THE DAILY CITIZEN THE DAILY CITIZEN B0ARDIN6, WANTS, Por Rent, and Loat NotlaM, three line, ar Icaa, 38 Ccata for Q each Inaertloa. Delivered to Visitor In any part of the City. One Month 80c. Two Week, nr less 1 -4 VOLUME V. ASHEVILLE, N. C, SUNDAY, JANUARY 5, 1890. NUMBER 229. - KngllBh and French BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL, FOR YOUNG LADIES AND LITTLE GIRLS, No. 40 French Brniw. Avenue. MRS. BURGWYN MA IT LAND, PRINCIPAL I Pur many yvnni AmtiR-tulc 1rinclpu1 of Mt Vernon InMittite, .Hltimnrc.) AniHted by a vorpn of com H-n tent teacher RAVENSGROFT HIGH SCHOOL FOR BOYS. Fur bounler and bay Hcholur. HEADMASTER, RONALD MACDONALD, B A., (liKfonl.) The Knitter Term liejclnt January II. For further particular, apply to the Head muter, at Ravenscroft. tlevlNdlm P.O. BOX 401. J. W. CRAWFORII, Photograph Gallery, a8 and 30 Patlon Ave. FIFTEEN YEARS' EXPERIENCE IN NEW YORK AND BROOKLYN. Artistic vrk of nil kind executed in Arat claaa Ntyle. SPECIAL ATTENTION IIIVK CHILDREN TO jut. U tlliw FURNISHED HOUSE FOR RENT. Tkul new and tlenlrulile hotine, until reeeatl oceupieil hy Mm. Tennrnt. oil Vlnyton turret, and well lurnUhed, will he rented oa ReuHonable TeruiM, To an rly ttpHeumt. Ai.ilrrtm T. W. PATTON, jun'j dtf Anheville, V C. JAMBS FRANK. ItKALKR IN- FAMILY GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS Aint for Keema Creek Wnolra Mill. North Main Aahevlllr. N. C. fehiodli BROOM FACTORY. HANFOAD N. LOCKWOOU. HAND-UAH Brooms, Whittlm, Hearth and Celling; Broom. Mrn and Fartnry xexdea a apeetnltv. Quo latlona aad aamplea free. cVhleldlT JiJITTATION WANTKII." " B a yonnir man. irrHdmite ol the Virginia Hu.inriia College, a. ImhiIi keriier in a retail or wh.ilranlc eatuliliahmrnt. Will work lor ainiill aulnry on atnrt. with chnner tti vaniv. Very licat rrlercnce Kbru. I'lcnac ad alrcaa nt once. it. I. I'.l lint N, iant tl't Hluiirl, a. POK MBNT. " Ittorr room, No. flu Kouth Mnltialrct-t. and tA-. nnV- rooma. t'oaacaalon given at once. Apply to dtf PKANK I.IIIV.I1KAN. AHhcvineJNVoJd Yard Huy your Wood by the Cord, awed and ready for une. Utove Wood-, Fireplace Wood, Cord Wood on hand and lot hIi- at yard at InmiI. iimr Furniture Fnvtory, r (rave ordim nt oilui-. Mouth uiirt Houc Hiiunrv, next dour to Wolfe HulldlnM. and hint It tletlvereil. jaiia dlw L Iv. MiMiDV. JfivVscii aktLk, MERCHANT TAILOR IS. Main Nt. frb2K)lv TUB LAHtlKUT AMI IIHHT ItOl'l I'I'KII IN TIIK tUlt'TH. CHEMICAL AND ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES or II. C. Woltcreck & Co. t-of.arl.Timi ciikuist ako minim) mnoimkkhh. Anatyaea of Metnla, (lira, Conl or Coke, Min eral Water. Fcrlllliera, ele. I'NICB MKT ON AI'I'I.ICATHIN. Mlnlna: proiierty Invcatliinteil, drveloitil. iKiuffht and aold. Correaitomltnee aolldlrd. Hample can lie aent liy mail or rxprraa. If aent hy eapreaa, ehnricea nmat be rrepaiil Kenla wanted In every plura. Chaltanoogn, Temi. UK. H :. WOLTCKKt K, novflilXcwly Mnnainr, A tlKNTH wanted nt once Tor l.lfriin'l Krin inlaceneea of JefTrraotl luia. Kditrtllty Ju-tlce l,nmar, tV H. Hupretne Court. Fart of IiriH'eeda jfiven to ereet a ntonuntrnt to Mr. lav!. Complete ontlit . Adilrtaa H. H. WUOIlWAKU St CO., Illllltmorr, Md. aj A few good Oenernl AKetlta wanted. Jan.'l il.1t Wai.tkn B. Owvn, W. W. WKaT. GWYN & WEST (Muecetaon to Waiter B.Uwyn) KSTAIILISIIKD 1881 REFER TO BANK OF ASHEVILLE. REAL ESTATE. Uomtf Hecureljr Placed at 8 Per Cent. Notary I' Commlaaloner ollteeda, FIRE INSUHANCK. UKFICK MoHlhCMHl Court Mqunrc. TDCKIIOLIHtNH' MKKTINII. There will lie a meetln of the atorkhold er of Thr Nilllnnnl Hank of Aahevlllr on the aecnnd Tueadav of Jiinunrv, the 14th inat., at their ImnkliiK houac In ihla town, janl did wed aun MISCELLANEOUS. K8TABLI8HKD 1874. V. C. CARMICHAEL APOTHECARY. 20 SOUTH MAIN STREET, ASHEVILLE, N. C. We no not hull Ciika Duids, but will hki.i. voir Duros chkai', nna if you aon t believe what we hhv uive uh a trial and be con vinceil. Our breKorintion tie partniont i excelled by none. It ih emiiiincd with the bei-tt U'ooiih tnat money can miy Ironi E. Merck, K. It. .Scjuibb, I'ai ke, Lin vim & Co., .Mm. Wveth & Hro.. and from other lending nianufncturiiijfchem- iHtM in tliiH country and hu rope, whowe troodH for nuritv cannot be micHtioned. J're- McriptioiiM filled at all luiurn, dav or niirht. and delivered fi-ee of charge to any part, of the city. Uur Htock l Druffs, Patent Medic.incH and Druir- gists .Sundries is complete, and at nrices that deiv coin petition. Don't forget the nlnee. No. '20 