T THE DAILY CITIZEN BOARDING, WANTS, I'or Kent, and Lost Notices, thiee lines or less, 25 Cents for each insertion. Delivered to Visitors in any part of the City. One Munlll Rie. Two Weeks, nr less -'.'. WJL -IL I VOLUME V. ASHEVILLE, N. C, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER iB, 1889. NUMBER 136. DAILY IZEN. 1 EUROPEAN LETTERS. 4 TMli FAJHH'H FOl'NTAIS OI- ; vkhs4ii.i:. Mil Number Iiiliuiici In Variety f. ICndleHMi 111 Bt'illlly KxqulHlte The state Coaclicw unci (lie Koj ill t tiallcricN, i:tc. i Pahis, September 1, IKS'). ? liilitor Citizen : We do nut propose to '' occupy your space with any detailed dc : scriptioii of Versailles as we did of I'on f t.iineblcnii, although wc have been in that magnificent palace most of to-day. 5 Nor can this breaded imicliol a Sabbath, ; lor rest, wc have had none. On the coir ' trarv lor Hours wc nave neen jostling t and tugging, i,ni1 pushing S'ucezing, and not cursing ol course, Out liciug cursed most heartily, as wc wrestled with a inollcy ciowd ol at least titty thousand men and women, each of whom were de termined to he the very first to gel t through the miles of rooms and galleries. 1 ol which we have an impression on our v minds, mixed up of gold cornices anil I rescued ceiling, and French lialtlcs, and statues and portraits, which arc all con .' Jfuscd in an inextricable jinniilc, so we - 4 can hardly hone to tell von what we ' $ have seen; siithcc it to say everything J trill v elegant, especially the gallery ol i glass, which overlooks the gardens nuci louulaiiis, and in winch the victorious (icrinnns announced Lheir terms ol peace; hard indeed is this for a poor Frenchman to swallow. Again, too, is Marie Anlioiictic brought . to mind, as wc pass through her private :' apartments and sec the stairs by which she attempted to es -ape irom the mad 1110 1, but the one room that repaid ail ol out- traniic struggle ami latiguc, is that i lit the center ol which is a marble ligun ,3V ol tile ilvuiii Napoleon similar but super '- lor to that in the Corcoran gallery, while iinincdi.ttciy above it is a laigcanii : f lilc-likc painting ol the great Hmpcror tit he delivered the liaglcs to his soldiers. Si at one glance, he stands before us, at tin 1 highest point of his powcr.and the zenith . ''; of his glory, and as lie sal in his despair, :. the strong lentnrcs and lips pressed (o- gcthcr, indicating the bitter thoughts concealed behind I liat massive forehead, .even at this hour of approaching dissolu tion. It did indeed seem an anomaly that . these gorgeously rcgai rooms should be given up to the mob, which to-day lillci. them, and to ns royally is the necessary thing for France. Wc cannot believe that a republic can endure for a people ol their strange peculiarities. - Wearied and heai t sick at viewing these signs of departed glory, wc an glad to get out, into the fresh air of tin Wonderful gardens and stroll through them to the Trianon, another palace, '-' where we are shown several more oi Marie Antionettc's lieds, (she must have ; been a very sleepy body i and then to the State carriages at which the crowd is so ill ise that Sludcr and I cliinb in at a ' window and launch our bodies upon tin ', mass of French humanity, which is squirming below us. Much cursed and '-j abused, but minded it little, we thus 1 succeed in viewing these gorgeous relics , ol former ages. ; Six of these carriages, each with a his s torv ot its own. surrounded the raudes. ol all, which was the coronation coach ol (. haiies X . It is a huge ag.iir.covcreii with gold from cud to end, the very wheels a mass of gilding richly wrought, while on toi are groups of statuettes ol some metal. Neither of us i cgrcilcd tin. effort wc had made to catch even a hasU glance at these old coaches. The event of the day to ns was fet ti occur, and this was our excuse for devot ing Sunday totbcsecxcursions.nsonlyoi: this holy day arc the fountains allowed to play, or as these people sny,".rsram scs ninrilicnl," literally "tlicwatcrswalk themselves," and this is attended with such great expense that it is done for only one hour. Beginning at " o'clock they suddenly burst forth in wreaths ol spray, surpassing the most delicate lace, which the setting sun embellishes with innumerable arcs of prismatic coloring. A description is far beyond us ; in number they are infinite, in variety endless, in 1 beauty each seems more exquisite than the last. Around and around wc walk III delight. Let those who wish take i pleasure ill high art; wc prefer these jets of pure water, surrounded with tin b ag j ranee of sweet llowcrs. S The last of these fountains, that id' Ncp tunc, was reserved until the others wert done, to allow the visitors to collect around it. Indeed, 'twas a wonderful sight. In the form ot an irregular cres cent is a pond of still water, in which thou sands of carp are lazily swimming, this pond is in area about tv.o acies; the dis tance from point to p iiii'. of i.bc crescent some SOU feet; around its convex a solid mass of people facing the smaller circle, which is built of heavily grained stone, rising seven feet above the water's edge, while at the center is placed a massive bronze Neptune in his