. ! ' i I il ! f., if H i ) ? fj ! I i il 1 '3 Hi : .'3 i i ' ;1. 1 'A THE DAILY CITIZEN. ' The Citizen la the most extensively circu lated and widely read newspaper in Western North Carolina. Its discussion of public men and measures Is in the interest of public integrity, honest government, and prosperous industry, and it knows no personal allegiance in treating pub lic issues, Tbe Ciyizkn publishes the dispatches of the Associated Press, which now covers the whole world in its scope. It has other facili ty oi advanced journalism lor patnermg news from all quarters, with e very thiiiR care fully edited to on'unv the smallest simee. Specimen copies of any edition will be sent ree to any one sen (it up tneir amircns. Tkrms Dailv. SO for one vear: S3 for six months; 50 cents for one month ; 15 cents for one week. Carriers will deliver the paper in every part 6f the city to subscribers, anil par ties wanting it will please eall at the Citizhn nce. A nv rrtising Rates Reasonable. ant) made known on aunticntion at this office. All transient advertisements must be paid in ad vance. Heading notices ten cents inrr line. Obitu ary, marriage and society notices tit'tv cents each (not exceeding ten lines nr tit'tv cent;- per inch. FRIDAY. SHIT. Jo. 1NN9. A (iOOll KAMPI,i;, Kuoxville ami Knox eonutv have iust carried by a lure majority tin- proposi tion to vnu' u city ami cmiTtt suhscnp- tiontolhe Xortheastern row! In ton- nection with this, tin Trilniueid' i lie 1 '.'til presents the following summary ol what those same liodies have done to aid in the const ruction ot railmaiN leading into Kuoxville, fnirly carnitij; for il the nanu given of the Plucky Cit - The I'rilmne says: Kuoxville ami Kno. count hae ;tl readv suhcrihcd uearU :mii nitlhoti ilol- lars to seeun i;iIp;hIV tlm-i time- as much as any otlut Soiiiliern city mu ever subseiiijed. Wars a.yo k-iuxvilli subscribed .SIOD.nno to Hie meU of ilk Kuoxville and Ohio railroad tinl Knox county snhscriljcd also SUmi.immi. In Au gust, lss 7, Kuoxville Milisenhed .SL'l'.V OOll to the stoek ol the Kimw illc. On:i herland (inp and !.ouisi!lc lailioatl and $L'7.".iMto to the sioek of the Knowiik Southern railroad. In "vnnlei l7, Knox county s.th ri-'ol .SI ' i.ttnti to tin stock ol l lie Carolina. Kuoxville and Western railroad. Last Saturday kiuix county subscribed j-1 ' ,u' ' in i.hc Lock of the Knowilic and -M thcasieru rail road. These rimo ive i toial t :;;iiuo,. lino as our stock in rat In .-nlv These plucky measure- have m.nU Kuoxville v!iai she is; ha e impelled her increase in population. intsines iiml wealth with marvi'lnii rapidity, and have enlarged her pupulatiuii in r.ne last ten years from lo.noo to ."iO.ihmi This is what Asheville iniiM do. In some respects Abbeville is a luck cit too. With a population .tl thv. 1-.:, ol less than o.imh). she js-uiued i wu oi $!00,(MHi (,r watei wvk and -i - vet im provement , with a growt ii ' nupidat ion. she doubled that burden tor se werai. and farther si reel improvement . and no oik doubts that its a : money wisely and profitably invested; loi already under the influence of those investments, popular ion has ueari doubled, and property 'piad rupled in value, and such addition ''veii to business and social life a-to instil i he introduction of the ekivii o reel rail way, the two s s!