id. Hi THE DAILY CITIZEN. The Citizbn lit the most extensively drcu Inted and widely read newspaper in Western North Carolina. Its discussion of public men and measures is in the interest of public integrity, honest government, and prosperous industry, nnd it knows no personal allegiance in treating pub lic issues. The Citizkn publishes the dispatches of the Associated Press, which now covers the whole world in its scoe. It hns other facili ties of advanced journalism for Kathcring news from all quarters, with evcrythinKCure tnlly edited to occupy the ainullest space. Specimen copies of any edition will be sent f -ee to any one sending their address. Trrms ftnily, $rt for one year; $3 for six months; cents for one mouth : 15 centsfor one week. Curriers will deliver the puer in every part of the citv to subscribers, nnd par tics wanting it will please eall at the Citizkn ..tiee- Aiivkktisino Ratks Reasonable, nnd mnilc known on application at this ollice. AH trnnsient advertisements must be paid in ad vance. Heading notices ten cents per line. (Mutu ary, marriune nnd society notices fifty ctnts each (not exceeding ten lines) or fifty cents farr inch. TIU KSDAY, AlV.l'ST a'.MHSU. THAT RACK Ul'KMTION. As a matter of course the Atlanta post olficc incident 1ms furnished a lext upon which certain Northern journals can ex hort Irom now until dooms day. Tl.e leadiiiK idea, of course, is nejjro equality, pure and simple; to Ik practically illus trated, however, in the South, not in the North. The people of this latter can ;o an ad infinitum in deuyiiiK those sa cred inalienable rights of race equality qoiiU'y without self '.;( w.'""r imputa tion of inconsistency. They can exclude them from trades' unions, from associa tion with white mechanics, can cxjiel them from their natural occupations as hotel waters, can dray them down from their seats as hack drivers, can boycott their barber shops, can close the doors ol hotels upon them, can slam the doors ol theatres upon them, shall exclude lluni from their legislative halls, shall disdain to lie represented by them in Congress, shall do all this, and much more, to em phasize the rij,'ht of the Northern whites, An;lo-Snxon, Irish, ('erman, I!un;:trian. Swede. Pole or Italian, to occupv and monopolize every post of work, profit or honor. Hut the moment the Norther eye is cast beyond Mason's and Hixon line, a sudden nietaniorphosisisprescnlcd in the negro's nature and capabilities, hi rights and his privileges, lie is no longer the pariah he is at the North; he is thrust at once to the top, and made to demand the highest seats at the table, in esK'ctivc of moral or menial disqualifications, the absence of all fitness for the place he pircs to fill, and ill defiance of those race distinctions not less apparent to thc Southern ix-oplc than to those of the North, who act upon them with nine more vigorous oflciisiveuess than do the lieoplc of the South, who, knowing the negro thoroughly, are not afraid to per .nit liberties and familiarities, which. Northern habits, would be dangerous or unpardonable transgression of the race barriers. The Northern doctrine eiiualitv is an abstract one; a fruitful theme lor pulpit elaboration, an admin blc system to oiKiate among a remote people, and a grateful dose of humiliation to commend to the lips of a subjugated lieoplc. Hence we find the reason for the bitter impertinence ot the lMtiladelphi. I'ress w hen it says "the fact is, the uegn is part and parcel of the Soul hern States the war made him free, and subsequent legislation has given him all the right belonging to American citizens; and il is only a matter of lime when he will enjoy those rights in spile of the while tyranny of the South." AM lliis is verv sillv ; for the negro enjoys all the rights he is capa blc of enjoying to an extent not grantei at the North. If his condition were more hopeful in that section, we would liuil the restless dissatisfied negro, incapable o bearing t lie reverses of fortune, or inca pablc of realizing his inferior nature Hocking to till up those waste