T i TUB DAILY CITIZEN. The Citizen Is the most extensively circu Intetl and widely read newspaper in Western North Carolina. Its discussion of public men and measures is in the interest of putdic integrity, honest government, nnd prosperous industry, and it knows no personal alleiuncein treating pub lic issues. The Citizhn publishes the dispatches of the Associated I'rcss, which now covers the w hole world in its scojMr. It has other facili ties of advanced journalism lor atherinn news from all quarters, with everything carc tully edited to occupy the smallest space. Specimen copies of any edition will be sent cei to anv one sendiuc their address. Terms 1'nily. Sii tor one year; $:l for six months ; 50 cents for one month : lf cents for one week. Carriers will deliver the patter in everv part of the city to suhsi-ribers. and par ties wanting; it will please eull ut the Citizen " lice. Apvkktisinc. Kates Reasonable, ami made known on application at this otlice. Ail transient advertisements must be paid in ad vance. Kcndine. notices ten cents per line, obitu ary, marriage and society notices fifty cents each (not exceeding; ten lines) or tifty cents per inch. fkihay. noyi-mui-r s, lssst. TWO KKPI'IIIJl'!!. This year of our Lord, eighteen hun dred ami eighty-nine, is made memorable by the centennial celebration of ushering upon the stage of the world two nations under new principles of government. Re publics in name hail existed bclorc; lot monarchy and despotism had over am! again wearied the patience of men and taxed their forbearance beyond endur ance. Hut in the nominal republics sub stituted for discarded tortus, the voice oi the people was as little heeded, thcit rights and their grievances as little con sidered as miller their accustomed forms of oppression. Privileged classes tun' oligarchic combinations succeeded to ali the powers and immunities that luu: been wrested from kings; and the bur dens of tyranny were not lightened be cause they had been transferred to othci shoulders. The principles which underlaid tin American and French revolutions had dill'crcnt origin. With the former then was inherent instinct I'm iVeciuslittitions. an intolcnce of personal government, an earnest purpose for participation in pub lic affairs, u tierce demand for constitu tional limitations, a fixed resolution t exact, maintain and defend them, am, step by step to wrest from the original source of power more and more of pi hi lege ami power for the people, and tena ciously to hold on to whatever was gained. The contests ol the parliament with Charles I, ending in his overthrow and that of monarchy , led very nearly ii to the establishment of a republic in Knglnnd, postponed to a far future be cause the whole nation was unready tin the change, and because religious bigotrt and intolerance, and the lerociotisdespot ism of military rule presented republican ism in a phase hardly less amiable or tol erable than the monarchy it had super seded. Hut there were good seeds among the rubbish and the ruins. Transplanted to America, they germinated and flour ished in the isolation of the wililcrniss. when there was the amplest personal lib erty of action, full freedom of thought and speech, and practical experience 01 what man is capable of doing with lh-. responsibilities of self government. Lib erty had its full training when il grew unrestricted; and when the American constitution was adopted, and tin wheels ol government set in motion, the machine moved oil' with steadiness, with harmony in all its movements, and strength proportioned to the burden Ian! upon it. ( ine hundred years has proved the skill and wisdom ol the structure, and another hundred years may find it still unimpaired, and going on to increase in strength and grandeur. The French