tr.-" MWa--- 7 T THE DAILY CITIZEN DAILY CITI BOARDING, WANTS For Rent, and Lost Xotlcci, three lints or Ichs, 25 Cents for each insertion. Delivered to Visitors In any part wf the City. One Month Two Weeks, nr lent.. ..riii. ..iifie. VOLUME V. ASHEVILLE, N. C, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1889. NUMBER 179. STAM.KV HEARD FROM. HURRAH FOR OHIO! FEDERAL COI'RT. THE MAIIOXE SHOOTING. WE ARE THE PEOPLE. FREE DELIVERY SYSTEM. ZEN NOBLE OLD VIRGINIA. ttlllv III' R I ICS JIAHONK I'NDKH 30,000 MAJORITY. The Leirlslnture Lamely Demo cratic Every Section ofthc state Turns Aitniust tlie Would-be Ke publicnulzer of the South. St.u'NTox, Va., November!!. Augusta, Rockbridge, Rockingham, A llt"irli;my . Bath and Shenandoah counties, tin- heart of the white district, give McKinney a combined majority of 4, 200. Thcsesame counties in 1888 gave Cleveland (U(i ma jority. WlNCHIisTKR, Va.. November (i. Fred criek county officially gives McKinney 1 ,21)8 majority, a gain of 27. Silver, dem,, lor the legislature, has 1,193 ma jority. Hakkisunih'KR, Va., November G. The official figures for this county show Me Kinncy's majority to be 788, a gain of 1 ,O0S. Lurty, for attorney general, leads Mahone over UK). Lhxinoton, Va., November 0. Full re turns from this, Rockbridge, county give the democratic State tickctftftOmujorily, a gain of 580 over the presidential vote of 1888. A democratic senator and two members of the general assembly are elected by 500 majority. Richmond, Va., November ti. The re publicans have elected 24- members of the house of delegates, with five counties to be heard from, ami eleven members of the Senate with two districts to hear from. Attempted Assassination. Danvim.k, Va.. November (i. Pittsyl vania county gives McKinney l.HO ma jority, exclusive of Danville and North 'Danville; Halifax county 2.305, Franklin county 1,050. The people of South Boston, Halifax county, arc still terribly excited over the attempted assassination yesterday of Hon. R. R.Noblin nr.d others by negroes, who fired upon the pat ty from ambush. Noblin was shot in the eye, and Julian Chuppcll was also shot, but not se riously. Three negroes have been attested and were brought here to-night for safe keeping. Thirty Thousand Majority, Richmond, Va., November (i. Out of 100 counties in this State seventy-nine have been heard from. Out of fourteen cities returns have been received from nine. livery city and county shows a gain for McKinney over the vote of 1888. Thus far the Democrats have elected sev enty members to the house of delegates and twenty-nine to the senate. The last legislature stood: House, sixty-three democrats, thirty-seven republicans: sen ate, twenty-six democrats, fourteen re publicans. The latest estimate of Un vote gives McKinney 30,000 majority. COTTON Oil. TRI ST. II Will be Re-orxaulzed at Once on a New Basis. Nkw Yokk, Novemlier G. The com mittee appointed at the last meeting of tie certificate holders of the cotton oil trust to examine into its affairs and sug gest a method lor changing the trust into a corporate concern, met this afternoon, F. 1'. Aleott presiding. The report presented and adopted after considerable discussion was on basis of changing the present certificates into stock, which would be assured by the deposit of all securities owned by the trust with a central trust company. The new stock will consist of $27,000,000, $15,000, (tOO, H per cent, preferred stock. The committee reported, that through errors of judgment, a loss of $270,1 10 had lieen charged off on the books of theeompany. The rcportofthe committeeof trustees tor the fiscal year ending August it, 188!), was found to be correct. The extraordinary loss of $270,110 is accounted for by the fact, that the presi dent and treasurer of the trust had, for the purpose, as they state, of maintain ing and strengthening the credit of the concern, used its funds in supporting the price of certificates. these transactions entailed the loss of over half milli n dol lars. Flagler, president, contributed S150.000, and J. (). Morse, treasurer, $100,000 toward making up th.- de ficiency. Theeompany will be reorgan ized on the phut recommended by the committee. MARYLAND KI.KtTION. Republicans Make Larue Gains In the I.eiclHiature. Hai.timokh, November (. The legisla ture will certainly lie Democratic, and the returns show that there were some sur prises and changes. The legislature is composed of 117 members, twenty-six in the senate and ninety-one in the house of delegates. In the last senate there were twentv-two democrats and lour republi cans; in the house seventy-one democrats and twenty republicans. One-half of the number of senators sire hold-overs. New senators were elected in one district of Baltimore and in twelve counties. The new legislature will, from the latest re turns, stand : Senate, eighteen democrats and eight republicans, a gain of four re publicans; house, fifty-fivedemocratsand thirty-six republicans, a gain of sixteen republicans, and a total republican gain of twenty in both houses. Thelcgislature