THE DAILY CITIZEN. The Citizbn n the most extensively emu lated and widely read newspaper in Western North Carolina. Its discussion of public men nnd measures la in the interest of public integrity, honest government, and prosju'rous industry, and it knows no personal allegiance in treating pub lic Issues. The CiTlZKN puhtishes the dispatches of thr Associated r'ress, which now covers thr w hole world in its scope. It has other fneili ti.s of advanced journalism for jrathirin news from all quarters, with evervthinjjeure fully edited to occupy the smallest space. Specimen copies of nny edition will be sent ."ee to any one sending their address. Terms Daily. lor one year; $:t for six nionths ; 5( cents for one month ; 1 fl ctntsfoi one week. Curriers will deliver the paper in every part ol the city to subscribers, and par ties wanting it w ill please call at the Citizkn .-tice. AnvKRTisiNd Rates Reasonable, and mailt known on application at this otlice. Al transient advertisciueiitB must, be paid in ad vance. 5" Reading notices ten cents per line. Obitu ary, niurriuKt and society notices fifty cents each (not ."uecdinj; ten lines) or fifty cents per inch. FRIDAY. XOYliMUKK !.". 1SVJ. MIHCONClCPTICkNS. Ye (juntod in yesterday's issue ii jmi tion of a letter from Ashcvillc to a Mas sachusetts journal, evidently written h a visitor whose ranje ul" view was ver limited, and his sojourn too lnicl to ad mit of its enlargement. The information which was contained in the extract vi published was specially obtained and pet feetly reliable; what we now refer to i; evidently the result of original erroneoi impressions, not subsequently effaced b intelligent observation of the questioi. treated of. The writer opens his lettei with the following paragraph: "There is a marked d i iVerence of opinio t between leadint: democrats on bow tin nero shall be treated, lioverip'r ilill.o New Yoi'K, in his Atlanta speech, sail1 that the whites should take t he neyro ii hand and lift him up. Henry VatLcrst said that the blacks didn't know enon.t:! to rule and probably never would know enough. Therefore the blacks nnit Ik forever kept out of idlice. Tlicse arc tlu Northern and Sotitlicru views ol ' t he ease t hie is liberal. The oi lier is narrow an vengeful. In this nencratiou narrowness of thought is havini; ils day. And it day in rciardini; the race qtiestiou is not far distant." In contrasting the two views presented the one. the Northern, is certainly liberal but it is visionary and inadmissible if it be proposeil to be carried out to t he ex tent of that free and equal iustallatioiiot office dreamed of by the writer of thi letter. The other, the Southern view, may be narrow ; il certainly is not veuyi ful. It' it be narroy , it is because tlu treed nejjro has l'ulh esta' lishcdliis unlit ness for the duties and responsibilities o: otlice in its most iuqiortant relation. Southern experience pves ample am eostlv illustration ol that incapacity, and even though it lie a narrow view, tlu South has no purpose to Mibiccl itself t any farther experiment. It will trust th management of its affairs to the raei which, apart from fundamental ethno logical differences, has had the training of centuries to tit it (in its work, ratiici than to that which, w ith itsoiily twenty five years' experience in freedom, lias on Is succeeded in making ducks and tirakeso: every serious matter lu which it has es saved to put its haiiils. It is not venye ful; for there is no vengeance to be i ited upon the colored race; rather kimlU and grateful leelin, towards the ol.lct and passiny-away generation at least The Southern people know the nero