CI- THE OAILV CITIZEN. The ClTIIKN Is the most extensively circu lated nnd widely read newspaper in Western North Carolina. Its discussion of public men nnd measures is in the interest of puhlic integrity, honest government, nnd prosperous industry, mill it snows no personal allegiance in treatingpub lie issues. The Citizkn publishes the dispatches of the Associated Press, which now covers the whole world in its sco. It hns other facili ties of advanced journalism for gathering uewit from all qunrters, with every thinK care fully edited to occupy the smallest space. Specimen copies of any edition will be sent f 'ce to any one sending their address. Tkhms Daily, $ti for one year; $:t for six iiionths ; fit) cents for one month : 1 5 cents for one week. Carriers will deliver the pnK-rin every part of the city to subscribers, and par ties wanting it will please eall at the Citizkn 'i lice. Aiivkktisino Raths Reasonable, and made known on application at this otlice. All transient advertisements must be paid in ad vance. Reading notices ten cents per line. Obitu ary, marriage anil society notices titty cents each (not exceeding ten lines l or til'tv cents per inch. S.UTKDAY, XOVKMUKK 2, 1SS!). KDKPENDKNCK AJIOMU Till. coi.HKi;ii i'i;pi.i;. Ill an article under the -ilicive title, tin Baltimore Sun treats the iiicstiin at length and with frrrat aliility. We can only spare space tor the tiillowint; ex tract. Sjieakiiii; ot the facility with which nero voters are transported lrnni place to place, and the reliance placed upon such voting material to turn the scales hi it debatable State, the Sun says: Colonization is unfortunately only too easy when done under the forms of law A technical residence, a name on the reg istration books and a voter is made, oi a name left upon which some one fist can vote. If detected and a row ensues, we instantly hear dreadful talcs of mar tyrdom, and the whole country is called upon to resent a Southern outrage. This condition portends no ood, cither to the neiiro race or to the communities in which they live. It is simply discredita ble that they show themselves so desti tutc of manliness and independence, ami suffer themselves to be chained like cap tives to the-Republican chariot wheels in stead of assumiut.' t lie riyht of freedom to think and act for themselves. Admitting that the circumstances attending thcii liberation and their appeals to their prej udice, so constantly made, would inclim a majority of them to the Republican party, it is at variance with all expert euce that so larc a body, if composed o; sentient lieins, could be an absolute nail upon jjreat public (picstions without some external controlliui; force to ac count for it. livery opportunity ha: been afforded them to be educated ane learn habits ot thought and sclt-rclianct without which their citizenship must In a lailure frou; any lair standpoint. I tut until they leant to think and act each lot himself, and cease lo stand dumb in llu political shambles, ihey cannot hope It occupy that position of equality in tin confidence or respect of any part of otti population whose respect and couftdenct is worth having, which is occupied by white men whose opinions vary, an' who have the courage to jive utieranct to their convictions. Let the colored man refuse now and forever hereafter to lend himself to the corrupt schemes ol any party. Let him refuse to be "colo nized" or to vote upon any other nana than his own, and il he does not under stand clearly wiiat he is asked to votcfot let him seek tor iuiormation from intelli gent and unprejudiced persons ttpoi; whose iudinicui he is in the habit of rc lyiii-,-, ami whether the candidates of hi: party are successful or not he at least