THK DAILY CITIZEN The Citizkn In the most extensively circu lated and widely read newspaper in Western North Carolina. Its discussion of public men and measures Is in the interest of public inU'Krity, honest government, and prosperous industry, and it knows no personal allegiance in treating pubv lie issues. The Citizkn publishes the dispatches of the A aocia ted Press, w h ich now covers the whole world in its scope. It htts other facili ties of advanced journalism for Kfttherinp news from all quarters, with evcrythinKcare hilly edited to occupy the smallest space. S)Hcimen copies of any edition will be sent te to any one sending their address. Tkkmu laily, $1 tor one year; $a for six ..ninths; 5i cents for nne month; lfi centsfoi one week. Carriers will deliver the paKr in every part of the city to subscribers, anil par tics wanting it will pleusc call at the Citizkn tice. AnVRBTIHNO Ratks Reasonable, and niadt known on application at this ollice. A I! transient advertisements must be paid in ad vance. KeudittR notices ten cents jR'r line. Obitu ary, marriage and society notices fifty cent? each (not excccdiuK ten lines) or tilty cent! Iter inch. WKPSKSIUY. OCTOliKN 1SS. THK FOKKH'I UV COX VKNTION, To Ik- held in Philadelphia on tilt' lT.tli id' this month, h:is foremost in its object $ the protection, preservation ;md resto ration of ii forest of the Tin ted States. Nothing so emphasizes the wasteful, destructive habits ol the American ja'ople as the neees sit v of such measures as will be discussed in the Forestry convention. Less than hah a century ao, bv far the larger portion of the territory of the Tailed States wa in forest, much of the newly ac quired portion of it an unbroken forest wilderness, much of the older territory untouched virgin woods, a store housi from which miht be drawn with pru dent care and use the supplies of enern lions to come. These supplies are al ready so neatly exhausted by theca re less ness and greediness of man, and the de struction has been si aided bv widespread devastating tires, that the gravest solic itude has been aroused to husband what is left, anil to restore what is lost; and the dangers of sudden Hood and alternate drought, conditions inseparable from a t I'eeless ex pa use. The example and t he plan- nt I tuopt inav be suycsled for adoption. Bui monarchical and despotic IvurojK.' may coinmatul and enforce what may Ik found impossible in free kepublicau Amer ica. Interference in private rights, cur tailment of tec-simple authorityinowner ship, restraint npiin the riht and power id every man to do what he will with his own, put check to en trained hereditary habits are I lit problems with which any prop ositions for forestry reform will have to ileal. It is a very yrave and important problem, and it mihl le lit i km I that tin whole continent will be aroused to its gravity. The remorseless use and waste of the forests is characteristic of this genera tion; not alone with the forests, but with everything desirable to man on land or in the water. This generation lives as if it were to Ik? the last on earth, and makes haste to consume or destroy everything attainable without thought, j :rc fir hope for a nosiblc future yen- rri I i. . i i 'hi- . ii. .'ii. m - j.i :.! .1. II, .ll.i tn. I l,r (!';. 1 I.. I'diiuijk it laie whiii. inc un I t . t stood thick and stately. Wherever they survive, the armies of axemen are mar shalled, steam saw mills of phenomenal capacity erected, railroads built deep in the wilderness, and then in time that new acquisition is laid bare and desolate, and in the end nothing is left or spared that can be reached. And as with the f irests so with animal life. The butValo, within present memory so abundant as to be killed merely tor their tongues, humps and hides, are practically extinct. The deer, once boundfnjL; over every hilt and plain, are now so tew that the kill injj of one is an achievement to be recorded alongside of killing of Indian or of