oote. a highly culllvfle'9 01 i-rescott. Ark., writes Kn. 0o. P. Smoote, .mil ncimaDie Ud. iintlcrtUteof Aorfl mer of 1887 my ; became inflamed, and iiiy stomach and liver hopelessly iliRonlcred. Nothing I ate agreed with me. I took chron le diarrnopa, and for some time my life wan despaired of by my family. The leading iihy jicilans of the country were consulted, but the medicines administered by them never did me any permanent good, and I lingered between life and death, the latter being pre ferable to the agonies r was enduring. In May, 1888, 1 became disgusted with nhysi c ana and their meilicinee. I dropped them all and depended solelv on 8witt's Specific (8. 8. 8.), a few bottle's of which made n permently well well from then until now. It Builds up Old People. My mother who is a very old lady, was physically broken down. The use of Swift's Specific (S. 8. 8.) has entirely restored ber to health. R. B. DILWORTH, Greenville, 8. C. Treatise-m Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free. 8W1KT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Ga. net 25d&wly PROFESS IONA L CA RDS. Wt P. VYHITTINGTON, M. O., Tenders his professional services to the citi zens of Asheville nml HurrnunilinK country. Office: 2ft PATTON AVENCE, Second Hloor Kesldcnce: 18M Woixlfin street. nux2U d3m IUHINK8M AND PLEASURE. Give the Children h Chance. There is soincthini; r;iditally wiling with the lualt!: of a ehilil whin it si-eins listless, lifts poor or no apix'tite, eyes sunken and with dark skin beneath. In most ciisi showing tin1! . Kvniptoms the child has worms, and all that it needs is some simple remedy, such as I I.irt's Worm Cream, to expel the worms, mid the child will soon lie in perfect health a.iiu. l'u ivnts, try it i,;i! iet your liltlc one;; unvt a fiur chance lot lifr. The venetaiiiins may say what they please, hut Adam was fund of spare ribs. HuL-kleti'H Arnica Hnlvt. The best snlvc in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chup-d hands. chilMains, corns, ai:i! all skin eruptions, nml nusi cly cures piles, or no pay mpiired. It ;j;naiuntccri to jjive pei ti.il :itisiaclion. or money refunded. Price 25 rents )er 'ox I'or anle liv lf. I., lai'obs. daw It who is remarkable how seldom people fall into bad habits break them. 'J li Ho. K. Knleiiih. Kayiimox. Tims. a. Ionkk Jas. C. M ai Tlx, Asheville. Asheville. JJAVIIISON, MARTIN IS. JONliS, Attorneys uml Counsellors at Lnw. Asheville. N. C Will pr nice in thi-1 1th nml l lt!i Imlicinl lnstrtcts. !M'd in the Supreme Ci.urt of North Curoliim. and in the IVdiTill Courts of the Western District of North Cnrolinn. Kef'er to Hnnk of Asheville. dti'cl ."MAS. A. JIIIOKK. iii-kk MKKHICK. J0(KBAi MKRHICK. ... Attorneys and Counsellors nl Lnw. Asheville, N. C. Tractive in the l'nits.1 Stntis Circuit uud . insuici courts nt Asheville, Stnlcavillc, Chnr ; tutle nml lirccnslioro, in tile Supreme Court pvl Knleiiili, nml in tlie courts of t lie Twel'th , Judiciul District of the Suite of North Cam- Jnu. ieciitl Attention ien to collcetii.n ol elflims. t. ii. conn. VIIR K MI-KlilMON, SLHEPLESS NIGHTS, made miserable bv that terrible couh. Shiloh's Cure is the remedv for vou. CATAKKH CURED, health and sweet breath secured, bv Shiloh's Catarrh kemedy. Price 50 cents. Nasal Injector free bvT. C. Smith & Co. Autumn" takes the verdure from the trees, but spring will eome to their re leaf. II you teel "out of soi ls," cross and jieevish take Ir. J. McLean's Sarsapa rilla ; elitn liilncss will return and life will acquire new zest. For sale by P. L. Jacobs, druggist. liverything that is nice in this world yrows on the other side of u harbed wirc ..nee. Don't irritate vour luniis with a stub born couli when u pleasantaiul effective ! remedy may be found in Dr. J. H. Mc? j Lean's Tar Wine Lung Halm. For sale I. fl. MKRKI.MtlN. Ilijf Sister Dick, I wish you would go anil gel Mr. Nieefellow a glass of water. Mr. Nieelellow Yes, my hoy, and here's n dime for you. Little Brother Thank you, 111 go pretty soon. Mamma said 1 shouldn't leave the parlor until she came hack. ti "Pnlnllii i me l owii Ret." You mav call this a vulirnr exnrcssion and as modern as it is vulgar, hut in the "Inferno of Dante" we read the lines: "Who. vimtinjr, reet through the purple Hir. I's who have stained the incariiuiliiie. ' Incarnadine or red may be the wrong color liir a town, but it is the natural color of the blood. If your liver is out ol older, your blood will soon lose its ruddy glow and become impure. This means kidney disorders, luug disease, au l, in course of time, death. Toputlhe liyr right and so stop sueii a train of evils, lake Dr. Pierce's (', .Men Me lical Dicovery a sure ii inedy . Ii is guaran teed to benelit or cure ail diseases arising fro n n disordered liver or impure blood, as indigestion, sour stomach, dvspepsia. all skin, scalp, and scrofulous alVcclions, salt-rheum, tetter.erysipilas.nml kindred ailments, or money paid for it will, in every case, lie promptly refunded. W'ibble Can you tell me how far the protection on glassexteuds? Wahble-To where it gets into the hands of the hired ttirl, I suppose. HER LITTLE SISTER. upon by F. L. Jacobs, druggist. "You needn't try to play it on me, the lire up in the steeple said to hose man. -''-3l as the Attorneys and Counsellors ut Lnw Vrnctice in all the courts. Office; ,Nos. 7 anil H, juhiislun IniililiiiK. iltse OKO. a. snrpoKli. W. W.JONES. J0NK8 Ci RIU'I'ORII. Attotncys at Law. Asheville, N. C I'rncties in the Sujicrior Courts of Western North Cnrolinn, the Supreme Court of the tnte, and the Federal Courts at Asheville. Ortiec in Johnston building, whcreoiu mem ber of the firm can alwavs he found, dtnovll J. A THNNBNT, Architect and Contractor. Plans, siiecirications and estimates tur fiNhed. All work in my line contracted for, and no charge for drawings on contracts awarded me. Kelerenecs when desired. Olhce: No. la llendrv Block. North Court wuiinre, Asneville, N. C felilndly H. DOUGLASS. D. II. S. DENTAL ROOMS, . NO. 24 SOUTH MAIN ST., Over Grant ev Wincert's Druu Store. Kcsidence. No. UH Hailey St. tebtUdly R. 11. KKKVKS, K.U.S. II. K. SMITH, II. II. S. Urg. Reeves & Smith. dental, hi ri OFFICE jtu Connally Building, over Redwood's Store, Pntton Avenue. Teeth extracted without nin, with the new aniesthctic, and all cases of irregularity cor rected. ebi;idl) J. F. RAMSAY, D. D.S.. Dental Office i In Barnard Building Iintrunccs, Tntton Avenue and Muin Street. IcIiL'GdlT - JKTHUR M. FIKL1), Graduate Optician, Mnin Street. All meehnnleal ocular defects of the eye cor rected. Hours for examination II to 12 a. ni., 2 to S i. ill. iulH dtl MlSCULLAXEOrS. BOUIS & BROillERTON, PRACTICAL Plumbers & Tinners. PI.UMBINO, STEAM AND GAS HITTING, TIN AND SI.ATli ROOKING Furnacea and Heaters. joDDing fromptly t t Attended to. 96 Patton Avenue, Basement. lulan ddcwlv SHILOH'S YITALIZl-k is what vou need for Constipation, Loss of Appclite, ! i)l:'..iness, and allsymptomsol'Uyspeisia. ! 1'i ice 10 and 75 cents iier boltle. kOUl', WilOOl'INt; COI0I1 ami Hronchitis immedititely relieved by Shiloh's Cure. The fly season ends with the base ball season, but the fowl season will last till Christmas. The blood must be pure for the body to lie in pertcet condition, Dr. J. H. Mc Lean's Sarsaparilla makes pure blood and imparts the rich bloom ol health and vigor to the whole hody. For sale by F. L. Jacobs, druggist. He hud been a teacher. Snooper Have you ever paid school tax ? Simcral No, but I have sat on them. Hlie Was Completely Cured. A daughter of my customer suffered from suppressed menstruation, and her health was completely wrecked. At my suggestion she used one bottle of Hrad lield's Feniule Kegulator, which cured her. J. W. Heliums, Water Vallev, Miss. Write The Iradlicld Keg. Co., Atlanta, (la., for particulars. Sold by all drug gists. If any one doubts the power of music, let him try to think while a small boy sings on the back fence and a piano is being torlured downstairs. For lame back, sideorehest, use Shiloh's I'orous Fluster. I'rice 25 cents. SHILOH'S COl'OH and Consumption Cure is sold bv us on a guarantee. It cures Consumption. Admiring rnend (to