1U' 1 Mil it .M din I;!. H U 'I a, i THE DAILY CITIZEN. The Citizen is the most extensively circu lated and widely read newspaper in Western North Carolina. Its discussion of nnhlic men nnd measures is in the interest of public integrity, honest government, and prosiK-rous industry, and it knows no personal ullcgiunecin treating pub lic issues. The Citizen publishes the dispatches of the Associated Press, which now covers thi w hole world in its scope. It has other facili-ti-s of advanced journalism for Kntherin: news from all quarters, with evcrylliinKcare hilly edited to occupy the smallest space. Specimen copies of any edition will be sent f--ee to anv one sending their address. TKKMS--laily. $ti lor one year; $3 for six months; 50 cents lor one mouth ; "15 centstol one week. Carriers w ill deliver the paper in every part of the city to subscribers, and par ties wanting it will please call at the Citizkn lice. , , AnvKKTlsiNG Katks Reasonable, anil madi known on application at this ollice. All transient advertisements must be paid in ad yance. Keadinp notices ten cents per line. Ohitu arv. tnarriav'c and society notices lit'ty cents each (not exceeding ten lines) or fifty cents per inch. TIU KSUAV. NOVl-MUUK 7, 1SS!. THE KLKCTIOXS AMI TillUK BKSl'l.TS. The returns published ycsU'nl.'iy morn ing were only sufficiently ilclinitc lom;ik the decision il the Virginia contest pusi tivcly certain. Hut in the (ircsciit Iraim of the Southern mind that was all thai was needed to lie known. We could w ail patiently lor the count in ( Ihio to deter mine the issue between l'oraker ant Campbell, though that was a trial ol strength in the issue of which we hai earnest, though somewhat remote, inter est. Hut the result in Virginia was vita to us, for it brought to the very doors o every Southern Stale a tpiestiou to In decided by wager of battle upon thai chosen field. If Mahone had sueceedet there, if, making the race issue the issm of the contest, he lintl succeeded, then ai impetus would have been given to a lore which might not h.-ve exhausted itseli until all the Southern States had beet laid under the same subjugation, l-'oi the national administration taking si open and active a part in the Virgini campaign did so with the evident, in tael avowed, purpose of breaking the rank of Southern solidity, and doing so, ear rying its victory, xvith like alliance, ititi all the Southern States. Mahone, in the consummation of hi ambition, was regardless ol cverythiuj that stood in his way, peace, race, am the tremendous interests associated w ill the dominance of the superior race. II was readv recklessly to sacrifice every thing that impelled the accomplishment of his objects. He has done all that wa expected of a man able, adroit, uuscni ulous, bold, treacherous and x icked Hut all his qualities and powers for mis chief would have been ineffective if hi had relied upon the resources he coul command at home. They were abun dant ami they were freely and recklessly used, but alone not enough to meet tin elements antagonizing him. It is to lilt dishonor of the national administratis that seeing his peril, it flew to its hcl with monev and speakers anil influence and promises, and ranged itsell, the gov eminent of the people of all llie States ranging itself actively on the side of; faction of one of the States for the soli purpose of subjecting all the other Slates to the rule ofa policy dangerous to peace ruinous to peace, and practically subver sive ol the constitution; lor the suprcui acy of the negro, the issue really involved could onlv be effected hv disregard o that instrument. What a relief came to the public mint yesterday when it was known that Ma hone was defeated: What a load wa lifted from the public heart when it wa felt that the danger