THE DAILY CITIZEN. The Citiihn I. the most extensively circu lated and widely read newspaper in W estern North Carolina. Its discussion of public men and measures la in the interest of public integrity, honest government, and prospcrou. industry, ana it knows no personal allegianccm treating pub- The ClTIZBN publishes the dispatches of the Associated frcss, wnicn now m n '. .t..,t ia i it hii other fricili- tks of advanced journalism for gathering news from all quarters, wim - rlUAH ... riilllIV th( Sttialll'St SPtlCe. Specimen copies of any edition will be sent ree to anv one sending their address. TKHMS-Hnilv, $ lor one year; $.t for six months ; 50 cents for one month : 15 cents lor one week. Carriers will deliver the paper in evcrv part ol the citv to subscribers, anil par ties wanting it will please eall at the citizks 'nvKKTislNG Rates Reasonable, and made known on application at this ottice. All transient advertisements must be paid in at "Reading notices ten cents per line. Ohitii arv, marriage and society not'ees fifty cents each (not exceeding ten lines) or titty cents per inch. TUESDAY7NbvEMBKR 1'-', 1880. MINING IIS NORTH CAROUKA. We are always pleased to see reference made bv our State vajwrs to the many and various mining interests in North Carolina, more vast and widely diffused than is generally known even by our own ,..,..le. Since the irreiit Kold excitement attendant upon the discovery of the Rrcnt surface washings in lliirke anil Rutherford, about which time there was a rush of adventurers and em ployment of labor repeated on a much larger scale in California in 1SU, and re- n,..,.. hn litni comparatively 111111 LMV.V THE MORROW SHOE STILL, AHEAD AND GAINING REPUTATION EVERY DAY. THE RACKET COLUMN. SATIONALAFRIfO-AJIKRItAS i.icAtiii:. It must strike the most indulgent to weakness or to vanity that our AlVieo Ameriean fellow-citizens, as they style themselves, are overstepping not only the lines of nroprietv, but of common sense, by the presumptuous claims they arc makiuK or are made for them to a consideration only to lie granted under deserved conditions. What the Anglo American enjoys of suclu' has earned or it has been earned foi him, bv centuries of hard work, by war sometimes, bv resistance to oppression bv earnest study of the principles of con stitutional liberty, by training in tin scntials of these principles, by trials am by discipline in the practice of them What the Afrieo-Amencan enjoys is a no gift. He has earned nothing ol it. Il his present eniovment of what he pos sesses, he is dependent upon his while lei low citizens; he is bolstered up by tlici hrlnimw. If that were withdrawn, he would at once fall back into helpless im potenee or hopeless barbarity. Therefore, the Africo-Ameriean had bet ter let well enough alone for the present. The distinction between the darkness and degradation of bondage is not yet snth ciently effaced by the twenty-five yearsol freedom to have created new characteris tics, to have developed new powers, oi establish new claims, which, il estab lished, would equalize the conditions be tween those who won or earned then privileges, and those to whom certain privileges claimed attach by the act ol God, the act of war, the act of legisla tion, or the act of philanthropic fanaticism. We were impressed, we cannot say pa tiently or favorably, by the address lately issued bv one Fortune, the editor of a ne gro paper published in the city ol New York, calling for a negro convention t beheld in Nashville, Tcnn., in January lS'.M. The address embraces a declaration ol grievances worthy the protest ol apcopl equally contributing by their brains ant tun kets to the general welfare of the com monwealth; when, in the light of fact thev are preposterous, presumptuous ant. ungrateful. If there is taxation without n.,.n-ci-iit.