PROFESSIONAL CARDS. THBO. F. DAYIIWOK, THOS. A. JONES Raleigh. J ah. G. Martin. Aahcville. Aflheville. JJAVIDSON, MARTIN JONKS, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, Anheville, N. C. Will urwtlcclnthc 11th and 12th Judicial Districts, and in the Supreme Court of Nnrlli Carolina, and in the Federal Courts ot the Western District of North Carolina. Refer to Bank of Aahcville. dtucl CHAD. A. HOOKS. HUFF MKHKICK. rOORBfe MERRICK, and Counaellora at Law, Asheville, N.C. Prnctlce In the United 8tatc Circuit and District Courts at Aahcville, Stateavllle, Char lotte and Orecnshoro, in the Supreme Court at Rnleidh, and in the courts of the rwelfth Judicial District ol the SUite of North Caro- 'special attention given to collection of C" Partnership docs not citend to practice in Buncombe Inferior Court. dtocJ T. h. conn. . O. MBHK1MON. OBB Ic MERRIMON, , Attorneys and Counsellors at Law. Practice in all the courts. Office: Nos. 7 and 8, Johnston buildlnij. dtsc4 W. W.JONKS. OBO. A. SIIUFOKD. JONBS & SHUFORD. Attorneys at Law. Asheville, N. C. I'ractiea In the Superior Courta of Western North Carolina, the Supreme Court of the State, and the Federal Courta at Aahcville. Office in Johnston ImildliiK, where one mem ber of the firm can always be found. dtnovll . J A. TBNNHNT, Architect and Contractor. IMnns, stiecinrntions and eatimates fur nished. All work in my line contracted for, anil no charges for drawings on contracts awarded me. Kelerenccs when desired. office: No. 12 Hendry Block, North Court Snunrc. Asheville. N. C. fchllhily JJ H. DOUGLASS, D. U. S. DENTAL ROOMS, . NO. SOUTH MAIN ST., Over Grant ft Wingert's IiriiR Store. Residence. No. UH Bnilcy St. fcbU'illy R. It. KKKVKS, II. I). S. II. K. SMITH, U. II. 8. Dra. Reeves & Smith. DENTAL OFFICE In Connally Building, over Redwood s Store, I'atton Avenue. Teeth extracted without pain, with the new anasthctic, and all cases of irregularity cor rected. iclil.wlly JJ F. BURGIN, M. D. OFFICII I New Grand Central Building, over Big S'J Clothing Store. febl7dlm J V. KAMSAV, U. U.S. it..,. ii.l K,ZiT2i& OOice t In Barnurd BuildinK Entrances, I'atton Avenue nnil Main Street. fel)20dlT Dr. FranK Harvey, Veterinary Surgeon. Office at Sevier's Stable. Residence with Mr. Natt Atkinson, Jr., No. 211 Haywood street. jnl25 d 12m RTHUR M. FIELD, Graduate Optician, Main Street. All mechanical ocular defects of the eye cor rected. . Hours for examination 0 to 12 a. m 2 to 5 p. m. JUB ,ltf B.F.Arrington,M. IK, D.D.S., HIIRGEON U I. XT I HI Filling teeth n siiecinlty; also treating dis eased gums and ail discaacs jwrtuining to the dental atructure. Office rooms on I'atton .Avenue, one door west of Coshy's jewelry atore. MISCELLANEOUS. POR SALE. One Steam Engine, Suitable for Saw Mill, Ktc. Apply to STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. au7 dtcw2w THE A6HEVILLE LIBRARY ASSOCIATION, Rooms on Main street, opposite the post office. Open dally, except Sundays, from 10 n. in. until 1 p. m.. and 11.30 until 7.30 I), in. The terms of subacription are: One year 2; 0 mos., $1.50; 3 mos., $1 i 1 mo., Suits.; dnilr 2 cts. Officers for 1K89 President, R. R. Rawls : Vice-President, Charles W. Woolscy: Sec. and Treas., D. 8. Watson ; Librarian, Miss E.J. Hatch. Citizens nnd visitors are cordially invited to mapect the catalogue and inscnlic their names as nleailiers. febHdtf All eyes fitted and fit guaranteed. A com plete itock of the above goods at GRANT'S WHUG STORE, 34 SOUTH MAIN STKliJiT. Oculists' prescriptions a mweinlty. fcb27d6m Notice to Travelers Begin nirnt to-day and contlntiInK until fur ther notice, a street car will leave Court House square at 15 minutes iiefore H o'clock, a. m.. for the train for Soartanburir. All travelers who will take this car will have their valises transorted to the train free of cnarge, aii wno take tne regular "depofor "train" car, which will leave the Square at 8 o'clock a. m. as usual, will becharged 5 cents for each valise and large bundle. This car aiso connects witn tne spartan uurg tram, but if all ocrsons take it there will not be time enough for all to get their tickets and checks, and many may be left; while if as many as can will take the car leaving the Square at 15 minutes before 8 they will not only save the extra charue for valises on the "depot" car, but have ample time for them selves and leave ample time for others to get incir incci n ana ticxets. THB ASHEVILLB 8TRKKT RY. CO. TUB ASHEVILLE STREET RAILWAY CO. Will call at any house in the city for BAGGAGE FOR TRAINS, And deliver aame to any house from trains fur 25c. per trunk. All orders for Baggage left at the office will receive prompt atten tion. Passenger cars meet all incoming and outgoing trains. aug7 dtf A NBW DBBD. carefully prepared bv lead Inn members of the Aahcville bar (on 6 neat parchment and heavy flat paper), cov ering: all accesaarr oointa. luat out and now oa sale at the office of the Citukn Pvblish- nra Co.. No. a North Court Hqaarr. 'lntW BUBIPCKSS AND PLEA8IIRE. Private Board. For first-class, bond, at reasonable terms, apply to Mrs. 1J. E. Brccse, corner College and spruce streets. A hard row to hoe must be a shad roc. We have never heard of its being hoed. Poison the fountain, nnd the stream is impure; poison the blood, and its taint is carried through the entire system those innumerable veins nnd arteries carry dis easeand deathinstead ol life and vitality. As a result, you huve Headache, Scrofula, Dyspepsia, Kidney Disease, Liver Com plaint nnd General Debility. An inactive Liver means poisoned blood; Constipa tion menus poisoned blood; Kidney dis order means poisoned blood. The great antidote for impure blood is Dr. Pierce s Golden Mcdicnl Discovery. Act ing directly uiion the affected organs, it restores them to their normal condition. A word to the wise is sufficient." The "Discovery" is eunrnntcal to cure in ull cases of disease for which it is recommen ded, or money paid for it will be prompt ly refunded. Gasket "Yes, sir; I'm a self-made man.' Smothered voice "men you cheated yourself." The Flrnt HymptoniH of Death. Tired fcelinir. dull headache, pains in various parts of the body, sinking ut the pit of the stomach, loss of apjietitc, fevcr ishness, pimples or sores, are all positive evidence of poisoned blood. No matter how it became poisoned it must lie puri fied to avoid death. Acker's English Blood Elixir has never failed to remove scrofulous or syphilitic poisons. Sold un der positive guarantee. feliGdaw 1 w 'There's mv barber he's not a snob, nnd yet he cuts me every day of his lite." For lame back, side orchest, useShiloh's 1'orous Plaster. Price 2! cents. SHILOIl'S COUGH nnd Consumption Cure is sold bv us tin n guarantee. It cures Consumption. Aiartii-a itinv 1m vf tin purl nf ;niiiiiouil ir-s in private life, but they always make up nciorc nicy apjiear on ine stage. tilve tlie Children a Chance. There is something radically wrong with the health of a child when it seems listless, h;ts poor or no apjictilc, eyes sunken niul with dark skin lieneath. In most cases showing these symptoms the child has worms, and all that it needs is some simple remedy , such as Hai l's Worm Cream, to exjK'l the worms, anil the child will soon lie in iK'i lccl health again. 