had passed ! l-or ii the developments of the holly contested campaign, it was apparent that then was real imminent danger. The bank for the peace of the South, its was largely the battles jf the Confederacy, was agan. fought on the soil of Virginia, this time with ballots, not with bullets, this time with the weapons of the law and tin constitution, not with the cannon ; and also this time by Virginians alone, by their own brave hearts, their burning patriotism, their fidelity to the cause ol civilization, aided and strengthened by moral influences which acted with en eouraging force from the outside. The whole South thanks Virginia for the grandeur of her attitude, for the an imation of her resistance for the vigor ol her blows. The victory won by her gives safety to us all. The whole country may Join in these thanks; for the peace se cured to the South is the gain also of the whole people. The imminence of the dan ger aroused a determination that math, itself invincible. And in this battle was also illustrated the sublimity of free in stitutions in its most impressive form. Peace and safety were made assured, not by force of arms by blood and car nage, but by the harmless ballot, the mightiest weapon ever placed in tin hand of the liberty loving intelligent freeman. A calm falls upon the land to-day, a gentle grateful one; for anxiety and ap prehension are removed. We breathe freely, for while Mahone lies buried deeply in the ruia that has overwhelmed him, the hand of administration iuterler ence has been stricken down. A rebuke has been given which must be heeded. One very pleasant result of the Austra lian system of voting, put into practice on Tuesday lor the first time in Massa chusetts, was the remarkable quiet ol the election. Voters were freed from the importunities of solicitors for their votes, went to the designated places, anil to re ceive their tickets, went to another, where alone, and uniustructed they marked on the slip the names of those for whom they wished to vote, dcpositetl their bidlots nnd quietly went their way. This system presupposes intelligent knowledge on the part of the voter of what he purposes to do; he must be able to read the name of the candidates of his choice, with intelligence enough to know the principles involved in a political con flict. In a word, an educational qualifi cation is superadded to others, a small one it is true, only ability to read and write, but enough to exclude absolute ignorance, and also enough to secure the persona) independence of the voter. As we said once before, this system it not unlike that in practice in South Carolina, and like that that has been proposed by the North Carolina legislature. Yet the svstetn of the first State is denounced by the Republicans of the north as aimed at the negro vote so as to deny them the ight ol their suffrage. It would if it so vork, be properly denied to a body ol voters who arc in the habit of voting as they are told to do, and without the re motest purpose of capacity to act oil their own judgments. Ol'K SKWSFAPIiH I'KKSK. The press of North Carolina now num bers nearly if not quite two hundred. In referring back to a list published in 1S71 we find that it then numbered seventy live, of which fifty -seven wcredcmocratic. eleven republican, three religious, two temperance, one neutral and one agricul tural. Of the editors of those seventy live papers only six remain in the pro fession, viz.: k. M. I-'urinun. J. A. Houitz I'. 1-. liuffv.J. H. Cameron, I,. I.. I'olk, and . 