struggling artist) That drawing is grand ! Is there tiny thing you can't draw ? Struggling Artist Yes; my check and and a prize in the lottery. iRATT'S ASTRAL I ABSOLUTELY SAFE! PERFECTLY ODERLESS ! Burns In tny Lamp without danger of Exploding or taking fire. 8e that you get the genuine. For aale by BALTIMORE" UNITED 0!L CO., A8HBVIIXB, N. C Sep dftwly .J3FJAD FIELD'S FEMlLtv P PHlll ATM) i5A tPiciFic v-yy wi MENSTRUATION I. MONTHLV BICKNISe BMDFiaO HEBUUTOH CO. AWWTABA. umnuiHiwa E FOGETTE, Architect. " Plana and specifications prepared and Mti Hatca ttiTca, at short notice. omcsi Wont Baildhic, Court Honsr Bqnsre AsTirvu, h, c. taaySudly For Ladlea Only. Ladies why is it, that when your hus band or your children are ill, you consult the best physician at once, care for them day and night, wear yourself out with sleepless watchin j, and never begrudge the heaviest doctor's bill, if only the deur ones are restored to health ; while day after day, week alter week, you endure that dull pain in your back that terri ble ''dragging-down" sensation and do absolutely nothing to ellcct a cure? In a tew years you will be a helpless invalid, mil soon your broken hearted husband and motherless children will follow vou to the grave. I'erhaps delicacy prevails you eonsult'iig a physician bul even this is unnecessary. Poor sufferer, tell vour husband how miserably you feel ierhaps you never did and ask him to stop to night and get yijju n bottle of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It has cured thou sands of women suH'critig from weak nesses and complaints pcculair to your sex. "Do you remember that uwfully smart boy vou used lo have in vour olhce Johnny Smith?" "O, yes." "How did he come out?" "He hasn't eome out. He got twenty years in Sing Sing." If you ure sultcring with weak or in flamed eyes, or granulated eyelids, yon can be cured by using Dr. J. H. McLean's Strengthening Lye Salve. For sale by F. L. Jacobs, druggist. The trees are leufless all, and sere The meadows erst abloom with clover, The eye now tests on landscapes drear, The storm clouds in the skies appear. But do we grieve that full is here? Oh! no, the base ball season's over. Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy etires when every other so-called remedy tails. 5o eents, by all druggists. Panic-stricken Audience I at the theatre I Fire! Fire! Manager (rushing in I There is not a particle of danger, lailios and gentle men, put on the cork jackets you will find under the seats und wi'll let loose the tank. THAT HACKING COUGH can lie so quickly cured by Shiloh's Cure. We guarantee it. WILL YOU SUFFER with Dvsnensia anil Liver Complaint? Shiloh's Vitahzcr is guaranteed to cure you. Advert iHlnif CKEA TES many a new business; ENLAKttES many unbld business; KEV'IVES mum- a dull business; RESCVES many a lost business; ,SA VES roam- a tailing business; PK ESEK YES ma ny a large business; SECURES success in any business. To advertise judiciously, use the coA umns of'' The Citizen." Every ImhIv reads it; and in propoition to the returns it yields adveitisers, its rates are the cheap est in the countt v. NO NUTRITIOUS JUIOE Mf'F JF CALIFORNIA, iubiiiti! with the medicinal I'it-s of plants known to be L'x-l beneficial to the human ysleip, fanning an agreeable ' .' effective laxative to perm;! i ntly care Iiabilmil Consti ;ut.ion, and the many ills tle iionding on a weak or inactive "nditinr, of the ftiDNEYS, LIVER AND BOWELS. it the most excellent remedy known to CLEANSE THE SYSTEM EFFECTUALLY Wlion one is l-ilius or Constipated so that PURE BLOOD, REFRESHING SLEEP. s HEALTH nncl STRENGTH t ATUHALLV FOLLOW. . vt- o.e is using it and all are 'iViightod with it. AaK YOJR CRUQGI3T FOB SYRUP OX;- FIGS manufactured only dy CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL, LOUISVILLE. KY NEW YORK, H. K Bfoiliinjy Succeeds LIKE SUCCESS. The reason R ADAM'S MICROhK KILI.KK in the muMt wonderful med icine, is because it has never fnileil in anv in stance, no matter what the -lisense, from LKP U( SY to the Amplest distawe known tothehu man Hystin. The