is still democratic, but by a reduced ma jority. FROZEN COWBOVS. Terrible Experience while Herd ing cattle In a Know. Dknvek, Col., November 4. One of the results of the terrible blizzards which . r1,.n,l,. nnA ttnrtfl- ern New Mexico Thursday and Friday of last ween, rencnea ncre lu-uny irom r gom,.N. M. Thursday night, Henry Mil ler, range foreman for Col. R. 0. Scad, with several cowboys, enmped near Sier- i-,.A 1 HOO heel enttle which they were holding for the purpose of loading in the cars. At 4 o'clock that morning a bhzzaru irom uie norinwcsi struch the nerci, driving ic i-umc to ward the panhandle, Texas, the cowboys being unable to hold them. The snow wns so blinding that it made it impossi ble to see fiftv feet ahead. Miller called his men together and they started to fol low the herd, and made an attempt to keep them bunched so far os possible. The men becuine separated on Friday night. One ot them wandered into Head's home ranch, half dead with cold and hunger. He told his story, und the rescuing party was immediately sent out, and t noon the frozen bodies of Henry Miller, Joe Martin and Charlie Jolly were found lving on the open plains not tar from Folsom. The other men succeeded in finding their way to the camp before Jjeing overcome wit h cold. He is Making His way Out or the Wilderness. London, November 6. Mackinnou. head of the Einiii relief committee, has received a dispatch from Henry M. Stan ley, the explorer, which reads: "I reached Albert Nyan.u from Hima laya for the third time in fourteen days and found out that Emir, and Jopson had both been prisoners since the 18th of August, 1888, being the (lav after I made the discovery that Baudot's cara van had been wrecked. Troops in the equatorial province had revolted and shaken off all allegiance. Shortly after the Mahdists invaded the province in full force. After the first battle in May the stations yielded and a panic struck the natives, who joi led the invaders anil as sisted in the work of destruction. "The invaders subsequently suffered reverse and dispatched a steamer to Khartoum for reinforcements. 1 found a letter waitiugfor me near Albert Nyanza, exposing the dangerous position of the survivors and urging the immediate ne cessity of m v anival before the end of December, its otherwise it would be too late. I arrived there on the 14lh of Jan uary. "From the 14th of February to the 8th of May I waited for the fugitives, and left Albert Nvanza homeward hound. By the route taken no hostile natives were met. "Since we left Kabbargc we traveled along the base of the snow range Rngcn zori. Three sides of southern Nvanza, or Nyunca of I'sougoro, which iscalled now Albert Edward Nyanzn, are about 0,000 feet higher than the Albert Nvanza, hav ing an exit at Semlike. which receives over fifty streams from Kiigenozori, and finally enters the Albert Nvanza, making the Albert lidward the source of the southwest branch of the White Nile, the Victoria Nvanza being the source of the southeast branch." Mackinnou says the committee has given orders thai supplies for Stanley be hurried on to Mywapwa, and beyond there if possible. Stanley is expected to reach the coast ill January or February. I'HICAliO REVIEW. Business In I lie Grain Center Dur ing; Yesterday's Session: Chicaoo, November G. The specula tive trade in wheat was credited to local operators. There was no foreign news to atVect the course of the market, and local influences were the controlling power. The opening was i sa' ic higher, advanced 1 ic. more, then declined "sal-ac., advanced 'ya-'tc. and closed Ljc. higher for December and ' ic. higher for May than last Monday. Corn ruled quiet a greater part of the session, trailing being mainly local and fluctuations narrow. The market opened at about Monday's closing prices, changed but little and closed a shade better than Monday. Oats were steadier, but business was light and no important lea tines devel oped. Prices were isalic. higher, but later a weaker feeling prevailed and the advance was lost. Mess pork was traded ill moderately; the early feeling was stronger and prices were advanced TVialSVaC., but later in the day the market was weaker and the improvement was lost. Lard was comparatively dull and the feeling easier. Prices ruled 4a 7 & lower, and the market closed quiet. Short ribs were traded in lightly, prices were without material change. MANCHESTER MARKETS. EiikIIhIi Cloth and Varn Trade Re ported Very Uood. Manciikstkk, November (. The Guar dian's commercial article says: The market is strong, wit h cheerful feel ing) Actual business is not large, there being but few urgent wants. Firmness of th'' market tends to check theprogrcss of business, vet yesterday was a busy day. The yarn departments were most active. Few China orders were executed, partly because merchants have already bought rielv and partly because of the receipt of discouraging telegrams from Shanghai, where there is a great tight ness of money, 25 per cent, per annum being the rale paid for short loans. Mod erate orders were executed for India