THE DAILY CITIZEN, THE DAILY CITIZEN Delivered to Visitors In any part of the City. One Month SOc. Two Week, or lew 25c. BOARDING, WANTS, I'or Kent, and Lot Noticea, three linea or lent, 25 Ccnta for I each Inaertion. VOLUME V. ASHEVILLE, N. C, FRIDAY, AUGUST 23, 1889. NUMBER 114. ft I ; '4 ' EUROPEAN LETTERS. THE VARIED CHARMS OF BADEN-BADEN. The Trip Tlirouitll Black ForeHl ArotiHeH iilnnchauaeii Recollec tioim In the M 1 11 cl of tlie Trav eler The Trees I, Ike Oura. Baden-Baden, August 7, 1889. Editor Citizen : The fact that tliis re nowned place has lost its character as a gambling spa matters very little to your correspondent, as his purse is not so ple thoric as to require depletion, and all that is needed to make it pcrlcclly beau tiful, still remains. Providence has smiled on us by giving a bright sunshiny day, which is the only thing that could possibly add to the en joyment of this lovely spot. I jfiviitir II,iilrllwrir this mortlitlir Ml .'(11 r- , i i , I early hour, we soon recognized the dark I hues ol the mack forest, wnicn iirougni to mind our boyhood's recollection of Karon Munchausen, although we are not altogether sure that this is the scene of his wonderful exploits. Nevertheless, as we took a most cliarmingdrivcthisnltcr noon through the sombre balsams which gives the name to the lorcst, as they do to our Itlack mountain, wc we could see the very spot whercthedcer had the cherry tree to grow out of his fore head, and where the frozen music was thawed out, and the wild boar killed in a nanner so terribly tragic. It suited very well, whether our memory of the location of the old story is correct or not. From llcidciberg our train skirted a range of mountains until it reached Oos, where an owning seemed suddenly to break through them, disclosing a sweet, (iiict valley, into which a connecting road quickly carried us, and landed us on the banks of one of the most sparkling streams we have ever seen and there wc were at the famous Baden-Iladen. Wc are certainly glad that the govern ment has put an end to the gambling which has given it so unsavory a reputa tion, because surely in no spot could hu man wickedness seem more out of place. It apK'ars designed by the great Creator to be exactly what it now is a pleasant resting spot for men and women wearied with the labors of life and seeking recu peration of strength to lit them for their future struggles. This is exactly what lladen-Iiadcn is suited to lie, and what wc conceive that it is. Probably it is by some considered and used as a fashion able retreat, but we have been troubled not at all by this characteristic, and have only had time to sip its great pleasures. lien a sK)t of such marvelous attrac tions would fail to please unless the wea ried traveler can Ik- comfortably lodged and fcil, and this wc find once more at hand, thanks to our Cook's coupons, which secure us rooms, notwithstanding the crowd, al the Ilotelde Holla ul, in nil rcsects a most desirable hostelry, with polite and courteous landlord and subor dinates. What a relict after our London cxKrietlcc. We advise all personseomingto Kuror to go first to Cook's office, and with his help to map out their proposed tour, buy their tickets and provide themselves with hotel coupons for every day they ex)cct to Ik absent from the United States. Wc heard many opinions expressed on this subject, and hesitated as to the wisdom of investing in these coupons, but our ex iericucc with them has been most satis factory. The hotels to which they have admitted us have been uniformly good, and a most important point is that they dispense with extras, which so annoyed us otherwise. Whether the cost of trav eling with them is greater we cannot tell certainly, but think it is the ehcniiest way, considering the character of the accommodations provided, and it cer tainly saves a vast amount of trouble in buying tickets at each station and decid ing on a hotel in a strange place. We started to say, lieforc this digres sion, that, leaving Heidelberg at an early hour, wc skirted the Black Forest, pass ing through a well cultivated section of country which was devoted to crops with which we are familiar, such as to bacco, corn (maize), beets, oats, etc., ' looking in good order, csccinlly the 'ro, which reminds us to advise our L' friends to send here for their smoKiii l(jfv cuu lhi,m ,mmc fnx () cigars, u t gjm,, ,ollsc duties, as to ihe od.ous t ,fc , or one and a half cei. w- Al most ol the tobacco stands we are remolded of our State by seeing the fc.'-""l i,n,, ."' Duke's cigarettes, of wV t '' J""" seems very high, so that we pure, them and adopt Dutch cigars ,nf It is not only the crops ol this Aoiiiry which resemble ours, but many "'' shade and forest trees arc almost .lcnti. cal. We do not know by what name they may lie called here, but recognise readily our old friends, the locust, the mountain birch, the Lombardy poplar, the dark black balsam, tall firs or spruce, the catalpa and the hideous nlianthus, all of which, while reminding us pleasantly of ourdcar home, surprise us to find them in this comparatively low section. Immediately after licing ensconced safelv in our rooms, we sally lorth to see sights, and until our table d'hote, at the old fashioned hour of one p. in., we enjoy a churmiug walk over the greenest of grass (no signs to "keep oil 'I, by the brightest of flowers in endless prolusion, .and around the most