places in Ver mont, (locking to till the neglected field of Massachusetts, crowding to tend the mills of the New Ivngland States now lieing thronged with Canadians. If the negro of the South were the oppressed, injured, silt fering race the Northern press asserts them to be, the arms of charity would lie thrown wide oiieu to receive him, the heart of philanthropy would throb with palpitat ing indignation, and consistency would lie vindicated. Instead of that, the voice of northern invitation is silent, and the negro instinctively avoids as a reluge from his alleged miseries those K'ople and that section where he knows his race is not wanted except "to point a moral or adorn a tale." That is the real use of the negro in northern eyes except that he mav lie used as a political factor. If he should cease to lie available in that rela tion, as he sometimes gives inclination a quick palsy will fall on the tongue of philanthropy, and the virtues and the of the oppressed negro cease to find champion. The expression that "the negro is part andiparal of the population of the South" is true, but it means more than is con vcyed in those' simple words. It means that the negro is to ix shut up in present limits, to be thrown back upon the peo ple of the South, in the same spirit that animated the abolitionists in the old slavery and anti-slavery contests, when, in the admission of new States made out of the common territory of the I'nitcd States, the slaveholder was excluded that the increasing negro population might be thrown back on itself and lieeome a curse from its very redundance. It is the delight ol a portion of the Northern press to proclaim the phenomenally rapid increase of the free negro popula tion, to gloat upon the approach of the time when the negroes shall outnunilier the whites two to one; to glory in the prospect, viewed from celestial heights, where the foot of the former slave shall rest on the neck oi his once owner, to re joice at the eriod when the darkness of ignorance shall fall upon the land in which the light of white civilization shall have been extinguished to be glad when pure religion shall have folded its wings and fled away, and when snake worship, human sacrifices and fetish rites shall have usurped its place. All of which these Northern advocates of negro su premacy tan plainly see; and with a de moniac pleasure Bee the approach of, upon us, not upon them, which they take good care to avoid, by pointing out to the negro, if he will emigrate from the section ol which he complains so much not this way ! not this way ! Go some- one perfect laxative and most gentle dio where else." I retie known. KDITORIAI. POINTS. A man 85 years old died the other dav after a fast of sixty-five days. Evidently he had no use for Hrown-Scquard's elixir to prolong life or make liiui young again. Terry, the aronaut, who fell from his balloon, a distance of 700 feet while making an ascension during the recent Mount Holly Fair, is deadatlast. How he survived the ten days or more during which he lived sftcr the accident is one of those mysteries of human vitality that cannot lie explained. A negro man named James Iiennison died in Charleston, S. C. on theUOth; iged fifty -three. He hail the unique dis tinction of Iwing one of the best billiard players in the South. He never took tip the cue, except with white men. lleforc the war lie won a diamond cue offered by one of the billiard table manufacturers. i',.i- ln.'ikiuir the famous double round Kckct shot. e A grand excursion of rich republicans is coming South soon to impress upon us the wisdom and benefits ol Republican iirincinles and policy. Let them Ik- sure lo bring along a squad of the llraid wood starving miners, and another squad of the Homestead striking workmen, and a body ol Hungarian and Italian chca laborers to demonstrate how those prin ciples, and that policy work ill practice. Icllerson Havis has written a compli inentarv letter to Mr. T. K. Oglesby in regard to his recent article in the Maga zine of America History on the Federal Constitution. Alluding