THE DAILY CITIZEN. The Citizen la the most extensively circu lated and widely read newspaper In Western North Carolina. Its discussion of public men and measures is in the interest of public integrity, honest government, and prosperous industry, and it knows no personal allegiancein treating pub lic issues. The Citizen publishes the dispatches of the Associated Vrcss, which now covers the whole world in its scope. It has other fncili tivs of advunced journalism lor icatherinv news from all quarters, with everything care fully edited to occupy the smallest space. Specimen copies of any edition will be sent ,-ec to anv one sending; their address. Trhus l'nilv, $6 for one year; $3 for sis ttionths; 50 cents for one month; 15 cents for one week. Carriers will deliver the palter in every part of the city to subscribers, and par ties wuntinK it will please eall at the Citizen , fice. Advertising Kates Reasonable, nnd madf known on application at this ofhee. All transient advertisements must be paid in ad vance. Reading- notices ten cents per line. Obitu ary, marriage and society notices fifty cento each (not exceeding ten lines) or fifty cent per inch. WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER I'll, 18S'J. THE KKilCHTS OF I.ABOK AT ATLANTA. We liope there will be no misccmstnie tion of the Farmers' convention recent 1 held at Montgomery, and that of tin Knights of Labor recently held at At lanta. Until ot these bodies carry iv their names sujjf;estioiis strongly calcu lated to win upon favor. The tanner, il used, neglected and oppressed, is com pelled at last to stand up for his rights and demand equal consideration in na tional interest and legislation. Labor equally oppressed, but more assertive, has taken opportunity, to make its wrongs known with stem purpose t( obtain redress and rectification. A com mon, generous, public sense ol justice ui been prompt to extend sympathy am encouragement, with the hope that tin two great foundations of national beiiu. and prosperity should stand out in al their strength and proportions to be seel and known at their real value and im portance. But in both of these conventions then has been deception practiced, which, while it does not in the least affect tin real point at issue, the grievances, tin rights, and the remedies for the wrong; of agriculture and labor, considers then both under principles foreign to the soii chosen for their discussion, and loreigi altogether to the real principles involved It may have been considered a ver adroit movement, though it strikes us at a piece til very transparent stupidity, ti select Southern cities us points Iron, which the extremes of tariff doctrine; were to be enunciated, and the dreams oi Henry George proclaimed as having tin sanction of the Southern people. Tin was the intended effect. As well mighi Robert Ingcrsoll have called an iutiile convention in Knoxville, and proclaim his blasphemous utterances as the voiet of Southern religious sentiment, as thai the Montgomery convention with its pre ponderance ol Northern republican protec tionists should commit the South to tin doctrines of a high protective tariff, oi that Powdcrly or George or other repre sentatives of the impecunious landlcs; should commit it to the idea of lam. distribution, confiscation or the beam of the burden of all taxation. ""The f'ollo'wTng resolution was adopted as embodying the sense of the conven tion : "That land, including all natural sources of wealth, is the heritage of ah people and should not be subject tc, speculative traffic. lecupancy and ust shall be the only title to the possessioi, of land. Taxes upon land should bi levied upon its full value for use. ex elusive of improvements, and should be sufficient to make for the community ah unearned increment." Without going here into the question ol how, when, or where the idea of original proprietorship to land, originated, it i enough to say, that it commcndsitself to the instincts and habits of civilized man as the aim of ambition, the stimulus oi industy, the reward of toil and fru gality. No doubt this right of possesson has been abused to selfish