admirably designed fountains, which, from piles of huge atone, shoot aloft a most delicate and graceful spray of mist, rather than water, which falls not into an orthodox circular basin, but keeps moist the surrounding lillies, and then flows secretly away by some hidden aqueduct. Our walk discloses also some most ele gant buildings, admirably adapted to their various purposes. Among them one that is cnlled a "conversation house" to which we are admitted for the small fi .,fn,. nmrli which entitles us to attend both an afternoon and evening concert of the most heavenly music. The interior of this "conversation is most elaborately fitted up as reading and concert halls, but chiefly were we attracted by its ball rooms, ol wnicn we cannot resist the effort to give you a verv taint description. Four in number, they are named in honor of four French kings, Louis XIII, XIV, XV and XVI, and each vies with each in absolute splendor. First in order, that ol Louis XIII, nieasurimr 65x65 feet, its walls and ceil ing frescoed in most subdued tints; its rich dark floor of highly polished oak, in viting our old stiff shanks to try a olka or mazurka; lighted by five large chundc- lie rs, each hearing seventy candles, which are multiplied a thousand fold by the bright gilt, and flashing crystal of which their holders are composed, while around be walls one hundred and fifty gas jets -are modified by shades of ground glass, liirhtinir no the hazv fountains, which, four in number, add to the fairness of the nii-ture. Jhe hangings are of heavy domask.ycl- low and pink, while the golden framed chairs and sofas arc upholstered in old pink and blue of most delicate shade. Opening from this is the boudoir of Louis XV, small in size ( probably 30x00 feet), hung with the very heaviest of pompadour silk and gold, while the mag nificent furniture is upholstered to cor respond in some costly material. We were told that each of the many chairs h ad cost twenty-five hundred francs, but this we must think is exaggeration. On the opposite side of the boudoir we enter the room of Louis XIV, measuring 6(xHO feet, corresponding in finish with the others, except that its curtains and upholstering arc of the very richest red, lighting up brilliantly at night, and yet, strange to say, free from all approach to gaiidincss in day, the sunlight only seem ing to render it more softly rich and mag nificent. The largest and largest ball room is that named in honor ot Louis AM, and .finished as a winter garden ; its walls of gold and silver, covered with the most rare exotics in full growth and bloom, while in the center a mound of the same is kept fresh and healthy by a spray which shoots up on high, which is re peated on raeli of the four corners. With this weak effort al describing Ihc ehurnis of this marvelous building, wc must pass on to a far different scene, il lustrative of the grandeur of the olden times as this is of the present. A good brett, at most accommodat ing terms, receives us as the afternoon concert is finished, and gives us a drive over an excellent but steep road, ascend ing an overhanging mountain, whose sides are ill part covered by the ricnesl ol grass, and immediately adjoining it by the most dense of balsam and lir forest. After crossing which for a distance ot three miles, we emerge near the top upon what must have once been a kingly pal ace, now in ruins, but retaining enough of its ancient form to show how grand it had lieen in design and execution. I'.s massive walls of solid stone surmount the mountain's crest to a perfectly dizzy height, and enclosing what must once have been princely banquet balls, now occupied by immense growing forest trees, which seem striving to overlook their lotty enclosures. At other points, too, we sec evidence of horrible dungeons of those dark and cruel days and a well, curbed around with hewn stones, ten feet in interior diameter, and we wonder to what depth it must have gone, but cannot tell, as it is nearly filled with the debris of many ages. A climb up the steep stone stairs, over which so many happy and sad coplc must have passed, takes us to the very topmost pinnacle of the walls anil tower, which here arc about eight feet thick, and thus alford a sate and comfortable walk, from which a view is obtained of most wonderful brightness and beauty, first over the mountain sides, of balsam is thick as anv on our Koanc or Milch- ell, and then over the sweet valley in which nestles Budcn-Duilcu, and yet be yond, on the level country, threaded as far as the eve can reach bv the silvery waters of the Rhine. This sight alone, we all agree, pavs us for till of the dis comforts of an ocean voyage, even in a State Line steamer. The weirdncss of this "Altscliloss," oldcastlc," is much increased as we climb its crooked stairs, by the doleful sound of an -lvolian harp, winch by sonic one, has been placed ill the depth of one of its ancient embrasures, and by its sad notes, seems to sound the dirge of the old people, who perhaps arc buried beneath. Returning bv another route, affording more and varied beauties at every curve, wc reach the town just in time to hasten back to the "conversation" and take a scat in its garden, now brilliant wilh gas. in all kinds of fantastic and patriotic de signs, to have our tea served while our ears arc again regaled by such music as one seldom enjoys in America, and to watch the crowds of young and