will have nothing lo fear and nuthini; u The liberties of this country wen bought by the blood ol the w lute man. the seal and the security ot those liberties were the rilit of snlfrae, to be exercised with watchfulness, intelligence and hon esty. Into that right has been infused at, element of ignorance and venalily. h would lie unjust to say that the m-giv alone is the sole victim to ignorance, ot the sole subject of corruption. It is ar admitted fact that white men hold them selves ready for sale on election days alt. stated price, and that in New Hampshire, for instance, it is easy to calculate will exactness on the amount of purchasahlt material. This is baser perhaps than the usage of the negro voter. The New Hampshire man knows what he is doing, the negro docs not; the only similarity ol knowledge is that a vote is worth money, and both receive it. Hut the fact is undeniable that the ne gro vote is always cast without retercucc to the iptestiott at issue, that such il vote is absolutely and reliably subservient to party uses, that one party solely controls it, and shifts it from place to place, like the ballast boxes on the deck of a North river steamer to preserve disturbed equil ibrium. Thus we see, or rather hear, that negroes are transferred, almost without concealment, into the border white counties of Virginia to counteract the legitimate white vote and the sameis done to unlimited extent in Ohio, l-'ven in ordinary times the negro holds tin balance of power in all the .Northern and Western States; and the momentous picstions of State and national policy are decided by a class of voters abso lutely ignorant of the questions at issue moved like pawns on a chess board without intelligence of their own. It is.-i tremendous peril in which philanthropy and partisanship have placed the destiny of the I'nited States. THKMRtilSUCAMPAKiN-JIA HIIKK'H KAt KTRflASON, While taking a very deep interest in the progress of political events in Virginia as involving the etlor . and purpose to de stroy the unity of the South, ami as alsi involving the issue ofacontest more tlni ever lielore defined by race antagonisms wc have had no sjiecial reason to refer to it, because wc could have had no possible influence in aH'ecting results. Hut it is u right we have to indulge in reflections upon some of the incidents of a campaign conducted on principles so abhorrent to civilization, so destructive of internal harmony, and so menacing to domestic safety. For the leader of the Rcpubli cans for the first time in the South, except so far as Mahone himself on a previous occasion had given an example, has relied for a political victory upon race hostility, arousing and aggravating that hostility by apeals, direct or insidious, to all the motives and passions of a race so related as the negroes are to the social and polit ical conditions of the South. I'pon the success of his efforts to convert peaceful friends into open or secret enemies, to change trusted domestic confidants into hidden traitors and incendiaries, Mahone relies for his success. He stands, there fore, a traitor to his race of whose inher ent superiority no one is better convinced than himself, a traitor to civilization whose perpetuity is involved in the main tenance of that supremacy, nnd a traitor to this country, whose cacc isdestroyetl by the subversion of that supremacy; all that William Mahone may gratify a Sa tanic ambition. And Mahone' does not stand alone in the execution of his plans. Behind him and aiding him with countenance and with counsel, with money and with work ers, stands the great national adminis tration, elected under the fond theory that the President of the I'nited States is the President of a w