revolution was the work of the philosophers, the outgrowth ol disbelief in everything, the experience oi the worthlcssness of royally, a fanciful recognition of theabslraet rights of man. There was no anticipation of the fright ful cataclysm which was to overthrow not only thrones, but society, which hurled the philosopher into the dust, and raised the pauper to the seats of counsel, which cost the careless and scoffing aris tocrat his place and head, and let the plebeian put his foot on the neck of ty rants. For the French revolution there had been no schooling in the science ol government, no training in those princi ples which gradually develop individual and national liberties, and break one by one the weapons of oppression. It was a sudden bound out of the dcpt'is of ty ranny into the blaze of frantic license. The people were ready for this change, and only this. They had drank to the dregs all the bitterness of human mis ery, of denial of all the rights of citizen ship, of the burdens of heavy and une qual taxation, of enforced military ser vice for the costly, ambitious, unneces sary wars of their sovereigns, of the cruel ties, insolence and oppression of the priv ileged classes, of the diafear turned to all their eowplaints for relief or redress. The success of the American colonists in throwing off the liritish yoke, and the participation of the French themselves in that achievement, not only infused some new ideas of liberty but courage and desperation to effect their own liber ation. The year ITS'.) is notable for the meet ing of the Slates General, and the de struction of the Bastile; the first declar atory of the right of the people to meet and decide upon theconduet of their own affairs, the second a decisive assertion of popular power to overthrow and oblit erate the emblem of despotic power which had menaced them ami reminded them for four hundred years of their help less subjection. With these two events began the era, the centennial of which France has lately celebrated with hope and gracefulness. For while the contemporary American celebration the growth, the strength, the beneficence, the permanency of republican institutions, France must lie painfully re minded that her first stage in free gov ernment was passed through horrors the world has rarely experienced, society and all its cherished and sacred institutions drowned in blood, the continent of Eu rope enveloped in the conflagration of universal war, and peace nnd order only restored by welcome return to a more formidable despotism than bad been overthrown. And if France now claims the name of republic, it is in such un- stable form nnd guise tis to be mimed as bitter wrong in contrast with tne name which with ns is connectetl with all that is stroii);, stable, happy, prosperous and respected. This able statesman is making for him self a reputation, anion); the fair-minded people of Virginia, that will give him a bright page in the history of that State. The intensity of the hate, and the malig nancy of the utterances of the aristocrats tvho have so long governed Yiiginia, have oulv served to make him a popular idol. So remarks the lleudcrsonvillc Times, and accompanies it with sundry prophe sies which in the light of recent events appear somewhat rash to say the least of it. Without taking issue with out neighbor as to Mr. Mabone's states manship we merely suggest that we have no burning desire to emulate his position as a popular idol. Ir. Ten llrorck Reported Insane. A San Francisco dispatch states that ! in the superior court room in Kedwood; City Saturday there sat an old man I whose form was bent with the weight of 1 loin score t ears, his hair as white as llie d riven snow and his face marked with the furrows of lime. It was Mr. Richard fen