S. Main street. whew you will at all times lie served by competent pre- scriptionists. Hi. "' ' ' 1M81) S. R. KEPLER, DBAI.IIK IN FINE GROCERIES. Purveyor to intelligent a ml appreciative Asheville ami American iaimlies. J'alates and tastes of H'Ople who be lieve in good livmgcaunot b humbuggetl by "(.'heap.Johir' gttods. Cheap goods nnd Hrst quality niv not synony mous. I have in stock and to arrive, all seasonable sp cialties. comirising in part r nuts, llranges, liCinons, ( ran berries, ltaisms, rigs, Xuts. etc. Miscellaneous New Orleans Molasses, for ta ble use, I'rime New Orleans Molasses, for cooking. K. tra fine Assortment of ('nick ers. Fine Teas and CoffeeH a siMt-ialty. Miner Mv.'its Cioriliiii it liilworth'a, mill ntlitT liriiiulii. I'Iiiiii I'uililiiiK.Calt 'it Null Jelly, etc. rrtnacn nml Crvatnhztil (tinker. Miuu Kw in kit. Ke Herring nml till other onilii in lUinnnil for the llolni.iva. S. K. KI-.ri.l-.K 3L 5 5 2 si 2 2 0 EL 5 3 d i i s ? t x c 3 i X y. ka) a W a. s -I a si - 5 X X re 55 pHl'KTKHH MALI! OF kit A I. UHTATH. Itv virtu ttt A imwrr nf ant rnnt ttltii-H In deed of tniKt ruecMtrd to me on the lid day of June. 1MMH, hv w .1 Huiiderth, to mi-a re the tmymrnt of rertnln notes therein men United, which unld dreil In n-uUtered In the othiT of the k Kl"trr of iNreda of Huneomtw eountv In Hook 1 .1 at pnne 4id ot ntortjaire recordi. and hy rennon of thr fnllure of mild W.J. Audderth tn pnv or eaunc to he paid the Mid note with In terra t when due, I will aell to the hiKhent bidder tor enh, at puhllr auc tion nt the court hoime door In Anheville, on Hiiturday, the Nth day of P'hruary, 1"tM, the real rntnte dmerllrrd In Mid deed of trust, flriu'rlhed a folic. wbj: Mrirlnnlnit at a "take on the emit tn it ruin ol Wllliantntreetlnthcaouth. ern boundary line nt a traet coaveved to I. V. Htnlth by Natt Atktnnon and wife on the 3.1d dav of Aiiiit. IHmh. and runn with thr rant ninrntrt of Wllflnm N im" W I'Jli feet to a Rtnke In the time, them-e N 6AU K loJ fret to a stake, thrnrc 8 1.'tu UN' H till 7-HHt ft et t a Nlnke In until Hottthern bounilary line, thence H 47" 15' V MN lA-loi) feet ft iK'KbmlnVi IhIiim more fully driHrlled In i-nid tltcil of irtml. W. H. OWVN. Innrt (Ut nun T run tee. Swannniniii Hotel Uarieelled culalne, I'opolar with totirlala.fiinillleaanilliualnea, men, lllrctrlc cars iaa ttir ilonr. ' RAWLH HHI)M ffbldlj l'riiir'a. Hour hrlyht, active yniinn men from SO to 8A srrara ol aur to wnrk fnr ua rrrnlnaa. An opportunity to make money will lie aiven to ine niini mrn. Appiy at our omec between 10 a. m. and a p. m. JKNK1 at IKNKH. Meal Batnte anil Inatirnnee llroker. MoOBll U Ol HI. McAfee llloek, Jan dtf UH Patton Avrnut. GRIPPE AND PNEUMONIA. . . II.AVINC MAn HAVOC IN NKW VURK CITV Tlic Iiiflufiir.H Ih HecpiuiiiK a Wry tterluuH Mutter A New Vorfc Doctor In Matte h MavtiiK Maniac From the Kircta of It. Sikkka City, Cnl., Jiimmry 4. A fiititl anil rlt'structivc anuw sliilt uvrurml hoi c yeHtvrilny liv whirh six wonivn nml 11 boy were killed. Two other k- nmy die, and ai vtrnl Iioiikvh u CatlioliV vlmrcli were wrecked. The sliile coin ineneed at the Sierra Duties flume and swept with terrific loree down the valley carrying everything in its path lu foi c it. Stout trees were snnpied oil' at tin ground like pine sticks. Several people hnd narrow esciic from death us the lide came without theslililest wnrnin. It is believed tliut a Chinuman and 11 little Kirl are still buried in the muss of snow und deliris. l-'ears are entertained that another slide nmy occur at any mo ment, and the people are in a igreat state of anxiety. As soon us possible after the idiilc yes terday a number of men heuan the work of tlijfK'iiK out the unfortunates who had been cmujnt in it, and in a lew hours had taken out the be ji lies of Mrs. Kieh, her two daughters and a son, Miss Kvnu, ol llowmevi le.iind Mrs. I. T. Moonev with her duiiKhter, and Miss ICthel LuiiKtou. The two last mimed were still breathing wnen emoveil I id m the snow, but ellorls ut resuscitution proved unavailing nenrcn lor tne olliers is Hill L'oinir on. nnB it is fenred thut more than now known may huvc Iwen sweot out of ex istcuce in the avalunche. Cold In Montana. Hki.kna, Mont., lununrv . Thuri!iiv niKht wns the coldest ol the seuson in Moutnnn so far, the thennoinrtei rejiis terini; ;15" Ik-Iow ut some noints. There is but little snow reported in Kustcru ana central .Moiitaini, lint there is sonv delay to traffic in the western part of the State. Considerable