THE DAILY CITIZEN Will be published every morning (except Mon davi at the following rates atnctly cash: One Year fi.00 Si Months 3.(10 Three Months 1.B0 One Mouth One Week 1 Our carriers will ilelivrr the paper every mominK in everv part of the eitv to our sub scribers, anil partus wunting it will please call at the citizen Office. New Advertisements). Wanted Ho 24-4. ClolhiiiK, etc. H. Redwood & Co. Meteorological Report I'or the 2 hours eiulinj; at 9 p. in.. November 21, 1889: r. S. Sionat. Skrvicf Station, Win.vall Saniturium, Asheville, N. C. I..VT. 35.3)1 X. LONG. 82.20 W. KLE. U.1il FT. T MI'liKA I I'RIi. 7 u m 2 p my i mi Max. .V7 ! 4U.H i 40.2 00 2 Min. Daily Mean 41 I 40.7 Klvl.ATIYjJ fiCMil'lTV. 7 a in I 2 pin" I 9pm I Huily Mean H'.l I !K1 HI") Ml 00 AIISOI.riK IIIMIIUTY. (In Kr'0"s per cubic foot of air. 1 7 a m I 2 Ji in I II p m I Pailv Mean a.iiiiN I :i (h"i I :i.:ioh PKIXII'lTATION. 'HAKOMETUK. Rain aTiil I Snuw jt Cor. I'or alt. .V tan. I incited snow Itlehes o.:i I depth. Iinilv Mean Inches 2'. lit. WKATI! KK ireetion. S IS I Force t scale o to loi 'Cl'dy to l'air Ozone (if posMblc amount, fiO per cent. KAKL von KI CK, M. H . Mr. Cleveland Ulecterl a Member. Kaiiway, X. J. Novctnlicr 21. Tin Jat'ksoni;iii l.ctiiim ol ' tlic democratic tlnl nl this city, at its incetin", lust week clcc tctl ex-President Cleveland an honorary member ot'ihe organization. At to-iiht'i-mectim.' the t'ullowiiu; iicknoivled,'eir.eiu from Mr. C!evel:nil was received : Ni.w Yiikk, November 2C John J. Ilenly. secretary. Dear Sir: I desire to express my ap preciation ol tin- action of the JacUsuii I.e.uioii in electing mo an honorary member of that organization. I like tin declared purposes ol the legion; tarill re I'orni, eipial taxation, and liallol reform. I hope all of these will be constantly pressed with zeal and sincerity which so aptly characterize New lerscy dcinoc racy. Yours very truly, C.KIIVKK Cl.liVKI.ANI. Iitt:iHtrouN storm at Newliernc, k.M i:ii;m. Novemlier 21. A special dis patch to the News and Observer Iron. Newliernc, N. C. says: At 10 o'clock to day a tearful storm struck Ncwlien e coining from the southwest. The plait and piilp lactory of S. II. Cray, in whicl. there were sixty hands, was levelled to the iroipid. ( Ine employe was iustanllv killed, another mortally wounded and eiuht others injured. The faclory was valued at Sbo.iioil. The damage to the lionse and stock is estimated at .Sn.iiiiii: that lo machinery not yet known, Tin wind lilew a perfect hurricane, uitnintinj. hou.-is, hlowiii", clown chimneys, tree: and fences. The damage to The tout while not definitely known, is very con siderable. The Allen 1'oiUrnct i.alior Law. YVasimm.ton, Novcinbcr 21. Tin I' piled Matesdisti ictal lorucv at Norfolk. Ya., was to-dav instructed to lirinj; suiu against certain Ivntilish cotton broker: for violation of the alien contract laboi law: provided, he is satisfied such suits can lie maintained. These suits are U determine the legality of the practice o: certain lailish cotton brokers ot eni- ploviut: m the Slates, particularly, ir ftinia, clerks or trailers, whose bussimss il is to classity cotton tor Kntihsl. markets. These men are specially trained for this business and are sent to this country Iroin linland. The ;o eminent 1 1 an No tilw. I lANVii.i.l-:. Ya., November 21. This afternoon 1'. S. Clark, Y. II. Power ami II. J. Iiodson, ot kiu"i;old precinct vtri arraigned before l uiled Slates commis sioner Lewis charged with violation ol the election laws at the last congres sional cleciion. I nitetl States 1'istrict Attorney Craiji said