-n,v .i eliei ne iiyiuing, the gas works, tile lelepU. mk , . ad i :c ex tension and vastb im i" 1 o t d e;;pa,ii ,e-ol the waterworks Hut the beiiiimiu 's -id 'nade. I he foundation only laid, i.i t .vsiicibe fol low the example ol Kuoxville. Several highly important railroad schemes are in active agitation, every one of them nt the deepest interest to Asheville. ami to the eonstruetitm of which her aid will be asked. As the benefit to her will be cer tain and immense, lei her re-pond promptly and ungrudgingly when . ailed upon to act We eoniiiici.O to i he I Iendc: vm edli Times or whoever prepare- its editorial columns -oiiie study of the s stem which distil igui -lies editorial ut tyrant es and news or miscella neon elipjiings. In the last issue of t he Time- ,is-iunes to ar raign Till-: Citii-n tor alleged itiaeeuiate statement in reirar'l to t lie late ''ension Commissioner Tanner, and a!-o lor al leged errors in the field ot partisan poli tics Of this we let our friends be the judges. Hut in regard to 1 he first the Times has again fallen into the error ot conloumling news clippings with edito rial matter, in this ease wilfully or blindly ; for in the issue of the dlh. from which the clipping is taken, the heading of the column is plainly "items of inter est, " and any other item ir that column might ctpiallv have urn the -ubnet !' commeiil, and lialfa hundred other pa-! iters eipialtv open to erincisui l he stat.enieul s made. Veep;ei next to see the Times ipnuiuu mr patein tuedjcuie columns and cen.Mirm ns tut uialitiu i he claims they do to . iii'e all i.ht ill, tjesh is heir to. out nnlii le.dlv. one is as proper as tlie oilier. As l(ir Tjiiiner. wv li.-ui1 nn i-nrri'-rli mi i. i i 1 1 "i to iiiiim. in KUtiiM lii nun. lit- tiij". Nivcii fromlu f, Hie fs,.i, , rise t,.' topUiRueliis ,.:.,-. Tl- Tiims s i more tiiU-lity to him than il .1... tn I lie Presitlent nf i lie ian vflit' '.vas 't,i L-.. not by the reinticiri tii -ns tint! evjiiwu'v of tlie llemoerats, Imt liy i lit- pressure from his own tnentls. to L.t ri( oi lnni, too lute, liowever, lit eseaite tlie p-lnlm-tion for the unwise appniniineiit ami he is surtkicntly jmlerl and (lenuiiiicfi! by his own party trieinls to metl miv farther present nmiee Irom lii i pin-rv op pouents. Two Kejinlilif an i-tnnnieiiis an- -ai mir hands. The North State says: Corpor.'it Tanner is a fine illiistiaiiun of the man who is enayeil in opening his mouth and putting his lo.tt in it. There is no imputation til' dishonesty on Tanner, tie is simply notoriously- un fit to fill any importnni-orliee. The President thought lie w is respond ing to a demand made hv the (iraud Army men when he appointud Tanner. He found at last that he had been made a dupe by a ring of pension elaini aueiits, who selected Tanner, as amj suliiect to palm oflfon the President as a Crand Army pet, and at the same time have a man they could use to get into the treasury. Tanner's flitting official life makes the first scandal otthis administration. The President laced the