T ) A C -' THE DAILY CITIZEN ' BOARDING, WANTS, Fur Kent, and Lost Notion, three Delivered to Visitors in any part of the City. One M uittb. n- fine. Two WcekB, -r k'Si 2rc. lines or less, 25 Cents for Q each insertion. DAILY J 5, VOLUME V. ASHEVILLE, N. C, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1889. EUROPEAN MATTERS. IHH Kn.TS OK IIIHIIARCK'tt POLICY BKINU SliF.N. II looks, However, as If Affairs Were only Patched up foru Pur pose Russia Coiilluues to Hush Troops 011 Her Frontier. Coiivriirht lSK'J, N. V. Assnciulcd Prats. ItiiKUN. November 23. The terms of the truce between Aiiscrin and Russia which Prince Bismarck forced upon Count tvuinoxy are aireaav partly tumilcd on the Kussiaii side. The Czar has stopped the Pan-Slavist committee from sending agents into Bulgaria, and jKrcnipturily warned them not to foster in the mean time within Bulgaria any agitation. The Austrian side brought about a rup ture of the proposed marriage of Prince t Ferdinand to Princess D. Alencon. The Austrian finance minister refused to al low on the Bourse the quotation of the Laudcrbnnk loan to Bulgnria. Count Kalnoky has instructed the Austrian Consul in Sofia to modify his partisan ship in behalf of Prince Ferdinand. Fi nally, the Emperor Francis Joseph, though resenting the suggestion of the cession of Trentino to Italy has con sented to grant tp Trentmo an au tonomous local administration sep arate Irom the Herman tyrol of which it has hitherto formed a part. The members of the Italian -tyrol will henceforth assemble at Trent. The Diet at lusbruek supported separation Emperor Francis Joseph has olso ordered the release ot several Irredentists impris oned at lusbruek, including Rossi anil feeampien, editors of the Italian Inde pendence, who wereeonvicted of treason These concessions amount practically to little. It the lusbruek Diet had not voted for t ie separation of the Tren tino, the Emperor Francis Joseph would not have acceded to the propositi. A further reason for his giving his assent is that by doing so a stop was put to the manouvering of Signor Crispi, the Ital ian premier, for the annexation of Tren tino to Italy. Signor Crispi has now abandoned his plan of visiting Prince Bismarck at Ficiihichsriitie. Although the quotation of the Bulga rian loan has been slopped, Count Kal noky permitted the Landerbuuk yester day to advance 5,01)0,000 francs to the government at Sutia. His policy con tinues to be to secure a tighter grip upon tne unitarian government with or with out Prince Ferdinand, who, wroth at the change in his iersonal situation, .threatens to resign. Russia behind a peaceful diplomatic mask does not cease her massing ot troops upon her frontiers. Within three weeks, eight regiments of cavalry and six of infantry have been added to troops stationed on the Galaeian and Buko vinan frontiers. The work of railway extension on Vilnu, Kavno, Warsaw and Kieff lines is being accelerated in order that the strategic system may be completed by May. NUMBER 194. IlKAVTIFl'l. EXHIIIIT. The Profusion of Lovely Things to be Found nt Law's. A HI AI, I.t;iiISI.ATI Hi;. The New Stale Well up in OKI Method. Helena, Mont., 23. The Lower House of the Legislature organized this after noon in two branches, the republicans meeting in the hall on Main street, and the democrats in the court house. The republicans had thirty members, two more than a quorum. The body was called to order by State Auditor Kinney, and sworn in by Chief Justice Blake. The organization was ierl'eeted by the elec tion of A. C. Witter, speaker, and B. Ben jamin Webster, chief clerk. A full list of subordinate officers was also elected, and a recess taken until 3 o'clock. T.ie democratic members of the House met at the court house, and etVected an organization nt t o'clock. Mr. Blakelcy was elected speaker. The members were worn in by the notary public. The doors were closely guarded, and no one was admitted except those holding certificates 01 election from county clerks. This branch also took a mess. The Senate met at the e nrt house, but the democratic members absented them selves, and there was noquoruin. Lieut, tiov. Richards culled the Senate to order. Oil the roll call eight republicans were present ami were sworn in by Judge Hunt, Alter which they adjourned until Monday morning. Anyone stopping into Law's elegant rooms, if he had not thought of it before, would be impressed with the pleasant sensation that the holidays were at hand ; for the brilliancy, the novelty, the ele gance of the exhibit would impress him with the fact that it was no ordinary oc casion that called for such elaborate pre liminaries. True, at Law's elegance. good taste and judgment and elaborate supply are always to be found, but he has undertaken, nnd with signal success, to add brighter hues to the liiy and gilded splendor to the refined gold. Those who attend the grand opening to morro'V will see at once that wemake no exaggerated suggestions: they will find how the language of description must limp and halt and confess its inca pacity. We shrink from the task as we might draw away from the attempt to paint the colors of the rainbow. There is a maze of beautiful shapes, of exquisite designs, of gorgeous coloring; there is genius in art and skill in execution; there is tlie provision for use. there is the trib ute to sentiment. In whatever anart- ment of the extensive display you wan der, among the mugiificent china and glassware, tributes from the most fa mous factories of F.urope, or choice treas ures of American skill unioni. the ,,'!