fifth-: -' mm?-; 1.1 1 '.;'. V I 1, r i . I ! i! t ' ; ! . ( ; i i; : 1- f 'f. 1 Hi-' r A. r. i: .r r; 'IP; ' I' TUB n il Hi V CaTIgRN -- Will be published every marnlas: (except ftloa day ( at the following ratce ttnetly cut,' One Year 18.00 Six Month! .'rf...S...J.ft..-Js.Or) Three Month! .....i.'.l.E.S..: t.SO One Month SO One Wtt. -m-v .:i...M.. in Our cafrlare Jim IBivr fee oyurr every 1lrnnni taraoMthfstlaFlifourMb- Mia will nlfaa calf at the Citiixh Office. rabaran IffKVPjljMSMaaVvrt innlf Rtnrr jl" !:'' , toy WantcuE . XkrioT ' ' w T. Foreclo.urelVUT : : ; Carolina Hoi- - tJS Isaiea, Jr. Hurace to nf- VmMfun. . Meted ; M'MMrt1 f or the 24 '; a l a M frdf-Saf, iSS-saaui&SsSTO-a lat. JTSS'lC-TSm. riuuj, Ashcville, ft. C. I. Mar. n.a. assorr. ;"j-,:-t'w. ( pJLftmt amMe foot oi ajr ' Kain i ad , JlnoW"- (Cur. for alii tun.) melted iinom flScpth. Dally Meaa Inches 'luchss nana I -0 J - Pallto. WIND.. J ,J(fBATHBR. litrcrtlun. IHurw (stale Otuiur . I . -J . . . Fair ttriVDAV NOTKftt a:. A Rector Called The Week or ' ' ITayer Y. M. C. A. HervlceH. ne of puwMitile urauunt, 5 per cent. "KAKL VOK kvck. xr. n. Oliavrvcr. The, Weather To-uui, . , A8HiNiTof itiajrrr 4r. Inclicnrtoiis lor North Cnroliuu Hair, followed bv lo- fill bow em during the altcrnoou or .evtnm j Macsttrly v-iihJs; statioiiarv tcmiHTutuu. iu . BoiHlieuaUiii portion': tntionnry followed by lower tcniK'rn- iurc in tiie norinweaivrii portion. .UA aUTjtM&lrtAl. AI.tATICl:. A Brief outline It 'Hrotorr OrlKln of the Week of Prayer. The Jf uKfhcurViiiiW' had 'iwIh-kmi- ninK a roi(A'l Ol'tcw VlirktMitis iif England in IMS. Iutj p .iloaer uirioli ntnobclityi-rs. Its first t;rir(v)iiseiit- ( M VnMfj in London ill Ailffiist, 1S4t?. a sn win nttcnrled by 011 Christians, in cluding nimiv eruuient nwn tcora nil purU of the ChrUlffiri world. More than tilt v .li(T..r..n .ik " t hi igtimi.' tlt0.U-aai4Uit4cNaii'ed lias beet. 4n then- selves and to exhibit to other that ,r ixxi)Mali!l alui? uninii binds nil true bclieveni together in the fellowshi) of theohun-h." Certain principles set lorlh ns Inml.'i uicjital to Clirmiiinitv were adopted ; i.,.;. t ii.!;.... i,.ix wits .iy4t nimlirMiUnnuiiid tint a cliurcl: union. These prineiples consist of nine articlesnnd TabrjrtjyaltlhHdWs:' I"irst, the divine iuartatirij iif Ike Bible : sec ond, the dgrltlfr ffrivTltlTtn'rtgmeht In" ii, interpretation ; third, the doctrine of the Trinity ; fourth, the doctrine-ot' total de pravity; fifth, the iiicarnntion. atoiu- n0tVa niedistian. hiUrcewion and reign of vUirit,i tli, iustilicution bv taiib alone; seventh, the work of Oic -Ilolv elirV iiiA'nri in nud- K.mrtification eighth, the immortality of the soul, the rcSUrrec,t,iop, jii!mi-i nl Lbg u,tirLl by Christ, eternal bli-5.t!aesjf the righte ous and ettmal ptrnishmcnt 'of the wicked : ninth, the divine institution of the Christian ministry-and thrubliyation and perpetuity of the ordinance of bap tism and the Lord's Supr. It was provided, however, that I he nine urticles are not to lc regarded in any formal or ecclesiastical sense as a creed or conies sion and that "the selection of certain tenets with the omission of others is not to be held ns implying thnt the former constitute the whole body of important truth or that the latter arc miimpor ' tant." Wc apprehend ull the uiue articles are ugt) now