situation like a true man and a tearless executive. It is to lie -hoped he will not hesitate to make many more changes. He has appointed many Tanners to offices throughout the coun try. With the well organized system of misrepresentation and slander kept up to blindfold rum as to ins egregious mis takes, he may pass on to the end of his term before he rally realizes how greatly he has been imposed upon." The Chicago Tribune ( Kep.) somewhat irreverently says: There was an old soldier named Tan ner, who behaved in an indiscreet man ner. He was hired for a tool, but turned out a fool, and brought shame on the Star panu'led Banner. THi; NKGHO hXOIM M. General Jones UenieH Thai It 1 j i Hiinteu i3 411) mri VP! vk-1,1 our c.lit..rial space tu the f..l-i U.w.t.K reply bv I.e.. Jol.ns.neJ..n to,, eribing wrong causes and motives to the so-called nero exodus from North Caro lina. The replv is in the Jime of our own comment on the same article in yester day's issue. We thank lieu. Jones, and we think our readers will agree with us, fur so manfully taken up the cudgel for Sorih Carolina, and doing good service for her in his new dtsiaut home: To The I'ltion : Voiir editorial in last MUKia mornings ismic, neaueo Mighty Kxodns." docs the people of North Carolina -ome injustice. Von say that the emigration of tugrocs from thai State is one to ''industrial oppre-sttui i .-.ml l..",, ,.il.culc..mliu.,i, J..t Unus, hi nitlu' hci ' 1 1 lit- ciiiownmi ol'sul'traiiL riLtiiis." Tiare is nn loiiiul;itieui in l;tv.t ("or tiiis swecpinu chaiiii-. Vitn may mil itc iiwnn t llal I lit- cm!us. lx-;iin scviTai Viarsa'ji. was i!iri'i-lt-il al lirsi to t'n LurK'lHinc tinots di-oria, whetv la Dnr was al l lial litni Mi t;i'n.I .li-ntaaii. md thai i.'ulc-tlv i li." tin v ft! ;m I has I'tfcit ;ci iln in' It'll ami .nm itlaiiuiiiuus iiI'iii i'i'C Noli'il '.liL- I'llll M'alL's. ll-SI--SH 'i I l''i 'l'"ll -. " ' . I Aiii-tr ill. tt.iiii. .ii .'t.n.iiiii.iis nv .xv Sonif of 1lu inost Tascina- Lainl i!"l ai'.rt n"i;li-U If i!tf n-LT't! uiati Hi..-,- in .,nb i :,. I..-.,- Us" I'f il,lltl I ' i.-'t t t h;i i t ji.-sr iLii'raii'- ,favf sit. i. .i.T" .t w'.h'ti' 111- I L- .Ill'' -ISII-iH- .1. r- . t una .v--t. ! .-I..-I M !.. T,sla- pultlicaii ivi't-. --fill I ni-f ' a i it . t ' ' aisl 1 I..1 u ''it : a : t ii I it-'it .-ftllt'tl l tint a- V'.-it - 'i t . i ' tii;-' : .ic : 't. 'tilt-?. :ll t-tilllll l-'lrifl- ! l:ili-s .vill i.- ' lievci'r noji' .. ,.. iii't a' s.tf fin in v. i'hv'sf .iki.t :ii.' iti-.'iii 'ri in rt -iiv iii ' . i a t nn tjj.i i i :iil' ti.-: it'-.-iiiL: ii ..'in . a ; I :'it t'.i.it' it ifs - u i-.i"i it.: j flfssn in. Til', lai-l 'S ' Hi" i' tlH TIh "I lf l -'-i i..; ill . ,n N. t-ili ; an.iii... TV t irvi.L'lti i ' ! .it:im ..i'tii.-'r " tf'.-H'-a-.' ' VVhitf ' pi. Till"- ' .t'lllll'-ti. Till' ..ss.i,. 'i ll'... lint iviia'i yiiii U-sit i;-in in .in. , ii i.-s nt 'i i irft :i ' 1 1 il '!(. -illlM i". V Ml- ll-lllll' -.'I I ;' 1"'i;si ' llftt tl'll .a l nt- i.-iirlv L -isfti. nt 'I LT'lIl Mi 1 !).:' Sliiit. Vi. -il ..W .11! I'lft t Ii HI Mat.' hi t :H' I 1 1 a I I' .:' Il','- il.l Vit'li-'l.V .Hill in- I i 1 1 ' -1 . 