Hroeck, the once famous horseman, w hose name is familiar to the sporting iratcrnity of both continents, lie was lieiug examined by a commission ol uiiacv. Ten Hroeck resides at San Mateo with "his family. He married his present wile, a handsome middle aged lady, in Kentucky, twelve yea is ago. For some months he is shown indications id a Icrangcd mind, and has labored under In- i in i iri-ssii in that his wife is trying to m him. and that sh has employed .gents to kidnap him in nay scenic his properly. order that sue To secure hiin- -, li n'kainsi these una iinarv attacks nc 'jeeps' a small arsenal ol knives and pistols in his room. His wile testified that he has threatened to kill her. Ten Hroeck testified in his own behalf, and his actions were far from resembling .hose of one who was insane, although old age had undoubtedly rendered him somewhat erratic in .nanncr. Thcreport of the commission was withheld until Sovember H. In the meantime Mrs. l'cn Hroeck filed a petition asking the court to appoint a guardian for her hus band. Iir. Ilucklcv. of San Francisco, est ilied that Ten Hiocck is insane. In 1-vss. dispatches were primal in mi 1..111 loruin announcing that Ten Hroeck was insane at Moitly I'.irk. in that State. He had been an'aidcnl and aggressive turfman, and in l-oil invaded F.nglnnd with a stable of American race horses. His stable's defeat at (".oodwood. in lsr7, and Prioress's success in the sub seipienl race for the t't s.-m w iu h handi cap, after a dead heal by three, arc mat ters til turf histurv. Deprived ol' HIm I'omiC ol Fles.li. Uallimorc Sun. There w;is an intcre-tingscene in Judge fulhiU's conn in Uikcl:" a li w days igo. Asbiun 1..I.UU-. an unfortunate man who. with a win and seven hungry children, had ken sent to prison by a magistrate for his inability to pay a butcher's bill of Sod. Lazarus sought relief bv habeas corpus proceedings Ile um. Itu'lge Tutinli and he was promptly released. The judge was very severe on the nuorucv who attempted to prevent the luckless debtor lioin gaining his .ncdoni. Addressing that attorney, ludgc Tulhdl said. "I don't want to near a word from you. sir. Your clients night to be principled against criminally is well as civilly. This is an outrage, and the process o"l the courts cannot bi ased for an'- such purpose!" The ut- lorncv hung his head abashed as the debtor, who had previously declared to the judge that the earthly possessions ol himself and family consisted ol the clothes they wore on their backs, left the court room, accompanied by Ins weeping w ile and five of hi.; seven children. The Neitro in tlie iortli. Atlanta Constitution. Ill a review ol a recent book on the race problim the New York lleraldsaysthat the social cipialily of blacks and w hites is unheard of in the North, even in republi can circles. The Herald clinches the matter by say ing: "The whites don't want it. anil the blacks won't have it. Any while person who advocates it here is ipiiellv ignored as an irredeemable crank, and the South van afford to keep cool and follow the Northern example regarding the deadest of dead issues." Our contemporary knows what it is talking about. The negroes in the North oecupv the position of an inferior race, itist as thev do here. Whether they speak out alter the fashion of the Herald, or keep silence, the Northern ieoplc are in favor of white domination. "The New buglnnd farmers," says the Albanv. X. Y.. Argus, "do not get ntich out of nrotection. A recent advertise ment in the Springfield Republican oilers a farm of one hundred and filly acres, with dwelling house, barns, sheds, etc., for Ssf0." The unfortunate and strange feature of their case is. how ever, that the New Ungland farmers do not get even the plainest lesson of "pro tection" out of their cxienence