-f PROFESSIONAL CARDS. THBO. V. DAVTOSOK, THOS. A. JONKS Raleigh. J. 6. Martin, Asheville. Asheville. JAVI1)80N, MARTIN St JONES, Attorneys nnd Counsellors at Law, Asheville, N. C. ...... Will pn.lice in the 11th und 12th Judicial Districts, ' in the Supreme Court of North Carolina, and in the Federal Courts ol the Western District of North Carolina. Refer to Bank of Asheville. dtscl Cll8. A. MOOKK. DVVV UKKKICK. rOORB& MBRRICK, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, Asheville, N.C. Practice in the United States Circuit and District Courts at Asheville, Statesv.llc Char lotte ari.l Greensboro, in the Supreme Court t HafeiLli and in the courts of the Twcllth jdk"al District of the StaU- of North Caro- "sjiecial attention given to collection of ' Partnership !.. not extend to practice ln Buncombe Inferior Court. dtocd T. ,,. col.8. ' " "' OHU & MURRIMON, Attorneys and Counsellors ut Law. Practice in all the courts. Office: Nos. 7 and 8, Johnston building. disc W. W.jONBS. OKO. A. SlIUFOKl.. JONKS St 8HUFORD. Attorneys nt Law, Asheville, N. C. ITHCtics in the Superior Courts or Wratern North Carobnn, the Supreme Cotirt of tilt State and the Federal Courts nt Asheville. Office in Johnston buildiiiK, where one mem ber of the Arm ean always be found. dtnovll J A. TliNNENT, Architect and Contractor. Plans, siiceifications and estimates fur nished. All work in my line contracted for, and no churls for drawing on contracts awarded me. . Welerences when desired. office: No. 12 Hendry Block, Noitl L i it Square. Asherille. N.C fclil'.liU.t B H. DOUGLASS. D. D. S. .DENTAL ROOMS, . NO. 24 SOUTH MAIN ST., Over Granl ft WhiRcrt'a DruK Store. Residence, No. UH Builey St. W.Hid 1 y . II. KEKVKS. K.K.S. II. K. SMITH, l. U.S. Or. Reeves & SniitU. PKNTAI. Ol'FICK In Connally UuildiiiK. over Redwood s hton, I'atton Avenue. Teeth extracted without pain, with the new .,.ethctic, and nil cases of irreuu lanty cor reeleil. iUil.mil JJ F. UUKOIN, M. n. OFFICII l New Grand Central UuildiiiK, over Uik 21! Clothing Store. fcbl7dlm jlf. RAMSAY, V. D. S. Dental g? ffle In Bninnrd Buildinn Kntrnucvs, I'atton Avenue nail Main Street. feb2iil 1 v lr. Frank. Harvey, "Veterinary Surgeon. Oflice at Sevier's Stable. Residence with Mr. Natt Atkinson, Jr.. No. Mil Haywood street. d 12m RTHl'K M. FIELD, Graduate Optician, Main Street. All mechanical ocular defects of the eye cor '"lloiirs for examination to 12 n. in.. 2 to jtil'J dtf 5 p. m. B.F. ArriiiJSton,M. D., O.D.S., IIWnK teeth n specialty; also trcnt nK dis ased Rums anil all diseases iertainuiK to the juVntal structure. Oflice rooms on Pntton .Avenue, one door .west of Cosby's jewelry store. MISCELLANEOUS. JpOR 8ALB. One Steam Huginc, Suitable for Saw Mill, Ktc, Apply to STK1SHT railway company. u7 diw2w ' THE ASHEVILLE LIBRARY ASSOCIATION Room on Main street, opposite the post- ?)pen daily, except Sundays, from 10 a. in. until 1 p. m and S.31) until 7.3 0. in. The terms of subscription are: One year $2; 6 mos., $1.6(1; 3 mos., l; 1 mo., Quels.; dnllvacts. Officers lor 18RU President, R. R. Rawls ; Vice-President, Charles W. Woolsey ; See. and Treas., I). 