-.i inn. that grievance exists at the north, where there has neither beci State nor congressional colored repre sentation, but where, as at the South, il representation is based on property there is relatively little of it to be repre- nem little commotion exctteo uv cue ...... crv of gold mines in this State, because . . 1.. ....... tine vcrv xperiencc litis tatigui, '. bitterly, that all was not gom r, tered, or at least, that it cost as miteii as t .v.-.s worth to get it. Placer mining is tilltiuictlv pursued in at least twenty ,ii.s in the State; ami vein mining nvolvintr much capiutl and costly equip . u. Ktiin- ment engages CHierpi . m , Mecklenburg, Cabarrus, Montgom- ami some other counties to an ex tent that gives a mining cn.iuiu.M- .... those counties. A iicculiar lent lire ol gold mining in North Carolina is the ex- Ivetl in tnc iniiusuy in HOTELS. STRAUSS' RESTAURANT , , . w VY . Li. UUUUIao name -uw nc piivc ic M T T f I I VJ stamped on the bottom of atl Shoes adver- j l II J 111 Used by him before leavlnjc hit factory ; this . . . i.rAr ,mrAa if vnur dealer does not keen against price. ... " "- - ' -AND- "Oyster" Prlor. Kl'KOPKAN PLAN. Meals at all Hours. Klcctric Cars Pass Hie Door. protects the wenrers the style or kind you ... ..rntTerS VOU Shoes WltnOUt W. U. out uinx want, or oners you deceived thereby, but send di. .i"wl " ' . .... . .u nn.t.m runlM .1 e.. tltei- are W tlS Fm-to;,. " "-ijScVjS: a'SaTited'Siy anyAody"rfore do no! u, ike more nrolit "" SnVwputnUon. Buy only those that have W. U. DODO l,t. induced to buy hoes ' J J. bott,n. an,l y,,u are sure to get lull value - for your LAS' name mid the I" s,t, !"'P" saved onnua'lv bv the wearers ol W. L. DUItcLAS' money. Thousands ol , i . its or . wnnt ConlinM Bttoll or I.aee, London cap Sh.K-s. in or.ler.iiR by " j,', toe, and be sure to give sire and width you wear 1 toe, plain l'rench to., oi "', ' shoes are made in sreat variety of widths, site; can lit any foot that is not H r delivery and perfect satisfaction or money refunded and hall sizes. 1 Bimnintcc a tit. pi j w h DOUGLAS, Brockton, Mass. ,i return ol Hie mi"1-' " . - - is found in Chero- tin tent ol territory invoi lor the precious me Ice the most western county m Stale, ami in Nash, one .if the most cast i n : and. in greater or less quantity, in icarly evcrv intermediate county. The Wilmington Messenger comments suggestively and plca-nnlly upon the . .i.i. .1... t-,ti. :im! refers to mineral weauu " i"- he many minerals which almost every where either furnish or promise wealth. uch as the copper of Granville, and the -il w h eh sto lie (liseerneii in mc stone belt of that region. The Mcssen i tn lin ger manes no .illusion, n..... coal beds already exposed those of the Deep river and the 1 lan river basins. It is a remarkable fact that North Carolina is the most southern of the Atlantic-coast States in which coal is found. It does not exist either in South Carolina, ('.cur ia or Florida. In this State it is totinti mlv in the localities named, on I'tcp i ...,.-..i- .-in urea riverine eoai int."""" ' rge enough, wilh scams thick enough 1 with quality good enough, to .lustily i.;. .iil tliiise mines, oiieneil oclorc the war", and then suffered to till with water, arc now again opened and worked. and will soon supply ihcinicrionlcinautl.