with it. They sell their farms near the manu facturing towns at home, move west to Iowa and liakota. and there vote for a high tarilf! Thev have been told all their lives that the protective policy is main tained for their benefit, and thev hold to it stoutly hoping, apparently, that their grandchildren at least will come in lorn share of the spoils. Talking of typographical errors, the Hurlington I Vt.l I'rce Tress does not re memlier seeing n more horrible sHciincn of this class of blunders than one which appeared in a Massachusetts paper not long ago. At the close ot an extemied and highly eulogistic notice of a deceased lawver the reporter wished to say that "the hodv was laken to Hull lor inter ment, where reposed the remains of other members of the family. By mistake a letter "e" was substituted for the "u" in Hull, changing the sense of the sentence to such a degree that no extra copies of that issue of the paper were ordered Dy the family of the dead lawyer. Dr. Parker l'rays cream Van-Ola, Rosa line, Ongaline and Diamond nail powder having now liecoine the ladies' favorites at F. L. Jacob's drug store, these popular manicure articles may always lie found together with pocket emery board, or inge wood sticks, nail scissors, files and other such requisites. Also a complete line of drugs and toilet articles, in addi tion to the Helie Soda Fountain from which ice cold drinks are dispensed. Cor ner Main street and Patton avenue. "Whv. my watch has stopped!" marked Mr". Stavlate. "The clock has stopped, too," added Miss Irene. "Then I'll stop awhile longer myself." To DlHpel CoIdH, Headaches and Fevers, to cleanse the system effectually, yet gently, when cos tive or bilious, or when the blood is im pure or sluggish, to permanently cure habitual constipation, to awaken tne kidneys and liver to a healthy activity, without irritating or weakening them, use Syrup of Figs. THE MORROW SHOE STILL AHEAD Ail GAINING REPUTATION EVERY DAY. Ati'iiiii we call your sptvial nt trillion to tiV colobrntort Morrow Shoos, which have stood the test ftr many .years for Ih'UAiiiLiTY. for Kxckl- LF.NCK OF STYI.K, tol'C)M 1'OlfT and Exactness of Kit, being equal in quality, style and tit to any Fine Shoes made. We carry the above Shoes in several different styles, and will have no trouble to suit you in size Nor any trouble to sell you again in the future. We have in stock a com plete line of all kindsof Shoes of every desirable style kept. We mean to sell. No more high prices. Come and examine our goods: it will not cost you a cent. We want you to call and trade with us. with the assur ance that you will be treated well on occasions. A full line of DRY HOODS. Hats and Clothingalwayson hand at astonishingly low prices. Yours respectfully. liostie Kros. & Wright BOOKS A?SI STATIONARY, ARTISTS' M4T1KIAI.H.I KNiilNliKKS' SI Tl'UliS. I'lCTt Ki:S ASH I-'KAMIIS, PASO' ramus. HI.AMK IK)Olt!i,i;Vi:HV(iRtl)i:, IMM.l.S. TOYS AN! CAM lis. Wl.STl.UN is. c. ci:iK!, HUTU I'HiiTOl'.KAI'llIC ANH HA.' I'AlXTHli, AT ESTABROOK'S, 22 8. Main Street. If you want a good I'ln brella that is warranted not to CRACK call nn ARTHUR M. FIELD, THE LEADING JEWELER. A fine line of imported han dles different, ''you know." from anyone else's. FOR SALE ! 