(.,.. ' ing array of silver plate or the tasteful articles of jewelry, the tempting reposi tories of stationery, the beautiful things appropriate for the toilet, the vases, the candelabra, the marvelous curios, the holiday books, the engravings, the toys, tile dolls, there is so much to bewilder and delight that old and young must go and go again, theone to take a new lease on life, the other to realize how beautiful lifeean be madeby the tasteful and happy use of human facilities, and the applica tion of them to the purposes of giving pleasure and happiness to friends and to the young. I.VNCHKI) BY A MOII. SliNSIBU; SUKCS-XTIONS. RAII.BOAI) ACCIDKNT. A Pulliiitn Sleeper Tunis Over and iH IlrauKed 300 Feet. Jacksonville Fla., November 23. Train 37 on the Savannah. Florida and Western railway met with an accident five miles east of Albany, Ga., at 2.30 o'clock this morning. The train is due here over the Brunswick and Wcstirn connection at 8 o'clock this morning. ai tue nour lnuicateii the tram was moving at a speed of about four miles an hour, when n broken rail threw the rear Pullman slccer, "Palmetto" over on its side. It was dragged about 300 feet, but bclore the train could bestopicd it was detached and rolled down over the embankment. There were eight passengers in the sleeper, all of whom were badly bruised and shaken up. They were made as comfortable us possible until the train reached Wayeross, where surgeon Falks, of the Savannah, Florida una Western road came aboard und at tended the injured ones. No bones had been broken, and all seven were able to proceed. The irain reached here at 1 o'clock p. m., to-day, five hours late. ' The injured passengers were at once driven to the Duval hotel. Among them arc Bishop Whipple and wile, of Minnesota; Miss Anderson and R. Marshall, of Pamoita, Fla. They are all suffering more or less, and Marshall complained of severe pains in the hips, but they will proceed on their journey to morrow. They regiird their escape, as a miracle. Dr. Peters not Killed. Berlin, Noxeaiber 23. The Emin prsha relief committee has received a cable dispatch from the Housing Com pany at Zanzibar which states that Lieutenant Borchert, one of the com manders of the second column of Dr. Peters expedition, reports from Lorom ani that the Somulis dispersed an English expedition, not the expedition under the command of Dr. Peters. Lieutenant Borchert further says that Dr. Peters and his party are sale und well and that they have established a fortified station at the foot of Mount Kenin. True, But Premature. Washington, D. C, November 23. The announcement that a partnership had been formed between General Dudley and Corporal Tanner, although mane upon authority of the latter, is now said tn have been premature, although con sultations looking to that end are in progress. A Plucky Meuro Jailer In Prince (eorite County. I'liTHRSIil'KC, Va., November 23 Robert Bland, who, on Thursday last., attempted to commit a criminal assault on Miss Annie (ice, aged sixteen vcars, daughter of Hon Charles Gee, Tinted States Inspector ol lumber at Sitka, Alaska", but whose family reside in Prince George county a short distance from Dispuinnta a station on the Nor folk and Western railroad, was taken from the jail of Prince George county to davund lynched. A mob, consisting of 40 mounted men, well masked, went to the residence ol Henry King, the negro iailor und demanded the keys of the jail. He siouuy reruseo to surrcnucr i tie Kevs or go to the. pill to unlock the door. The mob then burst open the doors id' the jailer's house, and again demanded the kevs. On his relusal to give them up, they placed a roe around his neck anil dragged hull to the jail, several hundred yards from the house. Despite this treat ment, King still refused to tell where the keys to the jail were. Just before reach ing the jail, the keys were beard rattling in King's pocket. The mob then took the keys from him, and carried him into the jail and made him lead the way to the cell in which Bland was confined'. Bland had nothing to say when the lynchers came to his cell, but was pcrf.ctly quiet. He was tied hand and foot, and carried off about seventy yards from the jail, where he was swung up by the rope to the branch of a tree. He begged piteonsly for life, but the lynchcis were deaf to his appeals lor mercy. His body was liddlcd with Indicts, and k it hanging from the tree where he was found at day break this morning. Bland was about twenty one years of age. and of a worthless charac ter. He was arrested Thursdav night by a posse of men who went 'in pursuit of him. ni.d he had been sent on by magistrate L. L. Austin lor trial at the December term ot the county court. A Coffee Failure in New York. NliW York, November 23. The report that the firm ol Sanger & Wells were un