THE DAILY CITIZEN. The Citizen Is the most extensively circu lated and widely read newspaper in Western North Carolina. Its discussion of public men and measures is in the interest of putlk intcRrity, honest government, and prosperous industry, and it knows no personal allegiance in treating pub lic issues. The Citizrn publishes the dispatches of the Associated Press, which now covers the urhnlr world In its arctra. It hna Other facili ties of advanced journalism for ifatherinK news from all quarters, with everything care, lullv priiteH to fvmnv the smallest Sluice. Specimen copies of any edition will be sent ree to anv one sending their address. Tehms -Dailv. So for one vear; $3 for six months; 50 cents for one month ; 15 eentslor one week. Carriers will deliver the pnier m every part of the eitv to subscribers, anil par ties wanting it will please call at the Citizen Aiivkrtisino Rates Reasonable, and made knows on aimlicntion at this office. All transient advertisements must be paid in ad vance. Reading notices ten cents per line. Ohitn ary, marriage and society notices fifty cent; each (not exceeding ten lines) or fifty cent; per inch. TVKDNUSDAY. NOVKMHIiR Ki, ISM'J. TKl'STS AiO TARIFFS. A decision made by Judge Dniiicls ol the supreme court in the matter ol tin ap peal from a lower court decidiin; upon the illegality of trusts will commend use to the honest sentiment of the country a ivdl .is to the iiriueii )lc of interest. Tin siiecial case involved was the sugar trus! an enormously wealthy and powerful combination of sugar manufacturer which absorbed into its hands the eon trol of the manufacture and also the price of the till importantartielcof sugar, which enters largely into the donicstii economy of every household in the land, from the highest to the most humble. The effect of this combination was at once lelt in the enhancement of price in this most necessary article to an extent of from To to 100 per cent., in the latter case doubling the cost to the consumer. It Wits wanton and oppressive abuse ol rights claimed tinder acts ot incorpora tion and the rights of combination, effect of which was to absorb or crush, weak industries, to place the combina tion under one powerful head, to dcslrox opposition and to fix prices to suit the greedy aspiration of the combination without fear of cheek or interference. Hut there was interference, becausi there was unreasonable injustice that brought the force of corporate power t bear where it was immediately and di rectlv felt, and where the scllish niotivi was so plainly seen. These trusts many others besides tin snrar trust claimed and exercised legal existence until attacked by the legal au thorities of the State of New York. Tin sugar trust, the greatest and most pow erful offender, was the first attacked t make full test of the question. In tin lower courts, the trust was dcleated. and made its appeal to the supreme court with no better luck, we are happy tosay. Judge Daniels in his opinion affirming tin position of the court below, goes to tin very root of the matter, lie says: Tin trust "having for its objects the removal of competition and the advancement ol prices of the necessaries ol' life, is subject to the condemnation of the law, by which it is denounced as a criminal enterprise." Plain words, clearly and strongly spoken. Now, it may well be asked what is the difference in its effects upon tin people between a trust and a high tariii imposed in the effect of its exactions fai beyond the needs of the national treason and the legitimate needs of the people: It is the difference in operation that makes the difference in, and difficulty oi. comprehension. The trust operates so openly and with such direct rclercnce to personal and corporate gain, that tin country at once perceives and feels it. The wrong and the oppression is at once traced up to its sources, and smphatii. protest comes from a suffering public. The tariff on the other hand works in sidiously and secretly, makesilsappeal to national pride, national honor ami na tional necessities, adds loo or odd per cent, to