old, chil dren of six and men and women of sixty, who drink it in with the same avidity and the same stolid sense of pleasure witli which they imbibe their foaming lager, and thus ends our happy day in Baden- Baden, August H, Not content with what we haddoneon yesterday, 6 o'clock finds us winding our wnv to the bath house, where the dust ot ages is quickly removed by n plunge into this glowing Water in basins of purest marble, of all sizes and shaies,and of va rious degrees of tcnqicrature. Our only trouble is the want of an interpreter. All ot the gentlemen seemed anxious to ex plain the ins and outs, but, unfortunately, wc found not one to Sieak English or French; so that wc were somewhat mys tified, but, plungjng from one to another, we tested the degrees of heal or cold in a manner thoroughly practical, if nolscicu tific, :i net emerged with the impression that this bath was the most charming of our lives. After a good breakfast we go to the Trinkhallc and imbibe a glass of warm mineral water for our stomach's sake, and this duty being performed, a walk up u steady hillside takes us to see a Greek church, the first wc have entered, quite small, but richly ornate, and containing two line specimens ol marble work com memorating the virtues of a young prince and princess of whom the church seems to be a memorial erected by their parents. The tablet to the young man impressed us with its quaint pathos, saying in French that on such a day "inir ocarson gave back ins sweet soiu to woo. This ends our visit to itnocn-iiaiicn, and one of the most charming days of our life. Wc arc now flying southward to Lucerne, which we hope to reach tins afternoon, at 5 o'clock. We regret having to pass Strasbnrg and its wonderful clock, but the hour would not suit for us to be thereatnoon, which is the time that the twelve apos tles appear and many other wonderful things are done. Not having timcenough to devote a day to this, we must post pone its examination until our next visit, when we hope many Ashcville friends may lie with us, and enjoy, in person, the tilings which so delight us. Good-bye. h T. W. P. Convict Receipt Cut Down. The board of directors of the State pen itcntiarv met at Raleigh Wednesday, all its mcmiiers licing present. It has much im portant business to transact. Thcchair mnn of the board said that it was greatly hampered in its efforts to make the (iciii tcntiarv sustaining by legislative acts which permit the Roanoke and Southern Railroad Company to have USconvicts, for which it pays $125 per annum. They suli-let to contractors nt$1.20erdny a clear profit of some eighty cents k.t day. Bad weather has cut down receipts from the labor of convicts fully 50. )ier cent, during the months of June and July find some of August. The Weather. Washington, 1). 0.. Aug. 22 Indica tions for North Cnroliua Light lical showers; slightly cooler in north-east; stationary tenqieraturc in south-east portion; variable winds. STABBED TO THE HEART. (iHASTI.V WORK OF A SIR PRISED RI RGUK, DelallH of a Horrible Crlniu Com. milted In Brooklyn Early Yester flay in orninic The Murderer Is Captured and C on rennet. Nnw York, August 22. At an early hour this morning three thieves broke into the grocery store of Chris. W. I .lien, at ay and High streets, I! rook lyn. They were surprised at their work by the proprietor and a hand-to hand conflict look place, during which the grocer was slahlied to the heart. 1 he police cr light one of the men, who said that Ins name was Meblwaiuc, and gave a de.cription of his companions who had cscaiicd. lie said their names were Hawthorn Benson and Thos. Ouinlun. An alarm was at once sent to ttnseilv with a request to watch for the men. In less than ail hour detective Barry had captured Benson, wlu, on Iwing taken liclorc Inspector Byrnes was recognized as Martin Denin, a professional thief and ex-convict, lie was surrendered to the Brooklyn officers, and the other man is being hotly pursued. Before Denin had been taken to Brooklyn he sent for In Scclor Byrnes to whom he said he wauled to confess. He said thai neither he nor Oiiiulnu knew what had hap pened in the store; they were both on the outside watching while McKlwainc was in the store; suddenly Mclilwainc came rushing out of the slorc; he was covered with blood, and the prisoner and iiuinlnn tlieu lied. Further details show that the burglars entered the yard in rear ol the house and put a ladder up to the middle second story window, and McKlwaine was the one selected to go in. lie is a slightly brill young man and only nineteen years old. lie iqicncd the window easily, crawled in and was making his way in the front room where il was supposed that Mr. l.itca kept his money box. It was quite dark at the time, and Mc Klwaine had reached the passage way leading through the liedroom when Mr. Lucn was awakened by the noise, and got up to sec what was the matter. He did not wake his wile, and, as he catered the dining room, he saw the figure of a man making for the window, lie grappled him at once. Mc Klwaine was so frightened that he drop ped his hat near the lied room door where it was picked up afterwards. He was in his stocking lect. Lucn was a big, power ful man weighing over 200 pounds, and he would have made short work with the intruder had not the latter been armed with a knife, an ugly looking weapon with a blade fully six inches long. As soon as Lucn seized him near