from women and children struggling for their lives in the death trap. The fire cscaies lending from the burning building to another tenement were rapidly filled up with half naked people. In the meantime, alarms had been sent out, and the fire department was soon at work on the flames and as sisting the frightened inmates. The flames wer extinguished easily enough by the fireman, and all the io ple in the'fire escapes were safely landed. Not one person escaiied down the stair way. The names of a few who tried it arc found in the list of the dead, ns given above. As soon as possible, the search for the dead tegan. The first body found was that of William Glennier. The re mains were discovered by the side of the bed in his -oom, on the second floor. He had risen to flee with his sons, but his old legs were not nimble enough and he perished. The boys were taken to a hospital. They were burned on the feet, caused by walking on the hot iron bars ol the fire escape. In the rooms of the Wells family was a sight which cannot easily be forgotten. In the middle of the floor knelt the mother, Mary Wells, and in her dead embrace were her dead chil dren, Jane and Thomas. They had lieen smothered, nnd no bums or blisters defaced the pallor of their countenan ces. The nine dead bodies were placed in n ambulance and taken to the 30th street station. Coroner Handy has given friends permits for the removal of the dead. Snvdcr, keener ot the restaurant in which the fire broke out, was arrested on suspicion ot being responsible for its or igin. A policy of insurance for $1,000 oil HIS SIOCK was lotlllll III Ills nisseasum and the employe states he found "fat' scattered over the floor ol the restau rant. CAPTAIN JONES RESIGNS And Lieutenant Ered A. Hull Is Elected to Succeed Him. At a regular meeting of Buncomlie Di vision No. 1, Uniformed Rank, Knights of Pythias, held at their castle hall in this city last evening, Captain Johnstone Jones tendered his resignation ns comman der of the Division, greatly tothc regret ot his comrades and warm personal friends. Gen. Jones has made a most efficient and worthy officer, and when his resignation was finally accepted it was with much protestation and many sincere express ions of reluctance to pnrt with him. An election of officers was then gone into and Lieutenant Fred A. Hull was chosen as Sir Knight Captain to succeed Mr. Jones; Fred L. Jacobs, Sir Knight Lieutenant, to succeed Mr. Hull, and E. V. Jones, Sir Knight Herald, after which the Division disbanded to meet again on Monday evening next, at the usual place and hour. Gen. Vance Will Speak. A note from Rev. Levi Branson says that Gen. Robt. B. Vance will deliver nn address at the Talienia:le, near Connelly Springs, on Saturday next, his subject being "The Liquor Traffic a Hindrance to the Spread of the Gospel. Associate Justice Merrimon of the State supreme court, will also be present on the occa sion. Illness of John R. Tucker. Lexington. Vs.. August 19. Hon, John Randolph Tucker, ex-member of Coneress. is reported to be very ill to night. His family fear a seriouschange. Read what C. D. Blanton & Co., talk about in this morning's Citizen. AN EARLY MORNING AND ITS WORK. Dedication of Trinity Episcopal Church Sunday. This building, one of the finest church edifices in the city, has been finished and used for a nuniberof years. A debt, con nected with its construction, hung over it, which was not fully extinguished un til recently. Until so extinguished, it could not be solemnly dedicated to its sacred uses. On Sunday last, being at length from nil encumbrance, advantage was taken of the presence here of Bishop Lyman on his annual visitation to per form the formal act of dedication. The occasion was an unusual nnd a very in teresting one. and the remarkably bright and pleasant day attracted an unusual throng to witness the ceremonial ; which attended by little of show or pomp, was one of solemn dignity and impressive rit ual. Every pew was filled, and the aisles were filled by those for whom scats were provided ; and all waited anxiously for the b)ening of the ceremony. According to the order of the Episco pal church in the United States, the Bishop was received at the entrance of the church by church wardens the and ves trymen of Trinity, and accompanied by them and the clergy present proceeded up the aisle, repeating alternately the 24th psalm. The Bishop then took his scat within the chancel rail accompanied by the clergy, and when so seated, Mr. Laurence Pulliam, senior warden, read and presented the formal instruments of donation of the church building to the sole uses to the service