THE DAILY CITIZEN Will be published every morning (except Mon day at the following rates strictly cash: One Year B.0 8ii Months 3.oo Three Months 1.S0 One Month fiO One Week IS Our carriers will deliver the paper every morning in every part of the city to our sub scribers, and parties wanting it will please call at the Citizen Office. New AdvertiMemeuttt. For Sale Box 7. Lost W. R. Beardcn. $3 Shoe W. L. PoukIhs. Wanted Jno. B. Kobinsnn. For Sale 23 S. Water Street. HerrinK'a Safes Fnrrcll : Co. Clothing, etc. Chan. I). Blunton He Co. At'H, on Main Street. You can find now a very full stock of china and glass, silver and cutlery, and, in fact, everything for table use. Some remarkably low prices are iiowuflemhii. knives, forks and spoons. The calcium lamp is still in the lead. It is the liesl lamp made, anil is priced very low. Try one. Railroad Ticket. Nought, sold and exchanged. All trans actions guaranteed. Keliahle informa tion cheerfully furnished. Office removed to Grand Central Hotel. V. M. Clakkk. 91AKKi:iH 111 TIXKUKAI'H. Money and Hecur It lew Cotton -1'rovlMloiiN and I'rodute, MONKV AND SKCtKITIKS. Nkw Vokk. A UK- 1l. Exchange dull but steady .HaaS V US, Mnncv easv. La4-i. Sub-Treasury balances Gold, $15,r3;i,- 00O; currency., Government homls, dull but firm 4 jkt cents, $1.21 H; 4-'a per cents, jpi.U.'n- State bonds dull and featureless. Ala. Class A -a5 HKii aIN I'ac. 1 st mor !HH Ala. Class B.fis.lio N. Y. Central ...lot;:' Ga. 7s. mort toa-N. & V. pt'd fL N. C. Cons., (is.. lt!7 Northern I'ac US" N. C. Cons.. 4s .Mi'2n. I, pl'd C;t S. C. Brown's.. .lO'J U'aeiticMail 31 Tenn. (is UMi IKtmliiitf 44" Tenn. An lnii Rich. .V Alle 'J'J Tenn. Set., 3s 7iM4K . fle W. I'nint.. 23 Virihnia (is 4M 'Kock Island i3 t'aul 71" do pt'd 111! Tex. Pacific Sa Tenn CoaKSrlron 3i:i Ciitun 1'acitic ti1r' N. I. Central...! 12' Mo. I'acitic 71;, Western I nmn Hii Cotton-seed Oil Certificates 4'.M Swannanoa Hotel. Unexcelled cuisine. Popular with tourists, families and business men. Electric cars pass the door. BAWLS BROS., febldly Propr's. Virginia Cons.. Northwestern ...llo'v do ptd ...13 ! IH-l & Lack J4,- line 27TJ liast Tenn Lake Shore 104 Lou. Kt Nash 70 Mem. Char... 02 Mob. it Ohio i;il2 Nash. c Chat... uri'y Asked. Brunswick . COTTON. NKW York. Aug. 11). Cotton firm. Sale: to-day Il;-r bales; middling uplands 11 7-H mttldlinu Orleans 11 1-1 ti. Total net receipt: at all ports to-day l.OtfH. lix ports to Great ltntain 4.70U. Stoek 7S.OU4 bales Nkw Vokk, Au. !'.. Cotton Net receipts u;nross u futures closed steaov. scales wo, -(MM) lialcs. Auk lo.lMialo.'.HIFcb.... 1 0. 1 .'(a 10. 1 ." Sept to.5Palo.iioi March 10 "JOu 10.21 Oct 1o.:i7alO. 371 April 10.27h1H.2n Nov lo.(Malo.o7May 10.3;tal0.:t lec I0.n;tain.o4juuc lo.;(Pal(t.41 Jan H).o7alo.os Galvkston, Aujj. 19. Cotton firm, ll'.; receipts 441 . N 1 in hulk. Auk. 11- Cotton linn, 11; re ceipts o. Hai.timokk, Auk. l'-- Cotton quiet, 11"; receipts o. Boston, Auk. IP. Cotton quiet and firm, lU3al1"N; receipts O Wilmington. N. C, Auk- lt. Cotton linn. 1 1 '; receipts 2. I'liiLADKLi'iiiA, Auk- ID Cotton firm, 1 1 4. receipts o. Savannah, Auk- 1I Cotton firm, lo7; re ceipts ion. Nkw oklkans, Auk- ID- Cotton firm, 11; receipts 