ft V THE DAILY CITT THE DAILY CITIZEN Ik'liveml to V Niton in nuy pitrt ol' the City. One Month fiOe. Twit Week a. or !t8K 25c. BOARDING, WANTS, l "r Rent, ml Lost Notices, three lines or less, as Cent fur 0 IH'li inncrilon. ZEN If! 7:'- .V1 VOLUME V. TIM U-K GKTS A HAM. ASHEVILLE, N. C, TUESDAY, OCTOBER ,, ,889. SAVKD FROM THli HKA. INNIURANT IMSPKCTOK AT 1-IVK DOLLARS PER DAY. Ijtwrenve Hoi I to Locate i 11 WhnIi- tuirtoit Turner Keld'ti Promo tion A Politician Who Helped to Defeat Cleveland, lite. SM-cial Correspondence to Tilt' Citizen. W'asiiisoton, Septenilier .'10. It looks (is though Logc Harris' crowd is in re ceive sonic reward uliernll. Mis hrother-in-law, I Colonel Tim Lee, as the l'osi calls him, I was lasl Saturday appointed immigrant iusieetor at Wilmington, N. N. C, at a salary of five dollars a day. Tim kept n liar room in Knleigh sonic years ago, and afterwards rarried on the same Imsiness in the I'ost building in this city. So seductive were the cocktails that he concocted here, that he won the lavor ol many prominent iiemocrats; such as Pat Collins and Tim Campbell, and by their in ftueiu-e secured a position in the government printing office under the last administration. As soon as Mr. Harrison took his seat, Tim blossomed out as full-Hedged KrptiMiean and has done some some tall talking for the grand old party at tile Ivhhitt house. Recently I met one of tiic young Kings county politicians who hcljied to delcnt Mr. Cleveland. I tiring the last ndminis tion he was appointed I a position in the interim !i pnri'iicnl under civil-service rules, lint when the work upon which I hey were engaged was finished, Vilas turned him and several other ! 'cinoerats nit. Tiiis voting ui.in thought that if any one hud to go. ;t should have been I sonic of the Republicans with whom the department was tilled. With his Con-1 gressinnn he weul t sec Cleveland and ami it was not until o'clock Tbn lan l.ai i.iiu. but thev did nothing to therth that he was seen from the help him. lie at once turned Kcpublicnn ;md when the campaign oicucd, he went to Brooklyn and devoted his time and money to the election ol damson and Alorton. Last spring he came back to the city, told Secretary I'roctor what lie had done, and was rewarded with u jilaee in the war department. He told me that lie would have nothing to do lierealtcr with a party that rewarded its enemies instead o! its friends. Mr. Lawrence II II, u younger brother t our Licuteii!' H-l'toveruor, is now in Washington, wliere he intends to pur chase a home and reside until his chil dren arc educated. He is a handsome man and is said to be worth several hun dred thousand dollars. I hope he will buy the house owned and recently occupied by Colonel Wilson, who was lately appointed siiicriiitcnilcut ol the military academy at West Point. It is u lieautiful house, and the price asked, is $211,000. It is fully worth the money. Turner Keid, a brother of ex-Congress--m.-vil Keid, was recently promoted. He holds a p siii, 11 on the '.cologic.il Sur vey. James Osborn, ..I the land office, itfcf first X..rth Carolinian who was np ;ioiauvJ under civil-service rules, now tills .with L'iii.t credit, a SJ.ooo position. llc has been a staunch friend of Congress iinan Reid through all his troubles. The palter, by the wav, has built up n large llaw practice in fiis new western home, and is prominently mentioned for the i'nited States Senate. He still has many Mroug friends here, es.ieciallv among the filling men whom he liefrieuded. In tl)e drawing-room ol Mrs. Wilson, the wife ol the cx-11 arshal of the district, js a handsome white marble bust nf.Mrs. Cleveland. It was left in her charge when Mr. Cleveland went to live in New Vo,'.k. It is life-size, and is the work of tl. Sw,oki, of Cienoa, Italy, who made it Iroill impressions taken when, as Miss I'oisom, sim ivas traveling in r.uropc 111 JSMii. The hair is dressed in the way ithat has lieeome so familiar to the pub lic in the photographs of this popular yipng lady of the While House in aeoil on iiu: top of the head, with large curls .-about the forehead and a smaller one ,-ibout the neck. Air. nnd Airs. Julian S. Cnrr, of Iur liam, with their daughter, Miss l.ida, are lit Willard's hotel. The liiltt-r will re main it a Washington boarding school this winter. The daughter of Mr. Law rence I loll n ill also attend a school in this eity. ,n examination will lc held at the room or tne civil service commission next Tuesday for the purpose of filling several vacancies in tile State depart- ment. In addition to the ordinarv sulw jeets, the candidates will be examined in general geography, history, international law, and the principles of government, with modern languages as optional subjects. A Lone KlHherinaii Rescued from a Watery Urnve. Wilmington StHr. The Clyde steamer Hcncfnctor. Cant. Ingrain, which arrived here ycsvciday morning from New York, rescued and brought to this port an unfortunate sea man who was found adrill in an open boat at sea on the afternoon of Thurs day last, about twenty-live miles south east of I-enwick's Island. The man was seen at the steamship wharf yesterday. I Ic gave his name as IS. K. Lane, ol New ark, X. J., and says he was employed 011 the fishing smack (leneral Grant, of Sum mer's