PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Tiiito. F. Davidson, Thos. A. Jonhs, Kalcinh. Ja8. O. Martin, Asheville. Asheville. JJAVIL1SON, MARTIN & JOKIS8. Attorney1 and Counsellors at Law, Ashcville, N. C. Will r tier in the 11th and 12lh Judicial Districts, nril in the Supreme Ccurt of Nrth Carolina, and in the Frdern! Cmu ts of the Western District of North Carolina. Refer to Hank of Asheville. ritxel BUSINESS AiD PLliAHl JRi;. C11AS. A. MOOR!!. fnORB Jfe MI-KK1CK, XWrV MKKF1CK. Attorneys ami ComiK'-llors at I.nw. Ashevilk, N.C. Practice In the 1'niU'd States Circuit mat liistrict Court; at Ashcville, itaiesvillc.Chnr Uite nntl Greensboi '. in tlic iSuiiumc Court at Italeigh, and in the courts of the Twelfth .linlu ial District of Lhe Stale ui North Cavo in.t. SlH-cial att''iuifn niven lo collection of n'laimK. Give the Children a Chance. There is something radically wrong with the health of a child when it seems listless, has poor or no appetite, eyes sunken and with dark skin beneath. " In most cases showing these symptoms the eliilil has worms, and all that it needs is sonic simple remedy, such as Hart's Worm Cream, to expel the worms, and the child will soon lie in pcilivt health again. Pa rents, try it and let yotir little ones have a fair chance tor hie. II you feel "out of sorts," cross and peevish take Dr. J. McLean's Sarsapa- nllu; cheerfulness will will acquire new zest. An pump. exhaustive article a stomach The suit department a court room. -i' u. conn. HHlll S: MliKKlMON. I. u THIS KBV. GHO. 11. THAYIiR.ol Hour bun, Intl., savs: "Both mvsell' and wile owe our lives to SHILOH'S CONSUMP TION I'UKli." AKK VI )V MADH mis-ruble by Indiges tion, Constipation, Dizziness. Loss ot sikkkimox. j Aiipititc, Yellow Skin? Shiloh's Vitalize! is a positive cure. Attorney ;,ild Citunc',! ,rs at Law. Practice in a'! the courts. (MHce: Nos. 7 un-1 H. Johnston building ill se t . W. JONKS. JONHS i SIU'l'UKIl. GI'O. A. Slim'OKh. Attorneys at Law. Asl.cviPc, N. I1. I'ractics in the Superior Courts of cstcra "Noiih Carolina, the Supreme Court of the Striic, and the I'cricral Courts at Aslicviik. Ollice in lolmstou l.ui!iliu.i, where one mem llici of the arm ean nlw avs be frum1. (Hnovl 1 J- A. TBNNKNT. ArcilHca t ami Contractor. 1'lnns, spccilications anil estimates fur Mh'licd. All work in my line contracted foi, ami no for drawings on contracts ;nvtinied inc. Icler-n.:es when desired. illliec; No. 1 ll-jtulrv lllock. North Court Sru.-i-.-, ,shc ili'-. N c tcblodlv f li. norm. ass. n. i' s. " r.E -TftU IttWiVIS, . NO. Ic4 SOUTH MAIN ST., Over Cram .v i.irrt'8 Itru Store, awlcme. No. UN H' lleyS'. iVblOilly k. ii. ki;i:vi;s, d.d.s. ; 11. u. smith, n.D.s. rs. Ketvca & Smith. OFFICIi An old beau is a niany-siglwlead man. If you arc suffering with wedk or in Hanii'd eyes, or granulated eyelids, you can be cured by using Dr. J. H. McLean's Strengthening Bye Salve. The Indian's peculiar sin moccasin. I i "I am ipiitc surprised, Mr. Meeker, to account for your wife's knowledge of parliamentary law." "She? Great Casrir! j Hasn't she been speaker of the house for i. th last fifteen years?'' I Malt drinks were cheap in the old days j they had farthing ales. j F.pocli. The transit ion from long, lingering and I painful sickness lo robust health marks i an epoch in the lilt of the individual. I Such a remarkable event is treasured ill the memory and the agency whereby the good health has been attained is grate fully blessed. Hence it is that so much is heard in praise of Ivlectrie Hitters. So many feel they owe their restoration to health, to the use of the Great Alterative and Tonic. If you arc troubled with any disease of Kidneys, Liver or Stomach, ol long or short sl anding you will surety find relief by use of Ivlectrie Hitlers. Sold at 50c. anil $1 per bottle, at 1. L.Jacobs' drugstore. Ji. I'oiauilly P.uiUlintf, over Ketiwood's Store, Pulton Avcuti'.'