hole people and not of one race and one party, and that the peace, harmony and prus-icrity ot the whole is a consideration paramount to all selfish party aggrandizement. That party became seetionalized when il be came abolitionizcd ; it remains seetional ized when it proves that its devotion to the negro is so strong as to put every other interest at hazard to demonstrate it; not, however, to the negro as a mail, lint to the ncuro as a party voter. That party ami that administration will, therefore, be held responsible for what ever results from the success of Mahone. That success is made to depend not upon the establishment of any great principle involved in the questions which divide the two great parties; it is simply a ques tion of party ascenda"cy to be attained even at the expense of fearful internal commotions, and the ruptureof race rela tions which it would be the part ol statesmanship anil patriotism lo strengthen rather than disturb. We quote the following dispassionate view of the situation from the Philadel phia Times of lite '."Jth, which speaks of Mahone as follows: His sole hope is in a race war, and he has Virginia on the very verge of it now. It is only by iiillaming the ignorant and superstitious negro that he can yoke him into service for Mahonc's demagogy, and lie has been so tar successful its to make the w hite people and property-owners ol the State greatly concerned lor their safety. The battle in Virginia is simply a bat tle between ignorance and intelligence; between thrittlcssness and pioperty; be tween honcsl government and licensed prolligacy; anil the chid danger comes from "the complete organiaiion of the .olored votcis lor a crusadcot spoliation, it is probable that Mahone would be compelled lo cheat his deluded colored followers if suceesslul ; but his triumph in Virginia would unsettle the properly in terests of the whole South, and give an in tensity to the already thrcalcnmgrncc is sue thalcould not but be most disastrous, lo Southern tranquillity ami prosperity. These grave considerations, however, seem to tack- into insigiiilicaucc with the administration helorc the importance ol a party viclorv t hat would come in di honor: and all the power ami spo and spoils ot command ot the government are al lite Mahone. The battle in Virginia is made de batable bv the universally inhumed negro clement and the lavish promise id' party plunder, bill the chances seem to be in :avorolthe people who represent law, order, property and prosperity. If Ma hone shall win. he will al once become ne of the great parly leaders of the nation, and all who arc ambitious will pay homage to him; if he shall be de leatcd, he will be kicked out by tilt the belter journals and leaders of the party as the csiitcrous demagogue he really is. Mahone has much at stake tn the ir- iuia battle: bul the people ol Virginia twice peace and property involved in the li ULtgle. The Wilmington Star notes tin incident lighly characteristic of the North Caro ina way of doing things. There was re cived at Wilmington trout Mt. Airy a obacco hogshead containing thirty three bushels id' apples to be otl'crcd as 'tine mountain apples" in competition with ihc Northern I'ruit. One was pre--ienlcd lo the buyer in all ils bright beauty, assorted according to size, color and condition, each apple brushed and polished until il glowed like a blushing maiden's cheek ; the other tumbled heller skelter into its huge receptacle, battered .and bruised by its rough handling, ami then poured out a contused dirty mass ol half sound, half rotten fruit, repulsive to the eye, and otlctisive lo lite senses, j hen the shtppcr receives Ins account ot sales, he w ill lay the blame of small re turns upon the