THE DAILY CITIZKN. The Citizkn Is the moat extensively circu lated and widely read newspaper in Western North Carolina. Us discussion of public men and measure is in tne interest 01 pumtt. integrity, nonesi government, and iirositcroua mdustrv. and it knows no personal allegiance in trcattuK pub lic issues. The CmziiN publishes the dispatches of the Associated I'rcss, which now covers the whole world in its scoik It has other facili ties of advanced journalism for natberiny news rrom all qunrtiTs, wtth cver tnini'ua iillv etlited to oceunv the stitnlletit space. Specimen copies if any edition will be sent free to anv one sendine their address. TKKMS--lmilv. $C tor one vcur: for six months ; 5t cents for one month ; lf cents for one week. Carriers will deliver the paper in everv nart ol the citv to sultsenbers. ami pai ties wuntinK it will please eall at the Citizkn 't hce. Advertising Ratks Reasonable, and mad known on application at this otlice. AM transient advertiseuieuts must be paid in at! v it nee. Keadiuc notices ten cents jKT line. Obuu nry, maiTiajic and society notices tilty cents each i not exceeding ten lines) or tilty cents per inch. FRIDAY. Air.l'ST Ito, THK FAl.I. i;u:cTixi4. Iti an ably written ediun ial cuturrnin the fall elections occurriiii! in the I'liiled States this year, the able ami tar-sccin Haiti...".? Sun tints discourses: "The elections this fall, while not a important as some previous ones, prcs cut, nevertheless, some points ol consul era hie interest. A oucstion to le an swered is whetlier the tact thai the ad ministration is Republican alVeet tlu solidity of the Democratic party in ccr tain Southern States. Another ipustioi is as to the extent of the losses the Ke nulilicaii nartv mav be expected to sutler m certain Northern States by reason o the reaction against the protective policy and the Itirlhercircunistanccs that this is an 4lulf" vear. It cm hanllv lie assume that the season hup. lnijtiii auspiciiul for the party represented by the present administration, Kentucky, which vu expected to show I 'camera tie 1 sscs. h.iv exhibited lare jjaiiis instead. Mi eheer will be prndiiced if. as seems likely the ( letober elections in .-1 1 1 i i i t 1 1 . the two Dakotas and Montana place thest new States in the Republican told. Tlu two I'akotas are certainly Rcptdtlicau It Washington the Democrats had per Imps at one time a tiLthunn' chance, but l hey have lost it, and t lie Male is con ceded even by Impend Democrats. Mui tana is still in doubt, but the resource? at Mr. (Juay'sdisposal are thought to U adeiiuale to decide its tale. In anv event a majority of the new States will he. their career of statehood Republican tact upon which the managers of thai party have very uood reason to con jjratulale themselves, in view o the narrowness ot their major it v just now in the IIousv and Senate. As the new States an likely to continue for years the atlitmli assumed at the lirsi election, the ad vantages gained in i 'ctober promise t be valuable. The siibsefpieut contests u Maryland. .Massachusetts, .Mississippi Iowa. New York, New lersev, I'enusvl vania, )hio and Virginia, preseul in eacl case some feature ot special interest Nearly all in the list arc expected to re peat their teccnl political history. Ni one anticipates a change, for example, ii Mississippi or Massachusetts, but smut ot the i it hers notably New orU a in Ohio are enough in doubt lo create ex eitement. In the Kuipirc State the object ot duel concern is the Legislature, t hi Republican majority at Albanyisat prcs cut forty, but 'nivernor Hill, who is otu of the shrewdest politicians of our time thinks he can replace it with a Demo- era tic ma j ori tv. He is at work with that object in view, and if successful will wi-h it is said,, to be chosen to the I'nitei States Senate to succeed Senator Kvaris Messrs. D'.pcwauil 1'latt are his Republi can competitors, with the chances ii ease Legislature continues Republican on joint ballot 111 lavor ot I'lall. 1 Ik struurle between the two ureal pariicp m New York tor mastery at Albany wili he spiced, probably, by a I 'rohibitiou de fection from both, but without such a feature it will be iutenselv interestini;. Two such political acrobats as Hill and Dcpcw have rarelv been pitted against each otlier. In I'ennsylania the Pro hibitionists are expected to make an im