11. iicrnaru. i ne lonowitig nae lied, viz. : W. J. Vales. C. K. Jones, l1. II. Hill. C. II. Harris. Willotighby Avery , 1. S. MePiarniid, C. . II. I'vans. S. M Carpenter, M V. It. I'.ilbcrt. K. T. I-'ul ilium, Jos. Kngclhnrl. The dailies thei tl existence were the Observer, Char lotte; Times, Ncwbcrue; News, Kepnbli an, and Sentinel, Kalcigh ; and Star, anil Post, Wilmington. Of these theotilv oni low surviving under its original name is the Wilmington Star. These changes show the fluctuations mil uncertainties of newspaper life in nost striking lorm. With a preliminary excitement almost ivilliout parallel in the annals of the i'al ot, with angry passions arousetl almost icyonil control, w ith every anticipalioi if a tlav of blootlv strife, the election in Virginia seems to have passed oil' witl .'xccplional pcacefulucss. The pcoph .vcre wonderfully calm, and scll sttstaineil Ictcrniiucd, yet quiet. The only exeep lion to the general observation of gooi irder was afforded insignificant promi nence by Malioiichimself, the unfit leader if a desperate movement. At a late hour if the night, at his home in Petersburg .vhere he realietl the completeness of hi; uin. he lost all power ol sell control am n his rage shot down a man. perhaps an . xultant opponent, in effect turning hi w ii rage to his own utter ruin, as tlu scorpion in de-pair of escape turns it; ting upon itself ami dies. Mahone him self indicts his own last mortal political i'ang. AN Ol'IMOMi. Tlie Aftomw ;'iiiTal nn tlie 0hter Question. Attorncv t'.cneial 1 ia vidson has written lllc follow ing letter lo t lovci-nor l-'owlc ill Tici-: in- tin- Attohm-v t '.i:iu.u.. Km. I. ii. u. Nuiciiihcr . Ins'.i. Sir: Kcplying to your inquiry of the M inst.. 1 have to say that in my opin ion the tiovernor is not invested with any peculiar or extraordinary powers in respect lo I lie ciilorccinciil of the laws ol .his Stale enacted lor llie protection ol iy sters and other fish. The legislation in thai subject may be found in The Code, vol. 1. Chap, -fo, numbers ;i;t7o, :!37li, :i;i7'.l. :i:tSU, ;(4L!t; chapters llll, Laws ISS7, and chapters :i"i. .'ln'J and H:i, i.aws lNSli. A perusal of these enactments will dis close the tact that, the legislature has made the amplest provisions lor the protection ot the citizens of this Slate who arc or may herealtcr be engaged in lliis industry; but llicir enforcement, like that of oilier laws, is conduct! to the courts and local authorities, the exec utive having no power to interfere ex cept w lieu he may be requested, in a Constitutional manner. l" call out the military power of the State lo assist in the execution of laws when tiie civil authorities tire powerless. I direct your attention especially to chapter IIHJ, Laws ISSt), which seems to have been passed to meet the dilhculiies in the way of enforcing the laws against non-residents and others, who carry on their operations upon water and in ves sels. It seems to me that if the local authorities energetically utilize the powers thus conferred, there willspeedily lie an end of the complaints that our laws are not observed. Very respectfully, Tiuai. I-'. iiAvmso.x, Attorney (icncral. To His lixccllcncy, the Covcrnor. A Hlockade Hroltt n. Knoxville Journal. The blockade on the Ix. & O. road is nearly lifted, and an easier feeling exists imong the railroad officials ami llie pub lie in general. I luring the past two days two hun dred loaded coal cars, making in all some fourteen trains, have left Coalcreck. They have been hauled over the K. cv O. road and were properly distributed Irotn this point. A major part of the cars were shipped to dealers throughout the Nititii. There is now a sufficient supply of fuel coming tu to supply the local demand. Some ot llie vurd men in the citv are having some trouble to fill, all their orders, but are more hopeful, as the future looks brighter for them. Dr. Parker Prays cream Van-Ola, Rosa line, Ongnline ami Iiiamond nail powder having now become the ladies' favorites, at 1-". L.Jacob's drug store, these popular manicure