of Almighty God, through the head of the diocese. The Bishop then, with fine voice and impres sive manner, received tne donation and then offered up a prayer, followed by the prcscriljed invocations for the full and proiH-r uses ol the donation. The Bishop then resumed his chair, and the Rev. Dr. Buxton, rector of thechurch, rcud the service of consecration. Then the morning sentence of the day were opened, conducted by the Rev. Theodore Porter, of Charleston, S. C, with the psalms and lessons esiecinlly appointed for the occasion. Bishop Ly man then delivered most impressively u sermon, one chief point in which was to impress upon his hearers the sacred char acter of the edifice now solemnly and ex clusively dedicated to religious uses from which, in the language of the donat ion, is to be excluded ull uses unhallowed, worldly and unholy. After the sermon the communion ser vices were celebrated. The spectacle was altogether a solemn and imposing one, simple yet lastingly impressive. With the Bishop, there were present the Rev. Dr. Buxton, Rector of the church, the Rev. Dr. Buel, the Rev. Mr. Hnnckcl, of Abbeville, S. C, and the Rev. Mr. Theodore Porter, of Charleston, S. C. At 8 o'clock p. m.thc church wasagain filled to witness the administration of the interesting rite of Confirmation, which was administered to a class of six. Yesterday morning the rite was admin istered privately to a young gentleman of the city, for some months an invalid, and unable to leave his room. A SWELL GERMAN. Given In Honor of Ihe Misses Tucker of Raleigh. One of the most delightful social events at the Battery Park this season was the german given ycstcnlay morning in honor of Misses Sadie and Bessie Tucker of Raleigh by Mr. Thos. S. McBce of this city. The large pavilion at the Park was thronged with participants and specta tors, and a more brilliant or charming assemblage it would be difficult to im agine. Prof. Pearson'sfamoiis orchestra furnished the music, and the ball room floor was in most excellent condition. Promptly nt 11 o'clock, Prof. Pearson gave the signal for the orchestra to strike up, and to the time of the spirited strains handsome Tom McBce and the beautiful and Switching Miss Sadie Tucker stc- ped forward and the magnificent german was licgun. The other participants in the dance were Mr. McKinney nno miss hcssic Tucker. Mr. I. W. Sluder and Miss Rosa McBce, Mr. Tench Carson nnd Miss Jus tice, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Wright, Mr. R. P. Foster and Miss Skinner, Mr. D. C Waddell, jr., and Miss Ada Johnston, Mr. Eugene Jervey nnd Miss Johnston, Mr. Martin and Miss Fan Harwood, Mr. C. Fcnncr and Miss Newton, Mr. W. 1). Williams and Miss Hazzard, Mr. E. IJcn ncr and Miss Polk, Mr. King and Miss Payne, Mr. Clarence Murphcy and Miss Harwood, Mr. Denegre and Miss Branch, Mr. H. M. Waddell and Miss Sallie Pot ter, Mr. B. M.Jones and Miss Reynolds, Mr. Price and Miss Potter, Mr. Clarence Sawyer and Miss Dooley, Mr. I. G. Mer rimon and Miss Matthews, Mr. C. t Penniman and Mrs. Chaffc. The "stags" were represented by Messrs. Branch, Camp and Dick Men? mon. The favors were elegant, the costumes dainty and charming, and the german it self was all that could have possibly been desired. The dancing continued till 1 o. m. Refreshments were served and everybody had a real good time. Mr. Rawls Is a Vestryman. The name of Mr. Reuben R. Rawls should have appeared to the letter to Rev. larvis Buxton by the vestry of Trinity church, which was printed inTHE Citizen Sunday morning, but unfortu nately his name did not appear upon the copy of the letter furnished this paper for publication. It was an oversight on the part of the copyist who prepared the manuscript. Who They Are i Where The v Are, aud What They Are Doing. Clarence Ray has gone to Paris, Tenn. District Attorney Chns. Price, of Salis bury, is here. C. C. Maingnn, London, England, is at the Battery Park. Mayor Thos. W. Glover, of Marietta, Ga is at the Battery Park. Rev. W. H. Osborne, of Joncsboro, Tennessee, is here on a visit to friends and relatives. Judge David Schenck, of Greensboro, and A. J. Cooke, of Raleigh, arc at the Battery Park. Capt. K. S. Tupier, oncofCharleston's most prominent and influential citizens, is here for a few days. Dr. W. F. Ross, resident physician at the Mountain Park hotel, Hot Springs, was here yesterday. W. R. Burgess, Greensboro, and H. Fnirlcy, wife and child, of Laurinburg, are at the Swannanoa. Capt. Harry Jackson, of Atlanta, Mr. Patrick Calhoun's, second in the late duel "across the line," was here yesterday. Dr. J. Wardlaw Pelham left yesterday for Philadelphia to