at Friday's best prices. The demand for minor foreign and home markets was fair. Buyers of yarn have abandoned expectation of lower rales, and the ten dency now is to look for a steadiness of the market. The practicable export de mand is small. Cloth is strong and full prices obtainable. Sellers of India plain and fancy goods progress fairly. Manu facturers of lK'st printing cloths secure full prices for small (pianlities. Common is dull at hardening prices. Heavy cloths are quiet, withtcady demand. CONGHATII.ATIOMH. Governors Hill and Exchauite FellcitatlouH. Albany, N. V. November G. Governor Hill to-day telegraphed Governor Fitz hugh Lee congratulations on the demo cratic bucccss in Virginia yesterday, to which he received the following reply : "Accept my thanks lor your telegram. The old commonwealth fought with splendid success against the blandish ments of the administration at Wash ington, the active interest of some of the cabinet, the free exercise of federal pat ronage, the oratory of numerous repub lican congressinciwina senators irom out side her limits, nnd the grease poured eo uiouslv upon her soil from fat fried from the manufacturer. Virginia sends her congratulations to New York. (Signed) FiTziirr.u Lkk Relle Brown all Rlitht. Washington, D. C, Novemlwr 6. Belle Brown, daughter of a Washington busi ness man, whose disapearance five weeks ago caused considerable stir and extensive search, has been found ill New York all right and in good hands. Her mind seems to have been partially unbal anced. When she left she was ill the Bal timore and Potomac depot, nnd Hearing the train for New York announced, pur chased a ticket place and boarded the train on a sudden impulse. On the journcv she attracted the notice of a kindly" disKsed Southern lady who secured a good home for iicr during a week's illness which followed and until she secured employment as companion to on invalid lady". Longings for home und friends induced her to write to her father, who went at once to New York and found his daughter with her mind again clear. Iowa In llnnlil. Washington, November 6. First As sistant Postmaster (.eneral Clarkson re ceived a telegram this evening from his home in Iowa stating that the contest over the legislature is very close, and the result is in doubt. DEMOCRATIC OOVERNOR AND SENATOR ASSURED. Governor Fnraker Acta Hand Homely and Telegraphs Congrat ulations to Governor Campbell Majority About 12,000. Coi.t M in s, ()., November 6. The publican State committee at 1 o'clock to-day conceded the election of Campbell, and admits that the legislature is demo cratie in both branches. At 1 o'clock this afternoon Governor Foraker sent t he following telegram : Coi.I Min s, ()., November G. Hon. Jas. E. Campbell. Hamilton. Ohio: To t lie full extent tiat a defeated candidate can do so with propriety, allow me to oiler my congratulations, and assure you it will give me pleasure to extend you every courtesy I can show you in connection with your inauguration and commence ment of your administration. J. B. Korakek. Cincinnati, Ohio, November G. I'nof ticial returns from sixty-four counties in Ohio give Campbell a plurality of 8,!)05. The four remaining counties, Ashland, Geonga, Ottawa and Paulding, gave Powell a plurality in 1887 of 4:S0. Cl.liVKI.AND, p., November (i. Com plete returns from Cleveland county give Foraker 20,40:1 votes and Campbell 18, 108. Foraker ran from 800 to 1,500 votes behind his ticket. In fact, he was cut by republicans in nearly every one ol the 100 precincts in this county. Fight republican candidates for the general as cral assembly were elected by ample plu ralities, and the results ill this county, all things considered, met the expectations of Governor Forukcr's friends. In north ern Ohio the democrats lost and gained votes in spins. In Summit county, ol which the flourishing city of Akron is tin capital, the republican loss was some thing like 1,100. Akron is a manufac turing city, and the tariff was made more or less an issue there. Late this evening the impression prevails here, and it is iiased on a carelul review ol all the returns now at hand, that the demo crats have a majority of two in the house of representatives, and possibly a majority of two ill the senate. If this should prove to be the case, a democrat will succeed Henry Ii. Payne in the senate of the I'nitcd States. The senatorial elec tion will occur in January, 1800. Ohio has been known as a republican State when all the republicans voted, yet it has never been represented at Wash ington by two republican senators. Sen ator Sherman has always had a demo cratic colleague, and now Payne, who is a very old man, and who says that he will not be a candidate for re-election, will be followed nv another democrat. Coi.r.Min s, Ohio, November ti. The democratic State committee is claiming the election of Lamphell by a plurality ol 12,000 or 15.000, and the rest of "the ticket by pluralities ranging from 4,000 to 8,000. These conclusions arc reached from meagre returns, and mostly by estimates, but aie believed