to that portion of the article relating to the parts played bv Abraham Haldwiu. of Georgia, and lames Iredell, of North Carolina, in the adoption and construction of lie consti tution. Mr. Iiavis savs; "Few of the present generation know how much we owe to those two great men, and you have performed a valuable setuice teaching to the unlearned a lesson which should never lie forgotten." The brutal baseball play with its mer ciless ball and deadly ami had a victim near Augusta the other day with nelly similar results as in the case ol the lad Keith, still a sufferer here in Ashe ville. Jim Freeman, a boy, was struck in the face bv a ball thrown bv the catcher. His nose was crushed nil ti pieces and mashed Hat, ami the skull at the base of the nose was fractured. Not long since a vigorous negro man while playing a game at Knoxviilef was struck bv a ball Jn the stomach and killed. The hard inielastic balls seem to lie thrown to kill, and they do so. It may be well for the Philadelphia I'ress and other northern journals of the same stripe who insist upon the right, equal, if not paramount to, a share in the distribution of the offices in the South, to note the attitude of, the negroes in Ohio. They are in numlicrs thcrestrong enough to hold the balance of power, and lieing all Republicans, have assured that Stats as itnprcgnnbly Republican. Arc they recognized in the distribution of offices? It appears that they are not. They say they have liccn completely ignored; and in Columbus, w 'acre there are lsmi col ored voters, foil of them have formed a club pledged not to vote for Foraker or any one on tile Republican ticket. There is a wide gap iK'twcen promise and iK'rformance, a wide and tearful difference between the promises of high wages and steady work, the certain result of Mr. Ilurrison's election, carry ing with it, the defeat of tariff reform, ind ever since, almost coutiniotts battle on the part of workmen against still liirther reduction of wages, against star- ttion wages, and now against starva tion itself. Hraidwood, Illinois, is not the only place in the protected districts where men. women and children are kept alive by public charity. Hut those! poor creatures are as credulous about the hidden virtues of protection as the negroes are about iK'ing remanded back to slavery. Itoth are taught to fear and listrust the Octuocratic parly ; both are bound, body anil soul, to the Republican party, and both pay for their folly. Another piece of traditional evidence makes an old man in California, who is known as "( lid Gabriel," to lie loll years Id. He is like the old Cherokee Indian in North Carolina who died some years igo at the reputed age of 134. There is a lingering luqie among all ages of peo ple that the years of Methusaleh will re turn, and that is one reason why Hrown Sequnrd's elixir had such sudden popu- Inritv. Fverv old iicrson was inspired with the ho)c and ambition to dance at the weddings of his great, great, great grand children. Few will ever be grati fied as Old Parr, who went off prema turely at tJie age of lfH, or the Countess of Desmond, a coquette at the age oflfiO. doubt, do pass the age of 100 ; hut in this country where records ol births are hardly known, and eertainlv of recent requirement, all remarkable old age has no authenticity. Dr. I'arkcrl'rays cream Van-Ola, Rosa line, Ongalinc and Diamond nail powder having now liccomc the ladies' favorites, it F. L. Jacob's drug store, these popular manicure articles may always he lound together with pocket emery hoard, or inge wood sticks, nail scissors, files and other such requisites. Also a complete line of drugs and toilet articles, in addi tion to the Hclie Soda Fountain from which ice cold drinks are dispensed. Cor ner Main street and Patton avenue. Should Mrs. Mavbrick 1 hung ? Fall Mall Gazette. No. She should be hanged. N. Y. Sun. And you be hanged for your point of grammar on such occasion. Progress, It is very imiiortant in this nge of vast material progess that a remedy be pleas ing to the taste and to the eye, easily