f THE DAILY CITIZEN V.-'jj- Delivered to Visitor in any part of ' ' the City. f One Month 80c. . Two Week, "r tea 85c. DAILY CITIZEN, BOARDING, WANTS, Fur Kent, and Lost Notices, three lines ur less, 25 Cents fur ench insertion. VOLUME V. ASHEVILLE, N. C, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 21, 1889. NUMBER 112. EUROPEAN LETTERS. THE RKI'INER IN (iOTHAM. A I.IVKI.V EFFORT GOVERNOR GORDON'S I'ROI II TO MEET MAHONE. FOLKS VOIT KNOW. THE CAPITAL DESERTED. THE -'i .4 i CHUCK UNIVERSITY TOWN OF GERHANV. ItH Superior Hotel Accommoda tions unci Hnlclldld Scenery Its Concert Garden and (lie Great National Beverage. HlilllEMlKRt;, Germany. Aug. 7, INNS). Editor Citizen: Our enjoyment in ..o t.r..f hv inwitmt rii nronosi UUmn, vtJ, ." p. I I tion Each place we visit seems tocchpse ... 1 1 1,4 r..i v.t Jill liaCK OI 11, anil tins uviiKtititii sin.i. n.nBnlintl til till, fllll' Muri'llVi'T. it somewhat of a surprise to us, unprepared ..... ..,na.n t'nr ila llPfl til ifK f V I H'Cl 1111 only an inspection of its renowned uni versity, even soincwiuu 01 u uiy mss m us. But we had no sooner reached its bor ders than we saw our mistake and fairly trembled to think hovy nearly ve had passed it bv without a stop. First fall, we are received politely at a most excellent hotel, at which our Cook's coupons entitle us to rooms anil ,...10 Tin. r?i..'itul in ns comfortable as any we reincnilier. Cool, light, cheerful and 111 all rcsiccts wen .ippoinicu ny long odds the best we have known since leaving Edinburgh. Refreshed bv a good table d'hote din ner, unwearied by the nuisance of order ing food n In curie, we start out for an .afternoon's drive in n brctte which re minded us of liiend Reynolds, a good islrong pair of horses, and a driver who .could understand our German, because, .as we founil out afterwards, lie could :SK-ak English himself, and consequently had an ear lor our pure idiom. First, we ascended a high eminence on the side of which is perched the ruins of the old I Icidcllieig castle, which is indeed n most interesting object. In respect to size it corresponds with Windsor castle, but its old walls are lar more massive. At one point, where a huge tower had liccn blown down by the French some hundreds of vears ago, we were enabled to estimate the thickness of the walls, and found them to lie fully twenty-one feet of solid rock masonry. The outside walls enclose an area of over forty acres, while the castle proper, wc think, must cover some five or six acres. Again we wonder how this immense mass of mate rial could have been transported from the lowland quarries up this precipitous mountain side, ami then raised to the dizzy height of these grand old battle ments. The moat which extends around the castle we judge to be 100 feet wide and near fifty feet in depth, and with its banks thoroughly protected by the heaviest of ninsonrv. Nor was there wanting a sam ple of tlic fine arts of those days, for on jail sides we see marvelous examples of iStstuarv of kings and men of renown, of whom wc are ashamed to say we know '.but little. A gateway still stands llankcd by col .iimns of the finest carving, an evidence of ;the love of King Frederick V for his wile .Elizabeth Stuart, daughter of Janus 1 of jEngland, and still recognized as Princess iElizabcth's, Gate. From various points around and above the old castle can lie had a magnificently extended view of the valley ol theNcckar, on which Heidelberg is located, and of its junction with the river Rhine, a good many miles away, and at the same time a birdseyc view of this old city, with its curiously tiled houses nestled so closely together that two vehicles can scarcely pass in some of the streets. Here we also see the university buildings, which are by no means imposing, and several club houses of the students, each desig nated by its own jicciiliar flag. Our pleasant drive was extended, alter our insicction of the castle had ended, .across the Neckar by an old stone bridge .built some 150 years ago, and standing .as firm (aye, probably much firmer) as if the contractors were of the present year; .and ascending the mountain on the oppo site side obtained a splendid sight of dis tant monntains and plains, while at our very hands the vineyards were loaded .down with graiics, getting ready for the vintage. Altogether we do not remember a more thoroughly enjoyable afternoon more thoroughly enjoyed. After c light tea we go out again and arc attracted by strains of sweetest mu sic to a beautiful garden, which was brilliantly lighted and filled with happy, merry people. Of course we sought admittance, which cost us thirty pfennings I which means seven and a hull cents ot our money ) and lor this small consideration we were en . abled to listen to a concert such as any .one in Asheville would gladly give scv-.enty-fivc cents to hear, while the sweet flowers, the green grass, the bright, hazy fountains, the bright lights and the happy .b.ivs and girls, made it a thousand fold i more agreen hie. Wc could not but wish tthat our good people at Asheville could enjoy, during these summer nights, cx-.