scientific men of i to-day claim and j prove that every din. ease in Caused by Microbes, iRADAM'S MICROBE KILLEifc Kxtcrmiiiuti'H the Microbe mill drives litem out of the Hystein, ami when that is ilcme you cunnol huve ml aehe or pain. No mut ter what the disease, whether u simple case of Malaria Krver or a coinl'iiintiou nf dis eases, we eure them all at the sa.iic time, as we treat all discuses constitutionally Asthma, Consumption, Cntnrih, Hron chitis, Rheumatism, Kidney and Liver Disease, Chills and fever, Female Troubles, in all its forms, and, in fact. every Disease known to the Human System. BEWARE OF FRAUDULENT IMITATIONS. See that our Trade-Mark (name as above) appears on each jug. Send for book "History of the Microbe Killer," ijiven away by J. S. GRANT, Ph. C, Bote Agwt, Aeicvlltt, w. c. nor17dty tnfriiiTa "yon TLANTIC COAST LINE On and after this date the fullowlnjc si'hcd tiles will lie run over its "Columbia Hi vision," No. 53 lA'aves Columbia fl.20 p. m. Arrives atChartcston 9.30 p. m. No. 5U Leaves Charleston 7.10 a. m. Arrives atColumbla 11.55 a. m Connecting with trams to and from all points on tnc cnarlotte, Columbia ft An Kiista and Columbia & Greenville Railroads, uaily. T. M. EMERSON, Gen. Pass. Ajrt. !. P. DHVINB. Hen. Sunt. RUNT. Four nrat-elass Houses for rent tf,,r. nished completely, and splendidly loca- ICtl. AH I V to II. M. WATSIIN oct2 dtf Real Estate Agent. W. D. ROWE, If you nre nil run down Imve no strength, no energy, and (eel verv tired all the time take lr. J. H. McUiin'a Snmaparilla. It wiiritnpnrt strength and vitality to your system. For aale by P. L. Jacobs, druggist. nB&LRR IN ITALIAN & AMERICAN MARRLK, Granite Monuments, eU All kinds of Monu ments, Tombstones, Headstones, Urns and Vases made to order in the latest designs. ASHEVILLE, N. C. Yard At HuncoTibe War. house. Landladies are famous gossips; pay gnat attention to roomers. - they FOR SALE ! HiKht housed and lot on SouthnHe avenue and Bailey Ktrei U, on a whole $4, 5(H) or ftr) arately corn inondinKly as cheap, on easy termn. FOR SALIC OR RENT. One House, 11! rooms $20 n- r month M 10 8 " 1.1 ' " " 7 " (Town Mt I lO " ')ne Farm of SO acres. nd H room brlcl. house, adjoining Vanderbilt property, lu, OOO, or $ 30 per month rent. Apply to J. m. Campbell, shtt T dim Real Estate Dealer. "Lizzie his gone again," said Mrs. Crest ''Lizzie's no sort of use to me of late. I don't know what's come to the child, but she doeB act to me u if she was bewitched." Frances Crest set down the hlue rimmed plate she was wiping with it coarse noinespun towel. "Where is she, mother?" said she. "Out in the woods, I suppose. It's where she always goi-s." "Mother, you must rememlier that Lizzie is young. Dun t lie hard her!" pleaded Frances. Mrs. Crest was Farmer Obed Crest's second wife, and Fniimes. the tall, pale girl with the somlier brown eyes and the oval, colorless face, huh the good woman's stepdaughter, while nrettv 18-year-old Lizzie waa her own n1i only child. "Hut for all that," said .lrn. Crest. "1 put a deal more dependence on Frances than 1 do on Lizzie. Frances is all the same to me as my own child! "Hard upon her!" she repeated queru lously. "What I'm afraid of is that I'm ton easy with her. She's alwavs had her own way in everything. And she takes it dreadful hard that you should be going to Albany and she left at homo. ' never knew such nonsense in my life!" A disturlied expression passed over Frances' face. "It's natural she shoald feel so, mother." she urged gently. Frances Crest had diligently taught ....I I r ,i . .nm.i lor uiree consecutive seasons to earn the money for (his coveted winter in Albany, during which she had prom ised herself to take music lessons and add to her knowledge of urtand litera ture. For she was engaged to Stephen Ells worth, and she funged with an exceed- I ing great deHire to make herself worthy of his love. ! "I'm only a country girl." sho said to , herself, "and he lives in the city, where ! he is meeting brilliant women every j day. And it would he dreadful if, after we were married, he