to lie re liable within range of the pluralities which arc given. The republican committee has nothing upon which they can reliably dispute the figures, further than they do not think the plurality of Campbell will reach over eight or ten thousand, and that the rest of the State ticket will not be elected by more than two or three thousand plurality. Both committees and chairmen seem to be agreed that the democrats will carry the Legislature in both branches. It is not probable the figures as agreed upon as to membership will be changed from that which has already been announced, though in some of the counties thev do not have conclusive information. I'roin the best at hand, gathered from both headquarters, the house will stand Gl democrats and 53 republicans, and the senate 10 democrats and 17 republicans. This would give the democrats a major ity of tell on joint ballot. The I'each Duet. They arc all singing"Johnny Jones and his Sister Sue." The rendition isadmira- Ic and has an undercurrent of ghoulish glee which Digby Bell can never hope to imitate. Who? Why the druggists of course. 1 ncy lane to mat song iikc ducks to water. That "same peach," that "same, old, globular affair," has done them many a good turn when busi ness was dull. It is sad to think that they can take such a keen delight in the horrible fate ol those misguided children, but, if you are in the least morbid in your tastes, go to the corner of Pattoti avenue and North Main street. Here, above the rumbling of the carts and the emphatic asides ol the would-be passengers in that long ex pected electric car, can ever be heard those sweet, mournful strains, so replete with visions dear to every undertaker's heart. We make u distinction lietween them nnd the druggists in this rcsix-ct. The latter, although they "speed the parting guest," always wish that he would tarry just on this side of Jordan. To the I.HclieH. The ladies interested in the organiza tion of the Asheville Free Kindergarten and Children's Aid Society will please remember the meeting this afternoon at 3.30 in the rooms ol the W . L. 1 . 1', over Smith's pharmacy, The contract for the Hendersonvillc jail has been awarded to Kdwnrds, contractor of that place. It was not the fault of the Ashevillians, for they had put in their bids. They did not know that Hendersonvillc wanted so poor a jail. The ladies of the Sons of Temperance in Asheville will have an entertainment and oyster supicr nt their lodge room over W. C. Cnmiiehnel's drug store to night, iKginning nt 7.30. Masonic Notice. The regular communication of Mount Hermon Lodge, A. F. and A. M., to-night nt 7.30 o'clock. ManHachuMetta Pretty Close. Boston, Xovembcr 6. Returns have now been received from every town in the State, except Goswolda. The final fig ures, which may he slightly changed in the official returns, give Brnckett, rep., 126,792; Russell, dem., 120,812: Black nier, pro., 1.1,854; Brackett's plurality, 5.979. In 1887 Ames, rep., had 136.000; Lovering, dem., 118,394 ; Karl, pro., 10,945. The HardHlilpH Imposed by the Present Revenue Laws. The scenes presented to a thoughtful observer in the court house of Buncombe county yesterday were not such as to make one proud of his nation, nor of that part of its laws which tends directly to the manufacture of criminals, by declaring those acts to be crimes which are not so declared ill the decalogue, nor in any por tion of the Holv Writ. Of course the spirit of divine leaching is that it is the duty of every loyal citizen to obey the laws of his government ; but that government should be careful not to impose upon its subjects burdens which neither they nor their fatlieis have been able to bear; and just exactly this is what is being done by the federal inl Mini rev enue laws as now enacted anil enforced. And to this legislation is attributable the scenes which each day niustcausesorrow and pain to the kind hearted Judge Dick, whose disposition, every one knows, is to temper judgment with mercv. We can scarcely conceive of anything more disagreeable to a humnuennd char itable man, than to look down upon a room crowded with poor devils, hauled here by marshals and deputies from all parts of this extensive moun tain section, perhaps leaving t licit families ill circumstances of destitu tion, to answer a charge of viola tion of the revenue laws, to be convicted of such technical crime perchance on tin evidence of some fellow much more con temptible than the defendant, who un blushingly swears : "Wall, I got in with Jim, and we went a good piece ton house where Jim bought a quart of liquor, and then 1 begged Jim to divide with mc, but he didn't want to do it; but at last hi did give mc a half a pint and I gave him ten cents. 