strenuously insisted upon There have been concessions made on ac casion to sonic who could not fullv en dorse all of thent. , The Week of I'rayer had its origin nt the orKuiiuuttion of the Alliance. Mem ucrrMnd themselves to pray zealously lor the holy spirit to descend npon nil be lievers aityl tu employ jointly hc tirl iiW-da tmKrliiisf urrncA Week Tind the first week tifcach year it ru) 01 prayer. . The original assembly made provision Jbr tlie organisation of brniK-hrs with the Tiew to tie extension of tlie Alliance, as is now the fact, over nil protcstant Christendom. The United States branch ,wa organized in .New York Junuary ,1o, 1W07. The Hon. Wm. K. Dodge was elected prcsHlent.' Kminent divine and laymen from flll part of Hie country in cluding-Metlnirlists, rresbj tcrinns, Hpis and others pnrtiei pated.'-':' "- ' "'4 essibri bf i'jtf whole' Alliance is held ttt, least once in seven years, or oftencr in one of the principal capitals of tlie worjd , branch., sessions are held more ireiucntly. These sessions arc occupied trtth efforts to' hdjVOlic .ChfiU'nuity iu the, worlil, avoiding, in so doing occasions of difleMnevB Thleh' would ltnicdc the J)i?rh .T,t!ff;u)tu(ith Alliunct tn co operative work and in other ways nave oeen very grnt nnd various. : "County CouiiulaaiaiHrrw. ! At t ne meeting oi tnc county t.ommis ioncr of Huncombe held , yesterday. among other things done, was heard the report of the committee npHintcd at inmtm kit nprrniiug ana estaiilisiung a home i for.' .indigent children. It was approved, and the following committee was appointed to take charge of the matter isvuutinection with tht'chflrrmaa of the Hoard "of 1 Commissioners, viz: Mr..V,C Caraikkael, Mrs. 0. fit Gra ham,', Nljjw.'.'.'M' U-iChlld-. TAt. J. r, Saw yer, Mr.' (Ico. F. Scott and Mr. D. T. Millard. - m I. The (piestion vi. the sitbmimioitof- the pniposition twlii)c)pMt f 4hesc6unty: til UUhcom'be' 'ioTuT)ScnfMri46o,(MM) to spoken oi more lully elsewhere, was put by Dr. J. A. tiengnn and carried. it t ! M if rut ' ' ' . inn Mi' lltflWws Oulb wiH'hutdn iiDeeial rhiiu1l'tHllliW4iliiii'ciH.a.lui c!llteil ns'aljl i1 siuiii niml M J .1lnlftllllTlSllM-Iltm HKIMiii 11 J The yestry of Trinity .church has ex teiiSed a CjiJ tp the Kr-. MOiccly Uu Uoje to ttike? spiritual cjiarge of Trinity parish on the retirement of the Kcv. lr. Button, which takes effect by virtue of hhi reaignatioD on March 31st. The call bill been accepted,'' Mr. Duliosc at pres. eat ta rector of the church at I'iiioii, S. C bvy choir baa been discontinue' uJa mixxd qoartctt6 takes its place Tb voices art excellcntnnd only practice UwaotitiK. . . .- ,:Tbe experience of Triaity church wit a boy choir baa muetao things evident It is very possible to biive u good l choir in Asbeville. ' In order to have it consiilerable money mbst be exinnilci , 'i . rHBsnYTRBUIK l.-lirKI.