the cost of the necessaries of the laboring and industrial classes, indulges the rich in their untaxed luxuries, robs the people of the millions of their sweat saturated earnings, piles them up in the public treasury to be drawn out as a party corruption fund, useless and costly expenditures to reward favored party eon tractors, to distribute it in the construc tion of magnificent public works and gra ciously proposed to be returned to tin people in the form of donations for osten sibly educational, really for party, pur poses. The people clearly see how the enhan ced value of sugar comes in. The con nection between cause and effect is too close to be misunderstood. It is not less direct lietween a tariff for protection and the increased value of most of the neces saries of life than it is between the trusts and the increased costs of sugar. The time is at hand when the identity of the two operations will be better un derstood. The great manulactuiers ol the North stand in exactly the same re lation to the great body of the jieople as the corporators in the trusts do. I hie robs with the direct aid and support ol one of the great national parties. The other, standing outside of parts and re lying only on the power of money, is de clared a public enemy, is assailed as such, and will be overthrown. But they are one and the same, public robbers, and in the end, uow we believe not very far off, will meet the same deserved disaster. COTTON IN NOHTHrAKOMNA, For quite as long a period in North Carolina as in other Southern States has cotton been cultivated, either as a mar ket crop or for domestic uses. For the latter it was found in every county east of the Catawba river. Asa market crop, anterior to 1A50, it was most largely cultivated in Anson, Mecklenburg, Rich mond, Rowan, Orange, Wayne, Edge combe and other eastern counties, and in the year named, the total crop of the State was about 140,000 bales. The in troduction of Peruvian guano subsequent to that period gave a prodigious impulse to the industry. By stimulating rapid growth and increasing fruitage, cultiva tion was greatly enlarged in counties where it had been profitable, and ex tended to othere where it had not before been grown, and it became an almost universal crop, and the production lias increased to 470,000 bales of 500 pounds j each, ranking North Carolina among the cotton States. But the experience of the last three or lour years proves it to be an up hill bus iness. The conditions for profit arc fac titious. There is dependence absolutely upon artificial fertilizers to successfully compete with the richer lands, the warmer climate and the more extended seasons of the more favored Gulf and Missis sippi States. Fertilizers are costly, nriics of cotton arc low, labor is relat ively high, and the cost ot production out of all proportion to the outlay. The scarcity of money in our cotton region. the sore indebtedness of farmers, the gen eral despondency in those sections, seem to indicate that the interest is going backward, and that the time is not tal on" when planters must turn their atten tion to other crops. It would seem to be a vain struggle to contend against the constantly increasing product ol the ever widening area of the Mississippi and Texas cotton belt. What will the tanners do ? Abandon ing cotton, can they compete with the West in corn or in wheat or other grains : Their lands are good, but not as rich as those of the West. Hut it is too fine a ,-ountry to abandon, too full of resources to admit of despair. Sonic substitute mav be adopted for cotton.jute or ramie, the intensive system ol cultivation must be applied, and that will lead to a most desirable revolution, the cultiva tion of smaller farms, with a multitude il niinor industries, fruits, grapes, grass, lain fanning, and this would lead to increased population, more genci ai um.i mil energy, sharper competition and ,'cucral increase of prosperity. Our Kastcrn pcopleniust look the ques tion squarely in me lace, i ney may nm ic unwise if thev dethrone king cotton. We arc pleased with the neat, incisive