sulferinir isalreadv reiMirted on some of the ramies. tlionL'ii connnen to limited areas. Cold Weather In Month nakola. I )K 11 win 111, S. D.,antinrv4. Thether- motneter reinstered 2HJ lielow zero to- dny, the coldest of the winter. Husiness is practically suseniied owinj; to the in tensity of the colli. Delayed by Snow HlorniH. Skatti.k, Wash., Iiinunrv-l. Theover- land trains arc all ilel.iycd in easleri. Wnsliinjjton by snow ' storms. Tin weather is the coldest known here for years. Itrve Mteel Plate Contract. St. I'aii.. luuuarv 4. A Dnlntli. Minn., siiecial to the I'ioueer I'ress snvs: One ol the laim'St contracts for steel ship plnte rver made in this country was com ludtd here yesterday by (.apt. Alex, .mciioukuii lor tne American Mcei com pany with llie rcorescutulivc of Andrew CnriuiLMc. The contract calls lor about ii.OUU tons ol steel plate, innkiiiK over $.Mi 11. it will ttirmsn plates enoucli lor seven great vessels of the McUciugall type. An option wns given to dipt. AlcDongnll lor steel eniniL'Il Tor three more vessels, and this will urobnblv be closed in 11 few days, milking the whole order nbout 7, 20 tons, and calling for an exicuiiittire 01 about $45U,uu(i. All these vessels will be built here this year, and their aggregate tonnage will be over 30,0(10. I'nnolved ChloroformtnKMyHtery. Trenton, N. I.. January 4. There is still no solution of the Knilfin murder mystery. The police take the ground that little credit is to bt given to the bur glar theory. There is no other theory sufficiently verified asyet to justify official action. A youth named Louis Kelly, who was up wiin a sick norsr in tne stnnie in he rear ot the hnimn residence Thursday night, is reported ns saying that he heard no noises of any kind during the night Dr. Kniflin this morning mused to sic reporters. Miss I'urcell could not be seen it Her. Sue is said to have recovered al most entirely from her prostration. At, atitopsv will be made upon Mrs, KnifTin by the county physician. sueceaaor to l.rudy. Atlanta. (la. .January 4. Uurkcllow I was tiwlay chosen by the stockhold ers of the Constitution Publishing C0111- iiuny to succeed the lute Henrv W.Orndv asmanngingeditor. Howell was formerly night editor, and bat lor the past year occn assistant to uraciy as managing ed itor. As much of Grady's time bos been levoted to oublic matters. Howell has been closely identified with tbe manage ment of the paper. He is a graduate of the l mvertity ot ueorgia, and whs twice menuier 01 tne legislature, lie is L'li ears ot age, and served hit journalistic apprenticeship on the New ork Times anil rniiailciplun i'ress, dipt, l.vnu I . Unwell und VY. A. Hemphill are still at he helm ns editor in chief and business manager resKctivcly. A Donble Murder. Nkw Yukk. January 4. In the Cerinnn luarterof the eastern district of Brook lyn (Williumburgh) a double murder wns discovered to-day, 1 he neiglibors reported to the police that no member of a family nnnied Franklin had Ixen seen since Vedncsdny. The police broke into their rooms and found Franklin sitting on a bed with A revolver In hit hand He threatened to iboot, and the officers backed out ot the room. Franklin mi med lately shot himself dend. The offi cer then entered the room und found Franklin's wile and child dead and Frank lin dying. The wile and child had Iwcn dend two dnys. Franklin died this af ternoon. fire Aboard I.a Chninpagne, Nkw York, January 4. As the I.a Champagne, of the Compngnie Gem-rale Trmisittlnnti(ue, was about to leave port for Iluvre this morning ut4 o'clock, a slight fire broke out iu her cargo of cot ton. Some of the female passengers be came frightened and insisted on leaving the vessel, but the majority rcuiiiincd on board while the city lire department were mastering the flames, The (Ininnge done was nbout $0011, The vessel hasbcen de layed. Throuich Brldice to Death. Hai.iktsvillk, Tex., January 4. Thursday night a freight train on the San Atitonia and Arkansas Puss road went through a bridge nt this place. There were twenty-two cars in the train, nml all lell through. On the ears were a dozen men, l;p to last evening seven had iH'cn taken out, four of them not seri ously injured. Four of them hnve not yet been recovered. It is reported that the bodies of three dead men have been found about seven miles below here floating in the riv:r. capital wmmhwt. I T Wautall iutrn em alaa I Major T. C. WeHtall AhIch a Num ber of UuchiIoiih, Has (he discussion on capital punish ment fallen lint ? Have