-uctly such recreation as this, and drink just as much of this pure lager or wine as they were able to get outside of. We imiist believe that theeffect would Ik-most happv, taking their minds oil of their .business cmburrassmeiits and from the everlasting quarrels over politics and elections, and promoting kindly feeling and good fellowship among them all. Suppose, dear friends, we try to do something of this kind. It will surely be a atep forward in the cause ol true phi lanthropy and progress. Speaking of beer, wc could not but be amused to see n party who sat near us i Inl.la title ..Vonttttr nflf1IIWttu.fi flf CI Ul vllC tuuiv vino .it (,i v ... .. large family, evidently wealthy, and of liiirh social position. The junior members conswicu "i tut." wto, tttijitiu age from six to fifteen years, nnd the mother without the slightest hesitation, supplied them each with a foaming glass l t. ;..nt tia it'ttttrfillv ns we Wftlllfl Ul IJVI JUt- J irive our little ones milk or water, They SCein lO iniUK It Hit Vfltlr vinti i i.w, JJeer is absolutely the national and natu--..I itVtiilr f'fir vmnifr ntiil old. rich nnd fill Ull.in . . j - poor, man nnd woman. High born or low born, nil seem to meet on this com mon ground ot ucvotion oi tne divinity, While surprised at the universality ol .1 c nttat nm lM flf. ftftt Im-IiI'VP it til llf' otherwise than beneficial. Whether or not it may oe aitrinutuuie to mis uaou, the tact 18 muniicBi uiui inc ircrinitiisitic the strongest and we believe the happiest people in Europe, if not in the world, and it is certainly a relief to be free from the terrible scenes which we described in our letter from London us lieing openly, slan derously enacted upon the streets of that city. Good-bye. T. W. P. A Diabolical Act. Home, August 20. Last evening u spherical bomb, ten centimetres in diame ter, wns thrown from the rear of the Chamler of Deputies into the l'laza Colonnn during the progress of a con . cert. The bomb exploded, wounding seriously six gen d'nrmes and a child. A panic ensued, which was, however, soon quelled, and the injured persons were re moved to a hospital. He Say M Judge Terrill'H C'liarue Convicted Mini. Nkw Yokk, August l'.l. John L. Sulli van arrived at N o clock to-night, nccoin pnuicd only bv Matthew Chine, proprie tor of the Vnnderbilt hotel. He was met by his backers and the 1'ortchestcr baud. At the Vandcrbilt hotel a crowd awaited him, eager to shake hands, but he cleared the sidewalk with a jump and ran up stairs, lieing interviewed, he said : "Hoys, 1 am very tired, but 1 never felt in better condition in my lite. 1 had an ovation at every station on my route from he South, and at Cincinnati, Pitts burgaud Philadelphia an immense crowd greeted me, and others filled the car and insisted on shaking hands with me." "What is vour opinion of the verdict, John?" "Judge Terrill in charging the jury," said Sullivan, with a show of bitterness, "brought out every point it was possible to use against nic, and the moment the charge was delivered 1 knew there could lie no other verdict. Almost without ex ception the jicoplc sought to lavor me, and I was constantly in receipt of encour aging letters from men in the highest social and business circles, who under stood that I had no intention of violat ing the laws of the Slate of Mississippi. I hope that when my case is tried by the supreme courl the decision of the lower court will be reversed, as I dread impris onment, ami would never have fought in the Stale had I known that I rendered myself liable to a term of imprisonment. I hojic to licuhlc to lcavcthe city to-morrow evening for Boston. I am in receipt of a telegram from my people there stat ing that in v mother is very sick and urg ing nic to hurry." STATE NEWS. Raleigh News-Observer: There is a re port that Dr. Grissoni is going to resign. Capt. W. A. liobhitt ol Oxford has accepted the appointment on the Hoard of Public Charities. Ensign A. II. Scales (d this State has lieen ordered to the United States warship I'cusncola. Capt. W. S. Harris yesterday resigned his position as Director of the Insane Asylum and Mr. John II. Broadfoot ol Fayctteville was appointed in his place. Col. and Mrs. John W. Hillsdale left yesterday for Hot Springs, N. C. Col. Hinsdale has for sometime liccn suffer ing with an old malady not painful, I mi t rather inconvenient. The soles of his feet have been swollen as if he had the rheumatism. Richmond Dispatch: The Kaleigh Tea Comuunv has made an assignment. The eompnnv is composed of D. M. Anderson of thiscitv and R. H. Anderson of Wash ington, 1). C. W. N. Jones is assignee. The liabilities and assets arc not staled. -Much interest is fell in the next term ol the criminal court ol Wakecountv, which begins Septemlter li'J, anil will he presided over bv ludge Armficld, liecause ol the eases on the docket against Cross md White, the bank boodlers, for lor- gery, the capital ease ot ex-latner Iioyle, and several other eases ol import ance. There are now thirtv-thrce pris oners in all awaiting the session ol the court. The real personal and property tax paid by the colored coplc of Charlotte aggregates 3iN,4i-, and the total taxes paid bv colored ttcople living in Mecklen burg countv and outside of Charlotte, is $(i(i,S2. making a grand total of $1 1-9,- IMib. Not