1 never told nothing about il for a long time, till I Icll out with Jim. and then 1 felt in my conscience that 1 ought to tell the truth, and I went to the marshal and got Jim arrested." And ol course on the evidence of this conscien tious witness, poor Jim is found guilty and K'rhaps sent to the already over flowing jail, to be crowded into a small cell, and there pine away all the Christ mas holidays, which ought to be always so happy a time to him and all mankind. About eighteen or twenty cases ofsimi lar importance lo that above cited were put through on yesterday, a proportion of which resulted in acquittals, while in some of the convictions the judgment was wisely suspended. The following defendants, Luther Farley, Miles Woods, Cornelius Nicholson, Samuel Rose, Jones Slatton and Richard Martin, were not so lucky, but were sentenced to three mouth's imprisonment ami the payment of a fine of $100 besides the costs. A visit to the county jail showed that it was rapidlyassumingthepopularcliar acler which distinguishes it at every term of the court. Already some thirty fed eral prisoners are confined there, and probably twice that number will take lodgings with the hospitable landlord be fore the week is ended. The officials nre all courteous and attentive to the wants of their guests, but it is to be hoped that the number to be shut up there will In kept within the limits to which the build ing is adapted, and that the good people of Asheville will do what thcvcanloniit- igate the sufferings which to us seem oft entimes quite out of proportion to the gravity of the offense. IS IT A MYTH t A Great Railroad Project Which Includes Asheville. We share the incredulity of the Morris town Gazette as to the credibility of the following program of a scheme an nounced by the Railway Age. There may be something in it ; for there is nothing too bold for the daringof enterprise; and as this scheme has Asheville as tin ob jective point we republish it. It may set people to thinking: A large syndicate is now forming in Boston for the organization of the South ern coal, iron and railroad company, to construct at once a system of railways in Tcnnesse and North and South Carolina to be known as the Blue Ridge railway system. Surveys are now in progress. The railroad will be built from Morris town, Tenn., via Kansas, Dandridge nnd Sevicrvillc to a point near Maryville, thence to Madisonvilleand Athens, Tenn., with a division to Maryville and Kuox- ville from Scvitrville over the Blue Kidge by 11 tunnel and a looji to Greenville, S. C". and Augusta, Cm., and with a division north via Waynesville to Asheville, N. C. Incorporation will take place next week, with election of officers, nnd construction will begin at once at these points. This company will operate extensively in coal nnd iron and, in the general development of the country along the route. The capital represented is over $5,000,000. L. .C. Wolkins, of Boston, is chief engineer. This system when completed willconnect with all the leading railroad systems of the South with the southwest, west and northwest. A Rouitli Voyage. CiiAKi.iisroN, S. C, November 6. The schooner Frank Ynrdcr Hcrcher arrived here to-dav. Captain Chamberlain left Philadelphia Octolicr 18. He encount ered a terrific gale off Bady island on the 23rd and tremendous sens on the 24th. Coner, a Norwegian, and a colored sailor were washed overboard nnd drowned. Everything movable on deck I was lost, the forward house stove lost and the boat's mainsail, torscsail and jib. The lamp boxes were washed from the rigging. She scudded thirty hours I ami was driven 300 miles out of her 1 course. 1 Alabama Rejoices. 1 Birmingham. Ala.. Novemlier 6. Bir- I minghnm is engaged to-night in cele brating with bonfires, Roman candles ' and skyrockets, the democratic victories ' of Tuesday. The shouts are all for i Cmnpbcli, t'he interest having centered on 1 the Ohio contest. THE EVIDENCE ADDI'CED HE- FORE THE MA (OR. The Hoys Were Celebratiuu;, and Fired OIT Pop-Cruckers in His Yard The General Savs He Did Not Mioot S2,5oo Hail. PfcTi-KsiitKn, Va., November (. The particulars of the arrest of Gen. Mahone last night on the charge of shooting young Harrison, his temporary confine ment in the station house, and his sub sequent release on bail, are as follows: About 0.30 o'clock it was evident, ac cording to the returns, that the demo crats had scored a decided victory. The result was that some of the best young men in the city organized themselves into a serenading band, armed with a liberal supply of fire works, und proceeded to celebrate the victory. From Sycamore street they marched to Market street and thence to a point very near General Mahone's residence. There they fired off some Roman caudles ami baby wakers, until their merriment was interrupted by a volley which it was alleged was fired from Gen. Mahone's yard. Only one man, was shot, however. He was Her bert P. Harrison, of the firm of Gilbert & Harrison, confectioners. A warrant was at once issued lor Mahone's arrest, and he was taken into custody; and while detained in the lockup, mayor Cal lier was sent for. The ease was heard and the following evidence adduced : 1 he first witness sworn was Charles Kowaiuc, son of a New Yorker, but for many years engaged in business here. He testified that he and his friends started up Sycamore street, and went to a point opposite Mahone's