1 li mits, try it and let your little ones have i lair cnance tor Inc. We suiiuose a guinea-pig over in Eng land ought to weigh about ill. No liniment is in lictter repute or more widely known than Dr. J. H. McLean's Volcanic Oil Liniment.' It is a wonder ful remedy. For sale by K. L. Jacobs. A man may attack a roast turkey val- limitlv, but vet iiuuil on toast when sud denly culled upon to respond to one. Better Than Hulclde. Professor Arnold savs: "An incurable dyspeptic is justified in committing sui cide. We will guarantee to cure any dys peptic within three months by Acker s English Dysjieptic Tablets. feliSdawlw A new pie is in favor at Saratoga this season, called "The Crank." It probably doesn't agree with anybody. The Mew Discovery. You hnve heard your friends and neigh bors talking about it. You may yourself be one of the manv who know from wr- sonnl experience just how good a thing it is. If you have ever tried it, you are of its staunch friends, liecause the wonder ful thing about it is, that when once giv en a trial, Dr. King's New "Discovery ever alter holds a place in the house. It you have never used it nnd should be atllictcd with a cough, cold or any Throat, Lung or Chest trouble, secure a bottle at once and give it a fair trial. It is guaranteed evcrv time, or money refunded. Trial bottles free at F. L. Jacobs' drug store. Love is blind nnd that is why lovers think lighting the gas unnecessary: THAT HACKING COUGH can be so quickly cured by Shiloh's Cure. We guarantee it. WILL YOU SUFFER with Dysiicpsia and Liver Complaint? Shiloh's Vitalizcr is guarantied to cure you. An Eastern man who moved to Chicago lost 120 pounds in three weeks. His wife eloped with n ear driver. SHILOH'S VITAL1ZER is what you need lor Constipation, Loss of Apiietite, Dizziness, and nil symptomsof Dysiicpsia. Price 10 and 7fi cents kt bottle. CROUP, WHOOPING COUGH and Bronchitis immediately relieved by Shiloh's Cure. A mini rharircd with nttrllltititur to work a racket ought to be tried in a tennis court. Pimples, boils and other humors, arc liable to appear when the blood gets heated. The best remedy is Dr. J. II. McLean's Sarsaparilla. For sale by b. L. Jacobs. Policeman (sternly (What arc you doing on the street ns this hour of the night ? Prowler (iovfullv Bv George, you're exactly the man I want to see! I'm try ing to hud a suloon. Terrible FarewnrnliiKS. Cough, in the morning, hurried or diffi cult breathing, raising phlegm, tightness in the chest, quickened pulse, chilliness in the evening or sweats at night, all or any of these things arc the first stages of con sumption. Acker's English Cough Rem edy will cure these fcarlul symptoms, and is sold under a positive guarantee. feblidnwlw "I suppose everything was very fresh on the farm ?" "Yes; particularly the family." Don't be HumbnKifed with the foolish idea that Catarrh can not be cured! The world moves, and medical science is progressive. The pro prietors of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy will pay $500 reward for a case of Nasal Catarrh, no matter how bad or of how long standing, which they cannot cure. Remedy sold by druggists, at only 50 cents. The Kentucky girls, happily, are resist ing nil opportunities to become members of the sugar trust. Many people habitually endure a feel ing of lassitude, because they think they have to, If they would take Dr. J. H. McLean's Sarsaparilla this feeling ol weariness would give place to vigor and vitality. For sale by F. L. Jacobs. Herr Voirneer Mein Gott. but I vns all proke up: Vntchcd mit a corpse last nighd. Gilligan Wux it a wake ? Herr Vognecr Nein, you Irish sliump: id vas dead. Advice to Mothers. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup should always be used for children teething. It soothes the chud. sort ens the gums, al lays all pains, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy lor aiarrneea. zoc. a uotut parents) Criminally Liable. More than half of all deaths occur be fore six years ot age. An army of inno cent, lovely children are swept needlessly awav each year. Parents are criminally responsible for this. The death rate of children in England is less than halt this. Acker's English Baby Soother has done more to bring this about than all other causes combined. You cannot altoru to be without it. It was a very sad affair when the weeping