much negro oppression in Mecklenburg it would seem from the figures above, given by the News. Dr. I. D. Kolierts, of Durham, former superintendent of the asylum for the colored insane at Goldsboro, will file an application for the suienntendencv ot the North Carolina Insane Asylum at Raleigh when it is declared officially va cant, savs the dlobc. The District School of the North Caro lina Conference of the M. E. Church. South, is to lie located at Hurliiiglon, that town donating four acres of land and $2,000 in cash to the trustees. The building will cost $7,50(1. Messrs. M. D. & J. D. Edwards of Raleigh, have made an assignment to Ernest Haywood, Est). Liabilities some thing near $5,000. Assets stock of goods on hand. The fourth annual exhibition of the Elizabeth Citv fair will lc held at Eliza beth Cilv on "the 22nd, 2:Srd and 2th (lavs ol October. Call'H Challenire Accepted. United States Senator Wilkinson Call, of Florida, several weeks ago published a letter in the Jacksonville Tinics-I'iiion challenging those k.tsoiis opposing his re-election to meet him in every county of the State and discuss the charges which have been made against him by the public press. Mr. W. D. Chipley, of I'cusncola, chairman of the democratic State committee, find a well known bus iness man, has published a letter accept ing Senator Call's challenge. In his let ter, which is addressed to Senator Call, Mr. Chiplev savs: "I will meet you, not as your 'detainer,' but in the interest of truth, the state ot i-ioruin ami tne pros penty of our people, and to show to them your utter incapacity to till or else vour willful disreirnrd of the duties of the high position you hold at the hands of the icople ot the Male. Air. iiupiey suggests that there shall lie fifty meet ings in the State, not less than one in each county, to commence on the first Tuesduy in March next and continue to the finish. Caused by the IloNton Collaptte. Pkoviuknck, K. I., August 20. The as signment of the Phitnix Woolen Com pnnv, of East Greenwich, was recorded to-dav. The assignment is made to Wm. A. Walton, of this city. The mill is owned bv loseoh Dcwes.aud theembarrassmeiit is' broucht about through the failure of -Rijown, Steese K: Clark, wiucn nrm nein llewes note tor large amounts, me cus tom of Dcwes being to give his note to the Boston firm and receive from them his consignment of wool. Shortly before their failure the Boston firm held Dcwes' wiper for $100,000, and at the time of f. ., ,. - , i : 1 l... 't7 tile collapse iewes nao icccucu uut.n, 000 worth of wool. Malletoa'H Triumphant Return. London, August 19. Advices from Apia report the return to Samoa of ex-Kim- Malietoa and other exiles. The ex-King was warmly welcomed by the natives ami Ins own nag was noisicu. King Mntnnfa also greeted Malietoa with cordiality . The German consul in formed Malietoa that he was at lilierty to do as he pleased, InttarvenlH AHHured AmneHty. CONSTANTINOIM.K, August 20. Dis- n..tr.i.a tYiim f'r,tf r-viiort that fifteen in surgent villages have submitted to Chas kir Pasha, the newly appointed gover nor, upon his assuring amnesty to the inhabitants. Ueluit Made to Have HluicKer Kll rain a Journey South. Rai.timokk, Md., August 20. There is an effort lieing made to obviate the ne cessity of Kilraiu's going personally to Mississippi to give bail for his apjicar ance at the next term of court. Owing to the present session expiring next Sat urday it will lie impossible to try Kilrain at this term, and the effort is the seeurc iiicnt of some reputable citizen of Missis sippi to go his bond without requiring his presence. In event of a failure to ac complish this scheme Kilrain will be forced to accompany detective Chillis South Thursday. Joseph Whytc, Kil raiu's lawyer, is a itl.ori y for the above, and is also ol the opinion that the au thorities of Mississippi are not anxious 10 prosecute Sullivan and Kilrain, but are after n repeal of the (Jueen nnd Cres cent road's charter. Detective Childs also said it was not Sullivan and Kilrain they were after but they had to get the fighters 111 order to fight the railroad company. II the arrangements to save Kilrain n journey South fail, the lighter will apiienr Thursday before Judge Unify, as the writ of halieas corpus is made re turnable that day. THE SOUTH FORK Cl.l'H Will Rebuild the Fatal Dam at Johimlown, PiTTsmiKo, Pa., August 20. The gen eral imorcssion that the South Fork dam would never be rebuilt upiiears to be erroneous, as there is a strong proba bility that "l islung Lake will again lie established in that locality. A member of the fishing club of that name said to-day, that the liehci that the South Fork had liccn abandoned, as a club, was a mistaken one. "The club," he said, "could not afford to lose the money it had invested in real estate in that locality. The pnqicrtv was worth fully $200.