able to meet their obligations to-day did not cause a surprise on the coffee ex change. Rumors to that effect had been about for the past ten days. It is said that their liabilities will be about $300, 000, and their assets are merely nominal. The firm expects an extension id time and feel confident thai if u settlement can be made allowing them six, twelve and eighteen mouths, they will be able to pay 100 cents on the dollar. The cause ol the trouble is said to be the investment of some of thefinu'sfuuds in a patent bar rel factory the headquarters of wnich are in Detroit. The firm has dealt principally in Java coffee. It is an old establishment. A quarter of a century ago, it was known us Sanger, Birds & Fisher. Thev con trolled a large out of town trade, chicliv among grocers. Suspected Commissioners. Danvill, Va., NovemlKT 23. Indue jonn rain, wno is Holding a session ol the unitea states district court here, an nounced to-day from the bench that, from the large number of trivial eases sent on to his court by I'nited States commissioners he suspected sonieof them were trumped up for the purpose of col lecting fees. He ordered the clerk of tne court to make out a list of all the com missioners in the district, together with an abstract of the testimony in each case sent on, declaring his intention to make full investigation ; and if his suspicions were confirmd that he would reform the abuse if he had to remove every commis sioner in the district. A Sentimental Nuuie a Nerlons Uur to I'Het'ulucMh. F.nrroK Citizen: Some weeks ago you pumished m your valued paper an article on the subject ol street begging. I have been told bv several pers ns that thii had produced tl.e effect ol snipping lb nuisance in many cases, but had not, a; vet, adrlcrt nnyl lung to the treasury of the Hospital or the Flower Mission. line Iriend tells me that whereas bclore the article appeared she had received much help from Iricmls m the support i a helpless family ; she now gets uoihin nut wise remarks about "organised charity." I have been asked to sunnle. ment that article by another suggesting a practical way of aiding the Flower Mission. Let each person inform liim- scll ol the name anil address of the super intendent of t he v ml in which he lives; or better still, procure n printed card, giving the names of all tiie superinten dents of the different wards. Then when applicants for help appear, let them un derstand that you will cheerfully assist them to the utmost, if they will bring you a written statement Irom Mrs. , saying she has personally investigated the ease, nnd found it a worthy object ot Charity. (Ir, after investigating and relieving- yourself, at once report to the superintendent what you have done, and what you propose doing in future. In this, a burden will Ik- lilted Irom the Flower Mission, anil no one debarred from the privilege of personal ministra tion among the poor. While on this subject, I inav remark, upon the great injustice anil real harm I lie Flower Mission does itself by cling ing to its absurd name. If it were soil! differently, (flour,) it infill lie belter. As it stands, it is not only a ridiculous misnomer, but a posiliveniisstatenicnt. For sweet young girls to c.irrv (lowers and delicacies to sick friends and neigh bors, and under the supervision of the matron to the patients in the Hospital, is a very admirable thing, and sli.iuld be encouraged; but this is very fur from what our so-called Flower Mission is. It is really a bandofpraeticalexpeiieneeil women who undertake to do personal work among Die poor, lis methods are excellent, and the result of vcars of hard experience. Its rules are simple and ad mirable. They are these: 1. Never five money to applicants. 2. All persons asking for help are to be visited before aid is given. 3. When persons are out of work, find employment for them, and if they an able to work, and will not. do not assist longer. -f. Strongly nihise persons to go to the Hospital, if they aresuiLablesiilijeets. and can be moved. A lew days ago a gentleman of largi experience in pr.ietie.d Christian work, in speaking of tiis subtle., said he was convinced thai the name cost the as social ion large sums of inonev every year, ll a fillow was asked lor a sub scription for the associated charily, he would probably give $fi, $10 or $25. If asked to help the, Flower -Mission, he would give twenty-live cents, and even that, grudgingly. Any member of the Flower Mission will tell you that slit has spent hours of her valuable time ex. plan ing that the Flower Mission has nothing to do with flowers, and even now. half the old residints of Asheville. will say, they don't understand it. My dear sisters, -a ho have so long and so faithfully labored in this licnrt-wcarv-iug work, will you not consider the ail vantages of a change of mime? Let us be the Society of Associated Charities, or, Organized Charities Society, for Relief of Sick and Needy. Anything that will tell the truth mid convey an intelli gent impression of what you are. Can we not call a meeting of nil the good wo men of the city and organizcalrcsii? Let all the charitable work ol the town lie systematized nnd be made co-opcraiive. There will thus be no over-lappings, no waste, no neglect of oppoi (unity ol doing good, (ewer chances of doing well intentioucd harms, no misunderstand. inns. i.ci mere ne a nruiich ol this asso ciation which may call itself '.he Flower Mission and do its Itui'imnlc work ol carrying tlowers to the sick. Thus tin- name, which uas pleasant associations to many may be preserved. I earnestly beg that this snggcslian may receive con sideration. 