should he ashamed of me!" Mrs. Rigney, a distant cousin of the Crests, had offered to givo Frances a home for the winter for what use she could render in household matters, and the money she hail saved was to he spent in suitable dress, lessons and other ex IK'nses. And, best of all, she would see Stephen Kllsworth every day. She (hushed ' her" household tasks and went quietly out to the nook in the woods where site knew that she should find Lizzie. And here, with her head leaning list lessly against a tree trunk, sat a lovely girl of scarcely eighteen, with deep blue eyes, full, cherry red lips, and a com plexion like a balsam flower. One hand was immersed iiithecool, runninir water: the other held a crumpled pocket hand kerchief, drenched with tears. Lizzie! exclaimed Frances, have been crying!" The blue eyes sparkled resentfully. "Crying? Of course I've been crying!' retorted Lizzie Crest. "Who wouldn't cry, to be left alinm in this dismal hole all winter lung, while you are enjoying yourself in the city? But I won't stay here. I'll run away and go on the stage. or else I II drown myself in Packer's pool! "Lizzie! Lizzie! think what saying!" "1 don t care!" pouted Lizzie. "What is life worth in a place like this? And she burst into a fresh flood of tears. Frances sat down aud took the gulden neaa tenderly into her lap. Ill I i: . . . . -tin iter ine long sue nad been accus tomed to subordinate her will to that of tins lovely, tempestuous sprite. What signified one sacrillce more or less? 'Uon t cry any more, Lizzie!" she whispered. "I've made up mv mind You shall go to Aunt Josie instead of me. "I?" "And 1 11 watt another year," added r ranees, swallowing a lump in her throat. "You shall have the music les sons and the art lectures; you shall see wnai a winter in t lie city is like. Lizzie's eyes sparkled; her cheeks were red. hlie Hung her arms around Frances' neck, with a sudden cry of rapture, . . rrall0,'li' you don't really mean ii, "Yes. I do," bravely uttered Frances "But mother won't consent." "1 will see to that." Once more Lizzie showered soft, warm kisses on ber sister's cheek. "Oh. you darling! you sweet, guar ilian angel!" sho cried. "And I am a Hellish little beast to allow you to sacri lice yourself in this outrageous fashion Hut ii you knew how 1 have longed to escape from this dreadful groove of housework, and sewing, and butter mak ing! "ou shall escape, Lizzie." said Fran ces. And no one ever knew the bitterness of the tears she sited when Lizzie weut lo Albany. .Mrs Crest remonstrated stoutly, but r ranees held to her own way, and Liz zie s entreaties were not to lie withstood. "r ranees don't care," pleaded she. "Frances always was a human icicle. And I'm so much younger than she is. and and "And so much prettier," quietly spoke the eluer sister. "es, Lizzie dear, I know it." Lizzie laughed and hissed her golden curls. "At all events," said she, "I think ought to have a fair chance." Lizzie's letters from Albany were full of life and simrkle. Shu was like a bird let loose. F.ven thing was couleur de rose to her. The gay streets were a dream of delight: the opera was an actual reality. Her new dresses filled her with delight; she was improving so fast in music and drawing, nd she could not imagine how she had ever lived all those dreary, dragging years in the old farm house at home. .Vinl best of all. Stephen Ellsworth had lieen so often to see her, and taken hei MISCELLANEOUS. I out sleighing and to the picture galleries j and theatres, "all on dear old Frances' account, of course," she added, with a '' spice of merry mischief J She could not say enough in praise of Stephen Kllsworth lie was so hand some, sosty'ish. the old Ellsworth man- ' sion on Stall street was so elegant, he sent her such exquisite cut flowers and baskets of fruit! And Frances, reading those letters al ' home after her day's work of school ; teaching was over, tried to rejoice in her ' youim sister's happiness. "? .