articles may til ways be found, together with pocket emery board, or ange wootl sticks, nail scissors, files and other such requisites. Also n complete line of drugs and toilet articles, in addi tion to the Helte Soda Fountain from which ice cold drinks are disiensed. Cor ner Main street ami Pation avenue. HportHiiien and Hickory. The New York Hotel Gazette. The eyes of the sportsmen are now turned towards Hickory, X. C, where the shooting is of the best. Twenty thousand acres of fine hunting lands are reserved for the guests of the popular Htckorv Inn, wmcu as conducted hv .Mr. Frank Longhran is one of the most com fortable h itels in the country. Mr. Loughran has recently engaged Mr. M. S. Clark as manager of the Inn, and he will certainly add to itspopulantv. Mr. Clark has been connected with promi nent hotels east and west for the past ten years anil is well known in traveling and society circles. To Dispel ColdN, Headaches and Fevers, to cleanse the system effectually, yet gently, when cos tive or bilious, or when the blood is im pure or sluggish, to permanently cure habitual constipation, to awaken the kidneys and liver to a healthy activity, without irritating or weakening them, use Syrup of Figs. "Goodby, my bov. Remember the advice of Polonius." Oh, yes, I know 'don't be a clam' I won't. THE MORROW SHOE STILL AHEAD AIJ GAINING REPUTATION EVERY DAY. Aiiiiin up ':iH ,vour special attention to t lit celebrated Morrow Shoes, wliich have stood the test for niaii.v years for DutAiiiUTV. for Exci:i. i. knit. oi-'Stvi.k, for Com font AND KXAt TNKSS OF FlT, brill? equal ill quality, style ami fit to any Fine Shoes made. We carry the above Shoes in several different styles, and will have no trouble to suit ;-(iu in size Nor any trouble to sell you jii-.-i in in the future. We have in stock a com plete line of all kiiidsofShoes of every desirable style kept. We mean to sell. No more hiji'h prices. Come and examine our ",'oods; it will not cost you a cent. We want you to call and trade with us. with the assur ance that you will be treated well on all occasions. A full line of !KY COODS. Hats and Clothinir ahvayson hand at astonishingly low prices. Yours respectfully, ItoKtic Hros. & Wright BOOKS AM) STATIONKRV, ARTISTS' M ATI:kI AI.H, I- Nl , 1 N I : I ' K S' SI'l'I'l.IKS, ricn'Ki:s ash i'kamf.s, i-'anl v i ;ih ins. Itl.ANK HOOKS, I:VI'".KVUKAK, Mil.l.S, TOYS AMI C.AM l-.S. vi:sti:rn x. c. sti.xKs, ItllTH rilnTiir.KAl'lllC AMI IIANIi I'.MNTi:!'. AT ESTABROOK'S, 22 S. Itlain (street. If you want a j'ood Cin brclla that is warranted not to TRACK callon ARTHUR M. FIELD, THE LEADING JEWELER. A tine line of imported han dles different, "you know," from anyone else's. j THE GREATEST ATTRACTION Is that liilP lot ul IHNlil.ISH UKIDI.KS anil THKEK-HDKN CHAMOIS SEAT SADDLES at J. M. ALEXANDER'S And the luw priees at whieh he is nelling All good in hi line. He ha increased hit foree anil intend to meet the demand. SATISFACTION GCARANTKBD. Mrs. loe Person's Remedv cured Mrs. B. S. Spiers, Como, Hertford, Co., X. I C, of rheumatism, indigestion, and ! erysi)eln8, after she had suffered for ! years, and could get no relict from other treatments. THE RACKET COLUMN. o o u O I, I) o o o o o o o i c o Husiness at the "Hi- Racket Store" has in creased so much within the past two weeks, (since the opening of our im mense new stock) that we have not had time to write a suitable adver tisement for this column. W ill name some noods and prices in our next. In tlie meantime, remem ber that we keep EVERYTHING And sell at prices guar anteed to be the lowest ill town. I laving a force of salesmen and sales-la dies, the tedious waits that our patient patrons have had to endure are no longer necessary; so come on. you shall be po litely served, without de lay, and