chariot drawn by six sea lions, and supported on rigln nu.i lett by groups of mermaids. Miiiwayon each side trout center to apex is a group composed of immense nautical fabulous animals, and at each extreme pointadol phin of some niuterial and of hugedimen sions. On top of the wall aretwenty-six vases, each ten feet in height, and on its face a corresponding number of human heads. Suddenly the grand old sea god belches forth from mouth and nostrils hisch uient in foam and mist, which gives the signal to his satellites, and each piomptly re sponds and tries to excel his chief. From our position we counted 1011 jets extend ing Irom point to point, some i.riendic ular, others gracefully curving over the lake, and above all a lovely rainbow a suitable completion to this truly fairy scene. A glance backward over these notes really shocks us with the thought of our temerity in attempting this description. We really did not intend it, but were so full of our subject that we have written on and oil, utmost unconsciously. And how faint an idea you will have of the reality ! Although the shades of night are ra idly approaching, and we are many miles IV an our pension, the temptation to hu ge 1 overcomes our prudence, and once more we ascend the gentle sloie to the grand terrace in front of the palace and take our stand near I. atona's Fountain, now still and ipiiel, where a few minutes ago the goddess was protecting her two children, Apollo and 1 liana, from licing submerged, and here wc take one King, lingering look, the last perchance lor us, at thisnoble pile. The whole building stands before us, in length nearly 4, (Kill lect, but its immensity is the last consideration, and the least ; its architectural bcautv is divine, hut the surroundings are theciiicf attraction ; and still we linger through the twilight, wandering tip and down Un lovely vistas, liven at this late moment we discover a new charm, which rivets ub to the spot until there is no longer light for its contemplation. This, in a sequestered nook which until now we had not discovered, is a huge mass of rough rock, artificial, somesixtv lect high, and indented deeply with gr toes, from which seem to emerge Apnlli attended by his nymphs, sonic of whon are presenting him with food, while oth crs are supplying Ins steeds with water dipped in shells from the crvstal lake at Jieir feet. These groups are all of pur white marble, contrasting bcautitiill with the dark stone background. You cannot wonder that we found it hard lo tear ourselves awav. At night we IN't and took ourtrain again for Paris, which in due time we reached, e vineed t lint seldom have we passed more delight fill Sunday. While not sncnt in a manner altogether orthodox, we do hope it has not been utterly unproht able Wc have soon things calculated to exalt our ideas of man's eapabilit ics ; wc have seen marvels of human intellect and science, and to us the lessen slid is. how inlinitlev greater is lie who created th men who produced these works, and vet how wonderful Mis kindness, that If condescends to allow ns, weak creature 'hat we are. to call llini "( ur Father.' T. W. I'. Ilrokl fi Joekcv triitr nar h. Nl-:w V'ihk, Scp'iml'cr 17. The an t limn meeting of the Itrooklyn tucket '.'lub on tin ir t'.ravcseiul track was be nil to-day. Titv weather was bleak ''.imp and showery, and t lit- t r-.ck heavy !'he attendance wn nevertheless large mil the racing excellent. The finish lor ' he ( Iricnta! handicap '.vas superb, one ticad separating thchrst tour, in-day races show '.hat the nice' lag bids fait ti je a grand siims, and to cciipse al other meetings if the season. I'wyci Mrothers have promised to give pur-v iggregating tflon.noo. Sni'nc of tin cracks of the season are now ijiinrtcrcd it tin course. F'i ist race sweipstak- s ti.r al! ages -.ivc furlongs: Volunteer won h.-iintiK i.v two lengths, I-'ordham sn-oiio. Mad tone third. Time 1 .iL'' . Second race handicap al: ag"s mile lid a furlong: Stridcuwny won, . A. 't. second. Joe l.ee third, rime l.lo'j i turd raci prospect stakes lot two .'ears old si furlongs: Iv.ciaie vi Magnet second, Tournament ibiid. film !.1ti;U. I 'o n rl li raci n-i'-ntal hai.tite.tp- iuih ::iul a quarter: Kingston won. i.os .u- eles second, llailge third. Kxilc lotirlh. aeli by a head. TimcL'. 1 -" i. Fifth race selling rate for two veai dds live ftirl 'ti'-s: I.isunonv won, the Itallct colt second, Cornelia third. Tunc 101. Mntuais paid .