market wdiieh cannot ap preciate home enterprise, or upon the railroads which made such a mess of its freight as to destroy its value. The fault is in his own carelessness. Our people in this, as in all other shipments of iicrisha blc things, fruits, vegetables, poultry, will never hold their own in competition with other sections unless thev adopt some of the ways of those sections. Thev must address the public eye and the pub lic tastes. These tilings are not to be de spised ; and while the seller may have contempt for effeminacy and fastidious ness, these are governing sentiments in those w ho buy to eat. Depend upon it, there is money in care, in neatness and the just discrimination of sorts and qualities. Thc cotton crop of Texas, according ti a (lispatelt Irom (mlveston, is now estal hshed at 1 750.0IMI bales. The wharves and warehouses there are full of cotton and there are now nineteen steamships loading for loreign ports. There are four steamers a week to New York with capacity of 4,o(Mi anil (i.OllO bales each All the cotton-scrcwuien and louushorc men of the port are at work and the sea son thus tar has been the busiest for many years. Dr. Parker Prays cream Van-Ola, Nosii- line, Ongaline and Diamond nail powder having now lieeome the ladies' favorites. at K. I.. Jacob's drug store, these popular manicure articles may always be found together with pocket emery board, or ange wood sticks, nail scissors, files and at other such requisites. Also a complete line of drugs and toilet articles, in addi tion to tne riene aocin fountain trom which ice cold drinks are dispensed. Cor ner Mtiin street and Patton avenue. Mrs. Doodv: "Come along, Ebenezer, ain' you nebbcr gwinter ait readv for cntircn : Mr. Doody: 'Wait a minit. I.ucindv till 1 git my rauor." To DiMpel ColdH, Headaches and Fevers, to cleanse the system effectually, yet gently, when cos tive or bilious, or when the blood is im pure or sluggish, to permanently cure habitual constipation, to awaken the kidneys and liver to a health; activity, without irritating or weakening them, use Syrup of Eigs, K.C. THE MORROW SHOE STIIX AHEAD AJI GAINING REPUTATION EVERY DAY. Ajrnin wi-nill your spci-inl mention to tiV ('.'iVbnitt'd Morrow Shoes, which lmve stooil tin' testforuiiinyyciirs for lh'iiAitiuTY. for Kxckl i . v. n '. ok Styi.k, for Com vt mr AND Kx.VCTXKSS OF FlT, IxMllfi' equal ill quality, style and tit to any Fine Shoes made. We carry the above Shoes in several different styles, and will have no trouble to suit you in size Nor any trouble to sell you aain in the future. We have in stock a com plete line of all kindsof Shoes of every desirable style kept. We mean to sell. No more hio'h prices. Come and examine our floods: it will not cost you a cent. We want you to call and trade with us. with the assur ance that vou will be treated well on all occasions. A full line of DRY (iOODS. Hats and Clothin;alwayson hand at astonishingly low prices. Yours respectfully, Roslic Bros. & Wright BOOKS AM) STATIONERY, ARTISTS' M ATl.HIAI.M.I l-Ni'.INl- liRS" SI l'l'l.lliS. cic ri ki:s ash i-kami-s, I'ANt'V HOODS. iii.ank iiook,i:vkhvi;haiii-:, ImiI.I.S. TOYS ASH C.AMI-S. WKSTKRM X. C. SCI-'.NI-.H, ITIH'RAI'IIIC I'AINTHIi. AT AM) HAND- ESTABROOK'S, 23 S. Main Street. If you want a n'ood Cm-! bivlla that is warranted not toCKACK mil on ARTHUR M. FIELD, THE LEADING JEWELER. A tine line of imported han dles different, ''you know," from anyone else's. THE GREATEST ATTRACTION In that fine lot ofBN(iLISH BKIHI.KS anil THREE-HORN CHAMOIS SEAT SAIllll.US J. n. ALEXANDER'S And the low prices at which he is sellinK all i goods in his line. He has increased his force anil intends to meet the demand. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Mr. las. Carter Arrinuton. of Kintr- wood, N. C, was cured by Mrs. Joe I Person's. Remedy, of a sore on his face, i which had been troubling him for vears. In size and appearance it resembled a strawberry, and was perfectly raw. for lull particulars ol Ins case send for pamphlet, to Mrs. Joe Person. Kittrell. THE RACKET COLUMN. Husiiiess at 'Ii' Racket Store" has in creased so much within the past t wo weeks. (since the oieninr, of our im mense new stock) that we have not had time Vo write a suitable adver tisement for t his column. Will name some floods and prices in our next . In the meantime, remem ber that we keep EVERYTHING And sell at prices uar- antecd lo be the lowest in town. Having a force of salesmen and sales-hi- dies. the tedious waits that our patient patron have had to endure are no lonoer necessary; so come on, you shall be po litely served, without tie- lay, and sent away with Bargain. Very reHectfuIly, (SKO.T.JONKS & CO. li "KAC'KEr' C0LVMX. HOTELS. STKAUSS RESTAURANT -AND- 0ster QTO Parlor. 1U ROPKAN PLAN. Meal at all Hours. Klectric Cars Pass the Door. I tnkr plm sure in anmiuiU'inK the OvhHt St-HMoti of lKNy-'iin has o)kih1, and my long iHTH-iu"e in the liimiiertH justifies me in HflsuritiK the public that I inn pltnsc nnil sat isfy all customers. I will serve oysters in the hest flt.vle. ami dealing only with reliable houses, can ofler the finest bivalves on the market. Try otir Philadelphia Fry, Or I'an Roat. Hoston Bny Stews nspeeinltv. (ireat enre wilt lie taken with nil orders. I sc'l only the finest nnd freshest oysters that can be had. I receive shipments direct from packers every afternoon. Charges reason aide. My restaurant is also supplied with BIRDS, fiAME, FRESH FISH, ETC., At all time. Special attention given to lady customers. Polite and attentive waiters. Board by day, week or month with or with out rooms. If j mi want the best the market affords eall on K. STRAI NS, Prop'rM South Main Street. PRIVATE BOARD. NKW HOtTSti! NEWLY FURNISHKIH ALL MODHRN IMPROVEMENTS. MRS. N. B. ATKINSON No. 211 Haywood Street. juiiL'L' dl v JBN1VATK HOARD. A large house, .'ilS Patton avenue. Warm, comfortable rooms. (in street car line Terms reasonable. oetN dtim MRS. J. L. RMATHIiRS. MRS7. STEVENSON Hits removed to the Johnston Building, I'fit; ton avenue, corner of Church street, where she is prepared to keep regular or transient boarders. Table furnished with the best the market affords. Terms reason able mar 31 int J. W. SCHARTLE, MERCHANT TAILOR 42 N. Main St. fclr.'odiv JAMES FRANK, -DBALHH IN- FAMILY GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS Ajrcnt for Rocm Creek Woolen Milt. North Main . Aahvvillc, N. C. frhlOdly VM. R. PENNIMAN. I'KOl'KIKTOK OF THE ASHEVILLE BRICK WORKS, Asticville, N. C. I. . BOX P. murloflly GEO. KIMBER, GENERALCONTRACTOR AND BUILDER Mosaic Tile and Cement work a specialty. Orates, Ranges and Boilers set. Buildings moved and repaired in first class Sewerage, Drainage and trap for the same thoroughly understood and promptly at tended to. Ortiee: Wolfe Building, Court House Square, Asheville, N. C. may30dly THKKK IS Si I Royal Road to Fortune, BI T VIM' CAN Practice Economy ANlmY VOI R GROCERIES, GRAIN, PROVISIONS, PHlill. KTC. I'KUM A. D. COOPEH, Cor. Main and College Sts. Prices are cut down to suit the times, and goods delivered free to any part of the city. pOTHK PUBLIC. The undeniimed niav le found in Shank's new huilding, one doof west ol J. F. Wood bury's stulile, on College "trest. They are prepared to manufacture carriages, buggies, wagons, ann anytning else in tiietr line. Ke- pairing and horse-shoeing are specialties. They have secured the services of Henrv Pow ell, and would le pleased to receive a lileral share of patronage. Satisfaction guaranteed. julS d6m BITRNETTK c HOWARU. WHW mume worn mciesiin-oittaiie 0 HAlffES GOLDEN SPECIFIC IKukc ilHjl, -.. .r to ar tea, .r la artl. ttm of fbad. without the knowledga of the patient, it aeooaiarr. Zt la abaalutl huniu. Jii 1 - Firmanant ai4 ipaadTOtiea. whether the patient ta rtf?'n"kr or loooollowraok. IT Vf.VKH XL.'