sent away with Ba mains. Very respectfully, (iKO. T. JOXES & CO. uoooooooo o o o o o o o o "RACKET" COLUMS. norms. STRAUSS' RESTAURANT -ANI- Oystcr jy Parlor. ICt ROl'KAN I'l-AS. Meals at ail Hours. Iviectric Cars Pass tlac Ioor. 1 Hike pli-.'lsuiT ill :lillimiiuinj: the llvster Season of lsstt-'tiii bus oreneii. Mini my l"tiK exiierienee in tin- l.usiiuss iustitiis me in ussuriiiK the itililie that 1 enn jilen'e nnil i"iit il'v nil i'i!stinii-rs. I ill serve oyster in the liest st vie. nnil denlliiK onlv il reliable houses, enn oiler the finest hivnlvcH on the market. Tr.v our Philadelphia Fry, Or Pnn Roast Mnston ln SU-wsnsiuxialtv. C.rvat i-arc will.ln' takt-n with imkrs. I m-'l only thi' fnu-st tunl frrslu-st ttysli-rs that tim Ik Ihi 'I. 1 rtvt'ivc shiptiu-iits dirtrt from piu-ki-rs t-vi-ry uftt-rnooii. Charges reason able. My restaurant is also supplied with BIRDS. fiAME, FRESH FISH, ETC., At nil times. Special attention piven to laily customers. Polite ami attentive waiters. Hoard by day. week or month with or with out rooms. If you want the best Hie market affords call on IS. STUAI WS, Prop'r., South Main Street. PKIVATI; HOARD. ni:v norsi:! ni;vi. i rKNisni-n I AM. MnlH-KN IMPK'iYHMl-NTS. MRS. N. It. ATKINSON, No. itm22 dlv 2l Haywood Street. JKIVATI-: Hi)AKI, A larKC house .".l- Pal ton nvtnite. Warm, comfortable ro"ins. On street ear line. Terms reasonable. octHdtim MRS. J. 1,. SMATlUvKS. MRST " STEENMN Mas removed to the .Johnston Ibiihlin, Pat? ton avenue, corner of Church street, where jhf is prepared to keep regular or transient boarders. Table furnished with the be si the market affords. Term; renionn Mr nmr,'!1 rati J. W. SCIIAUTLIi, MERCHANT TAILOR 42 N. Main St. felC'lullv JVHICS I RANK, nn.vi.KK i.s FAMILY GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS Aent for Reems Creek Woolen Mills North Main feM'idi v Aslu ville, N. C. WM. R. PENNIMAN, PKOl'Kli; TUH III1 THE ASHEVILLE BRICK WORKS, A.slievillc, N. C. P. O. BOI I. GEO. KIM1SER, GENERALGONTRACTOR AND BUILDER Mosaic Tile and Cement w ork a specialty. Orates, Ranges and Boilers set. Buildings moved and repaired in first class manner Sewerage, I trailing;- and tra;s for the same thoroughly understood and promptly at tended to. Office: Wolfe Budding, Court House Square, Ashcvillc, N. C. ma:iOdly Til F.K K IS No Royal Road lo Fortune, BI T YOF CAN Praetiee Koonomy ANII BFY YOLK GROCERIES, GRAIN, PROVISIONS, PKlill. in c.. I'KOM A. D. COOPER, Cor. Main and College Sts. Prices are cut down to suit the times, and goods delivered free to any part of the city. JV TIIU PPBLIC. The undersigned may be found in Shank's new buildinK, one door west ol J. F. Wood bury's stable, on College sinst. They are prepared to manufacture carriages, buggies, wagons, and anything tlse in their line. Re pairing and horse-shoeing are specialties. They have secured the services of Henry Pow ell, and would lie pleased to receive a "liberal share of patrounge. Satisfaction guaranteed. ju!3 dtim BURNETTli & llDWAKl), 0 runkeiMess LIQUOR HABIT. mm me wenio jHKSBirreMciii 0hmWeS GOLDEN SPECIFIC It i r ffitra Ik a mn of eo0e mr tea. mrln rtl- elm of toui, without the knowledge of the patient, if neoeaoary. It is abaolutoly barmlrH n-; will effect m purmiDonx ,-a speeay oure, wtMtbnr tlie patient a modsra' J ilrlnknr nr mn iMhnllnBMiiW IT wwu FAILM. It operatea mo quietly and with ittch cer tainty that the patient underroea no inoonvemenoe. thoud. 