50-HORSli BOILER AND KNtUNIi, POWER MOKT1SER AND UORHK, FOOT POWER MORT1SUR, SIX'TION FAN, OAK, ASH, WALNt'T, CHERRY, I'll AND POPLAR LUMBER, STEAM PIPE. NEW HERRING SAFE. Address, W. E. WILLIAMSON & SON, ASHEVII.LE, N. C. ept:2 d&w 2m Mr. C. Pittman, Black Creek, . C. had a had sore leg, caused by a wound received during the war, and which had been sore ever since. He was cured by using Mrs. Joe Person's Remedy and Wash. iW P 5 CD THE RACKET COLUMN. business fit the "I?ig Racket Store" has in creased so much within the past two weeks, (since the opening of our im i mense new stock) that we have not had time to write a suitable adver tisement for this column. Will naine some goods and prices in our next. In the meantime, remem ber that we keep EVERYTHING And srll at prices guar anteed to be the lowest in town. Having' a force of salesmen and sales-ladies, the tedious waits that our patient patrons have had to endure are no longer necessary; so come on, you shall be po litely served, without de lay, and sent away with Rargains. Very resiiectfully, GEO. T. JONES & CO. "RACKET COLUMN. HOTELS. STRAUSS RESTAURANT -ANI- Oystcr Oy Parlor. KI'ROPFAN PLAN. Meals at all Hour. KU-ctric Cars Pass tlie oor. I tnke nltnsiir.- in :iniii)iiiuiiiK the Oyster Season nf 1 SMl-'no lm ik-iuiI. uml my experience in tlie liniiies justifies me in nssurinK the mil.lie that I can please anil sat isfy all eiistuim rs. I will nerve oysters in the best style, anil ilealiiiR imly with reliable himses, can oner the finest hivnlves on the market. Try our Philadelphia Fry, Or Tan Roast. Boston Hay Stews a spei ialty. ('rent care will be taken with all orders I scM only the finest mill freshest oysters that can be hnt. 1 receive shipments direct from packers every Hftcmoon. Charges reason able. My restaurant is also supplied with BIRDS, GAME, FRESH FISH, ETC, At all tiiin-s. Special attention K'ven to lady customers Polite and attentive waiters. Hoard by day, week or month with or with out rooms. If you want tht best the market affords call on K. STR AI NS, Prop'r., South Main Street. PKIVATi; KOAKO. Sl:W UDISK! NKWl.N I'CKNISHKM AM. MOIH-KX IMI'Ki'YI-MlCNTS. MRS. N. It. ATKIJSSON. No I'll Haywood Street. juu2'J ill v jaKIVATI-: IIHAHI'. A IntKC house. Mis rutlonuyenue. Warm, comfortable rooms. ( n street ear line. Terms reasonable. octKiHim MKS.J. I.. SMATH1-KS. M US. K. STliV EXSON Has removed to the Johnston HuildinK. Put? ton avenue, corner ot Church street, where she is prepared to keep regular or transient hoarders. Table furnished with the best the market affords. Term reasonable ni'ir 31tnfi J. W. SCIIARTLE, MERCHANT TAILOR 42 N. Main St fehlludlv JAMES FRANK, OHAI.KK IN FAMILY GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS AKi-nt for Keems Creek Woolen Mills. North Main fcMOill y Asheville, N. C. WM. R, PENNIMAN, I'KOI'KlKTtlK HI' THE ASHEVILLE BRICK WORKS, Asheville, N. C. I. . Ilox I'. iari;td1y GEO. KI3IBER, GENERALCONTRAGTOR AND BUILDER Mosaic Tile and Cement work a specialty. Grates, Ranges and Hoilcrs set. Buildings moved anil repaired in first class manner Sewerage. Drainage ami tra)w t'oj the same thorouKhly understood and promptly at tended to. Office: Wolfe UuildiitK, Court II oust Square, Asheville, N. C. imtyHndly TIIKKB IS Nil Royal Road to Fortune, HI T VIM- CAN Practice Economy AMI HI V YOI H GROCERIES, GRAIN, PROVISIONS, IMiKll. liTC. I'KOM A. D. COOPER, Cor. Main and College Sts. Prices are cut down to suit the times, and goods delivered free to any part of the city. JV) THK PriiLIC. The undersized may be found in Shank's new nuilthnK, one door west ot j. r. ooir bury's stable, on CoIU-kc strest. They are prepared to manmacture cnrriaKt's, nuRKies, wagons, nnd anything else in their line. Ke pairing and horseshoeitiK are specialties Thev have secured the services of Henry Pow ell, and would be pleased to receive a liberal share of patronage. Satisfaction guaranteed jul3 dfim Ul'KNBTTK & HOWAKU. . $2.99 Shoe. For gentlemen. A perfect shoe at a moderate coat. Trr a pair ot our specialties in gent'e men'tfootwear. at$fl.OO. $.oo. $3.f(. $2.99, $2. SO and $2.