panther. The innumerable tliyhts ot wild piyeons no longer darken the air in break down the titnlcr. The ivory billed ; woodiK-cker and the paroquet, once noted j in our ornithology, no longer have exist ciice. I n the water, the whale has In come so scarce as almost to have brought the once famous whale fishery to an end. The mackerel, once so abundant as to lie used as the cheap food for the West In dia negroes, is now so scarce as to be the costly luxury of the rtch. Across the wa ters, the elephant, pursued for ivory or tor sport, is threatened with extinction within the next ten years. The leauttful quagga, once so numeious in Southern Africa, is extirpated entirely, a sacrifice to foppish luxury. The kangaroo is rap idly disappearing under the demand for a social kind of leather, and, in a tew years, will he among tne things tnat were. And all this, and very much more of the same kind, within the present gen eration. The next will have to make out some of the leading questions in issue 1e tweett the two great existing parties. The question of monopolies, of trusts, of protection, involve those subjects upon which the Alliance has engaged for the protection of the agricultural interests, among which are the reduction of the cost of living by the reduction in the prices of those necessaries the farmer must purchase; and the procurement ol better and juster prices tor what he sells, made possible by taking the control ot the markets from sieeutntors, monopo lists'middle, men, and effacing ifpractiea ble the business id a class "who toil not neither do they spin" but contrive to live splendidly out of the profits de verted into their own pockets out of those of the plundered, wronged ami wickedly impos ed upon producers. So far as we can see, the Alliance is non-partisnn. It goes out on its errand with its ranks open to all farmers of all parties. And it gives promise of march ing steadily to its work tinder its own hanners and unlisting under them none of those men who make politics a busi ness, or who might make the Alliance ; tool fur their own ambition. Tndersueh aspectsas we can now view it, we see nothing but good in what has roused the farmer from his apathy, madt him conscious of theimposition practised upon, stimulated him to assert himself a; the foremost figure on the great stage ot industrial life. How indifferent has the , farmer seemed to be in the great scenes' of business lite. The giant Atlaft upon I FALL100DS TIIE1UG STOKE OP Ilostfc Bros. & Wright Is now overflowing with the largest and prettiest shirk of Drv (!oo(ls ever brought to this market . Henriettas. Cashmeres, Milium- Cloth, .lubilee Cloth. TiiriMT (iooils, Velvets, Worstnl. Kii'lerdown in ;ill colors, Uenfrew Dress (liti".' llilllis. etc. NOTIONS ! NOTIONS ! All sorts of Notions, inehid iiif"' Yiinki't' Notions, ami sonic of the prettiest Notions yon ever Noted. Some of the most I'asiiiin-tiii;;- Never-Fail Fasriiiiitors THE RACKET COLUMN. ...t i i.i . i i.i i... i. W llOSe MIIMIMUI!1 M M 111 I H I U 1 1 1 1 III 1 1 il ? I . i , , . .,,; r,i .li,,,,; i 'V'I- 1' iiscma te, of his load; the mighty Titan with force to enforce his will, he has laid impassive as a feeble child; the hundred armed ftriancus with power to beat down oj posin and surrounding lorces. his arms hung listless at his side; or to lake an illustration froiti the pages ot a later fic tion, his bulky form lay prostrate tike theskcpitig t.inlliver while pigmy Lillipu tians, all the suhtle agencies of trade and -qteeulation. I'astened him Iroin head lo heels with the thousand little threads ol debt and obligation and necessity and danced with heartless triumph over the prostrate hebness form Such were the farmers. Such thev will not Ik- when I . . . , . . , . . .'M'III.M life Milt or llat.l.. I"",,ls- hinv st vie von want. Hoods, Toboggans, and Shawls in endless variety. The prettiest line of Flan nels yon ever saw. I'lankets. (jiiilts and Coun terpanes. Jeans and ( 