-ll. -.The Rev. 8. Taylor Martin, of Virginia preached Sunday morning. At the morning service there were lit- teen accessions to the Clnirch upon cci tificates. " ' The Rev. Charles R. Urdinan urcaciuil a forcible sermoa at night, at the lirsi service of the week of prayer, on "tin church, its nature mid mission." Hi father was among those who listened to him for the fust time. Mr. Kidman is student at Princeton Scmiimrv. The Kcv. V. . Krdnian Kiinkc on "the Holy Spirit and His relalimi to the church The Young lieoplc's meetings, whicli arc hehl just before service Sunday even' ings, have a growing interest. They are conducted entirely by the young ieoplc of the church. HKST IIAI'TIST. I'ivc iicrsuiis professed conversion anil uue wafcuduiiUcil to ibeehimh by letter An increasing interest is manifested. The liiiililiug was crowileil at both services find at night many were not able to get in.'At the nij-lit service a" larger niiiif licr rose fur prayers ihan at any previous time. The coug eg.ilioii a; night w almost wholly a dilieient out from that at. the morning session. VlH-Mi MliX'S CIIKIsTIAS ASSC ICIA I'll IX. ' There was n Inrgc nttemlaiice at the service or song in the allcruuon. i lie singing was led by an orchestra of vio lins, cornet and piann, and was very slet and imiirtssivr. Thlsscrvice was followed by a Hible tall; comliiclcil by Mr. Aiidatieii, the gcucral secretary. It n-ns the first of a st'i ies on the lilc ol Christ, and was interesting nud instruc tive. Wc think there were many present who do nut go to church. Il so the As sociation has entered upon its most im portant work. At the Itiblc class for teachers Saturday afternoon taught bv lhc.Kcv. V. , Krilman lucre were about Sfty jursons present- Xue hour tor these fi.urilay j aftcni'ii'ii nicrimgs wilt iu future be 4- o'clock. There was a service of song at the Church si reel Melliiulist church Sunday uitfhl. Iu observance ot tlie week of prayer there will Ik- meetings every night this w-eek at the Presbyterian, Methodist and the l-'irsl ltaptisl churches, the special topics fur which were published in Sunday's Cituun. THE WORK HALF DONE, PKRMOX.ti. nn.vrioM, Mr. C. IC. Wilson, ol Cnlhiiiin. Transyl vania county, alter being in the CU V inlay or two, returned home tins morning. dipt A. E. Fry. lor a long time living in this city, lint of late living at Hrvson City, lias returned to resume his resilience here. New I'r. Wm. In'itwiililic, P. I)., of Vir ginia, is expected to arrive on the early train this morning. He will tnke pnrt in the services at the Presbyterian chinch to-niglrt. . . Mr. T. Stobo l-'arrow, of r.all'ticy City, b. C, is iu the city on business connected with railroad extensions. He was 1k rc the laard of county commissioners yesterday. Mr. John A. Williams, Sr., after Sieud- ing several weeks here on n visit to his son, .Mr. . A. Williams, Jr., eilitorot the Asbeville Tobneco Journal, left for his home ii: l:avetteville vesterdav. Mr. I'iteh Taylor, of Philadelphia, a denier ill plumbers' supplies for the past twenty-live years, has bought an inter est with Itouisst h-ntherton. . The new firm will I Taylor, ITouiB & hrothertou. Mr. S. (J. Bonis leaves to-day for I'liila- del ulna nnd New York to buy goods fur the new linn. i Action o Hssj Cotiti tv CoiiiiiiIhhIoii- era on mHlamnl Habacrlpi Ion! The county .commissioners of lluu- com lie, convened yesterday in monthlv meeting, took np the question of submit ting to the people of thecounty the proi- osition to vote nu issue ot $400,1)110 in bonds in aid -of certain railroad enter prises. The subject was fully and ex haustively considered' The application was made by the officers of the Atlanta, Ashcville and llultimore railroad com pany, and Atlantic. Ashcville and Knox villc railrpad eompatrVt for the siibinis