. -1 r, Lc. 'A THE DAILY CITIZEN Delivered to Visitor In any part of the City. One Month rtitv. Two Week. r Inn aftc. THE DAILY CITI BOARDING WANTS, I'or Rent, and Lout Notices, three lines or less, U6 Cents for each insertion. VOLUME V. ASHEVILLE, N. C, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1889. NUMBER 184. ZEN UL'R WEST VlttlllCATlUt 111' A TKNSil HKAM WHO KNOWH I H. A "me People, a llnive People, a Moral People, not OnnoxloiiM to the Hlauder or tlie Hlrtlenie or TlioniclitlvHH ttcrlhblern. The following extracts from mi utile com in 1111k n lion to the Nashville Herald, we take miieh pleasure in ri'pn nl in inn They lire from the cii of Mr. J. A. Irvine, of Columbia, Term., for I he hint eight years engaged in this section in tin IiiiiiIkt business. Me knows the H'opli - well, he understands them, and he up 1'reciates them. Wi thank him for his manly vindication. It is truthful. We also know tlie cople of Western North Carolina. Wehave mingled freely among them. They are n true people, with brave honest, unsophisticated hearts, it maybe, with unsophisticated ways, lint a belter, more law abiding, more teniierate, ami more religiously inclined K'ople nowhere exist. e omit a part ol the commiiiiicaliiiii in this issue on account of its length. Wi will publish a portion of the omitted part hereafter. Cmzi-x. The mountains of North Carolina have wililin the last year or two become a fruitful theme lor the writers ol character du tches, and quaint ami old fashioned stories, and of variousdcscriptivc articles ol a more or less sensational character. The state, although one of the original thirteen, has not kept its pace in the lint nl progress, wealth and general pros pcrity with many of the others in the union; but in spite of all this it certainly iloes not deserve the evil repute it has re eeived through the many articles written about it, some false, some malicious, and others, while true as far as the facts re lated, are calculated to leave ail entirely erroneous impression with the reader. The scenes described and the tiialccU used arc such as to convey to the mind a picture of uncouth and primitive lite, embellished by acts of barbarity, suf ficient to disgrace any civilized com munity. The ieople are pictured as shaking an almost unintelligible jargon. 01 winch vouuiis and "wcuns lorms an important part., Their homes, mere huts: their ambition, to five withoui work or worry ; their desires, moderate anil easily satisfied. They are described as the ideal of a primitive man, good nalured, but lawless; content in squalid poverty and most revolting ignorance; generous and hospitable to strangers, but cruel and even brutal to supposed enemies; to be free from the vices of civ ilzntion. but to know none of its bless ings; to be happy with enough to satisfy their hunger ami a roof to cover their head in bad weather. I am a Tennessean, and for eight years have roamed o'er mountain ami valley buying walnut timber. Local pride has not blinded me to these people's short comings and I cannot be accused of not being thoroughly familiar with my sub ject. The counties of HuneomlH', Hay wood, Jackson, Swain and Macon are as familiar to me as was to me in my boy hood days the Tennessee farm on which 1 was raised. A desire to tit) justice to these people prompts me to write this. The mineral and timber wealth of these mountains are inviting fields for capital ; but alas capital is al aid. It fears for its safety and that of its possessor in a land described only as the home of the hunter, the moonshiner and the beasts of the forest, a land where the murder of an officer is considered a justifiable homicide, a land where barbarians live, surrounded by our civilized communities. The timber wealth of this land is great. To-tiny it forms the chief product sent out to the outside world. Walnut, cherry, poplar, ash anil oak are shipped out by the millions ol feet, and there are still billions of led to beshipped. Tcnnes seans were the pioneer lumbermen of this region. rile farmers here are not rich, luu prosperous. They raise large ami cli vcrsilietl crops on their mountain slopes iiiitl bottom lantls. I'ltey arc ir.tlepcntl cut, free from debt. They raise and manufacture ail they need, Money has lost many of its charms here, because the want of it is not so keenly fell in a I.. nil where the people live well upon what they themselves raise. Lacli far mer is a little monarch, his farm his kingdom, ami he has none but his God over him as long as he violates no law. A trip to this much abused section would he ti valuable object lesson to many a stout hern planter, especially in the cot ton states, where he is th- slave ol his merchant, of whom he buys all he con mimes and only raising one crop ami that cotton. Here the tanner is king and not the exhorting merchant. Ktlueation, too, is on a higher plane than commonly supposed. All have the elements tif a rudimentary education. School-houses are very numerous; tar more so than in the rural regions of Ten nessee and Alabama. Churches and re ligious assemblies ure common, and, as