willow by the rivcrsitle. One of Dr. J. H. Mclean's Little Liver and Kidney Pillets, taken at night before going to bed, will move the bowels; the effect will astonish you. For sale by F. L.Jacobs. SKaking of classic lore the employ ment of a Latin protessor is an instance of classic hire. SLEEPLESS NIGHTS, made miserable by that terrible cough. Shiloh's Cure is the remedy for vou. CATARRH CURED, health and sweet breath secured, by Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. Price 50 cents. Nasal Injector free byT. C. Smith Hi Co. After suspicion is once directed Ml u man, there is an "air of mystery" even about tiie way he happens to sneeze. A Hound Legal Opinion. E. Bainbridge Munday Esq., County Attorney, Clay Co., Texas says: "Have used Electric Bitters with most happy results. My brother also was very low with Malarial Fever and Jaundice, but was cured by timely use of this medicine. Am satisfied Electric Bitters saved his lite." Mr. I). I. Wilcoxsou, of Horse Cave, Ky., adds a like testimony, saving: He positively believes he would have died, had it not been for Electric Bitters. This great remedy will waril otf, as well ns cure all Malarial Diseases, and for all Kidney, Liver and Stomach Disor ders stands uuciiialed. Pricc50caud$l, at F. L. lacobs. im - a.- ...:...i ..r . i. t llieevc.lic mi wniuunn til nil oiiiii. When a girl leaves the window open it is apt to make a draft on her young man's ti.a'liiiira Huckleii's Arnica Halve. The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapiicd hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale bv F. L. lacobs. daw A pretty maid is nice to see, And she is nice to woo; Hut it matters not how sweet she lie If she isn't sweet on you. Do Not suffer Any I.oniter. Knowing that a cough can lie checked in a day, and the first stages of consump tion broken in a week, we hereby guaran tee Acker's English Cough Remedy and will refund the money to all who buy, lake it as kt directions, and do not find our statement correct. feb5dawlw If Lord Dimra ven's yacht could capture the America's cup, the English would never get Dunrnven about it. The BurdenH of Womanhood. Thousands of women arc silently suf fering untold misery, simply liecnuselhey shrink trom consulting a physician in those numerous complaints arising from functional irregularities and disorders. Many a modest girl and woman pretcrs to bear her heavy burden in silence rather than to go to the family physician for advice. All sufferers from this class of disorders can, however, find prompt and sure relief in Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre scription. It is a specific in such cases, and lias nnglitcnecl tne lives or countless women by restoring them to )erfcct health. Presmts in 'ie ntfisl elcznnt iimii THE LAXATIVf -.NO NUTRITIOUS OUIOE -r t;i:: FIGS Or CALIFORNIA, Combined with the medicinal virtues of phinls known to be most beneficial to the hum:i:. system, forming an agreeab'; and effective laxative to perm:', nently cure Habitual Consti pation, and the many ills dc pending on a weak or inactiv. condition of the AlDNEYS, LIVER AND BOWELS. It is the most excellent remedy lenown to CLEANSE THE SYSTEM EFFECTUALLY When one is Hilious or Constipated SO THAT PURE BLOOD, REFRESHING 8LEEP. HEALTH and STRENGTH NATURALLY FOLLOW. Kvery one is using it and all are delighted with it. ASK VOUR DRUGGIST FOR STHtlH OT PIGB MANUFACTURED ONLY BY CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL, LOUISVILLE. A-r NCW YORK. K. t. WM. R. PENNIMAN, I'KOI'KIBTOR OF THE ASHEVILLE BRICK WORKS, Asheville, N. C. P. O. BOX P. marlSdly J.W. ROBERTSON, CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER, MORG ANTON, N. C. MANUFACTURES ALL KINDS OF DRESSED LUMBER. IN.Sinii FINISH in (Juci-n Anne and nllatylea now In use. Mouldinga of varioua kinds. Can compete in pricea with any manufact