gt"TjrHii'i'r" f1 in iay Tntnn nmir.r.ipinmiinwrn , 3 "J 1! 1 N f N i i i ?1 s 'iS If t L ? hi i.r: 1 M T ' n t ! 'J "1 Tlllt DAILY CITIZEN WIU be published every morning (except Mon day) at the following rateMtnc uw. One Year 3 00 Six Months t 50 Three Months g0 One Month 13 morning in every part of the eity tomrmn bribers, and parties wanting it will please call at the Citiibn Office. New Advertisements. StraTCdMri. Alice Reynolds. For Sale Cheap Sarah biggelkow. Adminittor!sNotice-T. S. Momsu... Masonic Mt. Hermon Lodge No 118 A. V. & A M will meet in the Mnsmnc hall to iii'cht at 7.30 o'clock, for work 111 the first tU'oree. brethren notified and vis itors fraternally invited. Good Knouiih If It Is Close. CoiiMHls, Ohio, November 12. Al ii 1 w roKcl.-il returns from tne election have not been received vet, . ....... ... 1, ,...111 1 'i tti 1 1 on lit 101 iivu l.aninsoii, uiui'iv.... 11.. tenant governor thinks he is dcleated In SS votes. Meteorological H-eport For the 2 hours ending at 9 p. m., November 12, 1889: V. S. SlC.NAL SBHV1CK STATION. J Winyah Sanitarium, Ashcvillc, N. V.P LAT. 35.36 N. LONG. 82.26 W. BLB.S330 FT. ' - T f M PBR A 1 V R U " 7atn2pm0p "ml Max. Mta. I I'uily Mean 40 1 63 1 I 57 2 65.2 I 3H.o I . dpi iTIVE HUMIDITY. liaily Mean MISCELLANEOUS 7am 92 a p m I 0 p m 60 7S.33 - .....,-iT 1'TU Ill'MlllITV. ( In grains per cubic foot of air. i i.lso I 3.037 I 4.373 I J-"-1" noifCiplTATION. I BAKOMBTBR. Snow IV. or. mi depth. imilyMenn Inches 3(). 1. o KisinR. HAKIilCI W HV 'ri5I.StiKAlH. Money mid Securities-Cotton -provisions and Produce. UOXKY AND SHCI KITIKS. Sfw Yokk. Nov. lJ.-Kxehiinge quiet l.ut steady 3'. SVv''o.anev-0ld. $157,340.- To??mS kinds'' duu but steady-,.-cents. $1.27; tt;, per cents. l o..2. unite bonds, dull but steady. i.. .! A aaO lo.-.'INI)i'ac Isttnor u. 'nV Cbiss H.OS..1HS i.N. V. Central i, inort in-' " i""' Cons.. 0s.. 125 Northern In N. C. Cons., 4s no A. PRKSCIUITIONS. lj.S,GRANT,PH.6.ii w fr: : U II the l'hilildelpllin College ol - N Pharmacy. I , ASJIBV1LLE ADVEKTISEMBSTS. .... EJELLICO COAL, : AT RETAIL. : For Grate. - $5' For Stoves, - $4 5 BEST ANTHRACITE COAL j.-,,, sale at Wholesale and Retail by j ASIIEVIIXE COAL COMPANY, Telephone 36. Kxclusive Agents ,l.o,etic nnd Steam I for Western North drilling. H. T. COLLINS, President. E. E.EAGAN, Secretary ASHEVILLE ICE. COMPANY. Pure Ice made from Diatilled Water. Office: No. :5 Pntton Avenue. Untn and melted snow Inches 0 -WIND.: I.W B. . R -rr, STTww 1 sen e 1 to 3 I V leui w LIlieVLIwii. S to S U I cloinly. Oione per cent. 40. KARL vox RI CK, M. 1 , (.lliserver. Tenn. I'S Tenn. 5s Tenn. Set., 3s.... Virginia 6s Virginia Cons., Northwestern . do ptd Pel ,V Lack Ivric Kast Tenn Lake Shore I. oil. .V Nush.... Mem. .V Char. Mobfi Ohio.... Nash. Chat. Asked. Hull, 33 Til 324 ; 4 1 ' i i 21 inn., k'i. h. .V Alb 73R. ,Vj W. l'oiut.. -i , s IKoek Island '.''i 37 iSt. Paul 6-'i .112-1 do pfd 11-2 .12 Tex. Pacitic -"i A Lot.,iTcnn Coal .vrn ';l;i 2l.1h,l'uion Pacific 6''s . 11O4 N. J. Central. ..11' H171.4 Mo. Pacitic b.i; h .s4'4l Western I'nion hf-, 62 IColton-sced tlil I t j Certificates 31' 1 ..loo lllrunswick 2, . The weather xo-la . Washington, November l'.'.-lndiea-tions for North Carolina I-air. tollowed by light rain; stationary teiniieratinv. easterly winds. BTATK NKWS, PHKSCIUPTIONS. 