(',( I. Sixth race selling a'l .re:; mile and t sixlecntli : ivitl ami to itr.cngiii ran lead heat, Cioldeii Kod tlard. rime I Ml!' 2. hia run off. Vivid W"i; by twenty nglbs. Time l.,";i. Miitu.tls paid $1 i, lace $tio. A Heir-t'oiift.'MN l Ilt-iaulter. Hast Samn.uv. Mich.. September I ". v'obcrt l.ougliliu, supi fintcii'li-ul of the iaginaw, Tuscola and Union railroad, endcred his resignation Saturday. In formal talk as to tits probable successor lirouglit prominently forward the name of Charles M. Rice, auditor and general freight and passenger agent of the road. ouiig man who has worked up Ir nn a interior position and in whom unlimited intiociiec nut! been placed. Realizing hat the change contemplated would re sult in the election ol' another auditor ind tin expose ot his books, K'icc con fessed to a defalcation of S.s.tilio. Nice iives no explanation of his conduct only idmitting that he needed money and ook it expecting to return it in future. A IrlKnner AhhuuIIm u Hlierift". I ti'ii i.ini. I o, Iowa, September 17. leputv shciitVTntc upon entering a cell in Fremont county prison at Sidney, la., yesterday, was jumped on and nearly pounded to death by a convict named llayncs. The convict secured Talc's re volver and would have shot the olliccr dead but for the intervention of another prisoner. I lay lies was in the act of un locking the prison door and escaping wdicn other oilicus, hearing the noise, rushed upon him and overpowered him. Tate's condition is critical, and should he die there is such excitement that llayncs may meet death by lynching. oti'Hcued from a IucIi1iik: Mob. Si'akta, lib, September 17. John Mc 'Jully, who shot and killed constable 'Jrossni hist Thurd.iy, narrowly escaped vnchint; lasi nijlit. A lyiiehinj; party was organized and had made prepara tions to attack lite jail when the sherifi .vas informed of what was taking place ile secretly tookMcCuIly out of the rear d)or and boanlcd a train for Chester. The lynchers h. anl ol"' the escape just a the Chester train pulled out, and rushed to the depot, buL were too late. Me CuMy will be kept at Chester until Ins rial t ikes place. Martvlmll Vestrla. it tsbur' The fit IsImii l'-CI At I ,ame land aain p st pon, iccounl of :iiii, Al Ihton in seeoml. -lioston I'luladelpliia 1 At Chicago Chicago I'J Indianapolis S. Al Washington The New York-Washington game postponed on account ot tain. Al Louisville Cincinnati Louisville i in sib. Al Columbus Columbus .", Haltiinore I in 1th. friuu Cotton Review. Ni:v Yokk, Scplcnilicr 1 7. The Sun's cotton review: 1'utures made sciine fur ther advance, and dealings showed a good degree of activity. The rise was stimulated by the further improvement in the Liverpool market, where the short time in Lancashire does not seem to scare the bulls worth a cent. The lea lures of bad weather also had a harden ing mHiiencc; but in ihe last leu minutes l he market weakened. Cotton on spot waseasier without quotable decline, fair spinning demand. Rill Filed for Foreclosure. Norfolk, Va., Septeniler IT. Conrad N. Jordan and Henry W. Ford, trustees under the first mortgage of the Norfolk Southern railway company tiled a bill to day in the circuit court of the l uited States in this city for the foreclosure of said first mortgage. Cloud HurNt and Flooded Streets. II AHHisoMttKC, Va., September 1 7. This place was visited by a cloud burst to-day, and parts of tnc town were badly Hooded, In Main street, bonis could have been used for a time. There was much damage from Hooded cellars. Another Murder lromlNed. London, Septemlicr 17. A letlersigned "Jack, the Kiper," has lteeii icceived at n news agency in this city, in which the writer states, .that in about a week, an other murderHvill be added to the list of Whitccluipcl horrors. ciiica;o iti:vn.w. 4Suhiii'hs ill the f iain Cfiiler Dur isi Yesterday's Session. Cmo.u'.o, September 17. The spceula '.ivc market averaged dull and narrow ml strong to-day. 'flic opening figures were practically at closing rales ot' yes eriiay, ami aficra gradual improvement if 1 ia;lsc. in tile leading futures, tin uarket hung sluggish and characterless ill lorcuoou, within a rangeof 7's'Nn7s:. ! r Hecenih-.T and f-i U ! i .-1 ."-t li 1 -. for May. Xcws was scarce on the bull side, 'flu :not tnipoi'iant items were a reported decrease for the wick in tile quantity ol wheal and llour on ocean passage ol 1 ,1 lis.liiiu liuslii is. Tlie miserably pom grading o: current arrivals is attracting ,vii!cs uad alteniioii and there do not appear to be any peopic in the trade here who can oiler a salis'actory explanatioi a the i xi.-.t iug slate ot ailaiis. Out oi 72 cars inspected to-day liierc werconly i out .f eoatr el or le:-s than 2 iter cent. .o one doubts the existence of some No. wheat soinew iierc lull llic question is '.Jicn w ill it be marketed. At least out a.c ol Ilccclllbi r slan ts .vas covcrtii to i.iy to the extent of about i;.'iO,(lll(; 'ttsiicis by a bouse with lorcign cance llous. It was s.ail tiiat Ibis inn ing was lone whuliy on ins icet ion showing. Tin olai closing prices wctc a httic under tlie . xtteiuc otitsitle range, but there was a act gain over vcslci day's closings oi C. In corn a fair siiecitlativc trade was re ported and the kcling developed was iniewhat tinner, transactions being at ligiiiU higher prices, flic better tone as due to a general change in the 'c.;!iu r ami lilt: leci ip.s. Oats were tr tiled i,: moderately, and a u'.iiiy ktai.c. jil vailnl. but jn icccli.inget .el c veiy slight. In mess jiclk a litiily active irade w.'th i cp. a'ted. t icioht r deli vet y sho .veil utoi : i-iigtii. aiNancit. o.-.-iiti-., lMit oihei :i.li'.ciies wi re easier , nit! ehani'-cil lianib it l-',..il;.c. ilcliiic. I.illle iuti rest (entered in the lard mar vel and trading was iiniic.!. Neardeiiv tiis vvc.-ee.'iiipara'.ively sieady, but de rr.'tl deliveries .'.etc easier ami aboul je. lower. In sliial ribs sides only a llloilcrnU i.ulc was np.iited. 