llntrouyhly; know hisi;oodqualitics,ain: also know his deficiencies, not the least of which, if it were needed for him to hi, office, which necessity is not upon them, his incapacity to till them up to the jus; standard of public requirement. Hut why vengeful ? hecausc, if that ' element enters into exclusion trom odice. the Northern (States have shown more vengeful feeling than the Southern. We that in the Northern States the ncro was ever rewarded with State or county honors; no magistrate ships, no sheriffalties, no clerkships, no solieitorships, no judgeships, no legisla tive or congressional rewards, nothing whatever to reward the colored voter toi his preponderance, as the undeniable bal ance of power, in pvitnj party victoty to the party to which the writer of this let ter so unmistakably belongs. The na tional administration, for party pur poses, has made some selection for ollici from anion; the lew really competent ne groes in the country. Hut that was an abstract consideration. We have seen that the moment President Harrison came in contact with the negroes in the close relation of domestic service, he jjot rid of them at once i( jtnt';uii and purged himself of the foul association. A Southern Tresident would have done no such thm. His estimate of the nero would have been the true one; he would have taken him as a ood, true, docile, affectionate friend ; but he would never have made an officeholder of him. Our correspondent would do well to learn something more of the affairs of the South than he can possibly learn within the seclusion of a sanitarium; and this observation will teach him, as it has taught other intelligent Northern gentle man, that the policy of the South to wards the negro is neither narrow nor vengeful, but wise and generous. MISCONIKI'TION OF j(l KMI.. ISTIC UCTV, The Durham fdole, a handsomely printed and enterprising daily, in its issue of the lath, announced its suspen sion. The cause which led to this result "was a lack of substantial patronage;" and the editor adds, "the existence of :he paper might have been prolonged by lowering its standard." In this we are sure the editor docs his patrons wrong. No class of readers is Mattered by a concession to their assured deficiencies, none of thein complimented by the effort to reduce a paper to the level of their supposed tastes or compre hensions. It is gross ignorance of human nature when an editor presumes to look down from his lolty perch and condes cends to come down into the lower arena he imagines to exist, and consent to play the buffoon or the ignoramus or the charlatan that he may tickle the self love of the-herd with whom be chooses for the time to make himself the equal. That is the mistake editors sometimes make. They assume the people to be fools to be treated according to their folly. If such editors regard the masses u their inferiors, they would do well to measure tlie force anil wisdom of the proverb, "truth lies at the bottom of a well;" and in the profundity of the depths to which such editors have as signed the great masses of his l eaders he will find as much of sound wisdom and judicious rcllcction as he had experienced in the elevated atmosphere from which, for the time being, he had so graciously lowered himself. The aspiration of all people is to rise higher in the scale ot lile and intelligence; they gladly welcome all helps to that end, ami they rcnl as in sult all implication of inferiority. The mind of the most thoughtless or un learned reader is as accessible to higher truths and pure sentiment as that of the most cultivated. They welcome them as cordially ami as appreciatively. If