1 believe this "plan would bring many new and vigorous workei s to the field. The work would then not fall as it does now upon the weary shoul ders of a few over-worked women. In this connection let us not forget that the Hospital, ;! well organized charity and one -whose good work is apparent to all calls lor our remembrance on Thanksgiving Day. F. THE LEICESTER MEETING. A MOST REPRKKF.NTATIVK AS. tK!UIII.A;i:. Fire and Death In a Mine. Chicaoo, November 23. An Examiner special from Butte, Montana, says: "Fire caught this morning in a cross cut on the 500 foot level of the St. Lawrence mine, nnd the draft is blowing it into the Anaconda workings. Great volumes ol smoke are issuing from the Anaconda shaft. Patrick Murphv, Henrv Page. Jerry Sullivan und Tim Kehlicr nic known to be suffocated in the Anaconda. A man could not live two minutes in any part ot the mine feared." Fox, at his home in Easton, Pa., of which place the deceased was a prominent law yer. Apoplexy was thecnuse of hisdeath. Mr. Marx left last night for the sad The worst results are ! scene, nnd will join his wife who was vis iting her father at the time ol" the ealam- Hvvttaerlaud nnd Braiil. ; ity. HfcKNK, November 23. The Federal General at Kio Janeiro to continue with I yestcnla-v- Mn'1 t,,c muc' ,U1 already the provisional government the relations ceased to be the buglienr it was the day heretofore maintained with the Empire. ' before. "The Alien Labor Law. Washington, D. C, November 23. The Secretary of State has referred to the Secretary of the Treasury a letter ad dressed by D. L. Wright, president of the Liverpool Cotton Association to the United States consul at Liverpool in regard to alleged violation ot alien con tract labor law by Towuscnil, W'ooley mid Company of England in sending an agent and grader lo Norfolk, Va., to buy cotton lor them. Wright requests to be informed if the treasury depart ment really regards this practice as u viola tion of law, and ii so, that the prescribed penalty be remitted in the case ol those men sent here from England before it was known that their coming was pro hibited. The ease referred to by Wright is one of those recently referred lo the I'nited States district attorney at Nor folk with instructions to sue for the recovery ol the penally of $1000 pres cribed for violations of the labor law, provided he is satisfied that such action can be sustained. Idectrlcity iocm itn Fatal Work. Provi)i;nck, K. I., November 23. Timothy MeCurthy, an electric light lineman, employed by the Natragansctt electric light company, fouled the line wires at South Main and Colli ge streets this af.ernoon and was instantly killed. His body hung on the wires, and had to be taken down by means of a ladder. He was thirty years old and unmarried. Melancholy Information. Mr. W. B. Marx, of the Asheville Lum ber and Manufacturing Company, re ceived information bv teleirrnnh vrt.i- fluv m,iri,,,in rf .1, . Wells, D. F. Suinmey, O. R. Jones. F - " , . . u"iieu siuder.S. Hampton, LaFavette Robin- death ol his (athcr-iii-law. and Mr. E. T. son. G. W. Nash. Daniel Shook. T. Hawkins, P. Israel, W. V. Wells, M. Plemmons. J. M. Stevens, B. A. Lorance. Sandv Mush T. J. Ferguson, R. V. Wells. J. H. Reynolds, L. Wells, James Robinson, N. Bonham, R. C. Wells, Win. Rogers. K. Reeves, J. A. Gillaspie, J. B. Ducket, John Garrett, J C.Hill. The labors of the day lieing accom plished, your correspondent enioved the The work of evaporation was rapid I kind winds which on all haniis were Speeches by Capl. isatt Atkinson and OtherH KcHolutioni Were Adopted and Committee) Ap pointed to Meet In December. Editor Citizen: Your correspondent enjoyed a delightful dav yesterday in very many respects. Charming com pany was one of them. Mr. Julius C. Martin was his "compnguou du voyage" almost literally, because Asheville and Leicester seemed like two seanorts. separated by a young ocean of mud and lush. But thanks to the agreeable conversa tion ol our Iriend, and the efforts of n strong horse, this slough of despond was suciTsslully encountered and overcome, and we were well repaid by ourreception. and the pleasant friends who were ready to welcome their guests from Asheville. lietoie entering upon business, we oar- took of the hospitality of Dr. I. M. Stevens and his ercellent wife, wlio art well known to. llleir L'ood cheer, thev so lavishly oiler, and had our eves ida.l. delicti by a look upon a grass nlot. in which the doctor takes special pride. "i mat sir,' said he, "is no better land han ten thousand acres udioiniuir it. and yet, here on these three acres, I have kept tour good milch cows all summer, mil besides at times, lour hogs, and also, me or two colts." and vet. we could set that the grass was still green and suc- nlent. How we would ike to see ;.ll ol the other ten thousand acres as good as these three. Why can thev not be so ? The meeting was held at what was brmerly called Bnscoin College. The situation was lovely, indeed, presenting i panorama of blue mountains, with one iivasionnllv canned with snow. AkIu-- vnle was plainly visible, and we could scarce believe the difficulties which lay oetween us and our home. These veri difficulties were about lo be considered, and how best to remove them. .in .isseiniuy oi go .