purposes, and often to obstruction to the advancement and prosperity of others. Nevertheless. in its better practice, it is the mainstay to the stability of societies, and the main pillar in the structure of States and com munities. The denial of this right of in dividual possession of laud introduces us into the realms of communism or the purpose to make those who have the te merity to bold land bear the whole bur den of taxation, or expression of the pur pose of the idle and the profligate to lead a life free from all the cares of State ob ligation. It may be appropriately ad dressed to the idle denizens of the cities who have no aim or object in life except to live on the labor of others. It falls idly or offensively on the ears of all others by whose thrift and industry land is al ways attainable, the sweetest and proud est reward of generous ambition. Ad dressed from a Southern capital, presum aoly to a ooutliern people, ignorance of Southern sentiment could not plunge to greater depths, and the arrogance of anarchistic folly could have taken no higher flight. HPECIXATOBS'OPPORTINITV The revolution in Brazil has given the speculator harpies another opportunity to prey upon the necessities of the peo pie. At the very first note of Jcomino- tion, the conee dealers immediately saw their chance, and the price of the uni versal American beverage, a common and ordinarily cheap and attainable ne cessity, will be advanced to .he charac ter of a costly luxurv. Apparently, there is no good reason for this, though we recognize the power to do it ; for the cof fee trade, like all the subjects of commerce under the manipulation of modern methods, is concentrated in few hands. But the change of rulers in Brazil has been effected without bloodshed, the revolution in political institutions accom plished without commotion. The former ruling powers have retired peacefully and gracefully, No shock has been given to public credit for announcement has been made that the obligations entered into by the old regime will be faithfuily exe cuted by the new ; there are no hostile opposing forces in the field, there are no blockades or embargos, and commerce and navigation appear to be left undis turbed to pursue their peaceful way. Therefore the pretended obstructions which are assumed to lay in the way of the removal of Brazilian products are purely artificial and factitious. Coffee and India rubber, the leading articles of export, are apparently as free to move under the republic as under the empire. Some months ago we published in Till-: Citizhn an earnest proposition to boy cott, until speculators were brought to their knees, the purchase of coffee. Solely for purposes of squeezing outof the neces sities of the people all to which their wants or their habits would submit, prices of colli'c were advanced rapidly, so that instead of buying six pounds to the dollar, we were thrown bai k to the old standard existing lor a lew years alter; the war of three pounds to the dollar. I While we were ready to accept the apol lgy of short crops as a plausible cau-cj 'or reasonable advance in prices.' yet this was only a pretext to cover thej irecdiness of speculation or the inlaniy ' of combinations. We read with much' oleasure the rr.iu of some of the min-l powerful of these nefarious dealers who had unwarily overreached tlit'ini-ilvc. But the breed ot'tlieui is not extinct. The Southern people during the laic war had full opportunity to train tliem idves in self denial m many articles upon .vhich they had made themselves ilepeiul nt, chief among which weie sugar and ofl'ec. For the first, sorghum syrup w as natlc to provide a somewhat sorry sub ititute, and for collie there were asmany leviecs for substitutes as ingenuity had ver evolved in the search after perpetual notion, roasted wheat, rye, ground icas. sweet potatoes, okra seed. Most if them were villainous compounds. But isc made them palatable, and. in some :ases, acceptable, so that we knew iu tances where return to the use ol coffee subsequently was made with reluctance. A'c must confess these instances were rare. But we would prefer a return to the Iclcstahic substitutes of ihe war r.