they are in anv way iIi-Ik ieul, they are keenly conscious ot it. They fully understand what is the proper standard ot' a newspaper. If that standard is a lofty otic, they rally to il rather than turn away from it. They teecpt it as a guitlc, and expect that it lie hoi ne loftily. The very suggestion if the ('.lobe that its existence might nave been prolonged by lowering its standard proves the depth ol the iniscon ,'eption of the cililor. Apart Iroin the lair-mess management of the paper, nl .vliieh we know nothing, we would ven- uie the opinion that tnc laiuire 01 mi - i.terprise was due largely to the raising il'a false standard that ol sensational - s,n. which is foreign to tin- tastes and laliiis of a quiet conservative people. I'Ikv I to their paper for truth, toi nl, n illation, lor advice, not sensation. Hid while si, lid steady going journals nay bear unfa vorable couir.tol with the lash and briiiiaucy of more vivacious ivals, they will remain to guide with their more steady light, w hile the pyro technic displays of the sensational school juickly sputters out ils llashy gloiics. iiwl dies in ignominious the kucss. Hut the editoi of the t'dolic m.inlully would not accept the allei native of low riiiL; hi- standard, and went down with .lis llag living. Wc are surprisci! that so astute, and il:.o so liberal, a journal ;i tin Spring icld Republican should I n a moment lave lent ear to the inc'icilii Ic , il lint llia ici' his, story narrated by a eieliil"iis, ot .vorse, young woman teaching school in h'laudo, l'la..iu a letter in family friends n Mai-saehiisel'.s. 'f lie story is e iilcntly .vrillen tinder the inline -nee nt an iniposi inn practiced upon credulity, or is the esiill ol ilelilicr.ilc pin pnM' to pc rpet uale X'Slilig liail Iccllllg lielweell the sections. .Ye w ill, ill tins latter case', be w iliim; to AaLtei that she is onenl I hoe school narilis whose enlhusi imu tn leach the icgnie-s i.iii'lalle and !i"inralile plil misc. has k-il her in l'!nn i, ami whose ifii.uuliropic' iciMll l as led her to U'ck anil picier nec;rn asneialioll, in ,v!;ie Ii'sIic has iiictirreil the nsiraeisui l:e a e age w it h uei ti muiie. nr her pen. : K i st i ii y annul the bitter hate of the wl'ilcs In 1 1 ;t- negrncs, the wholesale 'til, ! ic i ies. the- ci uel j net! laii lies practiced !tp in tile uegio ministe rs, remind us ton i.'tvil'iy ot' Tourgct 's sloi ies of similar ilinchiy lial a in cities, such as dragging lilli e ll linilie's - I de ad negroes nut of a i.inpniiil into which they were thrown i li:e 'nnic w liites, not to reeognie : lie s; ii e i v.-i I ami ilig smile of his own sec t ii ' ii nt the same malignant and nicllda cimis temper. No doubt the fearful story 's vc. nl with full laith at the New bug lire sides wil hoiit t he remotest idea they are reading what would have the approval of Baron Munchausen hiin m Ii as a specimen of line invention. We give the Massachusetts young wo man the benelit of the publicity in this section she might not have asked for. She says : The court is in session here at Live Oak and several colored men arc on trial lor murder. Some of them have killed others in self-defense and should be ae ipiitieil. but the whites hate them so bit teily that they stand readv to Ivnch them unless thry are sentenced to be hanged. The jail was guarded all last night, and although nothing serious oc curred there was much excitement. The herilf is one who is inclined to have just ice done, and a gang of men went to his house and ealicd lor him. lie hid himseli or they would probably have taken his life. There happened to be two colored ministers on the street, and they made ctreal sport ot them, causing one to kneel dow n and pray ami the other to dance. Within the past year nineteen murders have been committed in this district alone, and it stems as if the present ex citement will have some serious ending. In the county adoiiiiit? tins, I under itand that titty 1'niteil Slates marshals have been sen! down to keep the peni-c. Tlie law is a dead letter here so far as the colored man is concerned. 