flic window they began a tussle, knocking the furni ture about, and making a great noise which woke till the rest of the family. Mrs. Luea rushed out of the bed room followed by Harry, her nine year old son, and the servant came out of another door. Luea was down on one knee, in front of tire window, and his assailant stood over him, striking him reiealedly. "Help, murder, police," shouted Luea at the top of his voice. "Help; I'm being murdered." Mrs. Luea jumped forward and caught the murderer by the arm, and the servant grabbed him by thecoat, while Luea tried to get up. "Stand back," cried Mc Klwniui to the two women, flourishing his knife, which they now saw for the fust time. "Stand back anil let me go, or I'll cut you open as I did him," he yelled. Both women shrank back in horror, and McFlwaine jumped out of the win dow, and grabbing up his shoes ran out of the yard down High street. Luea, meanwhile, had struggled to his feet, and had staggered to the sink in a corner of the room. "For Cod's sake, Mary, get me some help." he groaned. "1 believe I am killed," and with that he sank down in a heap in the corner of the room. The shrieks of the wonmu aroused the whole neighbor hood, ami a tew seconds afterwards Dr. Sloue, who lives on the opposite side of Jay street, came running in. It was too laic, however, to do anything lor the wounded man as he was last dying. There were three or four deep gashes in his right shoulder and arm anil a horri ble cut in the breasl right under the heart, from which his lite blood was pouring in a stream. Within ten min utes he had breathed his last. Mclilwaine wnsenptured by policeman Kennedy, who says that he heard shouts of "murder," "police," and a lew second" later saw a man running toward him with his shoes in his hand, lie grabbed him and took him to the station. Me Klwuinc had in his possession a big, wicked looking knile. the blade of which was covered with blood. Mclihvaine confessed that it was he who hail slabbed Luea. THE COTT:S CROP IromlHeN lo be the I.aritc-sl ICver Produced, lClc. Montoomkhv, Ala., August 22. Leh man, Durr, iS: Co., cotton factors, have issued a circular in which they say: "The general cotton crop of the country for the present year, INN1.), promises to Ik- the largest ever produced ill the 1'nited States, but on account of there being so much poor cotton in Ihc slocks now car ried by spinners, they, I the spinners), will be coiniielled to buy of the first pick ing this vear in order to get a better grade with which to work off their old stock. So, ; hilt for lime, al leasl, there will lie a good demand for the new crop of cotton and at high prices. It looks reasonable to us that cotton will bring higher prices from now until the first of Octolier than at any time during the next season and if this Ik-true then it will be hard for producers to pick and get to market every hale they can between Ibis and the first of October ill order lo avail themselves of the high prices likely to prevail. MCCAI.I. UICTB THERE. More More-Keepers and Vuater Appointed, Etc. Washington, I). C, Auinist 22. f Spe cial. Harlee MeCall, of Statesville, has been appointed naval cadet from the seventh congressional district of North Carolina, The following storc keeiicrs and gang ers have recently lieen appointed in the fifth internal revenue district: Rolicrt S. lenkins, II. S. Anderson, Samuel S. Black, "Roberts. Swieegood.J. C. Templcton, llenrv A. Troulmnn, John II. Motsiuger, Philip S. Hinkle, W. S. 0. Iligdou and Rczon R Bell. The coroner's inquest entirely exoner ates Sterling Ruftin from the charge of causing the d-ath of General West. Twenty chitfs of division will lie ap pointed in the Treasury department in a dny or two. Gkanvillk. VIRGINIA RKPI IH.ICANS. The ttlate Convention Now BeliiK Held al KorlolU. Norfolk, Va., August 22. When chairman Mahonc called the State Re publican convention to order at 12.110 o clock this afternoon, the Academy of Music was filled to (overflowing with delegates, alternates and visitors, and the air was intensely hot and close. At 12.40 the band struck) up "Dixie," and amid uproarious applimsc General Ma hone apiienred upon the stage and in trodiiced Rev. Vernon I'Anson, who oencd the convention with prayer. The chairman then addressed the con venlion. Jle held his address, which was in proof slips, in his hands, referring to il occasionally to refresh his memory. He said he returned to the convention the chairmanship which he had held since the Mozart hall convention ten years ago. He reviewed the history of the par ty since thai time and made a sharp at tack inioii what he termed the unfair methods of the Demoi, atic party at the polls. He contended that neither men nor capital would seek the Slate so long as tins condition ol Hunt's lasted, lie charged thai the Democratic party had wasted the public money in foolish and vexatious litigation ill the matter of the public debt. Ilclielicvcd that the thouuht- liil and best people ol the Statedeni.tnilcd tnal tlie Mate debt should be honorably sctlled. The people of the Stale were not disposed to bear the burden of pres ent taxation, when over t wcnly-five per cent. ol the expenses ol the government were unnecessary. At 1 2.50 o'clock chairman Mahoue in troduced II. C. Wood, of Scott county, as temporary chairman, and alter the introduction and adoption of resolutions lor-thc appointment ol various commit tees and llie call of the roll, the conven tion took a recess until three o'clock. The convention reassembled at 3. MO 0 clock and after receiving the reports of the various districts as to membership of different committees, took a recess until 7 o'clock for iermancnl organisation. It was T.