PROFESSIONAL CARDS. TllKC. I'. DAVllWON, TlIOS. A.JoNKS RnldKta. JAB. G MARTIN. Ashcvdle. Ashevdlc. )AVlISON, MARTIN & .IO1NHS, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, Asheville, N. C. Will prliccin the 11th and 12th J"11' l)i"riets. in the Supreme Court of North Car.dnm. nml in tile 1'cdcrnl Courts ot the Western 1 isl riet of North j. nrolum. IMcr to Hunk ol Asheville. awl A. MOOKK. ,,!. MKKKICK. JIJDORIS & MHKKICK, Attorneys nml Counsellors at Law. Asheville, N.C. 1'riictlre in the United States Cirelt mid llistr et Courts at Asheville. Stutvwvdle, Clmr Uue a id Greensboro, in the Sai.renu-Lr.nrt at Kaleinh. ami in the courts .1 the T t llin judicial llistrict of the Slate oi North Laro- "spceml attention riven to collection of '"parTncrship does not extend to practice : in lluncoml)c Inferior Court. r,77.u... .n:"KKiu..s. V11 & MKKKIMON, Attorneys and Counsellors nt Law. l'raetiee in all the courts. ,.,,, Office: Nos. 7 and , Joimsum liuildmn. llsc . UKO. A. SlltM'OHI.. VV. W.JON US. JONBS V SHUl'OKI). Attorneys at Law, Asheville, N. C. l-racties in the Superior iN.urtB ol" Wctcrn North Carolina, the Supreme to. 1 1 ..I the 3 itc and the Federal Courts at Asheville. btau, ami 111 ' u-u.-f.-onc nieni- in jonnsi"" - - lie r ol the nrui can wnuj" iltnovll A. TENNUNT, Architect and Contractor. Plans, specifications and estimates fur nished All work in my line comrade I lor, "ml no charts lor drawing on contracts u warded mi-. .... ;T V!eock. Nor, Con, Siiuure. Asheville. IV L j II. IIOIIOI.ASS, 1J. I. S. DENTAL ROOMS, . NO. 24 SOUTH MAIN ST., Over (Irani K Winiierfs Drue Store. Residence. No.J.S.leJit. Jel,l.Uy ;h7kVkTi.'.. ' 11. K. SMITH, D.l'-S. Irs. Bctc & Smith. i.HNTAI. OWIVK l Connolly IluildiuK. over Redwood's Store, Teeth cxt.edwiU.ouM.f.;;". umcslhclic, U.WU" " ,clii:idly reeled. V. UUR01N, M. I). OFFlCIi 1 II. New Graml Central BuiMinK, over ClothiiiK Slore. Icl17dlin P. KAMSAV, I). U.S.' 5 OiliCC Dental I Unraard HiiildiiiB hntrunccs, venue and Main Street. IcbyiSdlv Patton Ir. Frank Harvey, Veterinary Surgeon. Office at Se-vier' Stable. Residence wilh Mr. Nnlt Atkinson, Jr.. No. 1211 llavwood street. juiUfi il 12m '7iKTlll'K M. FIUI.I), jrm. Graduate Optician, Main Street. .Ml meelianteal pculur defects of the eye cor- rLHours forcxu.uwu.tlon 0 to 12 ""j- ,2 f 5 p. in. -1 ' Dr. B. F. Arrington. Office rooms on l'ntuju .Avenue, one door west ol'Cosliy's jcwelrv eo'l'c. JJR. J. N. DhTTliS, Homwopatliic l'raetiee. Olliee at Mr. Woodcock', drun store, 272 oJuilon Avenue. Residence :i I Pulton Ave nue. Olliee hours HI a. 111. to 5 p. in. ' Telephone at the drutf store. . p.iuiin MISCELLANEOUS. A. D. COOPER, Groceries. ft c -presume Asheville has more comments pasted u).in it than any other city in the Stale. IJk'y say "Such elegant IraiMinijs, sueh line houses, and such splendid fond." Hotels, uuurding houses nnd private families arc often asked by their visitors "Where do you Ket flour to make such elegant bread ?" "Why, at Cooper's, where the hcHt of every thing can be had in the way of Groceries." Our aim is to furnish the purest and best -Koods for the leaBt money, tu wane bitter iv.ur against all adulterations of food prod uct, and never buy cheap Kloceries for the purpose of sclliiiK below cost. J. N. MORGAN & CO., Ho. 3 Barnard Ituiltf ing. School and College Text Books, a full liius. I'octs, His tory, Romance, JMogi-apliy, Travel and Novels, Family IUbles, S. S. Bibles and Test fliiH.iitn. Oxford Teachers' Bibles, Song Books of ulW kinds, large stock stationery, Blank Books and Office and School Supplies. -New line Ladies' and Gents' Pocket books just opened. Fancy lioods and Dolls, aii 1 