. Tcelh eNtracteo without pain, with the new soia-sllietic, and all eases of irregularity cor rected, aljiaiily 1'. KAMSAV. II. P.S. i Office The Pulpit and the SCaite. Rev. F. M. Shrout, Pastor I'nited Iireihrcu Church, Hlue Mound, Kan., says: "I feel it my duty to tell what wonders Dr. King's New Discovery has done for me. My lungs were badly dis eased, and my parishioners thought 1 could live only a lew weeks. 1 took live bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery and am sound and well, gaining 26 lbs, in weight." Arthur Love, Manager Love's Funny Folks Combination, writes: "After a thorough trial and convincing evidence, I am confident Dr. King's New Discovery lor Consumption, heats em all, anil cures when everything else fails. The greatest kindness 1 can do my many I liousand friends is to urge them to try it. Free trial bottles at. F. L. Jacobs' drug store. Regular sizesf0c.and$1.00. The Tciii)craiicc ladies should all dress in watered silk. i'io around to No. 28 Patfon avenue and look at Mitchell's laundered white shirt lor 75c. It is a daisy. A Montana barber advertises: 'My scissors beats the man over the way. I used to be an editor.' The blood must be pure for the body to be in perfect condition. Dr. J. II. Mc Lean's Sarsaparilla makes pure blood and imparts the rich bloom of health and vigor to the whole body. The hens now sit on the garden fences and v.eap because vegetation hasgot too lar ahead lor tnem to damage it. The celebrated Anchor Hrand of collars and cuff's can be found only at Mitchell's No. 2S I'atton avenue. ODDS ND ENDS. Papers that don't give credit lished hv hook and bv crook. pub- IK-tttal In itamard ntnldiuwIintrnnees. Patlon Avenue and Main Street. leliL'inll v Or. rKiili JIarvey, Vcicrliiary gurgcon. Office at Sevier's Stable. Residence Corner of Kast and Hillside streets, jullin d l'-'tn VETERINARY SHOEING FORGE. Scientific Shoeiiiy- in all its branches, isomer Walnut and North Mailt Strets. R. T. HOLLINOSWOKTH, sepHdly KTHl'K M. VII 1.1,I Graduate Optician, Muin Street. All mechanical ocular defects of the eye cor. rcctcd. liours for examination 11 to 1U a. in.. 1 to S p. m. jul'J dtf 11SCI!LLAXI;0VS, BOUIS & BROTKERTON, PRACTICAL Plumbers & Tinners. Pl.ttMIlING, STBAM AND GAS 1'ITTlNtl. TIN AND SI.ATU HOOPING. Furnaces and Heaters. Jobbing Promptly t : Attended to. 46 Patton Avenue, Basement. Jul. ID rt&wlv Mitchell No. 2H Patton avenue keeps the best and most stylish stock of gents furnishing in the city. 1 ry him. Where is no man's land? Where the gnome man burrows, of course. Don't irritate your hint's with a stub born cough when a pleasant and effective nicd v niav lie found in Dr. . II. Mc Lean's 'far Wine Lung Balm. They have a society journal in Bengal that is much read by the llcn-gals. WHY WILL VOr cough wdien Shiloh's Cure will give immediate relief. Price Id cts., 50 cts., and $1 . SIllLOH'S CATARRH KF.MIiDY a positive cure for Catarrh, Diphtheria and Canker Mouth. For how long an apprenticeship was Chieftain to the Highlands Bound?" If you arc all run down have no strength, no energy, and feel vcrv fined nil the time take Dr. J. H. McLean's Sarsaparilla. It will impart strength and vitality to your system. They are making glass tombs now. A glass tomb much sometimes brings a man there. Ladies, attention! Don't