siou to the icopleto determine by their vote at the polls at q lime designated whether they would take stock in each of these companies conditioned upon the construction and equipment of these roads through the county of Ituu combe. The commissioner grajiitcil the order for nil election upon the conditions that a bond be made that the expenses of such election lie borne by the makers of the luid. The election is to be held on Tuesday the stb day of April next. Wc do not propose to do more at pres ent thau to express our gratification at the act of the commissinncrs. They have opened the road lor the removal of all obstacles in the wav of the most ex tended addition to railroad facilitiek to every portion of the county not fow provided with a roud through its terri tory. It rests now wilh the voters whether or not tbev shall have such la cility. 1 be ipiestiou is now oxueil lor argu ment anil action. vi-:nniM at jonicmiioho. u c ' ASHEVILLE ADVERTISEMENTS,, ) . . v E J ELLICO COAL, i at retail; i For Grates' For Stoves, BEST $5.00 $430 ANTHRACITE COAL For sale at Wholesale and Ketall by ASHEVIIXE COAL COMPANY, Telephone 36. Hilmlv Aaents I liomestlc and Rteam) for Western North Carolina. , ' Odor from your Orocer, our "ROLLER KING" PATENT It i'h nuide in AHhovillo, - ' "VOU KNOW," ' ' ! ; And .vt! pfodg-e our word for it, that no WHITER MREAD, BISCUIT. ROLLS, Can 1m made from any imported Flour. ' ELECTRIC LIGHT Im (lie most popular trai".ht p;ood in thiH niarkot. Auk your (Jrorer fortht'abovi'llrandH.manufacturi'dby tin ASIIEVILLE MILLING CO. Telephone No. 36. H. T. COMJNa- Vrtaident - , . ASH E V ILL E Pure. Ice niado.froin DiHtillfid'; Water; Patton Avenue. ': .'.:.':.l,':.'::t'".!;;:V;l Jrretary Office iv No. 30 Hon. II. 0. liwart was In the city yes terday until two uclorlt, at .which time he left for Washington city, stopping on the way at Stntrsville. Mr. Ewan has recovered from a painful attack of the inflncnxn, which he contracted in 'Wash ington, nud developed after he reached llcudersonville, The Rev Mr. Cnwplnnd, of I'liihnlel- phia, who has been a guerft of the Misses Coffin for several weeks, .together with bis wife and sou, is sn tnneh pleased with the ellcrt of the climate upon hissikneiits. that he has coticluikil to make his slay here a long, if not a iKJiuanent oueHi bus therefore taken u dwelling in North Ashcville, and hus orrlt fad liis Jtirmture to be sent on inunediuudy from, 1'hilwlcl phln.' Wc welcome new lellow citizen's of such character. jiti '. i'. ", ' I'M' ulln.ja;t. , The little three year old sun of Otis A. Miller, of Skyland Springs, was buried W'stry. 1MitiUtihrin was sweet, hearty, rosy boy, never sick until sudden ly stricken down with croup from which he strangled to denth Saturday. The Iirs. Fletcher were called but could not help the little snnerer. Truly "Of such is the Kingdom of Heaven. " AHlicvllle Library. , ',!',': Thcaniiunl meeting of the Asbeville Lilirnry Association will be held in the I-ccture Hall of lie Ynnng Men's Chris rinn Assrtc ion TjMirmlay.'JnminryJjth,, ntTo'clotltTp. m.. , All .mcHiiicra of the Associrtttim tire OrgfJ b rarpfeenl to elect officers for the ensuing year. A full Bond UfTcrlnitM. Wasiiinutw. January. :9,itipad offer- lings to-day, $351,000, all four per cents, lat 1.2Q, and U acveptqlr, ; Kcv. W. II. OHhornc BrltiKM