48 page book of paxtioulara fro. F.L JACOBS. DRUGGIST, ASHEViLLE, N. C FOR MEN ONLY! 1 D(!CITIVF for LOST or FAILING MANHOOD; ArUdlllld Oenaral and NERVOUS DiBllJTY, pTTT V Weakntai of Body and Hind: Effect J U XWJ-i ofErroraor ExofaaeaiB Old or Younr. Ibt, NnM BAMHNtll hiHt R-lAn. Ilnw lo KaUrmr u4 trfe WKita.l HiiKTKU'rKD OHlltH PRT8of BOH, IhMlullf aaSklllM HOIK ( KM1 BKT Hnrlti la a dy. mi tnUV trom 41 S'lr, TrrrtlH, aad Vorrka ToaalriM. tMfM wi-KLw. BmB. hllpiptuaUtta, aad ,roN a ill vaalaaj AMnm UII MEAIUI U lUHALI, I. find 'Wlilikcr I&aH Itacurwiut homewltii out put n. B(K)k nf pr ttcuhvre ftpnt FBEK. i B M-WOO LUCY. M.Dl Allau, Aim, frhlfWflvOT 70 K SALE. 1 ncrrti of land on Beaver Dam road. iut opposite J. S. Burnett 'a. A 6ne site for a aufe nrhon rr-iletice. A nice knoll corered with clover and some fine oaka, with beautiful view of mountains, and the citv. A rare chance to buy such a piece of land with nice clear aprinira guanine from the hill. Terms easy and price low. BOB I II, BLANTUN at CO. aulS dtf ' CAUTION. proteets the wearers against mirn imees u'i ....v..--. .. - p t . f L:inl vim iv itit or otTern vou shoes without V. L. DOPOI.AR' name anrt price the style or k d u ' , m, ,,() lnt hc dlTt.ived thereby, but send di- stamped on t u i J J J " want b .,, mniIi ,)0HtaKo paid, healcnt reel to the I a .. f,, tm irt. M(t warrante.1 by anybody; therefore do t make more nr. hi u k,h vo no reputation. Huy only those Mat have W. L. DOI O r '5 ' .Vnn,. m,d ihe Hit "i ,nped on the b.,tto.n. and you are sure to full value foryour LA.s mum- m (' ' ' 1 Ta.ip Var.-saved annually by the wearers W. I. lKjPr.I.AS' Shoe? ' In ; r n'i b i state whether y.n. want ConKress. lluttm, or 1 acc. London cap Miois in oriniti.t. . .. rrow t.:i ttw and be sure to wive size and width you wear. I can u a' t a i . n " t d ef i r l n ed . a s 'my shoe., are made in reat variety of width,, iH V.Va i.Vi V, s 1 l .r .nice a fit- prompt delivery and perfect satisfaction or money rcfu-.dcrt upon relarn of lm' shoes'1,. hv . W. L. POPC.LAS. Brockton. Mans. $3 mniid than any other $.t snot advertised, $r,00 will be paid to nay person who will prove the above statements to be untrue. The following lines will he found to be ol the twine quality ol" excellence : iK ttt. C.l-:xriNI5 II ANIt-SIiWHU. which lakes the place of custom-made .00 AllOC shoes that cost from S7 tti S!. , TliKOKh'-lNAI. ANI OM.Y II ANI)-SF-WKI WliLT $4- SIIOK. ji.OU Fqtials custom-made g VOK POLICl'.M liN. smooth inside as a haml hurt the feet. $2.50 Shoe $2.25 Shoe $2.00 Shoe $2.00 Shoe $1.75 .Shoe IS PNICXCI Li:iU'Ol VOI'TIIS' SCHOOL, shoes in the world. All made in Congress. Ibjttoii and Lace. W. E. Douglas' $3 Iloth Ladies' Shoes are made in sizes from 1 :ii widths. STY MIS OF LA 11 ICS- Sllol-S. "The I'reneli Opera." "The Spanish Arch Opera," "The American Common-Sense," "The Medium Common Sense." All maic tti Huttou in the Latent Stylts. Also, French opera in Front Lace, u $3 Shoe only. Consumers should remember that W. L. 1 M HV, LAS is the largest and only Shm- Manu facturer in the world, supplying shoes direct from factory, thus giving ail the middle-men's pi ohts ti the w earer. W, L. I tot Vf LAS, Mroektoil. Mass. FOR SALlv HV HERRING & WEAVER- street Car Schedule. Meginitltig at s.L'.'l a. in. Fndirg lo..".op m Car leaves Square tor Iepot everv hour.'ind bait hour. Car Waves Square for Melke's T minutes alter each hour. Car le ives Square tor Doubleday 7 minutes after eiu-li hall hour. Car Waves Oepot lor Square 7 minutes be fore r;ieh hour and half luair. Car leaves Melke's for Square 7 minutes be fore ea- h half hour. Car Waves I miiblcday for Square 7 minutes before ta. h hour. I 'assurers Irotn I'oubleday for Melke's, and vice versa, transferal Company's yard. UnKJMge cents lor each piece carried on bnuiigi- ear. Waiting Kooin for Lathes at Messrs. Her ring Weaver's, Nu. M'.t I'ation avenue. observe signs on otiisidi of ear for its des tination. Train ear meets each ti uin. One valine allowed eat. h (MtssetiKcr on jiass ener ear. TUB AS1IKV1LM-: STKICI-T K V, CO. w.o. wolfe; GRANITE AND MARBLE MONUMENTS New tot of