,.( -' ? t N THE DAILY CITIZEN - --BDARDIW-'WMTf, I'or Kent, aaa himt NoUeca, lut ' lloeeorlsaa, MCeatsfor Q .. . tuk hMcrUoa. .' 1 51 Delivered Vl,r Jart.of mWMMXJM.!!.!. '...'.i'.ndc. Two yvriftfr pr,te,.s,r..,..-.., .,.r,ac. , .J't-ltt- : 1 '-l I '" VOLUME V. , 'fit 'u '(lit tv Bomber 230.' : ,. -,.1 Ilr, noiTlf.-i v . .schools. " fthfclliiri mid French' BOARDING- AND DAY SCHOOL, ,F0R YOUNQ LJUMEI AND LITTLE GIRLS,; . No. 0 FVmrti Broad AvVnue. 1 MRS. BURGWYN MMTLAND, V PRINCIPAL (For many yenrs Assnclnte Prinelpul of Mt. Vernon Institute, Hnltimure.t Assisted by a corps ol' cotupentenV teachers, . dec5 d 1 y r HIGH SCHOOL FOR BOYS. , ,., for Boarders, .and ly Sdtolww. HEAtfkuSTtR, 'rONAId MACDONALD, B A., .'ShiMHTam.ijwdt-aMaarj a.- --T For.fileriifictHlttjry. uiiply to the llriid ninstcr, at Kaveuscrol'l. ,. , , "dwu dim" 1 '"' ." " '. ' i o. wiXmC 7?Tj. ... ,. Photograph Gallery, " 98 and 30 Pattou Ave. f IFTEIli IIARS' EXPERIENCE IN NEW YORK AND BROOKLYN. Artistic work -of :ail kind, extc-uteri in int , ... (fait .tyle. SPECIAL AntNW,"i.r CHILDREN Jan St 1iiw t. t ; . . . 1 FURNISHED HOUSE FOR RENT. fjAi'l. 'JWi al-.. ....... recently occupied by Mrs. Tenncnt, on Clayton ntnrt, ntitl will furiHuneil, will be rented oo - ,J Reanoualilt iTcrnift, To nn eurly applicant. AdtlreMft T.W.PATTON, )anX dtl AhcvilU', N. C JAMKS FRANK, FAMILY 6 ROC ERIES AND PROVISIONS Agent for Kcctna Creek Wooko MUla, MorU Main Aiheville, N. C. febiodly BROOM FACTORY. HANFOAD N. LOCKWOOD. BTooMtas WMfcli HcartH and i - .Ceiling: Broom... : M III and Factory arartn apMalty. l)uo- IMillldly to re room. Mn. .9utl MalaittrrH, and two a4Hue momv. tDaacaaitm Kiveti at oner. Janl .W v-.- - PHAKK 1.OV0HRA N. AHhcvilTc Wood Yard lluy your Wood by tlir Cord, unwed and .pHtJeAAri Wl. . Stove Wood, Fireplace Wood, '""T;' '1 Cord Wood on liund and for anlr al yurd al lrpot, near I'urniturr Paetorjr, or leave orders at ofHra, Houth Conrt Hooim: Hquiirtv tnl' door ta : - . imi Wolfe Rulldlnk. and hmn It rirllvrreil. " ' jnaa 4tm" 1 1 C. n. MOouir'. ' MERCHANT TAILOR ' lii All i'.lli . ' ' ' 4a N. Main St. ' feh'JWlt THR i!aK(;BT ANII ItBST HUl'll'I'HIl IN THB WITH, CHEMICAL AND ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES It.' C. W oUcreck & Co. COK4I LTI0 UIIIMIHT AND MINIMI KNIIINKHHa. AnnlyK of Mrtnla, Orrn, L'onl or Coke, Min eral Water. I'ertllliem, ete. MlnlnK prtirrty lnvetlK"lted, devcliiKd. Iniuiiht and Mildr Corrr.pondcm'e millclten. Hnmplra ean lie acnt by mull or rprm. If aent by eprrM, chnrxea munt Ik prxpnlil ")l.lt 41; WOfcTOKKCK, .nuyHdayty, ,., ,., , .. Mnn.xcr, , Wai.t B.'Owrti, ' W. W. Whut. GVYff& WEST, '(iocMor to WAItefB.Owyn) ' h E A L JEST ATE. Loan Securely Placed at 8 ,OK.Si f. Percent. :';' :! Notary I'ublle. Commlinlonera ol lieeiU. FIRE INSURANCE. orril'K-MalMaat VMuii square. Swannanoa Hotel. ' UneiMlleo CMtaiat.'T' ' j I ! ,' Popular wltb toutitta,rnnilllraad,liialfc lMtrleam paM ttt door, IsMdiy . , , I i .ivi.ii lipr'. , -lit i I'qur brtjrft. aetlventinK men froin ilifJM tne riant men. npj'ty m mir uiiit ,0..n.-...M.m..-M;;j5KI, .'l'. Real KKtnteand In.nrnne Hmkrra, Kuomt ll MeAfre llloek, lanidtf ' an Tatton Atrnut. . i ; MISCELLANEOUS. ? EHTAHL1HHED, i.874.i . W. C. CARMICHAEL, APOTHECARY, 20 SOUTH MAIN STREET, ASHEVILLE, N.C. " Wri Drt mt '8EI.iI' ClIEAf Dnniis,- Imt wilt; hkix yott DitniH niEAP, and if you don't believe wliut we wiy Rive uh a, trial and. lx) con vinced. . Uur prpwjjMPtgon ile piirtnient is excelled ny none. It ih eduipped with the best H)oh tlijit money -nn buy irom Ji. Merck, H. K. tSqumb LWke, Dnvis & Co., Jno, Wyeth & Hro., and from .other leading- mumifHoturincheuj iwts in thiH country and . IOu rope, whoHe rooiIh for purity ciinnot be questioned. IVe HcriptioiiH filled at nil hburn, day or night, .and 4('Mvt,ml free of cjinrge to any part of the city; Our Htock- of th-ugn, Patent Wedifanem-'and Drug- girrfw' undriew . is complete, ntid nt priccs th'tit-dtM'y' c'omJ petition. Don't forget the plwe, No. 20 S. Main Ntreet, where you will at all times be served by competent pre script ionists. 187!)- S. R. KEPLER. : I BR IN JINE GROCERIES. ''-iV. a-V( l i l .V wveyor to inteHigen tauu appi-ecitttSve Asheville and A nicricnn. families. J'ahites ctiid tefjs of people who be; n.vejr-fffHT TtvhigcanTiot Ire liunibuggeu by : C heap J ohn gTrodsr,"-"l'bwti goods and nious. l'hvp' in 'stock and to ariufv,(Ci3Jl.snso!iabl sjie r!iiriMTi uiVpurt Truils, "Oiunges, Lemons", (Wubp-rrles.1 Kaisins,' 'Ig''- Nuts, etc. . - i i..m M iscellaneouM ( 'hoice 0. K. Niw tlrfea ns M ol n sses. f ortai- hie use, Prime New Orleans Molasses, for. cooking. Ex tra fine Assortment of Crack- vrs.