resilience. There they tired off several pieces of lire works, ami then either lien. Mahone, Butler, his son, or cx-policcmau Berry, discharged lire arms into their midst. General him self, was plainly visible, as was also Berry and Buticr. When the witness heard Harrison exclaim that he was shot, then, incoinpnny with some friends, he crossed the street to Mahone's gate where he was knocked down by Berry, either by the hitter's fist or by a pistol which he was flourishing in his hand. His testimony was corroborated by that ot other winnesscs. The evidence of C. II. Burton, corrob orated by Rowaine, established the fact that Harrison was shot by sonic one in the front yard ( Mahone's house, and that the defendants acted upon the offen sive. C.'esar Lodcllc distinctly heard three shotsfired from Mahone's yard. He saw Mahone with a gun in his hands. Mver Saul heard two or three shots fired". "I saw Gen. Mahone with a double barrelled breech loading gun in his hands. One of the gentlemen exjiressed to Gen. Mahone his surprise about his haying a gun. The General said, "Yes, this is my gun." Saal further testified that Mahone said he would kill any one who entered his yard, at the same time clapping his hand on his pocket, ami he would pro tect his property. The General was standing near bis gate and the shot was fired from that point. Mahone said, "I was sitting in my library in conversation with Mr. Camp bell and Col. Barbierre. I heard the ex plosion of lire works in the street until they got to my house. Some were ex ploded in my yard. Loud reports caused the impression that fire arms were being used in my yard. Desiring to protect my property, 1 walked out, and seized my gun as 1 passed. I saw a number of persons at my gale, one ol them said : 'You have a gnu, shoot d you.' I walked down tile steps, and one of them said, 'we arc only celebrating.' I replied, that's all right, but don't shoot on my premises. The men went out and others came up from below, one of them said: 'You have a gun.' I replied, yes, I have a right to have it. Not a gun or nistol was fired that I know of from the time j I went out of the library lo the end of the affair. 1 eertainlvdid not shoot, and ! I neither saw nor heard any one else shoot." Gen. Mahone's statement was eonob craled by Jas. C. Campbell. The mayor said that the evidence was of a character to establish cause for the belief that Mahone had fired the shot at the wounded Harrison, and that he would send the case on to the Husting's court, bul as Harrison's wound was not dangerous, bail would be allowed in the sum of $2,500. Bond was given and shortly after midnight the General and his friends Icll the slalion house lor their 1 homes. j Interest in the alleged Mahone shoot- j ing case lias died away. The case will! not come up until the meeting of the j hustings court in January Harrison,: the man who was shot, is improving I rapidly. The Mayor's Reception. Mayor Blanton's office was crowded to-dav with the usual numbcrofoffenders. who desired to deposit their contribu tions. The emulation was so great that the sum of thirty-five dollars was col lected during the morning. During the afternoon the rush became less, ami only ten dollars was added to the fund. II. K. McaIicc and W. Fowler seemed to feel that the mayor had been slighted, and arranged a little impromptu fight. which was very short, but contained a good deal of condensed excitement. At least, the crowd seemed to think so. In fact, one of thecombatanls was so stimu lated by the popular applause, that his opponent, in his haste to secure a good position from which to admire him, mis took the bottom of the wagon tor the top, and took in the show through the spokes of the wheels. The feature of the occasion was his features which were covered with gore. However, he got the belt and ought to be contented. What kind of a licit it was, has lieen accurately ascertained. All agree that it was wooden and very hard. The mayor, in his usual bland way, evinced his appreciation of their en deavors to amuse the public, and bound each over in the sum of one hundred dol lars to appear at the next session of the criminal court. Real Estate Item. The real estate business was not very brisk yesterday. Ynnderbilt ns usual has a monopoly, nnd only one transfer was recorded, as follows: Avery Alexander and wife sold to Iilva E. Denison yesterday two lots in the Asheville township. One lot brought $300, while the other was purchased for $1,700. Asheville's Popularity and Ad vantages Growing Dally. This is the so-called dull season for the hotels in Asheville. That is what every one says. The summer season has ended and the winter season has notyet begun. None of the hotels expect to do much business. But they are doing it. Here is what A. Loomis, the entertaining and affable clerk lit the Battery Park hotel, says : "The prospects for the coming winter are that we will have a larger crowd than we ever had before. September, October and Novemlier are the dullest months in the year, except from June to Hie fifteenth of