-uhcr .ban witness general admission ol a davcrv so i-Iiject to llie.i.-e ot'eoifee as lo otnpcl unresisting submission to the cx ictions of speculation. So long ns tin icoplc pay what is exacted, so long will peculators pile on i lie ii' ti.n ilen. They -vill be speedily subdued if consumption all off to the limit of actual necessities. Hie conquest over habits and appetites n mutters of daily use and comfort is a litlicult achievement. In this ease it is a Irawn battle between the rapacity ol 'peculation, and the endurance of con sumption. If tiie latter nttee win the ornier will never again be so pn suuipii,--ins. The dciiaiune ol Ju- Amei ieau fleet ol itccl protected cruisers lor flic Kuropcnn .vaters is a uoud eve-til in the recent invnl annals ol the I'niled States. At 'asf lliev have a navy, or rather the be ginning of one. revival;.: a one" brilliant eputation lor the Ires' built, the fastest sailing, anil the hardest fighting ships .hat sailed the ocean. Between days otig past, ami tiie present revival ot rcp itation, there was a long, dark, dis 'icetiil period when mention ot' tiie lavy could only have been made in can '.inns whispers, because it suggested jobs old faithless contracts, and favoritism, ind squandering of money, and ships tin seaworthy, and of naval standing fallen ar into the rear ol even the most insig nificant ptnvers among the nations ol the earth. Now a fleet goes forth to prove to the world that the I'nited states have aroused Irom their disgrace-, lid slumbers, and haveput forth a sipiail ron that at once restores the prestige ot j the American naval name. All these I ships are, of their class, the equals of any j ships in the worhl ; we do not know j enough to say they arc the best. But in them the peculiar American genius for j building finely modeled and swift sailing ships has illustration in this new era as ' it had in the one long past. Ami as the licrsoticl of the navy has always bril- J iiantly heen maintained through all the ; material degradation of the service, there j is certain assurance that in l he hour of; trial, whether of storm or battle, naval i heroism will be as illustriously presented as of yore. We take especial pleasure in noting j mat tnt revival ol the American navy is due to n deuiocr.-i I ie secrei are ni" the navy; and it is just to add that the pres-1 ent republican secretary is the inheritor sj-j ('Jj (' cjoil of all the pride and purpose of his prede cessor. Mr. Whitney and Mr. Tracy seem hardly to have been separated by the antagonisms of adverse ndmiuistra-1 tions. Dr. I'arkcr Prays cream Van-Ola, Kosa-j line, Ongaline and Diamond nail powder I having now become the ladies' favorites, at F. L.Jacob's drug store, these popular manicure articles may always lie found, I together with pocket emery board, or j ange wood sticks, nail scissors, tiles and j other such requisites. Also a complete i line of drugs nnd toilet articles, in addi tion to the Hebe Sodo Fountain from which ice cold drinks arc disienscd. Cor ner Main street and I'atton avenue. A remarkable "sink" exists in Bradford county, I'a. It is (111 yards across, kt fcctly round, with smooth sides, and the water is 100 feet below the surface. No bottom has ever been found. The sink is surrounded by beautiful shade tn s. ttyrup of FIH, Produced from the laxative und nutri tious juice of California figs, combined with the medicinal virtues ot plants known to be most lieneficial to the hu man system, acts gently, on the kidneys. liver and bowels, effect iiullyclcansing the system, dispelling colds and headaches, and curing habitual constipation. A Buffalo paper snvs .Niagara river. below the falls, is unusually low, and what is more singular, the waters have been gradually falling for the past three or four vears. It is still from 150 to 200 feet deep, however, and is not likely to dry up yet awhile. Dr. Domill. of Paris, snvl infectious diseases are often transmitted by ice. ' especially typhoid fever. He advises the ; use of artificial ice made from boiled or spring water, aud condemns ice obtained from ponds or rivers liable to