1 1 it'ii ill. if. "'- ii I. -I. i ilina. fair ll-flillj;. I '-till tl'll' II 'I'' 1'i'i'' H' 'I WISli.ltll n;i -f i iia i i.t-i L't i.''i ii.' i "'ii " iiiii. i I'll" iui'i ' ! i'ii- ... i ii ' 'i'li '. ..vii-'is ilu : v-imi.i.i v.-v., rt-,.- i'i. U-i-ct nm int'ts-l fil wiiii ik nuitt '.:.& mil I .in-. . tl'f i hi'i'i .ai'. nt ii'' t'';.': iii ii" fli;.r;4f llmi t!t. ii.iini';':.' in 's ii !' :..ni .il.lf itiliLii'.,i ..j..r.-si.-u I .r.ir .V:.iti it. i lU.H "hi '"a'isi .vaix-1 una i iiif ;.fm-.i if l aiiiilv Wi! ii . t -s ins. i ml i l.i'iilt.' ,. i'a, tit, iii inii-.in.'iiiics hiia i- i 'i'ii in-, insane. Tli. ai-.v I.1W- a, ll ,'L -I. lie II.'.,, I,-..,. sill.T tut! 'H'n'lnT "oi,""1 i'V't "i 'i,, i.ai ': J pi. .11... ii '-"at. '.liii'itii i . ii..--ti.'' ...hi ii, -hi - j'l" ,i' "' t'l.i: i-iLiil 'a i'i.'imiii ol anv fi'ti .'i,"!, .it t lif l.'nv i' it- l.'ift is, the ,' tl f'fii . iiv oi . u'l li v ."'oiit'-t di i ff gis icr . il ' o ii itiiiur.Miu. "' tii.iilfstatiii'i oi I ;ril iiiid , aniiii i.. I iin.'i 'iimii in li ir the (Ifi'l'f l..i I i i .ii I'fll '.MKTS ii'icx- .'.ct! thai .1 I In- whites. Nor i. i In. cause .n' I rt evoitits to lie ioiind in iadusiriai iiptn-fssion. '11k- iii-n law lo wiacii yttu aiiutic opi rates luriiic pioleetit'U and benefit ol the tel. ant us i.'cll as t.ie landlin .1. autl bears etp.iallv upon the while and the colored races. utl so wan the ntaf law. It makes n. lace tlistii, di ms I s imi'iieiis res, r.lih- ui'iinlhe viiit, ; tne loinicrl cuini. ll'tlff'i. ll'i colt. red exodus is Ironi that sc'l.ou oi hf M.;.:e where mail ll.kl.l 'i lit I i'ei.iii aig is i a,- u-.-i.t duiii all oi 'Our- i'.-nsi.!!!. the iowlainis ., i he east. The .riicc-iu-e titliis i-,n:.'.ruahie enauratioii I 1 hii'l.- is .: it, ,, uiid in the ulluriaiieins .lei'l oia iji the active ami SfiJufLivi- rail-' i-.ia.l ,.gi-: t. laiiLii in conneciioii wi: h t hi-i'l'ictiil'ir.-ii iif.ression winch has pie v i t ileal lor I'ltic vears past in this sfclioti ol tile Stan- irom , iiii Ii Jic lilovcnient has nifii oiing on. Tilal colinlrv. like iii.iu.v ig.'ii iii'.iit'al disiricis ill t ither parts ii tile l imed States is suffering inuii the c inluiileil iow iriecs oi farm products. ; i ti wages. Hard times and disronuut .ollitw as a natural c inse.iieiicc. ;ind it'' is not ti-tirisinu lhat large bodies ol m gi . ies have sou-., in ,';: liovinent in the i I nil Stales, where ct -u mi raising- in. re j prolilatilf anti higher vciyes mac lie oi.-1 L.iincl b i ha' class t f la'Kir Tlk evoiliis ! is simple a tra aster t-f a poitiono', .h-i c-iloi'ft! t.'ia.ii'ii.g iiiipui.-.tti.ti frut., ..ne; tl. tloli ol 1 lie Soil (i j.; i ;, hi .1 I.. , ,i, ,,; iumI t ,'ts ti" liow ol poiinlt. , '. ,,i . u;. , i, i .'.'ll in '!,C ill" 1 .-iliil.V .tl.ll ..i'l iifl ViT lllt'ei, 1," .ll- ..'.in, l.. ,vs ,, siii.iiJv . 'mo (lf" t;ii ni' :'h:m 'I1)..!!! 'ill 1 tLr ,s ,p " .: : "f'C .U.Li';r are ' 1 : ir; ,ei i mi vv;iri ailLi 1 1 ;V 1 ei'VlMP; ..imas ci'I.il-Ctn' I i f t ": .nt.! ini" 't;asentT-(l j 1. o r , i t,j , j ir t lif j l; t il,c ; lie .a. 