a general rule, the people try to live up to what they hear on Sunday for the re maining six days of the week. Scenes of ignorance and poverty and lack of ambition and thrift do exist, but where can they not lie found ? Go to the slums of our large cities. Look at the notorious old "Mack Bottom" of Nash ville; but still it would lie a manifest in justice to give a scene from any of these localities as typical of an entire city, or conveying the impression that they were the rule, and something lietter were an exception. Illicit stills are very rare on this side of the mountains. The people are law abiding ami even exacting in the execution of their laws. To prove this I will cite an instance. Two weeks ago at the court at Webster a person was on t riiil for resisting a tax collector with a grubbing hoe. The jury, after being out five minutes returned a verdict ol "not guiltv." Sheriff McClain had allowed Lie accused to leave the court house lielore tlie verdict was returned. On the strength of tnis the sheriff wus' indicted, tried and convicted on the charge t.f allowing a prisoner to escape. Cases of similar stringency are very common. Killing or personal violence is nearly nn unknown crime. There arc two articles upon which I wishtospe.ik Itelorc 1 leave off on ti is particular chapter. One apiieared in the Chicago Times, giving names ot persons aud claiming thai the incidents happened between the Smoky and Nantahala mountains. ' 1 am familiar with this ,...., ivrsons by the names given live in the valley. The writer claims; that he witnessed instances where wo men were bartered tor cattle, guns and dogs. That they were regarded in the light of personal property by their lords and masters, to be disposed ot as he saw fit, sold, exchanged and bartered lor as articles of merchandise in the same way as is saitl to occur among the barbarous tribes of Tariary. This article is an absolute falsehood and a great injustice to the prosK'roiis, religious ami law abiding community that dwell in that valley. Another article is that on thc'clay ea let s of North Carolina., I have been through many eaves ami valleys ami on many mountain tops. I never found one of them or anybody who hint. Sonic modern, inglorious "Munchausen" has transferred them from the valley of the Orinoco into old North Carolina in order lo impose upon the public anil some publisher an article copied from a school geography, merely transplanted to a soil nearer home. THIS CATHOLIC CIINTKNNIAI,. Another I'onvreMH lo be Held in I he Year iti. IIai.timokk, Novcnilicr 12. After the recess the committee on futureeongresses was appointed as follows: John Icc Carroll, ot llaltunore; lames II. Dormer, Alabama; II. J. Spounliarsh, St. Louis; I'atrick I'arrclly.New York; W.I), Fniins lev, Ft. Wavne, Ind. ; olm M. Keilcv, ISrooklyn; W. I.. Kelley,St. I'aul; W. j. Harrison, New Hampshire; Morgan O'Brien, New York ; John Boyle O'Kiley, Bostnii; W. J. Oiiuhuu, Chicago; Thus. J. Seinmes, New Orleans. Joseph . O'llonnohue, of New York, chairman of the committee to wait on President Harrison nl Washington ami invite him lo he present, reported that the committee hail just returned from Washington and were proud to say, they had been received cordially ami hand somely by i he Chief Magistrate of the nation. Cheers. I President Harrison said, that if it were not that lie was pupating his message he would accept the invitation gladly, and in any event, he would he with the delegates in Washington to-morrow at the dedication of the gre.il new uni versity. The report waseuthnsiaslieally received, ami the obligations of the con gress to the president and the committee was expressed hv cheers ami a rising vole. The reading of papers was then re sumed, lite authors ami their topics lieing as follows: George i. Wolfe, Phil adclphia, "The Catholic I'ress"; Richard 11. Clark, New York, "What Catholics have done in the last hundred years"; William 1,. Kelley, St. Paul, "Religion in IMucnliou" ; II. J . Spounharst, St. I.ouis, "Societies"; Comic I'. I'alin, St. I.ouis, "Catholic American Literature"; M. B. Tiler, Cleveland, "Sunday Observances"; William Richards. Washington. "Labor ami Capital" ; Prolcssnr Herman Allen, Chicago, "Church Music"; John II. Campbell, Philadelphia, "Temperance." Kdinond L. Dunne, of Florida, treated extemporaneously hie subject, "The Right ol the State ill liduentioii." His humor ous asides nut! digressions, ami the first laughter provoking element introduced ill the proceedings, so caught the dele gates, that his time was extended over ami over by general consent. Keccnt events in Boston were particularly the target f his sarcasm. When the sieech was finally concluded Dunne was wildly applauded. The vice presidents ami dignitaries on the plat loi in vied in crowding around him aud congratulating htm, and the delegates gave him the tirst recall accorded to any spe.