Point N. J. The smack had ten men aboard, including the captain and crew, and was engaged in catching blue rish for Fulton market, New Vork. Wed nesday the 2oth, al 3 p. m., about thirty live miles 11I)' Cane Mav. Lane was lis'h- ing a short distance from the smack. I le had nothing with him in the mint but u jug of water, his fishing tackle and a sin gle pair of oars. About twenty minutes alter he had commenced lishing hecaughi .1 small shark, some two icet in lentrth ami seeing several cither sharks arounil the boat, he weal lorward to pull up his alien, r, Knowing mat Ins chances lor catching I liu-fish with sharks arounci were rather slim, lie found, however, that the cable attached to the anchor had parted and that his boat was adrift. The weather at this time had grown foggy and l.e lost sight of the smirk, and although he rowed about and holloaed, he heard no answering sound from the smack and soon realized dial he was lost, i luring thai nighi and the next day, he says, he hailed several passing vessels, but could mil nuikehiuisch heard. day :en- NUMBER ,47. I'HICAtiO HliVII-w. HuHitieHH In the tiraln Center Ilur liilf Yexterday'H MeHtttou. CiiiCAiio, Septcmlier 110. The specula tive trading in wheat was fairly active to-day. The ojiening was tirni on earlv cables, it being exiectcd, too, that the wet weather in the Northwest would re- lard the movement. Later the market advanced slightly, it averaging higher than Saturday's closing all the forenoon. 11 was generally expected that the visible supply increase would show in the neigh borhood of l-i(ili,oii(i, and this had a tendency to check reckless buying, but it was noticeable throughout that the bear element was eipinlly conservative and that sK'culative olterhigs bv the crowd generally were light. The largest individ ual selling jierh.-ips was by local houses with loreign connect ii 'lis, which put out 300,:iiio bushels of Deeenilier around S'."se. Another item ipioted livthe bears was that farmers' deliveries in the Tinted ' iMiignom last week were l.SloO.OIKMinsh A WICKKI) rOXSI'IRACY. IOI.KS VOV KNOW. to'ii; HKiii; -ro i.i;ar. I'HAT'S WHAT THK jl'KV FI.ACK'H CAMI-; IK Said When They Made Their Re port Venterday The Itivorce Ob tained by ColluHlon, Deceit and fraud The PreHenluieut. Xkw Vokk, Septenilier ,'KI. At noon lo-day, the grand jury came into part 1, general sessions, with the result of their investigation of the f'laek case, l-'nre-man I'osdyck read a long presentment which stated that the iurv gave the ease .11 ii! ,"",slrauu. anil Had. mm aiiieasani visit yesterdav from ...... u ,t uiii iiiiu examined every,. Mr. Albert Wintei, one of the editors person who could throw any light on ! ..,..1 . ; ., .. ,. .., untois the conspiracy. The lift- were satislir I .. ' 1 ' ul1 1 uotnasvillc 1 1 .a. I he Kiclmioiifl ICleclric Railway Trouble. j We have been much interested in notiii" ' bankers v..s the nn.si ever participated in. 111 iiiiu a pieasaui visit vesterdav thai there was a wicked conspiracy, anil imies-l-.iueivnsc. Mr. Winter is .-. .... sue.'i conspiracy eoiuii ia carried on i I'ciuan 01 culture, and highly olc-ts int uiiucr cover ol the law was a great nub- manners -owl 1 , liecnecrn. The jnrv called tliatten io , , w.l.m,l'-v :'. I'inU-.! Ins ! of the legislature to the iKTiiieious sv" fAu"ni v,s,t' I iiit ni fiiuiiiini ! .r.. . . . . I vt t . . Is at an a-erage price of 'J!ls 1.1 -o, . ZZ ! ' : . ""K ".J' ,aKt'. K'SL,- .. J' "' l"''s" """ -M'ssO'Connor, of 1 '.. " vii 1 u . lilMS. I I II' itnmif 1 S-iioi.i ...I. 1 1 1 for the 1 should lie taken bv imi.. ; ; ' " " "" " -siKuding .: . . jv. . ......... iwui 1. sever. -i .,,., i l, :.. i -,, . ...wii.ii... in ,im ev c or cfactor.and liimsell and boat were picked up ,iv v.ipuiiii ingrain aid kuiilly carc.l I ir. alter he had been adrift twcnl v-four hours, without food and with a 'small supply ol waler. I-'Ot'R NKUKIIIM KII.LI-:d. Two by Accident and Two in a Kijflil Near niruiiiiiihaui. T.ltt.MiNilll.iM, Ala., Scpteinber 2'. l-our negroes have been killed in Ibis vi cinity to-day, and several outlying dis tricts have not yet been heard from. At the Sloss furnace this morning, William Mitchell, a laborer, fill from an elevator while it was at I he top of the stack, lie fell eighty-live feet, and his neck and every limb was broken. At north Ilirminghain, Richard Martin and Joe Huril, were playing wilh a ruslv pistol, supposed to be uiilniuled. Il went off, and Hard was shot through Ihe brain and instantly killed. At CoJdhurg, ten miles fr nil thecitv, a party of miners were out in the woods drinking beer. Several drunken negroes came up and demanded a share of the Peer. 11 was rcluscd, and tluv said thev would have lieeror blood. Both nartics drew pistols, and a number of shots were fired. Two negroes were killed outright, and several parties on both sides were wounded. The names of the killed or of those engaged in the shooting have not yel been learned. No arrests liave.liccn made. pared with l,(i(iii,000 bushels previous week at an average price of Lls r.l l,.i,-...ii,. ..1.... ' , 7 ,,,.