(I common sense i.inniTs assembled in the upper room ol the college building. Mr. B. G. Gudger was called to the chair and Mr. Lon Wells chosen secretary, who politely re quested the representatives of the Press iho were present to assist him. Capl. Natt Atkinson was called on. and promptly responded in his usual happy and forcible style, showing the people ol Leicester what had been done tor other sections of the county in the past by the building of the different oranclnsof railroad now cnteriiiir Ashe ville, by the numerous bridges that had been erected; how they, bv taxa tion, had helped to build liie different State institutions at Raleigh, Morganton and elsewhere. That during all these years Leicester had remained silent and had asked for nothing. He advised co operation with adjoining townships; showed them why it was to Asheville's interest as a business centre to have all parts of the county built up; that the build ing of more railroads would increase Ashe ville's tax assessment; that the expe rience of past years had proven that in creased population and property valua tion for Asheville meant for the farmer higher prices for his products, cheaper necessaries of life, and a lower rate ot taxation. The captain backed un his statements by carefully prepared figures, showing that taxation at the close of the war was $1.75, but as Asheville grew taxes in the other portions of the county gradually decreased now it was but S3 cents on the $100. He told them they were entitled to better accommodations lor travel ; that there was no reason why the count v should refuse to grant their request lor an appropriation to give them the rich est township of Buncombe, the conven iences asked for, and showed how, even if the county voted bonds for the purpose of improvements of this kind, it would not increase taxation, but that the in creased values which such improvements would draw to this section would meet . t li the requirements of the interest on bonds, etc., and that there was no reason whatever why the accommoda tions nsked lor should not be granted to die people of Leicester, and that in the future, as has been demousliatcd by the figures he had already given on Ashe ville's increase in assessed valuations for p 'St years, there was every reason to be lieve that it would continue and the tax rate ofthefarmei continue to decrease as the wealth of Asheville increased. Capt. Atkinson's addi ess w. s well re ceived and was followed by a lew timely words from Mr. J. L. Sliigle, and lie in turn bv some practical suggestions from Mr. Wilson Nash. Mr. J. C. Martin was then introduced by Mr. Lon Weils, and entertained his audience with" a most excellent speech, we wish we had space to report it in luli; anything short of this would be an in justice and so we will not attempt any synopsis. Dr. D. F. Suiumey then offered the fol lowing resolution which was heartily seconded and passed unanimously: Whirca-, The townships of Leicester and Sandy Mush have long suffered on account of their bad facilities of traffic and travel with the city ol Asheville, and Whereas, These townships have al ways paid without complaint their share of the burden of taxation withoutevcr having received a cent lor their develop ment and convenience, Therefore be ii resolved, That the chairman of this meeting appoint fifteen delegates Irom Leicester township, and the same number from- the township ol Sandy Mush to meet wflh those sections ol Buncombe that are' likew ise deprived of the advantages that we feel so much the want of, in the citv of Asheville on the first Monday of Decem- lier next, and confer together as to what can and shall be done to improve tile racnns of travcland communication with Asheville and tlu different sections of our county, and that we demand of the au thorities of our county such appropria tion as will give to our sections advan tages similar to those ihat enjoy the blessings of railroads. In accordance thctcwitli. the chairman appointed ll:e lollowing committees to which, on molion, he was himself added, and the meeting adjourned : For Uieesler B. G. Gudger, L. N. lady, whose sprightly conversation ef fectually banished the" thoughts of mud holes and rocks, and .it dark our "Oueen i . I":... f it llr it, - i ... iljt oi me Yiesi was reacneii, with i heart full of thankfulness for deliverance I Irom "the perils ol the sea." T. W. P. RI'PI.Y TO UINI) AIIVICI". PERSONAL MKJiTION. Wm. Aiken, of Tin-: Citizkn news rooms, left yesterday for a few days' visit and rest at his home in Hickory. Mrs. L. A. Frazier, the wife of Capt. Frazicr, of Salisbury, who has many friends here, is now at the Grand Cen tral. Mr. S. McClcllan, of Knoxville, Tenn., of the firm of McMillan, Hazer & Co., of that place, has registered at the Grand Central. Mr. G. M. Hafford, a wealthy banker of the firm of G. M. Hafford & Co., of Fall River, Mass., has located nl the Battery Park. Mr. William Grozier is among the ar rivals at Battery Park. His brother is one ol the editors of the Sunday edition of the New York World. Among the ladies at Battery Park is Miss Katherine Bcckmau, of Cleveland, ii.:.. --.t. . . . . . iino, w no nascome to Aslieville on ac count ol the health of her invalid sister. Among the arrivals at the Swannanoa is Mr. J. O. Rookcr, who is the agent lor the Middle and Sou! hern States of a large canning establishment in Balti more. Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Field, together with their child and its nurse, are stop ping at the Battery Park. They are rom Brockton, Mass., and are friends of Dr. Ripley. Col. Thus. E. Brown has justj returned from a two weeks visit to Salisbury, Mocksville, and Charlotte. lie says good business men of those places, especi ally of Charlotte, speak very encourag ingly ol the future ol Asheville. Battery Park has among iisguestsMr. jacon hcss, who hasjust returned Irom a trip to New York, lie is a prominent Republican of New York, where he holds the position of subway commissioner. Mr. and Mrs. Brown have returned to the Swannanoa after a trip of two weeks through South Carolina and Geor gia. While in Augusta they stopped at the Arlington, of which Mr. Pcllijohn, who visited this city a short time ago, is the proprietor. Card From One of Our Host Reliable Real F.state Firm-. We publish the subjoined with the re mark that while we do make ourselves responsible for the justice of the article, we did so on a general principle, the force of which is recognized everywhere. We did so, not referring so especially to this place, but recalling what we had read n day or two previous as affecting another prosperous town in this State with dis astrous effect. It would seem by the ex ample given by the correspondent to whom t.nyn & West refer that there was at least one divcrson ol investment from this place by what were deemed cx- ccssnc valuations. At the same time we arc free to say that there has been n steady continuous rise in values here, de monstrating that prices put on property were not too high. Asiikvii.i.k, X. C X iveniber 23. Editor Citizen : In behalf of real es tate owners, and respectable real estate agents of Asheville, we (eel impelled to answer a couiniiniiealioii in this morn ing's Citizkn, which vou sanction bygiv- ing it a display heading "S id Advice." The statement in said article that Ashe ville real estate men double or treble prices us soon as they see a snceial thinn 4 is wanted is totally untrue, so far as this nrm is concerned, as our printed lists show printed prices also. We think other firms here follow the same prac tice. Real estate owners price their land at prices they hope to realize, and our ".i uuiipii mi uvi-ivc years past con vinces us that the hopes ol Asheville real estate owners have been well founded, and more than realized in the steady ad vance of values during that period." dur ing which we have seen values appreci ate twenty times over in some cases. No amount of berating ol values through the medium of your vultied pa per can per suade the people ol Asheville to mark down the prices of their properly at this t he most encouraging stage of Asheville's progress. One effect such communica tions may have, if endorsed by you, as heretofore; strangers, ignorant "alike ol values and prices, and of the good rea sons upon which the latter are based, may he deterred Irom making invest ments, upon which result all are to be congratulated v. ho take pleasure in the same. Gwvn c Wkst. EORE FOUND GUILTY. THF. JI RV OITT ONLY A VERY SHORT TIME. OI R MAIM AHOI T TOWN, What he Hecsi What he Hears, and What he Hays About It. The dexterity with which an Asheville belle crosses one of" the knec-deep-with-! mud highways is remarkable. She looks ; neither to the right nor to the left, but ! dives straight forward and u-ains tin. ,,. The guests at Battery Park are think-1 posile side without uetlimr a Heck of, h- red el.iy on her gown or her shoes to speak of. ing a testimonial to Mr. Loonns, its nt fablc and courteous clerk. They think his tourist-like propensities should be en- eouarged and more (retpicn -y should he iiven to the trips which have afforded him a much needed recreation and been of great benefit to his health. Gen. Geo. B. Smythe, a prominent law yer, of'Ncwark, Ohio, has registered nt the Grand Central. He owns considera ble property in Cherokee county. It was the title to the same property which was in question in the Junuluskn suit which j was tried in the l-edtral court, and which Gen. Smythe won. Mrs. Martinot, together with Miss Martinot anil Ivrmaid, arrived at Bat tery Park vesterdnv. Miss Martinot has made quite a reputation from the j The telegraph office here needs reform ing. The addle-brained boy who receives messages by telephone keeps customers waiting his pleasure, sometimes fifteen or twenty minutes. The delivery boy says when