urer In the South, jullie dim HOTELS. STRAUSS' RESTAURANT AND NEW ICE CREAM GARDEN, lUectrlc Cars Pass the Door I herewith notify the public that thin day, May 1, I have added to my well known Res taurant a fine Ice Cream Garden. The an me hnn been fitted up nently for the oc vaxiun and I will always have on hand the choicest of Creams and ShcrtwtH and Cakes. Also, can supply families at shortest notice in lartfc or small quantities. So come in tfood time and hnve some fine Ice Cream and Cnkcs and don't forget that at Strauss' you will get The Best of Ice Cream, and where always polite and attentive wait ers will lie pleased to serve. Come early, cuinc often, come one, conic all, and jjivc your friend Strauss n koocI many calls. Very resiwctfully, E. STRAUSS, mayZJdtf Proprietor. CESAR'S HEAD HOTEL, W1L.I, 1111 OPENED I'OK TIIE SEASON OF 1S8U ON The First of June. The locntion of this Hotel on thesummit ol Cicsnr's Head Mountain, an outlying spur of the Blue Ridge, in upter South Carolina, ullords a climate anil water uncqualcd. As a summer resort it hus no parallel in tin South. AVERAGE TEMPERATURE. FROM 60 TO 70", Whilst its natural scenery is varied ami fjrnnd beyond conception. Comfort of guests care fully consulted. Livery nnd daily mail, lins ily reached from Asheville in one day, orfrom llcndcrsonville in half a day, over delightful roads, through a rom untie and charming country, F. A MI L,ICS. mavirdtf A It DEN PARK HOTEL AND FAMILY COTTAGES, .'! miles south of Asheville, on the A. tic S. rutlroatl is now open for the seuson. I-or circulars address THOS A. MORRIS, ITop'r, may2dtf Arden, N. C. TURNPIKE HOTEL, Turnpike. N.C. This beautiful summer resort Is situated immediately on the Murphy Division of the W. N. C. R. R., half way between Asheville and Waynesvillc, among the most attractive scenery in the mountains. The hotel is new and well furnished, large and well ventilated. Telegraph and 1'ost Offices in the house. Fresh mutton, milk nnd butter supplied from the premises. I'articsean leave Asheville in the morning take dinner and return in thecvening. For terms and other information, apply to J. C. SiuatlicrH, julH d.'tm Manager. PRIVATE BOARD. NICW HOUSE! NliWL FURNISIIKl) I ALL MOD URN IMTRnVliMKNTS. MRS. E. J. THYLER AND MRS N. B. ATKINSON, No. 211 Haywood Street. jun'JU til v JKIVATI2 BOARD. A large, airy house, 31H I'atton Avenue, on street car line. Oood location Terms reasonable. Oood fare. juMdaui MRS. J. L. SMATHKKS. MRS. S. STEVENSON Has removed to the Johnston Huildiug, I'utS ton avenue, corner of Church street, where she is prepared to keep regular or transient boarders. Table furnished with the best the market affords. Terms reasonable. marltlniG ROUND KNOB HOTEL McDowell Co., N. C. (Situuted on the W. N. C. R. R. An hour's ride from Asheville.) First class in every resiwct. Mineral waters Lithin, Iron. Alum und Iron, Red and White Sulphur and Magnesia. The most picturesque spot in Western North Carolina. Terms reasonable Sjccial rates to fami lies. J, Bulow Erwlu, julo (l;hn Proprietor. WANTED. io to 20 More Boarders AT THE REEVES HOUSE, WAYNHSVILLE, N. C. The coolest rooms, and good new beds as clean as the cleanest. Pure freestone water, 54 Fahrenheit. Plenty of choice, well cooked food in abundant variety. Location Mnin street, 3 minutes' walk from depot, express and post offices; IS min utes' walk from Haywood White Sulphur Springs. Rates $20 to $30 per month; $0 to $H per week. A. J. REEVES, aulldlw Proprietor. JpoR RUNT. From two to nix bed monw, fully fumi.hrd will naual attention, with or without board. HiKh ligation, hucellent water For terms apulv to au7dtf 1SS CHESTNUT STREET, REAL ESTATE. Waltkr B. Gwyn, W. W. West. GWYN & WEST (Successors to Walter B.Gwyn) ESTABLISHED 1881 REFER TO BANK OF ASHEVILLE. REAL ESTATE. Loans Securely Placed at 8 Per Cent. Notary Pub.ic. Commissioners