8. Watson ; Librarian, Miss B. J. Hatch. . , Citizens and visitors are cordially invited to inspect the catalogue and inscribe their names as members. lebHdtf ATI eyes fitted and fit guaranteed. A com plete stock of the above Kocds n I GRANT'S "WIG STORE, 2 SOUTH, MAIN STKKI'.T. Oculists' prescriptions a sieeinlty. feb27dflm The Best are the Cheapest. HKKRING'S PATENT CHAMPION SAFES. Farrell & Co., Philadelphia. u2U dJfcwum E. FOGETTE, Architect. Plana and specifications prepared and esti mates irivrn, nt short notice. Office: Wolfe Building, Court House Square Asheville. N. C. may30clly w ANTED. To rent, bv a famil of five, a furnished "house. Must he well located and have all necessary outhouse. Would be willing to board with private family, no otner uoaru rs. Apply by letter or In person to JNO. B. ROBINSON, u20dtf Battery 1'ark. UlUHNEfM A IS 11 PI.KAHI'RU. Private Board. For first-class bond, nt reasonable terms, apply to Mrs. F. 15. Hrcese, corner College and Spruce streets. After nil tbe milk ofliumnn kindness is the liest Elixir of Life. Closing out at cost to change business, at Whitlock's. Two of a kinc A yoke of oxen. I'oison the fountain, nnd the stream is impure; poison the blood, anil its taint is carried through the entire system those innumerable veins and arteries carry dis caseand death instead ol lil'eand vitality. As a result, you have Headache, Scrofula, Dyspepsia, Kidney Disease, Liver Com plaint and General Debility. An inactive Liver means poisoned blood ; Constipa tion means poisoned blood; Kidney dis order means poisoned blood. The great antidote for impure blood is Dr. Tierce's Golden Medical Discovery. Act ing dircctlv upon the nflcrted organs, it restores them to their normal condition. "A word to the wise is sufficient." The "Discovery" is gimrmiteed to cure in all cases of disease for which it is recommen ded, or money paid for it will be prompt ly refunded. Jake Kilrain's habeas corpus docs not feci as comfortable to him as it did. The most popular liniment, is the old reliable, Dr. J. 11. McLean's Volcanic Oil Liniment. For sale by F. L.Jacobs. A poker party The locomotive fire man. Just received a new lot of fall clothing, made esK'ciaIly for us, at Whitlock's. "Well, Iirownc, how do von find your self?" "Never lose myself. II 1 did, I suppose I'd advertise." The Flrnt SymptoiiiH of Iteatli. Tired feeling, dull headache, pains in various parts of the hodv, sinking at the pit of the stomach, loss ol appetite, lever ishucss, pimples or sores, are all positive evidence of poisoned blood. No matter how it became poisoned it must be puri fied to avoid death. Acker's linglish Wood Ivlixir has never failed to remove scrofulous or syphilitic poisons. Sold un der positive guarantee. fchOdnwlw St. l'ctcr. "What business?" Shade. "I repair furnaces." St. Deter. "Haven't you struck the wrong place ?" For lame back, sideorchest, use Sbiloh's Porous Plaster, I'ricc 2,r cents. SHILOH'S COI'GH and Consumption Cure is sold by us on a guarantee. It cures Consumption. Wili- Menrfnll. "You've broken the promise you made me!" Husband (kissing her). "Never mind, my dear, don't cry; I'll make you another." "- Ladies are especially invited to insiiecl bargains offered at Whitlock's. Sweetness and light An underweight pound of sugar. tilve the Children a Chance. There is something radically wrong with the health of a child when it seems listless, has poor or no npiielilc, eyes sunken and with dark skin beneath. In most cases showing these symptoms the child has worms, and all that it needs is some simple remedy, such as Hart's Worm Cream, to expel the worms, and the child will soon be in crtcct health, again. Ba rents, trv it and let your little ones have a fair chance for life. Of course the minutes of a meeting are flairs of moment. If vou feel unable to do your work, and have that tire I feeling, lake Dr. J. II. McIa'.