(H). Every pair warranted. Ex amine our specialties tor lames at .uu. $2.99, $2.0 and $2.00, unexcelled for com fort, durability and style. Insist on having the original M A. Packard th Co.'s Shoes. The genuine have our stamp on bottom of each shoe. Sent postpaid to any part of the I. S. on receipt of price. M. A. PACKARD & CO., Brockton, Mass. Por sale in Asheville by H. REDWOOU & CO. augll deod rmoi au we fri pOR 8ALB. 14 acres of laml on Beaver Dam road, just opposite J. S. Burnett's. A fine site for a sub urban residence. A nice knoll covered with clover and some fine oak, with beautiful views of mountains and the city. A rare chance to buy such a piece of land with nice clear springs gushing from the hill. Terms easy and price low. BuSTIC, HUSTON ACO. 13 dtf SCHOOL AND KINDERGARTEN, Miss Champion, Mil CHhSTM-TST. Kail term Wli Sept. Sr.. Thoronnh In. j str etion ii, l!nh. I1,. " -'"-istlu-llics by cxpi rienceil te.nh.rs. Sep 7 d.'lill . - - i KnjfHstli and French j BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL,! FOR YOUNG LADIES AND LITTLE GIRLS, No. 0 I'rriuh llionil Avenue. MRS. BURGWYN IKIAITLAN1), PRINCIPAL ( For many years Associate rrineipul of Mt. Vernon Institute. Italtnnore. I Assisted by a corps otj-onipentent teachers. The course of instruction includes the muni l-ncjish branches with I'tvneh and Latm. Extrns-Miiie. Herman. Art Needle Work, raintiim on l lim.-i. I'linrini: and KiiliitK- Special attention then to the trniniilR n( little ecirls. ""K1 ,Hm J. N. MORGAN & CO., No. 3 Barnard Building. N-liool inid ColiVfjt' Text Hooks, ii full line. Torts, His tory. llonmiHV, HiosiTiipliy, Tr.ivcl mikI Novels. Family liiliW S. S. Hibles nnd 'lVst- iiinciits, Oxford Toiicliors' Hibles. Son- Hooks of nil kinds, largest oek Miit ioiht.v. I'.liink Hooks iind OHice find School Supplies. New line Ladies' and (ients' I'ocket books just opened. Fancy (ioods and Polls. teblndl v Street Car Schedule. IleniniiinK at x.-'.l a. in. KmliiiR 10.30 p ni Car leaves Square lor l'cpot every hour ami hall hour. Car leaves Square lor Meihe s . niiuiiic alter each hour. Car le yes Square lor Poubleilny 7 minutes after each hall hour. Car leaves Pepol lor Square 7. minutes bc t'ore each hour anil halt hour. Car leaves Mclke's lor Square 7 minutes be fore each half hour. Car leaves lioubleday for Square 7 minutes before ea. h hour. t I'asseiietrs from lioubleday lor Melke s. ,,.,.1 . i.-i. ti-.'oisfer at Coiui.auv's van!. Hae.euec .1 cents for each piece carried oil , liaeKi'Kc car. WaitillK Koom for I.ailtes at Messrs. llcr riiiK Weaver's. No. :l'.i I'nLon avenue. observe sijjns on outside ot cai b rils des tination. Tiain car meets each train. one valisf allowed each passeneer on pass enter car. Tin-: ash i: 11.1.1; stkiskt k. cu. Steal Kstate for Sale. ' The pruperiv known as the " Mission Hos ! pita! property' has been suhdived iniosplen 1 tlid IniildiiiL' lots, and is now o tiered lor sale. Three of i iuse lotstmnt South, upon Wood I fin street. Thev are the most desirahle lots ! and are the lowest priced lots ia town, when vou take in t" consideration t heir location, eic. Tw o lots trout on Chtirlot te strei t, and one of these has a "larjj haiidsoine old man sion" upon it, surrounded by tieaittilul oak trees. 'I he house is worth more than is asked lor the place. , The other is a corner lot and is one oi the ino-.t tieamitul unimprovtd lots in Asheville. What makes this property particularly de sirable is its locution upon the I. ine of the Street Kailwuv, its nearness to churches, schools, business, etc. It is on the electric liht line, sewer line, jras line, etc. It is near the College, and is in one of the best neigh borhoods in the city. This propei ty has been put into my nunns sell, either at private sale or public auc tion. Ail lots not solil tiv tne -'ti oi ticcein ber will be sold by me at that time. IK S. WATSON, Real Itatc Agent octl!7 dtt FOliTIIISAVEKK Wc arc guiiin to ortt-r sonu- rt-ftl tcttnti