pressivc demonstration. I he contest there is over the minor State oilicers, but the I'rohibi'.iouists resent what they cal their "betrayal" bv the Republicans it the recent vole on I 'rohibitiou, and will this tall take Lneir revenue. What it will amount to, it is impossible to sav Probably a reduction 01 the usual Re publican majority will be the only practi cal result. In Ohio i here are tends aim mil the leaders of the dominant party which encourage its opponents to make active canvass of ihe State. Thcli'-ht however, a verv up-hill atlair. The Democrats have a larye majority overcome, and have against them the mlluence ot the administration. A uota ble feature of th. Democratic canvass iinistratniLr tne tendency ot opinion is the strong tarn) rclonn basis on which it is made. Not Umg since that political tnons"osity, the hiLrh-lanlt I )cinicrat. was prominent tn the Democratic part of Ohio, and was found in considerable numbers in Congress. His voice was loud, and his effort to reverse the tra ditional policy ot his parly was con spicuous. Hut in I lliio. as in many other States, the Democrats that advocate the continuance ot an oppressive war taritl are disappearing, and are bein; replaced in public lite by advanced reformers. Virginia will naturally attract more at tention this fall than any other State. There the contest is regarded bv mauv not merely as a combat between the local parties, but a test of the practicability ot the President's Southern policy. Will the supposed protectionist Democrats of Virginia be induced bv the substantial favors of the administration to change their party connections and vote tor Mahone? Is the economic issue of more importance, in the opinion ot the a vera ye protectionist Democrat ol Virginia, than the retention of the eountv and Slate ad ministrations in the hands of the edu cated classes, that is to say, of the whites? Mahoneism in its newest phase means the plaeiiio; of power in local as well as State atlairs to an increased ex text in the hands of the colored jK'ople Formerly there was a considerable mini ler of influential white Republicans who noted with Mahone, sharing with him the control ol the party and holding the offices in its urilt, but these have now been driven out. They no longer temer Willi tneir presence the tendency to seala waism.of which Virginians Ljcnci ally are in Krent dread. The revolt against ! tlK- tieket nominated at Norfolk is therefore extending, and politiculseersofexieri nee are positive that Virginia will not this i i... ti i i- uiiijoiu tiiccoiuniu ui ncpuoucaii Mates. It Makes A Ureal Difference. The nomination of three ex-Confederates nt the Norfolk convention has not excited the cry of rae from Maine to California that one miht have expected. General Mahone, the candidate for Gov ernor, was a leading spirit in the terrible slaughter that followed the futile explo sion of the "crater" at Petersburg during the siege of that place. Hut for him the result of the explosion might have been an curlier triumph of the I'nion cause, instead of the destruction of a great number of colored soldiers. Vet there is -no cry against him from Senator Chand ler, of New Hampshire, nor from Senator Sherman, of Ohio. Ingalls, too, is silent. Exceptional activity in behalf of the Confederate cause is not, therefore, it appear, a matter for denunciation in cases where the ex-Con federate is now acting with the party of high tariffs. M)UTi:H T4N.M-U. The Springfield (Mass.) Republican in an editorial commenting upon Corporal Tanner's idiotie seecli at Chautauqua Sunday, does not take the pains toelothe its contempt for that personage in tine words or to beat about the bush in charging the administration with having appointed to a high otlice a man whose lack of ordinary common sense is shame fully apparent, ami whose re.