od iv BROOM FACTORY. HAM UltU N. LOCKWOOB. HANU-HADB Brooms, Wlilsks, Heartn and Celling: Brooms. M ill and Fnctory grades a specialty. Uuo- ,,ntt and .ample, free. frbllidl; BOUIS & BROTHERTON, PRACTICAL Plumbers & Tinners. PLUMBING, STEAM AND CAS PITTING, . TIN AND SLATB ROOFING. Furnaces and Heaters. Jobbing Promptly t t Attended to. aa Patton Avenue, Basement. JulSOd&wlY UI HI1S1.S! AND PLEA8CRE1 private Board. Knr first-clas9 bond, nt reasonable loins, apply to Mrs. P. B. Btvesc, corner College and Spruce streets. editor call lie wonderfully concise when he tries. One sums up 0 railroad accident in tlicse words: "Boiler empty and engineer full." Tlie FlrHt Symptoms of neatli. n". 1 1- I! .1..II l.n..1.iibi llflillK in 1 11 cu ictiniK, 01111 nv,...... 1 ... ...,1 .rilm luwtv. siukinir at tne nit of the stomach, loss of apietite, levcr lsliucss, pimples or sores, arc all positive evidence of poisoned blood. No matter How it Dccame poisoucu n uura i-;' - lied to avoid death. Acker s l-.nnlisn Blood Hlixir has never tailed to remove scrofulous or sypliuiuc poisons, ami un der positive guarantee. tebridaw 1 w . i ..f n ....inf iicii'hluirhoodl 1 C- ceased's Hutlcr Copy of Iturial Service, sir.' . . Local Doctor Thanks, no. 1 know it by heart. "II ACKMliTACK," a lasting and fra grant perfume. I'rice 25 and fill els. omi fiii' f 1 TU I? will iuiincdialclv re lieve Croun. Whooping Cough and Bron chitis. v..ic "CatchiiiL' anything?" Fisher man "Yes, malaria." "Oh! where shall rest be found ?" Tt... nwif lwr siilis : lilt; n'uir""' - Stockings to mend, and trousers to darn. ilishes lo wash, and miner 10 ennui, While my back feels to break, and head null heart bum, And life is a constant friction, The summer came and went, The matron no longer siglis; Elastic her step, and rounded her check, Work seems but play, life is now sweet, And the change was made in one short week, . . By Dr. l'icrce's Favorite Prescription, Positive remedy for those derange ments, irregularities, and weaknesses so common to womankind. One bv one our crews are going, One' by one the sealers sail, And the Britishers arc taking All our sailors by detail. ilvc- tlie Children a Chance. There is something radically wrong ..-; I, i bi nli h of 11 child when it seems listless, has poor or no appetite, eyes sunken and with dark skin bcncnlli. in these svmiitoins the ,-liibl bus worms, and all that it needs is some simple remedy , such as 1 Iarfs Worm ',..... ., .viii-l i lie worms, anil the child'.;..,'.,! In- in tier feet health again. I'n- icnts, try il and let your little ones have a faircliiincc for lilt. "Mi's 11 that ends well" is the motto ol the artesian borer. Iletter Than Suicide. Y....r. - A-.. ..1.1 c.n-u- "Aii itii-nrnble 1 lOlCSMll l ll"" " . , dvspeptic is justified ill committing sui cide. We will guarantee lo cure any dys iu.ii.ii uiii hin three months by Acker's iinglish Dys)cptic Tablets, fcbodawlw A fitting tribute The check that pays lor your sua oi clonics, If you feci unable to do your work, find have that tire I Iceling, take Dr. J. H. McLean's Sarsaparilla; it will make you bright, active and vigorous. 