- is me leu anu i onees a spiM-ialty. Mimf MfiiM CnmUm & Dilwiirth's, mill oilier ImiiKlf. I'luin l'inlclinj;.Ciill''H Knot jolly, etc. Prrnaerl nun Lrytnlirn UniL'ir. Shad Kih' til kilH. Koi llcrriu IIKK anil nil otlicr (.'cimls in deiwinil lor tlir Mllllll.lVH. S. K. KI'.I'LKK. HORSES TO HIRE. Three or foul Ooorl Haddle 1 1 omen lo hire by day, week nr month, f FOIt HALE.1 1 ' . Three ood Two-llnme WMon. and team. foriintr'on .Ix inoutlia' time., . . Apply to i ' RltYNOLUH WliA. Jun7dnt ; '1 JITNk STORtCfr' PurnltijrepriutytlJn .cioiidlj.nd. JIJtihe.t prlwn pnhl In enrh. Adilrrmi by mull 1 ' ' B.jjAOIl'K, ,, . ' ' , i i ' l- jnn daw 7.'I N, .Malntrcet, , CAROLINA lioUSEi ;;wian.ea;;fr )r: r!!.lT.uf,;":"",M,M f 1 1 f . W 1 Term. Ken.ona.lilc, i .,i., janTdltn '' Iiioil'l'', 11 OV WANTKli, ' " ! ! Ill 'W'tllHUt About 1 4 or 1 A yvnri of njfe 1 1 A tfflH-W, 'JA own handwriting, l, T'rl lMUVui I . I.HI I ( II nl UOI UH, 1 2 S. - c ? 3 m z. Z: V tal. 5 . 3 R? ?''? 3 9: & M 5. I 2 10 S: i :. s l- i . s. ? ? ; y t ? - tr 2 a. O O i. , . f 3? r ' THE RKAEMlkt.ING '' AFTKR TUK KKtKKH, :l li l.j''H Hi-t ,1 it .111 ,j Ti V Slim Attendance In Botli HmiHeH ; Mr. Call Heemn to Have HIh. Avye on fnbn-Kanoall to- be Hworn In al HIh Honae. Washinqtoh ronunrv :(.rt-8HNAj"PIIi-H The Senate rc-nssetnlilttl at noon niter the lioliiliiv recess, with! lie viee-nresident ill thu chikin nntl 'itih 4t' thin n (nurunl of senators in the chainher. Aniuiiu the hills introduced I'or refer. etlce wcrefthefoBtylin(r :'...' By Mr. Kenyan, to prevent the Irans- portation ol nierenunuise in noiul trmn the porta atid ' territory bl' tM'tJiiitetl Stntes into the republic of Mexico, and to restore, that priyileie: vhen,tle Zotiii l.iurn fining inc oiiuuiiiiry in. L wet II inr two couutricH is abolished. By Mr. Cullom, (Uv rcuncstl nuthoru. int the secretary ot'tlic treasury to Wan inoncv to lanners lit two ier cent. iuv ivir. inure, (ox iik niuuuiimwur Jji i ,i J i.. i... , ' trl.: ... ..J rum rvuirineiii ui jijiiii . imviiiiiiil un major jfineral in tne United stntes army ('the .bill that passed ..the senate Inst congress ). Hy Mr. Lhanuler, proposing nil nmend uiciin tu,t,liivconvituti9n s)i tlat, i), city State snail fail to enact or effectually to enforce laws against murder and other WiiMtSi'totifcruwmnj itiroM lor ipuiu ishinu those crimes within such Slate. Mr. C all nncred n lone prenmlile and TatMuvaai '101 tck.'idoji tutira nwitnu ur Cuba, and asked lor immediate action. It states that there is reason to believe tlllit ihv rWtl6l-thitit i'slaild lixcntiaofi. dated ly the decree of the (Jiieen of Spain nl .Mat' 10. 1SHIS, $ll'.UIH(,IIIHIntHlx ier een'tais'nuMliVltne hrtlHls'hf Oer innii liaukcrs and snliiect to the control, more or- less actual 11111J ilwvct, 10I the, tfoTernment'tif th "t German Km pirri'tnttr hy a sulisepuent decree, dated Novcmlier lit. ISSti, such, debt as converted intV n new one, lirnrmir less interest, nut Inr 1 larger amount, and is subject to the iimc ciiuditiims and guarantees: thiatliih debt isWcui'ed by n sjiecial mortgage of customs revenue of the island of Cuba undo) nil fixes, direct -ox iudwwt,; thKt under the ordinary course of events, and the financial condition of both Cuba and Spain, it is nmre, thun probable thn.t neither Cuba nor Spain will be able to meet their nhligai ions mid to pay either the priuciiHil or interest when tlieyilw- comeduc; that tiniler theseciivinnstances and fur all pructicnl purposes, political as wen as unantiai, tne control 01 iik' island of Cuba has Ix'en translerreil lu the .government of the (lennan ICmpin ; that the immediate convenience 01 mioh a state ol allairs is an alliance Ix'twcen Spain- ntirl IVrniBiiy nnt'ikst binding and powerful In-eause of it lieiug uowritleiii 1 whencbr the (jernian kov- ernmeut becinnes interested in assisting Spain to ucrieUiatc Iter sovereignty . in Cuba, thus interfcrinc with the histori cal uws nail principles which mast ., ride 111 the American lieituspliere; tnnt xucii condition of things is not only contrary to the tWidilional policy of the I'niiWl States anil t its most cherishcil tnel, but colistitiffW a menace tor the liest m- tcrests of the United Slates as wall us lo the liest interests il the whnlfr sisterlifiUd of American rcpulilics; and tHcrcsoliiJioti therefore declares tlu4 in thraartse ol t)ie senate eyeryttihig donrmr apempted in the island ill Cifta-U-iaJliig.