resume his duties ns staff surgeon in the Philadelphia Hospital. Mrs V. E. McBce left yesterday after noon for Greenbrier White Sulphur Springs where she will sicnd several weeks. Hon. Paul C. Cameron, ot Hillsboro, N. C, came up from Hot Springs yester day and is occupying apartments at the Swannanoa. Misses Gracie and Maud Munson, who have been sending several weeks in Asheville and the West, leave for their home in Philadelphia to-day. Mrs. F. W. Thayer left yesterday for New York, from which point she will sail for Europe Thursday morning. Mrs. T., is the mother of Mrs. Judge Moore, of this city. Alderman Laurence Pulliam will pre side at the sessions of the police court until Mayor Blanton's return from New York. The acting-mayor holds his first court this morning. The following well-known Charleston Indies arc now sending the season in this city: Miss Marguerite Horllieck the Misses Gcrdts, Miss Rosa Box, Mrs. Henry Bayer and Mrs. Captain Stone and daughter. Mr. Eben Coffin, who has lieen a well- known resident of Asheville for several years past, has returned to Charleston, C. He will in future make that city his home and actively engage in the real estate business. Mrs. Mark Robertson and family of this city left yesterday to join Mr. Robertson who is now located at Seattle, Washington. Mr. Adolphus Smith left on the same train for Oakland, Oregon, where he intends permanently locating. Chief of detectives W. H. Deaver left yesterday for Chattanooga, where he goes to bring to this city David Bnllew and his wife Mary, at present confined in the Chattanooga jail upon a charge of murder committed in this county in 1881. Master lohn Pendleton King is the youngest life mcmlier of the Young Men's library. At the last meeting of the di rectors, this honor was unanimously con ferred on the voung gentleman, and a check for $50 has lieen received from Asheville m confirmation and acceptance. Augusta (Ga.) Chronicle. Mayor Chas. D. Blanton left on the afternoon train for New York yesterday He goes to Gotham for the purpose of purchasing a ten thousand dollar stock of clothing for the new firm ot C. I). Blanton & Co., this city. Mr. Blanton will lie absent about' two weeks. FELL DOWN THE SHAFT. A Chambermaid's Awful Plunge Yesterday Afternoon. Luciuda Foster, n colored woman em ployed ns chanilK'rmaid nt the Grand Central hotel, met with nn accident yes terday that will probably result in her death. She was a new hand nt hotel work and was on the third floor of the hotel when the accident occurred. In opening what she supposed to lie the door to one of the rooms she stcpjied for ward and into the elevator shaft, falling a distance of about forty feet to the first floor of the building. Here she lay in a heap, totally unconscious and terribly bruised, until some of thcemployesabout the place hearing the noise occasioned by the fall ran forward to investigate the cause. Dr. Burroughs was immediately sent for and rendered all medical assist ance possible to the unfortunate woman but at a late hour last night there was but little, if any, hoiie for her recovery So far as leamcd none of her bones were broken, but licing in a delicate situation before the accident occurred, her condi tion is considered precarious indeed. No fault can be attached to anyone con nectcd with the hotel for the terrible mis hap to the woman. Asheville Cornet Band. Ten young gentlemen of this city met in the court house last night and re organized the Asheville Cornet Bnnd, A meeting will be held Thursday evening, at which the different instruments will be assigned members and instruction will be commenced. Asheville needs a good band, and The Citizen wishes the young men much success in their undertaking. Notice, Good Templars. Members of the Good Templar's Lodge will please meet at their Hall to-night Special business call for a full attendance, CABINET MINISTERS DESERT ING THE CAPITAL. Florldlans Protest Against the Removal of Surgeon Porter Mr. Bussey Sets Aside Sound Demo cratic Decisions, Etc. Washington, August 19. The depart ment of State to-day received a cable gram from the United States vice consul at Porto Rico, announcing the death last night of Consul Edward Convoy, one of the eldest members of the consular ser vice, having liecn appointed in April, 18(9. He was fully eighty years of age. Bond acceptances, $140,000 four and a half kt cents registered at 1 .OO's, $U00 fours at 1.26. Secretary Windom left Washington to day for a three week's vacation. Secre tary Rusk will leave to-morrow and not a mcmlier of the cabinet will then be left in the city. Assistant Secretary Bussey, in the