- .nr.., icvcivcii Here at the close that a big movement had started this way from the North west. The market 'developed decided strength when the visible supply figures were finally posted, as the increase was inly Ooli.OiiO bushels, or materially less than exixrted. Tiadinir was aninoit...! and the market very strong in tone, the haa! closing figures being within ' ,e. of iieexereme lopand ;vi;sc. higher than i ne latest (piotnlious of Saturday. A fair sjiecnlative trade was witnessed 1 this market anil tl.e leeliug leveloied ....... ...Lint easy, ira 1L oci:... :.l itu .1 .- lower prices. Transactions miKinni iiie.lv in changing October toilisi.-mt .I,.. liveries. A prominent local trader was a :,i .ilcrate seller of September. The mar ket opened al about Saturday's closing jii ices, was easy, ai. I gradually sold oil it'sC., near monlhs showing "the great est weakness, anil el .sing with Mav a shade higher and other deliveries "'.c I lower tba Saturday. 1 ne narm wiueli won 1 be 1 on.- ..,,1 heity ol such evidence would Ik- far less th.-n that which li-falls wliere things are done in secret. "It is obvious," runs the report, "that a decree of divorce c 'uld not have been obtained without the sanction of Judge llookslaver. Thm sanction was btaincd partly by deceit court, several Health, leave to-day for home. The be accompanied by Misses Annie Maggie McCrohau and Miss lie: I also of Snvan ah. Uev.J.iivis wdl and '.uxion, 1 1. i leit and iinp,.strre, parllv '.y either' iudii i.ii i aucndam negligence or indicial collusion If ! 1 1 '""" 'icucral Cuivenlioii of vester- negligence, such was inexcusable: if l.'.- collnsion, such was criminal. We have 11 .t determined which." The in.-v n,.i callc ' attention to Hie pernieii.us habil ol lawyers all , wing their names to l,e iis. ii 111 cases 01 importance where thev were not retained. Lawyer Wiighi while il might be said he 'intended' 11.' wrong, still deserved t be censured Ambrose O'Neill and Liscpli Weeks, the jnry thou'l t had i;,i,. .sed ; n .he co 11- ami nad o. .lamed the div rec ueccii iiao iriiiin. ihe pre- scntinent conclude.! by s'ating that the Mir- rs, alter the 111 1st earclul invesi i.r... tion had came to ihe conclusion thai eilliia . lesiaiil IViscop,.! rh,,, the liiy of New '..rk. II be aiiscnt dn.:.,g Uie h f. Hr IIMIII ciipon lu be hel.: liixlon ol I If. ats were steadier, with a fair volume I wickec. and criminal e.,iiS,,iiacv ' ad! een There was a Utile uioretradinginpork. Marly prices ruled easy but later were stronger and prkes advanced la Vac., clos ing steady. Trailing in lard was on.y inoderaieand iniecsilccliucil. A fair trade was reported in ribs and the leeliug was easier. Prices ayer.-ced about 2'ja.".e. higher. KAllt WOMAN. 1..0111S appeareii on tne accnupaiiving imlietments 'lesci vc to be treated aecon'r iug to law. 1-orcniaii I'osdvck ihe.i handed Judge C.ildcrslccve the present ment and indictments. The judge said that in view of the recommendations of the jury, he thought that a copy of the presentment should be sent to tlic Gover nor, Ihe courl of common pleas and the superior court, and he ivoulil so order. MI-1I.1NITK. .A veo' DeHtructive Force In Mod ern Wariare. X Krfnch officer, in sp akingoUneliuilc no a tieprescntntive o! the New Vork Times, said: "Our shells tor field artil ilei v, as well a tlio e for our f. rts and rscige guns, are ehuryeri with melinite. What melinite is we do ilol know, and il w knew we should lie very careful not t-. .ll," Jioth the Italians and the I'.ennans ihave sent spies to discover the secret, and in offer moivy for even the smallest fra- -ment, but tliey have all Iwen captured. All that can be said in that, according to H treatise published in nbX, melinite is composed if melted picric acid, lint, in tile interval our artillerists ha vcjcrlceU.'d itii jjscoverv 01 ivi. i tirpin. i ncv nay TVKANNV K A I'NION. Thousiiiids of Men Idle to Cii-aiii"y I'lireuHonable KlHllfctt, Xiiw Vohk, Septcmlier .'10. Iletween .'Sou and -Kill men were thrown out of employment t.-day l y a strike ordered by the iiricklavcrs' l iiion. Some of the contractors have been using brick and ce ment mane y reck, Martin Co. Peek, Martin iV Co. employ al their works four noii-unioii men, colorcil team.-ters, and it was to compel the dischaige o these men that the strike was ordered. It was like a death blow to tlx; workmen, as they hail just commenced to huvesteady work, the weather of I he jiast months "having caused them to lose a good deal of time. Some of the con. ractors lire also placed in a had position, as they are under time contracts an, I also under contracts to use the bricks and cement of I eck, Martin it Co. 's make. The workmen all side with the contractors and are loud in their de nunciation ol the union and walking del egates. I here is a prospect ol a long lockout. IMTI'.RNATIONAI. COM;HI.SN To be Formally Opened To-JIor-row Tile Public Debt. Wasiiixiston, I). C, Septenilier 30. It isestiinalcd at the Treasury depart ment to-day that there has been a de irease of $13,0110,000 in the public debt since the first of September. 1 loud offerings to-dav aggregated $3(i.- uiill, all accepted at l.JU lor fours, and l.iio:!t for four and a hall's. The delegates to the International American Congress, the formal session 1 1 winch begins on Wedncsilav next, met in the building arranged for their meetings. corner ot liighteeiith and I streets, this illuming lor a preliminary c inference, rcsiieeiiuE the organization. 