1'ii, es ruled J :.iV. owcr oil tlelerreti tlelivelles .11:.! tin mar l closcil tpiiet. h iVAI:INCj TAI'l'V. !ii!nevs Rtc! 'tl'i-if.e, i;te. (icere'.'iry Was siiiNi; 1 1 -ptclitiiel 1 7. Secret nry ol K. .'h i I 1 1. Terrell, (it .'hief nt' 1 1 :c navy p.-u foiirl h auditor's olliee. '. ind ua ajipoin .la.is.-'.cliusctis, livisi n of the ice Martin, ol Ahb. una resigned. The app iu'.ee is a coloret! mail, lie is a irailu. at ol 1 larval d I niversitv, and is ,L present, engaged as a teacher in a oloret! normal school -d Washington. In respoiist to a telegram ol' congratu atiou sent by Seeietary Tiaiv lo his ircih-ccssor on l he sacccssltti trial of the tew cruiser l;.,ii iniore, iltc lollowiug lisiiatch w.-.s rueivctl this inoiiimgal the uavv depa, t m. nl : l.i::;ox, Mass., September Iti. I o the Secretary ol ,avv, u aslungton .vlaiiv thanUs lor your kind dispatch. 1 inve felt certain the result would be atisfaetory, as-iilo also, that von will continue to raise the standard, and in time register much higher results than the-e. (Signeil,l W. C. Wimtxi:v. liond oll'crings in-day aggregated $1S7.- "! ; accepted SUXli.oOO at l.'S for four tcr cents, and lilo 'i for lour and hall's. ISiKfl.Ii Ii ATLANTA, 3icetlujf of National lMsseoyt i and Ticket Agents. Atlanta, Oa., September 17. The Na tional I'asHcngcr and 1 ickct Aleuts As sociation met here to-day. W.L.Dan Icy, ns ranking member of the executive committee, presided. It was agreed that the next convention, which will be held tu the second Tuesday in March lMtO, should c .nvciic in the City of Mexico. Scvend res lutions which were referred to eoniu itlecs during the last meeting were discussed and further time was granted isfueri iiua! vote was taken. Messrs. li. k. i'ust. in, of the Chesapeake ind Nashville; C. I-', i lai d wicke, of l he lieorgia Pacific; C. C. Knapp, of the (leorgia Saillurn and 1'lovida: W. M. t Li vidMin. of t lie Savannah, l'l"riila and Western ; i-. 1'. McSwiuney, of I he C harles lon and S.iy.'.nnrili ; li. A. Ten Uroeck, of tiie Wes'i rn I'aeil'u', and C. S. Crane, ol tiie l iiii'ii I' lcihc, were eieeied members nl t lu association. During iii. alieruocdi tiie delegates were ucsisoi'lu A: laatie and Western road, i'hey visited ?inrietta and were hand somely entertained by I he mayor and pro m men I ell ueiis. A magnificent 'lis play ol Inc winks was yiven al night, :tnd i Ik- s peciai trains o I l he i cfirsioi.ists returned to Atlanta at 1 1 o'clock. I ll 4 i'TANJMM.A'H iJ.OHV, Iter .al Ueuiiin of OIl Sol diers ICw-uioM T-aa. Chattanooga, Tenu., Septeinher 17. The members of the Society ot lite Army ol the Climb. 'rlnud caine in to-dav by hundreds, and there arc now ;t,lMH old soldiers in I he city. The reunion exercises will begin to-morrow, ('.en. Uosccraus, lien. Alger, Cicn. Cisl ami oilier leading ollicials were tendered a reception to night by the old soldiers of both armies, (icn. Wilder's brigade is here 1-f Ml strong, and a preliminary meeting was held to night. The first reunion meeting will be held to-morrow night. The weather, which has been very unppipitious, is cold and clearing, ;md the promises ate lor clear weather during the reunion. There is a much larger crowd than the old soldiers expected and the prospects arc good lor the most successful reunion the Army of the Cumberland has ever held. The Cluckamauga Park Associa tion will hold a meeting to-moirov tnK' closed Friday on the battlefield of Chick amauga. A great deal of interest lieing maui'ested in the enterprise by all present. A Choice ol FvilH. Df.kk Takk, Md., St ptemlMi 1 7. It is stated authoritatively to-night that Maj. Warner has not declined the pension cotu missiouei. ' p. lie still has the matter umlcr consideration. Maj. (ieorge S. Merrill, of Massachusetts, is Micved to U' the i nly other man whom President llanisou is considering. The Weather To-Day. Washington, ptember 1 7. Indica tions for North Carolina Kaiu; bwer teniKTature; winds shifting to north westerly. Treasury llalaueeH. Nkw Yokk, Septemlicr 17. Treasury , balances: Coui,l.Ki,.(KI,(.ti ; currency $1X,4-1'S,1 IS. A BLOODY EIGHT. W15IIM A H1 I.OI IH m. I I ST WAS KII.I.i:s. 1 llruial MiiukIiik Mutch in a Ha loom at Aiicluittlii Tlie 1'ouulit l-lieeii KouiiclH for Tliirly OoE I;irs a Side, lClc. hi. I.in is, St pU'inncr 1 t .A hrninl inzr h'hl (Kcitrrcd at the s;tlom Dai 't'V nrn tlicrs, local brewers of cnnsiili il)le note, which has resuUed inti.etleatli 1 I nomas li. Jackson ajcd is vcar :le Iciulit a, Alicarn, a local lilit vvciht uiauipion eleven bloody round: nul at the opcntnir ot the twelfth, fcl! amtitiii ii: his secoml's amis. The tii -iiroiiiitioni was one oi the most ucsjici ite nanus ever wui'csscu in tlie rinti ieienec ih-iii ; lost silil ii. and uive aim lake sbiLin in ark in' ' i.." tin mil ml. Thelirst blooil was brm,du in the iirst round, more oi iL in tiie second : am iy tlie tune haif a dozen rounds had been ioui;hl, the men and their second were covered with blood, as i lie sawdust on tin door ot the riu while the water wih winch tlie hunter were sponged was red as blood itself 'A" hen acksou fell iiuconscions, he was ear : led to a room aoove i'ailev s saloon and three