? ii ' wrt hl oomplfta rerormauoa U Saotad. 48 paa book of partleulara n-aa. F. L JACOBS, DRUGGIST, ASHEVILLE, N. C FOR IM ONLY! I DACITIUC For LOST or FAILING MANIMAT), " 1 1 Oaneral and NERVOUS DEBILITY! fJTTT? Tl WoakMai of Body and Mind: EffmtJ V J of Errora orEio.ta.tin Oldnr Ymmr. M, aolila aillHIHIO Kninra. Haw I. Llirf 4 94r..hM WEAK.l'AIIKVrMIPKII Oltntis a PAKTUof BOUT. Ual'Wl aaMllw Hn TaKATaMT-IUarau la a an. m lHir hw 4 1 slain. T,rrllHM, aaa rarrlaa CaaatriM. lata arita laaai. Bo.b. nil I . pl.n.tlo.. aad praafb aitllal Ult Plliuu aa lUtlAlf, I. V and laker Ilah. lucn red at hom. with ontpuia. Book of par. Ucalani sent FKEaV & M.wooujiy. m n. Offloo ttM WbuabaU at. ta th sat roK 8ALB, iPiur.i WAUaULUa, a-hindawlT 14 acres of land on Braver Dam road, Juat opposite J. S. Burnett's. A 6ne site for a sub urban re ldrnce. A nict knoll covered with clover and some lioe oaks, with beautiful riewa of mountains and the city. A rare chance to buy such a piece of land with nice clear springa gushing from the hill. Terms easy and price low. BU8TIC, BL ANTON Sc CO. aulS dtf M CAUTION. protect the wcnriTR auninut hlh nrices anil Inferior (toods. If your dealer doe not keep the ntvle or kind vou want, or offem you shoe without W. L. POURLAS' name and price stnmiicil on them, and snys" they are just as roo.1. do not lie deceived therehv. hut send di reet to the Kaetorv. lor you can Ki t what yon want hy return mail, postae pah!. Dealers make more prolit on unknown siloes that arc not warranted by nnvhuily; therefore do mil be induced to liuv shoes that have no reputation. Buy only those that have W. L Hole LAS' name anil the price stamped on the bottom, and you are sure to Ket lull value for vou'r money. Thousand of dollars arc saved annually by the w earers ol V. I.. I)()l;c,i Shoes. In ordering bv mail state whether you want Congress. Button or Lace, London'ca'n toe. plain French toe. or narrow cap toe. a'il be sure to ;ivc sin and width you wear I can lit mil loot that Is not deformed, as my shoes arc made in Rreat variety of widths sizes and half sines. 1 Kiiaranlee a lit. prompt delivery and perfect tatisfnetion of money refunded upon return of the shoes n kooiI conditii n. W. L. IlOUliLAS, Brockton, Mas- kv. We, 4 -vESfct itsaAkwiiis&iaiiis. J innml than any other $.1 shoe advertised, $",000 will be paid to any iierson who will prove the above statements to be untrue. The following lines will be found to be ol the snme quality of exccllenec : &e rak tflb CUNI'INli HANll-SKVVIil), which takes the place of custom-made " shoes that cost from 7 to aw. $4.00 Shoe 6 Ml llO? '.,(,K ''OLllMiMKN- J eimooin insuie as u hurt the feet. $2.50 Shoe IS I'NKXCKLLHI) price. CSItni1 WIIKKINCMAN'S. J i3sJ pUjr ought to wear a $T 1111 ifluir- IS liyl'AL TO SHIIISS THAT COST FROM $:i to One pniv JI1" will wear longer than any shoe ever sold at the price. 