all who hold the "fundamental principle of evangelical Llinstianitv eternal dnmnntion. set tied the cpiestion forever with the Scri- tine text, "whoso sliecliletli man s blood by man shall his blood be shed ? Then, whv not put men to death for Sabbath breaking. Have we not the same Scripture authority for that also? .Mid is there not one ease on record where if is said, the l.ord gave a siiecial command thut a man should lie stoned to death for gathering sticks on the Minnatii day t And what nbnnt heresy ? Wns it not also commanded, that a man should he the lirst to lav hands on his brother, or his son, or his daughter, or the wile ol his bosom, or his best tneud, to put am or all of them to death for the sin ol heresy? Is it not as had now to deny the "fundumcntul Drinciulcol cvaniiclicul t-hnstinnrtv. namely, "eternal damns tion, as it was in Moses time to go astray after strnnge gmla? Is it not much worse to Ik- a heretic in this en lightened age than it was tbrlv centuries ago, when men were lirst taught mono theism And what nboiie thirty or more other Ileuses against the Mosaic law, I'm which the death jicnalty was com manned.' Is there any vruiture any where showing that (!od has at imv time, "repented Himself that Hcordered tne penalty 01 dentil lor liny ol these oiicnsrs , Are not theailvocitesof capital mulish lie tit inconsistent in that they fail to lie clamorous ns citizens tor legislative enact incuts rtiiiring our statutes to conform entirely to the Mosaic law on capital oiieuses r Are not those who arrogate to tlicm selves exclusively the name of the holders ol "the fundamental principle of evan gelical Christianity," disregarding what they claim to be a command of God, when they i'aii to urge the death til nereticsr tin tney not disobey Uod, when thev persistently refuse in these latter days, to lie the first to lav bunds on the heretics to put them to death, even those nearest their hearts ? Was it not a tlod-honoring net, when the fuithful poisoned Arius sixteen cen turies ago? And did not the angels shout tor joy when Svrvitus expired 111 the flames for denying the fundamental principle tit evangelical Christianity," in modern times? Are not heretics ill our enlightened day much less excusable than the heathen were, when Israel came out of ligypt? Then why not kill litem ? Have we not 'the same authority, und that as binding, to kill heathens and heretics as they had 111 days of old ? Have we not the same authority from the llible to put them to death, as we have to put 11 murderer to death? Hid not Saul exterminate the Ainclcckiies, ami even sienr smiling, innocent I ia In-sat their mother's breasts, at the command of the Lord, Ik-cause their progenitors lay in wait for Israel when he came up bom Ugpyt centuries before? if n (lerson can take the Scripture ior less than they are worth, can he not take them lor more than tucy lire worth? If: "And these shall go away into ever lasting punishment," men in "eternal damnation?" What docs this uican? "For this is good and ncupiahle in the sight oMiod our Savior; wh 1 will have nil men to lie saved, and to conn- unto the knowledge of the truth. Fur then is one (iod and one mediator Ix-twccn (toil und man, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himscll 11 ransom lor all, to be testilivd in due time." Now, if wc interpret the first and ac cept it, so that we may he considered ns accenting "the tuiiilunieiital principle ol evangelical Christianity," what are we to do with the latter f Who has a right to Ih- n judge between them, but the )kt son himscll ? Who has a right to say heretic? Who should throw the lirst stone at a heretic ? II some men are to he "sent nwny into "eternal damnation, enu Christ in any sence Ik- said to be the Savior of nil men .' As 11 tad, could it lie testitied 111 due time? Is there any "due time" at the end ol "clerinil dnniiinliiiii ?" II "eternal daiiinatioii" is "the liinila- mental principle of evangelical Christi anity," is it "glial tidings of great joy which shall Ih- to all n-ople? 1. C. KST.M.I.. MOUTH CAHUI.IMA NOTKH. The Murohv Kullctiii of the l!ud snvs: We learn that eight convicts escaped from the iiuai'leis iitToptoii.tliiscnuiity, last .Monilav nigiil. tinlv one lias Occn caught up to the hour ol going to press. In returning Ironi a trip to West field on the Western .North Carolina road, the lirst of the week, we were rejoiced tn ob serve that the grading on this rond hnd reached n point about two miles this side of Valley town, nml