4 uas Mrs. Dm. P. Snoots, a highly enlttTilea itnd eatlreehle lady of PreeeoEt, Ark., wrllM undercut of April M,'a: " Ourine. the mm. nier of 1MT my eyes became Inflamed, and my stomach and Ifver hopeleuly illMirdered. Nothing I ate agreed with me. I took chron (o diarrhoM, and for anme time my life waa despaired of by my family. The leading; phy einlane of the country were eoneullea, but the medlelnea adminlatered by them never did me any permanent vootl, and I lingered between lira ana aenin, tne latter oeina; pre ferabla to the aejonlce I waa enduring. In May, 1088, I became disunited with pnyaU clana and their meilicinea. I dropped them all and depended solely on Swift's Hpceiflc (S. 8. 8.), a few bottles of whloh made me permently well wall from then until sow." It Builds up Old People. My mother who la a very old lady, was physically broken down. The use of Swill's i no (g. a. a.) naa entirely restored oer to "ii. B. PILWOBTH, Greenville, 8. C. Treatise on Blood and Skin nisoanes mailed trae. BW1 KT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Oa. net 2fldew1y . PROFESSIONAL CARDS. PR. B. P. ARRINGTON. llfflcimom.M J'ntton nvruue, over the ClothlnK .tore of C. 1 1. Wanton Ki Co. Pilling trcth a specialty. Also treatment of dlacaard Kuinn. nov23 dtf P. WHITTINOTON, M. 1)., Tenders his professional services to the cltl xrns cif Alheville and surroumlinii country. dMHce: !I8 PATTON AVBNIIB, Hccnnd Moor H-eatdcucr : IKK WomlHn street. nux20 d3m J'llKO. P. IIAVHMON, Tuns. A. Jonas JlalelKh. Jas. (1. Maktin, Ashevlllc. Anlicville. JJAVIIlHCIN, MAKTIN t JONHH. Attorneys and Counsellors nt Lhw, AHhevillc. N. C. ' win or n tlcc in the 1 1 th and 12th Judicial lilstriets. ird in the Muiircme Court of North Carolina, tttui in the I'edcrnl Courts uf the iVeslern Pi.trtct of North Carolina. Refer to Bank of Ashcville. dtsel r H. COBB. I. O. MKMRIHON. OBB ill MKKK1.MON, Attorneys and Connsellura nt Law, Practice in all the courts. Office; Nos. 7 and M, Johnston building. IUr4 W. w. iokks, TONBH He HHUFOKD. OKO. A. SIII'KriKII. Attorneys at Law. Ashcville, N. C. Practice in the 8ucrlor Courts of Western forth Carolina, the 8iiirenic Court of the SHate, and the I'cderul Courts at Ashcville. Office In Johnston iiulltlinK. where one mem lier of the firm eau always lie found. iltnovl t A. TBNNBNT. Architect and Contractor. Plans, siiecificntione and estimates fur nished. All work in my line contracted for, aiwl no charges for drnwinKa on contracts awarded me. KelcreneeB when desired. Office: No. 12 Hendry Block. North Court rkiuare. Ashrvtllc. N. C frhllHllr II. DOUGLASS. II. U. 8. DENTAL ROOMS, . NO. 24 SOUTH MAIN ST., liver Oranl At Wingert'a IH-uk Store. Mcaidcncc. No. DM Bailey St. fclitlldly K. II. HHKVK8. 11. U.S. H. K. SMITH, B. D.. Dr. RetTCl & Smith. DENTAL, In Connolly Building, over Hclwoml's Store, Patton Avenue. Teeth eltracted without puln, with the new anicHthetlc, and all cases of Irregularity cor reeled. icbl.ldly HAMSAV, II. U.8. Dental Ufllce i In Barnanl Building Kntraiiccs, Patton Avenue and Main Street, fehilfldlv aTHl'R M. PIBMI, Graduate Optician, , Main Street. All mechanical ocular defects of the eye cor Hours for examination 9 to 13 a. m., 9 to a i. m. .ion, iiu MISCELLANEOUS. P)RATTS ; ASTRAL III ABSOLUTELY SAFE I PERFECTLY ODERLE88! Burnt in my lamp- without dinger of Exploding or taking fire. Sea that you get the genuine. For (lie by BALTIMORE UNITED OIL CO., A8HKVILLB, N. C. sen dftwly .JUADFIEID'S a FEMALE. NFRIII ATtlR irF .fV ,etft . fl MENSTRUATION T MONTMIV ir.HNcaa Ir tmhn ounivua CwKViat & v' MM TJ KHBtr, BUf TtRlHB will it MBDul JOOK TO' WOMAN'laXf'a'-W mOflMKGUUTOIiCO. ATIANTABA. as cp2M dftwly BOUIS & BROTHERTON, PKACTICAI. Plumbers & Tinners. IM.IIMBINO, STEAM AND OAS HITTINO, TIN AND Sl.ATB HOOPINO Furnace and Heater. Jobbing: Promptly t t Attended to. 6 Patton Avenue. Basement. luliWIdlkwlv TO WEAK MEN Sum fraai Ik eaee ef youth ful snore, early , wasUnf wasknsss, leal manhood, era., I win a yelaable tnetlss lasalrfi mtatnlnf fuU aaettenlam for hce ears, FRIte eharta, A