contamina tion. Level means flat, yet tiie man who would feel flattered to be called level headed would object strongly to beine called flat headed. Odd, isn't it ? THE MORROVVSHGE still ahead; AND GAINING REPUTATION EVERY DAY. A.iinin vt call your special at li'iition to tlio (vMinitt'd Morrow Sliors. wliicli have stood the test for uiaiiy years for IH UAiui.iTV. for Kxcki--i.i'.nck of Styi.k, for Com ko ht and Kxactxkss OF Fit, heiiiJ,' eiial in quality, style and fit to any Fine Shoes made. We carry the above Shoes in several different styles, and will have no trouble to suit you in size Nor any trouble to sell you ap,aiii in the future. AVe have in stock a com plete line of all kindsof Shoes of every iW.-.ililt' style kept. We mean to sell. No more hiih prices. Come and examine our woods; it will not cost you a cent . We want you to call and trade with us, with the assur ance that yon will be treated well on all occasions. A full line of DI.Y (iOODS. Hats and Clothiu alwayson hand at astonishingly low prices. Yours respectfully. Hostif Eros. & Wright BOOKS ANI STATIONERY, AKTISTS' JIATKRUM, KMllNlvlOKS' Sl ITLIliS. I'ICTTKHS AN1 PKAMRS, FANCY (-.(lOllS. BI.AK HOOKS, KVI'.RVI.IlAIlK, ! ol.l.S. TOYS AND GAM US. WIWl-WN J. C. SCKJUK!, IIOTIl I'IMTOCKAI'lllC A Nil HANU r I'AlXTbli, AT ESTABROOK'S, hj S. Main Street. If you want a wood Fin- ibivll.i that is warranted not ARTHUR M. FIELD, THE LEADING JEWELER. A tine line of imported limi- idles different, "you know,'' from anyone else's. FOR SALE ! ftO-HOKSK BOILER AND KNC.INK, I'OWEK WORT1SEK AND RORKK, FOOT POWliK MOKTISKR, SCCTION rn, OAK, ASH, WALNI'T, CHKRKY, PI; ANIJ POPLAR LUMBER, STBAM PIPB. NEW HKKKINtt SAPR. Address, W. E. WILLIAMSON & SON, ASHIiVILLE, N. C. sept 21 d&w 2m Write tu any of your friends in Marion, N. C, and ask them what Mrs. Joe Per son's Remedy did for Mr. A. L. Pinley. THE RACKET COLUMN. We haven't cha lifted our ' a d . " i l i Tu e Or i z k n for so me days; not beca-use we had nothing- to say, but junt be cause we haven't had the time. Our store has been full of peopleevery day. our trade has never been so large, and we are glad to be able to say that notwithstanding the influx of new stores, and the largo stocks of goods, the "I?ig Market Store'' retains all its old friends and adds new ones daily. The reason is plain iinpl easy of under standing. We warrant every thing we sell to be as repre sented, or ire give yon hack your money. We underbuy anybody in Asheville, and can easily undersell anyone. We sell more shoes than the Shoe Store hftauise c sell them rlii'.-ipor, and we sell as good Shoes as any store in the city. We sell liothingcheaper than a Clothing- Store, und moiv of it. Tinware at half prices. Glassware and house hold using things so much cheaper than others that people wonder how we get them. That doesn't matter; we have them, find they are yours with a good title when you bring the cash. Ribbons, Tips, Birds and Wings, we have always sold at less than half of Millinery Store prices. niil carry three tunes as large stocks. While our line of Dress (ioods is not ns large as some, what we ha ve has been liought at such prices that we can easily sell them lower than others, and still make some money on them. Hats, Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Stockings (fast black and cheaper grades). Quilts, Blan kets, Sim wis, Mats, Rugs, Trunks. Valises, Hand Rags, Hoods, Caps, ! ur.s, Curtains, Poles, Shades, are among our leaders. No well posted citizen of Asheville buys any of these things without pric ing ours, and we w ould have the country people and those who live in near-by towns en joy the same privilege. We sold more Christmas goods, presents, etc., last Christmas than any other store in Ashe ville, nnd shall be fixed for a large trade this year. We shall have a big line for you to select from, and shall be able to fit goods to any pocket book from a nickel to as high as you want to go. Don't buy ANYTHING until you have been to the "Rig Racket Store." No trouble to show goods, and we don't get mad if you don't buy. We want jrou to nee what a complete "Department Bar gain Store" the "Big Racket" is. Our variety of goods and the size of our stock . would do credit to a city of 25,000 inhabitants. Come and see us, and if prices and goods don't suit you, don't buy but be sure to come. Very respectfully, GEO. T. JONES & CO. HOTELS. STRAUSS' REST AURANTREAL -Attn- Oysier y Parlor. lil'ROPKAX PI.4N. Minis at alt Mourn. Electric Cars I'iiss the Door. I trilec pli-asurc in .nilleiuneiiiK the- Oyster Senson nf 1 8H-".M hns ope-ned, nnd my 1"HB experience in the- business justifies me in iissiirinn the pulilie- tliut I ean please unci sat isfy all customers. I will serve oysters in the liest style, nnd denlinK only with reliable houses, can oiler the finest bivalves on the market. Try our Philadelphia Fry, Or Can Kemst. Hoston HnvStcwsaspecialti'. Great care will lie taken with all orders 1 sc'l only the finest and freshest oysters that ran he hud. T receive shipments direct from packers every afternoon. Charges reason able. My restatirant is also supplied with BIRDS, GAME, FRESH FISH, ETC., At all times. Special attention civen to lady customers. Polite and attentive waiters. Board by day, week or month with or with rnit rooms. If you want the best the market affords call on K. STKAI SS, Prop'r., South Main Street. PRIVATE BOARD. NliW IKIl'SE! NEWLY FURNISHED I ALL MODERN IMPROVEMENTS. MRS. B. ATKINSON, No. 211 Haywood Street. junSlidlv Jl:lYATB BOARD. A Inrse house. 31 S Patton avenue. Warm, comfortable rooms. On street car line. Terms reasonable. eetd6m MRS. J. I.. SMATHKRS. MRS. S. STEVENSON Has removed to the lemnston BnildiilK. Pat: ton avenur, comer of Church stre-ct, wlu-re sll is prepared to keep regular or tninsieni boarders. Table furnished with the be-sl the market affords. Termsrcusoimble nif'r.'ll mil J. V. StHARTLK, MERCHANT TAILOR 42 N. Main St. JAMES FRANK, UKALKK IN FAMILY GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS Acnt for Nct-m Creek Woolen Mills North Main frMi'dlv Asheville. N. C. ,R. PKOPNIBTOU OF THE ASHEVILLE BRICK WORKS, Asheville. N C. H. O. BOX I. marled ly GEO. KIMBKR, GENERALCONTRACTOR AND BUILDER Moeuic Tile and Cement work a specialty. Graten, KanKes and Boilers net. Buildings moved and repuired in first class manner Sewerage, Drainage and trnps for the same thoroughly understood and promptly at tended to. Office: Wolfe BuilditiK. Court House Square, Asheville, N. C. in ay Mud ly THE LAKC.KST AND BEST EOl'II'I'Elt IN THE sonii. CHEMICAL AND ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES op II. C. Woltcreck & Co. CONSULTING CHKM1ST AND MINI. SO K.V.INI; KKK. Analyses of Metals, Ores, Con! or Coke. Min eral Waters, Fertilizers, etc. PRICE LIST ON APPLICATION. Mining property investigated, developed, bought und sold. Correspondence solicited. Samples enn he sent hy mail or express. If sent hy express, charges must lr prepaid. . Agents wanted in every place. Chattanooga, Tenn. DR. H. C. YYOLTCRBi K. nov5 d&wly Manager. J0 THKPI'BLIC. The undersigned may lie found in Shank's new building, one door west ol J. F. Wood bury's stable, on College Mre8t. They are prepared to manufacture carriages, buggies, wagons, and anything else In their line. Re pairing and horse-shoeing arc specialties. They have secured the service of Henry Pow ell, and would be pleased to rect- ive a liberal share of patronnge. Satisfaction guaranteed. ju!3 d(im BUKNETTK & HoWAKU. For gentlemen. A perfect shoe at a moderate cost Try a pair of our specialties in gentle men' afoot wear, at $5.0U, $4.0O, $3.50, $2.99. $3 AO and $2.00. Every pair warranted. Hx aminc our specialties for ladiea at t.OO, $2.99. $U."0 and $2.00, unexcelled for oto fort, durability and style. Insist on having the original M A. Packard A Co.'i Shoes. The genuine hav our stamo oa bottom of each shoe. Sent postpaid to any part oi me u. . on receipt oi price. M . A. PACKARD A CO.. Brockton. Mass. Por sale In Asheville by H. REDWOOD & CO. a 11 deod 8mot tu we fri F ft 8 A LB. 14 acTT. of land on Beaver fHttn road. Itist opposite J. 8. Burnrtt's. A fine site for a sub urbia residence. A nke kaoU covered with clover and some fine oaks, wttn beaatilul viewa of snovntaina and the city. A rare chance to Jay such a piece of land with nice clear prinK. gushing from the hill. Terms easy and price low eme i n. slastuh m to. aalt tU $2.99 Shoe. JENKS & ESTATE AND INSURANCE, Room 9 and 10, McAfee Block, 28 P ATT ON AVENUE, AfiHi:VIl.F..IC, c. Cit.v .