1 lie Con gress willconiiikt i f tliiity-foiir delegates I including ten Ironi the tinted Slates. I and about twenty Senators and at taches. All of the delegates are ill the Some ThiiiKH Slie Can Do That the Sterner Hex Cannot. it-. -moil Times, Sheen .me to a conclusions wil limit the slightest trouble of reasoning on il, and no sane man can do that. Six of them can lalk at once mid get along first rale, ami no two ir.cn can do thai. She can safely stick fifty pins in her dress while he is getting . 'ne under his thumb nail. She is cool as a cucumber in half a dozen light dresses and skirts, while a man will weat and fume and iirnwl in one loose shirt. She can talk as sweet ns peaches and cream to the woman she hates, while two men would lie punching each oth er s head bcloie they had exchanged (en wor s, She can throw a sione with a curve that would bea fortune to a baseball pitcher. She can say "Xo" in such a low voice that it means "Yes." She can sharpen a lend pencil if von give her plenty of time and plenlv of pen cils. .She can dance all night in a pair of shoes two sizes too small for her, ami en joy every minute of I he lime. She en ii appreuialp a kii..s from her husband seventy-live vcars niter the mar riage ceremony is perl' rmed. She can go to church ami afterward 1 Julia icu you wnai every w imarltitliccongre gation had on, nnd insonicrareinslances can have some faint idea of what the text was. She can walk half the night with a col icky baby in her arms without once ex pressing the desire of murdering the in fant. She can do more in a minute than a man can do in an hour, and do jt U-tter. She can drive a man era.y f..r twenty four hours and then bring him to para dise ill two seconds, by simply tickling him under l he chin, and there docs not live that mortal son of Adam's misery who can do it, DKATH OX THK RAIL. Fatal Collision of Two Loaded j I'HHst.iMer TraiiiH. i Canajoiiahii little Miss six week's it Cumber. lines S. Ibant 'rant have returned from visit to friends and relatives laud, Md. Master Will J. Cocke, jr.. Ml vesterd i" aiieuii se ioo .-ii v-,ir ...i e n. vt i- ' v. hi re i.. eoicin nei I'M. s: i o , I-'..,., t I .'in.! .I..-. " , i""' '"-'... miring the - ... fii: in tiit:o. is the startling result of a terrible rajl- i-oao accineiii on uie .New Vork Central and Hudson Kivcr railroad, two miles east of the Palatine bridge station at mid night las' night. The train to which the accident occurred was the St. Louis and Chicago express bound wcsl which was run in two see. ions. The first section left P.iida at 11 o'clock, ten minutes late. the sections generally run 30 minutes apart which the latter order from the mi,,jLr r,, vat nnllieuli,- i,,l'..,,.,U :.... i.i.. mi" ""'if " 1 seems to have been disregarded slightly last night. V hen the first section, with Charles Averin, as conductor, reached a point near Creeper farm, opposite the liraiulywine nit m Mohawk river, engi neer Weeks, of the first sccli..u, n ticcd thestcam giving out of the steam i best of his engine, I!c immediately slopped ami several passengers state that the hind I brakeman of the first section ran back 1 like a shot. As near as i resilient Led-, yard .f the Michigan Central can judge, it was not more than five or six niinuics licforc the crash came. The saddest and in st terrible part of Ihe accident Well William Manning, of Mnnpielte, Mi.-h., and his parlv. A few weeks ago Mr, Manning came Last to Wcstpori, X, V., where he married Miss avis, a wealthy and beautiful1 ladv, 1 hev had Who They Aret Where Tin-v Are, ant" What They Are Ilolmi President lircese has returned from .-w.uis.isi.iiy wnere lie went to attend , me progress ol the trouble in Richmond the annual session ol the American ISnnk I ' regard to their electric road, resulting crs' Association held in that place during j Hie conclusion to abandon electricity the past week. Mr. lirecscspcaks in loud i ;ls ;l motive power unless some improve praise of his treatment while West, and "ll'"' ' us working was made apparent, says that this year's convention of the!1" the similar enteroi-ise i.i.,l,.,-t .,!.. pleasant he has ; llt'r'. Kichinonil was our exemplar. She i i ....... nan anopo d i iu. electric s stem, she had adopted the Sprugnc sysicm. Ashe villi-, about to construct a sii-.-cl railway, lies-1 ii.ning iictween steam, animal and e'ec trie power, seat a cotnmiUcc to Kid,, moiid to see and karu. Tl.e coniuiiltcc returned i-itluisi.istieally in favor of the system in use in t It; 1 1. eii v. It worked well at that time; and it was adopted. While it is m oil-iiinei-il a IV.il, i !,..,.. grows in favor here. The complaint made in kichuioiid is thai wilh the sleep grades and the heavy loads armatures speedily wear out. .'l.ie, with steeper and longer grades, and wiih conches every day loaded beyond .