Maa4i4 itaesl work I shooldbs read by jtmj Saawa a Berraaa and dsbllllatsd. Addrssa, rreA V. C, VwWLSJL, Um, CWam. aovSdaw'ir ieajai Mil' iiana' ftf V-r' BVHIMKfM AND PLKASTJatE. jewel and Ucen. "Oh, L'irl with tlie jewelled finders, nit ninirl w! th the Inces rnre!" What arc vour jewels and what arc your Incva worth to you? Yon wonhl cive them nil if von could get buck your health. Well you cim uud you can keep your jewels and your mien m-u- simdaofwomcnknowby happy exeri vnccthnt Hr. l'ien-c's I'avontc I'rcHci ip tion restorca the health. It i a positive rcnii'dv lor those derangements, irreiiif Inritiis and weaknesses so common to woman. In tact it is the only medicine for women, sold by druKKists, unacr a positive Kunnuitce, from the mnnulue ,i,t it will L'ive salislactiou in every cose, or money will lie refunded. This Kiiarantee has liecn primed on the bottle wrapper, and faithlully carried out lor many yenrs, A cat show oukIH to be held in a mew scum, lluckleu'a) Arnica aMIve. The best sulve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and ull skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required. It is L'linruntecd to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. Por sale bv F. L. Incobs. clnw When n cat goes courting it is n purr suit. The qtuility of the blood depends much upon good or bnd diKcstioii and nsaimilation. To make the blood rich in lilc and strength-giving constituents use Dr. I. II. McUnn's Sarsoparilla. It will nourish the properties ol the blood, from which the elements of vitality nredrnwn. Por sale by K. L.Jacobs, druggist. The iniictirnte rcHrter is much Given to w riting wrongs. fine wan Completely Cured. A daughter of my customer suffered from suppressed menstruation, and her health was completely wrecked. At mv suggestion she used one bottle of Hnid field's Pemale Regulator, which cured her. J. W. Hklm hh, Water Valley. Miss. Writ,. Th llrnilli.-lil Heir. Co.. Atlanta. Oa., for particulars. Sold by ull drug gists. Don't lie a clam, but if you must be n Little Seek. You'll Ret more for yourself. Happy HooHlera). Win. Timmons, postmaster of Idaville, I... I ...-:.... . I.'lu..,!.. llittmf lin finite lllll., .,vv.. more tor me thun ull other inedicniescom- hineil, lor tlmt unci leeimg arising iruin I K1.. lliii llir. viiiih v on, i j farmer nndtK.kmnn,of same place, say s: ,i?i,i rin ltitm tn he the best Kid- nev and Kidner medicine; made me like a new mun." J. W. Gardner. Iinniwarc merchant, same town, says: rilectnc im- la ;.. thins ffV,r a mnn who Is nil run down and don't care whether he lives; lie found new strengtn, goou pic titc mid felt just like he hud a new lease ! lile. Onlv Site, a Inittlc. at P. L. Ja cob's' drug store. I . '. , .n A nitlin. in iltmik fit. I. in cti ifiinij ,,,, , w .... man lK-fore he is down. I le may turn on you. The AMltevllle Dally VHUen Cilvea The latest local news. The freshest State news. The Iwst general news. A firstlass telegraph service. Pull Washington nports. (Venernl mid socviiil comments. The larRcst subscription list of any secular piier in the State. llic Ik-si mlvertismg mcoium in tiv State. A full stair of able editors and corrcs- iMMidcnts. The neatest, newsiest mid most enter nrisiiiL' tinner ill North Carolina. Its efforts are nlwnys devoted to the iiobuildiue and dcveloomcnt of the re sources of the Stnte, particularly the estern section. Subscription, $0 nr annum; $3 six months; SO cents K-r mouth. It's a wise joke that knows its own father alter the religious parrs have quoted it once or twice. SLP.EPLKS8 NKillTS, mndcmiscmblc bv that terrible cough. Shiloh's Cure is the remedv for vou. CATARRH Ct'RIiD, henlth ami sweet breath secured, by Shiloh's Cntarrh Kemedv. Price 50 cents. Nasal Injector free by'T. C. Smith & Co, A good resolve for the new year would Ik-a swear off using ice next Summer if the mild weather continues. Children who are troubled with worms may by quickly relieved bv giving them Id . J. H. Mclun's Liquid Vermifuge. It kills and exiicls worms, Por sale by P. L. Jacobs, druggist. I'crhiiiis