-in any .way whatever to a transtaT or" tne financial nud politiealeoiitrTof Ciik to niiylio ropeuu portei- iscrTiitafTry to rrwawhrraiul to fhe best iawraaU of tle Uiiiti-d slaaii, and must inx)tintrnuicrtj,nirfliiir6 tested agaiost. it Also irtj Bests (he President to limflsli tothovjinrar Mh.li nlormation ns nmr be in nosM'ssion ol the Suite department in 'rVghrtr" to the matter, so at to cunktlc'th neaasr iais executive capacity, or otherwise; to take such action, a ainj to dwatiiefl arOff-PtQi-der the circumstances. t..-.-.i .Mr. ShermuiW object "to" tlic present considerntinn of the? reanlntioti' unless to have it referred ta the KAiiiilittr-im lur- eign relations. 1 ;- Mr. tall-rl Hove !( oDjecUou. to linn releretice. , .ft Ti fh'A Oii".'H.i The resolution was .therefore . refcrred to the committee oil lofeigrt rg.lttous, . A bill amending tha censas act by in creasing the liny of' stiirTrwirs to our thmianiTiliiimretis passiiir - The calendar was then taken up. A bill Juiluir ti lnyviiic. Iir.. tlie- ilit losftl'itreerrnTinifilRif MfldiM 'Alabama linving Ih-cii rcncheiL Mr. Morgan rx- Piraojianiind advocatcil its ctr-AiP'Vl that the general JIM era tif WW."! ais,e n a Mb The objections to the bill were ill were sti stated bv .'Oirululs.iKmlHilibJ fuTliMil Morgan.' 'Alter1 ft ' lrtSi4 SMi-tii-'iStiir th. the bill went over without action. I.x- ecutivc sejuiiiu, Uicu nduiuruciL IKM SU.-Mr. Cailisk. of Kentucky. to Mr, MandijM. vf I'eiuuilvaiiiu, at, Ins residence in Wnshiiigtoiii and further authorizing Messrs Wilbur of Sew Vork, and VliiliU(rne, of Tciinis.ee, o take the oaths of ollicc Ixlore the )rocr allieers. Anopten wcrcTlnTWifc-rYr.uiijrucrrcfl: a HvMrTiiU,.U,tM-., I'rthc NraVhie MnrpUai Mrilaaa1timAi thrt'diWil exlraiVitionlaws witli-rr.at lfitaiii,tta Jhnt, pcrnh cbai-tced wlthjw'andUuuiv-, emlielemnit ntid othrr.fWIf ,'mS.7 exiruuilro irurn -.ananov -. : :;- " Hr Mr. Xiter:,bf .CWfaitw.' ftiif II oreolioti.o,' A.Snlvn bv"!1'-r"n ' Oeorgia. 0' Mr. PIieLioil. of Tftinessee,.!; tk aSififlintiileht a veltow fcmcoiiuiWiui Suuutauu Mexico; ubm, U .AU'iu4. Llw luoita-oitbe norC-t.r lUaipbHiyi U-i HVMr.flSMnBrtki- Tmnsfi ff'iffllfr btiau Iinuuinii from duty. - ty MnT'tvtkjprldRr.tif Kelitni-lt.vi-ftif the erection of a nioiiiimrnt to- Xaeh T'leTsVliilJail'illMda 4VlallaUotl4na In Mlaalaaliti. to tne- AsM-etNUtl t i UckVaa taAiananni .ot"i till gressinj; lo.i,J 1111U quietly. ,.lliu4ui no negroes liuvc made application to vole, "''dflRiWaWSm-llWitipK troubaais not likely to occur. It is intimated that an tfiiltiwil'nr fr)itK'' to role them'eu fllVSJ,'1? A W Htmh -evnit,, wKcrt U-l.aI.vuuliJaUi Itir.iuuvor liaa, fair uhanooHd el rating ' FfiHieh ss the enar N W'.WJW mfXHC a)W, My nsHfussiiiNw iUia.Ilory , tuiket or art ueutrul," ..infill m . -,in (. , :l l"l MM'HI II I V " " THK KNIFFIN TKAUKDV, Attenipted Hulclde of Itr. Kiiiniu, Chanced Willi tne Crime. Thhnton, N. I., Inniiory l, fJr. Kniffin husband of ctieVvimitai ajnnd' smothered 10 death iirhy! biaC Riiday morning, took an ouitrrnf ittonTtf and irashcil hif wrists and throat with a razor at his home between 1 iind 3 o'clock this morii- in!r. Iltii'tors Shenherd atid t'ooiK-r were loyfloBvo7uiluslii6il no (rcilibj! 111 To pill; tlieow,,- bltioil, T-"-jiirfffllr vcf wfrrt4carhen-r thecifr itf tht- throat is four inches long, but the wounds in the wrists are not at nil serious. Owing to the lameness of the dose ol ncciilrV,''TTj-uff un"efif ftirfwlss all throw ik lira IJjrtiihliii Js ofit (rfitiiiigei'. HesnysNr4rfSl UHf liiiiTclO-ffaiisc he was distressed nt the strong tide ol public feeling against him. lasila!lMlwrjte-a)AKMlatlu. Richmond, Va., January . A bill was introduced in the legislature tn-day to incorporate the Jefferson Davis Monu- the interment of other niemliers of hit f imilv in the same plm-e. A ietter received here to-day from tntiui'inA'Seiiiitir lolin W.lMniel nn- nounce his sickness at Lynchburg with a severe ease of In gripjie, mid therefore hi ii tinable (i si-t iiiAltt.v for tile idehverv- nt the memorial address on Jctlci son Da vis, in contormilv wuh the request yl tin lt-glsliitureJtll.li;'-il ' . . 