4P7. fcloim.K, Auk. ID. Cotton nominal, lo-'; receipts 1 P. M KM cms, Auk- ID. Cotton quiet, ll;it; re ceipts 27. ArorsTA, Auk- ID Cotton firm, 1 1 ; receipts ClIAHLKSTiiN, 10:; receipts o Auk. ID. Cotton nominal. PROVISIONS ANN PKUIU'CK. Cincinnati, Auk- ID. Flour easy. Wheat dull and lower Net. 2 red 7.U. Corn dull and weaker No. 2 mixed Its, Oats weaker No. 2 mixed 20a2 1 I'ork weak and low er 10. li2i3. Lard weak Hulk meat. ncKlected. Bacon easier. Whiskev active and firm 1.02. Chicago, Auk- ID. Cash quota lions to-day were as follows; Flour quiet. Wheat No 2 red 77. Corn No. 2 .if'M. oats No, 2 20i, Mess pork P. ."(. Lard 0.12'a. Short ribs fl.oo. Whiskey 1.02. Nkw Yokk, Auk-ID. Southern Hour heavy. Wheat quiet new No. 2 red S"ii.a. Corn weaker No. 2 44. Oats lower Sept. 211' ,. Cottee about steady Sept. 1 w.;VV SuKar re fined firm, in jiiiotl demand. Molasses steady K tee in moderate demand . Petroleum firm retineil 7.20. Cottonseed oil steadier. Lard lower and dull western steam (."". Freights strong. Cotton 3- 1I. Grain HEREAFTER We will run two delivery wagons. The necessity for tliis liiis been caused by our largely iiinv;isiii' trade, making' it impossible to de liver with onewaon. There have been complaints (and justly, too) by some of our customers at not having -oods delivered more promptly. With our addi tional facilities for delivery wo hope to increase our al ready larjfe trade, and prom ise to meet all competition. Our stock, as heretofore, will be kept up to the highest standard in quality. All floods sold by us guaranteed to be as represented, both in weights and quality. POWELL SNIDER Court Square. WINKEU NN'S -1 V 0Y The Best are the Cheapest. HERRING'S PATENT CHAMPION SAFES. Farrell & Co., Philadelphia. j7)st"." llctwcen Cherry ami Lady's Ptiekctlionk, containttiK a sum of money and 1. l. box key No. 3(3. I'lcnsc return to W. K. IlliAKIiKN. AN UNEXCELLED SPECIFIC IN CASE.S or CHOLCPA. CRAMPS, OlAORMCIA, SUMMER COMf'LAiNT Dysentery and other a ffect! 0i9 of th c Stomach and EowtiS PRICE 25 CENTS. J. H. lAMNKELMANN 4. CO BALTIMORE, MD. U S. A. ('or Kile I y J. S. GRANT, iliiwtfiir.'s LADIES' NEW FURNISHING STORE. Silks. I'lushes, Whitedoods iUces, Ianbroideries, Uiii bons. Art Nei'dlework Mate rial. Handkerchiefs, Corsets (iloves, Hosiery, Ladies' I n derwear. La mbrequins, Table ( 'overs. I'illow Shams, Tidies. te., etc. Lessons in Art Lm- broid"rv and Stamping free to all who purchase materia I Kid (iloves fitted to thehand. Stampiiiii- done while vou wait, at SARAH EIXICK'S, Corner f Main nml Willow Streets, itntler Swannatum lintel. pOR SALK. A fine Kentucky bred riding and driving horse. AMitss p. (. lX7t, o.u'20 dlit A.Hhevillc, N. C. One fine white Milk Cow, Apply at NO. 23 five yearn old. . WATER ST. ANTKD. To rent, hv a family of five, a furnished house. Mutt lie well loeated and have all neeessary outhouses. Would lie willing to board with private fumtly, no other board ers. Apply by letter or in iterson to JNO. B. ROMINSON, an 30 dtf Battery Park. E. FOGETTE, Architect Plans and sjieeitientions prepared and esti mates jiven, at slnrt notiee. (Mhee: Wolfe Huilditi), Court I loiie Square Asheville, N. C. mny.'iodly DObS I if wn;,t V(M1 t.t i,nrts v