1'orsale by l- L. Jacobs. i.i.. ...1.1 il..i ilm ix.ifil "truer" should IL 3 uim mi. l'( ..w.. . of itself be enough to ejeite suspicion. -. , WHY WILL YOU cough when Shiloli's Cure will give immediate relief. Price 10 cts., .r)D cts., anil $1. SIIILOll'S CATAKKI1 KIvMIiDY a positive cure for Catarrh, Diphtheria and Canker Mouth. Neither one looks right when the girl with a great big bustle walks beside a gil l who has none on at all. The most popular liniment, is the old reliable. Dr. J. H. McUun's Volcanic Oil Liniment. For sale by F. Jacobs. "W,,.,i is rr.iwliuL' tin nuuiii." as the farmer said when he pulled down his llaniiel shjrt and tucked a m. Ito Not ttullrr " Mnijer. Knowing that a cough can 1 checked in a day, and the first stagesof comumi lion broken in a week, we hereby guaran lec Acker's Iinglish Cough Remedy and will refund the money to fill who buy, take it as iier directions, and do not linil our statement correct. feb5dawlw A sure sign that the door-bell is going loring: When you arc the only one in ihe house and are in the bathtub. Happy Hooslers, Wm. Tiniiuons, postmaster of Idaville, Ind., wiitcs: "Kkvtric Hitters has done ... l. Il....i II ..1 li.mjlini il.iui'iltll- llloie nil nic tntiii iiiviiv billed, lor that bad feeling arising from kidney and Liver trouble." John Leslie, limner and stockman, of same place, says: -, I. u K. L-:.l I'llHl r.lCCllie lillLCIS lu w uic uvroi i-vni- .....I I...)...... ,,ii,li,-itin- tnnrli. mi lit-i :i lie-, iiiiu i-vi-aiiv . iii.vm.n., .....u ... new man." J. W. Gardner, hardware . " . . ei....i ii:, iiicrcnaui, same town, says: uiu-ukuh- . i.ici 1 1 tbimr fur :i man who is .'ill run down and don't care whether he lives; he found new strcngtii, good apie tilc and lelt just like he had a new lease on lilt. Onlv 50c. a bottle, at F. L. la- cob's' drug store. Secretary Noble's dysiiepsia has dis appeared with his vacation, and his Interior Department is now all right. Advice to Mothers. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrupshould always be used for children teething. It soothes the child, softens the gums, al lays all pains, cures wind colic, and is the liest remedy for diarrheca. 25c. a bottle. All the countries of the earth appear to be sighing lor un liifltl tower. Il is a towering ambition, so to spcuk. Distress after eating, heartburn, sick headache, and indigtstion are cured by Dr. J. II. McLean's Liver and Kidney Pillets (little pills.) For sale by K. L. Jacobs. The joke that is too tar fetched is liable lo become stale in transit. Therefore, a joke should never be carried too far. Remarkable Rescue. Mis. Michael Curtain, Plainlield, III., makes the statement that shecaughteokl, which settled on her lungs; she wus treated for a month by her family physi cian, but grew worse He told hershe was a hoiieless victim of consumption and that no medicine could cure her, Her druggist suggested Dr. King's New Dicovery for Consuinpton; she bought a bottle and to her delight found herself benefitted from first dose. Shecontinued its use and alter taking ten bottles, found herself sound and well, now doesherown housework and is as well as she ever was. Free trial Ixittles of this Great Discovery at F. L.Jacob's Drug Store, large bottles 50c. and $1.00 Whenever a steamship mnnages to break the record tht newspapers, with enthusiastic unanimity, record thebreuk. FOR DYSPliPSIAand Liver Complaint you have a printed guarantee on every bottle ol Shiloh's Vitalizer It neverfails to cure. A NASAL IN1ECT0R free with each bottle of Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. Price 50 cts. An offensive Breath :B m,.of i;BM.GGi,,fr tint nnlvtrt the nerson afflicted if he have any pride, but to those with whom he comes in contact. Itisn. deli cate matter to speak of, but it hasiiarted not only friends but lovers. Bad breath y ii. n- u.