physicians were eaded fhev worked viuorousiv, but without .'iail;aud at 11 o'clock this uioruiu (acksou died. lie was the sou ot a well known local rccn backer. ThealVair ha Tea ted intense cxcHciik tit , as pi oiniueut jieople will nuely become mvolveo. I Ik lefcree was the sporting editor o! a lead inu; morhui: papi r. I i:c spectators were principally ol tnc iioni alley sports .uade nil a purse of fv:;o for which the men, or r;i filer boys, coutended. Tw mice hard jjoves 'vcrc used. Itob I a ell and Charley haiiev seconded Ahearn mil Sieve lUuus ami Mike Moouey i oked alLcr aeUson, 1'lic ft"Iit started tt uiidni.uht ami Lhec!ccii iloody round .an lie ticsci ined as wholly without sei cuce. I lie crowd ol siiorts sneaKed out and left the haltered lighter oh Charley iL-iiicv ' h.tiids. Iai!ev, who has fought r'oine well kmwn slni;ei, aiming ihcin Myers, ol Mrenlor, 111., the puihsl, win :iade a draw wuh the li.h l -weight ch.am ;ion .b idille, did all lie could for the tvinij bo . , but without ;-v'iil. '1 he dead . Lulialor's body now lie; in a room oyer tic saloon where he loni;ht, Ins lace uu ivcnj'iiiznhlc and his mother ami two iirotlicrs were alone with their dead viiilc chief of poiiei llnhlarnas ordered .he arrest l all parlies concerned in the : (Vair. Jackson was well known iuhtini circles as "J.'ick Kitiu;," and Ins parents were mti..rant t-f his puillistie ambition. Ahearn is a nashltcr bv oecu- liou and a tighter by inclination. Vt.AINST I.VNiail KS. ;vc-nor Fnwle InsueK a atieli deeded I'roelaiisallou. I,i.i-:m;ii, N. C, September 17. (iov l. (. I-owie in iew ot the Ivnchmg nl Morg.intoii I ist week, h.is issued a proc laim ion reciting the tacts as asccr nined. anil enjoining "all o dicers, and es- .peetiulv l hose eh.irgcd with it ' admiiiis- iration tvul execution ol the law in local ities where crimes have been committed, to energetie'ally exert themselves lit ar rest and bring to justice these offenders ..igainst society, Tlie laws must and diail be maintained. The executive is .eady to exercise all powers eonlerrcd on him to preserve the peace of society and protect l lie good name ol the people ol the State. While it is a cause lor pro found sorrow that these evils should ex ist, there is a consolation that they arc eonliim! lo lew ami restricted localities. The great body of the people are sober, industrious and law abiding; and have ever been distinguished among the Slates of the I'liion for references of the law and steady support of its ministers. To this people I appeal to aid me. ' And in con clusion he invokes sound public senti ment. French Sii;ar Keliuery iturued. ItoKKKAI'X sugar iciiiici dav. Three Septemlicr 17. The Boutin .'iy in this city was burned to c hundred thousand kilograms re damaged. Loss 1 ,i."iO,(MHi of sugar francs. Noiiiinalloii for Governor, Tki nton, N. J., Scpicinbcr 17. The Kepublkan Si Liiis alli-rnooi land ('-rub! Uc convention mci hen and nominated C.inern! , lor gtivcruor on second ballot. Cholera in Asiatic Turkey. I, on i ion, September 1 7. Cholera In m.-iiie i'.s .ippvarauce in Hagdail and th disease is spreading in wvstern Persia. STATIC XFWS. News ( ihscrvcr: Sunday afternoon ;i little blind girl named Ivosa IClhs. from lohnsioit connly. had a fatal fall al the Itisthmioit of the Deaf, Dumb and Illind. Site was seni to the asylum some lime ago, but was in such bad health that t he a 'it hot ities refused to ad mil her. ami were awaiting the propi-r time lo scud her home. She was iu tlie room in bed and when lite matron went down to dinner she shut the window and loeked the door to make sure that the blind girl would not get out. Pefore bu ret m n, however, she had crawled through the window ami out on the porch which was iwo sloriis from t he ground. She walked oil' the edge of the porch, falling to the ground below and received in juries which resulted in her death in hall an hour. Doctors Mci-h-eand Haywood were called in and found that no bones were broken hut tli.it fatal internal in jin ies hail Ik en tin riMiit of the fall. No Name attaches lo the :isvlum authorities the matron took every precaution. Ualcigh Despatch correspondence: At Stockton, Uockiuglu-in connly, iu the course of a dance al a icgro cabin n while man named tlrccn was present. Me had words with a negro named Mann, whereupon Ihe latter shot al him, but the bullei ilew wide and killed Mary Uarriston, a negro woman who was dancing. The defence of Movie, the ex- pncsl, who is to he tried here next week for outrageous assault, wiit be ably con ducted. Hi counsel are reticent as to t heir evidence. The public interest in the trial will le phenomenal. It is probable that the trial will begin on the 1'oth. The prosecution will be vigorous, and not a few people Micvc that Boyle will pay the extreme enalty. Charlotte Chronicle: There arc up wards of a hundred studentsat Davidson College, Aboul thirty-live are in the Freshman class and more are exectcd. A Chronicle reporter learned yester day thai the negro Joe Foster who was captured and imprisoned at tiastonia, for the attempted outrage on tiie nine ar old girl in Chester county, whose sur-nanic the reporter's informant j;ave as rcmicy, was removed