-; couil'orlaolc capacity, we hearo complaints, and tne mile mot .,-s kiep to tlair work wit1 thesLi-e-igth, sieadiness and dociFlv , ""Iks. We invite the U'clnii. .ml J,,,,,. paiiy. in their troubles, lo send here I r relic,'. We got out lirs-lessor. h- .i;i ihe, . ve may be able lo nvipo caie. In a discussion before il,e ,:o:-.nl on the sul jeet, Mr. K .lien !.. Wcsi, assis.ant manager of the lleli Telephone eo,ii;,anv said "Lhat all over the country' K irned to 1 Sprague i-oiniiaiiv are i-,,,,, ;,.,, ne Coiilcreucc. I cars, and he had been i, Id , i, i ; , v..... formerly salcsuiaii I v'"1". C. they have a r..a, ! win. has wiiofthis city, bin I Vl'0' steep l rades. and vet the s,-,-, ' .. ; lor AiigiiMiuc lilab- r rate. So. too. here in i In-b... Kichuioiid. Va., is shaking hands wilh wllt'" lie .s, rague company w' his numerous friends in Asheville. ' ':ng the cars cxperiiuciu.-dlv, the Cap.. J. P. Sawyer left ,, ,ic noon wnS ! nl the nui-i'-cr .i'.-i.rs tram yeslenlav for kalcigh to attend a ' U' '"'-1'' "'' meeting oi't.ic I! ,ard of Public Chan'-1 '' '""K' to sl:'-v ties, of which he is a member, lie will , smv'.v ''I'Stincd to oust return l-'ridav. i power." .ill's I: n.r.u i: , ... i ... The Monthly Hulled,, of the oiih Carolina board of health is before us. I ir I'. 11. Weaver makes in 1 1 is ,.,'.... his report for the preceding montli Atigust showing die tenipoiin-v ,!,.., di rate" f.-rthat month to have bcenou the l.ooi i. for whites, N.I.; eo! mil. l.i.L'. The whole population is given as lojin, - n which the calculation is base !. n these, 7,i oo are whiles and .'l.n.io t.,,. 'red. The whole number of deaths was lo-o of each race. Asheville, Tarbon. and Wilmington show neurit the same white death rate, in the order named S.4. The highest while death rate is j i.o'iistioro. ..il; ,- ; W,ju. ,ei,uis in a white population of u.siio, and the uignest i red ran- Co, or () deaths ol a colored po ulalioii of 1 .7011. "KM- a.mo.xg thieves. Ml I HODISI MIMSTI K S IIAti. ...i: s ioi.ion, Nearly Two Thousand DollarH In Money and I'roiuiHHory Note Taken From III Rooiu-The Thief ;et Away, i-;tc. l-lcv. T. T. Salver. Methodist minister 111 charge ol the Pigeon 1 lavwood Kivcr circuit, county, arrived i the eiiv alteriioon en route to Morris Teau., to attend tl u.-mm o... sion of the .'I d.siou Coiilcreucc. He se- le.-ommodaiions at the residence Weaver, corner Xorlh Main 1 streets, i,,r the lemrtli of niuing in Asheville. oi'IMs bigg.-.ge. a small red leather va- hnnsell. carried lip to his room lidsnlil 111, .11 the ilo. r at lln-lb.,! ,.f is lo occupy during the yes: en la; I'istown, cured ; ol nr. II. ii and Woodi; time he intended ,-e . he he Pastori;. C. Uaukiu preached his fare well sermon i a large and atteuli vc co grejpiiioii al the Cenlral McLliortis, chu.vli Sunday evening, u js ,p,j, ,.,,,!,. a me tlial ,lr. Kankiu wiM be n uy I his prcsi.it char-c by Mr. S; m. Taylor, for Yiiiii'ihcr& I now travel, 11 I II ! I ! 1 1 , 't-c run-service r -I .-i.rs opcr..--Itt i'lectric cars t'..tt tiicy we.c horse and 111. tic, the bed night. h'ememl ering diat he oweil a small l-tll at one of d.e stores here, Mr. Salver opened his valise, took out a pouch con taining al, in Ml," in specie and $li(! in j tniicicy.cxu-nciclllic ai., nut necessary I 1 'ille his iiidel.tcbiess, shut up the j valise, and walked up the street. When , 'ir rcii.ruci! io bis 10 ,n die valise was I'lnud precisely as he bad left it, and in a j f.-A-minutes he agai 1 Icu the room for "per. b'e nr;,ing t, . 1 he room from the sn, per-tabic M,-. .-s.dver was invited by r. Weaver to repair I., the parlor lo latent,, s,,,.ie music. He renamed in he pa -I ,r ,,c; - - a,, hour, anil when he again let;, ,h-. o. his room to retire for 1 : e ni,-,' 1, the valise wasgi.ne. A, icr a il. .- ugh search of the house I or the vissiug , a agc widi tit disco-, ering its wiicrca .011, s, . lie police were no-lili.-d and olliccrs 1 lanipt, n and Worscly wt-111 at one. I . work ,, dK. Case. Sev- iiiest- ral s,isice.ed ; ariics were closely l,ed a,:. I gc, present session. Mr. It', '.. H.irrclls, .iccompaiiieil by his wile and child, arc una visit to Kansas. They expect to be absent several weeks. M . P. W. 1 i-iai Nock i-annni ('.rand Central. Mr. W. W liart, superintendent of t' e company, is ai t lie A vei v om a very pleasant trio Keveintc agent K. 1). Patterson returned yesterday 1st. 1 f plOllll! Mining iM l o 1 W. W. "'.I-ldei tit no clue as to the - 1 o,,ei ty c, Id . e obtained. Iyer's I ss by reason of the mys ; n.cii. as .-.ear ,-,s he can estimate, i ws: Xeany .SliOd in cash, and s ay notes, viz. : .V7'" 011 k. (',. i .""" 011 1 1.. S. M. l-'razicr; a Mrs. L. II. Snodgr.-iss; $,'!o on Hicks; Soli on K. r,. phillios;;,!!!! A. I'.laylock, el. al: son ; ':'. 17 on . :111k nivoinu $TJ on C. W. J. Melamcs. Also, k contaiiiing de- ouc pair ...liars. Hank of Ab i il-lc; three ,f s ,cks; one inilkerchicfs. Charleston, is in the city. Postofliec inspector William Con returned from Washington, I'tRSd.NS lit OCKFT-liOOK. Major Ilreerie Mlitht Furnish the I ufor ,1011, 1'robiibly. The St. Louis ('dobc-llcniocrat ,, die -Stli iust., says : "A merry crowd of bankers from die Kansas City eonvcuiioii arrived at the Southern lasl night, and were liuuelv en. joying a joke iierpelraied 011 Mr. Chinlcs ! '" lllt' ear have been seem 1 aisons, picsiueiu ot tlic stale ., auk of St. Louis, also president of the National Hankers' Association Mr. Pai-sons iiiik 1.U11, 1 uev nan .asset a lew u is aacueit. came home m e, .n,v ,..i, i, 1 .,n ... 1 vviiiooii in me nasi, ami a 101 01 iner n.