-ffi o'clock when the conven tion was called to order to-nighl by tem porary chairman Wood. Theeommittce on credentials reported four contesting delegations and the convention decided to seat those having riina facie evidence 01 election, except m Flizalicth City county where the vote wasilividcd. The committee on permanent organiza tion reported for permanent chairman Congressman George Iv. Kowdeu, of Nor folk, and Asa Rogers, of Petersburg, per manent secretary. Mr. Bowden was in troduced and acknowledged the honor conferred upon 1 1 i ill in a brief and vigor ous SK.'Ccll. Col. William C. Flam, of Louisa, chair man of the committee on resolutions, re ported a platform which was unani mously adopted. THE MAtiI.E EAMII.V. Judice Terry'H Slayer Coiiich of Good FiRThting Hlocfc. Uswi'mi I'alliifliuiii. Thirty-five or forty years ago a man named David Nagle lived in West Libertv strcet in the back part of the First ward. He was a gardener by occupation, and a good one. He is still remembered by a tew of our old Irish citizens, and liclorc leaving here he got intoa ditliculty with Rev. Father Kinney, then connected with Si, Paul's church. David Nagle was a man of considerable education, and lived here only a short time, when he re moved with his family to New York. He had three sons, the youngest of whom was David. At the breaking out of the war Nagle and his three sons enlisted. Two of the latter were killed and the father was severely wounded. Since the war the latter died, and a daughter is at present keeping a fashionable boarding house in New York city. Along in I he seventies young David Nagle drifted West and was lost to ins Oswego trienils. Ills In Uier is d.senbcd as being a tall, slim, line looking man, as brave as a lion, and a irooil soldier. It is piilc evident thai his sou lakes altT luni, for it was he who shot and killed Judge Terry at La- throp, Lai., yesterday. Seven or eight years ago David Nagle, sr., then an old nan of seventy years, was in the city looking for witnesses to help him gel a pension. He was tilen livint in Brook lyn. I luring the days of I'enianism old man Xnglr wasonc of the leading lights in the conventions of the brotherhood, mil at the close of the war he visited this eitv and had a number of interviews with leading Irishmen who at the time were members of the Fenian organiza tion. THE THIAI. Ol-' NAIil.E. A Continuance Will be Asked for I'nlll Wediiesda), San Francisco, August 22. Il has been arranged between the lawyers on both sides when deputy marshal Xaglc'scase comes up a continuance will be asked for till Wednesday next to give counsel for the defence an opportunity to investigate the law. I he lawyers arc lieginning lo fear that Nagle cannot be held bv the lulled Slates authorities. Judge Sawyer is reported to be doubtful tl tlicir right to nitcrlere in .Nagle s case as he claims that Nagle cannot claim to Ik- an olheer ol the circuit court, as Judge Field can. If he refuses to recognize fed eral right to interfere Nagle will lie promptly returned to Mocktou jail and will Ik- tried there. The sentiment here in regard to his action is still divided, but in the country, judging from editorial opinions, three-fourths of the iieople lic licvc he showed great eagerness to kill Terry. There is no way of proving or disproving Porter Ashe's statement that ludge Ilcydcnlcldl, of San Francisco, re ceived a Idler from Field offering his siq porl to Terry if Terry would agree to support him lor the presidency. Field denounces Ashe's statement as a malig nant lie, but llcydenfeldt refused to say a word. Mrs. Terry reached here last night and is exectcd to be present in court lo-day when the trial of Nagle comes up. The State supreme court yesterday denied a rehearing in the Sharon-terry case. Turin" Reform In MlMHouri. Kansas City, Mo., August 22. A so cial to the journal from Plattslmrg, Mo., says that the tariff reform picnic held there yesterday was a great success, and fullv 2,000 iersons were in attendance. During the siiccch-inaking the canvas covered amphitheatre was filled to suffo cation. hx-Prcsidcnt Cleveland's tariff reform sentiments, as expressed in a let ter of regret, were enthusiastically re ceived. The Sienkers were senatorCock rcll, congressmen Dockcry, Wilson, Man sur and cungressman-clect Tarnsney. Renaud Convicted and Fined. Pi rvis, Miss., August 22. Bud Kennud was to-day found guilty of participating in tlie prize tight, and hncd $.i00. THE GREAT CONGRESS THAT Wll.l. MEET AT WAS1I- INUTOKi IIS OCTOBER. 