1 expect that the wiutes are intimidating and abusing the blacks with a view to keeping them back at the coming elections. If the ieo ple become very much infuriated asthey a re not at all friendly to us wc may sui ter in some wav. too. Hr. 1'arkcr I'rays cream Van-Ola, Rosa line, Ougaliuc and Diamond nail powder having now become the ladies' favorites, at I-'. I.. Jacob's drug store, these popular manicure articles may always lie found, together with pocket emery board, or ange wood slicks, nail scissors, tiles and other such requisites. Also a complete line of drugs and toilet artic les, in addi tion to the Iiclie Sodo l-'ountain from which ice cold drinks are dispensed. Cor ner Main street and I'atton avenue. Mr. liinuiet Nichols, sou of cx-Cou-gressman John Nichols, of tlie Kalcigh district, died in Washington.!). C, Satur day night, of hetirt disease. lie was buried in Kaleigh on Monday. The de ceased was appointed a cadet at West Point during the congressional term of his father two or three years ago, but tailed to pass the examination on ac count of his phvsicnl disability. He was a bright, promising young man and his untimely death is to "be deplored. We invite you to sceourstockund com pare prices, at Whitlock's, corner Gaele Hlock. Whisky is reported steady, although imbiliers rarely are. Syrup of FiicH. Produced from the laxative and nutri tious juice of California tigs, combined with the medicinal virtues of olants known to be most beneficial to the hu man system, acts gently, on the kidnevs, liver and bowels, etlcetuallveleansing the system, dispelling colds aiid headaches, and curing habitual constipation. THE MORROW SHOE STILL AHEAD AMI GAINING REPUTATION EVERY DAY. i. m St 2 I ; A,;iin v ciill your special iiittciiliou to the cclcbriitcd j Morrow Shoes, which have : stood the lest for many years il'or Di ifAiuiJTV. for Kxcki.- i ! I.KNCi: OK STY1.K, forCoM l'OHT 1 ., i AXI K.XACTX KSS Or iT.beiiif;- equal in quality, style and tit lo any Fine Shoes made. We carry the above Shoes in several different styles, and will have no 1 rouble to suit you in size Nor any t rouble to sell you afi'ain in the future. We have in stock a com plete line of all kinds of Shoes of every dei-'Vable style kept. We mean to sell. No more hiuh prices. j Come and examine our iji'oods: it will not cost you a : cent. We want you lo call and trade wit Ii us. wit h the assur ance that you will be treated well on all occasions. A full line of DRY (iOODS. Hats and ( 'lotliinirnhvnyson hand at astonishingly low prices. Yours respectfully. Itostic Ilros. & Wright HOOKS AND STATIONIiHV, artists jiati;hiai.s, KNl'.lNUKKS- sriTI.IKS, I'leTt Kl;S A N 1 1 I'KAMES, l- ANC V ('.III His. iii.amc iiookh, i:vi:hv(;kadk, IiilI.l.S, TOYS AMI ('.AMI'S. AVI'.STKRJI N. C. StKNDS, I'lliiTilGRAI'lIlC I'AI.NTKIj, AT ANIi HASH- ESTABROOSi'S, 22 8. Main Street. If you want a yood I'm- IM-ella at is warranted not to CItACIv call on 9 ARTHUR M. FIELD, THE LEADING JEWELER. A fine line of imported han dles different, ''you know." from anyone else's. FOR SALeT ,-iO-IIOKSIi HOILBK AND HNGINIi. I'OW T.R MORTISKK AND BOKHK, FOOT I'OWUR MORTISKK, SI CTION FAN, OAK, ASH, WAI.NI'T, CHKRRV, IMNB AND POPLAR Ll