-.. and catarrn are inseparaoie. ui. o.ik. Catarrh Remedy cures the worst cases as thousands can testify. Airl.lln n onminGi'll tn 1m lo.'llleil is being examined, he cannot licdischargcd; but the moment thecharge is withdrawn, lie immediately goes off. Sick headache is the banc of many lives. This annoying complaint may lie cured and prevented by the occasional use of Dr. J. H. McLean's Liver and Kidney Pillets (little pills). For sale by F. L. Jacobs. That the moral nature of the pig is essentially mean and selfish is proven by 1 lie fact that he is always willing and ready to "squeal" when he gets into il tight place. nuckleu'H Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, lever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents jicr box. For sale bv K. L. lacobs. daw It is one of the distressing anomalies ol modern life that the man who can't sing docs sing. Terrible ForewarnliiKS, Cough, in the morning, hurried or diffi cult breathing, raising phlegm, tightness m the chest, quickened pulse, chilliness in the evening or sweats at night, all orany of tlicse things are the first stages of con sumption. Acker's Unglish Cough Rem edy will cure these fearful symptoms, and is sold under a positive guarantee. febSdawlw 'Tis now that the hammock breaksdown with a thud, And lands both the youth and the girl in mud. "'Tis better not to be, than lieunhnppy," and no one can be happy whose system is deranged by poisonous secretions. Nearly all ills that flesh is heir to, arise from torpid liver and derangement of the digestive organs. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Purgative Pellets correct irregularities of the liver, prevent constipation, and promote good health, Buy them of your druggist. A blanket mortgage covers the road bed. Disease lies in ambush for the weak; a feeble constitution is ill adapted to encounter a malarious atmosphere and Midden changes of temperature, and the Icnst robust arc usually the easiest victims. Dr. J. H. McLean's Sarsapa rilla will give tone, vitality and strength to the entire body. For sale by F. L. lacobs. livery man is sometimes a bait on sonic other man's hook. Pareiils Criminally i.lalile. More than half of all deaths occur be fore six years ol age. An army of inno cent, lovely children are swept needlessly away each year. Parents are criminally responsible "for this. The death rate of children In lingland is less than half this. Acker's Iinglish Haby Soother has done more to bring this about than all other causes combined. You cannot afford to be without it. The Goddess of Lilicrty is not a broker, but she is frequently seen "on change." THH RliV. t'.liO, II.TIiA YF.K."fHnur bon, lhd., savs: "Both mvtielf and wilt owe our lives to SHILOH'S CONSUMP TION CI'Kli." AUli YOU M ADIi miserable by Indiges tion, Constipation, Dizziness, Loss of Appetite, Yellow Skin? Shiloh's Vitalizer is a positive cure. Presents 'v. ( nrnt ciVj:-..;t f...:i THE LAXATIVf: NUTRIH0U8 0UIOE VP THE FIGS OF CALIFORNIA. Combined with the medicinal virtues of plniits known to be most beneficial 10 the human system, forming an agrecabk and effective laxative to perma nently cure Habitual Consti pation, and the many ills pending on a weak or inactiv 'iidition of the XIDNEYS, LIVER AND BOWELS. It is the most excellent remedy Vnown to CLEANSE THE SYSTEM EFFECTUALLY When one is Mtlimis or Constipated sii that Pure BLOOD, REFRE8HIN0 SLEEP. HEALTH nnd STRENGTH r ATURALLV FOLLOW. Every o'.e is using it and all are delighted with it. AjK your druooist fou BTHUP OF FZOB MANUFACTURED ONLY BV CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. LOUISVILLE. KY HEW YORK, . K TO MACKINAC Summer Toims. Palace Steamers. Low Kate. Tour Trips par Week Beiwrrn DETROIT, MACKINAC ISLAND Ptok7, 8a,ult ate. Marie, and Lake Huron W;.t PorU, vary Week Day Between DETROIT AND CLEVELAN Sptcltl Sunday Tripe during: Jnd, Joly, Aiitw J I Double Dally Lino Between CHICAGO AND ST. JOSEPH, MICii. OUR ILLUSTRATED PAWPHL T Bate nd Exounl n Ttckel will b- fni-iilitii