1 .' Kallroud lilvldi'iid Declared. Xkw Vokk, Jaunarv 0. The directors uft lie Louisville & Nashville eompaiiv to ilav declared a seiiii-niinual dividend of 3 per cent on the stock of that coin- paiiv. Hie statement lor six moiilhr culling lieeemlicr .'list, lHSil, shows gross ciirnimr.l)4ilM,V3'k an increase f Ifl.HitTiri-i-i-A'cr tm dorTcspondiiie IK'riod of the preii'ding yeur. Oiiernting exH'iises, $.i.(4u,.'l'J, an increase ol of dividend iust iltclared is $!lii:i,.'IS4., leaving a surplus lur opeiulioas of six months of $S17.1!. ,, .,, 1 ; . Another Untile In Africa, Z.inziii.vk. lailli.'irv II. Aunt hcrftumire- nient has take-n plaiv between insnrgent unlives anil the. lurces comnuiiiilcd by klTulJrVisatkiiia4Wr:avra liglitinie Major U'issmann suet ceded in eapluriug Hwanibcri's foriilicil ositiitn near Soo- lauii. Manv ot the natives were driven irvpi ll.cir ,jt)U,in4 They, lelt -beliilit) them rifles ami iiiiiitiiiiiitit.il of all kinds.' Col. Lvan Sniiih, lliiiinhConsul-lieiicr- 1llti to-day! . uesciUil..li). the Sultan an nulogriiph leitt-r from ijiicen Victoria. The Sultan thercup-m ordered thai 11 Koyal salute lie tired i-, 'honor of the queen. The North Carolina Hand Ciimcm. Wasiiini'iton, l.-iiiii.-ir v !. Thesiiprenii court to-day assigned what are known .is lite '.North. (janiliiMi hotui cast-s; in- volviiii: the validity of (iboiit SIO.IIOU, nun worth ot Ismds for na;uiiicnt on tin Se niS lriiM:Mi u& nV?Arr i'tnceiitirt declining to assign them tor hearing during the last term for the reason, il is lunlersUMid, .that Jusllce Mutthvwa va ill and the court was ncailv evvulv livided on the question at issue. .' Aaoocliitv Jlualice ttworn in, ,.' WasiiimitiVn, II. C, Jaunarv !. . ludgc David I. Ilrcwer was sworn in as an us- oCitite jiMlicein tht supremccoiirt ol tlu I nitcil Males at noon to-ilay, ami im mediately took his seat upon the U'lich. The or remiiny wns performed hi the court room in the presencv of 11 large audience immediately utter the nsscmbling of the court at noon'' ' 1 ' ' Joiner Chiingea Ilia Venue. Trf ,1 t-iiiii Innifiru It Tlii NYu'ti ami IWrv.r hri. laiirnil tlnil li iiiwr's .liirv ih substaiiliaily true, thccireiimstnnccs hav ing iKxairruri oanrAsunliriMijiB Uiuiilolph count vi isfurlw A 4iuaJrcil nle. flialalll from llolly Springs, Wake county. The (H-oiile there are said to Ik- quite content will) their, acyoii in the pieiiiix. Munlllcent Coiilrlliiillon. I .ii l.-imt.-iet- K Tin-Itiiutim meiviiants assricialioii, 'in 11 letter from President Jonathan A, Lane to L. S. Ionian., aelltl. &l.flllll Lo lln! Crnilv moniunent fund. Tills is the largest sub scription yet received. Winston Ki'publiean: A prisoner bv tht,nnmof klitohcli brokejnilnt ' Wilkqa H010 lecrmliJrlfttlrny liurfiinij hl hole in the wall, lie went up the river nud stealing a quantity of clothing Irom Mr. I-rank Williams U)c, next d'tv was ai ttired nml brought batk. His first of fence was conviction for stealing a pair or alma,- r-Thu ilWiptist Orphannge. nt 1 iioiiinsvuic is 111 a uoiirisniiiK coiiiiuioii. The Hoard of Trustees at a recent mueliliR-niiule it gauilviiiu rtp ifl. .TIhI nursery, n hue, large brick building, is about finished. Two more buildings art U"h iTteOimc ttir a' bnvli- house, the othtr to provide nixiiminoilatious for more cliihnii. hrrenre upwards of a Inunlred tirphilns lit (lie orphanage and they are well eared lor.- Mr. Julia Lan caster tells us that, he Mia out lyiniiii(i ilm-itig the lioliilnys ami llushcd A linr iriitur Unit itaveevulciK-e oI'Ikiiiu wifuii- dcd. A.Kuicji resulted ill the dialing til II nest containing eleven eggs, n sigiit quite uncommon nl this season of the veisr. , , , , . 1 . . 11 The I'nvcltcvillu observer says: Par lies In 1111 KuU sun thin week inform us ol tht artt mill rupture of I'lirdie-Jatolis, near Scu'llclowii. in thai eoiiutv, L hrisl inns dnv, bv C, I'. Lou riv. Jacobs is the terfef tiftli'e eiiiiininiiil v In whs.ii he re sides, mid 11 reward 01 SKimi was oilered lor Ins arrest nl the time of his rant tire. HtK-e Jacobs.' nfttorlons Kolieson count v outlaw, is still al large, and thought to Ih- in hnliiig near the. State rnie'liatweett Xorth anil Somh Cnrnllitn. Wc are deeply pained lolearn that the v.eiicriilile.A. ,. ,lcJu-i ipin, v.110 una ix-ru lortu'oiil nid iiV his house' willi Icellle health, brnke his leu above the knee lasl nighl while ill tempting t move from A.hv ten 111 tne oiireaii. ruii-11 1111 ueviueiit, in his physical condition, causes the whole community grave soiiciinne. n-ilijrWifftnneioT rliiftiia- ry, which we could do from n Miinl of knowleilge, having known him from cur- Iv clnlilHhull.' Uc'had the honor, In con- Junelioii with his partner, Mr. llaiduer of Ijeiuy tlje liiimier Jjil.lliiS',iitiv,f I'll' eifrt-irgr fim m)Lliitsfhesaniiiltiiltt- years ago, the vehicles of (iiirtluer nud M Ketlinn came into general use in tinsterii North CiiriJiuu, ClTMtN. ,i);.i,h !:: net earnings. M0S,71-t', pn kW Qf V'9"'- lTS$fi-iAcC4p- plicalfff tt)lK(ikfuJs, $l,Stiiayl 'airjn creasaJ 4t.j!