MniiR, STEAM P1PB. NEW HKRRINC. SAFK. AclclrelK, W. E. WILLIAMSON &-S0N, ASHEVILLE, N. C. Rev. C. J. Gibson, D. D., Petersburg, Va.. says: I have used Mrs. Joe Person's Remedy in my own family, and it gives me pleasure to say it has proved a valu able Tonic and Purifier ot the Blood, and if thoroughly tested, I think will remove many cutaneous disorders. Chi-rchill J. Gibson, Petersburg, Va., Junuary 10, 1888. THE RACKET COLUMN. n o o ci o n o o i o o o o o ( o business at the "Hir Racket Store" has in creased so much within the past two weeks,(sinco the opening of our im mense new stock) that we have not had time to write a suitable adver tisement for this column. Will name some ;oods and prices in our next. In the meantime, remem ber that we keep EVERYTHING And sell at prices guar anteed to lie the lowest ill town, lla vin a force of salesmen and sales-la dies, the tedious waits that our patient patrons have had to endure are no loiifi-er necessary; so come on, you shall lie po litely served, without de lay, and sent uway with Iarjaiiis. Very resjet;tfull,v, (SKO. T. JONKS &. CO. ooooooooo o o oo o o o o "RACKET COLUMN. HOTELS. STRAUSS' RESTAURANT AND- Oyster Parlor. i:iropi:an plan. Meals at all Hours. HR-ctric Cartt Pas tlie Door. I tnke pli-jiHtire in nnmiunctiiK the Ovnter St-ason of issit-'im has oitcned, nm! my tnnjr fxixriencc in tlu- huniiicsn justifies me in itftsurinK the public tlint I enn please nntl tai isfy ull eustomiTH. I will si rve oysters in thf I lent style, and dealing only with reliable hutiKCH, can offer the tinvsi hi valves (in the market. Try our Philadelphia Fry, Or I'an Roast. Boston Hay Stews n special t v. Ureal care will lie taken with all orders I se'l only the finest and freshest oysters that can he had. I receive shipment direct from packers every nfternoon. Chnrpcs renson uhle. My rcstaurunt is also supplied with BIRDS, fiAME, FRESH FISH, ETC., At all times. Kprriul Mtrntiiin Klvrn tn liidy eustumrril. fnlltr line utUnthf Wlliu-rs. Iloanl I- dii.v, week or iiumth with or with out ruutua. It' yon wutit tlu- lit-st the market iitlonts cull on K. STRAl'SS, Prop'r., South Main Street. ! PRIVATE BOARD, i NliW IIOl'RB! NliWLV FfKNlSHIil) I A 1.1. MODIiKN IMPKOVHMUNTS. MRS. N. B. ATKINSON, No. 211 Haywood Street. .jlinC'.' ill v pKlVATIi IIOAMIl. v Inri'e house, 31S I'atton avenue. Wiirm. emnfortnhle rooms. tin utreet car line "Onus rt'iiHunable. ocixdf.m MKS. J. I.. SMATI1KKS. MRS. S. STEVENSON Ilns removed to the Johnston Huildinjr, I'ati ton Hvciuie, corner ot Church street, where she is prepared tu keen nutdtir or transient hoarders. Table furnished with the best ilte market affords. Terms rvasonnblr . miir31mfi J. V. SCHARTLE, MERCHANT TAILOR 42 N. Main St. JAJIKS FRANK, 11EA1.HK IN FAMILY GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS Aiient for Ke.-ins Creek Woolen Mills. North Main . Asheville, N. C. feMOrily WM, R. PENlMAN, I'MUt'KIBTOK OF THE ASHEVILLE BRICK WORKS, Abbeville, N. C. f. O. Box I. muri:idly GEO. KOIIIER, GENERALCONTRACTORANDBUILDER Mosuic Tile and Cement work a specialty. Grates, KntiKes and Boilers set. Buildings moved anil repaired in first class manner Sewerage. Drainage and traps fur the same thoroughly understood and promptly at tended to. Office: Wolfe Building, Court House Square, Asheville, N. C. mayModly THliHU IS Nl) Royal Road to Fortune, HI T Yl)t' CAN Practice Economy AND lit'Y Yul'K GROCERIES, GRAIN, PROVISIONS, l-'lilil). liTC. FROM A. D. COOPER, Cor. Main and College Sts. Prices are cut down to suit the times, and goods delivered free to any part of the city. JpOTHK PPBL1C. The undersigned may Ik- found in Shank's