d br your Tloket Affout, or fldrcM E. B. WHITCOMB, Q. P. A., Oithoit. Ki..n., Detroit and Cleveland Steam Knv. Co. mnylHiltl MAKE MONEY IN WALL STREET. ThrntiRh the NATIONAL STOCK EX CHANC.K, 912 P St., N. , Washington, 1). C. Brokers in Stock, Grain ami Oil. Com missions and M aririns satisfactory. Exclu sive advice. Orders bj Mail and Telegraph promptly executed. au28 d3m SCHOOLS. St. Marjs School, Raleigh, N. C. The Ninety-Fifth Soilli-Anntml Session lie Kins MONDAY. Slil'TUM HliK 12, lxxu. 1'or cutuloKUcs, address tlie Kcctor, REV. BENNETT SMEDES, A. M. junl'K iKlmos HIGH SCHOOL FOR BOYS, ASHEVILLE, N. C. Ronald ItlacDonald, B. A., Head Master. The scholastic year will open W EDNESDAY, Slil'TliM IlliK IN. Terms For Hoard, Tuition in all liram-lics, und every expense, $300 per uiiiiiim. liny scholars $80 iier annum. For further information ai.drcHS KliV. I). U. IIUKI., Asheville, N. C, until Sept. 1 j after that address MK. KONAI.II M.lcllON AI.I), Head Muster. iul-'T il2m Claremont College. Hickory, C. HIGHEST GRADE SCHOOL FOR GIRLS IN THE SOUTH. Ik-st advantilLicH in IHIkt linnlisli, Music, MiiHic, Art uiu LaiiL;uaKt-'s. A lull Colk'nmto Cniirst- with Ik'nrrc of A. H. Spi'i-iul Cmirst's in all Ikpartrmiits. IIiL;hfr in Grade, Superior in Scholarship. Metier in ECiitiitncti t. Alder in iaeult.v, ami More Comfortable in Home Life than any School in the South. FALL TERM BEGINS THURSDAY, SEPT. 12. Send Tor Circular. WILL II. SANBORN, a u 24- il tu th sut&wlut President. Kiijflisli and I rcncli BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL, FOR YOUNG LADIES AND LITTLE GIRLS, No. 40 French llruud Avenue. MRS. BURGWYN MAITLAND, PRINCIPAL. l?or many years Associate Principal uf Mt. Vernon Institute, Baltimore.) Assisted hy a corps of conipentcnl teachers. The course of instruction includes the usual Kntflish branches with French and Latin, lixtras Music, German, Art Needle Work, Painting on China, IianeinK and Riding. Special attention given to the training of little girls. augl dlim REAL ESTATE. Wautkb B. Gwvn, W. Y. WiiST. GVVYN & WEST, (Successors to Walter Il.Gwyn) ESTABLISHED 1881 REFER TO BANK OF ASHEVILLE. REAL ESTATE. l oans Securely Placed at 8 Per Cent. Notary Puli.ic. Commissioners ollKeds FIRE INSURANCE Ol- I'lCI'". SoutlieaHt Court Siiitre. Wm. M. Cocke, Jr., REALESTATE AND MINERAL BROKER, Aslicvllle, n. C Cnn sill you one million ucres ol" land, in tracts from 5i to loO.tMHj acres. Have a number of city lots, improved ami unim proved, which I cnn sell on the best of terms. If you want a large orsinull farm call on me. If you want minerals of any kind, you need go no further. If you want timber lands, this is heahunrters. In fact I can suit you in anything you want in my line. Services of a first-class civil engineer and practical surveyor engaged to show up all property when required. I have had fifteen years' experience in the real estate business, and think 1 know what will please. Prompt attention to all inquiries. IcblM-dJy OKTLANU MKOS., Real f'i e "Brokers, And : Investment : Agents. Otiices: No. ro South Main st Second floor. fcb9dly FOR nm ii i ww Ut-neraf ani wmivuuo unfliwoj riTTty Weaknesa of D.Miyand Mind: Efftfcti J J XV JLi 0r Errors or Excises in Old or Young, ii i . i-i- iiiimii. r.,n. U. 1. Il"" KnUnrt- and M.lh.ttTK.