-iuners anil congressmen' yesterday started for their home, where in a special car, and during the trii very 1 an elegantly furnished house awaited mysteriously lost his pocket-book. As! them. They were ace inpanied by Sadie there were none in the car kii-.wn t'obej .'lovil, the maid servant, and ;"co. W. j of a light-liiicrcd disposition, its disaii-1 Allen, the man servant. They were badly ! pcarance cause 1 no small am.. mil of an-1 broken up. Mr. Manning was injured 1 novnncc and misplaced suspicion. The internally and badly disfigured about the parly was c mposcd of . ". oinstou ' W. lv. l'.rccsc, Ashe.! In a Special Car. A special Pullman sleeper has been el.ai-tcred by die members of Cvrcnc Comuuinderv. No. 0 i. nights Templar, f this city. 111 which to make I he 1 :,, t., Washington 011 lite evening ofil,c 7,h iust. About twenty Sir Knights will attend the triennial session of die Cirand Commaiidiy. and the remaining berths d '.y residents "I the city who will also go u, the ...mo,,,,, eapiiai at tne time mi-itioned. , s special meeting i-iCyreneCoinniandcrv 1 will be held at Masonic Temple this evening at S o'clock. 1 posit and cxthangc entries, i'lg'l 'U. 'a.; 0,1c i.xf ,-d siuris, one razo whisk br, nil's, etc. i'ayineiit on the notes will In- ordered slop e i, and any pcrs, .uconiiiiginto pos session ol t he same will turn them over to the . iist . National Hank ,.f this city lor transmission to Mr. Salver. THK I .fSSCOI'AI, CONVUNTIOX km(;im:i;r twombi.fv. city, and were present at the meetings tolav, except Xicauor Hotel Peru, of jiimln.-liniten tractable oroibi. t The eilCZUelll, Wllo is 111 .ew ork, 1-. C.L. irticets of this explosive were fully ilemoii-1 f1"'"'"- "! 1 ""Mvaiua, and Messrs. ,trnted ill some exieriments at the Fort I 'l'ss.Pnvis and Uirnegie.ol the American tH Malmaison in WW. Melinite is 10 !"ll.'.11 is probable that W. Ii. afe that in three years only one accident C l,rlls W'M ' "U1!k' s"i'tnry of the eou- Jias oecurreU that at the arsenal ol Pel-1 ' .", "' neiuicrson, 01 fort, tin the other hand n hundred aeci- M1ss.1nr1.l1us been designated by Secrc- ilcnts have occurred from gelatine alone in thirty years. Thfi"e has never been an accident in 1rnvmif the charges, nor one from burst ing in the gun. As much cannot lie said for roburitc, Iwllolitc. or the other sub stances employed bv foreign States. What, it is asked, will liecoinc of a forti lieaU.on in lace of thisredoubtablcagent ? jSomc think and say they are doomed; others, II kj General Brialmont, recom-i-'iend the use of armored circular forts. t . is said that the shell will glance off these without aoing any damage. But rot'ritneiits nt Chalons have shown that tuims enjoy no inimunily ngainslui'lose find continuous fire. A DlHhoiieni Hanker DiHappearM. New York. ScpU-niber 30.7-Leon l)e lronurdi, un Italian private banker at 1 Park street, has disapjieared, leaving (lis clients in the lurch. They were prin cipally of the laboring class. Nothing vu left jn the bank except the safe and nil the furniture of Leonardos residence. His ilcMisit numlier 800 or 110(1. and the amount of deposits is vuguelv stated nt 1S,O00. Notice, Hlr KnlKlitm Cyrene Coinmnndery. No. 5, K. T., will meet in their asylum to confer the K. T. degree and appended orders, to-night at ,8 o'clock, sharp. All h aters notified. I tnry lilaiue as chairman of the 1'nited Slates delegation. The numlier of vicc prcsiilents and assistant secretaries is not yet determined upon. The delega tion from the I'nited States will meet Secretary Blaine to-morrow nt 1 1 o'clock in the di; lnniatie reception room, State department, and receive instructions. At the same time, the l-'orcign delegates will meet and appoint a committee to eoiilcr with a similarcommittce of I'nited States delegates upon an order of busi ness, At noon Wednesday, the Congress will be formally assembled, and a com mittee 011 organization will lie ap pointed. Thursday morning the dele gates and secretaries and attaches, with Who Ih charged Wl.h the Kocfc Island Wreck, Arreitted. CiIicai'.o, Seplemlier 30. Seth Tw.m bley, the engineer wh- had charge of the fast freight that wrecked the passenger iraui on me iV-ck island road at Hith street last Tuesday night, was ollicin Un placed under arrest last evening. The wurrant was served upon Twombley as he lay m bed ni his home. lie was sur prised at the uclion of the coroner's jury, and could not understand whv that body had held him. He cursed the fire man, Le Cinch, who testified that he I Twombley I was drunk, and said it was untrue. The police say that they have a man who saw both jump from the cab alter the whistle was blown, and who also saw the engineer go direct lo a sa loon after the collision occurred, T. B. Twombley, the master mecaanic of the road, liit her of Seth, was so worried over the accident that he is now sick in bed at his home. INK MILLION IN FI.AMKS. lace, ile was cut oil hom his berth and moved forward wuere he seemed to rest easily, I hysieians encouraged him and his big black eyes glistened with delight when he was told he would probably c me through all right, lie was re moved to ll .tel Wagner, this place, and died soon after, His wile is a beautiful htdy and t k everything calnilv. She was carried t . her berth next to 'that of her husband mid clearly stated her con diti 11, saying: "I ain all right, look alter Will ami Sadie." She was not all right, however, as her head is injured and she is otherwise hurt, though not fatally. Sadie never spoke alter the crash. Her remains were dug out and laid by the side of die track and tenderly covered. The man servant escaped injure I in his upR-r birth. " I iriuiughain, Alii vine. .. c.; L. C, Cox. iiweiit.ui. Kv.; 1 'scar l-'inlcv, Louisville, Ky.; iM,d Chiis. Warren, M. W11M0111, I. S.'li.