he considers a message important betakes it to the office promptly. The forwarding and delivery of messages by this office is lamentably deficient. Young men. don't you go and get the gold lever and rush to Montgomery county, thinking you will pickup three pound nuggets as did one old miner the other day. You will certainly sret left it you do. Mining requires experience the vivacious and spritling way in which she ! Si""e "s ''"'-v otlR'r business. Gold levers has played the leading soubrelte part in j arc ''estructive to many a career. the comic tqicrns as rendered bv the best ! companies such as Met aid's, Casino, etc. i 1 """m "' l" the consumptive Mr. E. Green, of New York, is stopping at Battery Park. He ts tn the real estate I , nusiness Willi ins tirotiur in New York and is studying Asheville real estate with the idea of working investments. The climate seems to have benefitted himeon- suW-iUv for l. he , ,;,.,! .-i.- .., 1.. 1.. ' ' .... i V. 1 , , ' i. i nine some goon llociors who know how to manage the disease. We wonltl say to coming here that the climate of Asheville, while the best in the land for pulmonary diseases, will not alone effect a cure. The j treatment ol the disease is even a more ! essentia! factor in recovery than simply ; climate. The patients who appreciate '' this fact are likely to improve the uuick- hcard of The Citizen, and made his ac knowledgements therefor, and then good fortune still attending him, was blessed with the company of a charming young one week. He intends to stay ten months longer. By that time he will be able to play centre rush over either the Yale or Harvard loot ball leani. tiEKERAl. CITY NF.WS. Several good street crossings were laid down yesterday, and we hope soon to learn that a very serious subject of com plaint is removed. Sunday school at Central Melhodisf church at 9.30 o'clock a. in. Preaching at 1 1 o'clock a. m. and at 7.30 o'clock ). in. by the pastor Rev. G. C. Rankin. Divine service at North Asheville M. E. Cl..'rch, South, Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. Riverside n' 7.30 p. m. Sun day school at both churches at 3 o'clock ii. m. Everybody invited to attend. We are informed that the electric rail-! way extension from court square to the I intersection of Charlotte and Chestnut streets only awaits the stretching of the wires lo be ready for use. That will In affected early next week, and then n most valuable addition will have been made to our street railway system. ! We thank our friend of the Charlotte tei'l free, breathe the breath of freedom Democrat for the liberal use he has made j il tor one day only. of the columns of The Citizen, a fact Let the stores and other places of busi which we gratefully appreciate. While ncss all lie closed on thanksgiving day. making our acknowledgements, we hope j 707ilie Hospital, we will not lie considered captious when ! The contributions of fruits, vegetables we remind the Democrat that in its last j and flowers solicited in yesterday's Cm issue he ascrilics one of our articles to ZEN for the purpose of decorating -Trinity "Asheville letter" instead of Citizen; a Episcopal church for Thanksgiving Dnv ;lve the Itovw a Holiday. There is a class of men, young men all of them, with hearts bounding with all the fresh impulses of youthful blood, with natures responsive to every appeal from all dial makes life bright and en joyable, yet w lioday nftcrdny and month after month through the long slow going year, must submit to the stern lot of their necessities, must see the gay crowd sweep by their doors without liberty to join in its pleasures, must see the gleam ol the bright sunshine light up the outer world without the ability to leave the tlark shades of their close places of busi ness, must hear the refreshing breeze sweep by w ithout the pow er to inhale its I outdoor sweetness, must "sit on their I benches" chained like the galley slave to ine oar, wiuie me line oi me sweeps on its rapid current, varying and changing, and bringing new pictures to nil but them. Turn out the clerks for one day's romp, if they will romp; turn them out to the streets, to the woods, to the mountains, to the roads, anywhere where they will Able Speeches on Behalf of the state and the Defence The Ver. diet a Surprise MauslauKhter Was All That was F.xpected. The whole of yesterday was occupied by arguments of counsel and charge of Judge Promptly at 9.30 o'clock, Mr. J. M. Gudger opened for the defense, und was followed by his colleague, Captain M. E. Carter. Both of these gentlemen made-' able arguments, and took advantage of every possible point in the evidence, which could he!ptheir elient's cause. Their speeches took up the forenoon and after the recess, Mr. E. D. Carter closed the State. His address was a most telling one, indeed. He made a strong point ol that portion of the prisoner's s-.ntenieiit.jbiouglit out by the cross examination, and which was" not published in our columns of yesterday, Ihat he had taken hold of his knife, and called deceased a liar, exnectinir that iiis epithet would cause deceased to strike him. This admission seemed to us to be the turning point in the case, and the solicitor