- f the State. The lau river mints, cov- ring a smaller area nun iuhh' s lerenl variety ol coul-scuii-liituiuiumis-ihough long known to exist, have so re- ntlv been opened that the Urst smp ent of coal was only made from there week. Thev arc now maoc attt. il... :i ,1 .mil i heir su. in hes will no Inula soon exercise an impoiiaiii in.." .nee upon the cost of fuel in ibc markets which they seek. The Messenger speaks of talc m Chero kee as a noveliy confined to that county. It .iocs abound there in g.eaiahundancc, licautv, but it litis been The mil of great known and used for many years. lost extensive talc mines that have been nened arc on Xoltely river, live or six ,.,il....iit Invest of Murphy. From om it' those mines which we visited tw .i t i.. in c. in masse oi mice ciu;i ..." i..,tv .-nid perfect purity, litis been quarried to the extent ol thousands ions a vcar anil iransii.M ico ... ailroud station in Georgia, to be ...n I..,, i disturb ..limned to a northern market, lne.soiiu senieu, too sin.... .... v..... i i . . m .,,.- c .1.. ..i. ...,. .n I i ti.i.v inii!.iicu to ...i.... the preponderance o, me ng .- t..o V ,,lil.,-e wi In .orin t.aro- runs tnrougii cue .. . v t .... i ...i.... i...i I ti,..r.. li.-i never a lie ureal i cveloonient in mat ami ui..t. una. on toe uliici ......... - r- . .. i .:..i..... r,,t ;.i.-.. the .lavs of recoil- i ale iiuarries in Cherokee. tB.S.-lu.v . - .. . .- ..... M..-..I... l-......l.ol ...l,. ,-,. tlu-rrwas not at least Along Hie line oi inc ... u. S.1UL1I.". . , , . ten per cent of that body negroes; and the Western North t.arona ra.,.,... : -....n.rrs in which there ihe force of the Niinttthala river, is an never u sini.". - i , ., , iimimini vf from this extensive tale quarry, liccweei. cut ..... v. -lis not nvi . . vr. . e.. c .;,!, h Carolina. Georgiti road and the river is a mill, in wlnrh tile .. '.. .'i..i ; to.ire nr less deuree. and tale, taken from the mountainside on the ... .., .. ... , . ,i ... .'reatlv to their own hindrance. And so other side ot me raino...., . . with all other things complained or, an powder, ami snippci., ... ...I.I..I, mn.l.- on false nrenuscs and manv car loads weekly, to a ""'"" overstrained conception of rights. destination. Large capital, costly ina- .,,1.1 chinerv and smiled lanor -eni....t" i.i- .... A., i t ie A .'Ksenrcr win .. . . . 1, ..1. tl.n ...-n. 1 Lllln Cllltl 111 liv. ...... ungrateful demnnti upon " ,,l,s.rve that neither our Cherokee posed convention will tie caiieu to at l - - ..,;,!.. f,- 1 -. .. n-fnii Iriem s are w tilting ioi to secure a more cquiuni.t .......i.- . ,. ,..i,i,.rv anil nl the school funds." hen it is consul- " e . , ' , , ered that in North Carolina the whites orej contribute ninety-five per cent, ol the money collected by taxation for the sup port of the public schools, that the ne uroes contribute the oilier nve per cent and that in the distribution oi tne num they receive fifty ier cent ; that the State moreover sustains at the expense oi tin taxpayers a lilieral system ot normal schools for the instruction of neg o teachers, it would seem that effrontery and ingratitude could go no farther. An.1 n demand, if pressed, will be thr last hair that broke the camel's back iiiiin we call your si('- attention to tho ceMrnt(Hl Morrow Shoes, which have stood tht test f or nuni.v. years for Pi UAUiUTY. for ExcKi.- l.l-.NCKOl'STVI.K.forCo.MI'OHT and Exactness ok Fit, beintf etiual in (inality, style and fit to any Fine Shoes made. We carry the above Shoes in ..v-..