-her," she said one day. "I should ! like to see the child in her new dresses, j I think I'll go up to Albany and surprise , her. Lucy Lampson will take thesel I ; for a week. Dear little Lizzie' how as- j tonished she v. ill be!" "Wife." said Fanner Crest hoarsen- when Frances had gune up to bed, full of her new plan, "l don't know'g we I ought to let her go." "Why not, Olieil?" "I saw Dr. Jones' ton lrnV.'-gjuig He is just home from the Albany Medi cal college, and he says every one" is talk ing of our Lizzie'6 engagement to Cap'n Ellsworth. " "Olied Crest, you're a-dreaium'!'' "I wish 1 was, wife I wish I was! But it's only what we'd ought to have expected. Lizzie is as pretty as a picter and as frothy as a howl o' soapsuds, and brimful o' mischief into the bargain. And Ellsworth's only a mortal man, after all. Frances ought to have mar- neu nun a year ngo, when he wanted her to do so, only she wouldn't leave us until we'd paid the inorUriu-i. ti, farm and got even with the world." "But. Olied. what are we to do? I can't tell her!" sobbed the old lady. "Nor 1. neither. There's no help fur it, wile; she's got to iind it out for her self." And he let his wrinkled forehead fall into his hands with a groan. Just then the door opened. A tall, slight, figure came in like a gliding shadow. "I've heard it all. father," said Frances, "and you mustn't blame either Stephen or Lizzie. It it was only natural. He! Ssrytve ri'i L' M!"K. air.rU, Mantel, Bank FULEN WIDER & BR0.I Hiivf the Ifii-o-cst find most complete stock ofMon'K, La dies' anil Children's BOOTS AMD SHOES To he 1 i-.y found in Asheville. FIXE SHOES A SPECIALTY. us before buying'. NO. 18 PATTON A VliNCIi. .iFliuvlllv, N. C. Near Passenger Depot. P. A. DEMENS, Mniitil'ai'liiivr ami ln-.-ikr in nil kimls of llrvsscd I. U M U E R, I can't blame anv man for wanting to make her his wife. 1 shall go to Albany, all the same, and tell them not lo mind me. You know' (with rather a forced smile), "people al ways said I was cut out for an old maid And and we three can be very happy here at home nil our lives, can't we?" And here poor Frances broke down, and cried bitterly. "Don't mind rue," said she. "1 shall he quite used to it alter a while." It was a brilliant January al'lernnon the ground covered with snow. Hie sun shining with Arctic splendor, and all the streets musical with the joyous chime of 1 sleigh hells w hen Frances Crest arrived j at Mrs. Kidney's himse in Allianv. ' "Why - Frnneie Crest." ejaculated j the good lady, "is Ibis you?" "1 came to surprise Lizzie. Aunt Jo sie, said tin? traveler, smiling faintly. "Well, it will be a surprise," said .Mrs. Rigney. "(io right up, dear. She's in the parlor with" "With Capl. Ellsworth?" "How on earth did you know?" cried tho comfortable elderly lady, "lias she written to you?" "No, not a word," Fiances answered. 'But 1 know it nil, nevertheless." She weut on and knocked at the par lor door. "Come in!" called Lizzie's sweet so prano voice; and, with a sudden quick cuing of her heart, she obeyed. Was that little Lizzie standing by the nro, one uaiiity, slippered toot on the fender.Jier gleaming silken guwn held up by a slim w hile hand, w hile her ex quisite prolile was outlined against the ruby velvet of the lambrequin? She looked more like a princess a tairy queen In tins atmosphere of change and happiness she hud fairly blossomed out like a rose in mid June. And that tall figure in tho shadow be yond "Frances! Dear, dear Frances!" In a second Lizzie was in her arms. "You got my letter, love the letter 1 wrote to you yesterday the letter that lold you all?" "I have received no letter, Lizzie. I left home e.ulv this morning. Hut- where is Capl. Ellsworth? ' Here right here heiure vour eves Come here, Clarence, and let me intro- luce you to your new sister, for we lire engaged, r ranees. Clarence and 1 Thnt is my mysterious secret." The tall figure advanced with a luili tarv sort of salute It was not Stephen at all. but a taller younger, less impressive looking man. Frances liowed in a bewildered way. "Hut Stephen, w lieu is Slei n il?" she isked Gone down to Woodlield, Francie . C. . . . . I , meryoii. necause ne savs lie means there shall be a double wedding if there' to be a single one. and he declares h won t wait any longer lor you lo make up your mind. And how puzzled he w ii lie, to be sure, w hen he limb the bird has flown! Are you very much surprised riauces.