the nearest pronunciation of .tipwnpwii can ue outuiueu uygrtiiiig a real dude to pronounce "improper." por Innie buck, siileorchrst, use Shiloh's Porous Plaster. Price lift cents. SIIII.OirSCOir.il and Consumption Cure is sold by us on a guarantee. It ciiresConsiunption, It is very struugc thnt among those who set themselves up as great guns the ones uf the smallest calibre are the biggest l ires. Mr. Smith will lie pleased to see his friends nt the Skyland Gallery ( Lindsey's old stand I, where he is preparrd to do first class work and as cheap as they can be gotten in the city. "What is sweeter than tn have a friend yon can trust?" nskrd Snwkius. "To have a friend who will trust you," re pled Hawkins. SIIIL01P8 VITALiziIrTiii what you need for Constipation, Ixiss of Appetite, I limitless, und iillsyniptomsofDyspcpsin. Price 10 n lid 75 cents per Ixittle. CKOl'P, Wllool'INO COUGH and Bronchitis immediately relieved by Shiloh's Cure. An exierienced young mnn says It takes only one letter to tell the dill'e'rence between Summer and Winter styles of courtship, vis,; Gute and grate. If so-called remedies have failed, Dr. Snge's Cirtnrrnh Remedy cures. 50 cents, by druggists. Church lotteries may be wrong, but the chorister gets his money by ehnuts. Ulve the Children a Chance. There is something radically wrong with the health of n child when it seems listless, hus ixior or no apiKtite. eyes sunken and with dark skin beneath. In most eases showing these symptoms the child lias worms, and all that it needs is some simple remedy , such ns 1 1 art 's Worm Cream, to expel the worms, and the child will soon be in perfect health again. Pa rents, try it and let your little ones hnve a fair chance for life. A cocking main is a kind of prlire-fight that is always won by n foul. Por rheumatic and neuralgic nnlns, rub in Dr. J. H. McUnn's Volcanic Oil Liniment, and take Dr. J. H. Mclean's Sursnpnrilln. Vou will not sutler long, but will be Krntilied with a sneedv and effective cure. Por sale by V, L. Jacobs', druggist. - ''-'.''' ..ti..,.'.- "Old King Cole Was a merry old soul, And a merrv old soul was he." But his royui majesty would never have been so merry bnd he suffered Irom constipation, or deranged liver, or dys pepsia, or piles, or any other complaint that comes from n svstem out of sorts n ud en uses impurities of the blood. If you sillier from uny uf these things you will feel morose, melancholy, mournful, aye, mnd or anything else hut merry. To lie merry you must be well. To lie well lake Dr. Pierce's world-famed Pleas ant Pnrgntivc Pellets, h.isy to take, purely vegetable, perleetly harmless, prompt, and pleasant in their action; only one for n dose. There is nothing worse liirthcharmouv of an orchestra than to have a trombone player get off Ins base. The failure of a New York tailnr on nc couut of his losses on the turf shows that a tailor shouldn't "lav" nnythmgon any equine unless it be a clothes-horse. Miss Tender How do you like vour steak. rare? Tony the trnmp No, mum, I don't like it that way, but that's as of ten as I get it. Dude (to shop girl I Lovely creature, I adore you. Do you give me your love in return? Shop girl-Of course I do. Anything else this afternoon? THAT hXcKING CoilGH can be so quickly cured by Shiloh's Cure. We guarantee it. WILL YOU Sl'FPER with Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint ? Shiloh's Yitalizer is guaranteed to cure you. Hardened old bachelors think that the man who is hoiclessly in love isctcrnully in luck. The circulation of the blood quickened nnd enriched bears life and energy to every portion of tie body; appetite re turns; the hour of rest brings with it sound reHisc. This can lie secured by taking Dr. J. H. McLean's Snrsnpnrilla. For sale by P. L. lacubs, druggist. "Ring out, wild belles!" n young fellow exclaimed when he found himself a ring out on account of one. A Hale inveHtmenl Is one which is gunrnteed to bring you satisfactory results, or in case ot failure a return of purchase price. On this safe plan you can liny from our advertised Druggists a bottle of Dr. King's New Dis covery for Consumption. It is gunrnteed . , ' .: I to onug reuei 111 every cusc, wucii unco lor nnv affection of Thront, Lunus, Hrnn- chitis. Asthnin, Whooping Cough, Croup, etc., etc. It is pleasant and ngrcenblc to taste, iK-rfcctlv sale, and can always lie depended upon. Trial Ixittlcs free at P. L,. lacol) s drug store. If vou would see some fine examples of still lite visit the moonlighting districts down South. Advice to Mother. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrupshonhl nlwnys lie used for children teething. It soot lies the child, softens the gums, al lays all pains, cures wind colic, anil is the liest remedv for dinrrhii-n. 25c. a bottle. RICHMOND & DANVILLE R. R. CO. HASSKKOKS IIRrJISTMKNT, Western Nurtta Carulina Division. I'ASttBNRBK TRAIN RCHKIU'LB. UN BFPKCT KSI'T. 2IO rath Meridian time used wtaru nut otherwise indicated. KASTSOITNU. No. SI Ilaily. No. S3 Unlly, Lv. Knuwllle. (IHllh mcr.l " A.hcvillc, Ar. llalistiury, Hanville, " kichmund, " KiilciKh. " tluldsiioro, " Wilmington ' Lynchburg-. WeshinKton " Baltimore, " I'hila., " New York. WKSTBUl)llO LrNcwVurEr " rial.., " Baltimore. 1 S.lpm B41pm 4 Jsm 9 32ani 8 loam 154pm 64lpm 10 20pm S 3llpm SISamI 1 o.lpm 8 lopm 7 3m 12Bupm HOOpj lli'-iopm 7 lopm 8SOpm 1 1 uopm oaoam Nbrao" Dallyi l21Sam 7 20am 4Aam 1 1 24am 640pm 3impm 8 40pnY "tlODam J .lopm 4 4Upm ill 4.1am 7 a.'lam 310pm 122.1am MS.Iam 8 2Sam 1047am 1 20pm "KbVoli aily 4 3(lpm 6S7pm tt aopm 1 1 oomu au7am Jt 30am 8U5ain ' WashinKt'n l,ynchturtf. " Richmond, ' Hanville, "" Wilmina-t'n tluldsboro, Rnlclsh. " Halislmry, Ar. Ashcville. " Kniiivllle, t Volh mcr.) Nn. AS I llally. I A. a . K IIIIA nmll.v. Ashcville, untlamlAr. llendcrsonvllle. l2 2Qpml" apartaniniTi MDKI'IIV BRANCH. No. 1M I i Iinil except HunilayVf "Oio umll.v. Ashevlllc, Ar. ItloamlAr. Waynravillc, " S4N pm " Jurrett's. " II tn n in I " Westlicld. I.v. No. 17 3 S.I p m I OS p m TOO m 0 10 a in Hlccpiug; Car (semlce. We take pleasure la announcing the Inauiu utlun ul a dally line of tkinnlfullman Huf let lirnwina Room Care, between Hot ttprtnits anu snrviue and wasninKtoa, u. Ch aov. H. oa Hit followinf schedule i AO. 61 I 12 2.1pm ,C i No. S3 Hot fiprlngs. e lopm 4 3lpm 11 2Sam lllHlpm I A4i.tn Asnevuie, Halisbury, Are Washington, 7 I'Jnm 0S3um I.v Close and sure connections made at Wash ington Tor all points in the North and Bast. The Pullman f'nrlor Car now being uieratcd klwfin Halishury and Knokville on these trains will lie discontinued alter tlte com mencement of the 8leering Cnr run. Ntis. no and fit, I'ullmai. Weepers between OrvensUuro ami Monistown W, A. WINIIl'HN, II. ! A , Ashcville, N. C. JAM. I.. TAVI.OR.O. P. A., Washington. U. C. Clilcag o&Alton R.U. PAHTKHT ROl'TB TO KANSAS CITY AND THE WEST Ashevlllc to Kansas City In 87 hours. Ashcville to Hcnver In SI hours. Ashevlllc to Man Prnn isci, California, and Pi.rtlnnd, Oregon. In fl dava. Mollil Vestibiileil Trains HI. I.nuls to Kan sas City. Reclining chair car I rev. for full Information call on or write to n. A. Ncwlnild, IMstrlct Passenger Agent, No. 10 Patton Ave., Ashcville, N C. J. CHARLTON, U. P. A., Chicago, III. NORTHWESTERN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. OF MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN, Policy record of Rev, J. L. Can-nil. of Ashe. villr, N, C, Issued lice., NM2. Policy No. I I7.N2N, 10 Payment Life, Age 4il, Amount 82.AIHI, Annual Premium SUil.uo. Premium, Cash dir. Aild.dlv. Anil Ins, 1M2.At73lin lhw;l, 173 Ull 1NM4... 