(iMifi7. A fii minnt TIirGRIITE TIGHTENING 1 : .. 1 . i!-i , f.-." 1' 1 ' ri-II.Anijl.PUlA. PATHOI.MKIS I.V i'MIPPl.IvD. I, l-'lfly Tlioimiiiid Caaea In Halll-more-Ollirultur , .About to bo Taken over l-onr Hundred Ho- , llceuit-ii fUyu In ,Mw Vork. Pilii.AliHl.i'lliA, Pn.. laiumrv 0. The grippe, which 'Wim thought to lie rU-crtiui. ing ninong iiuniiH-rs ol the police torce. nas uintn 11 ivesii stiirt. nud titter a lew days' rest, it has renewed its work with uicreiihKi) vigor niuJ alarming severity. Reports of police lieutenants show that the force is luucli crippled, ami tluit mild ttacus 01 the gripiic are so extensive that il it continues steps will have to be taken to keen the force to its standard efficiency, , 11s. suh-'toliremrn are over worked, and unaljle to take the unices olstiK, Hilrolntui. t in nil, Uiercare now 231 patrolmen on the sick list. Three sudden deaUis, which are thought, to have-resulted from" imc of 't.he miinV lortnsot lairrmiie. were rcnorted to the tfiitorttil this niorniilg. Itr nmiH; of the cases, where the disease has made its up- liearaiice, heart failure has resulted be aire the symptoms were fully ilcveloned. and three deaths this morning, which 1 lie coriincr will be called upon to inves tigate; are supposed to lie' from' this iiiise. . 1 here seems to I no abatement in. the progress of tile disease tlirouuhom the cily. Deaths in the citv for the week enfted at noon Katnnlav were 4-US, an in crease of lull from the previous) week, .'Mid. ii( .iiicieiihf of hH from the corres poiiding ieriml f last year. The princi pal causes nl death were: Clnisuiuptiou I the limes. In ; disease of the heart. 3: inflammation of the lungs, "I. The mniieucu In llitltlmore. IIai.timokk, 1,'inum v ft. Ln uritniv is spre-.ttiing 1roaleimt through the city. 1 Here is no 0ll1c1.il estimate, as vet. as lo the number of cases, Jiul counting in not very well defined attacks, some nhvsi- ciiius say that ihere ufc al least ."lO.tioO K'rsons nltlietril with 11. the lact thai a large mimU'r of severe cases exist is proven iiy the demands made tor medical illcm ance. I Here is scarcely a imvsjcmn in the city who id not over niti witli work. In manv lustuuces loin; dclav ensues Ik-- fhre n physician's services enn Is? secured. 1 lie dni-'uifts. too. are extn-me v busy. and -some of them had locall liias.istriiice to the nhel ot the clerks to enable them to compound picscriptioi.s. Ilcullli comimssioncr .Me wart says: 'It is true, that thru- Is much umrv sick ness in the city now than usual, but il is month-ol n mild character." Congressman Charles II. tiibson. of tbe lirsl -Maryiand district is si-riotisly ill nt his hroihcr-in-lnws, in this citv. ICu is sulleriim trom niieiiiuonin which followed nil lillack of gripK. lnlluenza In Mohawk Vulle. Ai.iiany, KV V..'' J.iitnarv The la si ipi' is creating a profound sensation iuUv Mohawk -valley. At AniiU-nluui nicrfrtre Ifm ensrs. rtinnni,' the suflereis iH-iug the three principal physicians. At i-ori i'luin, Uliy iKTSousnri) ill Irom tne lisense, lucludum lr. lluriietl. Al Laii- njohnrie ihere are 3iK sutferrrs, including t niicu Slau-s commissioner uu aicui burg and lli-nrv- hiv. Tho l.itur is se riously ill Several hundred cases have Is-en reMirled al l-'onda, l-'ullouvillc mid St. Johiisvillc, nud one death has occiir rvil at i-'Ue's Hill. . " I f. M.o1iiN,'.fiiHniy''6. 