- nut. you see. t iarence is m the regular army; not a mere uiiliii; captain like Stephen. He is .stationed in Florida, and he was spending his leave ot absence with his cousins here in Al bany; and so, of course. I couldn't help getting acquainted with him, because ateplit-n came here every day to talk about you, and Clarence alwavs came wun nun. V n it 1 es, i larcuce; go away now and get the flowers for tin evening reception at Miss Bird's, for I've got so much to sav to mv sister." She dismissed her handsome lover with the in incha lance of a queen, and then showered caresses anew on Frances. "Isn't he splendid, darling?" she cried. And only think, 1 owe it all to vou; for if it hadn't been for your sending ine here, 1 never should have met him at all. And we'll telegraph to Stephen at once, and you will consent to he married at the same time with me won't you, dear?" Y'ea," said Frances, her eyes brim ming over with blissful team, "I will!" Helen Forest Graves in Philadelphia Sa'urday Night and Bar Fixtures, ant! all kind of ISutUlinK Material. Hard Wood Lumber Work u Specialty. n.ivMiliv "THE W1NYAH SANITARIUM, " ASHEVILLE, N. C. For the reception of patients suffering of diseases of lungs and throat, and conducted upon the plan of the sanitaria's at Gcerbersdorf and Falkenstcin in Ger many. Ours is the only such institution in the United States, mid c 'dorscd by the leading members of the medical profession. Terms reasonable. KAKL VON KI'CK, B. S., M. D. . Clll. 1. INS. J'rcBi.lei.t. Mi-IN'I'lKiy, Yin-l'l-i'Siili-nt. I'llll.lP Mv-IXTIKK, Suiicrintindent, J. S. WKST, Auditor. . TIIK WI'STKRN DRESSED BEEF AND PROVISION GO. COLD STOIi AG E. Wholesale and Retail Dealers In CHOICE MEATS.- Teleplione Call 4. iist'iiiu-rs with iiiviits equal in ipuilitv to any that can be I'lvnsi- give us n trial, at Mclutiri's old stand. Our aim will In- tn serve uur i tniiii'd in this 111 miiv oilier iiinrke sent 111 illy ' IXSUK.WCE. piKI'l IXSrkAXCH FIJiK. UFi:. ACCIDKXT.I PULLIAM & CO. i At the Illilll: ol Asheville, i ASIll-Vll.Li:. N. C. PIEDMONT AIR LINE. RICHMOND & DANVILLE R. R. CO, T'askkni'.hr iikpartuknt. W istern North Carolina Division. I'ASSi:xHR TK.iIN 8CHKDULB. 1 In Hfi'kct Ski't. 2il) Tf.tli Meridian time used when not otherwise indieaed. Represent the lullmviii emu puiiies. viz. Fin l-:. An.ul" Nevada, i cash assi:ts in c. s. r Ciilitoriiia ,-li,'.l7.sa:i Mltineiita . el i'v nn 4. ST.". -,-'- llaiiituirir-Ilreiueii. ul Certiian v 1.1 IM.l.Oo-l- l.endi'ii Assuraiiee. ol' Kulanil 1 ,r,-t;l.l.i'.ir) Niagara, ol' New ork L'.u;i7,4'.iu . irient. ol llartlord 1 .liiiV.i'.oL' IMitenix, r.l Iio,,kl n r,.ii"t .,1 711 St. Paul I'ire ami lariue, oi'Min- nesota 1 .r, l .i',l I Southern, ol New i Irleai: -i:k..i;s i ; Viesn-lll, ol l.M-Olll-i t.o.e.i.: Mutual Aeeideilt A ssoeiuliou. .l-:tna l.i'e ! iisur.-.iu-e Company. (Ulnar'-'!! KASTlli H'Nli. l.v. Kllowille, I'.ioth iner.) " Asheville, Ar. S.-ilishury, " Ham-ilk-, j " Kielimoiul, "" Haieie.li. j " ' ildsiioro. J " 1 'll-i ill;; loll j " J II. IllMliK, " M!iiiii'tt'ii ; " iMltimore, J " I'lii'a., " Ni w York. ! No. 51 Holly. No. 53 Daily. RUM. ESTATE. W.ll.TKK 11. t'.WYN, W. W. Wkst. Happy HooHlera. Win. Tinimons, postmaster of Idaville. Ind., writes: "Iilectric Hitters has done more tor me than till other medicinescom bined, for that bud teelinx n rising from Kidney and Liver trouble." John Leslie, farmer and stockman, ol same place, savs: "Find Electric Hitters lo l) the best Kid ney and Kidney medicine; made me like a Hare nveNtiiieiit Is one which is minrntecd to hrinir vou satisfactory results, or ill case ot failure a return of purchase price. On this safe plan yon can buy from our advertised iM-UKK'sts a hottlc of Hr. Kimi's New Dis covery tor Consumption. It is t;nariitced to imi) relief m every case, when used new man." I W. Gardner, hardware