173 WO INNS.,, 173 HO I knii... 17.1 an 1KM7, 173 WO ISMS... 173 WO IHHW... 17.1110 2.mio u.noo 2. nn 2.11.11 il.7114 2, aim 2.U4A 82W tin HI 4U .in in 7n 27 4t nn 44 nn flit OO 7 on 73 oo ISO (HI K2 OO I Oil 8,ol fhnilile divlilrnd. A double dividend Is now paid on ail polUiee the fifth year from Issue. The above statement la thoroughly accu rate, and I am greatly pleased with my pol icy In the Northwestern. I recommend this comimny nnd Us agent, Mr. Brnrst I.. II w. bank, to all persona desiring to insure their II M 8, 'Hit? Ashevlllc, N. C, tiee. 6 All nther companies are challenged to pro duce a policy record of same date, age and hind In comparison. Por any further Information nmilv tn BRNKHT L. BWIIANK, Aahevltte or lliddersonTlllc, N. C, decTdlm tu Ihn sat ..1. - .l SOOpml tooaml il2Snml 43upu HSOpm H. ' I No. S4 I Daily. Arr.l 7 oo p ni " I 6117 p ro Hit the Wrong S-alldln. "About llfteou vear airo. whan was in the lightning rod business in this state," said a Detroit insurance Dinn tlie otbnr day as ho slowly sipped ais ginger iue, -we got a joo on n famine's bier burn in Nankin townshin We bad hud hard work to get him, as he was an unbeliever in the virtue of the roils, but ho uuully consented and we wont ahead, giving Lim the most soionin assurance, or course, that hit burn would bo protected bevond aims tion. VVtihnd just finished work whim a thunder storm was observed cuiiiiiiir .... .....I I -I....1 , ,a up, nu no runiamt-u mat u would oe a good limo to tost the rods. We nul our team in the bnrn, but preferred the uouw lor our sueuer. "Well, the storm came along, and as it reached us there was a llusli and a bung, everybody got a shock, and when we came to look out tho bum was on fire in a dozen places. Before we could get the team and wagon out ii was too tuts anu tney mirueu with me structure, "liow did vou explain it to the (ur- inorr waa askeu. "Wedidu t expluiu it at all. Hi did all the exploiuiug. He got down a shot gun and explained Umt if we didn't got beyond range before he could count lifty bo would open Are. We got and we never even went back to claim the iron work of the wturon.' "Could the rods have been value less? "Certainly not." "Then how did it haDneni" "I think it was an error In judg ment on the Dart of Providannsi. 1 think the idea was to strike the house and kill me and my partner I' Da iron r ree rress. Translating as De Spoke. The variations of laniruuce in dif ferent parts of the same country are often so extreme that residents iu one region can hardly understand those of different region. A certain calico manufacturer in the north of England employed a set of workmen whose pronunciation was quite unintelligible to anon ears. One day a southern visitor, wishing to note the variatious of popular Inn guiigf, said to him : "I hear that you are obliged to speak in two different tongues, one to your friends, and another to your workmen. Is that true?' "It is perfectly true, as I will show you. Hear me address out of the men. fetch Mr. Dean." The operative stared, and uttered nothing beyond a peculiar guttural sound. "Fetch Mr. Dean, I savl" Still the same stolid expression of countenance continued. The employer then glanced mean ingly at his friend, to prepare him lor a surprise, anu said, abruptly. "Fot Dane, mun." The messenger darted off at once, without another word. When he re apiienred, his muster said to him, "Why have you tied no your hoad" No auswer was returned, and the question was repcatod, with the same result, men tneiuostur said, quickly "vtniit tneo gut nice yed teeu up lur-rr "To keeD the rure out o' mv een." was the immediate answer. VoutliV Companion. A Valuable Hook. There are manv venerable stock jokes founded, and well founded, on mo rou tape, circumlocution and gen erul obfuscntion tliut prevail in the public service bureaus of Old World governments. . A notuble contrast i presented in at least one department of our own government the post office. An enterprising tradesman so liciting custom could scarcely ply bis patrons w ith more practical and com plete iuformutiou than the postal do uartmeiit gives to the public in "The United Blulcs Official Postal Guide.'' There is not a point concerning the service, domestic or foreign, which any one cun wish tu know, whether it bo to whom to apply for an olllce, or the postago rule on manuscript ser nions to Miuluguscar, or tho establish ment of the Total Wreck 1. 