-ind Suburban Real Kstate bought and sold for cush or on commission. Mining properties and timber lands n specialty. Fire Insurance effected in reliable companies. Agents for the Traveler's Life and Accident Insurance Company, of Hartford, Conn. Parties havinir real estate of or about Asheville will find it to their advantage to com municate with us, as we are having const ant inquiries from Northern neonle who wish to ble property. We are a new yet to make in Asheville. e expect our dealings with the pubiic to make ii for us. We desire to call attention to. the following references, which are used by permission; REFERENCES: STEPHEN o'MEAK.X. Esi . M.-iniini"K Editor Huston Journal, llosl in. M.-lss. t;i-:o. VM IION'll. t'si . liole-s:ile- Wool Mel e-llane, ilcistnli. CIIAKI.BS B. DENNIS. i:sii.. SlU'C Alien raveier's Insurance Co, Host on. JOHN 1. HKiiCS Kst , Vtec-rn-s. Eills-'il 1 Ikiiliitia tint: e i.. New oik Lily. COl.. C. W. JENKS, Spu.uiie Motor Co., 1 r. Brunei Stre-irt, New York City. HON. A. T (ONES. Hroi ktoll, Muss. COl. I I- WIIII'I'I.K Brock! II. Ma-. 1. M. 'HOLLYWOOD, Postmaster, Brockton. Mass. "HON. T. MATt-'S. Wou-e-ste-r. Mass. FKED. (1 CAM PKEI.I.. I si , West West minster, VI. ' HON. S. T. SNIPE, Bath M. . . K. VOSIllil.l,, s. , Providence. R. I. PKOE 11 IV WRKSliT, De-nil ol Vnle rniversily, Nrev lliiveil. Conn. COY. COklioN, Allouta. On HIRST NATIONAL BANK, Helena. Mont ,M. N. I. YON. Esi . i'eisinins'cr, Chnti.iot. Chate.iu e'ounly, Mont. HON. C.I'O. Cl.'.KK. Une-o. Texas T. P. KK1.SK V. Bm IliKlilnnits. X C D. C. CI NNINOIIAM. , l-'nmkiiil. N. C. t ; 1 ; 1 1 i ; 1 . W. .COHS, Esc., i.tillnsnju, N. c. X. 1!. As our o Hi ces will inT be thoroughly fitted up for business before .November 25. all letters addressed to us previous to that time should be directed to Battery Park Motel. Asheville. X. Street Car Hclicduie. Ik'Kimiinu 'it s limliuK lo .'tu p. m. i'tu Uavf! S()wirt.- fur lk-pot vwr hour ami huh houv. CnrUars tMpinre lor Mrlkc's 7 in inn Its al'UT rat h horn . Car ii- vt-s Squarr tor intilili'dny 7 tnimit'-s utter eat h hah hour Car hiives hepot tur Square 7 minutes 1e iVnei aeli hour ami halt' hour. Car Ir-ivo MelUe's Tor Square 7 niiitulesln lure em h nail' lu. nr. Car h aves I iimldeilay for Ntpiare 7 minutes he hire em h huur. 1'assciiii rs t'roin Kouldeilay lor Meike's. unci vht eisu. tiaiister at t. oniauy s yar.l. ItiuiaKe -" cents lur tai h pieee eai rieil on lao-Kittf., i ar. Waiting Noma tor Ladies at Messrs. lUr Hiik iV We.iviv's. No Mil 1'att.oii aenae. ( ihserve mliiis on otitsidt ol ear lor its des tinatioii. Train ear nuiis.aeh train. one valise allowed eat.ll pa-tu);er on pass I KIiKT RY. CO. FOR TI I IS WEEK We are KOiiltf ti otlcr some rtal ifootl Har tnAns in our line. Ileuvy Niekel and Itrass Coaeh Harni'MH, 1 Vj Trace, Hull Talent Leather Collar, $Ii7. rn, former priee $ 1-5 ; Single Hukw.v llartU'Htt, lavit) mountitiK nickel $17.i"o. In Whitman Saddles, For both ladies and gentlemen, we are going to sell at New York prices, net. Ladies' Side Saddle, full pig scut, und Skirt, $4(1 ; next quality ; Men's Itnuorted English Tree, Hut seat, $30, formerly $35. For Horse Blankets and Whips we are headquarters. Full Whalebone Whiu $ to $y.5u. Best Buggy Whip in town tor ?fc. Hood Buggy Cushions $1. Special prices in wh!; to Liv erymen in (luantliies. We bought our Horse lUattkcls Direct irom the MANl'FACTrKER und can sell them eh-aper than anv one in town. El heron, all wool, in yellow and brown, HJxt2 tiu per pair, sohi inst year lor Fawn, TtixHo, solid colors. per pair, sold for $lu Inst season. We have them in all styles and prices tu $2.75 per pair. These are special prices for this week. E. V. JONES, 34 N. Main St. Mil I CD DDAQ " bteeL xuillliv unuu. PENS An AMERICAN, and the BEST. LEADING BUSINESS PENS. And Nos. 75, 117, 1, Aiub. LEADING STUB PENS. Ho, 4 Carton Stub and so,. 