-irnct. Clin 1011 M. I'lnrly, Kobci-l K. Wilson and James 11. Wiicock. All i f die gentlemen positively affirm dial they know noth ing whatever of the pocket-book's tem porary hiding 1 lace or the ',, uiauipu lator. The police have not yet been no tified." Il may lie just like those bankers said about president Pa -sou's pocket-book, but, alter reading over the names of his companions on that trip, we doubt it. Major ".lecse was in thai crowd, and there isn't a man on earth who more dearly loves a joke especially if the j . ki t's on the other fellow. The Tower will he Heuhieed. Lxperts fnnn ihejcnuey Lleetric I. Ho al Indiallaoolis. lad will 1-- supei intend tin- light tower oa works here in crccliot Indiana; few day d tin electric court sipmie. which was 1,1 the storm of a lew morning last; is not an easy one by a and t he greatest care ill I e I riircly place ii in positi ,11. 1,,-v leet of storm or wini character. The ,n her s.-elions ol the city will also be dl Highly examined, ami d, 1st, remedied. u 11 down in since. The 1 any mentis. ken to st aid the ef- I I lie 111, 1st severe 1 overs in dili'en nt i deiei-ls, It essrs. pos- The Little Tycoon. Some of the ladies are now busily pre paring for the representation at an earlv date 1 ("the above favorite shall we call it opcredn or under whatever name il lint nrnveii wo n 1 1 -,., i v.. CV.. ...ill ,h,;.oiiee'i tl,ei,r.M.rii,,.,.i'H,....t:....l' ' he I ythians were 111 session at Unit ing, and also the objects of the entertain-1 lllsllc Pnltonuvctiiiclast evening, ment. We Jake the following in relation No tobacco breaks were had at any of tr tl tr.tm III,. W il. tin i.rf.t,, I.',,,..,,... ..,l,i..l. . 1.... .....1. . V , . .. 'the warehouses 111 the HIMIOJI MOTI-N Kopcil m by Kanihlinu Keporters Koainiuit Kouud the Cll. The Pythians were in to t'oiileleoee. ; U'cvs. W M. Kerr. (',. f. Kank:ii. lame , .Mi.ms. jr.. I . AI. Pish. -.p. ami M, W. II. I'l-nlnnd. li. A. Cuilgcr. and -.itis. ttiu it-avc on me .i..;ii; 1 .-;,, . this alteriioon for Morristown, Tcnn., ; where thev will attend Ihe annual ses sion of 1 he liolstiui eoiileicnec of the M. li. Church, South, which convenes nt th.it place at eleven o'clock to-mor. ,tt moi-ning. Bishop Wilson, of P.altiinore. will preside over die body, the sessions To Meet in the -,c.v of New Vork To-Morrow. The triennial convention of 1 he Protest ant l-aiist-opal church of 1 he I'niied States meets 1,11 Wednesday, (lei. L In ',., v.,rl. city. i.xtcnsiv preparntioiis, it is tindcr stood, have been made in .New York fur ihe meeting ..f this huge, intelligent and i.'iliicniial re!i .,.,us body. The conveiition will be held in St. t'.corgc's cliurch, Kujicrlo.d Place, be tween .Sixteenth and Scvcntceiuh si.rcels, a most centr..l and convenicm location. Besides tlic elinreh Ihcrc is a line nienio rial building adjoining that can be used 1 -I' committee ami 01 hereon vcnlinu work. I'he local committee of the city are slated to be actively at work in their el,,, s lor die comfort andcoiKcniencc of the put it s. The number of delegates is expected to reach 4tio. Pishop Potter will entertain he house ol' bishops, and the diocese of New York will provide a daily luncheon lot- the co-ordiiiaie branch represented. It has been divided to make this repast simple Ii r the good example that it would hay n hi, u.c inecliugs. A number of dis-iiiguisheil visitors tr..in tin- bu jish ehareh arc expected. The eon ei 11, i- a wdl probably last one tuouili, and some very important and iiiicrcsiing ma 1. crs connected with tl.e lipiscopal church in litis tounlry will conic up for 1 ousii It ration, Slit KI TlUl AMil KSIIS. A DeHtructive Klre Sweeps Away a Montana Town. St. I'ai i., Minn., Svntcmber -Ml. A fire at Butte, M011., according to reports thus far received by the Pioneer Press, has been brought under control with a loss of about $ 1 ,() 10,000. The lirestartcd at noon, and a violent wind fanned the flames into a fury, while the insufficient Sllllolv ol wnter tirevmitpd (.H'ft-tiv. li.rltt. a (iinall numlier of newspniicr men will j ing against the flames, The fire was brought under control late 111 the dnv, lieing confined to the block in which the Humes originated. The district burned is in the business portion, and among the uiiuiugs ininicii are the Bowes block leave Washington tin a tour ol the central and eastern States. Secretary Proctor has detailed Captain John (1. nurse, 1 lord cavalry, antt first Lieuten ant Henrv Lewlev, Third cavalry, as . , . ,- , , . "v xuttta tttjviv, 8iecial aids to accompany the delegates the first National Bank, Henni-ssy's dry to the Congress in their tour of the conn- goods store, Bnlieock's hat store, Ber try. These officers were selected, be-! nurd block, Lamie's shoe store. Several cause of their knowledge of Spanish and smaller establishments