-iu's Sarsnparilla; it will make you bright, active and vigorous. For sale by V. L. Jncolis. Motto for the buzz saw ( before and after taking) "Hands olT." Overcoats ior early fall wear, tit Whit lock's. It takes a pretty woman to find out how nice a mean man can lie. Better Than Suicide. pn,Uur i-nnlil s;ivs: "An incurable .Ivutu'iii I,- iu iiistificd ill cominiUiiiL' sui cide. We will guarantee to cure any dys- peptic witlnn three monins ny ncucr s Fnglish Dysiicptic Tablets. I'eb5dawlw A u'litiinu will foririve evervthiui' in a nRui, except neglect of herself. The New Discovery. You have heard your friends and neigh bors talking about it. You may yourself be one of the many who know from per sonal experience just how good a thing it is. If you have ever tried it, you are of its staunch friends, because the wonder ful thine about it is. that when once giv en a trial, Dr. King's New Discovery ever after holds n place in the house. It you have never used it and should lie atuicied with a cough, cold or any Throat, Lung or Chest trouble, secure a bottle at once ind LMve it a lair trial. It is guaranteed every time, or money refunded. Trial bottles lice at F. L. Jacobs' drug store. It is the skirt of a lady's ball dressthat costs; the corsage doesn't come high. New samples for fall and winter cus tom clothing, at Whitlock's. Duplex (whose wife is dressing for a ball I Great grict ! arc you going to wear that extremely low corsage? Mrs. Duplex Certainly, dear. It will not apiear too decollete when I have on my iearl necklace. SHII.OH'S VITALIZliR is what you need for Constipation, Loss of Appetite, Dizziness, and nllsymptomsoi Dyspepsia. I'ricc 10 and 75 cents (icr bottle. CKOl'I', WHOOPING COUGH and Bronchitis immediately relieved by Shiloh's Cure. It is rumored that Levi P. Morton re ;ntlv staked a small sum on n Saratoga horse-race. Can this be considered a vice precedent ? Distress after eating, heartburn, sick headache, and indigestion are cured by Dr. J. H. Mclean's Liver and Kidney Fillets (little pills.) For sale by F. L. Jacobs. Sailor maidens are now wearing a scarf-pin in the shajic of a Neptune's trident. Terrible Forewartiiwti. ' 1. :.. i 1,A nwtrnitifT hurried or flifh- -1iukii, " M -. cult breathing, raising phlegm, tightness .i... ...,;,.i.i,r1 itultuv chilliness in ill me viiiai, nv.w. i ----- the evening or sweats at night, all or any of these things nrc the first stages ot con sumption. Acker's English Cough Rem edy will cure these fearful symptoms, and is sold under a positive guarantee. febSdawlw "Life is but n span," which explains why so many men tunc lour migci for a drink. THAT HACKING COl'GH can be so n;cklv enrecl bv Shiloh's Cure. We , . tint i vii enl?i:PW imjjlli flvcivMisin 1 IjL, 1WU v'm ...... vr-,- and Liver Complaint? Shiloh's Vitabzer Parenta Criminally Liable. More than half of all deaths occur be fore six years of age. An army of inno cent, lovely children are swept needlessly awav each year. I'arents are criminally responsible for this. The death rate of children in England is less than half this. Acker's Kiiglish Baby Soother has done more to bring this about than till other causes combined. You cannot afford to be without it. The hangman may not lie much of a theoretical musician, but he is great on execution. Merchants are invited to look at our dry goods stock, which vill be closed out regardless of cost, at Whitlock's. Mrs. Minkum "How tired and wor ried you look, Mrs. Winkum!" Mrs. Winkuin (wearily) "Yes, its the girl's day in." SLEEPLF.SS NIGHTS, made miserable by that terrible cough. Shiloh's Cure is the remedy for vou. CATAKKII Cl'KIiD, health and sweet breath secured, by Shiloh's Catarrh Kcincdy. Price 50 cents. Nasal Injector free by T. C. Smith Co. Oueen of