Wlf A HP . r if you arc troubled YOU EAT HURT YOU? Pyspepsia, NiT msiiess, Ileartbtiru, I leadneltc, Low Spirits. Kidnev Cotnplaiuts, lite., lite., Try a buttle of Aromatic : Inviorator I It lias stood the tests of the public for over a fpiarU'r of a century, and thousands have ttstiliiil to its value. Send for circular and testimonials. f0 cents and $1 ikt bottle. For sale by F. L. Jacob, Corner Main Street and Pat ton Avenue. HIiATH it MI'RRAY, General Aj;ts., Hoslou juU tltf ANTED. A competent Tvw writer wantsenmlovment. cither reKulaiiy for a short while each day, or by the piect. Neat, satisfactory work or no charges. Address P. O. ll()X 'tOM, or inquire at Western Carolina Hunk. aul7 dtit rrhtfhtnwl. I Ita cured at borne with kfloutpato. BooknfnAiw ticulam iunt FREE. utsoe OH WliiunikU 81. tn th .nt MISCELLANEOUS. Grant's Pharmacy. 24 S. Main Street. Hair brushes, Cloth brushes, Tooth brushes, and Nail brushes ft manufacturer's prices. Having' purchased a job lot of the above men tioned goods, 1 am offering them at half the usual price. I carry a large assortment of Patent medicines and will meet the prices of any com petitor. I buy all goods for cash and give my customers a corresponding- benefit. (ioods delivered to any part of the city free of charge. Remember t he place. Grant's Pharmacy. ,500 ACRES- OF FINE MINERAL AND TIMBER LANDS, TO HE SOI. II IN Transylvania County, N. C. By virtue of a decree of the Superior Court if TransyU atita county. North Carolina, the uitiU'r-iiu d as executor of Elizur I 'at ton, dee'd. will sell at public auction at the court house door in the town of Brevard, on .Holiday, zil Uay of Sept. 1S89, All that tract of land lyinj on Cathcy's creek, know n as the Eliur I'atton specula tion land, containing about one Thousand five Hundred acres. The land N accessible and finely timbered. It is situated about I utiles southwest of Brevard ami tics parallel to the French Broad fixer, about two miles distant from the same, and about two tniU distant from the proposed line of the C, C. C. iV C. railroad. Also the same distance from the Baltimore, Asheville mid Atlanta railroad line as proposed. There arc tine in dications of Iron, Lime nudotlier iiiiticralsoti the land. It is well adapted to WAAnii pur poses and can be conveniently divided into small farms. The land will be sold to make assets to pay debts and for final settlement. Terms One-third cash, Balance on six and twelvemonths, with note ami interest on same at H per cent. Title reserved till last pavineut is made. Purchaser has privilege of paving cash in full of amount ol sale if he de sires. Title yuarautecd. For further infor tnatiii apply to or address the undersigned or W. A. Cash, Atfy, Brevard, N. C. description and plats of the land be seen on tile in the olliec of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Transylvania county. Chan. C I'atton. ASUEVILIM AHYI-RTISEMEXTS. Jellico Coal, Wooldridge, Jcllico Mountain Coal Co., Proctor Coal Co., Standard Coal Co., K. Tenn. Coal Co. For sale at Wholesale and l.ctail by ASHEVIIXE COAL COMPANY, Kxvliisht' Aleuts ( llnim'Ktii- anil Sti'jttn I fur WYsUtii Nin th Curnlitia. II. T. COLLINS. President. E. E.EAGAN, Secretary ASHEVILLE