-tker. Mayor l.atrohe, who hail been invited to be present at the convention, came tendered, and with words of welcome iutered the delegates a reception on Thursday at the City Hall. The tender was accepted. Father Tolten, the colored priest who was sitting in the hotly in the hall, was, asked by Gov. Carroll to a seat on the platform. The dark visaged cleric re ceived a roar of applause ns he mounted to the place ol honor. I lie committee on platform reported that owing to the lateness of the hour the desire of the delegates to witness the great torchlight procession tunning in the sIitcls, the further reading of papers was suspended with orders that the remaining ones be printed in the proceedings. Daniel Dnuglierly was unanimously )tetl a place on the committee of future congresses, oualiaii, ol uiicngo, muviti that all International Catholic Congress be held not later than 1.S'J2 in Chicago, liecati :.e it could offer the largest hall in America as well as western hos pitality. Campbell, ol I Iiilntlclplnu, nioven an amendment that the convention be held wheiever the world's lair is located. I applause) as the eyes of the whole country would be directed there at that time. Onaban accepted the amendment, be cause he believed the world's fair would be held in Chicago. Spaiinhiirst, of St. Louis, expressed his satisfaction at the amendment, because he thought that that would bring the convention to St. Louis. The resolution as amended was adopted. Resolutions of thanks tothccoiniiieltee on arrangements were adopted. As Archbishop Ireland of St. I'aul hail ocncd the congress, it was the desire that he close it. He said, with fiery em phasis: "Go to you homes filled with the enthusiasm of this convention, ami spread it throughthel'nionthatthereisa new departure for Catholics in this coun try a mission lorCatholic laymen. The day has come, thank God, when all Cath olics will rise up and say we are worthy of our religion. The country to lie con quered is Heaven. Don't go home to sleep, but to work like true Catholics." Adjourned sine die. COI.. AU'HKH RHETT DKAU. Died of Conitewtlve CIiIUm In chur lHton VeHlerday. Ciiarikston.S.C, November 12. Col. Alfred Khett, son of ex-l'nited States and Confederate States senator R. Barnwell Rhett, died here this morning in the six tieth vear of his age of congestive chills. He graduated at Harvard, was colonel in the Confederate army, mid command ed Fort Sumter when it was unsuccess fully attacked by the Monitor fleet, and until 1HS3, when it ceased to lie an ar tillery post of importance. He was a well known duellist. The most noted af fair in which he engaged, was the fatal duel in 1 K3 with Col. Ransom Calhoun, ..r c.,,.1, rr,,lii.:i After the war he ..: .i,;...'..i of Charleston, and at ! critical political junctures was appointed by Go ernor, Hampton and Simpson as State constable. He was a brother of R. r. A o : ,i;i nt i-time of the Charleston Mercury, ami later of the lariini.ii mnu,,,..,.- - At the time of ,ew iiiieans j icayinie. .-iv ....v ... his fieain, v.ui. mien n.... j.v.w anil ft ricn piuiuer. Bond oflerliiKH. i viiini:ton November 12. The bond, ofTerinus to-dav aggregated $l,45() all I accepted, at 1.27 tor tour icr cent and j l.()5:,4 for lour and halls. A STORMY SESSION. IIIMHI'.M AND CHIKS OK "SIT DOWN" I'KOH THi: I.AUIF.M. A Warm DIhcuhhIoii of the Non partisan Amendment to tlie w. C T. 1'. Constitution In Chicago VeHlerday. CiiiCAtio, November 12. When the ses sion tit the W. C. T. C convention at Battery D armory was opened this morn ing, it was known that a storm was coming on ; for during the session of yes terday, at the motion of Mrs. Aldrich ami Mrs . Kllcn Foster, of Iowa, con sideration of the proposed non-partisan amendment to the constitution of the or ganization was set down forto-tlay. The amendment provides that the objects ol the W. C. T. I', shall be to interest ami unite Christian women of this nation in non-sectarian and non-partisan temper ance work for the reformation of the in temperate, and the education of public sentiment in behalf of total abstinence, and the prohibition of the traffic in alco holic liquors, development of social purity, suppression of vice and crime, mid the education of the masses in the duties and responsibilities of gootl citizenship. It was evident from the commencement ol I he debate that the feeling of the conven tion was overwhelmingly against the proposed amendment. Delegates were not disposed to listen to the speeches ol vomen who favored the atloption, ami several times there was hissing and erics of "sit down." In moving the amendment, Mrs. Al I'rich, of Iowa, saitl she wished the con vention In accept it because it was sim ply right ami just ami honest. She saitl Inert' was no definite statement of the objects nf the organization in the consti tution. W. C. T. C. women occupied an anomalous position, liecausc thev de clared themselves non pnrlijuin and yet adopted the most partisan resolutions. Women assoeiatetl in the organization had political rights although no sub bage, and it was wrong for the majority to adopt resolutions binding all the wo men lo support a certain political party. It was just aswriin: for a woman to give way her political influence as for a man to sell his vole. Mrs. Henry, of