Spain "Moi Gratia! The baby king has the stomach-ache." Loid Chamberlain (excitedly )"Voo-o! Call the Secretary of the Interior." Disease lies in ambush for the weak; a feeble constitution is ill adapted to encounter a malarious atmosphere and sudden changes of teniierature, and the least robust arc usually the easiest victims. Dr. J. H. McLean's Sarsapa rilla will give tone, vitality and strength to the entire body. For sale by F. L. Jacobs. Gazzam So young Briggs has taken a partner for life has he ? Fanglc No; not not exactly for life, lie married a Chicago girl. Fifty pieces fruit of loom, twenty p'cecs 10-4 sheeting, fine dress goods, one hun dred dozen handkerchiefs, two hundred dozen ladies' and misses' hose at cost, at Whitlock's. Mrs. MeCrnckle (looking up from the paper) Dhulccp Singh says lie is one of the Sikhs. Mr. McCrackle Who arc the other live? A Hound r,ejcal Opinion. 12. Dainbridgc Munduy lisq., County Attorney, Clay Co., Texas says: "Have used Electric Bitters with most happy results. My brother also was very low with Malarial Fever and Jaundice, but was cured by timely use of this medicine. Am satisfied Electric Bitters saved his life." Mr. D. I. Wilcoxson, of Horse Cave, Ky., adds a like testimony, saying: He positively believes he would have died, iiad it not liecn for Electric Bitters. This great remedy will ward off, as well as cure all Malarial Diseases, and lor all Kidney, Liver nnd Stomach Disor- lers stands unciiualed. rricebucanill, at F. L. jaeobs. Hessic I hear you and Cholly are very thick. Jennie I'm sure 1 am not, but Cholly night be. If vou wish the finest ready made or custom made suit, go to Whitlock's. fiwct ( In cnlitrerl wnilcrl Sep here! I can't cut this steak with this knife! Colored Waller Low me, sail, to lend you my razah, sh! nuckleii'H Arnica Halve. The liest salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required, tt is guaranteed to give licrfect satisfaction, or money refunded. I'ricc 25 cents per box. For sale bv F. L. Jacobs. daw Don't of your temper lose control ; Laugh, laugh, nnd do not cry, When Btauty with her parasol Has jabbed you in the eye. Do Not Sutler Any I.onicer. Knowing that a cough can lie checked in a (lav, and the nrsi stages oi consump tion broken in a week, we hereby guaran tee Acker's English Cough Remedy and will refund the money to all who buy, take it as per directions, and do not fin,'. our statement correct. tebodaw 1 w "Mr. H..UI, f, !, Iifw iilover bill 1 do not intend to ask him to my lawn tennis parties. "VVhy, wnai is mere against him?" "0, he pays too much attention to the game and too little to the girls." Outfits for school boys, complete in all lines, at Whitlock's. The man who tries to study out a knitting-work pattern in the household corner knows about how a woman fecbi when she is trying to understand a printed baseball score. The Burdens of womanhood. Thousands of women are silently suf fering untold misery, simply because they shrink from consulting a physician in those numerous complaints arising from functional irregularities and disorders. Many a modest girl and woman orders to bear her heavy burden in silence rather than to go to the family physician for advice. All sufferers from this class of lisordcrs can, however, hud prompt and sure relief in Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre scription. It is a specific in such cases, ano nas origiiiciicu toe uvea ji couiiLicsr, women by restoring them to perfect health. The Maharajah of Cawnporeestinmtes his fortune at eight thousand lacs of rupees. Our fortune, too, is