mil effective way in which Judge Har lan, of the 1'. S. Supreme court, disposed of the fallacious pleas ol the counsel ol Cross and White. It was very ingenious ,m the part of that counsel to suggest that the I'uited Stales had been cheated if its prey by the anticipatory action ol 1 State court, to arouse the jealousy ol .he supreme court by demonstrating .hat a Stale court had trespassed on its preserves and taken cognizance ol an ol cuce of which the I'. S. court had exclus ive jurisdiction, and to intimate to that jourt. that rather than it should part with its liuhis and lose its prestige, it were better to let the criminals go anil teach the State courts a lesson of humil ity and subordination. The court ludge Harlan was not embarrassed for .1 moment. It knew its rights, and main tained tliein. Hut it did not permit dust to be thrown into its eyes. The court lid not recognize t lie inseparable identity f the two crimes charged the making if false entries and the forgery. They weredistiuel offences. Kitlicr would have been complete without the other. Two great offenders must thus, tit last, receive tile penalty meted out for their uill. It is very rare in the South that the .hivalrous sentiment ol man towards woman, in whatever condition of life, is m abeyance. We seldom hear ol those tragedies which so often mar with hor rid brutality the criminal an als of the Northern States, in which woman is so iltcn the helpless victim, and in which justice is so rarely meted out to such ilien.lers as the Mallcy brothers, and dozens ol similar offenders. Kxccplions, However, do occur, lor human nature is the same everywhere, though modified or iulluenced by local or sectional senti ment. Such an exception was found in that bloody tragedy recently enacted at Hrownsburg, Ya. It was a fight to Un dent h between Dr. Walker and Henry Miller, the former accompanied to the magistrate's office by his wile who went with the vain hope of preventing hostili ties ; the former by his sons, who went with apparent readiness to engage in the affray. The two principals were killed, Mrs. Walker was also killed; and il is uow developed by the evidence that James, one of the sons of Henry Miller, deliberately blew out her brains as she lay on the prostrate body of her deail husband. Il is too horrible for belief. No wonder her friends and the commun ity arc excited to frenzy, and thirst for the blood of the unmanly murderer. Ir. Parker I'rays cream Van-Ola, Kosa line. Ongaline and Diamond nail powder having now become the ladies' favorites. at F. 1,. Jacob's drug store, these popular manicure articles may always be found. together with pocket emery board, or ange wood sticks, nail scissors, tiles and other such recpiisites. Also a complete line of drugs and toilet articles, in addi tion to the Hebe Soda Fountain from which ice cold drinks are dispensed. Cor ner Main street and I'atton avenue. On Men's HIioeH. . Interview in St. Louis C.lohc-I icniocrat. 1 have only one hobby, and that is shoes, or rather a peculiar fashion 1 have ot wearing them. 1 used to think that a man got the best service out of a shoe by putting on the best pair a shoemaker could make him and wearing them con stantly until the leather gave way some where, but 1 now think that is the most extravagant wav of dressing the feet. I am never without three or four pairs of shoes in good wearable condition. I never wear the same pnirtwo clays in succession and at least once a month I go over each nair with a brush dipiicd in vaseline. Thus, with three pairs of shoes, I give each pair one day ot work and two days of rest, and the leather has time to regain its elasticity and stretch out the wrinkles the foot has made. These wrinkles lie- come breaks in the leather when the shoe is continuously worn. The vaseline is lietter than any oil for fine leather. I used to wear out four pairs of $8 shoes a year, one at a time. The same number now lusts me two years. St. Peter Who are you ? New spirit I'm 1 was the manager of a British syndicate St. Peter Well, you skip. This place is not for sale. Syrup