designs just received . Large lot of Tablets and Slabs, ery low for cash. You will sae money by calling on me before pur chasing. Warerouin Wolie Huilding, S. Ii. Court Scpiau. sepHdtim Ileal Ksstate for Sale. The property known 11s the " Mission llos intal prfperty" has been subdived intosplai iiid building lot, and is now oil net I for sa'e Three of these lots fi out Smith, up n W'ood I'm stn-et. They tire the most desirable lots aial are the lowest priced lots in town, win 11 you take tut consideration their locution, ft e Two lots front on dm riot tc si ret t, ami one of thec has a "large, handsome old man sion" upon it, surrounded by beautiful oal: tics. The house is worth more th.tn isusked lor the place, ' The other is a corner lot nnd is one of the most heantitul nuimproved lots in Asheville. What makis 1 his property particu!arlv de- sinibW- is its location upon the Line ol the Smet Kailwuv, its nearness to churehe schools, busiurs!, etc. It is on ihv electric light bne, sewer line, gas line, etc. It is near the College, aiiil is in one oi tlie best neigh horhooils in llie city. This propei ty hu.s been put into my hands to sell, either at private sale or public auc tion. All lots not sold by the I'd of Decern bcr w ill be sold by me nt thai time. IK S. WATSON, Real l-Istatc Agent. oclL'7 dtf FOR rJ II1S WEEK We are going to offer some real goial Hur Kainn in our line. Heavy Nickel and brass Coach Harness, 1 V Trace. Full Patent Uaiher Collar. $:.7.r0, former price $-kf Single Huggy Harness, Iavis niouuting $-0, nickel $17. no. In Whitman Saddles, For both ladies nnd gentlemen, wc are going to sell at New York priees, net. Ladies' Side Saddle, full pig scat, and Skin, $4-0; next qmilitv $;) ; Men's Imported "English Tree, nut scat, Jfs.'io. formerly 3fi. For Home Itlankct und Whips we tire headquarters. Full Whalebone Whin $1.5tl to $U.6i). Ilest Buggy Whip in town for 75c. Good Huggy Cushions M . Special priees in whips to Liv erymen in quantities. We toiight our Horse Blankets lrtreet from the MANUFACTURER and can SH.-II them cheaper than any one in town. Bl beron, nil wool, in yellow and brown, H'ixH'J, $10 per pair, sold last year for $15; Fawn, 76xH0, solid colors, $H per pair, sold for $10 last season. We have them In all styles and prices to $2.75 per pair. These are special prices for this week. E. V. JONES, 34 N. Main St. PITA CURED BY OLD SPECIALIST LI I V PHYSICIAN. I I I II Bott,e of iHdnc Free. We war I I 14 rant our remedv to cure the worst cases, and the only physicians whodo this to prevent your bt-ina imposed noon bv mm usinx false names and who are not Doctors. Because others tailed ia no reasor for not nsina; this medicine. Give Rxprrva and Poat orfice address. It costs yon no thin. Ad dies Asabel Medical Bureau. 291 Broadway, New Vork. jan37d&wlr W. noPOLAS name and the price aw BtnmpeU on the bottom of all 8hoen adver tiscd by htih before lenvinff his factory; this SHOE FOR a i-: ntm; n v: is. Is ; fine -e:i-iiks calf shoe, with Pnngola tops, t ii I oak l atter bottnns They are made in i oiiK'rsK. I'.tttoa and I. ace on London Cap Toe, Narrow Cap foe and Plain French Toe Lasts, in in from f to 1 1. including half sizet nnd all width-. It vim have been paying from $5 to $0 for shoes ot "ili-s iptality do not do so longer. One pa;r x ill wear as lonj s two pairs of common sold by d'.akrs lhat are not warranted by the manufacturer. Our claims for this shoe over all other $3 shoes; advertised, are: 1st It contains better material, lid. It is more styli-h, better tittingnnddurahlc, .'id. It jzives better ceueral satisfaction. 1th. It msts more money to make, nth. It saves more money for the consumer, (ith. It tss' ld by more dealers throughout the U. S. 7lh. It's jjicat suceess is i'ue to merit. Hth. Itcaniiotbe duplicated bv any other manu. faeturer. 