'I wil h t ll: ' ' IIH.1 f- a 'fair-- ' ' i -ipe t.inllV oi li -MS ri lust- Ai.i J' OH.'VIA. ; . '"' CaH,'r"'" '! s; 1 H'W suIIv.k - , "' .i i .at s ,,, ai ,vui ii irom all pans ,,t I us - ..uin is still eivullv rfiiif inlieretl. I . i- ti.lv ; tf.av nr l,ii sinee wt ric-onlt tl ! tnr fl.aih it thf urn .i.h.'.iinai age of I'C , 'it a iliiTi. tiuihf ftninty 'ii l niiifr" i who we'll "in .- lull tjrnwii vigorous I viuiig man. i'lii l aliti.ntia svas then i si.-uvriv k'ir,'.n iiv li.-au" it was thinlv tiff 'ipit-il l.v a si 1 i t-tf. 1 iif puiatitit! ol ac sii'iniaiiis ol the Spaniards, and alini'si its i).)l villages wore ihose oi the In ,MV"" "" "T" """ li na.l in. . nnin-ifrc-.;, a-iii i he i,-w v.sscis thatcnifU'ii S.t "l-raiicisco, tli-' onlv tce (1'ienteii pi it, eat led there for l he- ciiaiice l argos ol iiiiies i h.- might pick up. .Now looi, at u Stf what lorty ears tas brttlignt filiinu I'll, San liiego Sun ot I he tlii sa s : i in- nuiicniiii-n uecaim- a pal l Ol lllc 1'uiou but 'it tie mort tiinn a gen,-r;ttitni I Tl.. v. . . .-. i ' . a.-jo. will, hetiire another generation is I passed, be the l-mpire .State m the Kepuli-j l;c. In magnitude it has bet one tonal, tlie istate .il Teas. PI iei.,1 on rt.- li i. ntie coast it w.itil.l evl.-.trl lr,..n !-,',. j .a. .n ... ia..-:a,. 1... 1 1 ""' " i..iKiua wouiu iuniusi ci.vit .Maine, .m-w iiamj shire. Vermont, Massachusetts, klu.ile Island. Connettieiit, New York, New Jer sey and Pennsylvania. Its jjold and sil ver, its agriculture and fruit growing, its nianulaeturcs and commerce, and last, but not least, its people entitle it to the imperial destiny which is in store. FOK DYSPlil'SlAand Liver Complaint you hae a printed guarantee on every bottle ot Shiloh's Vitalizer. It never fails to cure. A NASAI. INJIX'TOK free with each bottle of Shiloh's Catarrh Kemedv. Price 50 cts. 1 FALL HODS THE IMG STOKE H0(jtic KrilS. & WHjjllt Is HOW overflowing W11 ll 1 lie , ......t.: Kt-ni.l. ,,f I)rv fioo1 rvtT brought toi I this market. IltMirii'ttas.CatslmitM-os, .Mo- j hair riotli. .InhiloH rioth,pV,.v- 1 ,lii,rt k,,ow -vnu Turner mmms, civets. Wtustnl. Ijibinlouu in ;il . I Ii i1. 'olors. Iinlrrvv I nss ' ''"U" j : !i;l IIIn, t'tr , d , VII sorts of Nut ii ins. iin-ltxl-i Y;iliki'i' NntiiHis. flint1 soiui' of 1 1n1 jiri'ttii'si Not ions; , j, .M-i-Knil l''as.-iiiators . . . i ; li.n .'U'l' r UM ina Inl 1 i ..... t w '!'.,liii.f s iihI1. i i . tiooi's. I omnie, i ms. .imi ( i u ( , ,s e ha ve I teen I ry- Shawls in em Hess vavieiy. 1 The .retiiesl lii t I'lali liels i ill e er s.l w I '.la liKel s. i juiit s a iii I ( i uin tefpall.'i, I .-au Mini Cailtiefi'S (ieius- Fnruishine tioo.is iii a !iiiiiilaii.-e. We eati til you , . II , Up 111 a lure Mill of ll.it, III a iiv st vie Mill want. U'.. ...I-,. Sole . .-eels lor rlie ci'lei if a t eil Morrow Shoes for1 .. ,, ; L.1(liliS ;is am -e, we hasten toj,,, s 'M,,n'- ' ''s,-rip , To arrive , ;, .lavoi iwo-' j 1 ion, p.-epare,) with sen,,.,,-; a full lilif ol' U.itW latest eeure n. . , m I u e fe t,,-. lir-1,,,, ,w,rllllH ,, ,; .--t s ies U'a Ikiliu1 .laek"t. ... .... l'( tfs. ill 1 1 H -S ailllMlsseS fJI,, ,,,.,,1,. ,v ':,..l'll.