off FlgM. Produced from the laxative and nutri tious juice of California figs, combined with the medicinal virtues of plants known to lie most beneficial to the hu man system, acts gent.y, on the kidneys, liver and bowels, effectually cleansing the system, dispelling colds and headaches, and curing habitual constipation. THE MORROW SHOE STIIX AHEAD AlStt GAINING REPUTATION EVERY DAY. Ai-;iin wt ciill your special attention to tlie celebrated Morrow Shoes, which have stootl the test for many years for DiTiAifii.iTY. for Exckx ij:n(t: of Sty i.k, for Com foist and Kxactnkss of Fit, Ikmiip; equal ii) quality, style and tit to anv Fine Shoes made. We carry the above Shoes in several different styles, and will have no trouble to suit you in size Nor any trouble to sell you aji.iin in the future. We have in stock a com plete line of all kindsof Shoes of every def" ruble style kept. We mean to sell. No more hi fill prices. Come and examine our o'oods; it will not cost you a cent. We want you to call and trade with us, wit lithe assur ance that you will be treated well on all occasions. A full line of DRY WOODS, I hits and Clotliinnhvayson hand at astonishingly low prices. Yours respectfully. Rustic Bros. & Wright HOOKS AXD STATIONERY, AKTISTW HATKRUIAI l-NCINl-URS' SCI'I'LlliS. l'lcTl KKS AMI I'HAMBS, FANCY I'.llllHS. hi.akk uooks,;raik, 1MII.I.S, TOYS AM! OAMliS, WUSTKRN !S. C. SCKNK8, i l l ICKAI'IIIC CAINTI-h, AT AMI IIANIl- ESTABROOK'S, 22 S. Main Street. If you want a good 1111 brella that is warranted not to ('HACK callou ARTHUR M. FIELD, THE LEADING JEWELER. A tine line of imported han dles different, "you know," from anyone else's. FOR SALE ! 50-HOKSB MOILKR ANII KNGlNli. I'UWER MORTISKR AND HOKKK, FOOT POWER MORTISliR, SI CTIOiN FAN, OAK, ASH, WA1.NCT, CHUNKY, PINE AND POPLAR Ll'MBHR, STEAM PIPE. NKW HERRING SAFE. Address, W. E. WILLIAMSON & SON, ASH EVILLE, N. C. scit2fi d&w 2m Judice Shepherd's Opinion. Washington, N. C, June 13, 18HC Mrs. Joe Person's Remedy has been used by a member of my family, and the result has been very beneficial. I believe it to le a good medicine. J.vs. E Shepherd. THE RACKET COLUMN. Business at the "Bir Backet Store" has in creased so much within the past t wo weeks,(since the opening of our im- . nieiise new stock) that we have not had time to write a suitable adver tisement for this column. Will name some g-oods and prices in our next. In the meantime, remem ber that we keep EVERYTHING And sell at prices guar anteed to be the lowest in town. Having a force of salesmen and sales-ladies, the tedious waits that our patient patrons have had to endure are no longer necessary; so come on, you shall be po litely served, without de lay, and sent away with Bargains. Very resectfully, GEO. T.JONES & CO. 'RACKET' COLUMN. HOTELS. STRAUSS' RESTAURANT AND Oyster Parlor. Kl'ROPUAN PLAN. Meals at all Hours. Ittcctric Cars Pass tlie Door. I tfike pleasure in iiniimltu-in; the Ovster Season of 1SHlt-'0H lias opened, ami my Ioiik cxoerii'iiee in the business justifies me in nssurinK the public that I enn please Olid sat isfy all customers. I will serve ovsters in the liest style, and dealing only with relinMe houses, enn oiler the tinest bivalves on the market. Try our Philadelphia Fry, Or Pan Roust. Boston Bay Stews n spccialt . ('.rent can will be taken with all orders I hcH only the finest and freshest oysters that ean be haH. I receive shipments direct from puckers every afternoon. Charges reason able. My restaurant is also supplied with BIRDS, GAME, FRESH FISH, ETC., At all times. Special attention Riven to lady customers. rohte aim ate nrive waiters. Hoard by day. week or month with or with out moms. If you want the best the market affords call on K. STRAINS, Prop'r., South Main Street. PRIVATK BOARD. NKW MorSl!! NKVL I-TKN1SII Iv I 1 AM. MOI'lvftN IMI'K'iVliMKNTS, MRS. H. ATKINSON, No. 211 Haywood Street. jiia'J'J dlv pKlVATK HOAKli. A Inrsc house. H1H Pat ton a venue. Warm, comfort aide ronnis. m street car line. Terms reasonable. uctWdtim MRS. J. I.. SMATHHKS. " MRS? STEVENSON Has removed to the Johnston