forget that when you want shoes for yourself or children, that the freshest and most stviish goods at the lowest prices can be foimd at Mitchell's Xo. 2'J Patton Ave. A man who did not recognize a meta physician explained that he had never metaphysician before. "H ACKM KTACK," a lasting and fra grant jierfunie. Price 25 and 50 cts. .SHILUII'S CTRL will immediately re lieve Croup, A'hooping Cough and Bron chitis. The man who only drinks on some particular occasion, finally gets so that lie isn't at all particular what the occa sion niav be. In New Jersey it is against the law to fish on Sunday ; but it is alj right if you give hall tile hsh you catch to the parson l.ove in a Cottatce. "Chally," said Amarantha Jane, "I notice that vour spirits rcccntlv seem to be bubbling over with happiness. I am glad lo see it, but do tell tnc dear, what has caused it ?" "I will," said Charley, as he encircled her waist anil imprinted a kiss on her inviting lips. "You know for a while I was melanchollv, blue as uiiligo Had no appetite, was bilious and dyspeptic, lint the use of two bottles of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery has brought me out anil I am 'bright as a button. I leel like a new man now. Jane, name the day soon ; there is more of this medicine at the drug store." The man who feathers his nest by dishonorable methods deserves to have tar mixed with the feathers. -BSDFIELD'S ICA tiereir MENSTRUATION IT TMMH DURtMtJ CHftUS . Of ut 6M.M BnUGtRSUFURmBmBtWulflUl JB00K TO' f 0 MkH"MMf0f BSADFIELD REGUIHTOR CO. ATLANTA WL cp2H d&wly IRATT'S ASTRAL ABSOLUTELY SAFE! PERFECTLY ODERLESS! Burns in any Lamp without danger of Exploding or taking fire. See that you get the genuine. For sale by BALTIMORE-UNITED OIL GO., ASHEVILLB, N. C aep4 d&wly We have thU (lav, Sept. 17, sold our busi ness and good will to the Weatrrn llrrnsed Beef and Provision Company, who will carry on the wholesale and retail 'hnsincHo at our ol-!, whirh will remain under our con trol ni:J direction. We shall be pleased to ce our old friends and mauv new oni-s. P. C. McINTIRB. P. H. McINTIKB. sept 111 d'lod T1IUKE IS NO Royal Road to Fortune, BUT Vol' CAN Practice Economy AND BI'V VOl'R GROCERIES, GRAIN, PROVISIONS, FEED. ETC., FROM A. D. COOPER, Cor. Main and Collexe Stu. Prices are cat down to suit the times, and good! delivered fret to any part of the city. A lull line of samples of suitings from the largest clothing house in America, Wanna maker & Drown, can be found at Mitchell's 28 Patton avenue. Satisfac tion and fit guaranteed. Alone in London seems to be about on us last legs. Jt is a mystery that it succ;eclcfl at all, considering thedimculty of gcttini; a loan in London. Huvkleu'H Arnica Htilve. file best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or inonev rettiiKleil. Price 2; cents Tier box l:or sale by F. L. Jacobs. daw "Is that cheese rich ?" asked lilogs of his grocer. 'Yes,' was the honest answer, there s millions it it. To ItlMpel CoIdH, Headaches anil Fevers, to cleanse the system effectually, yet gently, when cos tive or bilious, or when the blood is im pure or sluggish, to permanently cure habitual constipation, to awaken the kidneys and liver to it healthy activity. without irritating or weakening them, use Syrup of Figs. Careme's favorite dish was bullock's liver and onions. Dr. Johnson's favorite dishes were a leg of pork boiled till it dropped from the bone, a veal pic with plums and sugar, and the outside cut of a salt buttock ol beef. These were some what coarse, but many of us would have joined issue w ith the great bear when, during the second course, he