nl llrlde to IiIm Old Home. Cn nil the of tlie llrd we take tlie lullowiiig puasaiil item: iisi:snoKo. Tcnn., January 3. I.nsl veiling at the home ol the bride's uncle, Major li'hn l. Cox, iu Inneslioro, kcv Will II. (Islioriie, pastor of the Halitist chiiiclics nt this place and (iret'iirville, was united 111 marriage to .Miss .Mary kitzinillir. of Sullivan couiitv, h'ev. O. L. Hailcv, of Knoxville, othcialiug. Tile briilgroom is a brilliant young uiiuistrr, linliiiiig hiuh rank ill his church. 'Che bride is one of the leading fainilieslol l!ipcr Hast Tennessee, a lady of many graces ol iKisoii ami heart. Unite a partv voune billies nnd gen- llcmen triini this nnd adiniiiiug counties was PR-sent. Aiming them were: Misses I K lin and Annie Osborne. Ashcville. N.C.: Margurite Haebnian. Bristol; Anna Scott. Knoxville: J. II. Osborne, UulcHVillc, Ark. The wedding party left 011 the noon ram lor a oriel visit lo Ashcville. V I... the l inner home ol thebnncmom. The itlair was in all respects a brilliant one. The happy pair reached hereon Friday alternuon. and have liccntnnilc welcome visitors nt the home of the mother of the Kcv. Mr. Osborne, Mrs, N. Ii. Oshorti, who lives about two miles north of Asbeville. At that place last night there was a joyful gathering of young cople, ricuds assembled to greet their old Iricud ml favorite. Will Osborne, and to ex tend a cordial welcome lo licr who has become his better h:H out in evry way lit t ol to maun mm we all rjuisrt,,i nnidi. Mr. and Mrs. Osborne will probably leave here to-day lor Jonesboro. Crowded Willi Waiimis, The arrivals of tobacco on this market arc very large, boiji by mil and by wagon. Vesterdav the iiiiiiiIkt of wagons was probably larger, thau at any pre vious period of the tob.KTO hhttory of Ashcville, there I1cing.1t least one hundred at each ol the llirc warehousta, The sales on the floors take place every lay, and are well wortli seeing. I hey would certainly Ik' novel and iiiu-rcsliiig to those who have ucversccn a tobacco sale conducted. Visitors are olwavs welcome, and they will have an ex peri encc entirely new. To-day the sales begin n( til o'clock tit the Tanners warehouse, followed 111 sac cession by those nt the Alliance mldt hose at the Itanucr. y Mvdlcul Moclvly oillre'i-H. The lluucomlK' County Medical SiK'icty held its monthly meeting las( night and eltvted the following nrliccrs for the ensu ing yenr: I r. M. H., INetchrr, president; l'r. A.-M.'Hallnrd, Vice-president: Ir. J. A. unison, secretary; nr. II. 11. Weaver, treasurer, lir. II. U. Weaver read pnper 011 "I'tilmonnry Tiiliereulosis.",' News ftliscrver: News was received lu re yesterday of the death of Mr, 8. W. Ilcain, who will lie rcini-iulieml here in connection with the lilx.1 suit instituted against him by the late I. I Stone, in conse(ueucc of nil article published by neai'i in I lie uaiiesnoro Intelliuencrr at lacking Stone. I learn was editor of the Intelligencer uml was afterwards located iu Raleigh as a job printer, lie died in Wadesboro after a brief illness of llright 's OISCUHC. A numlier of years ngn Mr, - Hearn men Known miner auotlirr name, lived in Ashcville mid was employed as a compositor iu the ofiicc uf the Citikn, then published by I'uimnn nnd Stone. Citizen. , y. 1 si. .