estimated by even a greater lack of rupees than the Maharajah s. Sick headache is the bane of many lives. This annoying complaint may lie cured and prevented by the occasional use ol nr. J. 11. McLA-au s iiver ano kidney Fillets (little pills). For sale by F. L.Jacobs. Hcoffer What nrc vou engaged in now? Pfeiffcr Pin in Omaha manufac turing Indian relics to sell at church fairs for the benefit of the heathen. College students will find all thev need in wearing apparel at Whitlock's. Paddy Mike, do vez lielavc in home rule? Mike Oi do, but the old woman is the onlv one that knows what it manes. nout be HuiubuieKed with the foolish idea that Catarrh can not lie cured! The world moves, and medical science is progressive. The pro- nnctors ot Dr. baiie s Lntarrli Kemedv will pa- $500 reward for a case of Nasal Lntarrh, no matter now bad or ol now long standin";, which they cannot cure. Remedy sold by druggists, at only 50 cents. Fanglc Here comes young Iteans. Io you know hull, Mr. bnierson .' limcrsoii Oon't think I ilo. Kangle What! not know Hcans? And you Irom Huston, too : We solicit orders from all parts of the State and guarantee full values in fine goods, at lilt lock s. The Sulli-vnnitv of Boston has had fall. Prescni mi the most elegant lot in THE LAXATIVE and NUTRITIOUS JUICE or THE FIGS OF CALIFORNIA, Combined with the mediciu.il virtues of plants known to be most beneficial to the human system, forming; an arjrcc.ibV: and effective luxative to veriiiu nently cure Habitual Consti pation, and the many ills i! -pending on a weak or inactive '.ndition of the KIDNEYS, LIVER AND BOWELS. It is the most excellent remedy known to CLEANSE THE SYSTEM EFFECTUALLY When one is liilimis or Constipated SO 'I'M AT PURE BLOOD, REFRESHING SLEEP. HEALTH and STRENGTH NATURALLY FOLLOW. .Every one is using it and all are delighted with it. ASK YOUR DRUOQIST FOR SYHUP OP FIOS MANUFACTURED ONLV BY CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAl, LOUISVILLE. AT NF W YORK, H. Y. REAL ESTATE. Wai.tkk It. Gwvn, W. W. Wkst. GWYN & WEST, (KticccflsorH to Wa-tvr U.Owyn) ESTABLISHED 1881 REFER TO BANK OF ASHEVILLE. REAL ESTATE. Loans Securely Placed at 8 Per Cent. Notary I'ulitic. Commissioners olllecds. FIRE INSURANCE. OFFICK SioutlicaHt Court Square, Wm. M. Cocke, Jr., REAL ESTATE AND MINERAL BROKER, Asheville, N. C. Can sell you oik million acres of lnml, in trucls from fin to 1011,000 acres, llnve u number of city lots, improved and unim proved, which I can sell on the best of terms. If you want n lnrne or small farm call on me. If you want minerals of any kind, you need Ko no further. If you want timber lands, this is headquarters. In fact I ean suit you in anything you want in my line. Services of a first-class civil engineer and practical surveyor engaged to show tip all property when required. I have had fifteen years' experience in the real estate business, and think 1 know what will please, l'roinpt attention to all inquiries. feb24dlv (IKTLANU DKOS., Real E-te Brokers, And : Investment t Agents. Olliccs; No. fill Mouth Main St. Second Hoof, febadly SCHOOL. TRINITY COLLEGE. Hn trance examinations Sept. 3 and -1. Kcc tatiuns and Kccturcs bcL'in promptly Scpt.fl. Send lor new catalogue at ttnee to joiin t. LKiiWhLL, rrcstnctu, juiilIO tilim Trinity College, N.C. St. Mary's School, Raleigh, N. C. I'lie N'mcty-Fifth Semi-Aiinual Session be gins MONHAY, SUl'TliMItliK 12, 1KKII. For catalogues, address the Kector, REV. BENNETT SMEDES, A. M. junllH il.'ltnos HIGH SCHOOL FOR BOYS, ASHEVILLE, N. C. Ronald MacDonald, B. A., Head Master. The scholastic year will