- P.I-.IK I i 'liihi'it'li'Kia. whirli v" will i 1 ; rii jsa ' 1 1 1 1 1 ill ni'i itii I u our Srore viiii will hiul tlie maximum of what you want ami the minimum what you ilon t want . liOSTIC MI'.os. iiidllT.j No. 11 N. "oil ft Sipia re. jloraeily the size of Ashevilie mama x?m sT.enoKiHi , ! wi" .sr-- 11 ri Mm j I ,,m.,,.MJs s .Il'.s I j j "' 'ifi'i-.s voi-iai 1JI. t t..) H. I U V liK t in , ; Wl 'I't-.Mi :.t'. Nl'I'IVI'.N, I'I . i i it . w I a 1 1 1 i I 1 1 , I . A I , ... 1 , BTAHOKS, 'VMUIH'K - K I . SI 1 1 i ! ! l . -S '1 K' Ul Slt SS I- U- l'i-.k a mm A 'P I.OW'P - 1 JJ & 1 ! ,....'.' ' ll K STi ifK Dl II.V l,k-p.. n;i K'I-. iM'l.llilM. iMfl;.s. KOk'KS. St'OllXS OaS I liKS, BI-TTI5KS. . I'll KU'S. I-.TC. ARTHUR 31. FIKLIJ, J t,t-irtiiig Jeweler. - THE GREATEST ATTRACTION" Is that ftnr lot til KNlll 1SH BHIIII.KS mill I II K I- K-Ht iK X CH A M ( US SKAT SA I ll H. US nl . 4 - .-..--i, ,M J"-'- IAA1I1.K'! v"'1 'if1"" vru-r t -hi.-h I. m-IH,.k kII I 1llK , ,,, , He has in.-rruscd In n.rrr ...in ...Tri.ilv to meet the demand. , SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Mrs. Aimer Alexunder, Hopewell, Mecklenburg Co., N. C, was a great sufferer from a womb trouble, brought on by deep cold she had taken. But she was entirely cured by using Mrs. Joe Person's Kemedv. J THE RACKET COLUMN. Lots of m'())Ih rotn into our store mil Me things that tlui have just jHjivlinspH at or I it -r pliitvs ;inil ixrla iia. ! kopT this." oic., ; 1 1 14 1 upon , cotapa lillU" prirrs h'tlil that i., . . , , .. i j 1 IH'V Nil Vt" i;l II I 1 1 M fulfil ll.H Tln'ic iiiich;isi'. I hi'v sii.v also. knew yon ww 1 1 1 1 1 : '"'"' it, . I hi i li.ni m i iimn on kt'iit so ami so " I'lirl ""'y i-o impri'ss Upon the iei I- I i)!e i Ii" ii.i'i that we iiamlle, ;i ii ills , ,',i's EXCEPT 8'1QCERIS AMD DRUGS. ! ill' . : . . ill O a I I'M i II I li 1 1 I ID seilo l i - : flMflji- t i ins or eon enieiices .:, , , . . . , .IV toll) tiy Isftors tfolll Iflfj . ' ' . , , . .; ifif ies iliiit rln' varii'tv iinili ! j eompleiein..ss of our line . ifi I j , t ;i ii ids is ri. 'el iy a st oi i isl i i 1 1 - TIlC i II ( is- I i r.rv xoTiiixci i J iiiii il vim lui vi- isiii'd our i t st i ip'. lio r 1 1 iii I n '! ;i nil oct (irici's lie ,;"' .,' yon li twill, inn IX) NT WVY mil il von Iii! i' s-ti'ii n hct lii'i- vti' f -A llil I you u ;, iii or III it - il' uc hn vt' it Wf.-iri' vv illinoti) inaiili priii's a nil iii;ilit.y, ftfliji"-;issui''l thai in i''ry i-asi' wi' Kliail s.i you iiioiii-.v ii'tivt' Mond.iy in lill.V a lai-o.. etuck, anil Iia vi-1 facilii ii-s for ittii;f;- ii low, iiviiiimii Iv innlfi' the 1'osi ut inaiiiifai'TiirH. We sell at ii rliiNf' profit ami we ru mish ro iln Moine ImsineNs I r kliOW th I'asi III wll . I CO not liuv ANYTHING until yen havH viHitw tin "Racket Store." KHfe(:tfull.y, GEO.T.JOIiES&CO, MISCELLANEOUS. I I t Kit-pint Ph;miuuwitii'iils! IWf Wiff ami Iron! rntwl W ine l' W illi Cliorry, Coil Liver Oil wit li U.vpo pliosiliiti's iiml I 'life I'fpsin. Elixir Viili'riiiiiiifi' of Aiuino fi'm. TiistcU'ssCiislor Oil ami ('iilis.i ii Tonir. pii'ian'(i in i i . . i i our own inboniTorv n.v nn 'Xjit'ririirtMl I 'liiirinai'isl . T. ('. Sniilli iv Co.. DisM'iisiiiy Drniiiiisfs. pi,,,,,, . MIH'st(.M for soakinji' Wli.'at at T. ('. S'milli A Co.'s 1 i i i Srorr. Oriental I Mi tiffin. for 1 clra nsiimili'ici crioiisiliM nisit s ; 1 I from l"lu Ten Ii, m i m I iii'iitral-i - -. -i ,t. . ii...' i.itiu tiri'l .stt n intn.s in iiif , : ! Mouth price J." eelHs. nt! 1 jT. ('. Smilh A-Cos lime Store. : Alteiiliou experts in sillok-j I in-! 