TUB DAILY CITIZKN. The Citizkn f the most extensively eireu tuted and widely read newspaper in Western North Carolina. Its di'-enssion of public men nnrl measures is in .K interest of puhlii integrity, honest government, and prusiR-rous industry, and it knows pu personal ulleKianeein treating pub lie issues. The Citizkn publishes the dispfttehes of the Assoeialed Press, wliieh now eovers the whole world in its seojie. It has other facili ties of tidvaneed journalism for Katherin; news from all quarters, with everythinneare tullv edited to oeeupy the smallest spaee. s'peeimen eopies of any edition will be sent ee .o nnv one sending tb.-tr address. 1'KKMS l'iiilv. S'i lor one year; $.1 for six months ; r eeuts tor one month ; If. eetustor o.ie week. Carriers wdl deliver the paper in everv part of the city to subseribers, and par ties wauling it w ill please eall at the Citukn .ticc. AnVKKTlsiNO R atks Reasonable, and made known on application at this olliee. All transient advertisements must be paid in ad vanee. CeadinK nntiees tell eents h-r line. Obitu arv, marriage anil soeietv tiotiees lifly cents eaih mot exeeediliK tell liuesl or lifly eetlts per ineh. Sl'XIUY. Al'C.I ST -."), ISS'J. CAN IT HHlMi T1IH SM1I.I TlOJi." Tlic I'.reeiivilk- News iiml l lie South Carolina papers ucncraMy indorse with prompt eagerness tlicsui;,i;csuonsol Sena tor Hampton liirtlii' solution ol'tlic ni'jjro problem. That solution is the removal uf the ne.tro I'mni the Smilli to a terri tory of hisowa. Senator llampton lavors tlic purchase oI L'ulia tor the use id' the colored people as a home ami country ol their own, ami expresses a willingness to vote an appropriation of til'ty million ilollars lor the purchase ol'tlic islaml. Iiillieulties iiisiinnoiiiilalile. ami results the commercial world ilare not contem plate meet such siiLiUcsiion on the vert threshold. Cuba is the cherished posses sioii of Spain, the- I'.em ol the Antilles, almost the last valuable relie ol her onee impel inl domain remaii hiv Irom her im liiense diseovei ies, conquests anil domi nations in insular ami coiiliaenlal Amer ica, I'riile as well as interest combine to enforce a tenac'ons hold on Cuba; ami though it is mi-cral'ly governed, ami its affairs ilreailiuliy mismanaged to the ex tent ol producing chronic discontent and disloval'y ainoni; the islanders, Spain will not reliinpiish licr ".nisp lor money. If she did, liuy millions of dollars would not be accepted as compensation. Suppose, however, that purchase be el'i'ected and Cuba become a ncyro colon and the process at dcpoilalion under taken. That must be a voluntary or in voluntary acton the part ol the Southern negroes, is there any reasonable expec tation that the first will be followed by anv general movement? We have seen the resul s ol such voluntary movemcui to Liberia. l:or nearly threc-ipiai lers ot a ceiiiury that black K'ysiuin has been paiifcd to the eye ol I lie slave and tin heediuaii in colors certainly not less lr,'i';lH and ti tuliti'' J'an will invest thcCu lian paradise, ui- h a i;overumeut 01 their own, absolute c:. elusion of the while man o'om all participation in public af fairs, denial of' he sinii-aye. m. capacity to hold real property; bin. to (he ncj.ro emi grant, the coiiiplc'c rcvci.-nl of old con ditions, Lhe ncro in the saddle, the bot tom rail or lop. If any prospect could fascinate the nc;o-o imagination, i! any temptations could win him to exile, ii was that which spread before him a lie'd ol'lrecdoui on his ancesiral soil with ail the prestige of a stipe riority in'cllcclna'Iy ami morally to acijiiire inllucucc and do minion uvir tins barbarous brethren around hint. With a'l the aid ol' the gen eral uovernmeul, with all lhe Zealand liberality of phil.inihn py, I.ibena lan guishes a feeble dependent colony. Kmi Lirntiou from the I'niled Stales to that happvland is representeil by hardly more than one ship a year. Somciiincs a fac titious excitement is uolteu up, and a c-aze like that which tilled the barque Azor with South Carolina emigrants is in tlamcd, toend in ilisaster and disnppoint mcnl, and the return of the tnisera blc de luded creatures to their old homes under circumstances that touch the hearts ol the most callous. Iespi'c lhe discontent id lhe