taken, acceptable to the stomach and healthy in its nature and effects. Possess ing these Qualities. Svruu of Fiirs is the SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT. GRAND COMBINATION OF BARliA INS. If you are looking for lln' best floods tor thi' least money call on Uostie lros. & Wright. Their stock is siimtlv immense, and fresh. and it might well be worth ;i Jew s eye to you to inspect their goods whileon the buy. Clothing;! Clothing! A full tiinl complete line of dents' Heady Made Clothing, and it must go, as we are clearing out for I-'allarrivals. Hats and dents' Furnish ing (ioods a double supply on hand, in whirh we offer speeial bargains. Dress (ioods. Just opened the very lat est productions of imported and Anierieaii manufactures and trimmings to match. Choice extra tine fabrics, medium and lower grades, calculated to suit anybody. Parasols. For t lie next few days we offer our uneipialed line of Ladies' and Childrens" tine Parasols at greatly reduced rates, connirisiH"' plain Silks, fancies in Plaids and .Stripes with colored sticks at all prices. We can suit anybody in Table Linen, Towels, etc. Boots and Shoes. will make it to your in W terest to inspect our well si lected stock ot Ladies anil Mens' Fine Shoes, medium and lower grades. hir Bargain Counters are still attracting and pleasing the bargain seekers. A full 1 ine of Direct ory iug just in. Ilucli When you call foraiiything in the Dry ( ioods lineyou will not be bothered with that old chestnut ".lust out," Respectfully, DOSTIC BKOS. & WKIdHT. BOOKS AND STATIONARY, artists' i iti:kiais, i;ni;ini;i;ks' srcri.iiis, I'lCTI'KliS AMI I-KAMliS, FANCY ('.(KlIiS. ii.ank iiooks,i;vi:kyi;kaii'. IKH.I.S. TOYS ANIl OAMIiS. WKSTKRN N. C. NCKNtiM. I'lloTtM'.KAI'IIIC l'AINTi;il. AT ANIl HANI" ESTABROOK'S, a J S. Main Street. ARTHUR 31. FIELD, MICCHANICIAN, GRADUATE OPTICIAN. A I.I. GOLD OI1IIUH Wnrruntcd to unsay OS represented. All Cuarnntccd 000-loootinc. THE GREATEST ATTRACTION la that fine lot of BNGUSI1 BHIULlvS ami TIlKFli-llllKN CHAMOIS SBAT SADDLliS at J. 91. ALEXANDER'S And the low prices at which he is nellinn all goods in his line. He has increased his force and intends to meet the demand. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. . TLANTIC COAST LINE On and after this date the following sched ules will t run over its "Columbia Division." No. 63 Leaves Colombia 6.20 p. m Arrives atCharieston 9.30 p.m. No. 53 leaves Charleston 7.1o a. m. Arrives atColnmbia 11.05 a. m. Connectinx with trains to and from all points on the Charlotte. Columbia A Au gusta and Columbia & Greenville Railroads. T. M EMBRSON, Gea. I'au. Act. J. F. DBVINB, Gen. Supt. THE RACKET TTi UMN. OUR SALE OF DRESS: GOODS i AT : COST, x in order to clear them out, continuesand will he kept up UNTIL ALL SOLD We need the room forother goods. The assortment con sists of Challics, I.awns, Salines, (iiiff hams, Albatross, Nuns' VcHiiijf, Danish Cloth, Henriettas, Cashmeres, Mohairs, Flannels, ICte., lite. And an equal opportunity to liny DRESS GOUDS For present or future usehas never before offered itself. DO NOT PUTITOFF Come and see our goods 01 write for Our tock of Bullous, Plush, Surah, Ribbons, and other t rimmings j,s FIRST-CLASS, and will be Hold at prices that WILL BIS SATISFACTORY. COME TO THE RACKET STORE for fvervihinir and do not buy any thing UNTIL YOU LEARN OUR PRICES. Respectfully, GEO. T. JONES & GO, Pi. Y. Office, 466 Broadway. MISCELLANEOUS. ONE YEAR AGO. l lie nnest anil best equip ped Drug Store in North Car olina, was opened in Asheville by T. C. Smith & Co.