11ie Auniner f cases ol liitliientn reKirted in this city ire consluiilly invreasmg. A laruc miiii- U-r of nurses in the hospitals, doctors andiJtryuieiiare iiroslruud with the iJOktitmc Cliri ii'laiiciutev icoiitimA'a . to spread among, the police. Many ineiii-U-rs of the- sd(ee? fntve of llradlord are incapacitaled for work by the iiillu- ciua. A uumlK-r ol employes in Hie ikis- lal and telegraph service at llellast me uffcring from inlluetin. The disense has also attacked ninny ol the college slu- lent, ami proicssors. WW Vork Tina tkauallea, Xkw Vokk, Jaiiunrv 0. The vital sta tistics tortile t Weill v-tours hours euiled it 110011 luibiv show the iiiiiiiIkt of lenths to Ik- 1 tit, a deennse of ue.irlv ltH ns eomptired with the previous twenty-four Imum, Tlsr principal causes of death wen-:' Pneumonia, .'II ; phthisic, '.'M; bronchilis, 1.1; inllneiiza, 1. Il is Ih' lieved at sanlgrrvi liijiiinrlj-s that the worst of the iniliieiu-a epidemic is over. I he sick list in the is due dciiartnieut. lnWTtsll('r, no ntf rtcnrfit. but tltt- n-tratJ it O-o'eliH-k l)l( ainrninfi 41 Iia4allivriiilurlieti wel- r uorttil. iifliienxa nl tilhrnllnr. Ciiimai tar. January it. The influenza has made its apK-iic.iuce here. 'J'hvre is no iuiirriiiitian M.ciiitisiiiinriitiun lie- tween the Amcrieiin stpi.-nbou of evolu tion and the shore. liiereiiHlnu In I'arlM. Panis, January it. The iiilliicii11 in this e,Hy If njcrcusg'g., , ,, . ' l-TI " " ! 1 Wliatllir Neitannd OtiNcrterMiiysi . KALKliill, X. L'., luiiuan 0 The News and Observer will say to-morrow, that niter makinif thorotiL'h rxiiniiiiniiou. il has failed lu usvcruiiu lUatsiich a ieison 1 as tne Key. 1. ,i. joiner, tin- iiilcgen 1 Ht4is(i Aiilijut, Hulking cuinyUiitlL oljiu linrtHf titaliuriit i, Jlollr Spring, VnliC cAiintJi-, X,' C, lint evrr been la tliiftTirtnlior thnt any swh oufinge as reported' ever occurred there. Joiner is cilihclv, uukih!T,li tutbc iftdplc ol that COIIIIIIIIIIIV. ' ' ' A l ull and 1'i-arfnl Itvulli. Washington,' Jannnry ft. A Tinner working on the roof of li biuldinj on the corner of I'eiinsvlvani.i Avenue and l.Uli sirtvl to-day fell from the root to t lit ground and was impaled on the pickets ol art iron fence and wns instantly killed in sight nl a hundred H-oplr who were passing nlotig the avvuue al the lime. Amlcahly tsruwrt. Lvi?(svii.l.lv, lnd January It. Tlie strike on theMnekey system was iimi cubtv m uled last, niuhl, bolli sides mak iuu poiKessiiiiis, All atrikors were taken buck without prejudice, OjK'rations were resumed Ibis iniiiniiig. The terms ot the stltlenieni nre aw-rel nud catiuot lie li ai ned bit ther than iiIhivc stntnl. '' l.car ToHiiccoulNl'a l iillure, N'FW YoKK.lnnnnivn. Col. Hdgar M Crawford, doing business III leaf lobaeco nl HIS Wirier st m-t. under the inline nl li. M. Crawford Son,, has made n gen eral assignment lo Albert P. Stevens, with three prclcrcncesnmoniiiitig to $1.1, 300. The liabilities are ected lo 11 1111 nml to tjtlii.onii. Crawford is presi dent of the k-nf trthucvo bonid ol trnde, 1 The cuiie of the failure is snld lo lie de teriorating nt stock on himd, and sales to irresponsible parties. A FEW ''VitWoi'TavWo. ' . v ti . . Hli I'M ' - in .: ..I- 1 -j , A lad ill X-w YoriVaAilihead fraet urert by n hlow'ihiirt'a' lilllidrri cne hi the hands of an angry player.-" Where Ur the hue to bedrnwil on deadly weapons. , A wonmtv 'lit "Ktvfi Vrfrk!, 'tt. Kllen Con.-ul, the miiilwr of four cliiklreu, was so maddened by ,lhc paino accuinpauyiiui an attack of the grippe jumped headlong through -Hie1 hlr -hnfl' frurfl "tlie "third story ami wviS'killenV' n t..i i.u-" The Czar DV Wild9 i'f fri X bitinWe. Iihysienl and inentul oiuUtiinxyi lo od diiioii io tb iuHm.-n, lit Urlievos lie has liecn uoisuucd, uud is in constant dread of Nihilist; attempts on Tits life, Uneasy lies flic licrfd, ie'.e.v'has 11 pninftil meaning in nis ease' 1 ; " " ' i":i.i 1.:. Mm. Sonthworth,' -Mi !kiTled Pettus some time ago in New Vork, and who is confined 111 the tombs under indictment for the murder is reported dying in her cell. She has sunk under the nervous strain mid has the npjienrance of one far advanced in consumption. William 0'Hrien, it is thought, will be the successor ol the insh puny should Mr. I'urnrll K-rmuueutly rclire. lie will retire temporarily during the divorce trial in which he is co-respondent, and Mr, Justin McCarthy will act in his place for the time. Prohibition wns engrafted in the Con stitution of South Dakota, but as there is no legislation tu enforce the section, all the saloons are open and disiiensing 1: 1.. ....j i... . ... . u,ii,.in ujiviuv nun tvo nine rcainout. 