(ioo, and if the fishing resort was not re-established, the whole investment would become almost a dead loss. The intention, however, was not to build n dam of the size of the one destroyed, but one which would make the lake much less ill size so that, in the event of the barrier again giving away no destruc tion to lite and property would follow. No move in that direction will be made until the damage suit now ieuding against the stockholders is settled, either by being paid or compromised. The ob ject is to establish a fair-sized pond eaimhlc ol holding a good stock ol fish. "SICK t'NTO DEATH." The Fatal Sentence In the May brick Letter Explained. Nkw Yohk, August 20. The New York attorneys of Mrs. Maybriek re ceived this morning from an anony mous correspondent a letter explaining the use of the expression "I am sick unto death," ill Mrs. Maybrick's letter to Briefly and upon which ludge Stephen placed much importance. The corres pondent writes: "I yield to the solici tations of friends to communicate with you on behalf of Mrs. Maybriek. You will kat'ii from Southerners that the sentence, "Sick unto death," used in the Briefly letter nnd construed by Judge Stephen, to mean directly an intent to kill, is a Southern vernacular in common use among the women of the Gulf and other States to express any painful ill ness. However slight it might be, one of these women would say, "I am sick unto death," though she might lie merely suf fering from a sick headache or sickness of the stomach. To express dangerous illness she would Ik very apt to say, "very ill," or "very sick." The attor neys will submit this evidence to British Home Secretary Matthews. ARRESTED AS SPIES. IiidiKnltieH Oflered to American Travelers In Ueriuany. Iniiianaimius, Ind., August 20. 15. C. Hill, widely known among florists, and president of the National Plm-al Associa tion, has just returned to Richmond, Ind., his home, from n trip to liunqie, and reports that while en route from Bel fort to Breslau in company with Robert George, of Pninesvillc, the train was stopicd at the neutral line lictwecn France and Alsace-Lorraine and he and his companion were arresstcd as spies. They and their baggage were searched, their passports disregarded, and they were not permitted to cross the line. Mr. Hill says the German officers were obsti nate nnd brutal in their treatment and they were denied the privilege of contin uing their journey, although there was nothing whatever to support the suspi cion against them, and they were com pelled to hire French icasants to lake them back to Bclfort. Their treatment will lie reported to the State depart ment. Tilt: FIRES CHECKED. A Heavy Rain Does Good Work In Montana. Hki.kna, Montana, August 20. A heavy rain, general throughout the ter ritory, fell all Sunday night and the for est tires which have been raging for the last week are checked in most places and put out in others. The fires originated from two causes, lightning and camp fires, and millions of feet of valuable lnni lier in the territory have liccn destroyed is well as valuable ranches burnt over. Owing to the drouth this has proved an incalculable loss to the stock men who have in some instances taken their cattle into British possessions, where they are charged a good round price for grazing privileges. Atlanta Constitution Personals. Sri. i.ivan Hon. John L. Sullivan, of Mississiimi. is cniovinir a much needed vacation in the West. Kii.kain. Mr. Kilrain is making a re turn visit to the Sunny South. Tut-tivcnv I1 ie trtv.f.,1 ftttt tltitt I .orfl Tennyson can walk three miles a day. Him teet are lamhie. Tkrrv. Mrs. Terry now has an op nortunitv to innke more fame as a widow. Harrison. The President, having got through with his vacation, will now proceed to en joy himself. Seven Thousand More to Follow. Nkw York, August 20. The twenty Arabs of both sexes who came over on the steamer La Nnrmandie arc detained at Castle Garden until the Turkish Con sul can l-e consulted. It is said there arc 7,000 Arabs waiting to conic to this country provided the twenty arc passed through. Mr. Tucker Out of Danger. Lexington, Vn., August 20. The at tending physicians of Hon. John Ran dolph Tucker to-night report that his condition is extremely favorableand pro nounce him out of danger. NAIiNIEICENT ADDRESS TO THE OLD GUARD At the Organization of the Georgia Confederate Veterans' Associa tion at Atlanta falorlous t iter, ances of a Gallant Gentleman. Governor John B. Gordon delivered an address before the Confederate veterans 111 the eapitol at Atlanta, On., last Thurs day evening. The meeting, as already stated, was ncid tor tne purpose ot lorm- ing a State association of Confederate veterans. The Governor s speech wascn thusiastieally received. He said: "My Comrades brothers of the once invincible and still immortal Confederate Army: It is fortunate for both you and myself that but few words are exjiceteil of me to-night: for while my heart is lull and my brain is throbbing withthoitghts ot the present, memories ol the past and suggestions lor the untried future, any extended remarks liv mc would lie alt gcther unseemly. It is still more fortu nate for you that others are to sticak for the wealth of their utterances will ii some measure comiieiisate, 1 trus. lor the poverty of mine. I will not attempt to describe the feelings that thrill me on meeting lor the first time a convention of Confcdcialcs gathered from all portions of our State. You must know, my brethren, that to hold a place 111 your confidence and affec tion is both food