o'en WHIlNliSllAY, SUrTKMIIBK in. Terms Kor Hoard, Tuition in all branches. and every exiiense, lf:too per annum. Day scholars $HO per annum. For further information audrcBs R1SV. LI. H. BI'BL,, Asheville, N. C, until Sept. 1 ; after that address MK. RONALD MiCDON- ALU. Head Master. illl!7dL'm KnjgUsli and French BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL, FOR YOUNG LADIES AND LITTLE GIRLS, No. 40 French Hroad Avenue. MRS. BURGWYN MAITLAND, - PRINCIPAL ( For many years Associate Principal of Mt. Vernon Institute, Haltimore.) Assisted by a corps of coin pen tent teachers. The course of instruction includes the usual English branches with French and Latin. Extras Music, Ocrman. Art Needle Work, Pnintiiic on China. Dancinir and Ridine. Special attention given to the training of little girls. augi nam 7C Tfl tORO A MONTH can be made $(3 III $ZUU working for us. Agents pre ferred who can furnish a horse nnd give their whole time to the business. Spare moments mnv Ie profitably employed also. A few vacancies in towns and cities. B. F. JOHN SON ft CO.. lOOlt Main St.. Richmond. Vn. N. B. Please state age nnd business expe rience. Never mind about sending stamp for reply. B. F. . Co. apradhm we pOR SALE. A pair of fine Mules, kind, and good work ers; also wagon ano uoudic nmrness. Appiy to V..J. MCtAIti, 24 Grove St. HOTELS. STRAUSS RESTAURANT AND NEW ICE CREAM GARDEN. Electric Cars Pass tlic Door. I here witli notify tbe. public thut this day, May 1, I have added to my well known Res taurant a fine Ice Cream Garden The same has been fitted up neatly for the oc casion and 1 will always have on hand the choicest of Creams and Shcrltcts and Cakes. Also, can supply families at shortest notice in large or small quantities. So come in Lot time and have some fine Ice Cream and Cakes and don't forget that ut Strauss' you will get The Best of Ice Cream, and where always polite and attentive wait ers will be pleased to serve. Come early, come often, come one, come all, and give your friend Strauss a good many calls. Very resiccU'ully, K. STRAUSS) maylidtf Proprietor. mm head HOTEL WILL UK OI'KNKII FOR TUB SliASON OF 1SHU ON The First of June. The location of this Hotel on thesummit ol Ciesar's Head Mountain, an outlying spur ol the Illne Ridge, in upper South Carolina, affords a climate and water unequaled. As u summer resort it has no parallel in the South. AVERAGE TEMPERATURE, FROM 60 TO 70. Whilst its natural scenery is varied and grand beyond conception. Comfort of guests care fully consulted. Livery und daily mail. Has ily reached from Asheville in one day, or from Ilendersonvillc in half a day, over delightful roads, through a romantic and charming country, F. A MILKS. ARDEN PARK HOTEL AND FAMILY COTTAGES, miles south of Asheville, fin the A. & S railroad is now open for the seasnn. Kor circulars nddress THOS A. MORRIS, I'rop'r, maylidtf Arden, N. C. TFrIfIE HOTEL, Turnpike, N.C. This beautiful summer resort is situated immediately on the Murphy Division of the W. N. C. R. R., half way between Asheville and Wayncsville, among the most attractive scenery in the mountains. The hotel is new and well furnished, large and well ventilated. Telegraph and Post Offices in the house. Prash mutton, milk and butter supplied from the premises. Parties can leave Asheville in the morning take dinner nnd return in thecvening. For terms and other information, apply to J. C. Sinatliers, jul3 dam Manager. private; board. NKW llOPSli! NliWL FT'RNISHED I ALL MODIiKN IM PROVLiM HNTS. MRS. E. J. THYLER AND MRS N. B. ATKINSON. No. Haywood Street. juul!2 (11 v