ol llccils. FIRE INSURANCE. OFFICE-HoutheaHt Court Square. Wm. M. Cocke, Jr., REALESTATE AND MINERALBROKER, Asheville, N. C. Can sell you one million acres of land, in tra5ts from no to 100,000 acres. Have a number of city lots, improved and unim proved, which I can sell on the test of terms. If you want a large or small farm coll on me. If you want minerals of any kind, you need go no further. If you want timber lands, this is headquarters. In fact I can suit you in anything you want in my line. Services of a iirst-elass civil engineer nnd practical surveyor engaged to show up all property when required. I have had til teen years' cxjiericnec in the real estate business. and tbinkl know what will please. Prompt ittention to all inquiries. febli4d1 v ORTLANl BROS., Real Kte Brokers, And t Investment t Agents Offices: No. 50 South Main st. Second floor. febOdly .SCHOOLS. TRINITY COLLEGE. Entrance examinations Sept. ti and 4. Kei tations and Lectures begin promptly Sept. Ci Send for new catalogue at once to JOHN r. LKOWr.1,1., ITesident, junl!0 dl'm Trinity College, N.C. St. Mary's School, Raleigh, N. C. The Niiu'ty-Fiftli Seini-Aiitiunl St'ssion hc- Kins MONDAY, Slil'TliM IlliK 12, 1MK1I. For catalogues, address the Keetor, REV. BENNETT SWEDES, A. M. junl!M d.'tm os HIGH SCHOOL FOR BOYS, ASHEVILLE, N. C. Ronald MacDonald, II. A., Head Master. The scholastic year will open WlillNKSIlAY, Slil'TliM HER IK. Terms For Hoard, Tuition in all branches, and every expense, $300 ier annum. Ilav scholars $ho per annum. For further information iit'.dress KliV. I). II. Iil'lil., Asheville, N. C, until Sept. 1 ; lifter that address MK. RONALD Mal'HON- AI.I), Head Master. jull!7 clm Knglisli and French BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL, FOR YOUNG LADIES AND LITTLE GIRLS, No. 40 French llroad Avenue. MRS. BURGWYN MAITLAND, PRINCIPAL I For many years Associate Principal of Mt. Vernon institute, onitimore. ) Assisted by a corps of com pen tent teachers. The course of instruction includes the usual English branches with French nnd Latin. Hxtrns Music, C.crmnn, Art Needle Work, Painting on China, Dancing and Riding. Special attention given to the training of little girls. augl d-'m WOFFORD COLLEGE Spartanburg, S. C. Jas H. Carlisle, LX. D, Pres. FOVNIHiH 1851. Seven Professors with correspondingchairs if instruction, offering two A. Ii. courses, in me of which Modern Languages arc substi tuted for Creek. Terms for entire session of eight nnd one half months : Tuition, $-1-0; Matrici-lation Fee, $1U. FALL SHSSION PiJOINS OCT. 1, 1HH0. For Catalogue anil further information ap ply to J. A. C.AMHW KLL. Secretary oi i acuity, hpnrtunnurg, . WOFFORD COLLEGE FITTING SCHOOL SPARTAN HP K(, S. C. The Third Session begins October 1, IMS'. Hoard in the Institution. $10 a month; Tuition, $to nfyenr. A. . R KM lUiKT, A. M ., Head Master. For further information apply to the Head Master. aula d tscpl tu th sat su JUDSON COLLEGE, HENDERSONVILLE, N. C. Season of 1889-'90 Opens Monday, Sept. 30, and closes first Thursday in June, 1HUO. A full corps of instructors in Ancient and Modern Languages and Literature, Moral and Physical Science, Commercial Arithmetic, Surveying, Physiology and Hygiene, Music (Vocal and Instrumental), Art, Drawing and Painting. Pull particulars can be had from KICH'D H. LKWIS, A. M., M. D.. jullO d3m tu fri President. JV) THB PUBLIC. Thr undersitmed mav le found In Shank's new building, one door west of J. F. Wood bury's stable, on College strest. They are prepared to manufacture carriages, buggies, wagons, and anything else in their line. Re pairing ana norsc-snoeing ure biiiiiuvi. Tti.