24 S. MAIN ST CITY. Order from your Grocer, our "ROLLER KING" PATENT It is imide in AslicvilK "YOU KNOW," t,,.i 1. .1 hI.mIop our word for it. tlmf no WHITER BREAD, BISCUIT, ROLLS, ( 'sin henifidefrom nny imported Flour. ELECTRIC LIGHT Is the most popular strnifi'lit goods in this innrkel. sk Y.ur(lr)(er forthe!iboveBrands,n.i.nuti.cturO(ll.vthc ASHEVILLE MILLING CO. Telephone io. 36. Tlie Raleigh correspondent ol the Rich mond Dispatch of the 1 1th says : oh" C Winder, Thomas M. Holt, and Majm u....i..ii,i,!iii. lii-en iiuiiointed a com mittee to select a plan lor a large union depot here. , . Hvdecotintv has at last taken acti step's to stop' the oyster pirates Iroin theVr work. A large schooner ruin ir giiiiaisnowin Pamlico sound, ami is Using boats and negro f ingers brought from Virginia, and a Virginia dredger is at work in Long-Shoal river. Coal from the beds in mom.s v......h has been sent to Richmond to be tested. People who arc opening the deposits say they believe the prospects ot success aie K Josiah Staneill, the postmaster at Sel ma, whose arrest has been telegraphed, is still in jail here, not having been able to mi-ure bail. His sureties to-day put in Kavid H. Graves as postmaster. ) The Atlantic Coast-Line yesleruay morning took live hundred negro exodus tcrs to Mississippi, and one hun dred and fifty more passe. here on their way trom Kiustou to the same State. , fi . , Thirtv-five white tarmcrs icn j"""'""1 county to-dav for Arkansas. The lailu.e of their cropscauses their departure trom the State. Thev have owned larms. but go to the Southwest as laborers. A Tobacco substitute. A. new substitute for tobacco i introduced. It is a mixture of British herbs the particular plants are kept se cretand smokers who have tried the compound declare it to be dclicious.y trn- Erant, sngiuiv niniaiu.. .s ioothing to the nerves. Combined with ordinary tobacco it is said to make .1 blend as satisfactory as that of chicoi N with coffee, but such a blend is illegal and punishable by very heavy :-ties. At present it is prepared in Scotland, .""'' the name of "herb tobacco, and it has rapidlv grown in favor. Virginia has a better substitute. Try red pepper whenever you have an inclination to chew or smoke, iniswiu imv.. . habit. SIotloiTtirset Aside Uenief. Loniios, Novemlier ll-'.-The motion made bv Sir Charles Russell to set aside the decision of the lower court post poning the trial 01 tne noei Mill o.i"..S" by I'arnell against the Times came up for hearing before the court ol Ouecns hench to-day. After listening to the argu ments for and against the motion, the court refused to grant the application. Brltlsti Iron Market. ' Loniion, November 12.-Thc Midilles borough iron market is excited ; No. J Cleveland pig is ipioteu ai oo. n -ported that a syndicate has bought tip all Cleveland warrants, thus cornering the market. Middlesborou;h No. H war rants are quoted at GSs. cash. Another ocean steamship record has been broken. The steamer Columbia, ol the Hamburg-American Line, arrived at Southampton at 12 o'clock noon on Thursday, As the Columbia sailed trom New York on Thursday of last week, crossing the bar at I o'clock in the atter- noon, sue maue enc run ,.e.... - lantic in six davs, eighteen hours and ten minutes, which is over an hour better than her best previous record. 