called lor the butter boat of lobster sauce and poured its contents over his plum pud ding. A full line of "Full Dress" embroidered shirts, and neckwear can be had at Mitchell's No. 2H Patton avenue. n.1 111.. l -.r . muni uuu itiv A iviaino man nas raisnn a rin mo- which he will exhibit at the state fair! It is said to have been a Boston wo man who, on board a yacht, spoke of a motherly zephyr, meaning thereby a spanKing Dreeze, The smokeless powder that Austria is nsing manes sucn a tearful smell that it w ill have to be abandoned. At recent practice shootseveral men faint ed 1 rom it. The Astor library in New York city now contains 250,000 volumes. The now cataloguo, in four volumes of 4,000 pages each, has just been com pieiea at great expense. A young woman of Sonthport puts the most deliberate method of suicide on record. She walked into the water anil sat down. After a while she lay down, and the tide rose and carried her ofF. Matthew Walton, of Wyandot coun ty, O., recently dug up the remains of a sword, supposed to be the same that George Washington presented to Col. Crawford, one of the heroes of the In dian war. It was found near the spot where Crawford was burued at the stake 107 years ago. At Sandnrsville, Ga., last week M. II. Bird was engaged in placing a spoke in the hub of "a wheel when it broke from the tap of a hammer, and a mi n n ie, ball fell out on the floor. The spokes came from North Carolina, and it is supposed that the ball has re mained in the wood since the trying days of 1861 and 1805. The Into John Edward Redo mud. M. P., for Wexford, a great uncle of the present farneflite member of parlia ment, asked a gentleman named )e vereaux for his vote and interest. "I had rather vote for the devil," was the indignant reply. "But in the event of your friend declining to stand," sug gested Mr. Redmond, "may I count on your support?" The largest county in the United Slates is Custer comity, M. T., which contains 30.000 square miles, being larger in extent than the slates of Ver mont, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Delaware and Rhode Island. One tenth of our present population could find a means of livelihood in this one county, and then it would not be so populous as Belgium. Itie idea of adopting a national flower is claimed by Virginia F. Town send, former editress of Arthur's Mao-a- zine, who suggested it in a poem, from which ine uosion uiooe took it uj. nnu gave me suinect widespread no toriety. The golden haired beauty should be crowned queen of Colum bia's dowel's and worthy to represent ner among nations. There is a college for horses in New York, where horses are trained for the lire department service. The college is in euarge oi a veterinary surgeon, Dr. Sheer, who says that in his "opin ion horses and boys are very much aline, ooui amenable to kindness. A whip is never used in the college. mi. .1 a . , ine uiscovery oi tne curious ice cave in Ashley valley, in the Itockv mountains, continues lo attract atten tion, loin Mitchell, who has just re turned to Salt Lake Citv from there. says tliat in the latter part of August ne louiiu in tne cave a section ot ice twenty-live feet high and thirty feet thick at the base. A small lake was also discovered. One of the rooms in (he cave was over 1,200 feet long. The party who went in with Mitchell were nouud togetuermucliafter the fashion of Alpine climbers. Iho .ower animals are said to be greatly terrified by earthquakes, and their excitement beforehand is some times suilicient to foretell the event. No doubt they know well that some thing terrible is taking