and sustenance to my spirit, and almost as needful as ihiilv bread to the physical man. Nor will I attempt to describe the heartiness and tile completeness ot tlicweleomeaecorded you, for each anil all of you must know that there is not an acre of Georgia ssoil that will not lie honored by the tread of vour soldier feel, and not a home in her borders but would be made brighter and happier by claiming you as its guest. "It is lilting, iKThaps. that your State organization should have liccn effected in lllis capital citv. Not solely because it is the capital of your State, bill because of the memories that cluster around it, anil because its battle-furrowed and battle hallowed hills will remain a fit memorial of your peerless valor so long as martial valor is honored by men or these ever lasting hills shall endure. I rejoice that a Slate organization, too long neglected, is at last perfected. It is a brotherhood which all honorable men must approve and which Heaven itself will bless. It is political in no sense except so far as the word 'political' is a synonym for the word 'patriotic.' It isa brotherhood over which the genius of philanthropy, of patriotism, of truth and of justice will preside of philanthropy, because it will succor the disabled, help the needy, strengthen the weak and cheer the dis consolate; of patriotism, liccause it will cherish the past glories of the dead Con federacy and transmute them into inspir ations for future service to the living republic. Of justice, because it will seek to gather and preserve as witnesses for history the unimpeachable facts which shall (loom falsehood to die that truth may live, Of justice, liecause it will cul tivate national as well as Southern fra ternity, and will condemn iB."i-o,v-mind-edness and prejudice anil passion, nnd cultivate that broader, higher, nobler sentiment which would write on the grave of every soldier who fell on either side: 'Here lies a hero a martyr to the right as his conscience conceived it.' "I esteem it a high privilege to have my name enrolled with such a brother hood. My heart's desire and prayer to Almighty God is that I may so live as to bring 110 discredit to your ranks, nnd when I am dead to lie esteemed worthy a place in your memory." FRESH EVIDENCE Secured by the Chicago I'olice In the Cronlu Murder Case. Ciiic.Mio, August 20. The police have secured some important evidence in the Croniu ease. It is said to lie in elTect that 011 the night of the murder a pair of horses belonging to O'Sullivan, the ice man, now in jail as one of Crouiu's mur derers, were attached to one of his ice wagons and were driven rapidly in the vicinity in which the murder was com mitted by three excited men; that the horses were driven up in front ol a sa loon in Lake View about nine o'clock; that they were covered with foam, ami that the men in the wagon went in and had a drink. It had been supposed ever since the murder, that these horses re mained in the barn all night. The police admits the substantial correctness of these statements, hut decline to scak furl her about the matter, except to say, that neither of the men in the wagon is in jail. U'NGI.ING St'RUEONS Responsible' for Congressman Laird's Death. IIastixi'.s, Neb., August 20. Some thing of a sensation has been created by the report of the autopsy over the late Congressman Laird. This examination brought out the surprising fact that Laird was a sound man physically, and every vital organ in his body was found to have liccn in a hcaltny condition. He was getting well and with his vital or gans unimpaired it was only a question of time when he would have been re stored to full vigor. This was prevented by most unhappy circumstances.. Em inent physicians had declared that Lairil was not suffering particularly nnd that the surgical oiieration was dangerous and unnecessary, and yet his death is attributed directly to the ojicration per formed just a few days before his demise. His death was directly attributed .to blood poisoning caused by said opera tion. Haseball Yesterday. At Cincinnati Cincinnati 2, Colum bus M. At Philadelphia Philadelphia 2, Wash burton fi At Cleveland Cleveland 1, Pittsburg (i. At Indianapolis Indianapolis 10, Chi cago 7. At Boston Boston 12, New York 2. At Louisville Louisville 11, Brooklyn IS. At Kansas City Kansas-Baltimore base ball game called at third inning on account of rain. The score stood 1 to 0, in favor of visitors. Taxing Protestant Churches. St. Pktkksiu'ri;. August 20. M. V. Gsuenegrodsky, minister of finance, in tends to tax the Protestant churches in the Baltic provinces. Thcsechurchcshnve hitherto been exempt from taxation, nnd this is one of the series of reforms by which the Government intends to thor- 1 onirhlv Russianize the old Baltic-German 1 institutions and diminish the influence of I Germany with the Protestant clergy. How a Conscript on Guard Greet ed the Virginia General. New York Triliune. Malioue's old soldiers say that he was the strictest of disciplinarians, and, as might lie exiccled, most careful and pro vident of the comfort of his men. After the battle of the "Crater" his force was so weakened that a regiment was sent to reinforce it. It was a regiment mainly