1 his time would be equal to an even six days to (Jueenstown. A Visit to Law's China and Silver Store. New goods licing opened every day ; many are only small lots, to be closed out at once, as twenty-five Reticules, leather trimmed, at fifty cents; twentv-five sets Individual Butters, at fifteen cents ier set. All is confusion there, but there are lots ot bar gains in both new anil old goods ; but call there early and often. KauruHu Bought sold and exchanged. All tran sactions guaranteed. Reliable inforn.a tion cheerfully furnished. W. M. Cl.ARKK, Orand Central Hotel. TO THE LADIES. Dress Mafclnir and Millinery. Miss Nellie Labarbc has secured the services of an exjenced Nthern dress maker, ana is prcuuicu i" - dress making for her patrons in connec tion with her millinery establishment. Court square. JjjTRAYBD. From Mr. Alice Reynolds, a Ilrindle Cow, short rope around horns. Inlormauon want ed an to her whereabouts. wfOR RENT. A very aesiraoic um . completely furnished, and central loca L tin. Address 1" wild we fri sun Asheville Postolhee. co n ox. SKW VOKK. .Nov. lotVm .."jet ft- to.i :IV II 1 " ICS inni'iiMif. ,. Him; Orleans ii.i .. Tot.dnet rceen.ts ut nil rt, to'd 5 -M-;i:i. lixport" to Ore-.,., r.t !uu :u.-,7i-.;" I'ronec TsTli; Continent .. -t-Slock (75,7;47 bales wiv Vouk Nov 11'. Cotton Net rcccilils o.TBn. T-11X Kutim-s closed ccrv stead,-. Sales l'jy.Mlou.'ilcs. Xov to.o7ato.os .April.... iic-e'.iiMa.v... i.i . ..HI oiialo .07 lime IVh 1111 ;l;i lot 1 .1 ill V March.... I" -"alo.-i..i"K" 39-T H E SHOE ST0RE,-39" Hl.lli'.aio ;ir .111 i.-.aio U tsalii t'.l lo.."iinlo.o I sleadv. I'll asv. U 1 1 '" - 1 u. Cotton linn r.Al.VHSTON. Nov. 12. Cotton Hi; receipts ;i2illl. N,, hi.. O.K. Nov. 12 -Cotton , ".Moi": S..v. 12.-Cotto ninal. llUo;T!lV.v''i2-Cot.o,,,,niet.l,a..o,; receipts ii4-7. WlLMlM.TltN, N. 9 Ksitt;. ,s -v.-...."" sivANNAll. Nov 12.-Cottou ipliet. I..',; re- CCNKWOK,:H.VNS.Nv..2.-Ct,o,pi,e, ami tirin. SI U-lti: ; receipts Moim.K. Nov. 12.-C..U01. .piiet. rv- 'IkxOMIIs; Nov. 12-Cotto1ir,.Pll-li; v'Nov..-CottoiMpPet.l.UaPll 1'1:S&,;.-c,,u .:. ' K; rtveipts -Ol 7. Cincinnati. Nov. 12 .-Hoiir dull. eak-No. 2 red 77 "'"- "V 1 ,o I. ()ats;o. 2 lllixed 2.!. 1 ..II 0 .' j-o'. Hulk meats firm. Vt lnskev 1 ClilCM-.o Nov 1 2.-C ash limitations to-da.v Wer"asoliows:. r.eady WheiU-o - :'':s,rr'p",ao;'o.:anV11ooa ,", ,121.'. Short ribs:,. :i.-a.-.-l'.,l. Whiskey l.o. SKW Yokk Nov 12 -Sonthem '?Z; Wheat firmer and moderately 7, ,,.,1 K'tl Coni lirmer and titoet .No - e' a-i;' iiaisnctiic and strong Nuv. 2 i ,. ,-"rtee.-N,,v 1 1 7.-,al t.'.l". SiiKiir-rclined m- r. Molasses t'orelcn nominal: New Or e sfiirH active. Petroleum retmed 'c 11 weak. Pork 'l!;, Z western steam 1', loaii 71 ,. 1-rcmhts easv Coltoit 7-:i2; Oram 4i2 askeil. II.REDWOOD & CO. Sniiit' vrr.v IkiihI-soiiii- iMi'l stylisli Loii",' Wraps. NVw- marki'ls. and other shapes in IMnek ami Col.ired. Also Fine Seal l'lusli .lackets, just received. 11. Ui'.nwooD vV: Co.. Strict lv One Price. RICMOVIUI TO NO. :ill I'ATTOX A riNl'K LEADERS 1) C Waudkli-, W.W.Bauxahi), Lawkkxi-e I'i lliam, "p resident. Vice President. CAPITAL, Jj?15(),(KK). THE NATIONAL BANK OF ASHEVILLE, THE LAIUJKST AND OLDEST DANK In Western North Carolina. This Bank is authorized by the StnteTreasurcrto receive State Taxes from Sheriffs, and receipt for same. Interest will be paid on money deposited for four months or longer, and certificates of deposit issued for same. shoes ALL GRADES, jr ISM d Ssi r UIHIXTOKH I II ATS. Special Attention Given t6 "Style" and HaHt" of fJood. ll. rrino & Weaver, - AHiievnc, .1 I'. SAWVKK. ev. .1. L. CAHUOLh. .1. (1. MA11T1N. W. . BAUNAIiP. 