119, 102, Oram ttn. LEADING LEDGER PF.NR No. 99 Kariham Aid Noa. 101. S06. m. LEADINO BCnOOL PRNB. Akd Noa. 133, 444, la, 7h Miller Brot. Cutlery Co., Meriden. Conn. HAItUFACTUaSRS or Steel Peru, Ink Graaent and Pocket Cutlery. for ialb at J. N. Itlorirau'rt Book Store. octl dam J. N. MORGAN & CO., No. 3 Barnard Building. Hchdol and College Text Books, a full line. Poets, His tory. Romance, Biography, Travel and Novels, Family Bibles. S. S. HiIiIph iwl Tou ' ' " m,i a O u- aments, Oxford Tethers' uioies, hong Hooks of all kinds, large stock Stationery, Blank Books and r tfi.-o - - ...v.vy IU1U hcnool Applies. New line Laciies ana lieuts Toeket books inst nncripd l'n 0 a-' vvs s A. m n y Goods and Dollfl. JENKS, any description tor sale in invest money here in desira firm and have a reputation SCHOOL AND KINDERGARTEN, rnis CSiatupion, L'fii CHESTNI'T ST I'. ill itiin hi-giits Sept. Un. Thorough in str elMin in ICuiish. French. Miie ami Cal itiiei)ies by txptj-icmvd teaeOer". sep V d.'bn liiglin and I rencli BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL, FOR YOUNG LADIES AND LITTLE GIRLS, No. 41) Fretnh Avenue. MRS. BURGWYN MA1TLAND, PRtNCIPAL. , i l-'or many years Associate Principal of Mt. Vernon Institute, Baltimore.) Assisted by n eorps of cotnpcnteiit teacher. , The course of instruction includes theusuat English brunches with French and Latin, j Extras Music. C.crman. Art Needle Work. ! Painting on China, liancing und Hiding, j Special Attention given to the training ot j little girls. nugl d4m FINEST FARM IN NORTH CAROLINA FOR SALE 1 TIae Lowndes Place, 111 TraiiMvlvania County. im- ol the finest and hct tucateil farmH in ; VYe-teiti N. C, 5 miles from the thriving town ; nf Hrcvjird. the county nciit of this. Transvl viinia cnunty. The buildings ure all in uod n ii.iir consisting of a lare twi siorv dwell L iiiK hoiiM'. with 13 rooms, carriage house, ice ' house, and, in fact, all necessary outhuildinK Snirnni' mom lor lioo tons of'hav and sia i blins for loo head of cattle A very fubnt n i tial and convenient mu e stable, with nccom. ! niodation for 10 mules. ! This farm contain! S.'id aert". of which IHMi ; Hcies are bottom, lyinj; on the French l.roml river, and in a very hih state ol cultivation lio acre of this is wll t in mcivlow red ! top or herds jn'oss. Ol the rt niuiniiiK r..i(. i acres, 1U0 acres are in upland fanttirc finclv I set with a mixture of grasses. Plcntv iif I h.indsome oaks for shade in nasttue land, j UriKht running strcamso pure wun rinevcrv I field. The reinai tier is in woodland, with I all th dillerc t atitues ol tm her heui. ciiesiniii, oak, poplar, etc. C n i i.ient it. K'-oii Hchools, churches ami poKioih r luiilv mail. Fifteen thiU-s irotu Hcntlersoi'vilie ii'iil l'.i milis in im il!t . and !. ui .-irv n ar the lim or lite coutemn'aU d , t nn ( a, Ashi . vtl'e.'tud Haiti. ri'iT r;iihon.fl No smli l;tn.' lor ii-sue can he louud in thm Slate oi niy o her Sfle. lur value. !caiuc an-1 desirahdity every u. For price and particular apph to or ad dress Nati Atkiiitiou & Son, Asheville, N. C. I'. S. AImi two other smnM hut vci desjr. aide tracts near lv at lowtiures. oetld dtl w. o. wolfeT- GRANITE AND MARBLE MONUMENTS Xf Im utiUsiKUS justrect'iviil Uiirxi liitof T.ililct, mill Slalis. very low for ensh. You will save money by cnllhig .m mc Ix-forc pur. chasiiiK. WHreriw.m W olli lluilattntc. . K. Court All rvcx fitttil and fit u,,aru..i . plrte sto'-k of tht? abon gootls at GRANT'S DRUG STORIC, 2 SOl'TH MAIN 8TKKET. doullsts' Prescriptions a siscialty. sep3 dKni TO WEAK DEN SnAslaf from tha affada at youthful arrora. aarlr kcsy,watlniwaaknsa, lcMnuuhood.Ms.Iwti sand a nluabla traaUaslaclsd) eoutainlna fall partieulani for bom aura, FREE eharga, A tplandlcl BMdleal work ; saouldb. nad by mry sua who hi Barroua and dshuitatad. Addraas TroL r. C FOWLER, Moodua, Cooa. iotS dw Ii NHW DHEU, carnally prrpnrrd by lead in. Wmbm nf t tu . V,.-il L. K ,n ftneat parchment and hcary fiat paper), coy erinft all neceaaarr points. Just out and now ou sale at the otfict of the Clruaa l-ubu.u On . No. a ISMi rmrt ann.rv. '(,!,, v Hi i ni 1 1 iiaaaaaaaaaaa