place. During the Tokio earthquake of 1880 cats ran about the houses trying to escape; foxes bal ked, and horses attempted to kick down the boards confining them to their slables. " MISCELLANEOUS. Notice to Consignees. Olfice Southern Express Company, Ashcville, N. C , Oct. 15, lfisi). MISCELLANEOUS. The Southern Express Company will sell for charges. SATt'MDAV, November 1(1, 1 1.. Lance auctioneer, nil unclaimed freight on hand six months and over prior to that date. Consignees are hereby notified to call and pay charges and receive goods before day of 8'ile. W. C. ATWEI.I., Acting Agent. octl.r dt tu $75 TO $250 i, GRAND SPECIAL SALES ! 11 FOR THIS WEEK ONLY, AT WHITLOCK'S. MONTH can he trmde orkinir for iik Ainnlmirr fcrrcd who ean furnish a horse ntid jive their whole time to th. .msiness. Sparc momenta miiy ne jiron tamy employed ulso. A lew vacancies in towns and cities. H. F. JOHN- v.o,, ftinin m., Kicnmomi, va . n. i ieasc siaie ae una imsim-ss exie- rti vcr nniiti HiJoui senuinir stainw tor 11.25 reply. B. F. . Hi Co. upr3d(ini we I lfOK DYSI'I-I'SlAaiidLiverConiplaitit yon have a printed guarantee on everv bottle ol blnloh's Vitalizer It nevert'ails to cure. A NASA I. INJBCTOR free with eaeli bottle ol Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. Priee 50 cls. In Euroie now, as in the past, The Teuton hates the Gaul; Rut here, without the gall, lie knows lie caa't succeed at all. The best assorted and freshest sloek ol' boots shoes and j;eiits furnishings at the lowest prices in the city ol Mitchell's No. 2H I'atton avenue. Mathematicians must stand aside when the green grocer's clerk takes the pencil from behind his big car and pio eetds to divide seven by one. "Wine, Women and Song:." But the greatest of these is "women." 'Yirie is a mocker," and song js good to "soothe the savage," but women respond to every active power and sentiment of the human mind when in good health. But when afflicted with disease you will find tliem. tantalizing, coquettish, cross, and hard to please. For all "female com plaints," sick headache, irregularities, nervousness, prolapsus and other dis placements popularly known as "female weakness" and other diseases, peculiar to the sex, Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrip tion is the great world famed remedy. "Will you give a penny to a little .waif from Liverpool ?" whined a ragged boy as he upproached a man on Broadway. "You are a big way from Liverpool, my lad, so here's ten cents," was the reply. Ilraclfleld'H Female Regulator Should le used by the young woman, she who suffers from any disorder pecu liai to her sex, and at change of life is a powerful tonic; benefits all who use it. Write The Bradtteld Keg. Co., Atlanta, Ga., for particulars. Sold by all drug gists. "Ill raise your wages," said the thief to the workingmnn when he litted his lasts week's pay from his pochet and skipjwd out whh it. Don't Read Thin for soo. For many years, through nearly every newspaper in the land, the proprietors of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy, who are thoroughly responsible, financially, as any one can easily ascertain by proper enquiry, have ottered, in good faith, a standing reward of $500 for a case of nasul catarrh, no matter how bad, or of how long standing, which thev cannot cure. aa NUTKITIO'JSdillOB . ff-r F'U- jf auis-OkimiA, mbii:c-r; witli the mc-lkiua! iiit.v- : laiii.-i known to 'v 111 10 the lilt i!l Ml an! cflcCiive ! !,;ttiv u- pf-rm-i-ncntly cure iiabittuil Cousli lation. Biifl lire mnv.y ills i! pending on a weak or inacthv nrfition v.