-il different styles, and will have no trouble to suit you in size Nor any trouble to sell you ajA'nin in the future. We ha vo in stock a com plete line of all kindsof Shoes of every desirable style kept. We mean to sell. .No more liiih prices. Come and examine our o-oods; it will not cost you a cent. We want you to call ami trade with us.wilhthe assur ance that you will be treated well on all occasions. A full line of DUY COOPS. Hats and Clothiii'nlwa.ywon hand at astonishingly low prices. Yours respectfully , Kostic liros. & rigni BOOKS AND STATIONERY, ARTISTS' SIATIiKIAI,l knoini:i:ks' sci-i'Lihs, imctl'khs ash i-ramrs, FANCY C.lltlliS. HUNK BODKSiKVKKVCRADK, HOI.I.S, T,)YS ANli 0AM US. WKSTKHN I. C. SCKJUKS. AN1I HAN1I- 11UTH I'llllTOl'.KAriUC PAl.NTlil.. AT oare tale for market," a business to which they have put their own hands some years ago. The Wilmington Star incidentally re minds us that in our notice ol tue .orui Carolina Tress we omitted mention of the fact that that paier not only re tains, alone of all the State dailies exist ing in 1874, its original name, but its original management. And this is a very significant fact as illustrative of the in stabilitv of journalism in the State. The ESTABROOK'S, aa S. Main Street. Star stands alone in its survival in origi nal form among; the dailies; and among Abstractly, we, as well as all good citi- t)e weeklies we only recall the Salisbury 7ens. are anxious that the negro be edu- Watchman, Mr. Hiuucr editor, and the cated up to the point which will enable Eiiznueth City Economist, Col. Creeey. him properly to perlorm tne duty oi cm- wilf) come down to us uncnangeci. whiu lenshin. Therefore there has been no , retained original names ; but none purpose to withdraw the aid mat tne ntllcrs that we recall are under tne sanit State out of its poverty has given to educate, share and share alike between the white and the black. We confess we are not encouraged by results. If there fore the recipients of a bounty so oner ously exacted, so generously bestowed, so unfruitfully utilized, shall presume to complain and dictate other terms, there will arise a very fair prospect of being left to themselves. They would appear to lay down the alternative, as applied in this State at least, of the whole or none. They are much more apt to re ceive the latter rather than the other. We agree with the Wilmington Messen ger in its iews of the alternatives. That paper says : "If Fortune and his crowd dare com--l.,;- in convention of the present distri bution of school funds, it will be in order tVu. whites to withhold their hands and say with all due emphasis educate hereafter your own cnuurcn. .c not sav that such a determination would HmlorHhle. and the Messenger would vrrv Eorrv to see it. But in view of fart there is a respectable minority even now among the whites who are not hesitating to say they are tired of being taxed to send negroes to school, it will be adangeronseourse to pursue to follow th.nlanr.fthe New York Fortune. It will be wise to be thankful for what has editorial management. Dr. Parker I'rays cream Van-Ola, Kosu- line, Ougaline ami Diamond nan powttet havintr now lieeome the ladies' favorites, at F. L.Iacob's drug store, these popular manicure articles may always lie found together with pocket emery board, or ange wood sticks, nail scissors, nies ami other such requisites. Also a complete line of drugs and toilet articles, in addi tion to the Hebe Soda Fountain from which ice cold drinks are dispensed. Cor ner Main street and littonjivenue. Bilks-Come up and hear our new minister to-day. Nobbs-.No, thanks; I heard him once and have always re gretted it. Bilks-Why, I guess you are mistaken. Nobbs-Not a bit of it; he is the minister who married us. tyrup of FIRS. Produced from the laxative and nutri tious juice of California figs, combined with the medicinal virtues of plants known to be most beneficial to the hu man system, acts gently, on the kidneys, liver and bowels, effectually cleansing the svstem, dispelling colds and headaches, a'nd curing habitual constipation. 