July, but, during this )e riod, we have had twice the number ol guests that we had last year during the same time." This mere increase in the mini r of ar rivtds in Asheville is, to be sure, o. great benefit to the place, but its importance is marked by the fact that many of these people are only awaiting an opportu nity, in order to invest the'r capital here. Dr. Chas Hunter and Dr. E. D. Lefliing well, now stopping at the Battery Park hotel, who are prominently connected with the sanitarium located at Danville, X. V., are investigating Asheville and its immediate vicinity with a view to build ing a similar sanitarium here. The particular and specific advantages of this climate are becoming more and more widely known. Col. I'inckc, who arrived at the Battery Park hotel a few days ago, has been spending some time in Furope for the benefit of his health. He was advised to come to Asheville. and within lorty-eight hours after his arrival he made the statement that he had already been benefitted. Dr. S. Ii. Boynton, who was one of Garfield's phy sicians, came to Asheville with the in tention of going on to California, but he is still at the Battery Park hotel and will remain there all winter. Everything indicates that the coining season will be a very prosperous one fcr Ashcyillc. Invalids and capitalist arc Hocking to this place from all quarters. Have they confidence in Ashevilie's con tinuous and steady growth and pros perity? Note the capita! they have in vested. Do they recognize that Asheville possesses a climate which knows no rival ? The faith, which they possess in its vir cues, can alone answer that question. Let one example suffice. It is one of the many cases which daily comes under our observation. He was a bright, intellect ual man. Europe had been his home for many years, and finally Florida had been visited for the benefit of his health, as he was a consumptive. He sat in the smok ing car, keen and alert, and as he con tentedly smoked his ha vana, he regaled his audience with brief extracts from a career, full of activity and interest. His pale, drawn face showed that he was an invalid, but how much of a 011c, no one knew. Picture to yourself the dis may of his visitors when he told them that one lung was gone, and that the in sidious disease had already fastened itself upon the other. That any one would smoke, who was in such a condi tion, was almost too incredible to be lieve. Those that saw him smoke, ex pressed, it as all loyal Ashevillians would, as being due to his great confidence in the recuperative powers of the Asheville climate. It is certainly true that the closer he got to Asheville the more he smoked. WHO CiOT THE MONEY? A Question That Still Puzzles a Federal Court Attendant. The Asheville edition of Stockton's "The Lady or the Tiger" was made pub lic this morning at the Federal court, A witness was the hero, lie certainly "bucked the tiger," or rather the kitten, for he was only playing seven-tip for the drinks. He won the drinks, but was ten dered a dime instead of a glass of rich. mellow whiskey. No one questioned the fact that he got the whiskey, but who got the dime? Now the bar room was located in the open woods beside a stump. Whoever had enough faith placed his bottle beside the stump and carelessly laid a dime near bv. Our hero risked -his ten cents on the result, while the manna was to fall ahem! whiskey was pouring, he took a walk around the block, for the ways of Provi dence are not to be too closely investi gated. On his return the bottle was full anil the dime was gone. Having first thankfully caressed the neck of the bottle he turned to hiseompanion and anxiously asked, while his aromatic breath floated in a wide, oilv, expanse on the breeze "Air you sure, Doc, that the right man got that ere money .' Married. At the residence of Mr. Neil, on College street, Mr. B. C. Lankford. of Brevard, N. C, to Miss Hattic E. Mackey, of Da vidson River, N. C, Rev. J. F. Austin officiating. Mr. Lankford is one of Bre vard's leading citizens, and a prominent Methodist. The bride is a young lady of culture, and is a Presbyterian. Only n select number of friends were invited Mrs. Mamie Malone, Mrs. Shnckellord and Messrs. Greer and Zachary were among the number present. The Citizkn extends congratulations. Inter-State 11. ft E. Association. At a meeting of the directors of the Inter-State Building and Loan Associa tion last night Mr. Jas. H. Loughran was elected a director to fill a vacancy in the board. The first Wednesday night after the 10th of each month was chosen ns the regular meeting of the board. Messrs. J. A. Conant, S. R. Kepler, S. Hammcrshlng and C. C. MeCarty were npiointcd a committee on appraisals. IT WII.I, GO INTO EFFECT IN ASIIEVII.I.E JAN. I, iStjo. The Internal Revenue Laws of Interest lo H1I011 Soldiers Our Public Iluilcllua W. M. navies Gets a Place. Washington, D. C, .November 6. Mr. Ewart has been working hard for the past few days liir the purpose of securing a revocation of the three gallon wiskey order that has created so much excitement and