-ent utter ances have been and will ever be re garded by decent Republicans with a de gree of disgust that is painful to ob serve. The Republican goes on: Pension Commissioner Tanner's ramb hutr sneeeh at Chautauqua on Sunday onlv serves to strengthen the impression that the man is scandalously out ot '-cr in his present office, and ought v-r . have been appointed to the re Miousihilit v. lie views the soldier alto gether as a hireling, estimating the value of bis serviers. sufferings and wounds in dollars am! cents ; and the nation's debt to the veieranscau be fully paid in standard dollars, according to Ins notion, "Ut -ot forty-three eculs a day," he ex claimed, "to stand up ami be shot at,' and he charges tht newspaiiers with con deinuing him and the veterans as thicvis and burglars because thev are now seek ing their iust dues. This is characteristic il'llic-man who has employed bis titnea i high department official in placing hi ianiily in office, relating the pensions ol and granting arrears to the salaried members of the pension bureau, expedit ing the cases o a few favored claimants and pouring money into the pockets ot the rich Senator Alaiiilcrsou. Itut Tanner as a tinancicris too cotni ieal. "l-er lax-paver." he savs. "ought ;o be in !avor ot pensions because the money is diirdiuted in every city, villagt un! hamlei." Then he expresses "thanks :n (tod" thai he mav be able, "without -;cit ntilic 'Knowledge, to transmute some if the hidden co:u of the republic hit itod's golden sunshine and semi it stream nig into the homes of the sutleriiig" Mich, for example, as that of Sctiatoi Maudersoii. His idea is to keep money moving, ami he thinks cveiy lax-payer ouuhL to gne dtiwu wilhngK . ptsl to see iiis money move. We qm-tiiu whether, incc the "foundation of the govt ruincul, a high official ol Stan-ever before mailt s ludicrous an exhibition ot Ins lack ot -irdinary common scum-. He will prove a niuht mare to t he ailtninilt a t ion hctorc he uets bat k Iroin Milwaukee. Why did l hey ever let Tanner go oiV in this way : or rather, why was lie cvei pui in a platv w here he coiild have the opporinnity to exhibit himself? Mahout-' UUli' .Scht uif. Aoriolk irgiuiaii. The abilitv and eunning of Cencral lahonc. are nualiiies w liu li no one will leuy him. 1 1 is supci tor in party tactics it would be ditiicult to lind. and we can not resist the iuipnssiou, whatever may appear on Hie surlaee -i ht campaign. that Ins light will be made to secure the -eat in the Senate from which lie was listed by Major John W . I'antel. The Ideal oi Captain !KKiiiik la must re gard as n.-x, to imposMlilc. The I emo i.tev should, tlicretoiv. he wai v. and not iKinnt the tin: enialorial honor to blind them to the import, nice of the Legislative lections. The ( ieucral will attach little iiiqiortance to lie executive otlice it he .an again d"ii Senatorial robes. its Tlie Itlack niamoitil C analian ? The absurd international question raised by the seizure ol the seal-steamer IHaek I'latuond ihrealens to become a roaring larce. U is iutiniated aL the State I k par Linen t at Washington that the lUaek liainoud is. alter all, an Amer ican and not a Canadian vessel, being owned chietly or entirely by citizens ot me I'niied Males. We are considered lortunate in the tacl that the ves-cl lint. a was (tared, owned bv our consul at icioria. The joke of the situation at preseul is on i he Canadians, who have grown red in the lace with crying out o cr l lie outrage ot seizing one o iheir vessels in lite open sea seventy miles iroin laud. Congressman I'lood of the ICluiira dis trict is only one of mauv prominent Re publican: who think it grosslv improper that Commissioner Tanner should "slosh around theeouutrv oftci mg gratuitous and loaiensh insults to members ot Con ress, anil .Mr. l lood has companions among Kcpuhlicau L ougi essmeii m the resolve "r.ot to rest easy until Tanner is scalped." '1 he Corporal enjoys all this luigelv. lie ha- never bclorc been the center of so gicat a commotion, and fir and furv are his delights. On the action of the National Iviicami incut at Milwaukee will m a great degree depend liie future of the (rand Armv Capture by partisans is always fatal to patriotic organizations based oil iheidea of ignoring partv dihVrcuees. As an ad junct to the Tanner machine the mag nificent association would soon go into decline. i M" course there isn't such a thing as Ibn glarv Trust, but it does seem that "ihe enterprising burglar is a-burgling these nights with unwonted activity The burglar would scorn, on altruistic grounds, to stand in and whack up with a 1 rust. The yeast of deviltry is in the Itritisl ilrcad Trust especiallv when mauv thou sand London dock men and laborers are eating the husks of hunger and picking the crumbs of despair. One-half the world doesn't stop to think how cruel it is to the other halt. The