( - NonilnttoiN. Wasiiinoton, Inniiary I). The Presi dent tn-dny nominntrd the following postninsliTs: Thomns kickurdson, Port (iiliaou. 'Mlsssiii: Juhn A. Million, Holry Sprlrigs, ' Missisiirtil; -Charles V. Buckley, Mouigomery.labnnin. "' The culclutM ljiltiS A great success. Many hundred iu use in Asbeville. A new stock just in ol the large store lumps, Kuy the Calcium only; it is the licst. All Calcium lamis sold on trial and may barrramtsl in two days. 'J. ft: Law. i : ,fi7 .V.rtinil htftKhfr ynin At. 39-TH EvS H 0 E S T 0 R E.-39 kKMOVIill TO NO. 30 PATTON AVliNl'Ii. LEADERS SHOES ALL GRADES, ANN FISH HATS. Npcclal Attention Given to "Style" and Quality" of Good. Herring & Weaver, - AHheville, N. C OAK STREET INN, ASHKYILLE, N. C, Itenntlfully located In n rrove of sli and white vine, with no rtul or noise, at the cor ner uli ink una Wootlhn street!, near the Krmale Colleue. and unlv Lim Miuam fmm th cuurt house. We hi a numlier nf rlcieiintly-fbmlnhril rnoma to aivommodHte lioardrr who desire a nice, uuiet plare, away h-oai the hotels. Nice rooms, new furniture, aood fare, flratlass v.i.isiiiK. w. rewnii"K firms, n nm nou sola uaiu. Dr. T. J. HARCAN, Proprietor. COMPOUND OXYGEN ANDMEDICATED BALSAM VAPOR... All ntixlern nnd In I tut lninrorf1 mcthtdii for tnat.nar ch runic JiHuari tW th. ..An tliniAL natl hum. bv Uir inhalntitm of vaiMtritrtl nnd ntotnlird flulrltt hv thr nnr-iimnilr n.ii romiirrftivrtl ir nppnrutnii; uImj Compound Oiyitm Iu rnnnn-Mon with the vaporitrd RaU sam hiw imisam tunnmni irotn inr nntunti uaiaunn trrrti nrar AncvMlr. Wc nlu mnnulacrtnrv a Home TnttmiHt of the Compound liKf which U. euuaJ tu lnc irn.x irvnimmi, ruii win ik: smi on Hintiirnnrtn iiy rzprrmi, on rccrtU ol price, rlli. Our tui'd-w here for the pant three yenr with thlt trcntrient hn lieen phfnomtnnl. hav itifl carrd tnanT cam-s thnt were prononneed honrlraa. vhiiM n.aaie anil nflitssrnrV rmm iM oliiaioctl bv i-alUnc at Uir Hualtannm. Bv iiexniiMkin wuiui kj AWilli.tA4n.r nvH.lniriwfi ccntlrmen nf Anhrvllle: ft. J. Aaton. e Miivor; J K. Kred. ceii. i. v Court; Hct..C. Han Kin, pnntor rit-Pi mnnmioii a. nnnoi kct. w . a. eiaon, pM.tor nm tupuit Vhurco; rl. T CoUiuii. CapU Natt 4tkmoo. 'I , HARVAN, in D. LltWIt MAUDL'X. !rca U, P. MctUtlf. Vin-Pm. - . H. RANKIN, Caahlrr, UtRKCTnH: l-ewin Mnddua. M.J. Benrdro, M. I. Faifu.J. B. KanlJii.J. B, Ray. I. K. Kred a. U. Kccd. iico. 8. Howell. C. M McLoud. WESTERN CAROLINA BANK, - ' AsilB'rritB N, C., FBBRUARY 1st. 1SSB. Organlard Mae 1st, 18m. CAPITAL, 950,000. : . . . " 8CHPJLV. rrATB, covirrr and city tBjoiTotiv. . Does a Oeneral Kanslna Bnneas. Dcnoriu received,.' H'seUaatr boutiht and sold. Col lections made on all accessible points. , TV Bavlna Feature will reeelTr Kclal attrntloo. On all sams In this depar-tmeut. denosltai for fonr months or lonjoer. Interest at the rate of 4 pee cent, per annum will he paid. ' I t , Bnerl") attention alvea ta loan, on real estate, whicfc sril) Is; illnrtd (or. Irfna time on real nnahlc lerms. Open Irom a a. m. to S p. m. On Hatnnlaya the Havlnfr IKvsrtmenl-wlll lie open till II p. m febsdtf 1?OHKCI.OI KH HAI.Ij! wunras. on n sin -aire asisMir, w, aVUnitd hl - itvae. Ororae ' Vwtl i as ii. miMle aiutVkeclitrtf to tar iidiaaed n fl H of MiM t. .3ur the Miasnt to a fTCM. efntitmllHa nAnk'urTllt mm 57 Plve Iluil ilrcd audfiljilvliiillars, on the .Lt Am? ol .lanunre.l WO, with