is rapidly bciug pushed on to Murphy. A telegraph of fice has recently Ir-cii estub'ished at Mr. C. N. II ickcrson'a residence, this side of the bridge, with Mr. E. W. Smith, one of the best oiiernlors in the employof this road, 111 charge. Winston Sentinel : I'rnf. Win. A. Hlnir A. M., SiiiH-riiiteiideiit nl Schools of Win ston, N. C, who has an enviable record ns n scholar and teacher has lately neen honored by the National I'niversity of Chicago hv nil election as Associate Pro fessor of Pedagogy. Prof. Hlnir will in niiguriite the liunous Kuglish I'niversitv Bxlension system in the South, having charge ul I he Institute of Pedagogy und p.i haps ol the Institute lor llible study, If Judge tiilmer resigns his sent on the bench, us it is rumored that he will, there will lie no lack ut aspirants for the place. Col, J. T. Moiehcail, of Greens boro, will Ik' a candidate, and Mr, K. W. Winston of Oxlord, will try his chances. Ho ih gentlemen have 11 strong following, mid it will be hard lor Gov. Fowle to de cide between them. News Observer: Adjutant Gen. James Glenn was here vesici ilny for the purpose ol placing his miniial official report which he has just completed in the hands of the printer, 'file report will make nil excel lent showing. There me now l.fiOfi men in the State Guard und Gen, Glenn snys that these men are not merely counted on paper but they show up in ruuks. Cotton Need Oil Mill Matted. I'nion, S, C.,' Jnnnnry 3. (Special. ) The cotton seed oil mill has nt Inst been completed, und is now in running order. It commenced work lust Monday morn ing. The electric lights me now ln-ing put in position, which will be used in lighting up the oil mill and their office, which is in the blinking house of Messrs, W, A. Nicholson & Son, mid when completed will be of great hem-tit to the town, for they are much needed. C. M. G, THE FROZEN NORT THE FROZEN NORTHWEST. THKR9IOMETKR INDI CATES 30" H1CI.OW, While We are lluHkluu In the .tllld neaa of June, mow Mtldea and I'nprecedented Frltcldlty Make the New Male) Hhlver. NKW York, January 4. Seven eases of sudden death were reported at the coro. ner's office to-day. For the twemv-four hours ending at noon to-day L'.'I4 deaths were reported, making the'total for the week l,3lS, an unprecedented inimln-r lor this season of the year. The number of deaths reported for the previous week was 7"U. Three hundred and sixty-two policemen are reported 011 the sick list to-day. Ten have died triim pneumonia during the week. Ir. Paul llollinan, assistant siia-rintendcnt of schools, was taken lolk-llevuehospitalearly this morn ing a raving ma-iiaefrom the Jll'ccts of an attack of gripp He occupied a room at the Alpine flats at the corner of Itrond wnv and Thirty-third street. This morn ing he waked the neighborhood by firing a pistol in tbe hallway of his lodgings; and Inter was found in the street flour ishing his revolver. He was taken first to the station house, where he licenmc violent, and thence to Ilellcvue Hospital. llollinan was lirst attacked with 111IU1- cdza lour days ago, hiring his sickness lie had not lieeu uble tn sleep, and Ins landlord said to-day that he ihouuht the doctor must have taken something to induce sleep, which had the effect of un balancing him. Mr, Fred Hall, u mem ber of the Casino company, died this morning Irom pneumonia, which liegmi in nn nppmently slight attack of the prevailing intlucnn. Conveyed by the Malla. I.0M10N. January 4. Henry Chaplain. president ol the board of agriculture, has licen attacked by 111llue117.11 111 n severe lorm. He is confined to bed. The dis ease has made its apiearanee iu Liver pool. 1 lie contagion there is entirely traceable to letters that came from Rus sia. There are numerous cases of the disease at Rerkenhead anil Iiorchrster. The weather is murky, and this conduces to the spread of the disease. The Urlppe Causes a Mhut Down. Hkockvii.i.f, Out., lununrv 3. Tlu- works of the Smart Maimlact tiring Com pany, mid the .Mann .Maiiiil.