Uvanston, III.; Mrs. Wells, id 1'eniiessce; Mi s. II. M. Barker, of South Dakota; Mrs. Perkins, of Ohio; Mrs. Itucll, the National Secretary, and others spoke in apposition to the adop tion of the amendment as a rcllcclion on the previous action of the union, and declaring that the union was uon-pnrti-snn, being ready to support any party which would pal a prohibition plank in its platform. Mrs. J. Illicit Foster then spoke. She said, "the convention was partisan, despite its declaration to the contrary, 'fhc names of honorable men in the re publican party had been liraggetl in the mud on i he convention platform. I rccat," she said, "that the convention is partisan. Partisan in feeling, partisan in its assaults on republican statesmen." Hisses interrupted the speaker. "Yes, anil those hisses are partisan. They come from delegates themselves and not from sjrt'ci ntors." A motion was made to indefinitely postpone the di.-cussion. It was voted down. The question was then called on the amendment. About fifty votes cried lor its adoption, but the great bulk of delegates shouted against it. Miss Wil laid, as chairman, (Iceland the amend ment lost. AI.I.IAKIK 1IAV. .More Cotton IIoimcIiim: Matrlinony in tlie Houlli. Mn.sTtitiMiiKV. Ala., November 12. The largest erowtl ever seen in Mont gomery, even surpassing that at the tune ot ex-Presidcnl Cleveland s visit here, gathered at the exposition grounds this afternoon, the occasion being the State Alii. nice day. Sieechcs were made by L. I- Livingston President ol Georgia Alliance, S. M. Adams, President of Alabama Alliance aud R. F. Kalk State Commissioner of Agiiculiure of Ala bama. 'At (wo o'clock a voting man, . V. Harnett, ami Miss T. Hill, ivete niarri, d. The ceremony wtis per formed on the grand stand, where I'resi ileiit Cleveland spoke two years ago, hv the Rev. S. M. Adams, president of t he j Mate Alliance. 1 he nrulc s dress was ot snow white cotton bagging, and w.'is beautifully maiic up and lilted to ht tection. The bride was given many handsome pivsculs. nuiotiiiliug to over a thousand dollars in value. The groom and the bride's father are staunch Al liance men. The bridal party were driven to the grounds in a handsome carriage drawn by four white horses. Kallroad HlHaHter. Atlanta, Gn., November 12. A collis ion occurred at Lula, on the Richmond and Danville road last night. A north hound passenger train ran into fhc rear of a freight train. Fireman Ford, of the passenger engine, was instantly killed, ami James Hell, engineer was badly crushed and had one of his legs cut off. He will probably the. He is a prominent local politician of Atlanta. It is believed that the accident was caused by the neg ligence of the flagman. A Khiimhh Blizzard. Kansas Citv, Novemlier 12. A bliz zard is sweeping over southern and west ern Kansas. The wind turned to the north earlv in the evening, and brought with it snow, which, in some localities, is drifting badly. At Arkansas City, near Indian Territory line.a regular norther is reported. At Wichita snow is li ving, and nt Syracuse the blizzard is at its height. The Abilene Centre State reports a se vere wind and thick snow. No hindrance to railway travel reported. After the ttlayer of Mrs. Walker. LnxiNiiToN, Va NovciiiIkt 12, A nromincnt physician from Brownsbnrg says four or five hundred determined men from Rockbridge aud Augusta counties had organized to visit quick vengeance on Jim Miller, the murderer ol Mrs. Walker, ami would have him here at two o clock this a. m.. lull hearing that the prisoner had lieen taken to Lynchburg the trip was abandoned. Neitrocs In Convention. Atlanta, Gn., Novemlier 12. About one hundred negroes met here to-day in response to a call lor a conver, to a call tor n convention." Matters of interest to tlie colored race 'cre discussed. Among other things the weak", urged the negroes not to give their names to the census takers in order , i, ...,. f ,!,.,n,MT;i1ic eon.ors- sionaireprcsciuaiivesinuy nc oinonisiico. I want the Negroes UlHcharict-d. RiciiMoMi, Va., Novemlier 12. The democratic city committee to-night adopted a resolution calling upon the city authorities to discharge .nil colored men in the employ ol the city govern- meat. MAYOR BI.A NTOPi'S COI'RT, John Cut Burt, But he Didn't no to do It. They were both there, the carver and the carved, and they were almost the only ones there, ns this was a day of rest at the Mayor's Court. Both were big, black, burly darkeys ami they had gotten into n fracas on their own private account. John Garlington was the one and Burt Collins the other. John thought he would take a slice out of Hurl's shoul der. He did it accidentally, so he said. And certainly there was n depth to his affection for Burt, if the reportorial eye was not deceived as to the depth of the wound. It seems that Johnnie protested against any cutting up and friendly wrest ling matches in the restariranl of which he was the custodian. Johnnie said his arm sliped in his excitement, anil ns he held the knife tqien in it, why Burt got cut, since he didn't know enough to move his