1'reparalloiiH IIl-luic Perfected to clve the Central and Nouili AnierlcaiiM a Rlir Time While They are In ThlH Country. Washington, August 22. The Inter national American Congress will meet at ashnigton tit noon upon the 2nd day of Octolier next, and will l)e attended bv from fifty to sixty delegates im biding some of the most distinguished men of Central and South America. It is not ex K'cted that Congress will do more than jicrlect its organization at the first sit ting, and it is probable thai a reception will lie tendered the delegates bv the residents that evening, t'pon thefollow- mg morning the party will start upon an excursion tendered the foreign dele gates by the government of the 1'nitcil States. This seems a most opportune time as the grand coiielaveofthe Knights lemplur is to be held at Washington during the lollowing week and all the hotel accomodations were engaged months ago. Arranguieuts arc being made with the Pennsylvania railway company to take charge of the excursion, which will be under the direction ol Mr. Geo. W. Boyd, assistant general passenger agent, and Win. Iv. Curtis, representative of the State department. A special train of Pullman cars of the most improved pat tern similar to those used upon the New York and Chicago limited, with dining cars, bath rooms, barber shops and other novel conveniences, will be pro vided, and such a tram as tins will hecnu not lie seen anywhere else in the world. The party will leave Washington at ten o'clock on the morning ol'Tliursday, October .'I, anil take the Fall River boat at New York that evening. The next ten days will be spent visiting the coni- iner.ial and manufacturing centres of New lvtiglaud and northern New York. )n Mondav the lournev will be resumed ai d continued ,u Chicago with slops at Buf- lalo, Cleveland, Detroit and other cities. It is proposed to visit Harvard I'liivcr- sity, Yale College, Michigan I'liiycrsity and several benevolent and reformatory institutions en route. Sunday, October 20, and two following days will be spent it Chicago, alter winch the larger cities of the Northwest will be visited. From Minneapolis the special train will run rlown via Sioux Cily and Omaha to port Leavenworth and return to St. Louis via Kansas City. The capitals of Illinois and Indiana, and the natural gas region will be visited on the route to Cin cinnati, where, on November oth, the delegates from Central and South Amer ica will have an opportunity to see how elections tire conducted in the I'liiled States. From Cincinnati the party will be taken to the Mammoth Cave in Ken tucky, and then cit her go through the Southern States or journey eastward, slopping at Pittsburg and other cities. I roni tlamsbiirg the tram will run tp Menlo Park where the party will insiect the laboratories of Mr. Ivdisou and re turn to Philadelphia. Here three days will he spent, and Wilmington and the ship-yards at Chester will be visited on the wav to Washington, where the party wi.i arrive on .November 1 -nil. The original plan was to lake the party through the Southern states from Cincin nati to New Orleans via Nashville, Mem phis and Vieksburg. and lo return to Washington bv wav ol Birmingham, At lanta, Charleston and Richmond, and il may yet be decided to do so, hut in order that more time may be devoted to the South it has been suggested by leading Southern men thatthe excursion through that section be deferred until later in the season when the winter hotels will be open and the famous resorts can be seen al their best. This, it is agreed, will be lo the advantage ol both the foreign guests 'and the places to be visited. If the trip should be made upon the rclurti Ironi the West as originally planned the party would be fatigued and satiated with sightseeing, whereas, if it is post poned for a eoupk ofmonths they will be fresh and in better condition to enjoy it. The acting secrclarv of the navv has ordered the Brooklyn, now at New York, to be towed to Norfolk. At that place she will be thoroughly repaired and sup plied with new boilers, shafts, proiicllcr and surface condenser in place of the autiuualed machinery now aboard. The repairs will occupy al least six months and will add considerably to the work al the Norfolk navy yard. The Secretary ol the Treasury to-day accepted the following bonds: " ji!Hl,S,riil lour per cents at 1 .28; $621,000 four and a half per cents, at 1.06's. KI N OVER BV A TRAIN. The I.iisl Nleep of a Man Who Wanted to Beat a Ride, Charlotte, N. C. August. 21. D. M. Howard, a citizen of Concord, died from a very remarkable accident to-day. In company with a young mail by the name of Keziall Howard he came lo Charlotte. When the time came for him and his friend to return home, they found their purses minus the necessary amounts, so they concluded to pick their chances and "lieat" back on the first train. The two walked out to the edge of lown. There two railroads cross each other, and knowing thai all trains were required to slop before cross ing, they concluded here would be their place to get on. At this point a long line of cars were standing on a side track. Howard and Kcziah crawled inidera ear to await the coining of the train. Soon they lRgan to grow sleepy, and Howard, in order to make sure of being aroused when the train came along, placed him self on the main track, saying if he did fall asleep the glare from the headlightof an approaching train would wake him. The two men slept, and when the train came along the engineer's attention was attracted by the groans of a mail under his engine. Howard was extracted from iKiieath the crushing engine, terribly mangled. Kcziah lieiug aroused came out from under the ears and told the story as related. The mutilated man was carried to Concord and good medical attention summoned, but be died from his injuries this evening. Howard was a nicnilicr of the Concord military company and will lie buried with the honors of that com pany to-morrow. BaHeball Yesterday. At Kansas City Kansas City S, Ath letic M. At