-ictunng Company, mid the Cossitt Company have uecn comix llrd tosluit down, ow inu to the large nuinlier of their employes Ix-ing ill with "la gripie." There have lieen no liitul cases so tar. Hurtalo haa It lful. IlfFFAl.o. N. Y., lanuiirv 4. The spread of inllneiu:.! in this city shows no abatement. Seventy-nine liienilivrs of the police force are laid up with the dis ease. I here nave, However, ir-cii out two fatal cases that can lie attributed to the epidemic. rlrliools) closed by tbe tirlppe. IliiHl.lN, January 4 The schools at Halle have licen closed owing to the prevalence of influenza. The llowngi-r bmpress Augusta is siiflering Irom an attack of the iiitluciuu. Clvarvlte Factory Not Sold, Nfw York, Jnnnnry 4. The manager I the New York house ol Allen & (.inter. nt 23 Warren street, positively denied to- inv mat ne nun imv iniormauoii uuout heir sule of the factory at Richmond. Yn to n syndicate of F.uglish capitalists. The manager ol the Wm. S. Kimball & Co, Cigmelte Company, ol Rochester. wns seen ut their .New ork nouse, .o. 1 1 Warren street. He said he hud heard of uo syndicate trying to buy up the cig arette business, and he did not tH iicve hat Allen & (miter s fuctorv had been sold. There was 110 probability, he sai.l, I it trust in tne cigarette business. Fdltors) Held lor l.ibel. Caki.isi.k. Ph., Juuuarv 4. Henry K. Kieilfer oi Sons, editors and proprietors I the Pally ix-nuiivl ol this citv, were to day ant sled on the oath of 1 r. Tliomi sou, postmnsier of this city, lor alleged libel. Iimuages mnoiiuting to $10.iiiiii ire claimed. The Svlltinel charged that thr posl master, while county trenur.r, was a detaulter to the extent of many lioiis.inil dollars. The iiecu-ed w, re louiid otvr lor their upienranee ul court. Acts ol nil Insane Hick Man. Ll'.wisiii.N, Me., January 4. John Mc- Williams, residing on Lincoln street, Lcwiston, who lias Urn sick set eral lays, iH-cnme insane to-da v. The officers tried to arrest him, but he ectiH'il Irom hem, ran into a house and with an axe laid open the bend of Ins wile, killing her nstmitlv. She was 23 years old, leuv lug one child. Mc-Willianis wns finally nptured nml tbe coroner is holding an inquest. Awful Deaths by HuriiliiK. I'AnrcAii, Ky January 4. Four log gers were burned to death lit Heel.-' camp, lip the Tennessee river, seventy five miles from Padiicah, on Thursday night by their cabin taking fire. Two tit them were brothers named I Iyer and the others named Colton and Soiners. It is supposed l hut they were all intoxica ted. The cabin ignited from thr chim ney. V. m. Marshal Found uullty. MisKKOON, Mich., January 4. George S. Jacks, ex-L'nited States deputy mar shal, against whom six cases are pending for burglary and Inreeny, wits con vie ted in the Circuit court yesterday of larceny in one of the cases. The trial has been one of the most sensational ever held in the city, nnd bus cost the county $13, OIK). Weekly Hunk Mtalenient. New York, January 4. The weekly bank statement is ns follows: Reserve, decrease $ 2(13,073 Loans, increase 4.1127,300 SK?cie, increase 1,811(1, III ill Ixgnl tenders, increase 0llii,4()O Deposits, increase 10,1131.0110 Circulation, decrease 7,200 The hunks now hold 1,730,000, iu ex cess of the 23 kt cent. rule. I'-.xitloMlon of n Locomotive. Wiikklino. W. Vn Janiinry 4. lin gine No, 443 on llnitiiuore nnd Ohio Railroad exploded at llcnwooil unction this morning, mnking it total wreck Lngiuecr Ciiiiniughiiiu wns blown 2ll0 vurds, mid tscuictl with slight iniiiiy. V'ireniun Tary wns badly hurt. Western I'nion telegraph wires were bndly dam nged nt the scctienl the explosion. Heavy Analltillllcllt. New Orleans, January 4. May K: Vatigh, wholesale grocers, tiled nn appli cation for respite, mid make accession of their prncrtv to their creditors. Assets $100,000; liabilities $133,000. THIi WEKK OF PRAVI.R. Tonics HiiKKested by the F.vangel- leal Alliance. KI'NUAY, JANt'AKV 5. SKKUONS. The Chnrch of Clirist--Prnyer for the power 01 tue lloivhpirit to work 0 great revival among (.liristians. 1 : 15-aa. MONIIAY, JANt'AKV fl. CONKIiSSIlIN St'l'I'I.ICATION. Coiilcssion of sin mid failure in thr past, ami prayer tor cousecrution to a holier life. Prayer for the Church I'ni- versal, that there mny lie more of love ana co-oierntioti among Christians ol every name; for the gilt of the Holv Spirit ; for gre liter fulthfulness to gospel iruiu ; ior large accessions 01 consecrated young men to t'ne ministry for pastors and other laborers in Christ's vineyard. Psalm :iL; Nehem. !1: 1-21 ; Kph. 4; 1 10; lleb. l.t; 7-21 ; 1 Tim. 4; 2 Cor. 4; I01111 !; ;ti-:iH. TIKSIl.W, lANlAHV 7. NATIONS A Nil TIIKIB NI'I.KKS. Prnvcr for all in iiuthoritv; lor the en actment of wise laws and their faithful administration ; lor the abolition of tbi traffic in intoxicating drinks; lor the re- peul of all laws which protect vice; fot the sauetilicntion of the Lord's dav: foi social purity and all other needful re- lorms, and lor the recognition by all tnei that "righteousness exalteth a