shoulder out of the way. But Kurt didn't take this view of the case, and Johnnie was lodged behind the bars. His friends were out in force and told won derful tales of how they called outtluring the rumpus, "Ah, Johnnie won't cut no hotly; he is only blowing." But Johnnie did, and he is a bail man from Bitter Creek He wasn't angry when he did it. Oh, no! As one of his friends said, "I told Burt to go back until Johnnie was recoacisetl." The latter word compelled the court to practically grasp its head aud cull for the dictionary. Johnnie wasn't angry per haps, for, as the last witness said, "he warn't showing his teeth." Well, in short, Johnnie was bound over for the next term in court for the sum of $1(10, and Mayor Blaiiton, having imposed a hue ol Soon a drunken man, concluded his arduous day's labor. IlKMhRAI, CITV KUWH. Messrs. Cortland Bros, have moved their office to Nos. 2 and 2(i, Patton avenue. We learn that Mr. S. I). Pclhani is to remove his business from his present stand to Patton avenue. Iv. C. Chambers ami W. T. Weaver soltl three lots on Bailey street yesterday to C. A. Nichols for $l,2.rll. There are one hundred guests at the Battery Park now, while last year at this time there were only thirty-six. Mr. McNamee, Ynndcrhilt's lawyer, stales that the accounts published in Tim; Asiikvillic Citizkx about the Vnn derbilt mansion ami estate are correct. Gorton's Minstrels ure stopping at the Grand Central, and gave a delightful concert in front of the court house yes terday afternoon at one o'clock. The feature of this was the admirably exe cuted triple-tongueing in the baritone solo. About 10 o'clock on Monday night one of the conductors on the electric cars was shot at. He had a narrow escape, the bullet passing lietwecn his legs. The car at the time was on North Main street near Cherry. The culprit ran away and has not been caught. All those who appreciate agood oyster supper will be delighted to learn that there will be one given by the young ladies of the Central M. Iv. church on Thursday evening at Col. A. T. David sou's resilience on College street. Terms spot cash and no tick. In their new caps and uniforms they march through the streets attracting universal attention. Who? Ask the "boys" anil they will soon tell you. Why the young latlies of the Female College. Of course the "boys" know all about it mid who could blame them. There was a runaway ill front of Tin; Cl'iizKN yesterday afternoon. A saddle horse standing in front of the office was run against by a lad driving a buggy, ami the animal managed to get his leg caught in the wheel. Both horses began kicking and the splinters flew. At last the saddle horse kicked himself out of the scrape ami the other horse ran away with the buggy. He was finally caught and brought back minus the vehicle. rllRSONAI. MENTION. Mr. Frank Loughrau, proprietor of the Hickory Inn, is in the city. Gen. J. XV. Bowman, of Mitchell county, is in the city in attendance on the fed eral court. Mrs. Win. II. Overman, of Salisbury, is the guest of Mrs. lid win R. Overman at her home on Vance street. Mr. W. II. Hargrove, of Haywood, passed through the city last night on his way to Augusta, Ga., on business. Mr. J. A. Brainier leaves to-day for Wayncsvillc. where he will probably ie nuiin some time with his daughter, Mrs. R. D. Gilmer. II. C. Alley nutl wile, of Spartanburg, S. C, and Mrs. M.J. Fnirlond anil Miss May Fnirland, of Media, Pu., have reg istered at the Swannanoa. F. K. Hayes, ol Louisville, Kv Jas. T. Ross, of Atlanta, Ga aud V. F. Thome and F. M. Thorne, of Cincinnati, Ohio, ure stopping at the Buttery Park. tthowliiic Thenmelvea. Paris, Novemlier 12. A nunilier of Boulnngists, headed by I'aul Deroulede, Laisant antl Mcrmcix, assembled in the place De La Concorde to-day. The po lice disersed the gathering, and mounted republican guards now surrounded the place De La Concorde. (Slanirow Iron Market. Glasgow, Novemlier 12. The pig iron market still displays great activity and there is a general rise in prices. The hands employed on the steam cratt in the river here have gone out on a strike. ASIIEVILLirS INCREASE. WHATCI.ERK MILI.KK TI-I.I.H A CITIZKN REPORTKK, An Increase of Nearly I-'lve Hun dred Per Cent. In a Period of Ten Year Facta and Figure Cannot Deceive. The city of Asheville is to be congratu lated on very many accounts, not by any means the least of which, is the fact that the position of city clerk is tilled by its present competent aud faithful in euinliciit Mr. F. M. Miller. A call there yesterday showed everything as usual in good order, and much information of public interest to he gained in a shape so concise as to requiic little change at the hand of our reporter. For instance, the question is often asked us: "What is the assessed valua tion of city property," and "has it in creased in amount during the past de cade?" In reply, we have often been obliged to plead an ignorance for which we could give no excuse, or to look very wise and go into statements of very gen eral character, not at all lo the satisfac tion ol any thoughtlul inquirer. On ves-1 terday we no sooner intimated a v.