New York New York H, Philadel phia 4. At Louisville Louisville 1, Colum bus 6. At Indianapolis First game, drawn by mutual consent Indianapolis 1, Cleveland 1. Second game Indianapo lis 3, Cleveland 1. At New York New York 8, Philadel phia -t. SECRETARY WII.SON TalkH About the Crop Outlook In North Carol! ua. Maj. Peter M. Wilson, secretary of the State agricultural society, litis just re turned to Raleigh from an extensive tour of the State. He was interviewed by the Raleigh correspondent of the Richmond Dispatch concerning the general crop outlook and among other things said that it was his opinion the crops are lietler than is stated, and that the pros jK'cls are now daily brightening. Tobac co is curing remarkably well, and ood prices tin- the new crop arc readily real ized, liven primings have cured so well they brought $21 jier hundred. 1'he cotton crop dcjieuds upon an tqicn fall. Mr. Wilson says that while the loss of crops in bottom lands is very heavy it falls, as a rule, upon eople who arc financially able to stand it. Upland crops, particularly corn, fire the best in years, ,'iud this proves of the greatest possible advantage to Ihc poorer class of coplc, who usually own these lauds. Mr. Wilson says that he finds the inter est in the Slate Fair greater than ever before. He has made admirable arrange ments whereby exhibitors at county fairs can all have an opportunity tocom pctc for the premiums at the Slate Fair. UOl'NI) KKiOH HOTEL. Now the Dinner Hlatlou on tlie WeMtern Road. Tin; Citizen learns that the authori ties of the Western North Carolina rail road have designated the Round Knob hotel as the dinner station where pas sengers on the trainsleaving here at 1,32 p. in., daily are expected to take meals in future. Sure il is that no more delightful place could have been decided upon, and the hotel under the management of Mr. J. Bulow Ivrwin will enjoy a deserved in crease of patronage by reason of the present arrangement. His hostelry is now one of the best in point of nuinage incut and equipment in the mountains of Wester North Carolina, and its roman tic situation renders it all the more de sirable as a summer and autumn resort. A large crowd of tourists arc now stop ping at Round Knob and seemed much pleased with the place. Hot and cold water baths have recently been added to the hotel building, besides many other improvements of a decidedly advanta geous character. CONVICTED OK 111'KUI.ARV. Henry winford. Colored, Found Oullty at HallHbury. His Honor Judge James H. Mcrrimon, of this city, is holding Rowan superior court at Salisbury this week. Promin ent among the causes tried at this term is the case of the State vs. Henry Win ford, colored, charged with larceny. A special to the Charlotte Chronicle savs: Yesterday was set for the trial of llenrv Winford, colored, charged with burglary, and a special venire was or dered. In the morning the jury was hosen and the trial begun. Solicitor Long and Mr. Then. F. Kluttz repre sented the State, and the defendant was represented by Hon. W. M. Robbins, ot Statesvillt, aiul Mr. R. Lee Wright, of this place. Only four witnesses were in troduced, three lor the State and one for the defendant, and the ease was soon lisposed of. The jury titter about tin hour's deliberation, brought in a verdict ofguilty. Sentence has not yet lieen passed, but the sentence is death, and nothing but the interposition of Governor I-owlecan now save Winford s neck. The Tabernacle Meeting;. Associate Justice Mcrrimon delivered an address before the Y'oung Men's Chris tian Association at the Tabernacle near Connelly Springs, yesterday. To-morrow General R. B. Vance will deliver his ad dress on the liquor traffic, and on Sunday will speak in the interest of Sahhath school work in North Carolina. Satur day and Sunday w ill be the most inter esting days of the entire scries of meet ings al the Tabernacle, so secretary Bran son writes Tin; Citizen. Meutcuced for l.lle. l.oMiox, August 22. Il is officially an nounced that Mrs. Maybriek's sentence has been conimuled lo penal servitude for lite. The decision was based upon the eon llicl of medical testimony ; us to whether the poison found ill the deceased's slomach was sufficient to produce death. After a prolonged consultation iK'tween eminent lawyers and Mr. Matthews, the Home Secretary, the unanimous opinion was arrived at that Mrs. Maybrick had administered poison lo her husband with intent lo kill. No further npK'al, either tor a release from the prisoner or tor a mitigation of the sentence to lite im prisonment, will lie entertained. Will Hwlnit Oft" To-Day. New York, August 23. The quartette ot murderers now confined in the Tombs awaiting execution to-morrow will take a farewell leave ol their friends this after noon. Sisters of Mercy will remain with them all day and two priests will give them religious consolation during the night, and at 5 o'clock to-morrow morn ing Mass will Ik celebrated in the cha))el of the female prison. They will all die in the Catholic faith. The .Mass will con sume one hour, and after it is over the men will return to their cage for break ttist, and three-quarters of an hour Ititer tnc execution win taxe place. Ranker Kenyon'H Jump. A tpecinl to the Durham Globe from Newton, N. C, says that II. R. Kenyon, a wealthy voung banker from Rochester, N. Y., while in a fit walked out of an up- ier stoiy window, receiving injuries