ICE COMPANY. Pure Ice made from Distilled Water. Button Avenue. Office: No. 30 DON'T OKI1ER I'Yoni yourdroccr, even for trial, our "UOKLEK. KINCi" PATENT Itecause it is made in Asheville, "YOl' KNOW," hut we pledge ourivord for it, that no WHITER BREAD, HISCUIT, ROLLS, Can lie made from any imported Flour. ELECTRIC LIGHT Is the most popular stiaiiht noods in this market. Ask your (Jrocer for the alio ve Brands, manufactured ly tin ASHEVILLE MILLING CO. HERRING & WEAVER, THE SHOE STORE NO. :(() SOI T11 MAIN STKIiliT. While wc Have the I'tiicst and Most I'lisliiuiiablc (iouds in Our Line, We ;ils(i luive the elieiin'St. Cull iind see us. OAK STREET INN, ASHICVII.I.IC, IS. C. .iveu in u Lniu" 01 n;ih, ami u ime r.tne. w Hi) in tlusi or mum' nt tli.. iMidliu streets, near the 1-Vmalc College, and only three squares from the ooms to accommodate boarders who desire a jul 1 : I. Fxeeutor uf Fliur l'attnn, tlcc'd. dtseptU X. L. SIARK1CT. Cor. 1'aftou Avenue and I'cput Street. HAS CIKHCICST Itccl", Veal, Mutton and Iani1 n hand in the Best Refrigerator in JAM F,S WOl.Fli, Piop'r Alw tow n. mayJ t- di'.m GEO. KL1IRER, GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER Mosaic Tile and Cement work tiRiieciulty (irates, Kaucs and Hoilcrs set. lUiitdiuus moved and repaired in first class manner. ScwcraKc, lirainaKc and traps for the same thoroughly undcrstootl und promptly tended to. ( Klice : Wolfe Ituildinj;. Court House Square, Asheville, N. C. mayaodly FOR BOYS. We have a nicelineof I Joys' Suits, such makes as Koirers. I'eet Co.'s, Koutih and ruiulile, etc.. well made. neat To close out a lines wt Have prices AT AUCTION! BUILDING LOTS IN SKYLAND SPRINGS. Tuesday and Wednesday, Aug. 20 & 21. SKVLAND SPRINGS is on the A. and b. railroiul, cilit miles south of Asheville. The location is beautiful and the Mineral Spring:! varied and line. Any lot desired will be put up and sold to the highest bidder without reserve. One hundred and eighty lots have already been sold. Trains leave depot at Asheville at 8.20 a. m., and return at ii.'M p. m. cents. Dinner can be bad at the hotel. Fare 35 OTIS A. MILLER, Prop'r. J. J. HILL, Auctioneer. and stylish. tew broken made extremely low on them, at cost and sonn below cost. Ziejiler Uros. I.oys .Shoes are the best wearers you can buy and art j 1 1 wa y s sa t i sfa ct oi'y . II. REDWOOD & CO. One Price Strictly. Itt'nutil'uliy lo TUT il I :ik ami W ouirt hi'Msi-. r liavr n mttiilirr of dcj:iiitly tiiinishn) nivv. qnitt I'l.iri', nw.'t.v lnm Liu- lu.tcls. .uv rooms, new tut nitiirL-, nuod Tart', tirst-i-lass IIMIIVI1IK, II .inillUOUL- J'lHIS. .AIMI, NUl iUlll fOUI OaillS. Ur. T. J. 1IAR; AN, Proprietor. COMPOUND OXYGEN ANDMEDICATED BALSAM VAPOR. All modern and latest improved method for treating chronic diseases of the I tint: throat anil noi ny tiie inhalation ot vaporied and atoinizcil fluids liy the pneumatic and K.iMjMi.i mm ,iri..o.iiu, .UM v ouiiiouim i i;en in couueciiou with the vaporized Hal 1 "l ""in im 11 i in M.i i .ji ti oil i iii ii i t near siii'vme. ) we ni;o manutacture a Home I realnu-nt ol the t oiiimnd t ixyjjen, which is, eunl to "" v- .. -'v 'i'"'i"ion n i .iuss, on receipt price. $WJ, ( Mir success here for the past three years with this treatment lias lie.