2 OO SISOe ' "K "ovs 'lt,st Sehool Shoe in the world. $w mm (rlwiiti YOl'TllS' SCHOOL, gives the small Bovs a chance to vvenr the liest shoes in the world. All made in Congress, Button and Lace. W. I.. Douglas' $3 and $2 Shoes 7 . Hiuh Ladies' Shoes arc made in sies from KK widths. ST VI. KS OF I.A1HKS' SIlOI-S. "The French opera," "The Spanish Arch Opera," "The Anicriiau Common-Sense," "The Medium Common-Sense." All made in Button in the Latest Stvles. Also, French opera in Front Lace, on $.1 Shoe only. Consumers should rente m her that W. L. POl'liLAS is the largest and oulv Shoe Mmui laeturer in. the world, supplying shoes direct from factory, thu giving all the middle-men's, prolits in the wearer. W. L. ImH GLAS, Hroektou, Mass. -FOR SALK BY --HERRING & WEAVER;- J. N. MOHGAN & CO., No. 3 Barnard IluildiiiK. ! (School mimI ( olli'Or' I ext. Hooks, n full line. Poets, His tory, UoHiiUH'e, HiogTiiphy, Tnivel iUiil Novels, Fninilv Hililes, S. S. Bibles mid Tesr- iiinents, Oxford leiichers wbles, .Son"' Books 01 nil kinds, luestoek .Stationery, Bl.'ink Books and Office, anil School Supplies. New line Ladies' iind (ients' Pocket- books just opened. Fancy (ioods and Dolls. febl Od 1 r All eyes fitted and fit guaranteed. A com plete stock of the above goods at GRANT'S DHKi STORE, L4S(JTT1I MAIN STKliliT. Oculists' Prescriptions a specialty -8ep3 df.m Ileal Khtate for Sale. The pro)H'rtv known as the 'Mission Hos pital property" hits been sulnlivt'd intosph n. Id building lots, and i now ottered tor sale Three of these lots front Stmth, upon Wood fin street. They are the most desirable lota und are the lowest priced lots in town, whin yiiu take intoconsMlt rntion thiir location, etc Two lots front on Charlotte street, and one of these has h "large, handsome old man sion" upon it. surrounded by beautiful oak trees. The house is worth more than isnsked tor the uliu-e. The other is it corner lot and is one of the most beautiful unimproved lots in Asheville. What makes this property particularly de sirable is its location upon the Line of the Street Kailny, its nearness to churches, schools, business, etc It is on the electric light line, sewer line, gas line, etc. It U nenr the College, and is in tmc of the best neigh borhoods in the city. This property has been put Into my hands to sell, either at private sale or public auc tion. All tots not sttld by the 'Jtl of Decern her will Uf sold by me .at that time. D. S. WATSON, Real Kstate A Rent, oct27 dtf FOllTIIISAVEEK We are k'Ihk l offtT Rome real gmtd Bar. Klin in our line. Heavy Nickel and RraHtt Couch Harness, 1U Trace, I-'ull l'utent leather Collar, $37,511, fiirmer price SinKle BtiKKy Hnmena, liavis mounting nickel $17. (. In Whiiman Saddles, l-'or hotli ladies and gcntlcmin, we aiv uiiiiik to sell tit New Vork jiricea, net. Ladles' side j Smlille. full seat, nnd Skirt. $4-0; next (unllt.v $!!(!; Men'. Imnnrttd KnKHsh Tree, flat seat. $30, formerly $:is. Kor Horse lltankcts and Whips we are headquarters. I'ull Whalebone Whin $1.50 to $2.5o. Best UuBjty Whip in town for 75c. Good BuKKy Cushions $1. Special prices in whips to Liv erymen in quantities. We bouKht our Horse Blankets Direct from the MANUFACTURER and can sell them cheaiier than any one in town. Bl- beron, all wool, in yellow and brbwn,K2iH2, $10 per pair, sold last year for $15 ; Fawn, 7Hx80, solid colors, $8 per pair, sold for $10 last season. We have them in all stvles and prices to $2.7S per pair. These arc special prices for this week. E. V. JONES, 34 N. Main St. ILLINERY. Millinery. Neat door to PostolnleT 111 lu miafl L.A 1X1 K It vntl Btant I , 1 m iniaa i W. U DOUGLAS' name and the price are stamped on the buttom of all 8hoe adver tised hy him before leaving his factory thi W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE I;JMKN Is a line sen. nless calf shoe, with HoiiKoln tops and oak leather bottom. They aie made in Congress, Ituttou and Lace on Loudon Cap Toe farrow Cap Toe and Plain French Toe Lasts hi sies from o lo 1 1. ineliidiiiR half sites and all widths. If you have been pu vine from $5 to $0 tor shoes ol this quality do not do so longer One pair ill wear as limn two pairs of common sold by dealers that are not warranted by the manu'iieliirer. l mr claims for this shoe overall other $3shoc advertised, are: 1 st It contains better mnteriat. I'd It is more stylish, better tit tins and durable, .'td. It Kives better general satisfaction. 