dissatisfaction among the distillers of Norih Carolina. He had a long interview with Mr. Mason the commissioner of inicrnul revenue and urged that the order be revoked or post poned until il could he definitely ascer tained by actual experiment that the assessment of three gallons to the bushel commission wns an excessive one. TI.e commissioner finally agreed lo postpone the orders taking effect until an actual lesteoimd be made. Mr. Ewart con siders this a final adjudication of the mailer, as it is out of their power, he says, lor North Carolina distillers with their open log distilleries and crude system of distillation to make the capa city required by this order. This will be welcome news to the distillers, as it i. e., the order if put into effect would have driven them almost entirely out of the business. He secured also the free delivery system lor Asheville. It will go into effect January 1st, l Silo. Second comptroller Gilkerson of the treasury department, has modified the act of March 1st, i860, so as to allow a large number of I'niou soldiers to be placed on theniiister rolls. These soldiers .ire scattered through Cherokee, Mace 11 mil Mvain counties. A daily route has I .ecu established from Cranberry to Linvillc, N. C. Also a route and schedule has been so arranged in the Murphy and Ducktown division is to give the people ol Murphy their astern mails twelve to fourteen' hours earliei . It will be necessary to have a specii.l let ol Congress authoriziinr another purchase of site under a recent decision il Attorney General .Miller bclorc work an go on, at Slalesvilie. The plans for the court house at Ashc ,'illc arc Hearing completion and the work will be advertised in a few days. 1 he contract is to be let for the entire building. Mr. W. M. Davics of Ilcndcrsoville. X. C, has been app'-iuLed a clerk in the Census Bureau, and will at one eater upon his duiit s. 1 lie secretary ol war, General Crooke 1'. S. A. and the principal of the Indian school at Carlisle, Pa., will visit Western North Carolina nexl December lo inspect the lauds which Mr. Ewart has offered the government through liiscoiisliluenls, for Gcronimo's band. Mr. Ewart says a miliary post will be established near Vslicville if the Apaches are sent there. and thai Geronimo and the worst of his braves will be closely guarded, lie seems lo think il will be a line thing for the Indians to come as they will also bring the tort and the soldiers. PERSONAL MENTION. iVinoug the attendants at the Federal court is Major Iligdou, the sheriff of Ma con county. Mrs. Lizzie Smith leaves this morning for Texas, where she will spcniljthc winter with her son. Mr. John G. France, of Richmond, Va., is now visiting his father at his residence on Bailee street. Mr. D. V. Kerr, of Biysou City, was in .he city yesterday. He is a prominent and useful citizen ol Swain county. Chief N. J. Smith and son, Richard Smith and agent J. J. lllyle, of the Cher okee Indians of Western North Carolina, are in the cilv. Mr. Frederick Rut ledge, sou of Col. Henry Rutlcdgc, of Charleston, S. C, is in the city, and has a position in the I-'irsl National Bank. Mr. Rockafellcr, of the Standard Oil Company, has engaged looms for the winter at the Battery Park hotel, and will shortly arrive in Asheville. The proprietor of the Hoffman house, New York, E. S. Stokes, is now at the Mattery Park hotel. Asheville is the place for all those w ho desire to remain abreast with the times. Among the departures from Battery Park yesterday we note that of John H. Inman, Atlanta, Ga. He is a member of the firm of Inman. Swan fc. Co., of the Cotton Exchange New York. Mr. E. W. Price, who lives in New York, but is a prominent lumber dialer in Baltimore, Md has registered nt the Battery Park hotel. lie is a brother of Mr. Herbert Price, of this city. Mr. W. F. Crosby, of the Roosevelt Church Oigan Company, New York, is now at Battery Park. This company has a national reputation, and has just completed a large, organ in Chicago, which cost $50,000. Mrs. Ticrnan, licltcr known to us as Christian Reid, the talented authoress, who wrote "The Land of the Sky," is now stopping at the Swannanoa hotel. The Swannanoa also numbers among its guests the Hon. Hamilton 0. Ewart. The Piedmont Air Line. We take pleasure in announcing the in auguration of n daily line of elegant Pull man buffet drawing room cars between Hot Springs and Asheville, and Washing ton, D. C. Close and sure connections are made at Washington for nil points in the North and East. The Pullman par lor car now liemg operated lietween Salisbury and Knoxville on these trains will lie discontinued after the commence ment of the sleeping car run. Y. M. C A. Notice. The subject of the young men's meet ing of the Young Men's Christian Asso ciation will be: "An obligation resting on every one;" Rom. xiv, 12-15; 1 Cor. viii, 9-13. Owing to delay in the arrival of the furniture at the Y. M. C. A.rooms, the meeting will lw held nt the Central Methodist church, Thursday evening at 8 o'clock. All young men are earnestly invited to be present.