-f the Ul'EH AND BOWELS. it t themotexct Hf-ni remedy Itnown to afiA'sf THEsrsrm effectually Vhcnoueis iliiimis or Constipated SO THAT PURS BLOOl't REFRE8H1N0 SLEEP, HEALTH and STRENGTH t ATURALLV FOLLOW. Eve r ce is usiiiff it and all are delighted wiUi it. AUK 0-.'R DRUOOtST FOR SaElXTS OP FIGS MANUFACTURED ONLY BY CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCI8C0. CAL, LOUISVILLE. K1 HEW YORK. K. t. NOTICE TO DELINQUENT TAXPAYERS! All pentonft who have failed to !it their polls or property for taxation are hereby no tified that if thev fnit to come un ut'onet and nay their taxett, wnrrnnta will le iitHued for them. Come up at on-e and save cosls and trouhle. The law will lie strictly enforced on all delinquents. Keanectf-'llv, w. a. KKYxm.ns, City Tax Collector. NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS. The City Tax 1.1st for 1880 is notr in my hnntlfi for collection. Yon are reanectfnllv r. cpiested to come forward at once and nettle. t win oe in tne enart House at the usual place ready to wait on all persons who may come. Kespectful'y, N. A. REYNOLDS. l'mfixutinnnl Sparrow Catchers. Two men from Indianapolis follow ing; a new vocali-iii are m this city. Tliey are professional bnnters of Eug lish sparrows. They sell the birds to tbo Indianapolis gun clubs or to trap shooters of tbo vicinity. The two men were equipped with an immense net in which they caught the birds. The latter are" always very numerous around two large churches on Broadway which have ivy covored fronts. The men obtain ed permission from the church officers to catch all the birds they could, and followed by a considerable and curious crowd they began their hunt. They threw their net over a large part of the front of ono of thechurches and en trapped hundreds of tho birds. Manv j of them got away, but many more did j not, and the haul was repeated several j times, with the same success. At the I other church they had the same good fortune. They visited several large I buildings, and during their ten days' slay here they taught over 4,(i(JU sparrows, llicy expect to return next week. They get about $2 a hundred for tho birds, and if their luck contin lies will make considerable money. i,;..,.:iuiv,. v.,.,. vi. cj.... Ut'lll.l, IIIQ VUI. U11. 10 lAlKIMC Summer Touo. Palace team c H3. tow Rates. Pour Vi-ij' t pr ii'ek ITiw n DiTRO! r, I'.iAOXr AC isi.ANi Pin'sU".v, cnnlf -t" ?,i t if, inil Lui-ii Jim :.n W , y Puita. JSvcrv Wek Uy I'ciivtcti DilTPOH AN.) OLtVLLAN 'e.-; 1 ih;'Tritu tn , ,upj .1 ill,,,, .1 uy , . - ,1 S-i-t . D.Mi'itl JJai'v Li.i i'(T.t CHC0 AND ST. JOSii'l!, M:C;i. O'lR I LLUSTRAS ! A V I -r- ,'ml Ex.tnrsl-n Tiskn'n will b'- f iX li" you-- Tlokf Ac.nT.fia d '.- - C. B. V.'HITCOMB, C. P. A.. Dfrntsr. ' n.. O trolt and Cleveland Steam Ui:v. Co. maylKdtl The Best are Hie Cheapest. RING'S PATENT CHAMPION SAFES, Farrell & Co., Philadelphia. au20 (l.VwIim ij4-mcli lirondclotlis, all colors 4()-iiich Hlnck Ilt'iiricttfi, nil wool "4-iiicli Tricots, all colors JH-inch " " till wool.; .'5(5-inch Cnsliiiicrt's, " I'lfiid, till wool p'. " till wool Striped and Flannels 27 j)C Eiderdown, till colors 24-tncli Velveteen, latest shades 1 S-incli Moire and Striped Velvets 1 .."(& 2.."() 24-nifh Astraclian, till colors 10-4 Slieetilifi', best nwide Ladies' All Wool Hlack Hose Ladies' Colored Cotton Hose Ladies' Ualbriggan Hose, wortli twice the money Children's Mack and (Jrev Cotton Hose " " Cotton Hose, hetivy weights 1 ,000 dozen JJuttons, till colors, metal mill hone A big line of Woolen Hoods and Caps just received. will be sold at lowest prices. 1 IIISWKI-KOXI.V. 1.00 ..") .00 .7." .(50 ."()&.(() .40 ")() .40 .