Ilnr. Bains in mir Ilnr. Hciivy Niiki'l anil llrass Coaih IlnrniBB. H4 Trail-, Full I'atillt l.cnlliiT Collar, $:i7."ill, tiirmrr priir $ l"i ; SiilKli- Hiiuk.v llanuss, I la is inoiintiiiK $-.". iiiikil jil7.r. In Whitman Saddles, Pot both ladies and gentlemen, we.are going to sell at New York prices, net. Ladies' Side Saddle, full pig scat, and Skirt, $; next quality $:; Men's Imported ICnglish Tree, flat seat, $:to, formerly $.'15. por Horse Blankets and Whips wc are headquarters. Pull Whalelione Whin to Sl!."iO. Best Buggy Whip in town for 75c. tlood Buggy Cushions $1. Social prices in whips to Liv erymen in quantities. We bought our Horse lllaiikets Direct from the M AM'PACTl'RliK and can sell them cheaper than anv one in town. El bcron, all wool, in yellow and brown, SUxHli, $lo per pair, sold lust year for $15; Fawn, 70x80, solid colors, $8 per pair, sold for $10 last season. We have them in all styles anil prices to $2.75 per pair. These are sieciul prices for this week, E. V. JONKS, 34 N. Main St. W. 0. WOLFE, GRANITE AND MARBLE MONUMENTS New lot of designs just received. Large lotol Tablets and Slabs, very low for cash. You will save money by calling on me before pur chasing. Wareroom Wolfe Building, S. K. Court Square. scpS dOm THE LAKGliST AND BEST EmIPPKD IN THE SOUTH. CHEMICAL AND ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES OF II. C. Woltcreck & Co. CONSI'LTlNO CIIBMIST AND MINIMI KNOINKKHft. Analyses of Metnls, Ores, Coal or Coke, Min eral Waters, Fertilizers, etc. PRICE LIST ON APPLICATION. Mining property investigated, developed, bought and sold. Correspondence solicited. Samples can be sent by mail or express. If sent by express, charges must be prepaid. Agents wanted in every place. Chattanooga, Tenn. DR. H. C. WOLTCRECK. novS d&wly Manager. PITA CURED BY OLD SPECIALIST LI I V PHYSICIAN. ll I II nttle of medicine Free. We war I I I V rant our remedy to cure the worst eases, and the only physicians whodo this to prevent your being imposed upon by men using false names and who are not Doctors. Because others failed is no reasor for not using this medicine. Give Express and Post office address. It costs you nothing. Addtess Asa he I Medical Bureau, 291 Broadway, New York. Jaa27d&wlY TAX NOTICE ! AH persons who have not paid their taxes for IHM'.t must come in at once and do so, or I they wilt surely have to pay cost. I am re- i quired hy the law to settle on the first Mon ilny in Jutumry, istrn. That I intend to do. The property of those who do not pay their Uix ly he Iast of November Will he lulve tisid mr sale on the 1st day of Iteeeinber anil will Ik sold to pay the tax. All purlins who have no prop- rty will be garnishee! I at onee. Come nr.tl wave trouble and eost. I). I- Reynolds, Sheriff. TO WEAK LIEU Buffering from the oiTmU of youthful orrorm, early decay, wanting woaknenn, lost manhood, etc., 1 will end ft valuable treatim fiealfdi containing full particular! for homo cure, FREE0 charge. A splendid medical work ; ihould be read hy every man who Is nerrouB and debilitated. Addreu, Prof. F. C FOWLEH, Woodut, Conn novo ilJfcw O T 1 C E M O K T t; AfiB S A L K . Hy virtue of a niortKitRv nnd power of sale executed to the undersigned bv Win. T. il kins on the 17th dav ot November, HH7, and registered in Hook 11, piie 543 in the oilue tt KejiistiroI'lu-edHof Huneotn be county, we wilt sell to the holiest bidder for ensh ut the court house door, ill the City of Ashevillc on Saturday. November :to, ni 12 o'clock, five cert a n town l"ts in the City of Asheville near Southside Avenue, and on McDowell street, beiiiK lots Nos. 7, !. 