'Mrs. Gadd (who spent the summer on . ... riI did not meet yon at . nf thr .i.mmer resorts, Mrs. Gabb ( who summered on her uncle's farm) If you want a food Um brella that is warranted not to (.'HACK call on ARTHUR M. FIELD, THE LEADING JEWELER. A tine line of imported han dles different, "you know,' from anyone else's. Business at the "Uifr Racket Store" has in creased so much within the past two weeks, (since the opening of our im mense new stock) that we have not had time to write a suitable adver tisement for this column. Will name some goods and prices in our next. In the meantime, remem ber that we keep EVERYTHING And sell fit trices guar anteed to be the lowest in town. Having a force of salesmen and sales-ladies, the tedious waits that our patient patrons have had to endure are no longer necessary; so come on, you shall be po litely served, without de lay, and sent away with Bargains. Very respectfully, GEO. T.JONES & CO. I tnke pleasure in nniliiumiliK the Oyster Season of 1 RMSl- ilo Ims ..pcncl. nml my Ions ....n,.,. iii tlic justifies me ill nssiiritlK the public that l can Isfv nil customers. I will serve o.s... ... dent style, nml dealing only vim rtu... houses, can oiler the lincst hivnlvcs on the market. Try our Philadelphia Fry, Or Tien Ront. Boston IlnyStcu-saspccinltv. enre will be tuken with all orders I sell onlv the finest nml freshest oysters that enn he hart. I receive shipments direct from puckers every afternoon. Chaws reason able. My restaurant is also supplied with BIRDS, fiAME, FRESH FISH, ETC., At nil limes. Special attention Riven to lady customers. Polite anil attentive waiters. Board bv (lav, week or month with or with out rooms. If you want the best the market affords call on K. STBAISS, Prop'r., South Main Street. PRIVATE BOARD. NHW IIOISB! NEWLY FCRNISH12D1 ALL MOIlliRN IMPROVEMENTS. MRS. N. B. ATKINSON, No. 21 1 Haywood Street. juiiS!'Jdlv V. L,. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE GENUEHKN. 1 i fine seamless calf shoe, with Iionsola tops, and oak leather bottoms. They are made in Congress. Button and I.aee on London Cap Toe, Naitow Cap roe and Plain Pr.nch roc Lasts, in sm-s from S to tl. inclmiiiiK half siies nd all w idths. If von have been paying from S5 to JB for shoes ol this quality ilo not do so longer. One pair will wear as long s two pnirs of common sold by dealers that arc not warranted by the "Tlur elaims'for this shoe over all other $3 shoe advertised, are: 1st It contains better material. 2d It is more stvlish, better rutins and durable. 3d. It jrives better general satisfaction. 4th It costs more money to make. 5th. It saves more money for the eonmuiner. Oth 1 1 is sold bv more dealer throuuhout the V-a. 7th It's gieat success is due to merit. 