-After eighteen years of prosperity in the wholesale and retail drug business at Charlotte, they sold out and moved to Asheville, where they secured the best and handsomest store room in the city fitted up in style, with all the latent appliances and conveniences possessed by other modern drug stores. Twelvemonths have passed since this vent ure was made they find the outlook far ahead of their expect at ions business grow ing larger monthly, having already reached a solid basis. Their success demonstrates what Asheville will do, for those who come here with "the know how." Prescrip tions and general business have poured into this New Drug Store until necessity compels the employment 01 a large force of thoroughly competent clerks. This mnv linn do not want theearth only a Hiiall pnrt of it. They are entering the second year of their business career wit 1 new snap, large stock, ampli raw cash to nuike largeaddi (ions, big trade already es tnmisucd, a succchhiuI past and n bright future. Thest lads show what can be don for those who have a. wel grounded faith in the coin 1 , merciai importance oi om growing city for those who have the nerve tobiirnall tin bridges behind them, am give proper attention to their business. The people arc kindly asked to continui their fa vors to this prosper ous and busy drug store wnere every arucie sold is warranted as represented, oi purchase money retundei Address T. C. Smith & Co i in i i it. pending noiesaie anil ue tail and Prescription Drug gists, Asheville, J. V. SCIIARTEE, MERCHANT TAILOR 42 N. Main St. fcll'JIKllv JOTICIS. Will collect ili'ittti for anyone in the citv for (H'rcetit. (.ooii facilities lor renting aim cul trettiiK rents on iimiHts. Will sill tu nut lire on weekly- puymciuit. (. h. Johnson. At Hlair's I'tirnUure Store M7 I'al ton A venue. Neferem'CH trivcti. marl l(Hm JAIUKS FRANK, UKALKU IN FAMILY GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS Agent fur Ki-t'tuf) Crvck Woolen Mills. North Mnin . Asheville, N. C. fchlOrilv WM. R. PENNIMAN CKorHlliTOK OK THE ASHEVILLE BRICK WORKS, Aslicvillc, N. C. P.O. BOX P. nwtri:tr11 y J.W. ROBERTSON, CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER, MOKCANTON, N. C. MANUFACTURES ALL KINDS OF DRESSED LUMBER. INSIIH; FINISH in (Jueen Anne uml till styles now in use. MouUliiiKt of various kinds. Can compete in priees with tony inailllfilet- urer in the South. .iitl2r dint p() RENT. Two ft-rootu Cottaues on iH-notstrtvt. (itii It-room cottage at Aaheville Junction. offices in llenilry block. North Court Square. Apply to J. A. TliNNHNT. aul (11 w A competent Typewriter wnntscimilovtnmt either reiiularly for a short while each day, or hy the piece. Neat, sntislactory work or no charges. Address P. o. HOX 3(1H, or enquire at Wcstcra Carolina Bank. aul7 diit ind Wnl.ksy HsV Isa oared at home with out pain. Book of par tlcular sent PBEI UBao (6H Wnuaoiu at. lehiodawlr In th nt FOR LIEfJ ONLY! 1 POSITIVE 'o'M8TrFAn,r0 BAFHOOD: HrU4!lilt General ana NERV0U8 DIBlrTT flTTT TP Weakneea ef Body and iad: Effect! - U l ef EmraarEsoeaMsiaOlderToaac. RMVt, HaM. SUIIMHia fell. dr.,.,. Haw I. I.lmrr' .4 atr.MrthfaWluii.l'Mirvr.l.Ml'r.i, atoms a '.htm.( iu. tbMlut.l, aeiailt. H(I1B TKKTNkNT-llMHu a a ass. 1 uliry trm 41 TrH(MfM. ne rata t.mmmU II Mn.via.UM. BMk. fall.telMi.tMa. u. emnaalMd uu nuiCAi Wh, ivif au, . i (iiiPiun Vat Allanc, Oa. GHAS. D. BLANTON & GO. MEN'S CLOTHING Our aim is lo fill a long felt and we will oneii ahout Sentemher 1. with the himn! pumi. plete line of Clothing for Men section. Our .Mr. CI1AS. J5LANTON ern markets with the ready business f Financial Success THE YOUTHS', BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S DEPARTMENT Will receive our special attention, and to this we will call' the especial attention of Mothers, Sisters and Aunts. m nP ? OUR GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS Will be replete with all the .Novelties of the season in the way of tckwear. OUR HAT Will receive due attention, onventional High Hat down We have already iilaced our MEN'S FINE SHOES With one Our mode of business shall be STHUTLY ONE PRICE, and all floods warranted as repivscntHi or money refunded. Our opening- w ill be announced in due time. CHAS. D. BLANTON & CO. One Price Clothiers, Patton Avenue. - AND BOYS' OUTFITTERS. want in the city of Asheville, and Hoys ever shown 'in t his goes to Northern and East cash which insures to the new DEPARTMENT and in it can be found from the to the Soft Knock-about. order ftr ii line of of the most popular maker. . Asheville, IS CV