nation, but sin is n reproach to any enple." i i-ctcr -j; i;i-.; i inn. 2; liph. , 18; Acts 10; 13; 1 Peter 2; 1-12. WIUINKSllAY, JANt'AKV H. THE VOt'NO, Prayer lor special irrace and wisdom for those who are charged with their training; for a great increase in the num- lier of earnest Christian teachers in schools, colleges and universities: foi more abundant spiritual fruit from Sun duy schools, and from organizations oi young men mid voung women. I-Iph. 6: l-18;'Ps. 119: 1-16; Acta 20: 2S-:i.S; Prov. 8: 0; Col. 3: 1-17; 2 Tim. 1: 1-13; Joel. 2: 2H-2U. Tilt HSIlAV, JAM AH V H. THE Clll'KCH AT HOME. Thut the Church mny be awakened to an appreciation of her increased oppor tunities and responsibilities for bringing thegosxl to every home, in cities, rural districts, . ml new settlements, and to our immigrant populutioii. FKIIIAV, JANl'ARV 10. THE CIIIRCII AIIROAD. Prayer for missionaries ; for those who are preparing to enter the foreign work, and that their numlier may be greatly increased ; for native pastors and helpers: for missionary sch-vjis and colleges; for native churches und converts, esieciullv such us endure H-rsecution for Christ's sake; for the suppression of the opium tra Inc. the rum triune, ail tlie .lave trade; for the mnnilcstnu o Chnst Rf the promisid Mctsinh to God's au.ieut K-.iple, Israel; for the ttickrniug ut nom inal Chris' inns; tor the conversion ol Mohummrdnns and heathen. Rom. 11; 2 Cor 3,Jti.31. 1-14. and 31-40; John 4: 31-43; Matt. : 27-38; 2 Cor. 3:8-21. KATI'RIIAV, JANl'ARV 11. THANKSGIVING. For manifold blessings, spiritual and temporal, public mid private; for answer to prayer; for the progress of Christ's kingdom; for n growing spirit ol Chris tian love and co-operation: for the in creasing number of those who have ded icated themselves to the service of mis sions; for the privilege of Ix-ing permitted thus unitedly to lay our requests la-fore God dining this Week of Prayer. rsn. in, :i. Mim. 2:1-10; l inrnn. 2'.: lii-1i; Isn. 12; Kph. 1; Rom. 12; Psa. 135. SINPAV. lANt'ARV 1 2 SfllJHl'T Of SER MONS. The l-'ut lire Glory Isn. 3:1-3; Inn. 2: 34. 3.-.. I'laT Iron Output. I.iiniion. January 4. The production of pig iron in Middlcslxirnugb during I exceeded the output ol any year in the last decade. MARKtCTM BY TKLKURAPH. Money and Hecurlltes Cotton -I'rovlsloua and Produce. MONSV ANn 1KC1 ITIK. Nkw Vokk, Jan. . KsehaiiRe firm 4 Hiil.jn4.hA. Motit'V enlrr 4ilA. tl.ilj-Trrnaurv luilnneea tluld. tl01.HB4.. noil; eurreney. SH.iuh.oihi. lioverninent'ionila dull. o-r cent. 9t.20; H3 H-r e-rnla. HI btnte Immla dull. Aln.ClnaaA L'nA to NO I'ne.latmor 9m AIM. Claaalt.Bs..lim IN. V. Central ...loS tin. 7, innrt liiltN. At V.iHI 02 N. C. Cima., U...11-4 iNorthrra I'ac.. 31(4 S. f. Cona.. a 117 N. I', pfd 7fm, S C. llrown'B...loji,.-adn, Mall 371 Telin. lla lo5Lj.Kril.IIUK 3ttt, Ti lot 'Huh. Ai All. S. t'C Z Ni.":"" on iSm-k MinTl'. Si" I Virginia Conn... 117 St. I'nul 70S Norlliwratem ...llll do lild 11V la lilil ,..4J T-I. Pacific Sit, Pel back , l.'ttlVTcnn Coal M-o H.1, 117 il'nlnn I'Mdrtc Oslv llS'.N. J. Central...! 2S loil.Mo. I'aelAc 731, Mil, Wet ra t.'nloa Kt, IH iCiiltiin-ared oil 121,1 Crrtllleate 31V, tot illrunawlek 33 lirlr linat Tenn Luke Khun I.oti. Ac Nnall.... Mem. ai Char. Mot, Ac lllll Nh-Ii Mr Clint. A.ked. Illl.l. COTTON, Nnw Vohk. Inn. Cotton rpilet. Sale toluy loaiinfeai inlildlittK uplamla lot,.; tnld iIIIiik lirletttia lilti Tutnl net reerlpta at all porta tii-dny 22,hAa. KsHirta tollrcat Hrll nlnn.4li f'ranee 0,244: Continent 11,2110. Hlock 7M4.7UU lialea Naw Vokk, Jnn. . Cotton Net reiTlpt tPAft; Kroaa ,17. Quo, l'utures eluaed steady. Hiilea Itnlea, Inn tn.oilnl0.n7lune 10 43.10 44 I'eli in 14nlll in July to Mnrrh....1il 2al0.2.-HAuKual..10 S4alo flfl April to.2tialO..MUIKrit lO 1210 13 Mny lo.aonlo.aniiict D MUa W HS C.l viistos. Jnn. 4 Cotton steady, OA, rri-rllila ,'IOIIA. Niihkolk, Jnn. 4. Cotton Arm, 9.; receipt. a. i, i.. llALTiMoas. Jan 4 Cotton nominal, 10 1 10: receipts 11. lioaTON.Jnn 4. Cotton quiet, lOSalOVk: renlptalllll. Wii.uinotom. N. C, Jnn. 4 Cotton quiet, WW: reeelpta 142. I'liii.AiiKi.l-iiiA. Jan. 4. Cotton steady, in',; reeeipca am. HAVANHAii.Jiin 4. Cotton quiet and Arm, (I u.trt; rrerlpts 37114. Nkw, Jan. 4. Cotton Arm, 9H; rrcvlota ham. M01111.K, Jnn. 4. Cotton Arm, 9Aal reeelpta SU7. MKHI'llla, Jan. 4. Cotton Arm, 9 9.10; reeelpta I7U3. AruraTA, Jnn. 4. Cotton Arm, 9S; receipt 24 Ciiaki k.toh, Jna. 4. Ciittou Ann, 1l"i, rreelpia ,"v;i". I'HoviauiKa anii i-aoni'CK. Cincinnati, Jnn 4. Plour quirt. No. 2 rid 711. CAm No. 2 niliril aan.'ut,. linla Ni . 