ncio'o leaders who comcivc lhat expat , iatioti and complete scpa ration Irom the whites is the pauae 'a for all then- 'roubles, and instigate ' he periodical exoduses which temporarily dis' ir- b indusLi'jal ami bus iness reunions, me net;-o is a romc lov ing bcin'. a'.Latlied to his accusloined plaws with lel'ue tenacity. The masses ui' them wilb lint; to I heir old p'aces. Then, if forcible removal is determined upon comes the renew al o! the scenes enacted wdicn the Cuerokecs ami other ind'an tribes we-c laken beyond .he M issisS'pp', thrill, birT iiLi ' 1 the woods and moun tains, fights. capitis and conlineinent tm dermiliiai ttrard in stock." des, and t hen marched oil uiiwibiuir and rcsist'nt,r cnii giants to a la-nl of fivcdoin. Tlrs, and on a vas Iv hr-cr. more expeushe and more p;' 'able scale, must be repealed to secure the removal ol ihc negroes to Culm. What a pic-lire ofni'sery, terror and eou.usion docs it not foreshadow! Supposing, however, that a'l is accom plished precedent to the deportation, and the emirap1 s are on the coast waiting for embarkation. It 'sassumed that there are between six mi'lionsand seven millions of negroes in the South who, under the principle laid down, must lie removed. Let us see how much shipping would lie required to remove them. Take the lesser number of six million. Kach vessel niij;hl. lor the short voyage, be e..ieeted to take one thousand souls. Six thous and vessels would thus lie needed, more than all owned in the sea service of the t'nited States. Then as to the cost; that will not lie kss than $10 per head. wh;eh for that item alone will be $(, 0110,(1011, more than allowed lor the pur chase of Cub.". To this must lie added the cost of collecting and coneenlratiiiH the emigrants at the ports ol embarka tion, .winch would lie at least $1!0 jmt head. Then thc.-c is the cost of subsist ence, which, for so large a multitude, de fies computation. Then humanity would forbid that thev should lie turned adiift upou the is'and without provision which must be supplied while they provide homesand preparecrops. Who is to pay for all this? Certainly not the South, from inability ; eertaiu'y not from the North, from disinclination; for the Kepubliean party will hardly agree to sttip itself of its material power in the South ; nor will setimentulitv agree to render void its pur pose to demonstrate how certainly and how rapidly the negro, out of his inherent good qualities, can lie dcveliicd into full equality with the whites; nor could con sistency in duty to the negro permit the purpose to thrust him back in his U ward progress and consign him to the certain fate of llayti and Jamaica, to w hich he would speedily lie reduced by lhe similar conditions ol soil and climate. And just here the voice of commercial in terest will interpose a veto. Cuba is the largest sugar producing spot in the world. The Tinted States is the largest consumer of her sugar. Ilayli and Ja maica, once vast sugar plantations, have ceased long since to have any appreciable weight in the consumption of the world. The Haytian negro lives on fighting, the lamaica negro on oranges and bananas that nature kindly grows for him, and tSii ready sale for them with only the trouble of gathering and placing them aboard ship. Cuba would so on fall into this indolent line, and all trade, except what is carried on in a lew fruit schooners and steamers, would vanish from the ocean. The remedy for admitted troubles is not in emigration. It must be found at home. Knee antagonisms will exist to certain extent. Hul there is niulual kind liness and good understanding between the whites and the negroes of the South, which, except in unavoidable individual case's, prevent resort to violence on cither side. They can live side bv side harmo niously and amicable if not disturbed Irom without. It' the Northern people understood Ihc negro as he isunders'ood at the South, till trouble would cease. Hut they persist in thinking they know him belter, they persist in bebeviug him more capable than he is, they persist in believing him in falseand unjust position ; and with Northern ius.inct to amend, remodel and improve everything, tinker away at what they know nothing about, until some day the machine will explode