-ish for information on these important sub jects than Clerk Miller laid before us the following shatenient, which he hail al ready tabulated : Valuation of properly of the city of Asheville. VI-AKS. IHHU 1SS1 1N.H2 1SS3 1H8") lNKIi 1HS7 1KHN 1K8U .UtorXTS. ..$ !MMvf2s. .. i,iio:i.2'.i'.. .. 1.220.7211. ,. 1,0011,000. . I.ImO.OOO. . 1.S.1H.127. . 2.2."i2,tMi:i. . :i.77!.2!l. . :i.'.77,'.l7il. . -f.l o:i.2:i f. This shows an increase of live hundred per cent, nearly within this term of ten years. STATKMK.NT Ol- T.tXLS CI II. LLC T;i. Year ending May 1SS0 $ (i.M f.2S. " 1NS1 (i, ill III. 111',. 1SS2 7.17!.1!. lss:i !t,."so.s.i.. 1HN 12.(ill!.7li. lKXfi 20.7(17. 2SI. 1KN0 2N.li7'.I.N2. 1HS7 .'1S.71II.12. 1SSS. .!lli0.10. 1HS11 ki.'.l 1-2. till. Ill addition to the above, in the vear 1HH2 there was $0,000 received from the sale of bonds, antl expended on water works and streets. In the year 1SS", the sum $101,:i(!.10 was received from the sale of bonds, of which $,S!I,021 .X't was applied to water works and remain der added to general land. In the year 1SH9, the stun of $10t,02t:.riO was re ceived from the sale of bonds, aud $.ril, 001 . 90 applied to construction of sew ers, anil a12,!3:i..34 to extension ot wa ter works, the remainder being added to the general fund. Mr. Miller also asked our attention to in amendment of the city charter, all of which should be published for the infor mation and guidance of our people, but space forbids that we should do more this morning than notice those points which most particularly win our ap proval, antl which we think will be com mended hv our readers. Section 1 gives the aldermen authority to exempt from paypunt of poll ami street tax nil active members of the lire companies. No one will object to tins, but on the contrary still readily ackuowl- Igc our indebtedness to these good friends, who so often have proved them selves friends in need ami indeed. Section 3 provides: "Whenever any street in the citv shall have been graded, guttered and curbed, in whole or in part, including the walkways, it shall be in cumbent upon the owner or owners to pave the walkways, the full width cross their fronts, with brick or such other material as the committee on streets may approve," ami then adds such provisos as sufficiently protect the interests of all. This we consider a most important change, antl under its opera tion the great evil of inadequate side walks will disapK:ur. Section 4 nut horues the board of al dermen to force citizens to connect their premises with street sewers. This loo all will approve. The sewers being pro vided, let them be utilized immediately. Section 5 gives authority for ex end ing sewers cither within or without the city limits. This act was ratified March 11, IKS!), and can doubtless lie found in the published acts of last session. We commend it to careful perusal. FlHi; ALARM TKI.Kt.KA I'll. In addition to the information derived from our efficient clerk, we learn gladly that there is a prosiect of an early sup ply of this system which is so greatly needed. Doubtless the board will take due care to inform itself as to the qualifi cations of the installation proposed by the "Gamewell Fire Alarm Telegraph Company," which proposes to exhibit publicly its working on Thursday next We have met Mi, Clark, the agent of this company, and are much pleased with his courteous manner, antl apparent knowl edge of his business. The writer of this is glatl to remind the rentiers of Thk Citizkn, that some two years ago he urged the consideration of this important subject. No doubt there has been good excuse for the delay, but it is to be hoped that such excuse may no longer exist. Our firemen nrc faithful mevery emergency, and should haveevery assistance that science can furnish A had his luxurious growth of side wliis delay of five minutes in reaching a hiirn-1 kers removed the other night. It was a ing building may result in its total loss, ' whole day after this event before he Was and occnsionnlly perhaps in the loss of, life. This delay can only be avoided by prompt and accurate information of the exact locality, where help is required. Now whenever a fire occurs, n crowd of exciled coplc rusli to the square, some one frantically rings the court house bell, no one can tell wliethci the firemen must start out north, south, east, or west. The chances are that they will go exactly in tnc wrong direction, and thus most valuable time be wasted. If the proposed system will fulfill its protessions, all confusion will cease. Iin mediately at every point in town, every one will know the exact locality ot tin alarm. We say then by all means Id this system be thoroughly tested, aud it approved, let it be put into use forth with. To hesitate on account of cost is false economy, but of course we should curtail expense by every legitimate means. One of these has been suggested which we heartily approve. It is that the poles now-erected he utilized without cost to the city. No d.uibt the si n et railway ;iud electric light companies will set Cu