tu lullas jail last Thursday. ii u; tu: 11 INDICATION, The KaveiiHcroft Mijcli Seool for HoyH Ojiens to-day with very bright pros pects. It is a diocesan school established under the controbof the Fpiscopal church oft he Diocese of North Carolina, managed through a Board of Fellows, Itisotcn however, to pupils oi all denominations who may apply for admission, it is pro posed and determined to make il a high school in character as well as in name, and lo that cud the teachers have been selected with great care with reference to tlie highest ipialitications of scholarship, adaptation lo their work, and personal character. The he'id master is Mr. Konald Mc Donald, lie is herewith his family. This gentleman is the son of the widely known author (ieorge McDonald, was educated at the 'niversitv of Oxford with distinc lion.ltaught successfully in Fngland some years.and removing lo tlicl'niicd States, taught here two years before accepting his present appointment, lie is a thor ongh classical scholar, and Innuhar with licrman and French. Mr. Itissel, second master, is the son ol i missionary now iu India, where per haps he himself was born, but he wav educated in America, gradualimr with n'gh honor at Vale, and is a ihoroughb educated, genial gentleman. The matron is Miss Ida Kamseiir, of Lincoln county, we believe. The High School is designed to prepare pupils for our Stale Fniversity or tbrany other, and also to lit them for practical business life. Besides tiie ancient lan guages, the I-ivneli and Ocrman will be uiglil without extra chaige. And it nay be here staled that the annual e for board and tuition covers all barges; there arc no extras. A pleasant, feature, aseonforniing to the modern ideas ofphysical education, is that both Mr. McDonald and Mr. Bissell an killed athletes, masters of all the science f the gymnasium. We lire glad to learn ihal the prospects f the school are excellent , a large num ber of applications for admissions having ecii made, and many Idlers of impiiry eeeived. We hope f his new addition to the higher ducational facilities of Ashevillc will be Hilly recognized and amiilv rewarded. TIIF VlCktniCT Ofthe Coroner's .fury in the Hell Homicide Cane. The impiest over the remains of (ieorge W. Hell, who was s1io1-7unl lulk'il by foliii Hurry m tins i-ity Muniljiy, w;is Ijiun at Slnnii-s' ii ii It rLiiliiiii; mums nn .N'nrtli Main street yisUTilav miiriiintr at ten cloek. No post mortem examination as ileemeil neeessary liy eoroner nil inl anil his jury wliieli was eoniio!-eil I'the lollowini; eitizens: II. II. White. X. Sorrels, C. l-alk, W. II. Clayton, X. I'enl.iiiil, anil J. II. Carter. After viewing the remains the jury ailjoiirneil to meet again at the Mayor's ofliec at 2 eloek in the afu't nooii. I'pon reassembling the impiest was nuiiiiieil by the examination of niavor laiilon,J. T. C.u ter.J. J. Hill, I'. C. Me- ntiiT anil others, witnesses oft he blooilv ageily in which Hell was the victim. 1'he tesciinonv of these witnesses was so icar alike to the general statement of the tl'air which appeareil iu these columns estenlay niorning, that its renetilion is cmcil ipiite unnecessary. At the conclusion of the testimony tlie mry returned the lollowiug verdict: That the deceased came to his death as result of 11 gunshot wound I rum a nis- I in the hands of ohn Kerry." Arrived at Si',v York. A telegram received here vestcrdnv af- inooii ailllouiiccil the sale arrival of apt. 1. W . I'.itton ami his pari v at w York during the forenoon. Capt. n ton also telegraphed that he had id a pleasant voyage coming over, and ilat he Mild his colllii.iiiious wcreinexiel- nl hcalih. I he returned tourists are! peeled to arrive here to-morrow morn-1 mg. Mr. Arthur Arriiiiiii Returned yesterday, and is ready to en ter at once into the details connected ith giving vilalitv to tlie Ashevillc anch '( the inter-Slate Imiiiigrailou lliircnu. Those interested will please ike notice. To-VIorrovv Nilit Week, The next "ladies reception" at the isinopolilau Club will lie held on Vhursilav evening, September 211. Jlotlier and Itale llurued lo Heath I San Fkaxcisoii, September 17. As Mrs. Annie Cuba was sitting at a table in her house last evening with her babv nr arms, and two other small chil- lrcn near her, the babv suddenly upset a coal oil lamp, which exploded in the mot her's lap, and all four persons were soon enveloped in llaiucs. Mrs. tioba ran into the back vard with the babv, but, by the time assistance reached llieiu, both were so badlv burned thatthevdied diort lime. The other two childicii were fearfully binned and their recovery doubtlul. Four JurorM Obtained. CiiKwr.n, September 17. At the lime f adioiirninent of the Croniu ease this evening there were lour jurors in the box igainst whom no legal disiiiialilication had liccn discovered and who had lieen I te iKiereti to me mate nv me iiciense. 