(." .50 .7-"i .50 .."0 .IS 1 .."(& 2. ."0 .7.") .ro .:10 .22 .40 .2.". .10 .0.-) .10 .1.") .10 ..'5.- .27 .10 to .40 .05 and W. 0. WOLFE, GRANITE AND MARBLE MONUMENTS Ncwlotufriesigns justreceived. LnrKC lotof Tablets and Slabs, very low for cash. You will aave money by ealling on me before pur chastnjf. Wareroom Wolfe Building, S. Ii. Court Square. sepHdfim FINEST FARM IN NORTH CAROLINA for sai.i; I The Lowndes Place, In Transylvania County. One of the finest and best located farms in Western N. C 5 miles frum the thrivmir town of lirevard, the county seat of this, Transyl vania county! The buildings are all in good repair, consisting of a large two story dwell ing house, with 13 rooms, carriage house, ice house, and, in fact, all necessary outbuildings. Storage room for 230 tons of hay and sta bling lor loo head of tattle A very substan tial and convenient mule stable, with accom modation for lO mules. This (arm contain KHO acres, of which 300 icres are bottom, lving on the French Broad river, and in a very high state of cultivation. 1 10 acres of this is well set in meadow red top or herds grass, (if the remaining 530 acres, 100 aeres are in upland pasture finely set with a mixture of grasses. I'lenty of handsome oaks for shade in pasture land. Bright running strcanisof pure waterineverv field. The remai der is in woodland, with ill the different varieties of timber locust, .hestnut, oak, poplar, etc. Convenient to good schools, churches and postoltice. Daily mail. Fifteen miles Irom llendersonville and -'." miles from Asheville. and on or very near the line of the contemplated Atlanta, Ashe ville mid Baltimore railroad. No such larin for its size ean be found in this Slate or any other State, for value, beautv iu'1 desirability every way. For uriec ami particulars minlv tu or ml dress Natt Atkinson & Son, Asheville, N. C. . S. Also two other small but very desir able tracts near by at low figures. oeUO dtt MILLER BROS." STEEL PENS City Tax Collator. -p27 i!30t JVJ RENT. LIvcrv Stiible on South Water street. 100 feet from Pntt-n Avenue. Just completed, with all needed conveniences. Also. Store Koom in same baildine Snlcn- did room for Supply and Family Grocery business. Also, Tobacco Prite and Storajre rlo:se in rear of J. B. Dickersou & Co.'s Hardware Store. Two tobacco presses in the buildinK Applyto JONES & SHl'FQRII. ocuvaiw jonnsuin building. Salisbury's and Gladstone's Sons. The two sons of the two leaders of English political life are both pood parish priests, the one at Hawaiclen and the other at Hut field. Mr. Stephen E. Gladstone lias to supervise six or seven district churches, and hits a double daily service at the parish church. His ecclesiastical training was obtained 'n the purlieus of the Lambeth potteries, while Lord Wil liam Gaseoyne Cecil, the rector of Bishop Hatlicld, served under the vicar of Great Yarmouth. The tall riyui'e of tho prime minister's son was well known in the narrow and pecu liar courts where real bloaters receive (heir final sinokinir. Now lie has aj daily service at Hatfield house to per-, form, and to provide ministrations twice a day at the magnificent parish church, while on Sunday, witli tha aid of only two curates, he also finds; services at two or three district churches, a mission church and a cemetery chapel. London Telegraph. The Daily citizen. Is always alive to the interests of Asheville and its people. Is the most popular advertisinc; me dium in North Carolina. Is read by a greater number of people than anv other secular paper in the State. Is always filled with the choicest read ing matter of the