-v hnve Jtreured the services of HetTV Pow ell, nnd would he pleased to receive a lilieral share of patronage. Satisfaction guaranteed. JUI3 dOIQ tlUKINnl lUfll HUWARl'. jyB. WOLFE, PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL PLASTERER. All kinds of cement wotk done, jobbing "d kalsomiaing promptly at tended to. Residence, Clayton 8t. Orders can be left witn w. n . wevtan 10. icovaom MISCELLANEOUS. CAUTION. protects the wearers against high prices and inferior goods. If your dealer does not keep the style or kind you want, or offers you shoes without W. L. DOUGLAS name and price stamjK'd on them, and says they are Just as good, do not be deceived thereby, but send di rect to the Factory, for you can get what you want by return mail, postage paid. Dealers make mitre profit on unknown shoes that are not warranted by anybody; therefore do not be induced to buy shoes that have no reputation. Buy only those that have W. L. DOUG LAS' name and the price stamped on the bottom, und you are sure to get full value for your money. Thousands of dollars are saved annually by the wearers of W. L. DOUGLAS' Shoes. In ordering by mail state whether you want Congress, Button or Lace, London cup toe, plain French toe, or narrow cap toe, and be sure to give size and width you wear. I can fit nny foot that is not deformed, ns my shoes are made in great variety of widths, sizes and half sizes. I guarantee a fit, prompt delivery and perfect satisfaction or money refunded upon return of the shoes in good condition. W. L. DOUGLAS, Brockton, Mass. 95,000 will be paid to nny person who wilt following Hues will be found to be $5.00 Shoe $4.00 Shoe $3.50 Shoe $2.50 Shoe $2.25 Shoe $2.00 Shoe $2.00 Shoe $1.75 Shoe All made in Congress, Button and Lace. W. L. Douglas' $3 Doth Ladies' Shoes arc made in sizes from 1 UK widths. STYLUS OF "The French Opera, Hie Spnnish Arch Opera," "The American Coinmoii-Seiise," "The Medium Common-Sense." All made in Itittton in the Lit test Styles, Also. French Oner a in Front Lace, oil Ifi.'t Shoe oiilv. Consumers should remember that W. L. DOFCLAS is the largest and only Shoe Manu facturer in the world, supplying shoes direct from factory, thus giving all the middle-men's prolits to the wearer. V. L. laM GLAS, Drockton, Mass. FOR HERRING BRICK ! BRICK ! FOR SAI.B IIV GIRDWOOD & LEE, Proprietors Buncombe i Brick : and t Tile : Company, ASHEVIIXE, n. c. p. ii. iiox 31:1. juliicl cl:im "THE WINYAH SANITARIUM, " ASHEVILLE, N. C. For the reception of patients suffering of diseases of limns und throat, and conducted upon the plan ol llicsauitaria'S at Gcerbcrsdorf and Fulkenstein in Ger many. Ours is the only such institution in the United States, and endorsed by the leading members of the medical profession. Terms reasonable. KARL VON RUCK, B. S., M. D. i THE CAROLINA SALOON, i- Mas the Finest and Largest Stock ol WHISKIES, : BRANDIES : AND : WINES, Kvtr Brought Parties wishing a good article for family or give me u call. Respectfully, Frank mar.'ddly STOVES, TINWARE, AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. Car Load of Terra Cotta and Flue Pipe. nishes, Brushes and Best Wall Colors, bought have also an experienced and competent buy second-hand stoves. C. S. COOPER, BOUIS & BROTHERTON, l'KACTICAl. Plumbers & Tinners. rixMiiiNi;, STIC AM AND OAS FITTING, TIN AMI SI.ATIi KOOI'INC. Furnaces and Heaters. Jobbing Promptly : t Attended to. 22 Patton Avenue, Basement. jul.'IO ri&wlv J. C. BROWN, MERCHANT : TAILOR, 25 Patton Avenue, (Next to Grand Central Hotel.) apriidly - pOK SALE. 1 acres of land on Beaver Inm rond.just opposite J. S. Burnett's. A fine site for a sub urban residence. A nice knoll covered with clover nnd some fine onks. with beAUtiful views of mountains ami the city. A rnre chance to buy such a piece of land with nice clear snrinijs" gushing from the hill. Terms easy and price low. BOSTIC, BLANTON it CO. nul 3 dtf Vf CURED BY OLD SPECIALIST HI " PHYSICIAN. I - Bottle of medicine Free. Wt war- I I I U rant our remedy to cure the worst cases, and the only physicians whodo this to prevent your