trom which he died in two hours. Kenyon came there several months ago and oK-ncd a bank. He was taken with an attack of typhoid fever last week and had been delirious. During the absence of the nurse from the room lie got upand walked out of the window. He was twenty vears old and unmarried. The remains were sent to Rochester last night. MOXTRAVILLE PATTON. THE DEATH OF A GREAT AND UOOD MAN YESTERDAY. Honored and Respected by Peo ple of All Clauses and Political Creeds, HIh Life wan One of I'll usual I'HefulneHM to All, Etc. It is with profound sorrow that The Citizen this morning announces the death of Montravillc Patton, Fsq., late clerk of the Inferior court of Buncombe, and a lite-long resident of this county. Mr. Patton 's demise occurred at his resi dence on South Main street, this city, at 12 in., yesterday, and when the sad an nouncement was made public many and sincere were the expressions of grief heard from those who have for so many years past known and highly esteemed the de ceased gentleman. Mr. Patton was eighty-three years of age at the time of his death, and during his life-lime had lieen honored by the ko ple with many positions of confidence and trust, all of which he filled with the strictest fidelity, honor and acceptability. He was one of the pioneers of Asheville, was closely identified with every move ment that promised to advance and de velop its interests, and lubored unceasing ly to bring it and its eople into that prominence while it has attained. Possessed of a truly philanthropic and benevolent nature the poor or unfortunate never appealed to Montravillc Patton in vain. He always heard their cries and cheerfully relieved their distress. A friend indeed was this good man to these peo ple, and great is their loss in his death. In 1836 Mr. Patton was elected to the lower house otthe General Assembly from Buncombe, and so well and faithlully tlid he discharge the trusts confided to him, that the county returned him at the next general election. Mr. Patton served several sessions alter his second election, and in 181 was appointed postmaster at Asheville by President Tyler. He filled this office most acceptably for the suc ceeding four years, and in 184-6 was elec ted to the Slate Senate of North Caroli na. He also served several sessions in the lower house at the expiration of his senatorial career. He was an able and wise legislator and commanded the re spect and confidence oft he eiple of both political parties. During the period since the war Mr. Patton has been prominent among his people, and in 1883 was elected clerk of the Inferior court of Buncombe, which position he held up to June 1, of the pres ent year, when the Inferior court was abolished in order that a criminal court, already provided for by the Legislature, might go into operation and effect. Mr. Patton was a great and good man, and verily. Buneomlie has suffered an irreparable loss in his death. He went down to his grave with the love and confidence of his cople as he had lived with their universal respect and esteem. The funeral services over his remains will take place fit the residence on South Main street at ten o'clock this morning, and will lie conducted by Rev. W. S. P, Bryan, of the First Presbyterian church. The interment will follow at the Newton Academy cemetery. Friends and rela tives arc rcsicctfuHy invited to attend the services. FOLKS YOU KNOW. Who They Aret Where The v Are, and What They Are Doluit. Mr. W. B. Ferguson, of Wayncsvillc, is in the city. Mr. L. A. Webb has returned from a trip to the eastern part of the State. Cashier J no. Hutchinson, of the First National Bank of Wilson, N. C, is in the city. Mrs. Iv. II. Wright left for Shelby yes terday afternoon on a visit to relatives and friends. Mr. F. A. Grace, drum major of the Fourth Regiment Band, was up from Hickory yesterday. Vice-president L. P. McLoud of the Western Carolina Bank has returned from his vacation trip north. Rev. C. M. Payne and wife, of Concord, and cx-shcriff I). A. Grantham, of Golds boro, are at the Grand Central. W. H. Rowland, Fsq., treasurer of Durham county, passed through the city yesterday en route to Hot Springs. Ivx-Governor Thos. J. Jarvis and wife arc here and will remain a week or ten days. They are stopping at Battery Park. Rev. N. Colin Hughes, of Washington, N. C, was here yesterday. Mr. Hughes is a prominent Episcopal divine of east ern North Carolina, and is at Coopers with his lamily, for the season. Mr. John I). Battle, of Tarboro, engi neer of the Shell Fish Commission of the State, wdio has lieen visiting his brother Dr. S. Wcstray Battle, in this city, leaves lo-day for the eastern part of the State. Col. B. A. Strange, of Georgetown, Texas, who formerly belonged to the 3ith (Coleman's! North Carolina Regi ment, C. S. A., and who alsocommanded an instruction camp here duringthe war, leaves for his home to-day after a visit of several weeks to his friend Col. A. T. Davidson, in this city. Chanilni Base. Messrs. Herring & Weaver, the South Main street shoe dealers, remove their stock of goods into the new Spear's building on Patton avenue, during the next few days, and Mr. S. Lipinsky will occupy the store vacated by Herring & Weaver in future. At the place where Mr. Lipinsky goes from Mr. A. Whitlock will at once open a large clothing and gents' furnishing goods emporium. V L

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