Building, Put? tnn Hvi-mif. corner of Church street, where uhi i nn'iinrnl to keen resztilnr or transient hoarders. Table furnished with the best the market atiords. Terms rensona me. iiinr.nnin J. W. SCHARTLE, MERCHANT TAILOR 42 N. Main St. JAMKS FRANK, HKA1.KK IS FAMILYGROCERIES AND PROVISIONS Agent for Rri'inn Crick Wonlcn Mills North Main - Asheville. N. C. fehlOdly WM R. PENNIMAN, I'HOI'KIBTOK OF THE ASHEVILLE BRICK WORKS, Asheville, N. C. i. o. box r. niurKtm y GEO. KIMIilCH, GENERALCONTRACTOR AND BUILDER Mosaic Tile and Cement work ti specialty. Orntes, Rnniies and Boilers set. BuilriinKH moved and repaired in first class manner Sewerage. Ilrainage and traK for the same thorouKhly understooil and oroniptly at tended tu. Office: Wolfe IlllildiiiK, Court House Sciiare, Asheville, N. C. . mayaodly THKKE IS NO Royal Road to Fortune, lll'T YOI' CAN Practice Economy ANII lll'Y VOI R GROCERIES, GRAIN, PROVISIONS, riilill. ETC.. FROM A. D. COOPER, Cor. Main and College Sts. Prices nre cut down to suit the times, and goods delivered free to any part of the city. JV3 THE PUBLIC. The undersijned may be found in Shank's new tmiHiinff, one noor wesi 01 j. f. ooo lmry's stable, on College trrst. They are prepared to mnnnfaeture carriages, luiKKics, wagons, and anything else in their line. Re pairing and horse-shoeing nre specialties, They have secured the services of Henry Pow ell, and would le pleased to receive a liberal share of patronage. Satisfaction guaranteed. jul3 dtira HIIKNKTTH it HoWAKD. $2.99 Shoe. Por (jentletnen. A perfect shoe at a moderate coat. Try a pair of our pecialties in gentle men'i footwear, at$5.00, $4.00, $3.50, $2.90, $2.50 and $2.00. Every pair warranted. Ex amine our specialties for ladies at $4.0o, $2.99, $2.50 and $2.00, unexcelled for com fort, durability and tyle. Insist on having the original M A. Packard ft Co.'i Shoes. The genuine have our stamp on bottom of each shoe. Sent postpaid to any part of the U. 8. on receipt of price. M. A. PACKARD & CO., Brockton, Mass. For sale in Asheville by H. REDWOOD & CO. augll deod Hmos in we fri pOR 8 A LB. 14 acre of land on Beaver Pant road. Just opposite J. S. Burnett's. A fine site for a sub urban residence. A nice knoll covered with clover and some fine oaks, with beautiful views of mountains and the city. A rare chance to boy such a piece of land with nice clear springs gushing from the hill. Terms easy and price low. BOST1C, BL ANTON & CO. aul3 dtf SCHOOLS, SCHOOL AND KINDERGARTEN, Bliss Champion, Ml CHIiSTNI'T ST. Fall term li.Kins Sept. L'5. TIioioukIi 111 str etion in Kntilish. 1'rench. Music unci Cl istlienics by cxiH-rieneed teachers. sep 7 d:im English and French BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL, FOR YOUNG LADIES AND LITTLE GIRLS, No. 40 French llrond Avenue. MRS. BURGWYN MAITLAND, PRINCIPAL I For malic vears Associate Principal of Mt. Vernon Institute, llaitimore. 1 Assisted by a corps of coinpentent teachers The course of instruction includes thensual English branches with French nnd Latin. Extras Music, German. Art Needle Work, I'aintiilKon China. Ham-inn nnd Kidinit. Special attention Riven to the training ot little sirls. "Kl m IXSLKAXCE. JIKli 1NSIKANCE FIItE. LIFE. ACCIDENT. PULLI AM & CO. At the Hank of Ashevillc. ASHUVIM.H, N. C. Represent the folio wins companies, viz CASH ASSKTS IN v. s. Amrlo Nevada, of California ,N33 ,11113 (ruititH'iiiii!. of New Vonl 4.N7.H IlamburK-1'rcnieii, of ermaiiy 1 .1 London Assurance, of Knbim. lt5;t Niagara, ol New York '2,'Z'.7 ni" Hurl lord 1.0d7 till! till 2 Plat-nix. of Itiooklyn 5,it54-, St. Paul Fire and Marine, of Min nesota 1.54-1, Southern, ol New OrUai:s !.. Western, ot Toronto 1.0., it Mutual Accident Association. .-litna l.iie Insurance Company. dtmar'Jtt ,17l FOll SALE! Kinht houses and lots un Southsi'U- avenue .tml llniley streets, as a whole $ ,50(1 or sep arately eonvsKondiunly as cheap, on easy terms. FOR SAI.lToR RKNT. One House, 11! rooms $U0 jnr month K " Hi h " irv " 7 " (Town Mil l'l " One Farm of "( acres, and 8 room briel house, adjoining YamlerbiU property, $10, .....v ... J'l - ,i,,,..rh .