1 lie States attorney asked until to morrow to consider the acceptability of these jurors, and it is not improbable that the same, or even all lour of the gentlemen may lie ultimately accepted urn sworn in. Little Johnny lny lies here, lie neither cries nor frets; He just had reached his thirteentti year Cigarettes. A!S ATTIiMl'Tlin ni'KUlvR. saurty l uHtvr HemlH a Couple ol IliilIetH Alter Koliert hmllli. h iraeas mat came near tcrniiiiatiiiK in a murder took place at 33 South Main street, annul nine o clock last evening, the particulars of which arc about as fol lows' At ti. number designated is a grocery store conducted by colored men, and in which Kobert Smith, also colored, is em ployed. Sandy Foster, a turbulent negro about town who is in trouble oftener than he is out, went into the store and asked Smith to sell him a cigar on credit. Knowing Sandy's failure to pay lor anything which he could obtain without Iirst putting up the "rocks," Smith re fused to let him have the cigar. Sandy became very much incensed at Smith's declination to sell him the cigar, and set iu to roundly cursing and abusing the clerk, finally winding up with the decla ration ihui "il'l had a pistol I'd blow he top of your head oil." Thereupon Smith put Sandy out ol the store. Fos ter went oil' and soon returned with .a IS-calibrc revolver which lie had bor rowed troin one ol Ins lneuils, and re newed the trouble with Smith. His Ian uage was awlul, and his threats to per loratc Muiiu s auaiomy Willi a couple of Xo. ; IIS bullets were frcipicnt and em phatic. Next he made a break for clerk Smitith, who picked up small box of potatoes near bv and A'ilh it soon llallened the belligerent Sandy out. As soon . as he could get on Iiis feet again Saudv pulled his gnu am leveling il al Smith fired at him twice scarcely a second's time intervening be t ween the two reports. A crowd rushed up among which were two or three policemen. Sandy broke .-mil ran, will chief of police Ilaird and officer llradley closely behind him. lie was liiitdly caught hiding under an out house back of the old F.aglc hotel build iug, wilh the revolver still in his hand Officer llradley pulled him out and took him lo the station house, where he spent the night in the cage. Neither of the shots took effect, fortunately, but how they missed hitting sonic one of thcniaiiy people standing Ly at the time is a mys tery. Sandy will have u hearing before the Mayor this morning, and will be, beyond doubt, committed to jail to stand trial on a charge of intent to kill with deadly weapon, at the coming term of the crim inal court. I'-osler is a bad, notoriously bad negro, and his attempt al murder last night is but another illustration of his lotal de pravity and cusscdness. FOLKS VOl' KNOW. Wlio They Aret WhereThev Are, and What They Are Ooinic. V. A. Knloc, of Webster, and S. S. Spier, of t'loldsboro, were at the I'liand Central last night. Miss Inez Ciiidgcr, daughter ofcx-Judgc . C. I., (iuilgcr, of Waynesville, is visi ting friends iu this city. II. J. Fuller and K. T. Iiarlc, of Hot Springs, made the Swatiuanoa head ipiartcrs during their visit to the city yesterday. Charlie Jordan left yesterday for New York where he will take his second course in medicine at llellcviic college this fall and winter. Attorney S. II. Reed left yesterday for New York on imporlai t prolessional business, and will be absent from thecity about ten days. Mrs. 11. H. Carter is visiting her sister, Mrs. (iov. Taylor, at Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. Carter is accompanied by her mother Mrs. I.oretta Ilaird. Division passenger agent Y. A. Win burn of the W. N. C. K. R. has return, d from a visit to his old home in Ceorgia. Mrs. Winbiirii and son will not return to the city tor several weeks yet. Hon. James K. Sehoollicld and w iii' have returned lo thecity from a visit toF.van gelist Sam oiics, al Carlersvillc, (ia., and arc the guests ot Captain II. C. France at 24 Hailcy street. Mr. A. M. Carroll left yesterday for Haltiinore where lie will attend lectures ; al Johns 1 Iopkins I'liivcrsily during the ! coming session. Mr. Carroll gradiiaded j with high honors at Richmond College i last year, and is one of the brightest young men in the State, lie is a sou ol Rev. J. I.. Carroll, I). 11., of this city. ' Till-: Citizun predicts a brilliant future ; for its young friend. j Wild F'lowerH. We arc indented to some kind, and wc know very tasteful, lady for a lioiupiet shall wc give a foreign name to a bunch of modest native wild Mowers? so prct tilv arranged as to increase our love for what our own fields and woods provide us. There was the background of ferns on which was laid the rich sprays of the golden rod, dear to the memories ofehild hood, and the purple aster, and the richly glowing crimson loliclia. all so intermin gled and arranged as to make the com bination strikingly beautiful, and with the associations connected with every single Mower, making its touching apK'al through avenues not traveled by, or ac cessible to, the more ambitious exotic which however wc do not disdain v i hunk most i-mib.illv in.. K'ver. Will Not Accept. The Key. Jarvis Iluxton, 1). I)., rector of Trinity Fpiscopal church in this city. has declined to accept the position of Rector F.nieritus, tendered him by the Vestry of that church, on nnd after March 1, lS'.K) the time when his resig nation as Rector of the parish goes into effect. TIIE IIARK'IXS BUILDING wii.i. not hk ui:nti:htothi; V. t. iiOVlvK.N.VIlvNT. IIh Owner TellH The