he had investigated the charges and found that the novel n meut had no case against the accused and asked that the warrants be dis missed, which was done, and the persons accused were discharged from custody. North Dakota's SenatoTKhipH. Kismaulk, X. II., November 21 (til bcrl A. Pierce was elected Senator by I lit legislature to-day. The Johnson men attempted to force a vote i'or the second Senator in the house, but a motion t' adjourn was carried by two voles. A republican coiiterence committee has been appointed to call a caucus, but as it is a tie no call will be issued, and the second senatorship will probably have to lie fotmht out in the legislature. Presidential Appointment. YA'asimni'.sox, I. C.,Novcmber21. Tin President to-day appointed John II. lievaux, of Cicnrgia, to be collector ol customs for the district of Hrunswiek, ("a., and Win. C. Repass, postmaster at Wythcville, Ya., vice Alex. S. Heller, re moved. A Visit to Law's) China and Silver Store. New noods licinn opened every day ; many are only small lots, to be closed out at once, as twenty-live Reticules, leather trimmed, at fifty cents; twenty-five sets Individual Mutters, at fifteen cents per set. All is confusion there, but there are lots of bar gains in both new anil old floods; but tall there early and often. Katirond TiekelH Nought sold and exchanged. All tran sactions guaranteed. Reliable informa tion cheerfully furnished. W. M. Cl.AKKK, Grand Central Hotel. W A NT KU. Two hoarders. Youn men preferred. Only a few minutes' walk from Square. Applv to novU3 dJt BOX 24. OYSTER AND ICECREAM FESTIVAL. Friday, November 22 At 8 O'Clock. Strauss' Restaurant. Por the Iwnefit of the Free Kindergarten and Chil dren's Aid Society. N OTICB MORTGAGE 8ALK. Rr virtue of a mortsrasre and power of sale executed to the undersigned by Wm. T. Wil k ins on the 17th day of November, 1NH7. and registered in Book 11. paKe 53 in the office of Renisttrof Iieedsof r.uncombeconnty, we will tell to the highest bidder for cash at the conrt house door, in the City of Asheville 00 Saturday, November 30, at 12 o'cloek, five certn n town l"U to the City of Asheville near Soathside A venae, and on McLkiwrll street, being lots Nos. 7, 0. 15, 16 and 20 of the McDowell Addition to the City of Ashe ville. For a more perfect description of same reference is hereby made to aaid mortgage. This the 30th day of October, 1KH9. J. B. BOST1C. C. D. BLANTON. novl dt fri GEO. A. SHU FORD. TpOR RENT CHEAP. Right large room over oar store, especially suitable for boarders. Apply to HOv21Uw GRAV& ikTHRASi. Swannanoa Hotel. I'nexcelled cuisine. I Popular with tourists, families ami business j men. Electric cars pass the door. I KAWLS UKOS.. febtdly Propr'h. ' FRESH ! The I SWEET! DELICIOUS ! Mrii'cst, Clit'.iiM'st iinil Purest stock of Staple and I'ine Groceries j Ever offered in North Ciiro-j Una. Our prices ami quali- j ties defy competition. j f Wholesale or Retail. l ( Four l-iours ritcKeu.i j This is oiilv n partial list : ; Cut Loaf, Powdered, (iraiui- hiteil and (' Sujiars. New t'roi. Fancy l'once and N O. Molasses. I ara l niie, Hire Kock and Maple Syrups. Or-aiifi-e r.looin Honey, 1000 lbs. line Teas Japan, Hyson, (iunpowder. Kn;lisli I'.reak I'ast and Formosa. Oolong l'resh lioasteiJ and (ireen Coffees Java, Mocha. Mara cailto. Iiaji'iiayra, Cordova and lfios Fresh (irouudand Whole Spices, Domestic and Imported Sweet, Spiced and Sour l'ickles, Catsup. Ancho vies. Calves' Feet -Jelly, Cur ry I'owder. l'eels, Yarmoutli Iiloaters. l'otted (Same, ives. Olive Oil. 