0., in Arizona, that is not set forth and elu cidated in such a simple and yet com prohensivo way that any letter writ ing mun, even though lie lie a Mug wiiino, cannot err therein. It is a monthly handbook of grt-ut value to every ouu who makes any extended uso of tho mails. Now York Tribune. When lha King Drinks. Whenever Finn Dua took a drink of palm wine, or ate his meals, one of his wives produced a hard brown nut, about the sir.e of an egg. with one. emi cut otr. and the iuaidu hollowed out. This mil ho slowly placed on the great toe of his left fix it; this done, the palm wino or food wus placed before him, and a slave hoy t-ituic and stood behind him with u IiuikIIh-II. Kvery time ho took a mouthful of food, or a drink of niossuiigu nr palm wine, ho rapped tho holloiu of the euiiuo with the nut on his greut toe, while, a tin kle on the bell announced to all whom it might concern that I'uaof Ikolungii was eating nr drinking us the case might be. Ho went through the cere mony when smoking, taking a long pull at his pipo for every rap of his toe and tinkle on the bell, A Visit to Stanley's IteurUuard J. R Wer ner A Good Bed. Apart from tho4 conceded requi sites, a gissl conscience and good di gestion, there is another indispensable necessity to all who covet sleep, and who huve passed tho heyday of youth Slid the buoyant health which youth claims as its peculiar dower, anu that, need wo my I is a g'nl bed. When we remember that tho one elixir of life, daily repeated, and constantly elllcacious in ns bciieliceut results on bruins and uorves, mid within reach of tho poorest us of tho richest, free as sir, siiushine and water, is a good night's rest, it is stinugo that ws take so little thought uUiut tho means of getting it. Hurler's Uazar. Today more Ihuti J.OnfUKHI of the youth of India nru receiving an cdu cttion in tho Kngli'li Unguugo. AdvcrllMliiat Ck'HA TES nuwy n new Inmiiicnn ENLAKilES ninny an uhl iiisiiess; REVIVES niHiiy dull butinet! RESCUES many a lutt business,' AM I'KA' ififint' a failing huiinetm I'RESERVliS ninny a Inrgtlnmntm; SECURES sirirss nnv hnsiNrss. To flifiTrfi'se liiilidnnnly, use tlie coA ufiris of "The Cttiien." Everylnuly rrns It; ami In pmputthm to the return it viehh (! fisers, is rntennrt tlieelieup eat in themuntit. "It goes right to the spot," mid nn old man. who was rubliing in Dr. J. 11. McLean s Volcanic Oil Liniment to re lieve rheumatism. For sale by V. L. Jacobs, druggist. o;vi3 ENJOYS Both the iiieilmd nnd results when lyriui ot Yiiii is liiken: it is nltiusun mil lelresliing to the tnsto, ami acts ently yet promptly on the Kidnevs. uivor mill Jiowels, cleanses tlie sys tern ellectiiiilly, dispels colds, head iciies mill level's 11 ml cures liuliitiiul 1 stiintion. Hyrup of Figs is the inly remedy ot its kind ever nro diieed, pleasing to tho taste nnd ac- 'pttililo to the stmiiiich. ni'iuiiiit in us action umi truly lieiielicinl in its elfccts, prenaieil only from tlie most lealthy nnd agreeable substances, its miiiiy excellent qualities commend it to all mill have made it the must popular remedv known. Svrun of FiL'S is for sale 111 ROe ana 81 bottles bv all leiuliiig drug !ists. Any reliable druggist who may Hot have II on hand will tiro- cure it iii'oiiiiilh' for nnv one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any iiiosiiiiiie. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. stn IISAIWIMI. VL. inuisi'iiif. rv. hi in taint, n r. INSVRAXCE. JpiKli IKhX'KANCU. FIKE. LIFK. ACCIDKXT. PULLIAM & CO. At the Bnnk of Ashcville ASllinil.l.H. N. C. Represent the following companies, vis. PISS. CJASII AMMHTM IN I Anglo Nevada, ot California 2.4ti7.M33 Continental, of New Yord 4.h75,il2:l llniiiburg.Ilrrtm-n.of r.rnniinv t.l 2'.', 11114 London AsKurniH-e.of Hiiiiiuiui 1 .r.4:i.inr. Niagara, of New York 2. 237. 4112 Orient, of Hartford I.ilil7.ll!i2 I'ha'nix. of Brooklvn A.O.r,4.17n St. l-nul Fire und Murine, ol Min nesota t.r4i.nm Southern, ol New Orleans 431. ,11x4 Western, ol Toronto l,o:ill,232 Mutual Accident Association s!