2 mlxril '.'. Pork 11.02 II ll'JU. Hulk ' menta tiinnliinl. Wltlakry steiidy I.02 CiticAiio, Jnn. 4. Cnahiptntntlonato-nay were na loiinw a: riour aientiv, wnem no. 2 ml "H. Corn No, 2 2Uli2tll. lint Nn, 2 2H. Mrn imrk II .2ft. I. mil O.HU. tthort ritia 4. non4.nn. wmakey 1.112. Nkw Vokk, .Inn. 4 aoitihrrn Hour dull, Wheat (hill No. 2 rid mlnhiiu Corn atrady inn. :to... tuna arm nun uu et tan. ifriv Cnltee Inn. 1ft MtntO.Hft. Hiianr reflnrtl fnlrly active and Arm. Molnaara New Or. lenna atrndv. Petroleum rrAnrd here 7. AO. Cottonaeeif oil Ann. Pork unlet hut Arm, I. aril weatern steam 0 11)1. Pnlshu atrany. MISCELLANEOUS. Of Philadelphia College of rtaarmaey, Apotbecarjr, South Main St. The Old Yeur bus drawn to a close, nml with the beginning of the S'evr Year we wish to thank the public for their patronage und recognition of our efforts to tlu our full duty. We are fully con scious thut it Is to them that we owe the unexiected success of the past year, in which our business bus been more tbun doubled, and we can only regard it as a new evilcnce that our business maxims ate such as to cause our customers to have confidence in us and attract those who are cautious in dealing with any Phurmacist until they bun become fully assured of the nature and extent of bis business principles. In out dealing with the public we realise that the most scru pulous cure and honesty are paramount in importance. If these are rirtues in all ordinary business transactions, tbvy become sucred duties in rbarmacy, and without them no one can be a true Phar macist. Tbe health, maybe tbe life, of those dealing with the Apothecary de pends upon them. He consider it our most sacred duty to shun adulterations and spoiled as well as inferior drugs. fbey constitute an evil from which Phar macy sutlers no less than tbe public. Tbe :vil is not a new one, inaugurated in late years; it has existed as long as there were men whose cupidity was stronger than their sense of justice, and it will doubtless continue as long as there may be men with conceptions of business so vogue that tbey expect to purchase gold tor the money value of dross. There are no other moral principles required fur transacting a Pharmaceutical business than are necessary for any other business. Unwavering integrity thut remains unin fluenced by the visions of gold along tbe road of questionable or deceitful prac tices is tlie only foundation for success that is worthy tbe name; it is so in every pursuit, and more particularly in h.i:niM). M.jrvi a mutter ot necet- lity it must hr cnnit'tnerf with ontattt vigilance 10 a" dm-, ti m- v .i : j..urf all possible SMlutir 's. are the principle which h r tuJeavored to iiir up to, and to wUKtt we trust our increasing success is due. H e hope our former pations will show the same kindness towatd us in the fu ture that they have in the past, knowing that no uction of ours will ever make them regret a continuance ol their fa vors. Yours truly. J. S. GRANT, Ph. C, Phurmacist. Si S. Main St., Asheville, N. C. WHITLOCK'S Special Announcement for the Year and Season of 1890. CSrand opening of the New Clothing Store, No. 48 South Main ittrrvt, adjoining and ronnecting with the Dry Good store, corner Eugle block. Wo have more Ktoro room, ample light, und arc lottr prepared to nerve our patrons with choice goods at proper prices than ever. We thank the public for liberal patronage in the pant yenr. Our aim will b directed to dcHorve nn increnHing bu.i- iieuH this year. We shall con tinue to deul in the best clnsHes of Dry Goods and Clothing, nnd will remain the Helling agents for the best Clothiers, Merchant Tailors, Hatters and Glovers. We intend to makeourestablish ment the place to find just what you are looking for in tho way of seasonable, styl ish and useful Dry Goods. We cut prices during this week on all heavy goodu in both departments. Our stock is too large for tho season and must be sold. The public is invited to visit our stores, which contain the bent nnd Inrgcst stock of La dies' and GentV Furnishings, Fancy Goods, etc. We sell Dunlnp Hats, E.&W. Collars and Cuffs, Manhattan Shirts, Foster nnd Centenevi Gloves, "Mother's Friend" Skirt Waists, Ladies' Riding Caps and Driving Gloves. Special orders solicited for any goods in our line not in stock, with out risk to purchaser. WHITLOCK'S, 46 ft 46 S. Main Stt Corner Eagle Block

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