'I'. ('. Smith ,V Co. have! anot her lot of "'('"ive lOlev-j jells" just inllii' lint'st V'w ! ' "t Cipn- it. sheviiie. t u-i j lian haml made.. I 1 . ! fc i All meilieinesenrefuli v eoin- pOIIIKleil at I. 1. Mllllll iV ! !eiliici!lel i'h.irniaeists. 1 1 : 1 1 1 -1 1 1 . 1 1 1 ! T. ('. Smith iV Co.. lire (ii'lieial AiiVlit's for ail Toliarco ami Cin'iirsniinlc . . . . ,, in .vsiie Hie. espeeiaiiy I or- 1 ter s arraniee .( lyars ami Hull's l-'iiie Totiai'i'os. J. W. SCIIARTLIS,' MERCHANT XASLGH 42 N. Main St. I'lt-iudl 1 I JAMES KRANk, lHiAl.hK IN FAMILY GROCERIES AND PSOYlSiONS Aunil lor Ki-vue l'iv-k Wo.dn Mill. Nortl. .lain .vh. iiu-. N c. tWi::.tiv m. I PENN1MAN THE ASHI-.VILLE BRICK WORKS, i liKVill.J:l X. t.. f. . Kits ! mart.Jill., a Niv i;ti;hi kjsi.. Tlit.' tliuitl l.nunir will ni i nr Mmitlav. at the tout nt lt. WiUitn'M hiH. .inri -r tlie mrtnaKcnieiit ot'.; v. lti'u Atl work limit tuaily rty hand The ISesst'are the Cheipf Ml. CHAMPION SAFES. I un til &. Co. Fliiladelpltia. dUL'tl d wtini GEO. KIMI2ER, GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND BUILDLR Mutiaic Tile and Cement work a specialty. Grates, Kan Ren rnrt Boilt-rs net HuildiiiKH moved atid rcpuired in tirnt rlows manner. Sewcrane, ftrainaK'" ""d trupn trir the ame tborouKhly understood and promptly at- Office: Wt1fe BullrlniK. Vlourt House Square, fcahevillc, N. C. may3Udly FOR RENT. A larjre eleven room Brick House, toicether with kitchen and servants' house and good bHrn. Lot contains 2Vj acres. Scwerafc and eood bath -rooms. Completely furnish d in every part. Likewise, a good i'iano. If needed. Apply to I RU22 dti NATT ATKINSON & SON. CHAS. D. BLANTON & CO., MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING 3- - OUTFITTERS. Our ami is to till a lony fell want in I In' rit v of Asht'ville, ami vi will opi'ti about Sijiti'inlii'r 1 , it li thf most rotn pletc liin- of l 'lot 1 1 i 1 1 i for M'ii ami Hoys i'rr sliown in this sect ii n Oni-Mr. ( HAS I'.LAM'OV uoi's to Nortlii'iii ami Knst nii'i-ii ma rki't s wit li I ! i-i;i1 ' liiisini'ss m tJ f -sV i Financial c.')-of THE YOUTHS', BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S I K F A II T M 5-1 N T Will i-i'ceivi' oar sn'i i;il artciitiiiii. iiml in this wi- will --al! til'" ,"si,MM ,,t,"n,i" f I4wn S 'wh ! imi mi (Win 1 OUR GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS Will hi ri'jilr'Te witli iill tin-Xovi'ltit's of tin si-iison in tin way if Wckwi'iir. OUR HAT DEPARTMENT ill iHi i'i vi- iiu attHiition. iiml in it can he fount from the convent ional lh Hat down to tin Soft Knock-ahom We have alreafly llaced our onlor for a lint of MEN'S FINE SHOES Willi one of tlie most popular maker Our iihmIb oi l)iiHiiuss ntuilt nl nil goods wnmmtwl ns Our opening will 1h uiihouim CHAS. D. BLANTON & CO., One Price Clothier. rasli wliirli iiisiin-sto I lie nr - nur hn STHHThY ONK I'jiICK ivpivsHiitHioriuo I umIuh time. Patton Avenue, ? Asheville, K C.