'assinieres, Cents' Furnishing (mods in abundance. We can tit von HOTELS. STRAUSS' RESTAURANT -AND- V Parlor. . ION OF THK COrSNTITV. THIN, We iukiiowlcclyi' the rivi'it il .'in invi tfittori tn :intiiil the ccU'ltialinn nt'tlu IliitiiliTiltli Aimivi'rs.'irv ot' On- Ailoptitui ol the C'Misliuitii'ii ot the Cnitt-d St:itt liv North L'iirolitiii, to lie eomtnenior.ited in I'avetteville on 'I'luirsilny. NovenilH-r 21. ICvery nieans will betaken to fjive dignity :unl inipfessiveness to the oeea sion liv t lie treetu'e of distiniiished men, lty orators ot renown, I v the pres eneeortlie niilitarv, liv halls, fireworks, and whatever else is expressive of ani mated satisfnetion. Jetlersnn Pavis, the ex-l'resident ol the Confederate States, has expressed his purpose to be presen' , li possililr f il- !,,). I 1 !(. 1:1 ' ' ,l . I ! t li , ..i.- ,,. i-.. .' I. M , I leu I till;. I t Ln :i, i.h ol 1 : 1. 1. j th li lu i a sinilieanee eharaeterislie of, and linn- j orahle to, North Carolina. The one demonstrated the purpose ot its j people lo resist oppression and i assert their liberties, and doinr i so in decisive foi in in advance ofj the people of am- other of the sister j States; the other illustrated the value i set upon the liberty aeipiired after lon: contliet bv refusing to surrender it nynin j into the hands of any j;oveniment with-1 out liavint; first obtained ample Kiinrati- f tees for its security. If North Carolina . was the first to throw oil' the royal yoke so she was the last to accept any substi-1 lute f-overumenl without guarding against all the human contingencies that the new one might prove also a yoke in ' another form, with the added mortilica tion that it was her own workman ship. ; We are Sole ApMltH for the I'elelirated Morrow Shoes for Ladies. I o arrive in a ilay or I wo a lull line of Ladies' latest styles Walking Jackets. 20(1 pi s. Ladies' .-mil Misses' Shoes, made liy Zielei-I5ros., Philadelphia, which we will close out at net cost. In our Store you will find the maximum of what you want and the minimum what you don't want. i;si'p lV wiacirr. No. II N.( niri Sipi.uf. BOOKS AND STATIONERY, ARTISTS' MATI.KIAIS, liNC.tSKI-KS' Sl TI'LlliS, l'ICTI'KtCS AX1 I-HA M ICS, I'ANLV I'.IKIIIK. blank iiiiokh,i:vi:hyi;h A III il.l.S, TOYS ANIi CAM lis. WliSiTliRN r. C. CKNK!, The New Goods which the 'Itacket Store" has been promising IIAVK AIJinVKI). A hip' lot in all lines. ALL BARGAINS. hirticijhru iifxl week. (SKO.T..IONKS & (U KrROPFAN PLAN. Meal al all Hours. IClcctrlc Cam Ian tlic Ior. I tHkf pleastiiT in iinnniiniitiK tin- Ovsttr I Sanson ol' IHHti-'im has fnfil, nnd my lm; rxiwritncc in the hudim-HH jutifirs nit in (iMtttiritiK th put tlii- that I enn pleat and ut ! iufy all customers. I will serve oysters in tht- brut itylc. unit ih-alinK only with relialilr hu tines, can ofter the finest bivalves on the market. Try our Philadelphia Fry, Or Pan Roust. Hoslon liny Stewsn specialty. lireat care will lie taken with all orders I sell only the finest ami freshest oysters that can be hart. 1 receive shipments direct from packers every nfterooon. ChnrKcs reason able. My reHtiiurant if also supplied with BIRDS, GAME, FRESH FISH, ETC., At all time. Siecial nttention Riven to lady customers. I'olite and attentive wnjtcm. Hoard hy day. week or month with or with out rooms. H'you want the bent the market affords call on K. WTBAI SH, PropT., Smith Main Stm t. TURNPIKE HOTEL, I Turnpike, N.C. i This beautiful summer resort is situated . immediately on the Murphy tt vision of tIK 1 ! W. N. C. H. K . halt way lictMCrh Ahetllv i : and Wuv ncbvillv', toniniK the most attraetivi i 1 xeeaery In the inouiitains. j The hotel is new and well hitnilml, lurne j j nnd well ventilated. TelcRtaph and t'ot j , nftiecs in the house. Fresh mutton, milk mimI hit tier Nnpplit d from (he lrcntlftci. Parties can leave Ahevillc in the niontiiiK lake dinner and retain in IhecvcnliiK- Tor terms and other Inlormatiou. apply to J. C. Sniatliers, jul.T