1). C. WADDKIiK. (1. W. WILLIAMS. i if Wilmington, N. C. Swannanoa liotel. I'ncxcellcd cuisine. Popular with tourists, lamdies ami business men. lilcetric ears pass the door. K.WVI.S I1KOS., fel.ldlv ,r"'""x HERKAFTER We will run two delivery wagons. The necessity for this has been caused by our largely increnshiji" trade, making it impossible to de liver with onewa-on. There have been complaints (and justly, too) by some of our customers at not having o-oods delivered more promptly. With our addi tional facilities for delivery we hope to increase our al ready bir!,e trade, and prom ise to meet all competition. Our stock, as heretofore, will be kept up to the highest standaid in quality. All o-oods sold by us o-unrantecd to be as represented, both in weights and quality. POWELL & SNIDER Court Square. THE ASHEVILLE LIBRARY ASSOCIATION, RooniH on Main street, opposite the tiost- " TSn daily, except Sundays, from 10 a. m. nnt 1 1 n m., nnd S.:M until i .3o . m "The t ol snl.scrit.on are: $2; b mos., $1.50: 3 mos., $1 ; 1 mo., nocts., "ijfnccrs for 1HHI1 President, R. K. Rnwls ; Viv.Fr.ideiit. Charles W. Woolscy : Sec and Trcas., U. S. Watson ; Librarian, Miss a. J. Hatch. , i;n :n,.Upd Citizens nnu vism, is -: to inspect the catalogue and inscribe their anmcs as members. ci.oriMNr,, imvr.oons. II ATS, I'ANV'VO. S, SI ..ICS, NOTIONS, ,;.STS' I-'I UNISHIXOS I XPIiK WhA K , KNOX CKLKllKATKI) 1..MI1HS' AND Vllll.- I-INI' SOI'TANllSTlI l-: PKKN'S 1IOSIKKV 1 1 ATS, AN.. r.U.VKS. OAK STREET INN, .. ....iv;,. ut ilu i-ir- &'n.t;&"F?mra three si.uares ,r th. ner 01 wu. , - , . court house. furnished rooms to accommodate boarders who oesire a Wc have a number of clival tl 'slu" m.. fiirnllurc. cood tare. Iirst-cluss SaTiW'.r Iis. Also! hot and cold baths. Dr. T. I. HARf JAN, ProprSetor. COMPOUND OXYGEN AND MEDICATED BALSAM VAPOR. At. modem and latest j itruinati throat and nose, by the mi i 't' r "1 in connection with the vapomcd Hal- compn-siiednirniinarnttis . alsol.. balsam trees near Aslicv ille. I . . .am I the balsam obtainc, e'Tr"', Compound Oxyeen. which is, equal to We also manufacture a .' "mt T'"'""'"1, J Jinn ,,v Apnss, on receipt of price, $12 the office treatment, and will hi sent 11 al lH,t.n pnenoinenal. hnv- our sucevss here for the past Im 1 ; Iu ll,c8 nn(, residences can be hiK cured many cases that were. I'r3,,,',"l:; , vl. lt,t., IU tl,c .ollowinK well-known obtained by ealllnB at the San.t onunv " n . I n v. ,ti k i . a. Court ; Kev. 0 C Hin "UM VScl.. P"tor Hirst tlaptist Church ; 1 Collins, Capt. Natt Atkinson. ,f HARCiAN, M. . LUMBER YARD. GEO. F. SCOTT, North Public Square, WINDOWS, - BLINDS, - IfrOOKS, 1.... i,..u,a Vllkiiidsof Huildinc Class, Cutty, l.ime. I'lnstcmiR 11a r, X"'-- ' ' s A Full IJne of Mantels and Mouldings. W t irders will receive prompt attention. c ' ' v ... , ,.. divcin -n.tner. LIUVIS MADId X. Prcs L. P. Mcl-OI L, V.ce-l-rc.. , ... .