'ineiiiir. Ca pers. Sauces. Salad Dressing. Horse Ittnlish. New Crop Al inonds, (irenoble Walnuts, l'ecans and Filberts. ."00 cases Caiined I'ruits and Vegetables, consist iiii" of Apples, Apricots, Cherries. I'eaches, Fears. Fluins. l'ine apples. Aspara fins, lieans. Corn. MTii. 1'eas. Succotasli. and Tomatoes. :00 cases Canned Meats and Fish Deviled Crabs. Lobsters, Mackerel. I lerriiif-, Salmon. Shrimp. Oysters, Sardines. Corned Feel', Ilonst I See,, Dried I Seel'. 1 lam. Lunch ronuiie. Chicken, Turkey. ( in me, etc. Miiice.Meat. I '1 ii in Fuddino,'. Condensed Milk. ISuckwhe.-it Flour, Oatmeal. Oatllakes. Cracked Wheat, Hominy, T.i li(M a. Farina, S.-io, Im perial (i rami in. M a nioca, Sar atoga Chilis. Deans, liarley, Crackers, Macaroni. Vermi celli, Mushrooms, I'ate de Foie (Iras, Capers, -lullienne. Orano'es, I,enioiis, Crapes, Dananas. Fiuiies. Craidier- ries. NewCro Kiiisins, Fijis Currants. Citron. L00 boxes 1 oiletand Laun dry Soaps. I'carline, Starch, lSluiiifi". Soda, Domestic and Imported Cheese. Lard, Da con, Tongue, Drenkfast D;t con, Mtickerel. Codlish, Salt, Candles. (ielatine. Extracts. Crosse tV lShickwell's, Cordon tv Dillworth's and I'hilip -I. Jtitter Conserve Company's Jellies. .Jams and preserves in wood and fi'lass. (iuavii .Jelly. Preserved Oin i'er, fliocoiate, ISroniii, Co coa, Cocoiinut, Cream Tar tar. ISiikino' 1'owders, Yeast Cakes, Hops, Stove Polish, ISath ISrick. Shoe lShickin', lSaskets. Pi in kets. ISrooms. Mutter Trays. Mops, Mran. Shorts, Hay, Oats, Corn. etc. POWELL & SNIDER THE ASHEVILLE LIBRARY ASSOCIATION, Rooms on Main street, opposite the post office. Open daily, except Sundays, from lo a. 111. until 1 p. m"., and M.:io until a. .'to v. in The terms of" subscription are: One year $'J ; ti nios., $l."iO; 3 tnus., $1 ; 1 mo., Titlets.; Jail v 2 cts. Officers for 1MM President, R. R. Rawls ; Viee-rresident. Charles W. Woolsey ; See. and Treas., I). S. Wutson ; Librarian, Aliss K. J. Hatch. Citizens and visitors are cordially invited to inspect the catalogue and inscribe their anmes as memliers. febhtitf FITS CrRIiD BY OLD SPIiCIALIST PHYSICIAN. Bottle of medicine Free. We war rant our reined v to cure the worst cases, and the only physicians who do this to prevent your being imposed upon by nun using false names mid who ure not Doctors. Because others failed is no rcnaui for not using this medicine. Give Express and Post office address. It costs you nothing. Addiess Asahel Medical Bureau. 291 Broadway, New York. inn27dtWlv FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN ! And a Rare Chance. That large houtu: gituateil in VICTORIA, And known as the Cohen House, Containing: 21 RooitiH. The house has never leen occupied. One acre of land, more ean be bought adjoining. View magnificent. Apply to Cortland Hr on., nov20 dtf Patton Avenae. pOR SALE Th- se two houses in Shelby Park, on corner Silver and Williams streets and known as the Alooney nroierty. Six and seven rooms each. Lot 75x110. Space sufficient lirtween on which to build another hous-. If not sold by the 30tb inst. will br offered vt public auction. Price low and terms easy. CORTLAND BROS , sot 30 dtf Patton Avenue. MISCELLANEOUS. iuuvSCRirnoxs. r J. S. GRANT PH1G1 o 1 ( t 1 liv rhilntlt-lpbiti 24 S. MAIN ST.1! I'lTV. ' 1 pnivsciiiPTioxs. Clothiii.H' unexcelled for style, fit and quality, new and desirable patterns. On and after Saturday. Nov. 2-'S we will sell ourstock of Men's, Iioys' and Children's Uothinfr at a discount of l." per cent, off regular price, ((ioods marked in plain fifi' nres. ) Everybody knows we sell I at one price as low as t tic same is sold anywhere. Now, with the bifi' discount