d.'lm Manayrt . PIUVATi; IIOAKI), N H V III 1 Si: ! N li W l. IT H N ISM HI i I A I.I. MnpKKN I M lK' t'li M IvNTS. MRS, IS. II. ATKINSON, No. atl Haywood Street, jwn'J? d 1 v GHAS. D. BLANTON & CO., MEN'S AND ISOY8' CLOTHING OUTFITTERS. Our aim is to fill a lony; V( wo tit in the city of Asie i(f-, and we will open about September 1, with the most com plete line ol' Clothing lor Men ami I?o,vs ever shown in this section. Our Mr. ( MAS. I5LANTON oes to Northern anil Kast ern markets with the rcnil.y cash which insures tn the new business ItuTII I'lli 'I'lir.K.M'llIC I'AIXTIili, ANII 1 1 A N 1 1. I pKIYATB HOARII, A lnrKC, Hlry houfc. .11M 1'iitton Avenm' (in strict I'nr line. (Wiod loL-ntion Tcnns rt'iiHuiintitr. (imiil fun'. jiilnlam MNS.J. L. SMATHKKS. MRS. S. STEVKNSON Has removed to the Johnston Building. I'att t(n avenue romrr of Church street where ill t- prtjrm-tl k'.p ri"jMl;H x 1 1 ,i n., u , '.itvMer. 'I .fill lunii-ttf,; .ill, l(t '.t-i ,1. Ili.trk-! iU Ti-rni ie:i-fib( ni-n 1 mt'. ROUND KNOB HOTEL McDowell Co., TV. C. (Situated on the V. N. C. K. R. An hour's ri)e from Anluville. t Fintl cIjisk In every resK-ct. Mineral waters Lit Ida. Iron, Alum and Iron, Red and White Sulphur atid Magnesia. The most picture" pie spot in Western North Carolina. Parties leaving Aslu ville on the p. ni. train can have iliuucr on their arrival by tel- eKraphititf from the depot. Terms reasonable Special rates to fit mi f FlNANCIM VJCC THE YOUTHS', BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S V A K I' I . IV i Will receive our siiecial attention, ami to this we will call the especial attention of Mothers, Sisters'aml Aunts. I lien. I with tile .'iipli!HKis nf the scientts ol which, as niiiiHtis;itiiin, the present will leave tin ;iliiiiihint lenaey. The next will have no need of wood because thev will lutilil out of aier, no need of coal lie cause they will use bottled up sunshine, no need of horses lieeanse they will travel by steam or eW'tricity. Thai is the al ternative the present leaves to the future. THK HHJIKR AI.I.IAMK. With quick vior, the association of the farmers for mutual protection, advance ment of their interests, and enlarge ment of their information has ris en into something stiiienlous. Its dimensions cannot lie concealed be cause it takes ill nearly the whole mighty army of the farmers of the country ; its powers cannot lie despised, liecnuse it is the consolidation in organ ized force of nil the great foundation force of economical life. Its progress uy be watched with the interest of wis i; it cannot be regarded with V solicitude because its ends lenticnl with all the true of social life and prosperity, in its very nature eonserva ' never present itself in the attitude of a house divid d 't must stand or fall with terests. 'v become a political nic questionsinvol and constitution rlv do, involve Til International convention al Wash-; ington is already a reality, anil its scs-; sions might lie looked upon with interest : if it did not seem to lie the purpose of the ! eiitct t.iitie in Washington City to show . them the whole country .-mil not the Cap-1 ital alone. There is something strikingly wise in this, because our visitors will, learn how solid, splendid and universally distri! inted arc the advancement and pros-! ierity ot the 1'uited States. What must j most torcilily impress them are the facili-' ties to view all the field ot study in all the speed and comfort of railroad travel, and ' the experience thev gain of the vast ex-i tent of the raffroad systems of thel 'nitcd j States, entirely lieyond anything they might present as parallel in their own ! countries. It will lie many years, per haps. Iictore South America will Ik- tra versed trom north to south, from east to west .as the Tinted States is. Hut prophecy would lie unsafe. The most stupendous ol the North American work has lieen done in less than the lite of a generation. We are glad to learn that a North Caro