-.-lit A11I1K- tO J. M. Campbell, nov 7 dl 111 Real Hstate Healer. Real Kstate for Sale. The proper tv known as the ' Mission Hos pital propci tv" has been subdived intosplen ilid biiildinj; lots, and is now olVered for sale Three of these lots front South, upon Wood fin street. Thev are the tuot desirable lots and are the lowest priced lots in town, when you nkv intoeotisideration their location.etc Two lots front on Charlotte street, ami one of thee has a "larj-e, handsome old man sion" upon it, surrounded by beautiful oak trees. The house is worth nunc than isasked I,,,- III,' l.l.-W'f The other is a corner lot and is one of the inot beautiful unimproved lots in Asheville. What makts this property particularly de sirable is its location upon the Line of the Street Kail wav, its nearness to ehurehes, schools, business, etc. It is on the electric lilit line, sewer line, sa line, etc. It is near the College, and is in one of the best nciyh-- i,.,rli,,iU itt the i-itv. Tim propel tv has been put into my nanus to sell, either at private sale or public auc tion. All lots not sold'by the 2d ol Decern-, ber will be sold by me at that time. U. S. WATSON, Real Itale Agent. oet::7 dif FORTIUS WEEK' We arc going to offer some real good Bar gains in our line. Heavy Nickel ami Brass Coach Harness. 1 Vx Trace, I'ull Patent Leather Collar, $:i7.iO, former price $45; Single Buggy Harness, Davis mounting $1:5, nickel $17.5(1. In Whilman Saddles, l-'or both ladies and gentlemen, we are Koing to sell nt New York prices, net. Ladies' Side Saddle, full pig scat, and Skirt, $40; next quality $:( ; Men's lmnorted liuglish Tree. Hat seat, $:, formerly $:i5, i?or Horse Blankets and Whips we arc headquarters. Pull Whalebone Whin $l ,ro to $U.50. Best Buggy Whip in town for 75c. (lood Buggy Cushions $1. Special prices in whips to Liv erymen in quantities. We bought our Horse Blankets Direct from the MANl'KACTPKIiK and ean sell them cheaper than anv one in town. El beron, all wool, in yellow and brown, K2xH2, $10 per pair, sold last year for $15; l-'awn, 70x80, solid colors, $s per pair, sold for $10 last season. We hac them in ull styles and prices to $ J.75 per pair. These are special prices for this week. E. V. JONES, 34 N. Main St. All eyes fitted and fit guaranteed. A com plete stock of the above goods at GRANT'S DRKi STORK, 24 SOUTH MAIN STRKIiT. Oculists' Prescriptions a specialty. ttcp3 ritini W. 0. WOLFE, GRANITE AND MARBLE MONUMENTS New lot of designs just received. Large lot of Tablets and Slabs, very low for cash. You will save money by calling on inc lefore pur chasing. Wareroom Wolfe Building, S. K. Court Square- sepd6m riTrt CURED BY OI.D SPKCIALIST LI I V PHYSICIAN. I I I 1 1 Bottle of medicine Free. We war I II W rant our remcdv tocure the worst , .,u ,j cii vi-i tin h wnouo tins to prevent your being im)oned upon by nuti tlfttnir ftc nn m,- a-hn , . . - ' ,r , , i'ociors. Because others failed Is no reasi for not nain 7 thiu mHiiin v . , J . "v aim iost- a ik rtdrV' co"U yon nothnK- Addtess DUI. rfwi uroanway, New if iiari nmm wmjjjii. jania&wlT PIEDMONT AIR LINE. RICHMOND & DANVILLE R. R. CO, PA88BNC.KR DKFAKTM liNT, Western North Carolina Division. PASSENGER TRAIN SCHKPPLK. (In Kpfkct Si:it. 7.rith Meridian time used when not otherwise indicated. KAST IIOI'ND. No. 61 Iaily. No. 53 Daily. L.v. Knowille, tltoth mcr.) ' Asheville. Ar. Salisbury, " Danville, " Richmond, ll'5pm 810nm I) 41pm I 1 54pm 4l!Oam 04.'fpm 0 82am 1 1020pm I :t:tupni 1 n 16am 1 " RaleiKh. " Ofddsboro, " Wilmington ' Lynclibnrp, ' Washington " Pultimorc, " Phila.. " New York. wiiSTnor.Nii. 1 Oopm HKipm Ooopm 12120pm 7 lOpm K flop in 11 UOpm G UOam No. 50 Iaily. I 'J Ifuitn 7'JOim !45am I I 'J4aiu f40pin ItOOpm 7 .'loam j 11250pm 1 2 aramT ri 5. 'tarn 8 lr.ani J 10 47am I 1 20pm t No. 52 I Lv. New York. 4:50pm ti 57pm 0 ;topm 1 1 00 m 5 07nm Phila , Baltimore, Washintft'n Lynchburg, Richmond, 2 :i0ain T Danville, H40pm M5nm ! Wiltniuwt'n Ooldsboro, Raleiih, Salisbury, . Ashevi'le, Knoxville, (imth mer. ) Itooam I I 230pm I 5opm 44tpin 1 oo.