off it will be just that much saved to eadi' customer. A full line of all the better grades. No shoddy floods all new and most desirable goods. Our Mr. Redwood is in New York and is picking up Ilargalns in all Lines. Some specially attractive bargains in nice Dress mate rials. Flannels, etc. New goods come in every day. The largest stock in town to select from. H. Ui:iwooi & Co.. lirv (fooils. Fancy Cooils, Notions, Ho s.ciy, Cloves, Knox Hats, Ziculcr Itros.' Sluics, ami ticnis' I'iirnishiii).'S. J. C. BROWN, MERCHANT t TAILOR, 25 Patton Avenue. 1 Next lo Crutlil Central Hotel.) i,ir'J(l 1 y V. BROWN & SON, UNDERTAKERS A Nil KMBALMEKS. offick : OVER J. E. DICKERSON'S HARDWARE STORr limtialniiny anti shipping a sccialty. Calls nttcuded night and day. TELEPHONE NO. .'. A CARD. Udilor Asheville Citizen: That t ur many friends may know how we are Renin;; on we will state that we took in iu Hotel ant. Store $9,000 in Vive Months, Took in last Saturday over $7M. $75 of that was hotel, balance store. Hotel regis tered J.r that day. Had O.ono arrivals in ." month-. Our stock is mammoth 300 feet li inland 1ft feet wide. Tell the ha'auce of the world to come nnd sec ''Old Ched" smile, nnd huy K""d of us and save lO to 25 icr cent. novlti dtf S. R. CHl-DKSTF.R : SON. PROGRESSIVE - AGE. - OLD, FOGYISM NoToNGER TOLERATED! Life too short T What the fieople want to hear about now is lYliere Tbey Can Get T H E Large Ml Amount of Values FOR THE Leant Amount of Money Not the number of years a house has been in business, nor the respectability of theiran cestoVs. Pleasant words sometimes please the car, but monev the pocket We prefer others to do the trumjet blowing, but we are presumptuous enough to believe thequal ity of our Groceries are as hi eh and prices as low as enji I found on this market. Consult your own interest when in want of anything in our line and drop in at the corner of Main and College streets. A. D. COOPER. ' Goto MISS LANCE if yon want cheap Millinery. Next door to Fostofficc ctaodtf ASHEVILLE ADVERTISEMENTS. JELLICO COAL, t AT RETAIL. : For Grate, For Stoves, 1JEST AIS'TJIKAC ITi: For Hle at Wholesult nn4l Kctail liv ASHEVILLE COAL C53iPAY, Teleplione -?6. Kxclnsivc AkciIs 1 Iiomrstic iintl Strum I lor West, i n Noi Hi I'M'olhui. Order from youHirocer, our "ROLLER KING" PATENT It is made in Asheville, "YOU KNOWt" And we pledge our word for it. Ihat 110 WHITER BREAK, BISCUIT, ROLLS, Can lie made from any imported Flour. ELECTRIC LIGHT Is the most popular straight floods in tliis market. Ask your C.rocer for the above JSrands, manufactured by 1 lie ASHEVILLE MILLING CO. Telephone No. 36. 39-THE SHOE ki;movi:ii to no. :iti LEADERS shoes ALL GRADES, II ats. Spceial Attention tiiven to "Style" mul "5uaH'.y' ofUootlH, Herrinjf & Weaver, OAK STREET INN, lu-Miititullv located in a irrove of oaks and white nine, with in . ilnsl or noise. ;ii i hf e.n ner of t'nk and Woodlin streets, near the Female court house. e nave a nu inner 01 negiiim -im himiui hhmus hi iiu'hiiimiu ne i.nai tiers wno ucsm n nice, ipiiet ptact , a way from the hotels. Nice rooms, in w lui nuire, good tare, first-clrjb? cooking, at reasonable prices. Alstj, hot and cold baths. Ir. T. J. HARGAN, Proprivi?r. COMPOUND OXYGEN AKDTeDICATEO BALSAM VAPOR, All modem and latest improved methods for trcatinc chronic diseases of Nin. throat and nose, by the inhalation of vaporized ai:d atomized thuds by the pneumatic an 1 compressed air apparatus ; also Compound ( ixygcn in connection with the vaporized Ba f sam i the balsam obtained from the natural bnNam trees near Asheville.) e also