being imiosed upon by men using false names and who are not Doctors. Because others failed Is no reasoi for not using this medicine. Give Express and Post office address. It costs you nothing. Addiess Asahel Medical Bureau, U91 Broadway, New York. ian27datwiT pUK SALE. A pair of fine Mules, kind, and good work ers; also wagon and double harness. Apply 24 Grove St. W. L. DOUGLAS' name and the price are stamped on the bottom of all Shoes adver tised by him before leaving his factory; this W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE GENTLEMEN. Is a tine seamless calf shoe, with Dongola tops, and oak leather bottoms. They are made in Congress, Button and Lace on London Cap Toe, Narrow Cap Toe and Plain French Toe Lasts, in sizes from 5 to 1 1 , including half sizes and all widths. If you have been paying from $5 to $0 for shoes ol this quality do not do so longer. One pair will wear as long s two pairs of common sold bv deHlcrs that arc not warranted by the manufacturer. Our claims for this shoe over all other $3 shoes advertised, are : 1st. It contains better material. It is more stylish, better fitting and durublc. ,'IH. It gives better uencral satisfaction. 4th. It costs more money to make. flh. It saves more money for the consumer. fit It. It is sold by more dealers throughout the U. S. 7th. It's great success Is due to merit. Hth. It cannot be duplicated by any other manu facturer. 0th. It isthe Lest in the world, and has a larger de mand than any other $3 shoe advertised, prove the above statements to be untrue. The ol the same quality of excellence : GliXI'INIi HAND-SKWF.D. which takes the plaee of custom-made shoes that cost from $7 to $11. THB ORIGINAL AND ONLY IIAND-SHWKD WliLT $t SHOU. Ivquals custom-made shoes costing from $0 to $8. I'OK Pol.ICHMKN. Kailroad Men and Letter Cnrriersall wcarthem. Smooth inside as a hand-sewed shoe. No tacks or wax thread to hurt the feet. IS UNF.XCICLLIiD FOK 11 FA YY WF.AR. Best Calf Shoe for the price. WORKING MAN'S. Is the best in the world for rough wear; one pair ought to wear n man a year. IS ligi'AU TO SllnUS THAT COST I'KOM $:t to $:i.ii0. One pair will wear longer than any shoe ever sold at the price. FOR BOYS is the best School Shoe in the world. YOUTHS' SCIDH L, gives the small Boys a chuuee to wear the best shoes in the world. and $2 Shoes FOR I.AUIKH, to 7, including half sizes, anil 1), C, I), li and LAD11IS' SHOliS. SALIC BY & WEAVER. BRICK 1 to Asheville. other purposes, will liud it to their interest to O'Donnell, Prop'r. Bath Tubs, Wooden Ware, Paints, Oils, Var from first hands lor cash. man who repairs stoves. Will exchange for or 39 South Main Street. A. I. COOPER, Groceries. We presume Asheville has more comments passeil upon it than any other city in the State. They say "Such elegant buildings, such tine houses, nnd such splendid food," Hotels, boarding houses nnd private families are often asked by their visitors "Where du you get flour to make such elegant bread ?" "Why, at Cooper's, where the best of every thing can lie had in the way of Groceries." Our aim is to furnish the purest and best goods for the least money, to wage bitter war against all adulterations of food prod ucts and never buy cheap groceries for the purpose of selling below cost. J. N. MORGAN & CO., No. 3 Barnard Building:. School and Colloge Text Hooks, a full line. Poets, His tory, Romance, Uiography, Travel and Novels, Family Hibles, S. S. Bibles and Test aments, Oxford Teachers' Hibles, Son? lsooks 01 all kinds, large stock Stationery, ttlank Hooks and Office and School Supplies. NTew line Ladies' and Gents' Pocket books just opened. Fancy Goods and Dolls. BROOM FACTORY. HANFOdD N. LOCK WOOD. HAND-MiUS Broom, WnUks, Hearth and Celling: Brooms. Mill and Factory Rradn tpcdaltjr. Quo tations and sample free. fcblOdly

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