-:tnn I. lie lusurunce Cumpunv. dtmnr2u The Best are the CllCaipVKt. iik.hinc;'s PATENT CHAMPION SAFES. I arrcll & Co., Phlladclpliia. nii20riAiwam Nothing Succeeds LIKE SUCCESS. The rriinin KAI'AM'8 MicKoini kii.i.i:k Ih the tiitt wonderful innl ft'ine, i iHtintte It turn m-ver fai In I In nnv In Mum, no mtttter whnt the ilineiiMe, (nun l.l.l' KoSY ti the ttittipt.ait diw-uisr known lutht hu man itvtni. The neiefttHii men of tonluy e 1 11 1 m nntl trne that every til eav in Cauticcl b MicrobcH AND RADAM'S MICROBE KILLER Hmernt'nitlin the .l if mini. mil u riven them nil ol the ft.vrtiin( nml uheti that i ilciic m cannoi nnvr nn nvne or pain, .mi mai r whnt the thneiosr, whether u niinplr am- .Malnrln l ever or n eoiniiintition ot tim- iiMrit, we dire them nil at the am tin time, an r treat nil iMentHi eoii-tltuttttnaiiy. sthiiii, Cnnsunnttitnit CutJinh, Itmtt- vhitis. h'hi itniutifitii, Khliicv ttwi l.ivvr IHnviiite, Chills mill 'cut. i vnmlv t n whit', in till its -rns, ami, in tnvt. vwry ifinviisv known tn tin- lliinuin System, BEWARE OF FRAUDULENT IMITATIONS. Her that our TratU-Mark imntic nn above) lriini on i-iieh jiik- HenH for hook "Hh'lory of the Mleroltc lllrr,' K-veii away hjr J. H. CaRANTt I'll. ;., Hole A unit. Aohrvltlc, N. C. nov17 illy tu frl nun Children ulvtnyN Enjoy It. SCOTT'S EUULSiOtl ef purs Cod Liver OH with Hype phoaphilea of Lima and Soda la almnel ae palatable milk. Children ano It rather than elhnrwlaa. A MASVILLOUS FLISH PKODUOSS) It Is Indeed, and me lllll lads and laealea who lose cold eaellv, man b fortlflad aaainal cough that nilght provo oarinuo, liy l.tlni Soott'a Imulslnn alle- tlialr niasls during the wlnlar aoon, th-intr nt iMfafllwriim .mil Imlfn Hons. nnvta d wljrtu ihn snt pt)K HUNT. 4 One II ninin hmise nn Hlnrnrsnvenue JFjl with all mmlern Improvements. I'or terms npply to T. C. BTAMNHH, dc3 dtf Ur M. U. Huberts. MISCELLANEOUS. ASHEVIIXE MUSIC - HOUSE. M v 1 v lafrJ I V I wish lo jiimoun '"to tlio citizons of Asheville and Weat eni Xortli Carolina t hat I liave lately increased my stock of PIANOS AXD ORGANS, Ami will wll thcin at mu-h low rice8 nn to defy competition. 1 have also a lare stock of (JuiturHj VioliiiH.'lianjos, Music Hooks. Send for catalogue and prices. Better come and see inc. C. LUMBER YARD. GEO. F. SCOTT, North Public Square. WINDOWS, - BLINDS, - DOORS, OIukx, Putty, Lime, I'laetcring Huir, Shlnclrs. Material. A Full Line or Mantels and Mouldings. eafi Orders will receive prompt attention. FIT2PATRIGK BROS. & ROBERTSON, Dealer In 'Wall Paper, Window Shades and Patent Hangcra, ulnts, (Ills and Varnishes, Masury'a MUed French and Amerlcaa We keep in stock St. I.ouis and Kentucky Lead. fcbSdl y AHlieville, ;n. C. P. A. DEM ENS, M unufucturcr nnd Deulcr In all kinds of Dressed LUMBER, Door, Sanli, minds, Mouldings, Stalrworfc, Mantels. Bank and Bar Fixtures, and all Hard Wood Lumber M. SV ' nnv 1 illy Telephone No. a6. THE WINYA1I HOUSE, Corner Hcnrtl nnd Tine streets, Camp Patton. ASHEVILLE, N. C. Cumliictcil ns ;i Saiiitnritnn for invalids sufTfriiiKirrom diseases ot 1 lie limns unci thront. unci under tlie charge uf Dr. Karl von Ruck. Ciiiiiliiclcil upon the must approved plans endorsed by the leading iiieink'rs of l lie ineilk'nl prolcssion. l'crlict iipiwintmcuts in every lii'p.iriiiicnt. Tor particulars nddress KAKL VON RUCK, B. S., M. D. Ur. vim Ruck's city ollite: Xo. 3D I'nttiin avenue. Rooms Not. 1, 2 nnd II, up stairs, tlllice llouis: 1 1 to 1 o'clock. Practice limited to discuses ot the Innus unci throat. CAUTION. pniU'i-u 1 lie w cart-rn nnnlnl IHuh priccn und Infrrio KundH. If your dealer dor not keep the Htylr nr kind uti wjint. nr nflim ynu nhiK-n without W. I.. IMM'OLAS name and nrict tiunK'l n tin in, niMl av tlu-y una.tiirt iih iv t tn the I'm-toi v. Utr vuti 1.1111 ui t uluit vnti iinkr nrnrc itimit nn nnkiiuwii hw tlmt nrr lit- imhiix-i. tn luiv hn' thnt huvr nn n-piitntinn. Hny only thnc that have W. L. IHU(- aw mum- anu tut- pittv HiauiK-ii nn tnv imttntn, aim you are aure tu rl full value for your on v. 