pKIVATI! HOARD. A large, airy house, Patton Avenue, n street ear line. Good location Terms reasonable. Good fare. jul d;im MRS. J. L. SMATHKRS. MRS. S. STEVENSON Has removed to the Johnston Pudding, Pnt$ ton avenue, corner of Church street, where she is prepared to keep regular or transient honnlers. i nine lunnsnea witn me nesi tne market n fiords. Termsreasonable. mar31mti ROUNDKNOBHOTEL McDowell Co., N. C. (Situated on the W. N. C. R. R. An hour's ride from Asheville.) First class in every respect. Mineral waters Lithia, Iron, Alum and Iron, Red and White Sulphur and Magnesia. The most picturesque spot in Western North Carolina. Terms reasonable Seciul rutes to lunii- tics. J. Bulow Krwiu, julO dam Proprietor. WANTED. 10 to ao More Boarders AT Till! REEVES HOUSE, WAYNHSVILLR, N. C. The coolest rooms, and good new beds as clean as the cleanest. Pure freestone water, 54 Fahrenheit. Plenty of choice, well cooked food in abundnnt variety. Location Main street, 3 minutes' walk from depot, express and post offices ; lfi min utcs walk from Haywood White Sulphur Springs. Kates $20 to $30 per month; $0 to $8 per week. A. j. REEVES, auldlw Proprietor. JPOR RBNT. From two to six bed rnoms, fully furnished and usual attention, with or without board. HiKh location. Excellent water For terras apply to au7 dtf 158CH liSTNUT STK BET. MISCELLANEOUS. brickF FOR SALE BY BRICK ! GIRD WOOD & Buncombe t Brick t ASHEVILLE, N. C. P. O. BOX 313. "THE WINYAH SANITARIUM, " ASHEVILLE, N. C. For the reception of patients sufleriiif; of diseases ol limns and throat, and conducted upon the plan o) thesanitaria's at Gocrbcrsdorf and Palkcnslein in Ger many. Ours is the only such institution in the United States, and endorsed by the leading memljcrs of the medical profession. Terms reasonable. KARL VON KUCK, B. S., M. D. THE CAROLINA SALOON, Has the Finest and Largest Stock ol WHISKIES, : BRANDIES t AND t WINES, Kvcr Brought lo Asheville Parties wishing a good article for family or other purposes, will (ind it to their interest to give me a call. Respectfully, Frank muKtldly STOVES, TINWARE, AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. Car Luad of Terra Cotta and Flue Pijie. Hath Tubs, Wooden Wurv, Paints, Oils, Var nishes, lirushes and Best Wall Colors, bought from first hands for cash. I have also an experienced und competent man who repairs stoves. Will exchange for or buy second-hand stoves. C. S. COOPER, BOUIS & BROTHERTON, I'KACTICAL Plumbers & Tinners. fl.l'MllINO, STliAM AND GAS I'lTTINIi, TIN AND SI.ATIi KOOlMNd. Furnaces and Heaters. Jobbing Promptly : : Attended to. 22 Patton Avenue, Basement. jlll.'IO llfcWlY J. C. BROWN, II:UCIIANT : TAILOR, 25 Patton Avenue, (Next to Grand Central Hotel.) apradly J5OR MALK. 14 acres of land on Heaver Dam road, just opposite J. S. Hurnett's. A fine site for a sub urban residence. A nice knoll covered with clover and some tine oaks, with beautiful views of mountains and the city. A rare chance to buy such a piece of land with nice lear springs uuning irom tne niu. icrins easy and price low. aul.'t dtf PIVA CURED BY OLD SPECIALIST LI I V1 PHYSICIAN, rl I .I Hottlc of medicine Free. We war III w rant our reined v tocure the worst cases, and the only physicians whodo this to prevent your oemg 1111 po sen upon ny nun using fnlse names nnd who are not Doctors. Ilecause others failed is no reasoi for not using this medicine, (live Express and Post othce address. It costs you nothing. Address Asnhel Medical Bureau, 291 Broadway, New York. jan27d.Sj wl v A NEW ENTERPRISKi The Hand Laundry will open on Monday, at the foot of