new building, one door west ol J, F. Wood bury's stable, on College Mrest. They are prepared to manufacture carriages, buggies, wagons, nnd anything else in their line. Re pairing and horse-shoeing arc specialties. They hnve secured the servicesof Henrv Pow II, and would Iw pleased to receive a lilerul share of patronage. Satisfaction guaranteed. jul3 dftm BPRNETTB & HOWARD. Por irentlrmen. A nrrfrct ahoe nr n mnHmt cost- Try a pair of our ipecinltici in gentle mrn'i footwear, atSR.OO, $4.UO, $3,30, $2.99, $a fiO and 2.CK). Bvery pair warrnnted. Kx amine our necialtiea for ladies at $4.00. IJOO II AO onH 9 IUI f ' fort, durability and style. msiai un nYinK me anginal m a. fackard & Co.'i Shoes. The genuine have oar staran IM Winm nf ,.!. -L. u A. . . . any part of the L 8. on receipt of price. M. A. PACKARD & CO., Brockton, Mass. Por ale in Asheville by H. REDWOOD & CO. augl 1 deod Hmos an wc rri F K SALB. n wiiu un mivrr i 'urn roid, JURl opposite J. 8. Burnett's. A fine site for a suw urban residence. A nice knoll covered with clover and some fine oaks, w th beantifnl views of mountains and the city. A rare chance to buy such a piece of land with nice clear Bprinm gushing from the hill. Terms easy and price low BOSTIC, BLANTON & CO. aulS dtf $2.99 Shoe. SCHOOLS. SCHOOL AND KINDERGARTEN Miss Champion, CHKSTNl'T ST. Fall term begin Sept. 25. Thontih in str 'ction in Ivnglish, French, Music and Cal isthenics by exK'neneed tenchers. sep 7 d.'tm Kiisnsh and French BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL, FOR YOUNG LADIES AND LITTLE GIRLS, No. 4-0 French Broad Avenue. MRS. BURGWYN MAITLAND, PRINCIPAL (For many years Associate I'riuciput of Mt. Vernon Institute, Baltimore.) Assisted by a corps of compentent teachers. The course of instruction includes the usual Knglish branches with French and Latin. Extras Music, Herman. Art Needle Work, I'nintinjf on China, 1'jtminK and Riding. Special attention given to the training ot little girls. nugl dm FINEST FARM IN NORTH CAROLINA FOR The Lowndes Place, In Transylvania County One of the finest anil bent located farms in Western N. C, miles from the thriving town of Brevard, the county scat of this Transyl vania county. The buildings arc all in g-od n pair, consisting of a large two story dwell ing house, with 13 rooms, carriage house, ice house, and in fact, allnecessary outbuildings. Stotage room lor LTiO tons of hay and sta bling for lOO head of cattle A very substan tial and convenient mu'e stable, with moilation for Id mules. This farm contains KHO acres, of which Sim acres are bottom, lying on the French Brond river, and in a very hijth slate of cultivation. 1 H aires of tliis is will st t in meadow red top :r herds gniss. Of the remaining f30 acres, loo acres are in upland pasture finely sei with n mixture of grasses. Plenty ol handsome oaks for shade in pasture land. Blight running strcninsof puie wnteririevcvv held The remai dir is in woodland, with all the diticrcnt varieties tl" timber --locust, chestnut, oak, poplar, etc. Convenient to good schools, churches tind posioihec. haily mail. FiltiTii miles iVom (U-ndcrsonville and Ufi tnilcs troui Atdivvjllc. and on or very ii'-ar the line of the contemplated Atlanta, Asht- illc am) Baltimore railroad. So such I arm for it size can be found in this State or any other State, lor value, beauty and desirability every way. For price and particulars apply to or ad dress Xatt Atkinson & Son, Ashcvillc. N. C. P. S.