11 is believed that the legislature will pass a law permitting saloons and breweries to run until July nexl. Two old ladies "illicit resoeetivelv SI and 7'J, had their thronts Cut bv robbers at 2)ii Water street, Philadelphia on the luurmug ol the 2nd. Ineir dwelliug was entered J'or the purpose of robbing, and finding none, the robber slashed their throats in his angry disappointment. A man named Marry has liecn arrested 00 suspicion. The uged victims possibly may survive. Otho I.enth. the seventeen vear old Ohio boy, convicted of the cruel murder of little Maggie Thompson, has been condemned to lie hanged nt Columbus, 1 Duo, in April. I His wns one ot the cru dest murders on record, and ranked the young friend Pomeroy, of Boston, now serving out lite sentence lor the wan Ion killing of several little girls, killed inly lo gratily delight 111 cruelty for its own sake. Hatcheries arc not confined to the South, nor nre victims always negroes. In New York on the night of the 2nd. Nicholas Midler, a prosierous market gardener, living on Seventy First street and West Knd Avenue, New York, was, with his wile and liimilv brutally mur dered bv n Oernmn farm hand, the wea pon used being a wagon wrench. The murderer, named Johanscn, was subse quently arrested. A negro gambler died recently in tile Indian territory who confessed Wore he died that he murdered in the Cherokee nntinn in 1SSH Dr. J. M. Pyle and Mrs. illiain Kerr, tor winch crimes John Ste phenson was hung at Fort Smith, suspi cion pointing strongly to him and sus tained iiy strong circuinstnutiul evidence. It now fipiienrs that he was innocent of those deeds, thouuli iiossiblv not ol oth ers equally us tlagrnut. The government of Itrazil appears to have resolved itself into one of military rule, and the soldiers are the worst ele ments of the population. The men at the head ot ntlairs lack the confidence ot the lK-ople; but the lieople are so far upml uud have so lilllc facility of con cert ot action that the military may have it nil their own way lor sometime to come. I he republic is not one the re publicans elsewhere can be proud ol. The murder of .Mr. Woodward in At tain a seems to have been traced to a family notorious in criminal nnnnls, known 11s the Hones family. Ther are all in prison, father and mother, sons and daughters, sons mid daughters in law, all equally vicious and notorious. The older Hones, who has been a railroad man, iiuent. conductor, dispatcher, etc.. over titty venrs old, confesses to firing the shot that killed Woodward, was 11 mall ol proiiertv ami quasi res- IK-clability, bin who bad maintained dis reputable relations with a lemule of the Hones Inmilv. MAKKIiTM IIV TKLIiVRAPH, nam-) and Kecurltlea Cotton l'rotlMlona and Produce. UONKV ASH SKCt'HITIKS. NnwYnsK, Jan. a. Kxchnnxe quiet Srni 4.S0114.K.,. but Minn) easy, ranKltitf Un7, closing offered 111 j. Siili-Tren.nr.v tinlnniri-Uold, IH1O1 eiirrrnrv. SM.iao.001l. Slot, 018,. (Miverjtiiiviil bond, dull tiut steady per crnls.si.-o; lier ertiiN, vi,u.i. .lliilp I, ititala ffufl hill Ntemlv. Atu.i.lnssA UuA loniiNii iae.1.tmur Ala. ' Class H fi..IHI ,N. V. Central ...ton. c,a. 7, iiiorl lOllg N. At W.plil . C Cnn... U...1 2 N'orthem Pac. N. C. Cons., 4 117 N. I'. ilil nils aiv 70 C llrun'....loui, rneincMall .... Ttin. As. .toil iKemliiiit .IK' Teull. A. Tenn. Set., 3s ...till Kirb. Ac Alle ii:il ... 7:l K. Al V. Point.. 21. ... 41 Ixock Island WS 1 vanillism Virwiniii Coll.: Northwestern , an tnl. Paul Tin, 1 1 li.l do pftl 114 I41 Trs. I'aellk- 1.-1.1K. Tenn CimlAil'n Hill, uus.l'niou Paeiiir nii S. I. Ccntral...l'.,ni-j .lont. Mo. -t'nelne TH. tici "i.ntlt do pld line Last 1'enn t.nke Khun- , t.nu. at iikH-.... Mem. Ai L'tuir. Mull! Ohio ... Sn-ll St Chill. 1 111,1. . Kili,Wetera I'nlon . 04 Cotton-MH'd Hit , 111 Crrtlflentr. .US loiiniirunswlek U4 COTTON. N'KW VoSK. Jnn. II Cotton Net recelnti Ail,- ; -trim 7,4Ut. Futures closed sleauy Suits 1 J7.7UO hnlea, I mt I a. 1 la 1 1 1 1 .1 i lime 1 n 4tn1 n.so I'ei 10.21 nio M-t July lo.nr.aio.nn Miirtli.,.,10.lliinlii ;tiiiAiiuust....lo.uialii.iia A mil iii..1iiiiio ;i7iKti,i Ionian) ta M.iy 10.4;iillll.44IM U KHa U.Vll IUi.vsstun. Jan. 0. Cotton stead v,0 11-10; ret-ellits u.l.7. .Nohi'oi.k, Jan. lb Cotton steady, tHa; re- tii.Tiwiiaa, Jnn n. Cotton qiilet, 10 rrceiits41. Huston, Jnn. 0 Cotton ipilrl, to.a1otI; ms-lt.lli7 Wii.misoton. N. C Jnn. n Cotton quiet, pij: reiTipis 1114. CiiiLAiisi.i-iiiA, Jail. II. Cotton steady tin:., r..,-.. nisna-j. Hayassaii, Jiui. 0 Cotton Hrm, B 11-10 hwim. -jnao. Niiw cini.kans. Ian. It Cnlton Hrm, B u 111: rci-riiilN lllllMt. Miiiiii.s, Jnn. il. Cotton llrtn, tisi nreelpU s.n. M SMI'llis. Jnn, A. Cotton tirm, 0"4! reeelpti S7AI. Aimi sTA, nn. 11 Cutloa nrm, W 11-11); re eeli'i. vu-' Ciia'ii rsToa, rretlpts "o'J. Jsa A. Cotton sleiuly. V, iNovisiuM.ANii rauiit'cs. Cincinnati, Jan. B. IMour easy, Wlicnt K.t. 