-n imiMiom.-.iMl i,.... injf eured many cases thut were prommnced hopeless, w hore names and residences can lie omameti ny calling tu inc amtanum. Hv pnini" '..r, w rel. r to the following well-known KiiiiKmoii.i .iMivviir. i-.. j. Asuiii, ex .Mayor; p i-.. hv;" t i 1. s. Court ; Kcv. t' Kan km. pastor l irst Methodist Church ; Key. W. A. Nelson, pastor I'irst Hafitist Church ; II. T T. J. HAR(.AN, M. I. THE BONANZA," WLMJ. AKD LIQUOR.. STORE v IX THi: .STATU. FINSJ SAMPLE AND MILLIARD ROOM. ,. a. .t.,'AR..T. I NO. 43 S. MAIN ST., ASHEVILLE, N. C. WILLIAMSON & SON, (Successors to Hart Jfc Williamson,) MANlTACTl'KliKS OF SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, Moiildinn's, St air-Work, Fine In terior Finish, Mantels, Etc., ASHUVILLK, N. C. AI'.KSTS I I IK The Ituekeve I 'nut ; Steel and i'iii Shingles, Floor and Hearth Tiles. I ftllldly AC.KNTS ti M'C'KS. l.' Hvrkit's Patent Sheatliinj; Lath. I.liWIS MAIiIU X. Pi-i-n L. V. McI-OVW, Vkv-I'ris. I. B. KANKIN, Cn-ihier, IiKKCT..Rs:-u-wi, Mail.Iux. M.J. BennU-n.M.l l'KK j. E. Hunkin, j. I. Kay. j. K. Rd H. Hcril, S. Powell, C. M. MeUuud. WESTERN CAROLINA BANK IASIII2V LUU, N. C, I'UBKUARV lt. 1K80. Organized May tat, ISSH. IAI-I1AI,, S50,000. . . SI'RHI I K. ..nn STATU, COUNTY AND CITY Mil'OSITOKY. Dues a Gi'iural lliiuliini; llusim-SB. Ik.-nisits rcerlvcd. lixehanKe houclit untl sold. Cul kt'tiun mailt wn all iui.viisil,lc point. Thi- Suvlnic Feature will receive K-cial attention. (Moll Miiim in this dciiartracnt, dcpuKitcil for four months ur lonKer, intercut at the rate of ik.t cent, per annum will tw paid. Special attention sven to loan on real estate, which will lie placed fur limn time on real unliable terms. ()H-n from 9 a. m. to a p. m. On Saturdays the Savins Department will lie open till tl p.m. fcl)2dtf FOR MEN ONLY! I POSITIVE roi-LOBTorFAILTKa MAKHOODt " r wjl 1 1 fc Omerml and BERV0U8 DEBILITTi OTTT "p Weaknet. of Body and Uini: EffMti V J XV XI of Erren ot Eimiwi in Old or Youn . Rolwt. lohl MAIIIMID rH Rrslnml. Him In Ral.nrf mi4 HrmtHfmttkh, My,lAtnu OUUXtiH k rRTSof WD. 4bMlutrlT DiHlM HOIK THMTHKhT HirlU t 4r. n Utltj fniM 17 Slmlr, Tfrrllri, ftarl Pnrrkirv fMatrirm. InruRrtMlkfB. Pook, rill nplutatioii, mm prott mmllt4 oaM frM. iMiw HCtlCAl tQn lUf f Ail, I. Drunkenness . me i.iqor naoii, rotuiveiy eared IT HMWimiH N. NAIItr Mtlll tmifit. It Cnh. oirmm la . ran iJ rnM . lick oi lood, without the knowledge or 'the per on uking it; it is absolutely harmless and will peranentapd speedy eure, whether loe patient is a moderate drtnkeroranalcohollc mrl.iT.cueD.iii. W.r.i.n...vr .complete cure tn every Instant ttun bool EBEfe. lresa in oonlldem, MlCO. mciFIC CO, I W Saci tU CwekwatLa aot'fw Building Lots SKYLAND SPRINGS BUNCOMBE COUNTY, N. C. Stylnnd Springs Is a new resort, Inld off in huildlnR lots, ciitht miles south of Asheville the A. ic S Kailroail and the Henderson villc I'ikc. ' THE FINEST COLLECTION OF MINERAL SPRINGS IN THE STATE. Twenty-seven SprinRS Chnlyljcotc, Alum, Iron. Epsom. Sulphur, MaKncaia, und I-atone ' vnitiiRiiiiig, Fine Hotel Finished and Opened ' . t T. "n" thc v,CHr 'r""""'." with low rates and best of rooms and fare Several buildings