liilorwt alVrmnturliv nt rthl per cent, itrf hnhiint ; oVnl whereiia ilefnult Hnvliam amnVtit tVpsvwlrrii of tlw who e of aaMmm s HKIanwni hMHtheiian is now lisst Aid usattt Fekyrrmni' I willatU be ylrma.ol a. im veei aimalara in :iiWRevite omen inr.ain nnnee w. now lives aittt ate oh the' rnrnl If nnihil IrAni Atheeltle to Hendenfiinvllle 'BilkfMHia lanA. tit A ifeM. IiuiiI and oUmrs. asd im sarMetilarty tie Tilled lo uid ded of trust, wbkh I reooril. ed In the oiflce of thr KKrllrr nflteecl. of nnnciinine cuutltjr, lo Doua.No. 10, on imgt 31 and rnllowlDK, a,l M which. RSermot Is herebv made, at nubile aaellnn for eaah, at the court hoiiM door In the city of AabreirU. on Tucsdny, the 1 1th dnv of Prbruarv, 18IMF, at 1U o'clock m.n Thla Jaaaary 7 lapo, , --i, ,.,..,. -i. inn aVHv aBBIlJ ' , i JanTdtds tu i,i l.. , Trasre. 1 CAMPBELL'S GINGER ALE. A majority nf have the tmprcson that CARBON4TI.D BKlKRAIila arc only palatable In wab weather. . While this is trae m w meamre aa retrnnla Doha Wats a, KilMtiKR A I.I-:" Is nn csrcpilon, uwina lo its WAMMiwinnaliric. S3INUI-: AI.K Is eawnlltilly a Wimita Hereraae. i r ,. , rrlTotr Rimllbs tnn order thrnuah their Orocer, or from the Factory, ill 7 llnywood '' ' ' , C. M. CAMPRELL. Htrcct. dimi. H T. Cfll.l.lNH. I'lTaldrnl. C. MelM IKH. Vtre-l-realdcnl. IMIIl.tP M.I STIR It, Itniienntendrni, J. a. WB8T, Auditor. TIE ,V12STERN DRESSED BEEF. AND PROVISION CO. :COIaD STORAGE. Mtr1 f ..-1 1' I J B AiW JLJ 1 lliill V Ilia.- Wttoleaale and Retail )De1cVH CHOtCtt MUATS Telephone Call 4. i f'ur aim will Iw to aerav our customers with meata qual In quality to any that can lie tained la this ur any other market. . I'lsast ale. as a trial, at Mclntira's d stand -' ' I ' . . septlOdly. ''..'.'''V.'.'.i,'.'; i'-. i . ' .'" D.CWauukll, President.' VteeFrcaldeilt.' '.'' ' . ' Lawrence: PrLLi am , ;, , .casnicr. , . .-tJW .vWftiH 'mI I I J.j. V-ll .v ; CAPITA,- 15Q,(XK). ,r: , , , , ... .... . 'or-v--i Foci iM:oa .it THE NATIONAL BANK OF ASHEVILLE, TIIE LARGEST AND OLDESTTiANK Iii Westt-rii North Carollua... -fN EW I G O O D S! JuHt In, and We are QiAiig tW Sett Them. All kind nf I Sy -,oim1s, Notion.. Ureas Ouuda, Ulliahama, Ihiniratlc, Jeans, Flannel, - ' ' lllankets, Rhnea, Bmita, llnta lntaorihTnioKiiL''urJea tutaciisAiiC m4Masl'H uf h,em ivat nothian and a half, and wUI ielh iaitif-ahS. eareSiUrhls M WmcHif n.eTnf el Fnetories In (he Bnulb and enn seft j'oll1 Bomr-mnde ieanal air wtiai filled.' airless thun you can act tberb from an) other slass In Ike Mtate.' We keeu'ttKAHAM'v MOVlt-M AUK HHOna, and will air you any atyle al aa Inw prices as any th-rosy n the Mtate. and guarantee every pair. A Mr. at many of our aoods were bouaht st suction anil late In the .... . iiiiii r-ir, , .44 season, so we can sen wiero lower man you will una mem Try and ae. 'MtTs'mane In the store'. ' '- . , , ., T flimrrst lsjliiaua1'aslirr, Tin's Hank is niitliorizi'tl h.v tlie StatTitUMUivr(omefv(! SliitB Tuxiw from Slient'tH, nml itNviut for Niim iliitcii.'Ht will be piiid on non',y ilitponitwl for four moiitliH or lonp,!', i ml H'rtiHcuU'H of (U'poHit iKHunl for hhimo. IllBIXTOHH l .1 P. SAWYKI5. Itov.J. I4. t'.VHItOLL, J. (!. MARTIN. W, I), (i. W. IJAUNAIU), V. WAPDIOLL, W. WILLIAMS, Of Wilmlnitton, N. O, TERRIBLE ACCIDENTS ! ! .l.ike tjigne whkb yycuirrd In thiaclty a frw dnyn nn, by one of which TAVOMEX AVE HE KILLED In the gn ceploalon, nnd by the other a man mainlneil u ,1 ,. ' .: 1IORKI1ILIS KI N-SHOT WOl'ND, j M !' ' ., Only cinphnalee 'the fnet that : ,:; "rr. veryone, ' ' ''' ' ' ' ' No miilrer Whiil their litiHimaa. sliimld take nut an I HTlH- WlV -...