linian. I.ieutenent Ia-hiIv, of Salem, has Uen detailed as one of the two I'nited States army officers to act as escort to the loreign parry. This is a high h r, the recognition of sum-rior iiualiriLation. KSTABROOK'S, 2t N. main Street. INoKliKK To m ki: s(i.mi;ciian('.i:s IN Ol'R HI SINI-SS, WliOI-'I'KR Dr. I'arkcr Prays cream Van-Ola, Rosa line, Ongaline and Diamond nail powder having now become the ladies' favorites, at F. L.Jacob's drug store, these popular manicure articles may always lie found, together with pocket emery board, or ange wood sticks, nail scissors, files nnd other such requisites. Also u complete line of drugs nnd toilet articles, in addi tion to the Hclje Soda Fountain from which ice cold drinks are disiensed. Cor ner Main street and Fatton avenue. Hnrlier lout west) Your head is very CowIkiv I showing revolver I Kh ? burlier I hastily r Very clean, sir. --he Ladlew Delighted The pleasant effect anil the iierfect safetv with which ladies may use the liquid fruit laxative. Syrup of Figs, under all condi tions make it their favorite remedy. It is pleasing to the eve nnd to the taste, gentle, yet effectunfin acting on the kid neys, liver and bowels. AT COST, i Ol'R STOCK OF I SlI.YKR-I'LATF.n WARK, j INCU1UNC. KNIVI-S, FORKS, SPOONS, j CASTI-RS, MTTF.RS, j PICKI.F.S, KTC. ARTHUR M. FIELD, , Leading; Jeweler. ' THE GREATEST ATTRACTION In that fine lot of liNI'.I.ISH HKI11I.KS unci j THKB1M1IIKN CHAMOIS SEAT SAlllll.KS ; at ; J. M. ALEXANDER'S Atifl the low price at which he in sellinK alt Kooilt in tun line. j He hint increased hi force and intemla to j meet the (icmund. SATISFACTION GUAKANTBKD. j K.u.KK'.it, N. C bast winter Iwns' sufferiiig very much from indigestion and ' general debility, with a broken-down j system, tolloweil with chronic dysentery. 1 I tried one bottle of Mrs. loe Person's Remedy, and found so much relief and improvement 1 continued its use until ! I used the seventh bottle, which restored I me to perfect health, and 1 am now as I sound Pf n silvcrdollnr. V. B. ("Hiiav. Billow ICrwiiit l-mprii-tnr. J. V. SCIIAR1XE, MERCHANT TAILOR 42 N. Main St. fet2odlv JAMES FRANK, HKALKK IN FAMILY GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS AKent for Krcnm Crock Wuulcn Mill. North Main . Aslicvill. N. C. It b 10(11 y U O O O O II o 000000 o ,u. PROPKIBTOK OK THE ASHEYILLE BRICK WORKS, Anhevllle, N. C. f. U. BOX I. marl ad ly A NEW KNTKRI'RISK. The Hand Laundry will open on Monday, at the foot of Mm. Wilon'ii hill, under the in an axe m en t of U. V. HiKKinn. All work done neatly bv hand. GEO. KIMBER, GENERALCONTRACTOR AND BUILDER Mosaic Tile and Cement work a specialty. Orate, Kodkc and Boiler set. BuildinRH moved and repaired in tirat via manner. ScweraKC Irainate and trnM for the ftatne ttaorouKhly nnderntood and promptly at tended to. Office: Wnlft tluilding. Court House Square, Aheville, N. C. ma3udly JACKET9 COL Jlf.V. JVTHB PPBLIC. The underptinied mar be found in Shank' new building, one door wet ot J. F. Wood lwry' atnlile, m College trent. Thev are prepared to matintacture earriaffea. huicKei. tKn, and anything else in their line. No pairinK and hone-hoeing are speetattien. They hare secttrcd the errleeaof Henry How. I en, ana wouia oe picaaei 10 receive a Itlteral I nhare of patrrtRve. 8atlfaetion iraaranteed. I -.i-ii:i .Iflm HfRKliTTIi .V H'UVii, OUR GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS Will hi' 1-epli't.MYitli iill Ili' Novi'llii-s of Hip pciiison in tin wn.v of Ni'i kwi'iir. OUR HAT DEPARTMENT Will i'ii-i'iv' iIuh attention, nnd in it nm lw foiuiil froin t li i iiiivi'iitional Hiyh Hut ilown tt the Soft Knoi k-iibont. Wp linvi' nli'i'jnl.v plai'i'il our order for a line of MEN'S FINE SHOES With one of the most popular makers. Our mode of business shall be STIIICTLY OXK I'iMCK, and all j-oods warranted as represented or money refunded. Our opening will be announeed in due time. CHAS. D. BLANTON & CO., One Price Clothier, Patton Aennf, . . Aphevllle, N C.