and overwhelm everything in ruin; and it really seems lhat sonic of ihcin would be glad lo bring this about. Till-: KMIXYII.I.Iv SOKROW, Yesterday's Know ilie papers brought painful addition to lhe soriowi'ul story of t hc'r city's calamity. Such universal g i ie' has never before, in nines of peace, possessed the community. Ill sponta neous action and common consent all places of business were eh sed at 1 o'clock m Friday, and every thought give up to grid and the cares of humanity ; lo tears for the tlcad, to soliedudc for lhe suffer ing; to discussing the accident and ad ding in in format ion of iis causes. An additional pang ol sorrow- was in dicted by the death ol Col. Isaac Young, vvhoexpi ed during Thursday night. Ik is among lhe four prominent citizens whose lives were saeriliceil, anil one of the most valuable ol tlteni. He was just lii'.y-oue years ol a age, a native Tcnncs sean, a s ihlicr anil otlicer in t he Confed eral c set ice. his last commission being 1 hat ol colonel ol' the 1 1 th'l cnucssee cav alry, lie was a conductor, alter the war, on the I'.. T., Yn. tv C,a. road, tor scccniceu years. At the time ol'his death he was holding lhe position as chairman ol the Hoard of Public Works. The iu Mtrcd appear oi be doing well with some cxcepLioiis. ti is paiui'ul'y piobablc that "mc of ilksc cannot survive. The most critical cases s.em to lie t hose i if C. llock enjos. C. -1 CI I i . Judge lleorge I.. Ma loucv and llagmau W. T. Smith. I Till-: VIHI.IMA Kl l-I lll.K ANK. In the press oi other matter yesterday wc overlooked lhe fact lhat the Ivcpuhli-j cans ol Yirgiuia held their convention for! the nomination ol Covcrnor. Lieulenanl itowrnor am! Attorney (lencral. Con-; trnry to anticipation. Mahoue. while in-j filing the honor of a nomination with! the supposed intention of declining it,! did not put away the crown w hen ac-, lually thrust upon him, and vvasun.ini-: nionsly nominated lor Ciovernor. Fori Lieut. -( '.of crnor was nominated Camp-! bell Sk'tnp. a pro in incut stock raiser of Lee ; county, and a l' inner Member of ihc Leg is- j l.ilurc, : and Capt.W. S. Lurty. of I lar-i isouburg. former I list rie-t Attorney for! the Western Pistncl ol Virginia, under ' (rant's admit, isiintion. was nominated. As all the anii-Mahonc Republicans were studiously excluded from the convention ! by rc'usal to gi ant ihcm tei tilicates as j delegates, the convention was decidedly a one sided affair, and brings in opposi-' lion to its work, both the antis and the I it uu it rats. Com men ting op lhe purpose of the Far mers' AMiaucc K.vchnnge ot' Florida to make Jacksonville the cotton market for that Stale, the Charlotte Chronicle aptly says: "The movement should not, and will not, slop at establishing markets lor the handling of manufactured cotton. The greatest good will not be obtained until there are factories throughout the South lor niaiiulac. uriug all sorts of cotton goods, so that when southern cotton goes out of Southern territory it will Ik tor the use of elassesof consumers. That is w hat the South islookiugforward to." Dr. Parker Prays cream Van-Ola, Rosa line, Ongaline and Diamond nail powder having now liecomc the ladies' favorites, at F. L. Jacob's drug store, these popular manicure articles may always lie lound, together with pocket emery board, or ange wood sticks, nail scissors, files and other such requisites. Also a complete line of drugs and toilet articles, in addi tion to the Ilelie Soda Fountain from which ice cold drinks arc disensed. Cor ner Main street and Patton avenue. Clara What a terrible noise that wagon makes! George Yes, it's dread ful, isn't it? "What makes it groan so, George?" "Why, it is fil'ed with green ipples. ProicrenH. It is very important in this age of vast material progess that a remedy lie pleas ing to the taste and to the eye, easily taken, acceptable to the stomach anil healthy in its nature and effects. Possess ing these ciualities, Sfrui) of Fins is the one perfect laxative and most gentle diu retic Known. Sad was the fate of Mary's lamb We saw the doctor mix her All up into a mutton jam, Called Krown-Sequard'8 elixir. Graded school books bought sold and exchanged at Carsons' book store. Save money by going there. WE ARE BUSY. Think of it ! At this smsou of till' .vt'iir, when cvcrYoiic is foiiipltiinin",' of dull I rude. Wo llil VP II101-P tllilll WO Pilll do. Our store is crowded from niorniiiji'till nijiht with customers iii;ikiii"; purchases. There.