inability of the ordinary brass uaiid to plav anything hut "Marching l hrough lit-orgia when Mierman is pres ent must make the old hero sorrv everv dav of his life that he ever marched through (ieorgia. Ir. I'arkerl'rays cream Van-Ola, Rosa line, Ongaline and Diamond nail powder having now lecomc the ladies' favorites, at P. L. Jacob's drug store, these popular manicure articles may always Ijc lound together with pocket emery hoard, or ange wood sticks, nail scissors, files and other such requisites. Also a complete line of drugs and toilet articles, in addi tion to the Ilelte Soda Fountain from which ice cold drinks are disjensed. Cor ner Main street and I'ntton avenue. The cat, after making its protest, fre quently rises to give some additional claws to her argument. HroKress, It is very important in this age of vast material progess that a rented v be pleas ing to the taste and to the eye, easily taken, acceptable to the stomach and heal tin in us nature nndctlects. I'ossess- ing these qualities. Syrup of Figs is the me Krtect laxative and most gentle diu retic known. The Jersev mosquito is the only bird which cannot lc classed as a bijed. The largest stock and liest assortment ot underwear in Asheville at V hillock's. There is no use in keeping talent hid. If a road horse has seed he should trot it out. WE ARE BUSY. Think of it ! At this season of the year, when everyone is complaining of dull trade. We have more than we can do. Our store is crowded from morningtill night with customers ma king purchases. The reason OUR PRICES EXPLAIN ALL ! Our buyer is now in the Northern markets, selecting one of the finest stocks of Dry Goods and Shoes ever lii-ought to this market. And to make room for Fall Arrivals, we a re offering some Sl'KClAL UAlUiAINS in the following goods : An elegant pair of Lace Cur tains for NOc; formerly sold for !? 1.10. 1WHASOLS We have a few plain Black Silk, and fancy colors, which we are closing out at cost. A few hundred Bcinnnnts of Dry (ioods left, which are going at half their value. We are giving some special inducements in Ladies' Flue Dress Goods, Trimmings. Sa tines, (ling hams. Hosiery, etc We especially invitethe La dies to call and examine our uneipialed line, whetlier they want to buy or not. as it isa pleasure for us to show our g( )ods. You will never know how cheap you can buy until you trade once with us. Respectfully, BOSTIC BROS. .V- WUKiHT. HOOKS AND STATIONERY, ARTISTS' Jl tTKRIAI.S, i:n;ini:i:ks' si i'i'i.n;s, I'lCTCKliS ANIl FKAMKS, IWSCY COOIIS. III.AMK llOOKS.r.VKKVIiKAlir., ikii.i.s. toys ami c.amrs. wi:ktivhn n. c. hcf.nks, wrni rii'iTnr.KAi'lue anh hanh- I'AINTlill, AT KSTABROOK'S, 22 S. Main Street. ARTHUR HI. FIELD, MECHANICIAN, GRADUATE OPTICIAN. ALL GOLD GOODH Warranted to unsay as represented, Sterling Silver OaodM CuRruntecd 00O-1OO0 line. THE GREATEST ATTRACTION Is that fine lot of ENGLISH BRIDLES and THKKIi-HORN CHAMOIS SEAT SADDLES at J. 91. ALEXANDER'S And the low prices at which he is selling all goods In his line. He has increased his force and Intends to meet the demand. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. TLANTIC COAST LINB On and after this date the following sched ules will be run over it "Columbia Division." No. 53 Leaves Columbia 6.20 p. m. Arrives at Charleston 9.30 p.m. No. 63 Leaves Charleston 7.10 a.m. Arrives at Columbia 11.65 a. m. Connecting with trains to and from all points on the Charlotte. Columbia Ac An grusta and Colombia & Greenville Railroads. -kJtUlJ, T. M. EMBRSON, Oca. Pas. Afft. J. P. DBVI.NB, Gen. Snpt. THE RACKET COLUMN. AVe aw preparing to go to New York to wclvt our Fall and Winter (lood-s ami we want a lot of Money. Our offers of Hargains have pan ned out very well. We have sold lots of goods, but we had lots of theni, and we have quite a lot yet which you can luy at your own price. We think we put away for thu iifxt ni'ihson fewer goods than any merchant in Asheville. 