9th. It is the I'cslin the world, and hasalnrflrerde- sinus costing Irom tl to $H, Kanroad .i en ami i-eiter i. arriers an wear taem . - seweii shoe No tacks or wax thtfml ta llli.WY WUAR. Kent Calf Shoe for the price. WOKKIXC. MAN'S. Is the best in the worbl for rough wear; one pair ought to wear a man a year. IS liOFAL TO SHOKS THAT COST I'KOM $.1 to One paiv will v car longtr than any shoe ever sold at the price. FOR HOYS is the best School Shoe in the world. gives the small Koys a chance tg wear the best and $2 Shoes 1 it 1, a i h. to 1 including half sizes, and B, C, I), H and J J- MORGAN & CO. io. 3 Harnard Iluildiii tschool aiul Collco-e Toxt Hooks, nfulllin1. Ports, Hij-u tory, Koiuanco, IioraijUy, Travel mid Novels, Family iSiblcs, S. S. HiluVs and Test anient s, Word TeneherV Iihles, Soii Hooks oi all kinds, la rv stork Stationery, Ithi nk Hooks and OHiee and School Sup dies. New line Ladies' and dents' Pocket books just opened. Fancy (ioods and Dolls. , feblOdlv FINEST FARM IN NORTH CAROLINA FOR KALE ! The Lowndes Place, In Transylvania County. One of the finest and best located farms it Western N. C, Tj miles from the ihri riig town of Brevard, llie county seat of thitt. Transyl vania county. The buildings arc all in good n pair, consisting of n larc two story dwell ing house, with 13 rooms, carriage house, ice house, and. in fact, all necessary outbuililings. Storage room lor lifto tons of hay and sta bling for ion head of cattle A very substan tial and convenient mule stable, with accom modation for lo mules. This farm contains Kto acres, of which 30k acres arc bottom, lying on the French, Ilrond) river, and in a very high state of cultivation. 1 lo iicres of this is well set in meadow red top cr herds grass, of the remaining flCio. ncrcs. loo acres are in upland pasture finely set with a mixture of grasses. Plenty vl handsome oaks for shade in pasture land. Itrjght running streams nf pure waterin every field. 1 he reinai der is in woodland, with all the ditlereiit varieties of timber locust, elusion!, oak, poplar, etc. Convenient to nood schools, churches and postoiticc. Daily mail. Fifteen miles Irom Hendersouvtllc aud Ho miles Irom Asheville. and on or very near the line of the contemplnud Atlanta. Ashe ille and Baltimore railroad. No such larm for it- sixecnu be IVx'titl in ttiis Slate or any other Stale, for value, beauty and desirability every way. For mice and particulars applv to or al flress Natt Atkinson & Hon, Asheville, N. C, I. S. Al-o two other small but very desirs able tracts near bv at low figures, octio dti "MILLER BROS; W& Art AMERICAN, and the BEST. LEAD1HQ BUSINESS PENS. No. 87 Falcon Awn Nos. 75. in, 1, Aciia. LEADING STUB PENS. No. 4 Carton Stub Ann Nos. 119, lui, Uraht Pkn. LEADING LEDGER PENS. Ho. 99 -tl&T Hirkham And Nos. lot, 606, 030. LEADING SCHOOL PENS. Vo. 28 University AND nOB. 833, 444, li. The Miller Bros. Cutlery Co.. Moriden, Conn. MAlf UFACT0RKR4 OF Steel Pens, Ink Enuen and Pocket Cutlery. FOR SA.LB AT J. Ii. 3Ioraii'8 Book, Store. SCHOOLS. SCHOOL AND KINDERGARTEN, lHitt Cltampion, iitil Cll HSTNFT ST. Full term begins Sept. '13. Thorough in- str ction in Fnlish. French, Music and CaU isttienics tiy cxiH-nencefl teachers. sep ti;im KiiKlIsli aud French BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL. FOR YOUNG LADIES AND LITTLE GIRLS, No. 4U Fmtcb Broad Avenue, MRS. BURGWYN MAITLAND, . PRINCIPAL (For many yearn Amodate Principal of Mt. Vernon Institute, Baltimore.) Assisted by a corps of cotnpentent tcacuers. The course of Instruction include the usual P.ngllsh branches with French and Latin. Bstras Mu'lc. German, Art Needle Work, Painting on China, Dancins and Riding. Special attention given to the training o( little girls. augl d4m