were also burned. Portugese and other (juulifications, I "Little Tycoon.' The first rehearsal of the "Little Ty To RelmbnrKe Parnell, Urm.iN, Septcmlier 30. Su ascriptions coon" will take place this I Tuesday I evening at 8 o'clock punctually, at Mrs. to a fund to meet the exK-nscs of Parnell in his defence before the Parnell commis sion have closed. The total amount sul- scribed is 41,000. J. G. Martin's. All taking part are pnr- I Heplenilier Stlieius. , 1 Hiring die nioiidi just ended lieense to 1 j wed were issued j by the register any ol ol which will coiitiutic about lit-.. !..,. assures us that our native talent will , , ""ll"""!l!' '" ' y yestcr.l.iy. ; 1 ill; l. rni-x will publish a report of have the able cn-oieration of the ladies I ''llt '"-'"v.v sales are exK-ctcd during the i each day's proceedings of the conference. remainder ol the week. We regret to learn of the very lecble condition of Mr. Kd. Wcddin. It is thought now that he will have to be taken to Philadelphia for treatment. The sale of lots on French Broad ave nue and South Main street will take place to-day. The property is very desir able and is owned by Capt. W. M. Cocke, t- -. .- i- , The residence nf Mr. T. W. Fiunatrick Tne pcnitentiarv directors have st-j ., n.p.iuits cured on long lease litur thousand acres, "" Bridge strwt caught on fire about 7 of land ou Koanoke river, near Weldon, ! o'clock Sunday evening. The llamcs in Hnhfax and Northampton counties, j were extinguished ln-fore utiv damaire and will o,K-rate their farms on an extol- wn ,, ,mwi.vl,r. si ve scale. 1 he directors have reserved ! incngnico purtiiase tiiesc lands at any 1 ruiuiwav noise on Alain street crea of that music loving, music skilled city : The Little Tycoon is to lie produced in Asheville early in dctolier by a number of ladies and gentlemen at Asheville and Miss Annie llcKosset, of this city, has been invited to assume the principal part in the piece. She has accepted the invita tion and will leave ill a few days for Asheville to attend the rehearsals 'neces sary before the presentation of the piece. There are several other young ladies from this city now in Asheville who will assist in its production. le .Makes a I avorahle Impres sion at the Meetinic, The directors of the Young Men's Christian Association of Asheville were afforded an opportunity last evening to meet Mr. Anderson, the permanent sec retary, at die residence of Mr. II. T. Col bus. Mr. Anderson made a most favorable impression, ami showed himself thor oughly advised as to the rcipiircincnls of to twenly-fne mimics 1 this most important work. f deeds for Buucoiu'e. ' 1 1 was decided to bold the first m.-i-t in,. Light ol these couples dated their ances- of active members, for the purpose of or try back to Ham, while the remainder ' ga,i:alion, on Thursday evening, Oc wcre all "free; while," and in a majori.y i tobcr 10. Tlic hour and place of tnecti.ifr twenty-one." The numlier will lie duly published in the city d.-iixts II persons, who appreciate ol instances. of licenses granted in August w ' two. lis l went v- time, Convicts will be sent from Raleigh ted considerable excitement Sunday after next month to build stockades nnd to I ,,,. o,.,.,i ,,; ,, , sow grain and clover. On lanuarv 1st ' "" . . . t,m""; 1,11 ''"W "VIT two hundred cunvicts will be placed on "I""'".' ,ts occupants on the ground the larnis permanently, and will put in a no damage was done. crop ior next season. 1 ne lands are se cured nt a rental of one dollar per acre Ketentie KcccIoIn. From the books of deputy collector! West it appears that sales of internal revenue stamps at the branch laiiee in Asheville for the month of Scp.cinlicr ' amounted to $.i,'.l40.1 7. an increase ofi about $700 over the sales reported for the j and we Iioik' 1 ne value ol tins institution and of its objects "to promote the spiritual, moral, intellectual and physical good of our young men," will take an interest in the initiatory steps and indicate the same by their presence and counsel. A Card. siikvii.i.k, N. C September 30. yearly, and prior to the war were worth fifty dollars per nere. Only one fifth of tne lands ure subject to overflow. H.J. ticularly requested to attend nt the hour Pope, a well known farmer, has been ""'""' 1 appointed superintendent ot these farms. preceding month. r.ditor C itizcu : Please allow me space 10 iii.oiR .nr. n. vt. tor ,ls kmrtiv DiHpatcheM Incomplete. i welcome in your issue of 3lt It inst. Tlic M l,.,ti,oo 1 . : thanks of the community nt lunrp Hu.. AnI.ifa...ousKnrllol,eTrled. . . . " i "'"g auer re- js M Newall train d i- U.M.oN-.Se-ptem.K.r 30.-The trial of '"K n ' '"gl,t dispatches, pa.chcr of the We-ten, xlhCC the Karl of t'.allownv. who is ehar-ed m""i oy me manager at the railroad, anil to .Mr. Mitchell, manager with having criminally assaulted several uleKr!1l'li "Ibec, that all wires had cease.f ot t,,,e tt't'i I'nion telegraph ottice. children, has lieen fixed for Octolier 24 to work, and that no more telegrams ... ....t u ,-s.oicn court, could be received. I , 01 me western I mon telegraph ottice, ! for the daily bulletin displayed at my ' j ottice. Yours trulv, W." A. Uav, I Passenger Agent, ii. 'f., V. & G. K. K.

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