Citizen Whv the I'oHtollice Will Not be Loca ted on IIIn l'roperty The Rent Offered Futirely Too Low. A CrnziiN representative yesterday afternoon learned from ex-Mayor Har kins that he had positively refused to rent his new building on I'atton avenue to the government as a site for the loca tion ot the city iinslollicc. The reason for this refusal is based upon the tact that the government is willing to pay Mr. Marking only $4(10 er year lor the use ol his handsome brick and granite structure; and the ex mayor is not built in a way that war rants him iu furnishing free buildings for t'nitcd States pnstolliecs at this iiartieu- ar season of the year. Therefore, he leclined to consider Ihcin iiuilicentoMcrof I'ncleSain, and the whole thing is de clared oil'. Hesides, Mr. Markins has already about concluded a contract lo rent the same premises to a private individual for .$75 per month, and if the postoMicc is removed it wi!l not be found domiciled on Mr. Markins' I'atton avenueirojK'rty at a rental of $400 per year. His decis ion iu tlie matter is absolutely final, and 1'iicle Sam will have to hunt sonic other building in which to carry on the postal branch of his business iu Ashevillc. It is rum. ired that Mr. W. T. Reynolds has offered one of the large store-rooms in his handsome opera house building to the government as a suitable site for the location of the posloflicc, but as Till-: Citizkx was unable to liud that gentle men last evening, the truth or falsity of such statement could not be directly established. Iu the meanwhile, 14 Hendry block is still vacant. It is a large andconyeniciit room ; well adapted in every particular lor the location of the postollice. besides icing more centrally loeaU-d than any other available buildiiiL' in theeitv. Whv would il not be just the thing to cstab- lsh the postoMicc iu the Hendrv block ? AN l.NOOKNlv.VIF.NT. A Noritanton Citizen Feels the In- Hull to the I.aw. In speaking of the unfortunate and criminal lynching at Morirniiton last week, we spoke as a law abiding citizen, concerned at the contempt in which ihi- the law had fallen, and earnestly desirous that it should be brought back into its regular, just and respected channel. We were sure that our position would meet the approbation of till judicious men, for ill such must tremble at the peril that menaces society if mob law be countenanced, and if the lciral tribu nals cease to be the resort for obtaining justice or vindicating the powers of the law nl the land. We are happy to present the fnllnwing emphatic and gratifying endorsement of our position, written bv n inmwm ;entleinan of Morganton, who speaks for himself, and we are glad to say, for others, livery good citizen of every ti lose gooil name is so grievously brought in (picstion should make every effort to make the repetition of such insults to the law again impossible: Mokcanton, X. C, Septemlicr 1-1. I.ditor Citizen: Asa citizen of Iiurkc unity who blushes with shame m il... outrageous lynching of Tuesday night, 1 desire lo thank you for your iiianlv fdi. torial iu yesterday's nai'icr. ami in further, thai wc have some few in.il." leu here who have spoken om i r-r... leniuatiou of Ibis disgraceful insidi f the majesty of the law. I'.uclosc hud my check for $;t.llll on ac count nl your daily paper. Very trnlv Iil; TOM'S IIOAKII DOWN, A Serpentine Nliirv Tlmi From Lynch, N. c. A cm-respondent writing to Tin; Ciri- zi x from Lynch postoMicc, realizing that the season is last approaching its end. and that his neigh borhond is likely to lie left out of the snake column, tells the fnllnwing; which wc publish iu his own language: l.vxcn, X. C, September Uli, 1SN1I. liilitor Citizen. The biggest snake yarn otitic season Iiig Tom Wilson's to the contra ry, notwithstanding was told here this niorning by Mr. J. K. Kcrlcy, of this place. Mr. K., is a man of good reputation ami is entitled to credit. He says, that lie found a snake of Ihecoppcr head family, while in Ihe woods cow hunling, and on killing said snake, he found that it had hid away inside ol it, thirty-seven live snakes, measuring about seven inches in length, all of which lie killed, making in all thirty-eight; and using Mr. Kcrlcy 's language, "It wasnot a very line day for killing snakes, ns it was somewhat cloudy in the morning part of the day and rather cool." In my opinion, Kjg Tom will have to put up Ins board again, for lieyoud a reasona ble doubt, it is down now." X. HaiiiH. To the influence of the hurricanes re ported as sweeping up the coast at the present time we may aserilie the abun dant rains of yesterday and the night be fore, and also the fall of tcni)eraturc, which was reduced to 00 and a little be low. A Royal Arch Meeting. A special convocation of Ashevillc Chapter, Xo. a.", Koyal Arch Masons, will lie held at Masonic Temple at eight o'clock this evening for the purpose of conferring the M. M. and P. M, degrees. Companions arc requested to be present. Lam of the Heaxon. Not ninny were the dancers in the fare well german of the season at Battery Park last evening, but those who did participate immensely enjoyed the pleas ures of the occasion..

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