-1 son OUR PRICES EXPLAIN ALL ! Our buyer is now in the Northern nmrkets, selecting one of Hie finest stocks of Dry Goods and Shoes ever hrouuht to this market. And to niiike room for Full Arrivals, we arc offering some S1MTIAL liAKdAlNS in the following i'oods: An elegant pair of Lace Cur tains for SOe.; formerly sold for 1.10. PAIIASOLS We have a few plain Black Silk, and fancy colors, which we are closiii"; out at cost. A lew hundred Remnants of )ry Coods left, whichare o'oipo, at half their value. We are i'ivin",' some special inducements in Ladies' Fine IJrcssGoods, Trimuiiiio,s. Sa tines, (iin hanis. 1 losiery. etc We especially iuvitethe La dies to call and examine our uneiiialed line, whether they want to buy or not. as it isa pleasure for us lo show our j i'( x )ds. Von will never know how cheap you can buy until you t rade once with us. Respect fully. BOSTM' BROS. eV WRKillT. HOOKS AM) STATIONARY, ARTISTS' I ATUtlAl.S, i-:nt.im;i;k's' sitci.iics, I'lCTI KIlS AMI l-'HAM lis, FANc V l a II II S. iii..t:sii hooks, i:Yi:uv;itAii:, In il.l.s, TcivS AMI I'.AMIiS. wi;sti;rn m. c. sci-: is i-:. in i in phi Tiir.K'AI'lllt.' I'.mn i t:n, AT ESTAKUOOK'S, 22 S. Main Street. ARTHUR 31. FIELD, LEADING JEWELER, MECHANICIAN, GRADUATE OPTICIAN. ALL. GOLD Warruiited tu assuy us represented. All Sterling Silver C.mtranUTil UOO-looofiiic. THE GREATEST ATTRACTION Is that fine lut uf ENGLISH HKIIH.KS and TDRBIi-HOKN CHAMOIS SEAT SADlll.l-S at J. M. ALEXANDER'S And the low prices at which he is HcllitiK all goods in his line. He has increased his force and intends to meet the demand. SATISFACTION GUAR ANTEHh. TLANTIC COAST L1NB On and aft it this date the following sched ules will le nin over its "Columbia Division." No. S3 leaves Columbia 5.20 p. m. Arrives at Charleston 9.3U p, m. No. C 2 I -eaves Charleston 7.10 a. m. Arrives at Columbia 11.55 a. m. Connecting with trains to and from all points on the Charlotte, Columbia & Au gunta and Columbia & Greenville Kailruads. Doily. T. M. EMERSON, Gen. Pau. Act. J. P. DBVINB, Gen. Supt. THE RACKET COLUMN. We arc prcparm",- to fo to New York to select our Fall ami Winter (ioods and we want a lot of Money. Our offers of Karelins have pan ned out very well. We have sold lots of jjoods, lnil we had lots of them, and we have quite a lot yet which you can buy at your own price. We think we put away for lln' iit:t sr;isoii fewer fi-oods than any merchant in Asheville. Yr don't wtilit to put ;i;iy '"'.' WiUlt to sell them, and we want to sell iheni badly. We are i'oin- to buy a biff stock and we want the room to place them in. hut iiiorrtlitin thnt. uc ;int tht't;isfinmy them with. This lias been the se cret of our low prices. We represent a man who has an ocean of money. He buys thousands where other peo ple buy ilo.i'iis. lie expects us to sell ji'oods quick, at a small profit, and to send or carry him the money. So far we ha ve not disappointed him. ( )ur sale of Dress (loods at cost cont inues. and will until all are sold. We have six Ice Cream Freezers, two each of 2, 'A andlqiiart sizes. We shall buy no more this season. You can get either of these Freezers lower than they have ever been offered before. You will want one next summer if not now. A few Hammocks and ('roquet Setts are yet with us. We shall let t hem go very low. We need the room and want the money they represent to nit into something for Fall and Winter use. A few dozen Fruit Jars (Mason's) on hand. They are going very fast. As soon as it is known that we are out prices will advance murk the inflic tion. We shall have in store by the time you read this t he largest stock of Ribbons, Velveteens, Plushes, and Vel vets ever shown in Asheville. Fall Styles, New (ioods, at 'Racket Prices." Come and see them. Respectfully, GEO.T.JQNES&GO. AlISCELLAXh'Ol'S. ONE YEAR AGO. The linest and best equip ped Drug Store in North Car olina was opened in Asheville byT. C.Smith & Co.