8th. Itcannotbe duplicated by any other maim. 9th. ItistheiicBtinthc world.andhasalnrgerde. mandthan any otner a snoc u...t.". n 00.1 will be paid to any person who will prove the above statement, to be untrue. The fl.000 'f ;i( w. k limJ9 wn bc found to ,)e , thc 9ame quH,ity of excellence : c CFNCINB HANIi-SEWEI). which takes the place of custom-made .00llOe s'hoes that cost from 7 to $11. ... THK ORIGINAL AN1. ONLY HANIKSHWED WELT $4 SHOE. &4.00 SllOe L"uol"cutomAmade shoe, costing from $8 to $8. . .. env pni ICEMEN. Railroad Men and Letter Carrlersall 'htm- &.CO SllOe LL'LVlV nside a a hand-sewed shoe. No tacks or wax thread to hurt the feet. , CI IS UNEXCELLED FOR HEAVY WEAR. Best Calf Shoe for the $2.50 Shoe Price. 1 CI WORKINf.MAN S. Is the best in the world for rough wear; on. SllOe ,.ir m,Kht to wear a man a year. Tl'l. AI TO SHOES THAT COST FROM 3 to $3.30. One pair 2.00 SllOe ,VaVl.mgeV than any shoe ever sold at thepricc. o Shoe F"K BOYS is thc l,cst Sc""' sh"e thc wrl I2'0 1 YliVTHB- SCHOOL, gives the small Boy. a chance to wear the best SI75 SlOe shoes in the world. All made in Congress, Button and Lace. W. L.. Douglas' $3 and $2 Shoes ..aTe . ... . u t M uml' Shoe, are made in from 1 to 7, including nan sizes, ..u ... - - - Jl(IVATli llOAKii. A large house 31K Pulton comfortable ni'mis. On .,Vr,s reasonable k ATIUSRS MRS. STKVENSN Has removed to tile Johnston Building Pat ton avenue corner of Church street, where sh? " prepared to keep regular or tr.insieiit boarders. Table furnished with the best the market nlTords. Ternisreasimnlile enue. Warm. st.cet car line. nnr 31 mil Both Ladies' HE widths. STYLES OF LADIES' SHOES. The American Common-Sense," J. W. SCIIARTL.K, MERCHANT TAILOR TfK- rl I.'i-.ueh Oiiern." "The Spanish Arcn I'ptr.., . , lh ,.test Stvles. Milium Cj-niim-Sellse A, n-. (m $., shoc omy. .. . . iw .i-i:l AS is the largest and only Shoe Manu Consumers should remember that . L. 1 I J'l- th RivinR all the'a laeturer in the world, supplying direct Irom inVr-J' ,ol 5UAg, BrocUou, Mas., profits to the wearer. - FOR SALE UY HERR1NG & -WEAVER. fcb'JOdlv 42 N. Main St. JAM ICS FRANK, nKALKK IN FAM1LYGR0CERIESAND PROVISIONS Agent for Reims Creek Woolen Mills. Real Kstate r Sale. SCHOOLS. SCHOOL AND KINDERGARTEN, North V. un fcl.mdly Asheville. N. C. WM. R. PE PROPRIETOR OF The pn.lM.-rtv known as the Mission H.w- 1 oil. I nil eriv" has been sul.riived iiltosple... 'S, . - lots, and is now offered lor sale . TliriVof lolst'ront South. upon ooil- , s net. Thev are the most desirable lot. n. I nr.- the lowest priced lots in .town, when . .1'. i,M , "large, handsome old man- Sep . .Mm " ' . . , ... .... 1,. 1, ,,,.! ...Ik tli more tnan isasi.e.i Mis! Champion, JH1 CHESTNUT ST. all term begins Sept. W. Thorough in- tr et on ... Klltrllslt, .-re.ieii, ..iu. .. . KneliMlt and French BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL, , FOR YOUNG LADIES AND LITTLE GIRLS, No. 4-0 French Broad Avenue. sion upon 11. sunoit trees. I lie nouse is wo. lor the place. The other is a corner most lion no.. ' "-.,,i...rtv de. What m.-.K. s mis pi........ i""V- ,. f n, siralile is its locution upon the Line of the Street Railway, its nearness 10 chui.lKS the College, and is in one of the best neigh- BURGWYN MA1TLAND, - PRINCIPAL " Th " ' r, 'pe. v has been put into my hands ... 