(.NIiMH.iiH OH;A.AIMIlToriMIIIT. . u.... f..ii...l.i1Hilni). tnnl nnMirtBallrc wXdl (wi. iair. ERIE faEOICAl CO.. BUFFALO, . I Drunkenness Cr tho Liquor Habit, Positively Cured IT AIMIIHSmillB OR. HAtNIS' O0L0EN SHCIUC. II cm bo given Ni a cup ol coffee or tea, or In er Hclei ol food, without the knowledge ul the pi'i -Kin taiklDg It; It is absolutely harmiesii nnd will effect ft permanent and steedy cure, whether the patient lea moderate drinker or nu alcoholic wrecE. (T NEVER FAILS. ""UUMnAN I tt a complete ture in every instance, .spageboult A aureus in couunence, SPECIFIC CO.. 185 Ract St. Cincinnati. Ok nnd 'Whtakey Bh I tm cm rM nt home wl tit out pain. Book of Pi tlcnlant nam FREE. t u wuw i w u n frlil OdflwlT h pnt fyB. WOLFE. PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL PLASTERER. All kinds of cement woik done. Jobbing and kalsominiiiK promptly at tended to. Residence, Clnvton St. (irrtcrs cnn be left with W. H. Westall i Co. ft li9d(m iOR RENT. From two to six bed mm", fully furnished and usual Attention, with or without board HiKh location. Excellent water For terms apply to au7 dtf 158 CHESTNUT TREET. HOTELS. STRAUSS' RESTAURANT AM) NEW ICE CREAM GARDEN. lilecti ie Cars Pass tlie Hour I herewith notify the public that this day. May 1, I have added to my well known Kesv- taurant a line Ice Cream Garden. The same has been fitted up nentiy for the ik casion and 1 will always have on hand the choicest of Creams and Sherbets and Cakes. Also, can supply families ut shortest notict in large or small quantities. So come in good lime and have some fine Ice Cream and Cakes and don't forget that tit Strauss you will get Tin Ret of Ice Cream, and where always polite and attentive wait ers will be pleased to serve. Come earty, come often, come one, come all, and give your friend Strauss a good many calls. Very respectfully, 12. STttAl'SS, mayLMtf Proprietor. ARII12N PARK HOTEL. AND FAMILY COTTAGES, pio miles south of Asheville, on the A. Hz S. railroad is now open lor the season. For circulars address THUS A. MOKKIS. Prop'r, mnylMtf Ardcn, N. C. TURNPIKE HOTEL, Turnpike, N.C. This beautiful summer resort is situated immediately on the Murphy division of the W. N. C. K. K., hall way between Asheville and Waynesville, among the most attractive scenery in the mmmtaius. The hotel is new and well furnished, large and well ventilated. Telegraph mid Post Otiices in the house. Fresh mutton, milk and butter supplied from the premises. Parties can leave Asheville in ihe morning take dinner and return in the evening. For terms and other information, apply to J. C. Smatliers, julll il.'tm Manager. PUIVATi; HOARD. Niiw uorsii! ni;wl fi knishi-u i ALL MOlHiKN IMPKOYI-MlvNTS. MRS, E. J. THYLER AND MRS N.B.ATKINSON, No. Haywood Street. junU : til v JRIVATI- liOARI). A large, airy house, .'UH Patton Avenue, on street car line, (loud location Terms reasonable. Good fare. jultdltm MKS.J. L. SMATHKKS. MRS. STEVENSON Mas removed to the Johnston Hin'ldiug, Pat? ton avenue, corner of Church street, where she is prepareii to keep regular or transient boarders. Table furnished with the best the marketallords. Terms reasonable. mar31m0 ROUND KNOB HOTEL IcIovell Co., C. (Situated on the W. N. C K. R. An hour's ride from Asheville.) First class in every respect. Mineral waters I.ithia, Iron, Alum and Iron, Red and White Sulphur and Mauucsia. The most picturesque spot in Western North Carolina. Parties leaving Asheville on the l.'.i'J p. in. train can have dinner on their arrival by tel egraphing from the depot. Terms reasonable Special rates to fami lies. J. liulow lirwini, jtil'J d:tm Proprietor. JXSIRAWE. jpIKF. INSI KANCF. FI11K. LIKK. ACCIDENT. PULLIAM & CO. At the Hank of Asheville, ASH liVILl.K, N. c. Represent the follow ing companies, viz. : PIKlt. CASt! ASSKTS IN f. S. Anglo Nevada, of Calilonna S'J.l"? H.'t.'l , 5 u : t tut i lt.t5 KI2 Cotilim'titul. t"t' New oril t-.H Mnmlmvw-Hrt'iiu n.i'l Certminy l.omloii Assuraitc, of KiiKliiud Ni:i:irn, ot Ni w York (trk'Ul, of llarlfnvil I'hu-nix, ot lirooklvn SI. I'liul l-'irc and Murine, of Min- liesotfl Southern, of New Orleans Western, ot Toronto Mutual Aecitient Association. itnu l.ifc Insurance Company. dtmurtiU i.r,i.t, 1.t'.7, r,or.. l.Bl, :. 