'J ri-il ?7a?H. Corn No. U mimed 32l ll'ji,. Iinla No. 0 nilxnt 2H.I4H,. Porti u.milt. Uillk meats llrni. Wlilnkty steady l.ua. CllicAOii, Jan. U.Ca.h quotations Uvslay were ns follows'. IHOur stetlily. wneax no, il red TTnTH. Corn No. 8 20. data no, uh. Muss pork H.Un. Lard 5.77!. Hburt rllis 4 00114. ilJl,. Wblakcji LOU, . J. S. GRANT. Ph.G., .l iOf Philadelphia Collage of Pharmacy, . Apothecary, 04 South Main tt. .' tie OW'iinfeywist 'irawu to a coc, and' ti-Ji 7? tJie tigtumnot the New Year we wis(jalf P'fyk fbf .public for their patronagcAiul recognition of our effort to 'tfu'mir 'hitfilufyf. ti'e are fully con scions pf $ it b tu fhem that aeoive the unexpected succttlmof the past year, in which W(6irsrs has teen more than doubled, ami we can only regard it as a new ei 'Vtuice thnt our business maxims ate such as to cause our customers to have confidence in us and attract those who art cautious in dealing with any I'Jturmucist until they have become fully itssured of the nature and extent of his business principles. In out dealing with the public wertaJixt that the most scru pulous cure and honesty are paramount in importance. If these art rirtae it) all ordinary business transactions, they become sacred duties in Pharmacy, and without them no one can be a true Phar macist. The health, maybe tbe hie, 01 those dealing with the Apothecary de pends upon them. ' We consider it our most sacred duty to shun adulterations and spoiled as well as inferior drugs. They constitute an evu from which Phar macy suffers no less than tbe public. Tbe evil is not a new one, inaugurated in late years; it has existed as long as there were men whose cupidity was stronger than their sense of justice, and it will doubtless continue as long as there may lie men with conceptions of business so ague that they expect to purchase gold for the money value of dross. There are no other moral principles required for transacting a Pharmaceutical business than nre necessary for any other business. Unwavering integrity that remains unin fluenced by the visions of gold along tbe road of questionable or deceitful prac tices is the only foundation for success that is worthy the name; it is so in enry pursuit, and more particularly in Pharmacy, where as a matter of neces sity it must be combined with constant vigilance in all directions, so as to secure nil possible safeguards. These are the principles which we have endeavored to live up tot and to which we trust our increasing success is due. We hope our former pat tons will show the same kindness ton-aid us in the fu ture that they have in the past, knowing that no action of ours will ever make them regret a continuance ol their fa- ors. Yours truly, J. S. GKAXT.Ph. C, Pharmacist, S S. Main St., Ashevilte, X. C. WHITLOCK'S Special Announcement for tbe Year and Season 011890. Grand opening of the New Clothing Store, No. 48 South Main street, adjoining and onnecting with tho Dry Goods Rtore, corner Eaglo block. We have more store room, ample light, and nre bettor prepared to serve our mtrons with choice goods at iroper prices than ever. We thank the public for liberal patronage in the past year. Our aim will be directed to deserve an increasing busi ness this year. We shall con tinue to deal in the best classes of Dry Goods and Clothing, and will remain the selling agents for the best Clothiers, Merchant Tailors, Hatters and Glovers. We intend to make our establish ment tbe place to find just what you are looking for in the way of seasonable, styl ish and useful Dry Goods. We cut prices during this week on all heavy goods in both departments. Ourstock is too largo for the season and must be sold. The public 1b invited to visit our stores, which contain the best and largest stock of La dies' and Gents' Furnishings, Fancy Goods, etc. We sell Dunlap Hats, E.&W. Collars and Cuffs, Manhattan Shirts, Foster and Centenevi Gloves, "Mother's , Friend" Skirt WaistH, Ladies' Riding Caps and Driving GJovefLj Special orders SQfivitr.atijrgQqdH in our litwnot m -stock, with out risk to purchaser; . " WHITLOCK'S, Z' ... , - .. I ti - .- 4 & 48 S. Main 8t.i Corner ,,!! id b-,e..i,l aaaaataavsaWaass1 fl rtfrtWt iiii-iaivH i- Jl -1 ' ' JJs-A-4.

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