manufacture iiome treatment 01 trie compound u tygen, which is, ctnial to the office tvealment, and will be sent on application by express, mi receipt of price, $112. lur sueeess here for the iast three years with I Ins tieui i 'fiit has been nhrnnmp,i-.i h-. ing cuitd many cases that were pioiiouneed 1io,kIi ss, wIiom ii..iies nnd residences can b. obtained b calling at the Sanitarium. H permission wt ,t(l.; it, tjK. ibllowinv well-kntvn gentlemen of Asheville: K. J. Aston, ex-May or ; . , li, Reed, L.u k t . cs. Court ; Hev.G.C. Rjui k in, pastor First Methodist Church; Rev. V A. Nelson, pastor First Baptist Church ; H. T Collins, Capt. Nntt Atkinson. I.KWIS MAIHU'X, Hies Mcl.()l IIIKKCTIIKS I.iwis Mnildux, M..I. Itonrilni. K. ll. Kctd. lieo. s. I'owi-il, c. ,M . .Mel.uml. WESTERN CAROLINA BANK, - IASHUVILLB. N. C, FEBRUARY 1st, 1KU. Organized May 1st, IkSH. CAPITAL, $5o,ooo. - Sl'Rkl,rS, $xo,ouo STATE, COUNTY AM' CITY IjHI'OSITORY. lioes n General Hankim; Business. Deposits reccivctl hxclianKc bought and sold. C! lections made on all accessible points. The Saving Feature will receive spceial attention. On all sums in this Jepnrtment, deptsitcd ttr four mouths or longer, interest at the tatc of 4 per cen.t. per ntinum will be paid. Special attention iriven to loans on real estate, which will ie placed for lone, time on ;ea: sonablc terms. flpen Irom U a . m. (ill Saturil:. . s tile S:; fcl.-.'fltl A majority of persons have the impression that CAKKONATl-'D VKR.Ail".H arc only palatable in wamm weather. While this is true iu a tmnsure as regards son wathh, (aIK4nl'CK Al.K'1 is an exception, o inji to its a umino itialitii-s. IKCpI'lt AI.K is essentially a Wixthh UeveraKc Private familii s can order through their Street, direct. TEAS. CflllipilWlIlT, Oiilongs, Kng.Breaklnst, Japans, Hysons, I m K-ri;i Is. Puree nl toil jjrns Frt'iK'li Mustard,! I'olU'il llanic, kussiaii Caviar, Column's " Hriiok Trout i Amliovii'S in oil.jl'aU'S of Came, Tomato Sauif, Aiuhovv I'asU'. jFruits in luiie. Maco. I I.-ri injj We receive daily from Baltimore, Fresh Cakes, ; which we slice and sell liy the pound. Manioca, Sa:o, Crah.'ini KOPP & LICHTENBERGER, iToiiKue, Tripe, FAMILY G KOCERS, j1-"'"1' To"f' Wl- Make our owii; Flavoring I Kxtrncls. Thev are ! a8 PATTON We carry the Finest Free leliverv. strictly pure,! Fresh Mackerel,; Spiced and are lin Tomato Sauce! VUKY FINE. Smoked Salmon, Pickled Salmon, Try them, i Boneless Herring In -IN EWiGOOD Si- Just In, and We are Going to Sell Them . All kinds of Dry loods. Notions, Dress Uoods, Ginghams, Domestic. Jcanit, Flaer , Blankets, Shoes, Boots, Hats lots of them bought for less than cost of making. Some of ife cut cost nothing and a half, and will be sold the same way. We are agents for some of tlut iftr Kest Factories in the South and can sell you Home-made Jeans, all wool filled, for less, lhan you can get them from any other store in the SH(.)HS, and will give yon any style at as low guarantee every pair. A great many of our season, so we can sell them lower than you will find them at any other store in the Ktite, Try and see. Price made in the store. Asheville Dry Goods Co., 17 Kurth Main street, 1st door below Fenniman'a Hardware Store. J. O. HOWKI.L, Manner. BROOM FACTORY. j HAN FORD N.LOCKWOOD.! HAND-HADE Broom, WliUka, Hearth and Ceiling Brooms. Mill and Factory (rradei a apedalty. Quo tation and .ample free. b1 fin 1 y MAKE MONEV IN WALL STREET. Thronith the NATIONAL STOCK EX CHANGE, 812 P t., N. W.. Washington. D. C. Brokera lo Stock. Omin and Oil. Com tniuionaand Marcinfj aariafactorT. Bxclu n.r advice. Orrtera bj Mall and Telegraph prooflUx onend. m2t) d8a $5.00 $4-5 COAL ST0RE,-39 i'attox a :.s'e ft lm AsheviJle, N. C. College, and "nlv three stniaies from the !i T. j. HARGAN, M. . l. V'ioc.l'ri!