- ........... M. I. Benrdcn. M.J. PnKB.J- KW.J- Kay' K' Kee1 lilRBCTOKs: e h . liced. ileo. S. Powell, C. M McLoud. FITZPATRICK BROS. & ROBERTSON, Dealers in Wall Paper. Window Hltadcsand Patent HaiiRcr!., Paints. (Ills and Varnishes, Masn. Vs Mixed Paint, and Colors Window Glass, both French and American We keep in stock St. I.ouis and Kentucky Lead tthBdt.v W. T. PKNNIM.VN. ENNIMAN & CO JOHHKKW AND DEALERS IN W. K. PBNNIMAX. M J. C BROWN, MERCHANT : TAILOR, 25 Patton Avenue, i Next to Crnnd Central Hotel.) uprlMly J. V. BROWN & SON, JL. S. H. Keen. i.eo. si. . o-". - WESTERN CAROLINA BANK, IASHBV1LLE, N. C, FEBRUARY 1st, lhKH, -Organized May 1st, 18SS. CAPITAL, - slB " STATU, COUNTY AND CITY DEPOM I OK v . Doe, a. -.encrn. ..nnkin,. Business. Deposits received. ExehanRc loBht and sold. Col ,ect,on made on all accessible points. The Savin Feature will receive special attention. On all sums in this department, deposited for four month, or longer, interest a, the rate . e .r n nn tun wilt be iiairl. Special attention .riven to loans on real estate, which will ,c p,u.i .or ,onK o... sonablc terms .. . : . . i , ill l.e ooen till d Oram Irom li a .v. to : p m. On Saturdays tne n.n HSBl)SWiARM ASHEVILLIi,:N. C. AOBKTS FOK UUPONT POWDER CO., RICHMOND STOVE CO., CORTLAND WAGON CO., OLD HICKORY WAGONS, STIDEBAKER WAGONS, MOLINE SCALE CO. ENGINES, SAW MILLS, ETC. M'COKMICK HARVESTING MACHINE CO. UNDERTAKERS febd(f AND EMHALMERS. (H'FICK : OVER ). E. DICKERSCN S HARDWARE STORE. lanbabniiiK and shipping a specialty. Calls attended niK'ht nnd day. THI-HPHoSE NO. 6o. CA35iB5;LL'S iII.U14 ALE. A niaioritv ..f persons have the impression that CAItHOMATKO BKVKRAOKH arc onh palatabU in, weather. While this is true in a measure as soA wvrKK. "6IJ.BKR AI.K" is an exception. to U.WA.N.1ue. AI K is essentially a Wintkk BevcraKC. ,ivi.,,.,d 'r,;,.te lamilies can order through their tlrocer, or Iron, ,h -act,,,,, .IT !.nood Street, direct. t. J. CAMPBKIX. ,etO d FOR RENT. 1'inelv arraiiKcd rooms for office, and for co , ncreild ants. Also. larKe room hieh ceilinK, lor clubs In buildings Nos. -H and 3d, 1'utton avenue. ....... T, VM. McAI-l-.H, Trustet, novSd'Jw Kl"""- w ANTEU. .. .. .. - r.iin Irui't Of llltlll Oil ,he !S in;;i river: , SJ. acres l.oUom. Applv to m'i "" oetll.l till" KOPP & UCHTENBERGER, FAMILY GROCERS. Sucars at wholesale prices. A full line of Teas, at prices to suit all New Valencia Raisins, Currants, Unhorn I Citron nnd Turkish Prunes (jucen Syrup, just the thinu on warm cakes Mince Meat. Mince Meat. We commence to day niakiHK a line grade ,,f Mince Meat. In this uiticlc we use the very best ingredients - Hand-I'ielved Allies, Oood Beef, New Valencia Kaisins, New Cur 31 ..i..t. i .nsfi f ...hi it'int rhean Millinery. Next door to Piwtothec. octau u ti FOR SALE CHEAP. A NEW INCUBATOR of improved pattern ... ..aS0. Al.o . POSTOFFICE V.1WJ , CABINET, lately ned at Haiel. SARAH 8IOOELKOW, ..,, An, it Wet Asheyille, N. C. A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTIC E. H. rln. been appointed administrator of theStt crfthe iatt Alfred M. Alexander, I ti MORRISON. Adm'r of A. M. Alexander. Arterille, Not. 12, '. dlt w6t ILLINEKY. oysterjupper: FOR THE BENEFIT OF "THE PARSONAGE AID SOCIETY," AT Col. A. T. Davidson's, College Street. Thursday, November 14th, From B to lo p. m. COR RUNT. House of two room., on We.t .treet. T yStS' 'OT ""' GEO. F. SCOTT nov9 dlw JJ1KST-CI.ASS BOAKII. Mrs. S. E. Chamberlin