4th. It costs more money to make, ftth. It saves more money for the consumer, lith. Itissohlhy more dcab-rs throughout the U.S. 7th. It's Rieat success is due to merit. 8th. Itcannotbe duplicated by any other manil. faeturer. Uln. Itisthehestin the world. nnd hasa Inrcrerde. Till! OKIC.INAL ANll ONLY HANll-SKWKIl YVKLT $4 SHOIi. Hipinls custom-made shoes costing from $G to $H. Kallroad Men nnd I-ettcr Cnrricrsall wearthem naiiii - scwcn snoe No tacks or wax thread. FOR HHAVY WKAK Best Calf Shoe fix till. Is the best in the man a year. world for rough wear; out. to 7, including half and B, C, It, K nnd IXSVKACE. jIKH INSl'RANCK. FIUK. L1F10. ACCIDFNT, PULLIAM & CO, At the Bank of Asheville, ASHliVILLH, N. C. kc pre sent the following companies, viz. ; t y1"1' , . .,, CASH ASSHTS IS V. . Anglo Nevada, ot Cnlifornin, $a.417,H Unmhurg-Bremen, of (iermnny..,, London Assurance, of iingland..,, Niagara, of New York Orient, of Hartford Pho-'iiix, of Btooklvn .''. St. I'nul Fire and Murine, of Min nesota Southern, of New Orleans Western, Ot Toronto , Mutual Accident Association. yKtna Life Insurance Company dtniarU 1,54.1,011 2.2;17,4P 5,054,1 7ii 1,51 ,06t 4 H9, 684, W, 0. WOLFE, GRANITE AND MARBLE MONUMENTS New lot of designs iust received,. Large lotol Tablets nnd Slabs, very tow lor cash. Vou will save muey uy calling on me before, pnr- cimsiiitf. Ware room Wolte Spmre. Building, ji. li. Court sepSddm The Hest are the Chesipcsl. PATENT CHAMPION SAFES. Farrell & Co., Philadelphia. au20 ilM:w(im FINEST FARM IN MBTH CA HO LISA FOR SALK The Lowndes Place, lu Traiittylvania County. One of the finest and best located farms in WcMein S. C, 5 miles fronithcthrivinKti.wn ol Hrevard. the cotintv sent of this. Trnn.,i. vnnut county. The building's are till in good n pair. consistinK of a Inrwe two story dwell. Int: house, with l rooms. cntriitKc house, icr house, and in fact, all necersarroiuhnlltlinKs. MorniK room lor ano tons ol hav and sia hlinn lor llio head of cuttle A very sulist in. tial and convenient mule stable, with aivotn inoilntion lor ID unties This farm contains n: acres, of which HIIO' acres are buttom, IvinK on the French Hroad , AV .iZJl"1, ? of col,"vation, top or nerds kt.iss. Ol the remaining .1.111 acres, 100 acres are in upland pasture nnclv M't with n mixture of grasses. I'lenty of h itiilsome oaks for shade in pasture land. MiiKht running 'trcntnsorpurewaterineverv ,! L 'fli"1""' '" ' in woodland, with all the iliHereut varieties of timber locust, chestnut, oak, poplar, elc. Convenient tc. good schools, churches und postolticr. Daily niail. Filtecn miles from Iftrndersonvillc ami J.i miles Irom Asheville" and on or very m ar the line of the contemplated Atlanta, Ashe ville and Baltimore railroad. No such furm for itssiiccan be found In this State or any other State, for value, beauty an'l desirability every way, For price and particulars apply to or ail- Natt Atklnttoil & Son, Asheville, .V C. I. 8. Also two other small hut very dealt, able tracts near by at low figures. octlO dtf THE ASHEVILLE LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. Rooms on Main street, opposite 'the post office. Open daily, eicrpt elnndayufroni in a. m. ""td 1 p. m., and S.3 until 7.0O p. m. The terms of subscription are: On year -' , B rnoa., $1.B0; 3 mm, $1; , ma,, SOcts.: dadv 2 cts. Othcers lor 1HHO President. . R. Mawls; ley; 8ev Miss TfTB . It A Watann I IKe... B. J. tJZZZ S? Jlfl.! dlz a . . - oct30 d tf aamcs as members. (cbtldtf