-ANo two other small but very desir able tracts near bv at low (iuun.8. octlO dti Street Car Schedule. Beginning at H.'J'A n. in. F.ndiug It) MO p. in. Car leaves Stjunrc lor Ik-pot every hourand hall hour Car leaves Square for Melke's 7 minutes after each hour. Car le.ives Si inure lor Oouhlcduy 7 minutes after each hall hour. Car leaves Mepot for Square 7 minutes be fore each hour and half hour. Car leaves Melke's for Square 7 minutes be fore each half hour. Car Uavi-s Iiuublcday for Square 7 minutes before eai h hour. Passengers trom Poubleday for Melke's, and vice versa, transfer at Company's yard. Baggage -5 cents for each piece curried on baggage ear. Waiting Kooin tor Ladies at Messrs. Her ring i: Weaver's. No. Pntion uvenue. ( )bserve signs on ouisidir of car for its des tination. Train car meets each train. One valise allowed each passenger on pass enger car. TUB AS11KY1L.I.K STKlCliT K Y. CO. FOR THIS WEEK We are going to offer some real good Bar gains in our line. Heavy Nickel and Brass Coach Harness, 1 14 Trace, Full Patent Leather Collar, $M7..ri, former price $0 ; Single Buggy Harness, Bavis mounting $25, nickel $17..r0. In Whitman Saddles, For both ladies and gentlemen, we are tfoinK to sell nt New York prieeH, net. I.ndieH' Side Saddle, full pi neat, and Skirt, $40; next ipiality$30; Men's Imoortid i;nulili Tree, lint sent, $3ll, formerly $3S. For Horse lllatikeu atul Whips we are headquarters. Full Whulcliunc Whin $1.50 to IHU.SU. Hrst HuKtiy W hip in town for 7Se. (lood Buj'Ky Cushions $1. Special prices in whips to Liv erymen in quantities. We bought our Horse Blankets Uireet from the MANI'FACTI'KKK nnd enn sell them ch'-aper than anv one in town. El heron, nil wool, in yellow and brown, KUxN2. $li) K-r pair, sold last year for $1."; Fawn 7lixHO, solid eolors, $s per pair, sold for $10 Inst season. We have them in till styles and pi-iees to $a.7" ier pair. These are sH-eial ptices for this week. E. V. JONES, 34 N. Main St. in All eye fitted and tit puuranteeU. A com plete stock of the above goods at GRANT'S DRIG STORK, 24S01TH MAIN STKKKT. Oculists' Prescriptions a specialty. scp3 (him W. 0. WOLFE. GRANITE AND MARBLE MONUMENTS New lototdtaitftl. juKtreecived. LarKe lolol Tabletn and Slab,, very low for rash. You will nave money hy ealling on me before pur cha.inK. Warrroom Wolfe HuildinK, 8. B. Court Square. ei)8dBm TUB LAROBST AND BKST EBl'II'l'BU IN THE SOUTH. CHEMICAL AND ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES or II. C. Woltcrcek & Co. CONt t-TIN(l CHKUIHT AND HIKIM) KNOvKKV. Analraea of Metal.. Ore., Coal or Coke Min PRICB LIST ON API'LIC.VTION. M Intnir nfniw4 . l ... bouKht anS'id. ' """ oel,. vorrr.ponnence lollclted. Sample, can he -nt by mail or if ent b, eh.rKe. mu.t l nreja'd Attent. wanted in every place p", Chattanooga, Tenn. INSURANCE. INSI'RANCB. FIRE. LIFE. ACCIDENT. PULLIAM & CO. At thr Bunk ol' Aihevillr, ASHUV1LLB, N. C. KrprcHciit i he following i-ompnirira. vix. -'IKK. CAHH AWKTH IN v. . ,N3:t ,B23 ,(04 ,!i!n ,4'.ia ,i;i2 17- Ofll BK4 232 Anlo Nt-viula. ol Cniilnrnia Contini'titfil. of N-v N'onl 4.M7fl IlnnilmrK-Hrt-iiicii.ol c.erninny 1,1 21), London Asmirantf. of HnKlnud 1.S-1.'I, NinKnrn, of N.-w York M.y.'lT, orient, of Hartford 1,M7, l'htvnix. of Hiooklvn 5,ur4, St. 1'aul Fin- nnd Miirlnr, of Min nesota 1.541, Southern, of New Orleans 4:u, Western, ol Toronto 1,03, :iuiuni Aeeinent AttHoelution. .4-:tnu Life InHurnnce Company, ItmnrSK REAL ESTATE. Waltbk U. Kwvn, V. V. Wkst. GVVYN & WEST, (Successors to Walter B.Gwyn) ESTABLISHED r88r REFER TO BANK OF ASHEVILLE. REAL ESTATE. Loans Securely Placed at & Per Cent, Notary Pubde. Comml'smtu-nt otllrnvx. FIUE INSURANCE. OFFICIi HoutlieHHt Court Nquarr. ORTI.ANli KKUS.. Real Kstale Brokers, And s Investment i Aifent.n. Offiees: L'4 A, 'JG Patton Ave. Seeond rioor. feb'tdly The Best are the Cheapest. PATENT CHAMPION SAFES., Farrell & Co., Philadelphia. aulll) d& wim Real Estate lor Sale. The property '.flown as the "Mimliin llon '!!'