made good use of it before the jury. His Honor began his charge at 4.30 o'clock, and made it carefully, avoiding any suggestion that could lie thought calculated to influence the jury on any matter of (act, and giving them the law in a manner clear, concise und impartial. The case wasgiven to thejuiy about fi.30, and a few minutes before 8 o'clock the ringing of the court house bell sum moned a large and anxious crowd to hear the verdict. The jury, however, handed the judge the following written question : "II. alter the defendant was stricken while sitting on the wagon by the de ceased, and then the defendant entered the light with the open knife, would that be murder?" We did not hear the reply of the court, but Irom conversation with one of the jurors we learn that he said: "If he willingly entered the fight with his weapon prepared it would be murder, although he had been stricken first." The jury then retired again, and after a lapse ot scarce five minutes re-entered the box and announced that thev had agreed on their verdict. Col. J. M. Israel was their foreman, and in answer to the awful question of the clerk, said that the prisoner was ' guilty of the felony and murder as charged in the bill of indictment. The jury were then polled, and each re peated for liimsell the drendfui word "guilty," while the countenance of each showed that he fully realized the respon sibility of his situation and of his words. From an intimate acquaintance with each man of this jury, and, in some cases, for many years, we say without hesita tion that twelve men more absolutely conscientious cannot be assembled in any county, and yet we must add that we cannot concur in their finding. The un- .... .unci,, iiwiinciue was tne result ot a fight in which the prisoner was terribly beaten by a ni.in larger than himself. One of the witnesses testified thafoneof Lunsl'ord's blows would certainly have knocked Fore down, had not Lunsford held him up with his left hand while he struck him with his right." We must think that but for the unfor tunate statement of the prisoner above referred to, the verdict would have been manslaughter. We think this what the community expected. While at Leicester yesterday, we met many men who lived in close proximity to the scene of the fa tal encounter, and not one expressed anv other idea to us than that it should be manslaughter. One man asked our opin ion. We replied : "It will be manslaugh ter, but of so aggravated a character that the judge will give him the full ex tent of the law." "No," was the reply, "the sentence will be a lenient one, be cause both men were to blame in the light." 1'uder these circumstances we are naturally surprised and distressed at the verdict, and are ready to recommend such commutation as the Governor in his mercy may sec fit to extend to this unhappy man. htpsua tentmc, probably. Mr. William Haughton, late of Char lotte, the newly appointed express agent tor this city, has arrived and enteral are to be sold for the benefit of the Hos pital or given to the Hospital. Any donations intended for this purpose should lie left at Mr. S. R. Kepler's grocery store by Tuesday. upon his duties. He comes highly en dorsed nnd justly so. He is of a well known family, being a son of Mr. John H. Haughton, a distinguished lawyer of Chatham county, where he acquired a I State reputation. He removed to New-! Derne late in me wnere needed. Vte be- in the 3th year of his age. Funeral ser speak for Mr. Haughton the good will of i vices will be held at the residence on our citizens, with the assurat.ee that he J Monday at 2 o'clock. Interment at will win and deserve their confidence. Columbus, Ohio. Uied. At the residence of his parents, on Mer nmon avenue, last night, nt about 12 o'clock, of consumption, Mr. H. Clay Maddux, son of Lewis Madddux. Esu.. An Krror. In yesrerday morning's notice under the head of "Prepare for Thanksgiving," there was an error insomuch as relates to the disposition of the offerings of the "fruits of the earth" as contributed to the offerings for the occasion at the FZpis eopal church. It was stated that "after the services all such gifts as are suitable will be sold or distributed for the benefit of the poor members of the parish." There was the mistake. Such will be sent as usual to the Hospital for the ben efit of the patients there. And we may remind our readers that Thanksgiving Day, when all hearts are, or ought to le, full of gratitude for bless ings received and enjoyed, istheday when the Hospital, the tyie ol human suffering nnd destitution, should be remembered by every body. Such memory is putting thanksgiving into concrete form, making it real and practical, not selfish or senti mental. Let the festivities of Thanksgiving Day be closely and practically associated with duly lo the needy and suffering. An electric light 'blazed up most unex pectedty to us last night at the corner of Charlotte and Chestnut street. Its use ful location was apparent. Those hitherto dark streets were lighted nearly ' to their full length This is the beginning of the addition to the pole lights resolved upon some time sira.-e.

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