composed of conscripts who were raw. The first night alter it joined, some of the men were detailed for picket duty on a part of the line where the utmost quiet and vigilance were necessary, for the Union forces were on the alert and press ing closer and closer. It was after mid night when Mahohesct out to visit his outposts. What was his astonishment and wrath as he crossed the little ravine which led from the Union line to the "Crater" to hear a voice singing or shouting a Southern song and to see out lined against the sky the figure of a stal wart sentinel of his own command, who was marching up and down with the butt of his gun in the air. Mahoue rushed up the shqie with bared sword, and as he got near the soldier exclaimed in a suppressed voice, hall choked with anger: "What in are you doing ? Who are you ? Where do you Itching ?" The sentinel stopicd, brought his gun to his shoulder and said: "Who be voit and what be you doin' here? I belong to the Fo'th No'th Ca' liny Regiment, slauilin' this gyard." "I'll show you who I am," replied the infuriated General. "Well, who be you ?" retorted the ini ki turbablc conscript. "I am General Mahoue, in command of this division. Call the officer of the guard." At the mention ol that name the senti nel lowered his gun and his voice at the same time, extended his hand and whis pered: "General Malionc, I'm proud to meet ver. Im ro th No 111 La linv. oil II iindco'p'l gyard down ynn, but don't make such a clatter or vo'll rouse the Yanks." The General meekly sought the olhcer if the "gyard." HIS PROPOSAL Al.l. THERE. The Sad Experience ot a Type writer's I.ove in Proposing. SoincrvilU' Jonrnnl. There is in Washington a young tviic- writer whose good looks and charming manners justify the sentiments which her employer feels toward her. lie is in the Imhit ot dictating Ins correspondence, while her cxicrt fingers transfix the words as he utters them. Theotliermorn- ing he concluded to settle the uncertainty which had come into his existence by ask ing her to marry him. She was engaged on some copying when heapproached her ind poured out his sentiments, and not withstanding the warmth of his pleading kept right ahead with the clickcrtv, click, click of the instrument. In fact, she paid so little attention to him that he liccumc discouraged and left the room intending to speak to her when her mind was free from her duties. He went to his lunch md on his return sat down to sign a lot of papers that lay on his desk. There was a large pile, and tie went llirougn 11 mechanically until he struck a sheet near the bottom, lumping to his feet hesimplv exclaimed: "Well, I'll be blowed!" The cold, glaring, typewritten letter before him read : "Miss Susie: Maybe you'll think 1 am a jackass, but 1 ain't. 1 mean business. 1 know I don t happen to lie very pretty, but I'd be good to a family. I was think- : that maybe vou (I learn to like me it you'd go to church with me and give the minister a few minutes' employment. And tins am t to save anv salary, cither. It's because I want you for your. Say, vou ain't listening, are you? Well, I'll come in later when you ain't so busy." PHILIP W. McKINNEV. Nominated by the Virginia Dem ocrats for Governor. Philip Watkins McKinnev was horn in Buckingham county, Virginia, and is fifty .years of age. He was educated at Hampden hydncy college and at judge Brockcnhorough's law school, ill Lexing ton, Virginia. His experience ol public life liegaii early as he was elected to the general assembly from Buckingham when but twenty-one years ot age. lie served with distinction in that body. When sectional trouble licgan he was a strong Union mail, but subsequently went with his Stale. He was captain of the Buck- ghain troop, was badly wounded at the battle ot Brandy Malum and incapacitated for further field duty, but served in a crippled condi- tiod to the end ol the war. After the war he went to Farmvillc to prac tice his profession, and he still resides there. Capt. McKiniicv was a tncmlicr of the plutlbrin committee from Virginia at tliedcmoeralic national conventions 01 1HS and 1NH8. He has twice been n presidential elector and was an elector at large on the Hancock ticket. Mr. ivtcKinney was a cauuioaie ior lttorncv-irencral of Virginia oil the Dnu- icl-Bar!iour ticket in 1SS2, when the Ma houcitcs under the leadership of ex-Gov- rnor Cameron swept the Stale on the lebt issue. Dude Suppressing in China. In view of the fact that the city of Shanghai has of late become inlcslcil with swarms of the variety of human lieings who are commonly called dudes 111 the Western world, 111c i.overnor 01 the province of Kiangsu, in which Shanghai is situated, has issued an edict directing that all young men within his bailiwick wdio shall lie "found dressed in a foolish, extravagant way" shall at once lie taken into custody nnd punished. The nature of the punishment is not told, but probably it will go hard with offenders caught in the overt act. It is not likely that they will lie beheaded, and probably the public executioner will merely lie called upon to exert one of his minor functions by administering to each of the culprits a sound bambooing. The Chinese Government is thoroughly