-tm 12 45am 1 1 1 25am I 7 2.'inm 4ttipm 2 10pm j 8 50pttl . & S. R. R. No. 5.1 Dailv. ; No. 54 I Daily. shcvillc, Xrr. 7 60 p m 905 amLv 0 59 amIAr, HendcrsonvUle, " I 37 p m, 12 2Q pmi " Spartanburg jtv. 3 4U p m JWl'KPHY KUANCH. No. 18 I ( Daily except Sunday. No. 17 9 10 a m 1 1 1 0 a ni 5 48 p m t 45 p m Lv. Asheville, Ar. Ar, WnynesviHc, " " Jarrctt's, " " Wcsttit Id, Lv. 3 55 p m 1 55 p m 7 00 a in 610am Sleeping Car Service. We take pleasure in announcing thi-tiinutiu-r ititm of a daily line of elegant Pull'uan I'.uf let Drawiuir Room Cars, between Hot Springs and Asheville and Washington., D. C, Nov, .), on the following schedule : ' No. 51 Arv' OlOpni " I 4Mlipni ' 1 1 1 25 a 111 Lvil 1 OOpin 2 25pm Lv 1 54pm, ' 7 1 2nml " 0 53am I Arr Hot Springs, Asheville, Salisbury, Washington. Close and sure connect inns mad at Wash ington for all points in the North and Ivfist. The Pullman Parlor Car now biingopernt d between Salisbury and Knoxville on these trains will be discontinued after the com mencement of the Sleeping Car run. Nos. 5o and 51. Pullman Sleepers between, Greensboro and Morristown. W. A. WINBVRN. D. P A , Ahevill N C. I AS. L. TAYLOR. O. P. A , Washington, D. C. FINEST FARM IN NOHTH CAROLINA I OK HALi; ! The Lowndes plavv In Transylvania. County. fine of the finest apd best located farms in We-tern N. C , ft miles from the thriving town of Brevard, the county sent of this. Transyl vania county. The buildings are all in good n pair, consisting of h large two story dwell ing house, with l.'t rooms, carnage house, ice house, anil in fact, necc-sary outhuildiny Storage room tor 1:50 tons of hay and s'a bling for ion head of cattle A very substan tial and convenient mule stable, with accom modation for in mules. This farm contains s;iu acrt. of which "Dir. acres are bottom, lying on the Prcnch Broad; river. Mid in a very hiirh stale ot cultivation. 11(1 acres ol this is well set in meadow ;reir top i r herds grnss. of the remaining 5,tn acres, mo acrts arc in upland pasture finely set with a niixlure of grasses, Plenty of handsome oaks for shade in pasture laud.. Bright running streams o pui e water in every held. The remai der is in woodland, with all the different varieties of timber locust, chestnut, oak, poplar, etc. Convenient to. good schools, churches anil postonVe. Daily mail. Fifteen miles from Hendersonvillc and! 25 miles from Asheville. and on or very n-r the line of the contemplated Atlanta, Ashe ville and Baltimore railroad. No such farm for its size can le found in this State or nny other State, for value, beauty ami ilcsirab lity every way. For price and particulars apply to or ad dress Natt Atkinson & Son, Ashevil'tr, N. L P. S. Also two other small bu very doir. able tracts near bv at low figure. octio dtf The Best are the Cheapest, HE" M"N'S PATENT CHAMPION SAFES, Far re 11 & Co., Philadelphia. mi'.'ll tK wiini Kl-AL HSTATE. W'Al.TKH H. (IWYN. W. Y. Wiisr. GWYN & WEST ! (Successors to WaUcr B.(lwyn) ESTABLISHED 188 REFER TO BANK OF ASHEVILLE. REAL ESTATE. I.oaii8 Hecurtly Placed at 8 Per Cent. .Votary l'uh.ic. CcimmiKsioncil, of IiceiN. FIRE INSURANCE. OFFICE-HouUieam Court Hquare. ORTLANIt I1KOS.. Real Instate Brokers, And 1 Investment s Agenttt. Offices: 21 id 2rt I'atton Ave Scconii floor, fcb!ld1y Street Car Schedule. Betfinniniff nt K.MS a. in. Kndinjr 10.30 p. m. Car leaves Sntinr fnr llenut ovfrv hAHrfll half hour. Cnr leaves Snoare for M elite's 7 minute after each hour. Car le-tves Saunre for DnuhlrdBv T minni after each half hour. Car leaves Depot for Square 7 minutes be. fore each hour and half hour. Car lenves Mrlke's for Sounre 7 tninutMh. fore each holf hour. Car leaves Uouhleday for Square 7 minutes lR'fore each hour. Passengers from Uouhleday for Metfae'a, and vice versa, transfer at Company s yard, BftpKfiKe 2fl cents for each piece carried on baifKaRi- car. Waiting Room for Ladies at Meser. Her. ring tit Weaver's, No. 3D PaUoo avenue. Observe sifins on oucsldc of ear for its des tination. Train car meets each train. One valise allowed each passenger on pa, enger car. 1Mb ASH B VI LA, B 8TKBKT RY, CO,