1,11311 ITU or.i tH asia.M CUKliU I1Y tll.l' SPECIALIST LI I V PHYSICIAN. I I I II Bottle of medicine Free. We wnr- enaes, and the only physiciuns who do this to treveni your iiviiik miini.i i usinn false naincs nnd who are not ttoctors. Itecuusc oincrs. mmu o, iisIiik this medicine. Give Express and l'ost- omce minrcss. n eosis y,'u uhuhuk. ...... Astthel Mciiicul llureau, UPl Hrondway. New York. innl'7dA:wlv J. C. BROWN, MERCHANT : TAILOR, 25 Patton Ayciiuc, (Next to Grand Central Hotel.) oprlMly "pOH SALE. 1 nerc of land on Heaver Ham road, just opposite J. S. llnrnetfK. A tine site tor a sub urban re-idenee. A nice knoll eovered with clover and sonic tine oaks, with heautitnl views tl' nmuntains and the city. A rare ehnuee to Imv iueh a piece ol lantl with nice elear spriiiKS niishini! lioin the hil:. Tenuis vasv and price lnw. 3 ItOSTlC. DKANTDN CO. nul 3 dtf pyR RENT. Room for Oftiecs in buildinK Noa. 2H and 30 Patton Avenue Handsomely arraiiKed in eonnectiiiK uits wun wine suiin. nu hatl. Also one lare room, w th hih ceding. Also cottawes onColleKennd Spruce streets with ia and 16 rooms, with all modern con veniences, etc. WM. McAFKK, Trustee, sep5 dlw -d door No. 30 Patton Ave. MISCELLANEOUS. 1 F u L l-N VV 1 D E R & BRO, Af -i In nsii-llOMt tiriSHlhlo ll;lV' i'f mni .n... 4 1 " of a lartfo and well tsolcctcd .stock of BOOTS AND SHOES, Einbrai-iiicvei-yMiingfroin a .10 t-ts. I'olka tof;.00IIand Made Goods. 0uis w ill lie llio only exclusively Boot and Slioe Store in Asheville, and it is our purpose to make it the LEADING ONE IN WESTERN N. G. Our motto will he HONEST SHOES AM) STIiKTLY ( ). ! I'KK E TO ALL. FIXEIS WIDER & BRO., NO. 18 PATTOI AVIiNl'K. BRICK ! BRICK ! PUR SAI.U It Y GIRDWOOD & LEE, Proprietors Buncombe : Brick : and : Tile : Company, ASHEV1XLK, N. C. 1". I). IIOX 313 "THE WINYAH SANITARIUM, " ASHEVILLE, N. C. 1'or llif mxplinii of patit'iits stillitiii of cliswiscs ui'luiiHS and lliioitt, ami cdiiiluital upon tlie plan ol tlifsanilarias at ('.(i-rhtrsdorf ami Kalki'iistiin in Oit iniuiy. Ours is the only such institution in the Cuitcd States, and endorsed In- the leading nieinljeis of the medical profession. Terms reasonable. KAKL VON KIX'K, B. S., M. I. THE CAROLINA SALOON, Has tlie Finest and Largest Stock ot W3IISKIi;S, : BRANDIES : AND : WINES, Kver Broujflit to 'Asheville I'm Lies wishing u nud tirtiilc t'tr family or other purposes, will find il to their interest to Kivc me u call. Respectfully, Frank O'Donnell, Prop'r. STOVES, TINWARE, AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. Car Load of Terra Cotta and l'lue Pipe. Ilath Tuhs, Wooden Ware, Paints, Oils, Var nishes, Ilrushcs and Hest Wall Colors, bought from first hands for cash, l.nrjjc stock Cooking Stives just rcecivetl. C. S. COOPER, CAUTION. protects the wearers against hili prices anil inferior k,,(h1s. If your dealer docs not keep the stvtr or kind von want, or oilers von shoes without W. 1,. iNMVtl.AS name and price stamped on them, and savs they are just as Kd, do not lie deceived thereby, hut send di rect to the Factory, for you can ltcI what you want hv return mail, postal paid, liealers make more nndit on unknown shoes that are he induced to buy sinus that have no reputation, liny out those that have W. 1,. IMUV- I.AS name and the price stamped on the lioltom, ami you are sure to jjn inn vaiue loryonr money. Thousands of dollars an- saved annna ly by the wearers o W. L. hOl'til-AS" Shoes'. In ortkriiiK by