example in making a tender of their poles, which the telegraph and telephone com panies will be ready to follow. An error crept into our report of yes terday. When speaking ol the mannci of giving an alarm we said that in case an alarm was to be given from box No 21, "a person would unlock the door, lane Hold ol a projecting Iiook and pull it two successive times, then pause for live seconds antl then give one pull. This is repeated four times." Now it readily occurs to many persons that this maneu vering is too complicated to be managed successfully in thccxcitcincn! th.italways accompanies .in alarm of fire. But Mr. Clark assures us it is all our mistake, that each box works automatically. The operator lias only lo open the door and press down a projecting rod, and inline tli.itely the number of this box is sounded on ;i bell at each of the other stntiom and also at the central point of the city. This is a most important point and wi gladly correct our statement. KORTON'S MINSI'Ki;i,B. Their Performance In ,. ra Hall I.asl Niuhl. The exhibition last night was ton fully crowded house, antl perhaps lo as fully a satisfied one as ever tilled the t Ipcra Hall. The minstrels caused no disappointment; in tact, in view of the absolute fulfillment ot every feature ol an elaborate pro gramme, they might scent to have been very modest in their claims to favor, livery-thing seemed perfect to us. We have never heard such tlclicioiisly soft and sweet music on wind instruments, "tlie golden horns." There seems to be some thing in the royal metal that subdues everything to its dominion: and music was never so effectively allied with the form of perfect expression as it is in Gor ton's orchestra. The line body of young men who compose the minstrels one and all have exceptionally pure ami sweet voices of great compass, yet of perfectly controlled power, with a delicacy of ex pression scarcely to be expected in the characters assumed. The characters were sustained with a fresh vivacity as it all had entered into the spirit of genuint fun and frolic, the natural outpour ol humor antl high animal spirits, not the routine work of nightly wearisome repe titions lor reward. As with their song, so with their interlocution in whidi. we are tree to say, among much that was new and original, there popped up many an old joke and lainiiiar witticism and their dancing, all sparkled with vivacious freshness. Of the performance of the Japanese Prince, we can find no words to express admiration utid wonder. There was something "uncanny" about him; In seemed to work in unison with a "famil iar." For whatever thing he brought lo illustrate his magical skill became at once part ol himself, moved as he moved, thought as lie thought, acted as he .acted. Lithe, quick and graceful, with his gor geous native costume, he transported us, as we breathlessly watched him, to hi; land ot skill and legerdemain, w here his art merges into the supernatural, ami where nothing is incredible or- impossible in the realms of manual dexterity. His favorite slave was his top. It danced about him, it flew around him, it poised above hint, it spun beneath I1i111.it flew from him, it returned to him, and all with such unfailing grace and certainty as to make it appear a part of himself. One illustration of his skill w ith this toy will prove his mastery in his art. He pro produced a Japanese sword; he proved the keenness of its edge to the siectators by cutting paXT with it. He sent his top spinning high up in the air. and ns it fell, caught it on the attenuated edge ol the sword, antl then, for several minutes, made it pass from heel to point, and hack and forth, as if it had become a part of the swortl itself. It was marvelous, anil it was also lieautiful; and as a whole Gorton's Min strels made deep and pleasurable impres sions upon all fortunate enough to see them. Ackiuiwletliteiiieiits. Ill response to an appeal made a few days since through our columns in behalf of certain destitute eople in a portion of this county, a benevolent gentlemen has sent us a bundle of miscellaneous articles which will be proptrlv disposed of. A beginning of the good work having been made, we hope others will follow the good example. A well known young man of this citv seen by his anxious friends. It is suii- posed that the resultingchange in his ap pearance had disturbed his mental etpii iihr.uni, ami that he hail lost his itlen titv. THE ATTORNEYS GET MAD. I'l'sTODr OF THF. FXHIBITH CAt'SF. ANtiRV WORDS, Pamline Hocrtel. the Washerwo. man, TellH ol the White Horse Hriven to tlie Carlson Cottage, and the Man who Entered. CiliCAf.o, November 12. There ismuch bad blood between the counsel for the iirosceutioii and t fins,, i'nr tl,o riMf...., : the Cronin case which is not confined to the principal counsel, but is shared also hv the juniors. There was a wrangle last uigiit 111 the clerk's office after adjourn ment in which District Attorney Longen eckcr ami Attorney Forest exchanged the lie, and nearly came to blows. The dis pute was about the custody of the ex It.bits which have been placed