11 V don't want to lut ;n ;i.y ituy. We want to sell them, and we want to sell them badly. We are going (o buy a big stock and we want the room to place them in. hut moivtliiin that. u c iivj t ln'ruxli tobuy them with. This has been the se cret of our low prices. We represent a. man who has an ocean of money. lie buys thousands where other jteo ple buy doxi'iis. He expects us to sell goods quick, at a small proht, and to send or carry him the money. So far we have not disappointed him. Our sale of Dress (ioods at cost continues, and will until all are sold. We have six Ice Cream Freezers, two each of 2, and lqunrtsizes. We shall buy no more this season. You can get either of these Freezers lower than they have ever been offered before. You will want one next summer if not now. A few Hummocks and Croquet Setts are yet with us. We shall let them go very low. We need the room and want the money they represent to put into something for Fall and Winter use. A few dozen Fruit Jars . (Mason's) on hand. They are going very fast. As noon as it is known that we are out prices will advance innrk the pivdh tion. We shall have in store by the time you read this the largest stock of Ribbons, Velveteens, Vlushes, and Vel vets ever shown in Asheville. Fall Styles, New (Ioods, nt 'Racket Trices." Come and see them.' Respectfully, GE0;T.J0flES&C0. MISCELLANEOUS. THE RECORDS Continue to nuuk a daily in crease in the volume of retail business at T. C. Smith & Co.'s Drug Store. Raying goods in large quantities, se curing best discounts and often free delivery of goods, they share these advantages with their customers. Their Prescription business has outgrown their most san guine expectations. They ha ve five professional experts of long ex peril 'lice in order to insure increased efliciency in this department. This gives promptness in preparation, correctness in execution anil quick delivery of medicines dispensed. This handsome Drug Store, the pride of Ashe ville. located in the heart of the city, is easy of access, and possesses an air of comfort and elegance. The rapid success of thisllouseinbuild ing up a prosperous business demonstrates the fact that they are fast securing the confidence and patronage of an enter (rising and generous public. J. V. SCIIARTLE, MERCHANT TAILOR 4 N. Main St. feb20dlv N OTICE. Will collect debts fir anyone in the cltv for ler cent. Goon futilities for renting nnd col lecting rents on houses. Will sell furniture on weekly payments. y H.JOHNSON. At Plair's Furniture Store, H7 1'utton Avon nr. References given. innr14rtftni JAMES FRANK, DEAL BR IN- FAMILYGROCERIES AND PROVISIONS Agent for Rccms Creek Woolcu Mills. North Main . A.lierllle, N. C. feblOdly PROPRIETOR OP THE ASHEYILLE BRICK WORKS, Asheville, N. C. P. O. Box P. marl 3ri ly A NEW ENTERPRISE. The Hand Laundry will open on Monday, at the foot of Mrs. Wilson's hill, under the management of G. W. HiKins. f All work done neatly by hand. The Best are the Cheapest. n rw TOT CHAMPION SAFES, Farrell & Co., Philadelphia. au30 d&w6m FOR RENT. A larRr eleven room Brick Hon nr. together with kitchen and servant.' house and good ' " roniain. x acres. Sfeweraxcand good bath rooms. Comoletelv fnrnl.h- A in every part. Likewise, a good Piano, if nevuea. AppiJ lo au22 dtf NATT ATKINSON & SON. w ANTBD. To rent, by a family of live, a furnished house. Mast be well located and have all necessary outhouses. Would be willing to board with private family, no other board ers. Apply by letter or ia person to 1NO. B. ROBINSON, au30 dtf Battery Park. GHAS. D. BLANTON & CO, MEN'S A3VD BOYS' CLOTHING Our iiiin is to till ii lon felt anil vc will oiicn nhont Sciitciiilior 1, with tint most com plete line of nothing for Men section. Our Mr. ("HAS. BLANTON ern markets with the ready business t Financiai Success THE YOUTHS', BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S DEPARTMENT Will receive our special attention, and to this we will call the especial attention of Mothers, Sisters and Aunts. OUR GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS Will be re ilete with all the Novelties of the season fn the way of Neckwear. OUR HAT DEPARTMENT Will receive due attention, and in it can be found from the conventional High Hat down to the Soft Knock-about, We ha ve ahvady placed our order for a line of MEN'S FINE SHOES With one of the most popular makers. Our mode of business shall be STRICTLY ONE 1'iUCE, and all goods warranted as represented or money refunded. Our opening will be unnounced in due time. CHAS. D. BLANTON & CO., One Price Clothiera, Patlon Avenue, - OUTFITTERS. want in the city of Anlii'viHe. and Boys ever shown in this goes to Northern and East cash which insures to the new - Asheville, N C.

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