-.. 1... .' ' . ''"'." "".U-frV i-V" IwHurance Policy. It will imtwn n smnll Mrm for a year's inauniiicc. nndvmi CANNOT AFI'ORU TO IHI WITHIII'T J.T. ..ClllUlt our olli.i- n nil insure now. Ill the TRAVELERS LIFE AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE COMPANY, .And ymi will nearer regret It. This co.iipun.v la the atmnKCat and lieat in the wurld. J1;NIvS & JENKS, AKentH, HooJiisj 9 A ao.ilUoArai mock, 8 Patton Ave., Atthevllle, N. C. W. T. rSNNIIIAN W. a. FRKXIMAM. PENNIMAN &.C0,E JOOMKKS ANII DSAf-aaS IN-r J! ' H A R D'W jCTRTE ASIXEYILU;, N. JC. AGBNTH FOR DUPONT POWDER CO., ; RICHMOND STOVE CO,,' ' COflTLAN D WAGON CO., 0L0 HICKORY WAGONS, STUDEBAKER WAGONS, MOLINE SCALE CO ENGINES, SAW MILLS, ETC M COHMICK HARVESTING MACHINE CO. Will IV j MANN, JOHNSON & COMPANY, HI'CCHHSOKH TO- SHEPARD, MANN JOHNSON, AND THE BLAIR FURNITURE 00 NO 37 I'ATTON AYBiUJE,! iAj'L.j. : Wholesale and Retail 'Fnraiiture-DtMtlerfi. Anal YTna1a.WWXa.V,. f r t.r I'rnnipt atlcntinn (riven tit all orders, Vy ssraialit i i ."; "j I f a'Srai4lit( t i ,"; -j f I 1 II 1 U 1 M I I em at any other store In the Hi ate, . , , II.MJi' I "I JssUuii 1 TO THE LADY, OF THE" HOUSE. llnvinit mwntly nt1dti1''t'd our liinrii Ktcx-k ?t-full ti'iio of A.1... 1 1 . ' , .I'll 11 1 , r,0 t,T ' .ifi tn t iv 1 i-1 - II ; l.tfV i'iiMrifi'1 itiHMil FIN ESt TlVI PORTEB' dfib'fiR:rES.! We jSwjwiAl(i. iaH nnjj'fisaintjip'Huijvi.! :;' WwiwwifiVT'V,he' ltfrffrHtla.iid rlnwi utotik nf '' r -..ii..mMi n ii.vh V(r. v n i'"'- m; i.'. 1 ...;:-,,.;,,TABLE,DEaMJ Ever offoi In; W wdrkL UuyftKtoMM;MlUiri6U we nan offer yuu goodMnnt froili ipa ?r .ptor.tfiut;'', lews tnnn roffiimr li'iim uurTore' n(iiy;)rmTitty 1 bcerr' refitted orid with ourJrtWuUUitloilH 6fft'r8K"vifTindufnrentthan any Louam in. the trade., , We liaYcw'trsiiawitd jive a Jotn plete Inventory of odr IniTritjpBe BtMokbjithfliftj totxe flrtbw piwlfoclto, ppffqk for, .tWWetfVpB. . YVtV SNIDEH. I 'l ll'lll ,nli I II. I ' II- I 'H i" I" I PLUMBING, STEAM 'AND GAS FITTING, ur,?X AND SLATE ROcilV&U HI 3 A 3 fi I. i ,i.i it I f.-j'l , ' lj''i; i' I . ARCIIITKCTHAL IRON WORK. , flans and Specification Furnishcdn.ApplJation mi nluli nil U'.;.'l ,1 1 ji ii m i 1; j , .4 1 I ,JlluHIJha iO (tiU.'C Isle haw thofouuh mechanlesln each line who have had many years' ax perl enn In then In bnstness. ' Wt ii .liilim BALLARD,'; RICH , . i , a-MBdiT cn safely Ruarantee nur patrons satlsTactlon la our work, a ow ban res, & IIOVCE. I i I t tr't I ' ra-E!! HICKORY INN." HICKORY. N. C. ldn. t j i -ii ' . ... i 'i' ill -Ii '., ill '.In jlirli il" " ' fHi ., Jikx'LrK Liulita. Gut, Hot and Cold Wntcr Ilnths dud ' m. , , 'i',l'i: J': ' ' ..J '.i4l Jlla". ( vuisin anu.(fiHiiintiiis uusuriuuHwd Tolk'is nn emli Hour. ... , - r I I 'I .m FRANK LOVCriHAls), Proprietor. .jiuiiiji ' WINK .;. AND ; .-. LIppRRi .1 l,ii4NiTTaWt9TAT)R.: . . VH ara a SBLS areata) 1 as4.t i asm. ssaasask saeKHaai fast m X raK . ai .. - mm - AjMAiaavA.. -1 K; 43 9. MAIN $T.tflASRCyiUEl1 't

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