pnter nul and may be dt'iiended iqxm to put a present check upon the progress ol diidism among the Celestials. Rubensteln's Jubilee. St. Pktkrsiurc, August 2l. The Czar has sent a telegraphic message to Anton Rulienstein, the Russian pianist and composer, congratulating him upon the approaching jubilee of his musical career. The Oar has also sanctioned the public subscription for a testimonial to the great musician. The Weather. Washington, P. C, Aug. 19. Indica tions for North Carolina Fair: station ary temperature; variable winds. Who They Are 1 Where The v Are, and What They Are Doing. Mr. E. D. Davidson, wife and children, left yesterday for New Y'ork. Col. W. II. Walker, a prominent citizen of Spartanburg, S. C, is here. Mr. Charlton Dukes, of Mobile, Ala. is here on a visil to his father Col. T. C. II. Dukes. Mr. Frank Loughran, the popular pro. prietorol the celebrated Hickory Inn, nt Hickory, N. C, is at the Swannanoa. J. M. S. Watts. Petersburg. Vn.; Mrs. Dr. Geo. Howe, Columbia, S. C, and Y C. Rust, Albany, Ga., are at the Swan nanoa. Rev. Robert II. Sutton, 1 1. 1 1., of Raleigh, and a noted clergyman of the Episcopal church in North Carolina, is registered at the Grand Central. Registerof Deeds Mackev has returned to the city afler several weeks absence in Tennessee. He is quite feeble from a re cent severe attack of gastric fever. Mr. V. E. l,en, of Alamance county, and brother of Mr. W. II. Ix'a of this city, is here on his way to the Indian Territory where he proposes perma nently locating. Mr. Henry M. Brown has resigned his position with the electric street railway company and will in future lie connected with the extensive clothing house of C. D. Blanton & Co., this city. Col. John W. Hinsdale, one of the lead ing lawyers of the Stale passed through the city yesterday afternoon enroute from Raleigh to Hot Springs. He was accompanied by Mrs. Hinsdale. Rev. J. E. Mann, I). D., formerly pre siding elder of the Greensboro district, and one of the ablest divines in the North Carolina Conference of the M. E. chinch. South, was at the (band Central last night. He is at present pastor in charge of the Methodist church at Greensboro. RANDOM NOTES Roped In by Rambling Reporters Roaming Around the Cit. There was "music in the air" last night. The new band was out. The Asheville Volunteers held a busi ness meeting last evening. The mails were again late in reaching the city yesterday afternoon. Haywood suiK'rior court convenes at Wayncsvillc, Monday, September 1). Judge Clark will preside. T!;cGood Temnlars aud Sous of Tchh pei h nc held important business meetings at their resicctive halls last evening. Acting mayor Piilliam tried two cases in the police court yesterday morning. They were minor offenses and the fines were light. At the shooting tournament of the Asheville Gun Club yesterday afternoon the gold medal was won by Mr. Then. Hobgood. Tun Citizen is glad to note the im provement in the condition of Mr. Ed Wcddin, who has lieen confined to his lied by serious illness for some months past. One architect alone in the city of Ashe ville has drawn designs for $140,000 worth of new buildings already erected and in process of construction in thiseity, since January 1, 1SH9. The streets are beginning to get dis agreeably dusty again, and n more fre quent and continuous use of the sprink ler would prevent much "eussiu"' and emphatic denunciation on the part of pe destrians. The new store house belonging to Mr. A. D. Cooicr, now in process of construc tion on South Main street, will lie com pleted about the middle of next month, and will be occupied by Mr. Adolph Whitlock, clothing and gents furnishings. THE ROl ; II AND READIES. A Notable Reunion at Gombroon Yesterday. Twenty-two survivors of Senator Vance's old company, the "Rough and Readies," left the city yesterday for the Senator's Itcaiililul mountain home "Gombroon," where the annual reunion of those that "returned from the wars" is held each year, to live over again (ill memory) the scenes and incidents of other days when times were not so good nor life so safe ns in these "piping times of (icacc." The survivors were under the command of Captain Jas. M. Gudger, nnd were as follows: M. F. Stevens, W. M. Gudger, J. B. Helm, A. F. Walton, G. N. Penland, N. B. Westall, 1). W. McGalliard, J. R. Pattillo, G. M Williams. J. J. White, W. Garrison, J. P. Rector, J. M. Smith, W. R. Powers, E. II. Merrimon, I. V. Haird, J. P. Gaston, D. M. Gudger, J. M. Green, T. H. Brooks, Wesley Hicks, colored. one Million Feet of Lumber. Mr. A. M. Taylor, of the firm of Dcm ens & Taylor, of this city, leaves this morning for the western section w here he goes to purchase one million feet of lum licr with which to liegin otcrntions at the lame wood-working establishment of the above named firm as soon as the nlnnt is in readiness to bcnin work, which will not lie later than October 15th. A School Rulldlng Rurned. A private letter from Mr. W. W. Har grove contains the information that the new Bethel academy, belonging to the Methodist Episcopal church, South, and located in the upier Pigeon Valley, wns destroyed by an incendiary fire Monday evening. The loss is about $2,500 with no insurance