are noinx np. Saw Mill and I'lnner making lumlier rieht in thr For a short time, choice lots arc offered very low to settlers or investors Grand views, level lots, wide streets, pure air, fine water, OTIS A. MILLER, Proprietor. No. 4094. Tkkasi'ky Dkpaktmknt, ) Ol'I'ICli DP CoMPTKOI.I.liK OF Till! Cl'KKliNCY, Washington, An;ust 15, 1SS!. j Wiikkkas, by sntisfaetory eviilemx' pre sented to the lindersiKiied, it has lieen made to apiear tlmt "TIIK NATIONAL HANK OK ASIIIvVILLH," in the City of Asheville, in the County of litineomlic and State of North Carolina, has com plied with all the provisions of the Stat utes of the Tinted Stales, rctiircl to lie complied w ith lul'orc an association shall he authorized to commence the business of Hanking. Now. therefore, I, IvDW Aklt S. LACBY, Comptroller of the Currency, do hereby certify that "Till; NATIONAL HANK OF," in the City of Ashe ville, in thc County ol Iliincomlx' and State of North Carolina, is authorized to commence thc business of Hankiiijj as provided in Section Fifty-One Hundred and Sixty -Nine of the Revised Statutes of the I'nitcd States. In testimony whereof, witness 111 v hand and seal of otlice this lothday of Au gust, ISS'J. Ii. S. LACliY, Seal. Comptroller ol thc Currency. LUMBER YARD. ii:0. V. SCOTT, (Successor to Dotiblcday & Scott,) North Publ'c Square, WINDOWS, - BLINDS, - DOORS l..s. Putty, l.imc, Piaster!.. Hair, ShiuKles. l.aths, Kcncing Posts. All kinds of Knlldm., Material WClnlers will receive prompt attention felilodly FITZPATRICK BROS. & ROBERTSON. Healer in Wall Paper, Window SliatlcMand Patent HauRcn., uintn. ..ils a..U Varnishes, Masury, Mixed Paints and Colors. Window Class, both French am) American Wt- kci'p in stuck St. l.oiiiK anil Kentucky LcbU. febrwlly IV. T. l'KNNIMAN. W. N. PKNN1M AN. & C0.. -JOUIIKR8 AND DKALRKS IN hard w Air:e; ASIIEYIUUB, N. C. AGENTS FOR DUPONT POWDER CO., RICHMOND STOVE CO.. CORTLAND wtr.nm , s.riui11 vv OLD HICKORY WAGONS, STUDEBAKER WAGONS, MOLINE SCALE CO. ENGINES, SAW MILLS, ETC. M'COKMICK HARVESTING MACHINE CO. iiuillr TH E "H ICKORY INN." HICKORY, N. C. lilcctric Lights. (Jas. Hot anil Cold Water Baths and Toilets on each floor.. Cuisine and appointments unsurpassed. FRANK I.OIIGHRAN, Proprfcrori. CAMPBELL'S TONIC BEER Medicated tiiccially for family use, is one of the healthiest bevcrnKcs ever introduced, as scores of families In ro.n can testify. It is emphatically a TONIC, .liKhtly laxative, will rrK. olate the bowels, promote the action of the liver and purify the blood. IsSTRICTI.Y vegetable and non-intoxicating. Endorsed by thc Medical profession. Onlcrdimt from Factory. C. H. CAMPBELL, ai7 Haywood Street. MANN, JOHNSON & COMPANY. StX'CUSSOKS TO SHEPARD, MANN A JOHNSON, AND THE BLAIR FURNITURE CO.,, NO. 23 PATT0N AVENCK, Wholesale and Retail Furniture Dealers, And Undertakers. Y Prompt attention given to all orders, day or night. PLUMBING, STEAM AND GAS FITTING, TIN AND SI.ATE roofing, ARCHITECTURAL IRON WORK. PlansJandlSpecIficallonp Furnished on Application. We have thorough mechanic, in each line who h.Te had many year.' experience n the. borinc. We can safely guarantee our patron, satisfaction In our work, a low hgure.. BALLARD, RICH & BOYCE. fcblSdly