mail state whether yon want Congress, ltutLou or Lace, l.otulon cap toe, plain K reach loe.'or naiTow cap t"1'- ''d be sure to ive size and width yon wear. I can tit any loot thai is not deformed, as my shoes are made in reat variety ot widths, sizes and hall sizes. I jjuaranUv a lit, prompt delivery and perfect satisfaction or money refunded upon return of the shoes u kooiI condition. W. L. 1 a il'tl LAS, llrockton, Mass. 3 -jSt St mand than any other :s.i shoe auvertisetl, Sii.noo will be paid to any person wnu will prove the abtive statements to be untrue. The following lines will be found to be ol the same quality of excellence : $5.00 $4.00 $3-50 $2.00 $2.00 Shoe Shoe Shoe Shoe Shoe Shoe Shoe Shoe All matlc in CoiiKress, Buttml und Luce. W. L. Dougla, $3 and $2 Shoes Hotli I.nilivs' Shoes are nuulc in siies Iritm 1 to 7, including hull' sizes, and U, C, l, E and Hli widths. STYLUS OIJ LAlUliS' SHOKS. "Thf i'rench ttjKTU," "The Spanish Arch OittTii." "The American Common-Sense," "The Medium Conunon-Sense." All made in liulton in the Latest St.vles. Also, 1-reach liera in Front Laee, on $3 Shoe only. Consumers should rememlicr that V. I.. IKH'OLAS i the InrRcst nnd only Shoe Manu facturer in ihe world. sumtlvinK shoes direct trom factory, thus KiviuK all the midille-iucn'. liruiitt. to the wearer. " W. L. IKllGLAS. llroektou, Mas.. POR SALE BY HERRING & WEAVER . JJOR SALE. A pair of line Mules. Kind, and good work ers; also waifon and duuble harness. Apply to C.J. MeCAPB, 3 tirovc St. FOR - HONEST CASH. BRICK ! .inl'JC, il3m 39 South Main Street. W. L. I m H '(1 LAS' name and the price arc stampetl tn tin- liottoni of all Shoes adver tised liy him he lore leaving his factory; this not warranted ny an. vimiiv ; iiieretorc titi not W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SIIOlv a i-; 'r J?; m i-; i. Is a line seamless calf shoe, with Ilou-oIa tops, and oak leather bottoms. They are made in Congress, hutton and Lace on London Cap Toe, Narrow Cap 't oe and Plain 1 reach Toe Lasts, in sizes from " to 1 1 , including half sizes and all widths. II you have been payiuu from o to $li for shoes oj't his ipialit v do not do so longer. Hie pair will wear as ionji s two pairs of common sold by dealers thai arc not warranted by the manufacturer. i nir claims for this shoe over all other $3 shoes advtrlised. are: 1st. Il contain! belter material. L'd. It is more stylish, better iittin;and durabtc. .'Id. 1 1 nives better uencral satisfaction. ih. It costs more money tt make. Mh. It saves more money for the consumer, (it h. It is sold by more dealers throughout the P. S. 7th. It's jjieal success is tine to merit. Sth. It cannot be duplicated by any other manu facturer. lith. It is the best in the world, and has a larger de C.KNPINK IIAXlt-SIiWIiP, which takes the place of custom-made shoes that cost from $7 to if tt. Till- OKIC.INAL ASH ( INLY II A NM-SK W I-1 WL-LT 4 SIlDli. liquals custom-made shoes costing Irom i tt $s. FOR POLICHM KN. Railroad Men and Letter Carriers all wear them. Smooth inside us u hand-sewed shoe. No tacks or wax thread to hurt the feet. IS PMvXCHUI.KP I'OK 1IUAVV WliAR. Best Calf Shoe for the price. WMtRKlNi'.M.WS. Is the best in the world for rouh wear; one pair oukIiI t w ear a man a year. IS l-OPAL TO S1IOKS THAT COST PROM $3 to $;(.."(). (Hie pair w ill wear longer than any shoe ever sold at the price. FOR HOYS is the best School Shoe in the world. YOPT11S" SCHOOL, kvcs ihe small Hoys u chance to wear the beit shoes in the world. Fll K I. A O I 1-: H. No. 60 S. Main St., suitable forsmall.tore. WM. JOHNSTON, JR.. au3Udtf 68 N. Main 8L

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