15, Hi nml i0 of tin Mclutwell ddttion to the City of Ashe ville. For n more perfect description of same reference is hereby made to said mortgage. This the 3oth u.iv of tt tidier, i-ssit. I, It. HOSTIC, C. D. Hl.ANTOV, nitvl dt ri C.UO. A. SHl'FOHII. VOW SALE ! l-JKbt houses and lots on Southside u venue and Hniley streits, ns a whole $,50O or sep arately corn suondiiifily its cbiap, on eas terms. FOR HALK OR UtiNFTV One House, ll.' rooms S'jo pt r month h irt ' H " 15 7 " (Town Mti 10 " ine l-arin of 5o aens, and N room hrick hottse, ailjoininu Vnnderbilt property. SH,. ooo, or $.'to per tuoath rent. Apply to Campbell, liny 7 dim Ken! Estate Healer. All eye fitted nml til guaranteed. A com pletc stock of the above goods at (KANT'S DRl'i; STORK, 2S(H'TH MAIN 8TKUUT. Oi-ulists' lrisi.-riitHns u sji,-i-iulty. nt-i:i illlm TO MACKINAC Summer Tours, Plc Steamir. Low Btc Four Trip, per Wnk Balmen DETROIT, MACKINAC ISLAND Petoikpy, Bault 8ia. Mrt, aud Lake Humu W.iy Ports. Kvsry Week Day Bet was d DETROIT AND CLEVELAND fwi-inl Miuday Tript during Jiiuf, July, Auiit mil 9 Doubln Daily Line Betw.en CHICG0 AND ST. JOSEPH, MICH. O'JR ILLUSTRATED PAVPHL'TA Hale, nntl Ex'iunii II Tlcke'. will b fuTlel.-Ci bv Tour Tlfk'" Airrut, rp . d -t . it f . P. WHITC0MB. Q. P. A.. De TRniT . re. .. . Os-.rjlt and Cleveland Steam Nnv. C-, nwiyl 8 FINEST FARM IN NORTH CAROLINA FOR HACK I The Lowndes Place, In Transylvania Countv. One of the finest and best located farms nt Western N. L.. " mites fnnn the hriving town of Hrevnnl. the enmity sent of this. Transyl vanin"cotinty. Tlie buildings are (ill in good repair, ctmsisting of n large two story dwell ing house, with Ki rnnins. caninue house, ice house, ami in fact, nil neeessury outbuildings. Storage room for i?;o ton of Imv and Rt bling lor lOU head of cuttle A very substan tial and convenient mule stable, with accom modation for lO mules. This farm contains s30 acres, of which ;inij acres are bottom, lying on the French Urond river, and in a very" high state of cultivation, lio acres of this is well se t in meadow red top or herds grass, of the remaining fV.'hi acres. 100 acres are in upla-id pasture finely set with a mixture of grasses. Plenty of handsome oaks for shade in pasture land. Mtight running utreutnso- tune waterinevery field. The remai der is iu woodland, with all the diflerent varieties of timber locust, chestnut, oak, poplar, etc. Convenient to good schools, churches and postoHicc. 1'nily mail. Fifteen miles from liendersonville and US miles from Asheville. and on or very m ar the line of the contemplated Atlanta, Ashe ville nnd Baltimore railroad. No such farm for its size can be found in this State or any other State, for value, beauty anil desirability every way. For 11 rice and particulars apply to or ad dress TCatt Atkinson &. Son, Asheville, N. C. P. S. Also two other smull but very desir able tracts near by at low figures. octlO dtf INSURANCE. JpIRK INSt'RANCH. FIUE. LIFE. ACCIDENT PULLIAM & CO. At the Bank of Asheville. ASHBVILLB, N. C Represent the following companies, vis, P1HK. CASH A8SKTS IN Anglo Nevada, of California, $2,497, Continental, of New Yord 4-.H7S, 1 1 amburg-Uremen, of Germany 1 ,1 29, London Assurance, of England 1,543, V. s. ,833 ,623 ,m4 ,995 ,492 ,(192 ,179 061 6N4 ,232 -mgnra, oi rew vorK Orient, of Hartford Phoenix, of Brooklyn St. Paul Fire and Marine, of Min nesota Southern, of New Orleans Western, ot Toronto Mutual Accident Association. Ktna Life Insurance Company. dtmar29 2,337, 1.6B7, 5,054, 1,041, 439, 1,039, EALED PROPOSALS. Sealed proposals will be received from sur veyors and engineers at this office for the sur veying of a roud rom the county line, at the head of Spring creek, via Big and Little Pine creeks to Murshall; thence by way of Mars. Hill to Yancey county line, at the head . Ivy, until 12 o'clock noon, November 4, 1889 O. B. HOLCOMBK. Register of Ieeds, Madison countv. Marshall, N. C, Oct. 12, '89. dtnovi