ha. reo oved to 51 Church street, convenient ey c.v. .. . - ccllent beds, nicelv furnished room, and finit class in every respect. n"T" "lw 1)peraTkuseT Friday EvenlnR, Nov. 15th FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE FLOWER MISSION. The proitram willvcon.i. of Musical Selections Ilv the liest local talent, and RECITATIONS B V MISS BOWMAN, Of Nashville, Tenn. Admission, - - 5Ct. Door, open t T.30 Entertainment will begin at 8 o'clock .harp r,.r....t -c are Hcadouartcrs for rants, l.eKhorn Citron. Pure SuKar and the Coflee. We roast fresh every day, and jrrind ! , i,iq,,r. It is all ready for use. We I brand it ASHKV11.I.B MINCH MEAT, to suit the purchaser. retih StocU. MANN, JOHNSON & COMPANY, 7 SI'CCKSSOKS TO SHEPARD, MANN & JOHNSON, AND THE BLAIR FURNITURE CO.. NO. XS PATTON AVl-NI'l.. Wholesale and Retail Furniture Oealer, And Undertakers. p(r Prompt iiltcntion Kivcn to all orders, day or night Free Delivery. - PATTON AVE. I TLANTIC COAST LINE .. . ... ik. r.JIfxvinur I'hcd- No. 53-Leaye. Columh a ....... 5 JO p. m. Su'sta and ColumWa & Greenville Railroads. T M EMERSON, Gen. Pa... Agt. J. P. DEVINB, Gen. Supt. NEW DEBD, carefully PrtP" J?-T.lrd. lnK member, of the A.h.tar(M (Inert parchment mo tot, i--r--y -- frtnu all neceiMwrT point., jnst out and now m at th. of the Crrn.a Pul m 0 rl. No. North Co.rt onr. ,a10t pOK RENT. MFour lirst-class Houses for rent. Fur nished eonipletclv. and splendidly loca ted. Apply to II. S.WATSON, oeta dtf Real Estate AKent. NOTICE ! W. D. ROWE, JJOV WANTED. A bright. Intelligent mj, q". -vj and writing good hand. Mn.t not be afraid to .oil hi. hand.. AddreM soya dt "X 288- ml UKALKK IN ITALIAN & AMERICAN MARBLE, Granite M onument., etc. All kind, of Monu ments. Tombstones. Headstone., Urn. and Vases made to order in the late.t design.. ASHEVILLE, N. C. Yard At Buncombe Wan house. ASHEVILLE, N. C. Oct. I!'-'. 1 . The regular annual meeting of the stock holder, of the WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA RAILROAD CO. Will be held at the office of the Company In Asheville, N C, on the FOURTH WEDNESDAY IN NOVEMBER, 1889 Being the 2Tth day of the month. Geo. P. Erwln, Sec. and Treas. PLUMBING, STEAM AND GAS FITTING, TIN AND SLATE ROOFING, ARCHITKCTl'RAL, IKON WORK. Plans and Specificatioiip Furnished n Application vv h.e thorough mechanic in each line who have had many year.' experience in their business We can .afely guarantee our patrons satisfaction in our work, a low hgure.. BALLARD, RICH & BOYCE. fehtndlT octU dtd am39 dflm BROOM FACTORY. HANFOAD N. LOCKWOOU MANIWHiDB Brooms, "WliisUs, Hearth and Celling Brooms. . 1 nmnMtf m-adc. a .oecialtT. Quo. tmuons ami mmuiyiw E. FOGETTE, Arcbitect. Plan, and .pedfication. prepared d est!- . 1 alarvrt an tic. main in"" 0ee- Wol Bnildtag, Court Hot Square Artrilk.N.C. majrSOdl, MAKE MONEY IN WALL STREET. CHANGE, 91 2 F St.. N W Washington ftituioti and Maririn. factrI- ir mtlTtce. wrfier uj promptly executed. anas d3m TH E " H IC KOR Y INN.'1 HICKORY, N. C. Elevtric LiKhts. Oils. Hot and Colli Water Baths and Toilets on each floor.. Cuisine and apiointinenta unsurpassed. FRANK LOIKHHAK, Proprietor THE "BONANZA," THE LEADING V WINE .-. AND . LIQUOR .. STORE IN THE STATE. FINE SAMPLE AND BIIXIARD ROOM. J. A. HARQ14KDT, M'B'r. I NO. 43 S. MAIN ST., ASHEYILLE, N. t