'ii n't orivnu- sale or public auc tion Ail lots not sold by the M of Decern lur will be .old by me at that tune. THE ASHEVILLE BRICK WORKS, As.lieville, N. C. IV O. Ilox I'. I. S. WATSON, Real Ftate Agent. oct'JT dtf FOR Ti l IS WEEK (For many years Associate I'rmcipui o. a... vemon, "... Assisted by a corps of compentent teacher.. The course of instruction include, the usual English branches with French and Latin. Extras Music, German. Art Needle Work. Painting on China, Dancing and Riding. Special attention given to the training ol little girls. augldm GENERALCONTRACTOR AND BUILDER Mosaic Tile and Cement work a specialty. Grates, Ranges and Boilers set. Buildings moved and repaired in first class manner Sewerage, Drainage and traiM-for the same thoroughly understood and promptly at tended to. Office: Wolfe Building, Court House Square Asheville, N. C. maySOilly THERE IS NO Royal Road to Fortune HI T Vol' CAN Practice Economy AND lil'Y YOVR GROCERIES, GRAIN, PROVISIONS, FEED. ETC.. FROM A. D. COOPER, Cor. Main and College St.. rices arc cut down to suit the times, and goods delivered free to any part of thc city. nrtO THE Pt'BLIC. The undersigned may lie found in Shank s new building, one door west 01 J. r. oou- burv's stab e. on college strcsi. . prepared to manufacture carnage., buggies, wagons, and anything else in their line. Re pairing and horse-shoeing are specialties. Thev have secured the services of Henry I ow ell, and would b pleased to receive a liberal .hare of pat.onagc. Satisfaction guaranteed. iulS dtlm BURNBTTE & HOWARD. b done and iaoing ana o ki wc. V""" , "re," 1 don't remember FOR SALE ! SO-HORSE BOILER AND ENGINE, POWER MORTISER AND BORER. FOOT POWER MOKTISIiR, SI'CTION FAN, OAK, ASH, WAI.NTT, CHERRY, Pit AND POPLAR LUMBER, STEAM PIPE. NEW HERRING SAFE. Address, W. E, WILLIAMSON & SON, ASHEVILLE, N. C. sept2A d&w 2m Mr. lor Person's Remedy cured Mr. R. E. Klliott'i child of scrofula in the eyes, alter all other remedies naa lanea and the cure has proven permanent. Wc are going to offer some real good Bur. gains in our line. Heavy Nickel and Brass Coach Harness. IV Trace, Full Potent Leather Collar, $37.50. former price , Single Buggy Harness, Davis mounting $25, nickel $17,011. In Whitman Saddles, For both ludies and gentlemen, we are going to sell at New York price., net. Ladies' Side Saddle, full pig seat, and Skirt, $0; next quality $30; Men's Imported English Tree, llat seat, $30, lormcriy .... r Blanket, and Whips we are headquarters. Full Whalebone Whin $1.(111 to $2.50. Best Buggy Whip in town for 75c. Good Buggy Cushions $t. Six-cial prices in w hips to Liv erymen in quantities. We bought our Horse Blankets Direct from the MANUFACTURER and can Mil them cheaper than unv one in town. El beron, all wool, in yellow and brown, 2x8L', $10 per pair, sold last year for $15; Fuwn, 70xR0, Bolld colors, S per pah-, sold for $10 last season, we nave mem ... a.. -.jr.. - prices to $2.75 per pair. These are special prices for this week. E. V. JONES, 34 N. Main St. INSURANCE. jpiRB INSURANCE. FIRE. LIFE. ACCIDENT. PULLLAM & CO. At the Bank of A.heville, ASHEVILLE, N. C. PRUNKENtfESS Liquor habit. mm me world MReisBirroMCuge DHM)fES GOLDEN SPECIFIC . r HffM ar I., .rrl. eta. of .00. without tbe knowledfts or the patient, 11 neoessarr. Xt 1. absolutely harmless am will effeot . permanent r.-d speeaj oure. wne.ner uie J"P'?"i.L.' modera- drinker or an aleonoltewrook. I1M.1 -K FA1I.M. It operates ao quietly and with eucn cer tainty taat tne patient underitoee no inoonvenlenoe, and ere he t. aware, his complete reformation u etleoted. 48 page book of parUoular. free. F.L JACOBS, DRUGGIST, ASHEVILLE, N. C Represent the following companies, vli. : ,,1KK CA.ll A8.KT. IN U. .. Anglo Nevada, of California ?'i!I'!!32 Continental, of New Yord T'?7,5'5:? H nmburg-Brcinen, of Oermany 1 ,1 J9 .604 London Assurance, of England '5'V5 Niagara, of New York ?'