dnv. Boarding houses fill their rooms by ad vertising in the Citizen. News, and all the news, makes the Cit izen a general favorite. No retail merchant ever made a great success without advertising. Try the CrruKK. An advertisement in the Citizen pays the advertiser an hundred-fold. lre AMERICAN, and the BEST. LEADINU BUSINESS PENS. Ho. 87 Falcon And Nos. 76, 117, 1, Ache. LEADING STUB PENS. No. 4 Carbon Stub And Nos. 119, 102, Grant Pen. LEADING LEDGER PENS. Un. 99 4f&fF!? Markham '"IfcSr art1 3!f And Nos. 101, 606, 030. LEADING SCHOOL PENS. Ho. 28 university And Nos. S33, 444, 16. Tht Killer Bros. Cutler Co., Meriden, Conn. MANUFACTURERS OP Bteel Pens, Ink Erasers and Pocket Cutlery. FOR SALB AT J. N. Morgan's Book Store. octl d3m NOTICE. The books and accounts of W. II. LEA Have l)ccn put in the hands of A. T. SITMMKY, ESQ., For collection. All parties indebted are re quested to call and settle. After the first of November suit will be brought on all accounts unpaid. D. C. WADDELLi oct22 dtit Assignee of W. H. Lea. pOR SALB. 14 acres of land on Heaver Dam road, just opposite J. S. Burnett's. A line site for a sub urban residence. A nice knoll covered with clover and some fine oaks, with beautiful views of mountains and the city. A rare chance to buy such a piece of land with nice clear springs frushins; front the hill. Terms easy and price low . BOSTIC, BLANTON & CO. au!3 dtf Also just rcci'iviMl, ii liirtfe lot. of Tortoise Shell iiiul Rub ber Iliiir I'ins, which will be sold ;ir the che;mcst nrices. Tho prettiest lot of Fiuicy Silks, Handles. OniiinieiitsMiid Stamped AVork to be found in Asheville. Our Cloaks are the Most Handsome Vet shown in Asheville, and the prices will astonish the losest buyer. They are a sample I ine' and we only have one size ot u kind. So tlie hrst one p4s the best. Hurry up and look at tlieni. A BIG LOT OF CHILDREN'S CLOAKS WILL ARRIVE TO-MORROW. All our Gents' Toe. Neckties to be sold this week for oOc, our .ft 1 ones for 75c., and our f 1.2't ones for f 1 . All $3.50 Hats Will be Sold for $3, and tlic $3 One for $2.50. Our Dress Shirts, which have just arrived, are tiest we ha ve ever had, and are all sold very chei Call and see us at the same old stand NOS. 46 and 50 ID4GLE BLOCK, the ip. pret- A. WIIITLOCK. NOW IS THE TIME I Our stock of Shoes is daily arriving, and will soon bo the most complete, and will embrace the handsomest lines of MEN'S, LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S WEAR To be found in this part of the State. Our Goods WERE BOUGHT TO SELL, AND THEY ARE BOUND TO GO! SATISFACTION GUARANTEED In Price, Quality, Stylo mid Fit, Try us. FULENWIDER & BRO. -NO. 18 PATTON AVKNI IJ.- 11RICK ! URICK ! POR SALIJ BV - BRICK ! GIRDWOOD & LEE, Proprietors Buncombe : Brick t and : Tile : Company, ASHE VI L.L.K, N. C. p. o. mix 313. jul'JO d3m "THE WINYAH ASHEVILLE, N. C. For the reception of patients suffering of diseases, of lungs and throat, and conducted upon the plan ol the sanitaria's at t'xerbcrsdorf and Falkenstein in Ger many. Ours is the only such institution in the United States, and endorsed by the leading members of the medical profession. Terms reasonable. KAKL VON RUCK, E. S., M. D. H. T. COLLINS, President. V. C. MclNTIKIi, Vim-President. PHILIP MelNTlKli, Superintendent, J. S. WEST, Auditor. THE WESTERN DRESSED DEEF AND PROVISION GO. COLD STORAGE.- -Wholesale and Retail Dealers in CHOICIi MEATS. Telephone Call 4. Our aim will be to serve our customers with meats equal in quality to any that eon be ob tained fa this or any other market. Please give us a trial, at Mclntirc's old stand. sept 19 dljr