pension division, (brought before him on motioiTfor reconsideration) rescinds rule 135, made by commissioner Black and overrules the opinion of ex-assistant Attorney Hawkins in same case, that soldiers dishonorably discharged from the service operated as a bar to a pension. The Assistant Secretary holds that for the department to impose upon a soldier for forfeiture to the right to even claim a pension because of a dishonorable dis charge which may have liecn inflicted by a court martial for the offense of which the court had jurisdiction would be equivalent to punishing the soldier twice for the same offense. An effort is being made by some of the jieoplc ill Florida to secure a revo- ition ol the army order detailing Sur geon Porter to proceed from Jacksonville, la., to ackson Barracks, La., it his health would permit. Dr. Porter, on ac count of ill health, is not held to active service, and is now awaiting retirement, in examining board having found him in- ipacitatcd by reason of heart trouble. He is the State health officer of Florida, and the eople there have great confidence in his ability to deal with any threatened iiidcmic ot yellow fever. They are espe cially desirous that he should not lie re moved at tins time, as he has had entire hargc ot the precautionary measures to prevent the rcap))caraiice of yellow fever this season. Mr. Goodrich, who was one of the Republican candidates for Con gress from Florida in the last election. a me on here to present the matter to the department, and it is said he has ob- iuned assurances from Secretary Proctor that Surgeon Porter will not be disturbed. It has been suggested that Sergeant Hem- burg, who is now in Cuba, might be de nied to proceed to Louisiana in place ol Dr. Porter. RANDOM NOTES Roped In by Rambling Reporters Roaming Around the City. A morning german will be given at the Battery Park to-morrow. See the double-column advertisement of C. D. Blnnton & Co., clothiers, in to day's Citizen. A farmers' picnic will lie given at Gen. Vance's place, on the French Broad river, Friday, August 30. The remains of the late Mrs. Geo. A. Sorrels were interred in the Riverside cemetery yesterday morning. The Knoxvillc Gun Club has declined to accept the challenge of our club to shoot for the championship in this city. Pelham 's register is quite a success, but nothing like half of the visitors in the city have as yet sent in their names to be recorded thereon. A regular meeting of the Rescue Hook and Ladder Fire Co., No. 1, will lie held at headquarters this evening, beginning at 8.30 o'clock. The Turkey creek camp meeting begins on Saturday next. As usual Asheville I lie largely represented at Turkey creek church on Sunday. The second week of the present term of the suK'rior court opened yesterday morn ing with tne Murray will case. Court idjourns Friday afternoon. The North Main street extension of the electric street railway is one of the test paying branches of the line, besides licing of incalculable liencfit und con venience to thc""pcoplc of north Asheville. Miss Margaret Busbee. This young lady, daughter of Mr. F. II. Busliec, was one of the unfortunate picnic party at Milburnic, near Raleigh, sonic time in the month of July, some thirty of whom were made ill by drink ing water from a well, and four of whom died from its poisonous effects. Miss Busbee was brought up to this section for change of clii...iti i- e we i i and was taken to Mrs Sh,T'';l, , ' vicinity of II icko- V A ' '. for several wcck.i .-ni-l N Review publishes r I'll , ' . ! ! We arc glad to te able to contradict this. Yesterday morning the young lady, ac companied by Dr. Will Milliard, left for her home hi Raleigh, if not entirely well, at least much improved. Stereopticon Exhibition. Warren M. Simms, the young nnd en ergetic news and cigar dealer at the Swannanoa, will give a free stereopticon exhibition in front of the hotel this even ing, beginning at 8.30 o'clock. The ex hibition will be free to all, and everybody is invited to see the show. "There Must Be a Change." The regular meeting of the Young Men's Christian Association will be held at the Central Methodist church Thurs day evening at 8 o'clock. The subject for discourse at this meeting is: "There Must Be a Change." A full attendance ol the members is requested.' Ashevllllans at Arden. At the german given by Mrs. Westfeldt at her residence near Arden last evening, Dr. S. W. Battle, Mr. Herbert Child, Mr. J. G. Merrimon, Mr. Arthur Child, Mr. D. C. Waddell, jr., and other young gen tlemen of this city were conspicuous participants. 1 N 1

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