Mrs. Wilson's hill, under the management of (1, W. Higgins. All work done neatly by hand. . WM, R, PENNIMAN, I'KOl'KlliTOK OF THE ASHEVILLE BRICK WORKS, Asheville, N. C. i. o. llox i. nmri:Mly J. Y. ROBERTSON, CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER, MOKO ANTON, N. C. MANUFACTURES ALL KINDS OF DRESSED LUMBER. INS1DI-: l'INltill in Um.cn Amu- untl styles now in use. Mouldings of various kinds. Can eomjictc in prices with any manufact urer in the South. ju!2R dim TO HALKINAG Summer Tours. PaLAcr. Steamers. Low Rates. Four Trip ' pr Wwik htwnn DETROIT, MACKINAC ISLAND Petoaky, 8au1t St Murle, and Ltvks Hurr.a Way Porta, ry Wwk Day Between DETROIT AND CLEVELAND fi-U1 Sxnday Trip dnrtti Jntiv, July, Aiii.M wid Doubl- Liti-i He-" CHiCAGO AND ST, JOSEPH, IttiC.i. OU iLLUSTRATlb PA?HL T lUte ft id Ki'mrai -n Tlak-i will b-Pi linh-.a bv yourTtcki" Acr.nt, or !: vi E. B. WHITCOVQ, 0. F. A.. OtTwr, : ...h. . Detroit and Cleveland Stoam Nav Co. maylSdtf BRICK I LEE, Proprietors and t Tile t Company, jul2l (13111 O'Donnell, Prop'r. 39 South Main Street. A. D. COOPER, Groceries. We presume Asheville lias more eomtnentM passe! upon it tlmn any other city in the State. They say "Such elegant liuilflins, sueh tine houses, nnd sueh splendid food." I lutein, hoarding houses and privute families are often asked by their visitors "Where do you act flour to make sueh elegant bread V "Why, at Cooper's, where the best of every thing can be had in the way of Groceries." Our aim is to furnish the purest and best Koods for the least money, to wape bitter war a jiiii nst all adulterations of food prod nets and never buy cheap groceries for tne purpose of selling below cost. J. N. MORGAN & CO., No. 3 Barnard BuildiiiK:. School find Collie Text Books, a full line. Poets, His tory, Koinanee, Biography, Travel and Novels, Family Bibles, 8. S. Bibles and Test aments, Oxford Teachers' Bibles, Song Books of all kinds, large stock Stationery, Blank Books and Office and School Supplies. New line Ladies' and (Jents' Pocket books just opened. Fancy (ioods and Dolls. feblOdtv BROOM FACTORY. HANFOAD N. LOCK WOOD. 1IAND-MAI1B Brooms, Whisks, Hearth and Celling Brooms. Mill nnil Factory Rrncles a siiecinlty. (Juo Intions and snmplcs free. febllidly INSURANCE. JJ1KIJ INSURANCE. F1KK. LIFE. ACCIDENT. PULL1AM & CO. At the Hank of Asheville, ASIIHVILLU, N. C. Represent the following companies, vi. : PIHK. CAStl ASSKTS IN I'. S. Anglo Nevada, of California, $-,41.7 Continental, ot Newiord .H,r, Hambui;-Hrcmcn, of (Germany 1,1 'Ji , London Assurance, of Unhand 1 ,r4-3, Niagara, of New York 2.2H7, Orient, of Hartford 1,07, 1'hiL'tiix, of Brooklyn O.D54-, St. Paul Fire and Marine, of Min nesota 1,51, Southern, of New Orleans 4;u, Western, ot Toronto 1.U3U, GOi- il5 (ill 2 170 .1101 .(iH4 232 Mutual Accident Association. Ktnn Life Insurance Company. dtmarU CllHll AMHCt(4, 1 00,000,000 Another Advance ON THE PART OF THE EQUITABLE. A NliW I'OUCY, WHICH, I.1K15 A BANK DKAI'T, IS A SIMPLE PKOMKSB TO PAY. NO CONDITIONS WHATKVIiK ON TUB HACK. 12. D. Monroe, Agt., Asheville. N. C. Office with ludgc Aston. feb23dtni FOR RENT OR SALE. The Best Chance Yet Offered. That desirable house, containing eighteen rooms, now approaching completion at No. 20 Clayton street, will be ready for occu pancy and FOR SALE OR RENT On or about the 15th day of June. It 1 es pecially adapted to the uses of a private boarding house. All persons interested are invited to call and examine it this day. Terms, which are most reasonable, can be had on application to T. PATTON. may23 dtf is guaranteed to cure you.