'I hi'tmanilii ol tlntlnrH an-khvciI imuiiailv hv the weurcra ol W. L. IiOI'c;f.AH Mifn'M. in otiiirtiiK ny mini Miatc w tut nrr you n. piiiin i-rt-iitii tot, or narrow cap toe, ami ail nt nnv tool that in tint ik-hrim-i1. nn mv anil hall Hii. 1 iiarnntcr n lit, prompt delivery und K-rici-t aatulactloQ or money rrfuntlcd n return ul tin- tthnvat m ooil condition. $ ,Ht will be paid to miy hth on who will following lines will lie found to be cqiieinTnii 11a al i aiaaaai , ,,J dsarw OliNTINIt lfANIMUfWItn, which takes the place of custom-made .glatJU wllUt sinus thnt coat from 7 to . a nn 61wtk Till! OKIOINAL AND ONLV IIANO-RHWl!!) WULT $4 BHQB. fliUU tT911 W ,,iaitt vuatommade ahoca costiiiK from ft) to $(. a a Calttfistk l'R POLICIIMIJN. Kallrond MennndUttri Carriers all wearthrm. fs33u v'lif.ivv Hmooth itmidt us u haud-acwid a hue. No tacks ur waa thread to $2.50 Shoe $2.25 Shoe $2.00 Shoe $2.00 Shoe $1.75 Shoe Vril'TIIR' Hc llool. shut-, in the wurld. All mnilc In CuitKrcfl. tluttun and l.ucc. We I. Douglas' $3 llnth l.nilli'a' Hliiica lira nniili' In slura ft-om 1 to 7, Incluillnif hair.iica, and D, C, D, B and lill width.. STVI.liS til' I.AlllliH' KIK1HS. I "The I'niiili nin rii. I'hr Hiiuilh Arch Opera," "The American Cntnmnn.lVnac," "The .MviIiiiiii Ciiiiiiimn.Sciiiic." All itimlc In lluttnn in the Latest tttylce. Ainu, l-'rcncli iiicra In l-runt l.acc, on 9s Hhucunly. C'liiiKiiiiirr. linlil rrincinlirr tlmt V. l lait'C.I.AS I. the !ar,tc.t and only Shoe Menu fuciiircr In the wot-lil, iiiIyIiik hIhivii illrcel Iruin liictury, thu. iclvliift all tht mlddlr.aica'a pr.it.t. tu Hie ,iirc r. t v. L. liot tll.AH, tirocktun, Mau. I'OK MALII DY HERHING & WEAVER. J. C. HROWN, ii:rciiant t tailor, S Fatton Avenue, (Nest to Grand Central Hotel.) ati Hilly FAL.K, 35 North Mais St. I.nths, Fencing Posts, All kinds of Building feblOdljr Paints and Colore. Window Glass, both Near Passenger Depot. kinds of Building Material. Work a Snecialtv. YV. L. I m a t; LA 8' name and the price are iiuniH-it on the luittom of all Btaoea adver-tiiH-d by Iiim tx-fire lea vine factory; tbii "' 1" not le di-iTivrd thereby, but aend di want hv rt'tuni mull. tMiatHirr ualr. Ilralrn tint war runted hv unvhudv : therefore da nut want loiiKrrnii, uutton or Lace, Lundoncap iw mire to uivc mie anil width yon wear. Hhum nn- made In urrnt variety of widtha. aii W. L. Do Hi LA 8, Brockton. Mm. W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE oentiSnen. I a tine ramleiiN calf ahoe, with Dongola topa, und 011k leather bottotna. They arc made la ConurrM, Itutton and l.acc on London Cap Toe, Narrow Cap Toe and Plain French Toe LaaU.ta aiirn from A to II, IncludtiiK half ! and all uiilthN. if you have lern paying from $5 to $H for nhnea ol thin quality do not do ao longer, one pair will wear un Ioiik two pairs of common nnld by duikra that are ant warranted by the manufacturer. 1 Mir claim Utr thin atane over all other Sahoea ndvt-rtlHnl, are: 1 mi. It cnntitina better material. Uil. It Ir more atvlinh, brtter flttlnir and durable, .'tri. It Rlvca I tetter general aatlalactlun. 4th. It con 1 a more money to make, fltli. It anvea more tnunry for the consumer. 41th. 1 1 ia nnld by murr dealers throughout the U. 8, 7th. It's great aucceaa Is due to merit, hth. Itcannotbc duplicated by any other maoii facturvr. Uth. Itiathelrcatlnthe world, and haaatargerde mund than any other $3 shoe advertised. prove the above statements tu be untrue. The of the same quality of excellence : ituri 1 11c u-ci. IH rNHXCHLl.l.D I'OK 1IIIAVY WUAR. Ilest Calf Bhoe for the price. WOKKINO M AN'H. Is the heat In the world for rough wear; one pair ought to wear a man a year. IS !?jtAL TO KHOIiH THAT COKT PKOM $3 to $3.(10. One pair will wear longer than any shoe ever sold at the price. VOH HOY 8 Is the beat Hchnol Hhoc In the world. Klvcn the .tnall fliiy a chance tu wear the Ihi and $2 SIioch fO St LADItBt. Street Car Schedule. Itrirlniiliiji at H.'Ji a. m. UndlnR 10.00 p. m. Car leaves Square ftir Camp Patton 9Amln. utea alter each even hour, and for Uoudlcuay .16 nlnutca after each odd hour. Car leaves Square tor Mclke'a every hoar. Car leaves Square IbrDctiotrvcrT aalfhoar. THU ASllBVILLU STKBUT X. CO.

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