M'.T nn-v "'lection of Throat, Luiics. Hron . - . ..ii.. ii-i. : ' . uicrcnant, same town, says: blectne Hit ters is jut the tiling tor a man who is all run down mid don t care whether he lives; he found new strength, jjood appe tite and fc't just like he had a new lease on life. Only 5tc. a bottle, at F. L. Ja cob's' drug store. Why shouldn't a- man's head spin tf n otuui w i i w iuc wpor nil DOUy, chitis, Asthma, WlioopiiujCough, Croup, etc., etc. It is pleasant and airreeable to taste, nerlectlv sale, find nm nlw.n- lw depended uhiu. Trial bottles free at F. U. Jucob s drug store. She 0, see thnt scarecrow out there in the field! He That isn't a scarecrow. It must be; see how motionless it is " 'Tlurt't the hired man at work." GWYN & WEST, (Sutvt ssors to Wa;u r li.Gwyn) KSTAKLISKED 1S81 REFER TO B!K OF ASHEVILLE. REAL ESTATE, Loans Securely Placed at 8 Per Cent. 1 unpin I NltlRm H41pmj 154pm 4.20am R43pm n.'illnin 1 10 211pm aaopml 81am I 1 Oopni a llipm Omipni 2 2ilpm 7 lopiu s Aopm 1 2iptii n 21 In in vi:stiioi nii. No.no i No. 52 i liail.v. linily. .v. New York, I 12 mum I " Phila., j 7 2Hnni " llaltimore, t li I ."mm J " tt'uslii,Ktiij 1 1 24am " l.viiehhur.; n4lipm " Kiehiliuuil. j :i(lllpiii " Imiiville, S4llpni II niiiKt'll I lltlOum 7:lani ; 1 2 SOpm jT2 25unr i3am 8 28am I lo 47am 1 211pm 4.'10pni ti ."i7pm iiaopm 11 llin.m nil7nm 23ll.im fibfam I " l',ci!'lsl,o-o, " Raleigh, " Salismirv, Ar. Ashevi le, " Kllowille. I '.nlth niei . I No. nr I llailv. I aoiim unpin i I .:4oaiii 1 11 2;, am 7 2.'lam I 4 30pm S OOpin llloam 2 llipm . S. K. nopm urn. l.v. I ui.'i'Ar. 1 I"" " No. 54 Daily. Notary l'uli.ie. Ctmimissioners ot Heeds. INSURANCE. OFKICl-;-SoutlitRHt Court liauare, OKTl.ANH IIKOS., Real Fstate ISrokers, And : Investment t Airenl.w. Oftiees: 24 A: 211 I'atton fcl)dl- Seeonil lloor. Ileal Estate br Sale. Tin- prninTtv kn" us the "Mission llos- pitnl inKTty hiu lice i sulMlivcd intospleii- :10 huilthni: lot!, Ui a 18 imv otterrtl inr Hjue. 1 hrre til t hese Ioin iru.n utith, iiimn Wood- t'm street They are ttic most ttesiralilc lots uml nre thejowest prieetl lots in town, when you take itiloeniiKuhTH tion their locution, etc Two lots front on Charlotte street. (wri one of tlieM' has a "lare. handsome old mnn ion" upon it, Kurroumh'd hy henutitul ak tretn. 'i he htmsc in worth more than it asked itir the place. The other is a corner lot and is one of the inot hcautitul uniiuproved lots in Asheville. . What makes this property pnrtieu'tiriv de sirable is its loeutitn upon the Line of the Street Railway, its nearness to churches, nchools, ImsincNHi, etc. It is on the electric lij:(it line, newer line, fiah line, etc. It is neai the ColleKf. and is in one of the lest ncih btirhootitt in the city. Thi. pnpeiiy has lKeti put into mv handi to sell, either at private sale or puhfic auc liini. All lots not sold liy the 2ti o lceem lier will lie Bold hy me at that time. O. S. WATSON, Real Kslate Agent oet 7 dtf Asheville. Arr. 700 p tn Hendersonville, " (i07pm Spartanburg, l,y, 3 40 p tn MI Kl'liV HHANCH. ',l:nl.v except Sunday.) No. 17 !UaniJ.v. Asheville, Ar. 355 pm U 10 uiiijAr. WaynesviHc, " 155pm oMnii " Jarretfs. 70 a m i.4o iinil " Westricld, l.y.l Bio a m Slecpinx; car Service. We take pleasure in nniionnehiKthe inaugu ration ol a daily line of elegant I'lillmau liuf let hrawiiiL Room Cars, between Hot Spring and Asheville and nslnugton, U. C., Nov , on the following schedule: " " ."pin Lv I lot Springs, Hun Asheville, No. l ; 7 l-'nml ' ti..'tainArr Salishtiry, Washington, Arrj (tlfipm " 4 3ipm " ll 25nm Lv110(pm Close and sure connections made at Wawh i tig ton lor till points in the North and East. The I'lillmau Parlor Cur now being operated between Salisbury and Knoxville on these trains will be discontinued after the com mencement of the Sleeping Cor run. Nos. at) and 51. Cullman Klriwri i lwt (Greensboro and Morristown. W. A. WiNItUKN, I. P A., . . Asheville, N. C. AS. L. TAYLOR, fl. P. A., Washington, 1). C The Best are the Cheapest. PATENT CHAMPION SAFES. Farrell & Co., Philadelphia. u2i dAwSm