- . RANKIN, Cnil iir. M..I. 1-iikk, J (J. Kntikin. J. B. Kay, J. B. Reed in 1 '( ; arti:u-nt will ln.,irti t tl t It i. tM. Grocer, or from the c. II I-iulcirv. lluvwuoil . CAMPBIXL. TK1FKI.KS, Succotasli, i i ,i i wiia ami Holland AVIiNVK Herriny Line of Confectionery. Fresh Stock. Sweitzer, Nculchatel, Sap Sairo nnd Lobster, Canton Cinder, iCreani Cheese, Saratoga Chips, Paper Shell Al- .llnizil Nuts, monil. Enulish Pecan Nuts, Walnuts. Filberts.. Shrimp, Oysters, Class. State. We keep GRAHAM'S HOMIVMADK prices as any other factory in the Snte. and goods were bought at auction and late in the NOTICE I ASI1KVI1.LB, N. C, Oct. -J2. 1S9. The rcfoilar annual meeting of the stock holder of the WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA RAILROAD CO. Will be held at the office of the Company in Asheville, N C.aon the FOURTH WEDNESDAY IN NOVEMBER, 1889, Being the 27th day of the month. Ceo. r. Erwin, . octa dtd See. and Treat. H. T. COM. INS. President. ASHEVILLE JCE COMPANY; Pure Ice made frmn Distilled Water. Office: No. 30 Patton Avenue. D. V. W'AltllKl.L, I'ri'siilillt. V. W. P.A1(.AHI, Vict' PreHiiicnt. CAPITAL, .S15(),000. THE NATIONAL BANK OF ASHEVILLE, Till: LAHG KST AND OI.DKST 1JANK 111 Weisterw Kortli l'r.;iti. This ISank is authorized by the St ate Trcn surer to receive State Taxes from Sheriffs, and receipt for same. Interest will be paid on money deposits! for four nionths or lonuvr. and certificates of iimncTowi; 1 -J I'. SAWYER. Kev. -I. L. CAUUOLL -I. (i. M A I TIN, GEO. SCOTT, North PuSlic Square, WINDOWS, - ISLSNIiS, - DOORS, Ota ruttv, l.imc, l'lasu-rii,K liair. Sliinvl.s. l.allis. KmHuB l'"-ls All ..I' Huil.linv Mnti'linl. A Full Une ol" Blautvl and Mou1Hiik. jr?' I inlcrs will ri-tvivt" iiromlit attfiltnni. FiTZFATRICK BROS. & ROBERTSON, Dealers in ValI Paper, WindowSlia?eaiid Patent Hangerw I'aims. oils and Varnishes, Masury's Mixed !'ai;is and Colors. Window Glass, both French and American We keep in atloek St. ouis ami Kentucky W, T. PKNMM PEKNIMAN & CO., lOlinKKS AN1 HjALRiPjOTAlHlE ASIIEYIIJUE, N. C. AGIiNTS FDK DUPONT POWDER CO.. RICHMOND STOVE CO., CORTLAND WAGON CO., OLD HICKORY WAGONS. STUDEBAKER WAGONS, MOLINE SCALE CO. ENGINES, SAW MILLS, ETC. M COKMICK HARVESTING MACHINE CO. llDillT MANN, JOHNSON & COMPANY, SUCCESSORS TO g SHEPARD, MANN & JOHNSON, AND THE BLAIR FURNITURE CO.. Ni 23 PATT0V AVK.ME, "Wholesale and Retail Furniture Healers, And Undertakers. 7r I'miiipt attention Lrivcn to atl orders, dav ir niihf VLUMBING. STEAM AND GAS FITTING, TIN AND SLATE ROOFING, ARCHITECTURAL IRON WORK. PlaiiH and Specificalloiifj Furulshed on Application VVc Imve thnrouKh mechanics in each line who have had many years' eiperience In their huHincar. We ean safely mm ran tee our patrons satisfaction in onr work, a low figures. BALLARD, RICH & BOYCE. tehiKdlT THE "HICKORY INN." HICKORY, N. C. Electric Lihts. (a, Hot anH Cold W'Bter Hnthn and Toilets on rnch Himr. Cuisinr nnd appoint uienls unsuriassed. FRANK LOVUHRAN, Proprietor. THE "BONANZA," THE LRADINU - ' INE .. AND LIQUDR .. STORE US THE STATE. FINE SJJKPLE AND BILLIARD ROOM. j. a .AQ.tAKPT. M,. KO. 43 S. MAIN ST., ASHEVILLE, N. C U. li.EAOAN, Secretary LAWKENTEPri.LIAM. Cunliicr deposit issued for same. W. Y. I5AUNAUD, I). C. W'ADDELL. 0. W. WILLIAMS. ( it Wilmiimtoii, N. C. It'hllldlv Lead fcnndly W. H. I'KNNIU AN. UKALUKS IS-

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