?iZ'JSi (lrient. of Hartford J"S?I'?2j! Phicnix. of llrooklvu r.,05,l.u St. Paul Fire and Marine, of Mm- nesotn t,5i1S2I Southern, of New Orleans iii'llSi vv.u..m ol Toronto l.O.tB.Jd Mutual Accident Association. l-:tnn Life Insurance Company. ritmnr'J'.i FOR SALE! Eight houses and lots on Southsi.te avenue and Bailey Btrcets, as a whole $.5110 or sep arately corrisoondingly a. cheap, on ea.y terms. FOR SALE OR RENT. One House, 12 rooms $tl per mo tun n " H " 15 " 7 " (Town Mtl 10 " " iin.Pnnm.fRii acr. s. and 8 r.mni tinck house, adjoining Van.lcrl.ilt property, $10, inn, or ao per montn rent, npp.y J. M. Campbell, nov 7 dim Real Estate Dealer.. FOR Um ONLY! nrlCITlUC lor LOST or FAH.TN0 KAITHOOIJ! A PUSITIVE Oeueral and NEEVOCS DEBLLITY; flTTT) T Weakneaa of Body mo Mind: Effect. U U XVXd ofErrr.orKiMiae.in01dor Youiif. - . . anhh m.HOOII hill. Rf-aliirvd. Hew 1 iBlanir la. R?l' SV,t" 0R.US8 I. HRT8.I topi. "RACKET' COLUMN. and Whisker Halt. It. en red at home with out pain. Book of par Ucnlart. aent FKEK. n M wool JJET. M.D. Huaiua.U. O0V)e WalaattaUtli, (rMOdsiwlT ttht (iilPIUP y?OR 8ALB. 1 acre, of land on Beaver Dam road, Jnst opposite J. 8. Burnett'.. A ne ite for a sub urban re.idence. A nice kaoll corered with rinnr and aome 6ne oak., with beautiful view, of mountain, and the city. A rare chance to bay .ueh a piece of laud with nice clear spring, gushing from the hill. Term. , 'ISsTIC, BLANTON CO. aalS itt All eyes fitted and fit guaranteed. A com ilete sio- k of the above good, at GRANT'S UKIG STORE 2 SOUTH MAIN STREET. Oculists' Prescription, a .pccialty. ep3 tiOni W. 0. WOLFE, GRANITE AND MARBLE MONUMENTS Newlotofdeeign. ju.treeelved. Large lotof Tablet, and Slab., very low for ca.h. You will aave money by calling on me before pur- chasing. Wareroom Wolfe Building, 8. B. Court Square. ep8d6ra FITS CURED BY OLD SPECIALIST f HiSILlAn. Bottle of tmcdictne Free. Wc war rant our remedy to cure the worst cases, and the only physicians whodo this to urevent your txrtnic imposca upon dt raw nainir f namcB and who arc not Doctors Because others failed is no reasoi for not anion this medicine, uivc KxprcM and osi nflir address. It costs you nothinK. Addiess Asahd Medical Bureau, 301 Broadway, New eager -car. York. M7a4kwiv TAX NOTICE ! All iK'nion. who have not paid" their taxt. for 1M8U must come In at once and do ao, or they will surely have to pay cost. I am re quired by the law to aettle on the first Mon day In January, 1W10. That I intend to do. The property of those who do not pay their tax by the Last of November Will be advertised lor sale on the lflt da of December and will be .old to pay the tan. All person, who have no property will lie garnish red at once. Come and save trouble and cost. D. L,. Reynolds, Sheriff. Street Car Schedule. Beginning at 8.23 a. m. Ending 10.30 p. ra. Car leave. Square for Depot every hourand hall hour. Car leave. Square for Melke". 7 minute, after each hour. Car le .ve. Square for Doubleday Tminute. nfter each hall nour. Car leave. Depot for Square 7 minute, be fore each hour and hnlf hour. Car leave. Melke'. for Square 7 minute, he fore each half hour. Car leave. Doubleday for Square 7 minute, before each hour. , Passenger, from Doubleday for Melke a, and vice versa, tran.fer at Company', yard. Baggage 3fi cent, for each piece carried on baggage car. Waiting Room for Ladle, at Mew.. Her ring & Weaver'., No. 39 Pat.oa avenue. Observe sign, on outside of car for ita des tination. TraiM raf mreta eac tram. One valise allowed each paaaenger on paaa TUB ASHBVILLB tTRBBT KT. CO, ! J cnotiKa alonr. This il 1 meant in au aina- mw, - I meeting you in Paria.

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