-AKei eighteen years of prosperity in the wholesale and retail drug business at Charlotte, thev sold out and moved to Asheville, where they secured the best and handsomest store room in lhe city fitted up in style, with all the latest appliances and conveniences possessed by other modern drug stores. Twelvemonths have passed since this vent ure was made they find the outlook far ahead of their expectations business grow ing larger monthly, having already reached a solid basis. Their success demonstrates what Asheville will do, for those who come here with "the know how." Prescrip tions and general business have poured into this New Drug Store until necessity compels the employment ofa large force of thoroughly competent clerks. This new firm do not want theearth. only a small part of it. They are entering the second year of their business career with new snap, large stock, ample raw cash to make large addi tions, big trade already es tablished, a successful past and a bright future. These facts show what can be done for those who have a well grounded faith in the com mercial importance of out growing city for those who have the nerve toburnall the bridges behind them, and gi ve I ro m r a t tei 1 1 i on t o t hei r business. The people are kindly asked to continue their favors to this prosper ous ami busy drug store, where every article sold is warranted as represented, or purchase money refunded. Address T. C. Smith & Co., Leading Wholesale and Re tail and Prescription Drug gists, Asheville, N. C. J. W. SCHARTXE, MERCHANT TAILOR 42 N. Main St. fehsndl v JoTlCK. Will collect debts for anyone in the city for kt cent. Good facilities t'nr renting am! col Iccting rents on houses. Will sill furniture on weekly tiavnients. .1. . JOHNSON, At Ulatr's rurniturc More, .tT I'ntton Avenue. References given. tniirt 4tiin JAIUICS FRANK, JIHALHH IN FAMILY GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS AKcnt fur Kci-ms Cn-ck Wook-n Mills. Nnrth Main . Ashi-viHc, N. C. frM (HI Iv WM.R. PENNIMAN, I'KOI'KIIil'OK (IF THE ASHEVILLE BRICK WORKS, Asheville, Pi. C. I". O. Box P. marl3r11y j7wrRCHBERTSON, CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER, MOKOANTON. N. C. MANUFACTURES ALL KINDS OF DRESSED LUMBER. INSIIli; IINISH in CJiR'i-n Anne ami till stylo now in une. MuttlilitiKR uf vnrioun kinds. Can cumuetc in privca with any manufact urer in the South. julJrt rtlm JV KENT. Two n-room CottaK on IHiiotntnt-t. One fl-rooin cottnpi- nt Anlu-vilk- Juiu-ti.m. Ofhct-il in llt-ndry lilork, North Court Square. Apply to J. A. TBNNBNT. au21 dlw A NEW ENTERPRISE. The Hand Laundry will open on Monilay, at the foot of Mra. WHons hill, under the manaxement of G, W. HiKKins. All work done neatly by hand. FOR RENT. A lnrjc eleven room Brick House, tojfether with kitchen and servant' house and kom) Imrn, Lot contains iiV acrrs. Sewerajce ami Kood hath rooms. Completely furnish d in every part. Likewise, a Kod I'iano, if needed. Apply to aul'2dtf ' NATT ATKINSON Ht SON. TRINITY COLLEGE. Entrance examinations Sept. 3 and 4. Rec itation and lectures heKin promptly Sept. 5. Send for new catalogue at once to JOHN F. CKOWKLL, President, jun26 &2m Trinity College, N.C. GHAS. D. B I. MEN'S ilJI BOYS' CLOTHING Our Mini is to lill ii loiifi,' felt wnnt in tin city of Aslicvillc, iiml wc will open iibout ScjiIciiiIkt 1, with the most nmi plctc line of Clotliiiif;- for .Men ;uil Hoys ever shown in this section. Our Mr. ('HAS. HLANTO.N lvoos to Northern and Hast en! markets witli the ready cash which insures to the new business . 1 f I'inanciai Success THE YOUTHS', BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S DEPARTMENT Will receive our special attention, and to this we will call the especial attention of .Mothers. Sisters and Aunts. OUR GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS Will b(( rejlet with all the Novelties of the season in the wav of Nreckvcar. OUR HAT DEPARTMENT Will receive due attention, and in it can be found from the conventional IIifh Hat down lo the Soft Knock-about. We have already placed our order for a line of MEN'S FINE SHOES With one ol" the most popular makers. Our mode of business shall be STUllTLY OXK 1'ilICE, and all goods warranted as Our opening will be announced in due time. CHAS. D. BLANTON & CO., One Price Patton Avenue, - AN TON & CO,, OUTFITTERS. represented or money refunded. Clothiers, . Asheville, N CV