.. l,"!!";rt,J h" )" "Uhdlved intnplen tlid bmldiiiK lots, and i. now otlired lor .ale. Three of these lolnfrontSouth.upon Wood hn street. Tliev are thf most desirable lots and are the lowest priced lots in town, when you take intoconsidcrntion theirlocHtlon.etr. 1 wo lots front on Charlotte stictt.nndone of these- has a "larue. handonie old man sion upon it, surrounded bv beautiful oak trees. 'I he house is worth more than is asked lor the place. The other is n comer lot and is one of the most beniililul unimproved lots in Ashcvillc. hat nilikca this property particularly de sirable is its location upon the Line of the Street Kailwny, its nearness to churches, schools, business, etc. It is on the electric liKht line, sewer line, uns line, etc. It is nenr the CoIU-kc mill is in one of the best neigh borhoods in the city. This property has been put into my hands to sell, cither at private sale or public auc tion. All llttu .,. s.,1.1 1... !... ..f I, ber will be sold by me ut 'thut time. I. S. WATSON, Real Estate Agent. oetl'T dtf PIEDMONT AIR .IiaL ' RICHMOND & DANVILLE &B.,(3a Passknokr Iikpaktiuii . Westera North Caroling MviKna I'ASSl'.NOIiR TRAtH RCHRIilinK. il. t:i'n-.cT ski'T. L".ii: 75th Meridian time usi-d when nojtherwise indicated kastiioi-mi. No. 5t I hiiily. Lv. knii- viiie. 1 I No. . L'jai'y. i I moth nicr. I ! " Ashcvillc, j Ar. Salisbury, " Ianville." j " Richmond, I l a"pm j s tonir j 'J41IUH 1 54 pin I 4- JOiUlAl' 'j.tpm l HKUam I l nOpm I "I?1 l'm';'."l5nmT" I i5pm I a loom 7 30nm 2 50pm I B otlpm I j 13 ao'pm Tii 2Sinn ' 71(lpml ll.:tam K 511pm I Si'Snml llHOpm 1047imi (1 20am 1 L'optn i No. 5o No. r,a 1 Daily. I 4 llllpin I 0 57pm !) Ullpm ' 11 00. m 5 r7ani I Daily. jllll 5nm 7 miam 945am 11 J4nm 6 4-oom 3-SOam I ' Iianville, I 8 iouni 1, s onam 1 W'ibninKt'n ()oldsboro, RaleiKh. Salishiir.. UtUl.m'l ilSOpni! 500pm 4Hpm llioam 1 S45am 1 1 1 25nml " T 33am I 3r,pni Ar. Asheville. " Knoxville, ISlMlhnicr.l No. 53 1 I'aily, 2 10pm I 8 5lpm R. ' A. t S. R. " Kalciuh, I " Ooldsboro, I " Wilmington f ' LynchhuriTl " Washington M Haltimore, " I'hilu., " New York. I WKSTIlolNn."j I.v. New York. i una., " Hallimore, " WashinKfn " l-.Michburj:, 54 0pm 17 d m ""1 BmTL Asheville. "XSTT-F? UAtlamlAr. n...l I.-., 18 8Q pm' " Spartanbri 10 p 111 No. 17 Ml'RI'HY ilHAV..-i. ..1H. j 1 l,"j "eicept"su",laVT,ir lllOamlAr.' Wavn'caUie. -H 548 pm ; lurrett ' 64JSpm" ffmfaiJ Ijjt 3 55 p m 1 5ft n tn I 7 00 a m .ce. ' Biecpuijj car beiri1 We take pleasure in finnouneim. fet l,rw1.d:"V "Vf ul "'K-no? thcinauKU ullman Huf Hot Spring. I). C, .Nov. and Asheville and t a.h',nKt,,a1" 9. on the follovinK .ehcdllte : o. 53 j - 1 ?,"T1!1. Horsi,rrnR., - 15pm Ashcvillc. lJonij" Salisbury,, 1!"'A" "'"'hiniitoia I No. sa Am aiOpin " j 4 3tipm " 11 25am Lt.ii oopm made afVash trth and Bust. .- being- operated xville on tliese after tlie com. 'ur ran. sleepers between Cllnr -., I In J..,- . e.mnect Mint The i. ;r- tM"?u ,n y,u-5 ltwelr"" I train, will oe No. 50 and 51, l,iin,J t.reen.boro and M,jrrito URN. n p JA8. L. TAYLOR. O; P.- Jf A.hevilk, N. C. U.C TITO tun' I I I 11 BottU o- V rant mutrtt easca. and tke otili,P-l prevent youe bci'afc:i OLD 8PBC1ALIST IYSICIAN. riictnc Free. We war .ledy to cure the wont ucian. whodo thi. to ipoaed upon bv men who are not Doctor., hi ao reaaoj lor oot lite Bzpms and Post . you nothina. Addles, a, 891 Broadway, New iaa37dwlT Beean other. fiAtod uung thi. medic.. 1 omeearidreai. ItctsW Abel Medioi.rtlM York.