ill evidence. The counsel for the defense wished them taken from the prosecuting attorney and placed in the hands of the clerk. This wrangle broke afresh in the court this ami tiing withort any apparent reason, except that Attorneys Forest and Hines .vishcil to emphasize the distrust and dislike of the prosecutor Longcneckcr. flic 111a tier was finally dropped and the testimony proceeded with. What was left of one of the valises lomitl in the sewer with Cronin's effects was examined by the salesman who sold the furniture to the mysterious Simmons ami declared it to be identical with the valise sold to Simmons -along with the iurniturc. Pauline llnerlel, a washerwoman, testi fied that she passed the Carlson cottage lift ween S and ! o'clock on the night of the murder. Slid saw a white horse drawing a buggy which there were two men, driven iV' o the cottage. The larger man, w ho appeared like a gentlc .11.111. got out of the buggy and, taking a satchel or box out of tlie iiuggy, went up the steps and entered the cottage. The hivcr of the white horse at once turned around and drove back tow.'trdsChicago. file gentleman knocked anil was at once iiliniitcd to the cottage. As quick as the door was closed Mrs. Hoertel heard sounds as of blows and the tall of a heavy body, antl what sounded to her like some one calling, "Oh, God." In the .'(illusion of sounds she also heard the word "Jesus." Then in a very short time everything became still, she said, it was as il somebody wus lighting and then as if something fell. The witness said this occurred soon after 8 o'clock at night. "The man who went into the cottage," she continued, "went into the House unhesitatingly and it seemed to :ne as if the door was opened, or, as if some one opened it for him as he came up the steps. When 1 turned from Ashland avenue and started east, 1 saw a man standing between theCarlston house and .ottage. There was a light in front of the cottage and the night was a bright starlight." This finished the direct examination of the witness, and she was turned over to the mercies of the cross-examining law ycis for the defense. WHAT III IT IlliAN? Music Haiti charniM to Hoothe the savaite BreaHt. That large crowd that was so quickly gathered together yesterday on the pub lic square? Who composed il? Every body who could possibly come, and they were all in the very best of humor. Every branch of business was represented. Mr. Powell and Mr. Kepler forgot to argue about which had the best groceries. Mr. Sawyer stood close to Mr. W'hitlock. Present Mayor Dlanton beamed upon ex Mayor Harkins. The lay wers forgot to badger the poor Federal court witnesses, ludge Dick suspended the monotonous "three months find $100." The witnesses forgot how much liquor they had begged out of Bill Jones for a dime. Thk ClTI- zi:s. the livening Journal, the Democrat, the Baptist, and the Methodist were all t here, and till were happy. Tin; Citizen forgot to call its neighbor the e. j. The Hcniocral forgot that Tin; Citizkn was not loyal. The Baptist and Methodist nagged each other, livery one was happy. What caused it ? Why the very sweetest of music discoursed by the band of' the minstrels. Friends and brethren, why should this an occurrence so infrequent ? Depend upon it, the people in the "Fader Land" know what they arc about when they encourage their men and woman and boys ami girls lo meet together and listen to soul-stirring, heart-pacifying strains of music. Cannot we learn of thcm.J Will we not encourage our own hand? We have the talent; who can doubt it that gazed into the rapt faces 011 all sides 011 .yesterday. Nothing can be conceived more ierfcctly whole some than 011 every pleasant evening to have our people assemble on the square, listening to music, laughing, chattintr. walking about ; no one to draw in his garments for fear of contamination from his neighbor; no one to curse and swear about politics; 110 one to lie selfishly seeking his own gootl at the expense of his brother, but all yes, every soul filled with health anil happiness, under the in spiration ot heaven-born music. Oh, why may il not be so ? My Foot Is on My Native Heath! I Scots wlia hue with Wnlliiee hied, Scots whom Hrtiee hath often lcti, Stand brick nn more to Rive us thanks. Hut -.licet with us at brother l'rnnk'n On Thursday afternoon nt 2 o'rlrult without fail, that we may arrange for a meeting in January, to which we would not blush to invite any of our valiant clansmen, who so truly stood together tor the right, in the days of Auld Lang Svnc. The Rev. James Atkins, with his fam ily, leaves to-day to take his post as President of Kniory and Henry College, Va. Personally, we part with Dr. At kins with great regret, nnd we know very many here participate in our feeling. Hut he goes in discharge of a great duty, which we know he will perform well. Our regret is therefore a selfish one, which we willconiMiund by wishing him, of which we nrc assured, success and happiness. Attorney General Theodore F. David son has arrived in the citv.

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