whatever. ( Ntl.i; JERRV KI NK GOES TO DEER PARK, Aud Will Accompany the Presi dent to Indianapolis Informa tion for the Charleston Collector rrom the Treasury Department. Washington, August 20. In answer to certain inquiries made by the collec tor at Charleston, S. C, relative to the drawback on jute bagging imported as a covering of cotton in hales, the treasury department holds: First, that an official supervision of the lading should lie as careful and thorough as possible. Second, whenever it is found impracticable for the exporter to give ill the preliminary en tries the ntuulyrs of the various brands of bales in each lot it will lie sufficient if the numbers are stated in the ins lector's return. Third, the sworn statement of the exporter required by the regulations should be made by an active shipjicrwlio has knowledge of the fact. Fourth, agents or attorneys should not be al lowed to sign the final entry and oath of exportation when the exporter himself is present at the port of shipment. Secretary Rusk left Washington this afternoon for Deer Park, Md., where he will join the President and accompany him to Indianapolis. All the memlers of the cabinet arc now absent from theeity, and with possibly one exception, none are excctcd to return lor several weeks. Bond offerings to-day were as follows: Four per cents, registered, $7,000 at 12N; four and a half tier cents, coupons, $.'(,000 at 1.0G;; all accepted. THE GOLDEN GATE. Gen. Johnstone Jones and Wife Leave for California. It is with much regret we announce that Gen. Johnstone Jones and family leave to-day for San Diego, California, where they make their future home. We regret the departure of such estimable ieople from our State, but the ties ofkin dred who have gone before with assur ing prostccts for the future, have proven too strong lor the General and his ex cellent wife. They carry with them the sincere good wishes of luts of friends not only ill Asheville, but throughout this State and South Carolina, where they are widely known and universally esteemed. Gen. Jones has filled positions of high importance and dignity in North Caroli- and filled them withcoiispicuoiisuhil- ity and fidelity. For twelve years he was Adjutant-General of the State. Upon issuniiug the duties of that office the State had no citizen-soldiery worthy the name, hut through his unremitting -flbrts, great skill, and soldierly qualifi atious he organized and established the State guard, whklt for efficiency in" all resjiccls is not surpassed by the troops of any State. lie also served a term as a meinlicr of the Legislature for Hnncumlx.' county, and won high distinction in that capacity, proving himself an able, conscientious, faithful and useful member. His official record in North Carolina is one w hich not only himselfand fricudsmay Ik proud, but the Stale is very proud of him. As a member of the bar of California Gen. Jones will deserve a high position, and will prove worthy of the fullest con fidence of the people, while socially, he ind Mrs. Jones will be an addition which the lust people of their new home will ladlv welcome. May only prosiicrity and happiness attend our friends, for they will richly deserve both. We sin cerely commend them to the kindest con sideration of our California friends. Geu. Vance's Appointments. General Vance has consented to ad Iress the iieople at East La Porte, August 22. Clyde, August 2-f. Mills River, August Ml. Ruthcrfordton, September 21-. Vance Academy, Rutherford county, September 25. He will also he present at the reunion of the Confederate Veterans at Wavnes- villc on the 2Sth ami 20th insts., but tears he cannot attend at Salisbury on the 22nd i 11st., and at Rutherford Col lege the 25th inst. "Man's Duly to God." At the Tabernacle, near Connelly Springs, Sunday afternoon, Mr. Associ ate justice Merrimon of the State su preme court delivered an address on the subject of "Man's Duty to God, to Him self and to His Fellow-man," before a large and appreciative congregation. Justice Merrimon spivke for more than an hour with very happy effect. Somewhat Improved. The condition of Lucinda Foster, the colored chamlicrmaid who fell down the elevator shaft at the Grand Central Monday afternoon, was somewhat bet ter last night, and the hoie that she may yet recover from the effects of her Irightful fall is rather gaining ground among her friends. The State Fair. An invitation to attend the twenty sixth annual fair of the North Carolina State agricultural society, to be held at Raleigh, on Octolier 14 IS), inclusive, has liccn received from the secretary Maj. P. M. Wilson. In Charge at the Hospital, Mrs. J. A, Conant and Miss Annie West are the lady managers in charge of tlie Mission Hospital for the next two weeks. N. C. state Tobacco Association. The North Carolina State Tobacco As sociation will meet in Greensboro on Tuesday, the 27th of this month, instead of Monday, the 20th, ns has been adver tised. " G. E. Webb, See'y N. C. Tobacco Association. Eiffel Tower Struck by Light nlnv. Paris, August 20. This city was vis ited bv a violent storm to-day. A thun derbolt struck the Eiffel tower, bat no damage was done.

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