7X 7i 7 r THE - DAILY CITIZEN THE DAILY CITIZEN BOARDING, WANTS, For Rent, and Let Notleci, three Unci .r leu, 35 Cents for Q each luertloa. Delivered to Visitor, hi any part of the City. One Month Sue, Two Week, or lea 'JOc. VOLUME V. ASHEVILLE, N. C, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 15, 1890. NUMBER 237. MISCELLANEOUS. CROCKERY GLASSWARE CUTLERY, SILVER ""PLATED WARE HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. J. H. LAW, S7t 59 61 S. Main St. Wholesale and Retail Supplying Hotel a Specialty. IMPORTINOANI) Bt'VINO IHKKCT PROM MAKUR8, I CAN firPMCATB PRICKS OP ANV W HOLES A I. B Hnt'HK. Hl'BflAL, DKPAHTMKNT FOR JKWK1.RY, ART VOTTKRY AM) HIl.K noons. ALU ARB ASKKDTO- -CALL AT LAW'S. FOR A FEW WEEKS ONLY I SPECIAL BARGAINS IN CITY LOTS. H order of the owner I putotmalron thn mm' tint, only mall Amount of casta wanted. 60 Lots on Catholic Hill, Hplendld moon tain view, only 5 uitnutcs from tbr court house, at from 75 to 150 Bach, Arorahtx to rise and location. Worth tlutiMe and three times the money. Lribetal advance made to Improve the lots. PON MLK 3, 8 and 4 room bouses, well htj.lt, with fire places, on snme hill, a property at titfures and terms to suit the pun-hasrr. Splendid opportunity for people of moderate means to teenrr or to build a comfortable home. FUR 8 A LB OR TO It B NT -2 Isrce tene ment houses, i'J and 8 rooms respectively, oa KhmIc street. Well adapted fur cheap hotel or hoard in houses. Moat liberal terms granted. Plans and fall pnrttculsrs with J. M. CAMFHKLL. . Jan 9 dam Real Bstate Dealer. Waltbs B. Owtn W. W. Warr. GWY.I & WEST, (Hwxnaon to Walter B.Owynl ESTABLISHED 1881 REFER TO BANK OF ASHEVILLE. REAL ES J ATE. Itani Securely Placed at 8 Per Cent. Notary Public. CfinmlMlonrr. of tired.. FIRE INSURANCE. OFFICB-aoatlieaa Coart aquarc. 0TLANU BROS., Real Estate Brokers, And i Inveatntent t Afrenta. Office.: il4ft 2 Pattun Ave. Second floor, frblxll T WANTS A.l h'OK MiS'T. ixxTEi)r " A partner to eaaaa In the mnnnrat-ture of an article that sella .0 reailily tbnt In lour year, of ta maaolacture onl rn could not lie rilled. MO pROflTM1 SI O.noft or 1 J.lHXl la nredrd. Pir partlc ulara adrirraa . o. RON JaalSdlw A.hrvllle. N. C. R OOMH FOR RBNT. Three llaht pleaaant room, on ea.t .llr Acade.nv atreet, particularly aultrd rur Intra lid. needing; the care of a profraalnnnl nurae. The arrvlcea of one living fa the .ame hiiuae can be had by thoac occupvlnif the ronoi. If draired. Addrcas ACAfiRM V RT., Aabevllle. K. C. jjoR RUNT That haadeoine new Rtire Room, Routb Court aq.arr, neat Wolle'. m.rttle yard. .aaldlw J. A. THNNKNT. jpOR R8NT. Htfire room. No. 30 Routh Main .treat, and two office room a. I'oeacwlofl gWu at once. Apply to Jul dtf PRANK Mll'UIIRAN. a"ntbu! I will pay the hlahct warn paid In thl. city to a thoronahly tralnrd cons, who I. cleanly and a Rood cake and bread baker. laniidtf Apply 10 v j. McCAI'H. V drove atreet. TAYLOR, BOUIS & BROTHERTON, PRACTICAL Plumbers & Tinners. PLVMBINO, RTBAM AND OAS PITTINll, TIN AND RLATB RIMtPIND. Furnace and Heater. Jobbing Promptly i 1 Attended to. No. 43 Patton Avenue, Opera House Building. Juiao dawlv V. 0. WOLFE, GRANITE AND MARBLE MONUMENTS New lot of designs Jaat received, Large lot of TaltleM and Blab very low for iah. Yon will aavt aoaey by ealllng on tm before par- Varrrov-WokV tuUduig, I, B.Crt MISCELLANEOUS. KHTAnUHIIEl) 1874. W. C. CARMICHAEL, 20 SOUTH MAIN STREET, ASHEVILLE, N. C WK DO NOT HELL CHEAP DltniH, but WILL HELL VOC VM'ur cheap, and if you don't believe what we Hay irive us a trial and be con vinced. Our prescription de partment is excelled by none It is equipped with the bent goods that money can buy from 1J. Merck, b. K. nquibb, I)..tlrA T n iia JrV Tnft VVyetli & Bro., and from other leading manufacturingchem ists in thin country and Eu- roje, whose goods for purity cannot be questioned. Pre scriptions filled at all hours, day or night, and delivered free of charge to any part of the city. Our stock of Drugs, Patent Medicines and Drug gists Sundries is complete, and at prices that defy com petition. Don't forget the place. No. 20 S. Main sti'eet, where you will at all times be served by competent r,re scriptiomsts. f87iK 1889. S. R. KEPLER. PBALBR IN FINE GROCERIES. Purveyor to intelligent and appreciative Asheville and American families. Palates and tastes of teople who be lieve in good livingcannot be humbugged by "Cheap .John goods, (.'heap goods and first quality are not synony mous. I have in stock and to arrive, all seasonable siie- cialties, comprising in part rnnts. Urnnges, Lemons, Cranberries. Raisins, Figs, ISuts, etc. M iscellaneous Choice ( ). K . New Orleans Molasses, for ta ble use, Prime New Orleans Molasses, for cooking. Ex tra fine Assortment ofCrack- ei-s. Fine Tens and Coffees a HMcinlry. Mince Mentf lionlon tic Itilworth'a, mid nl her liranda. I'luiti 1'ndiliiiK. Calf 'l Knut Irllv ete. I'reaaed and Crvatnlited tliiiKer. Shnd Kc in kit. KncflcrrinK nnd nil other K"d in demand for the IMIIduv. S. K. Kbl Lr.K. R I NO LOST. Iiee. 9T. inns, a heavy trials Ould Mini. with coll ot nnlil, hlue enamel atar na dia mond In center. Inarrtptlon, "In Memorials, O. n , 1 " 1 ." Suitable re want by Iravlaa at jam a dat thi uFFicft Swannanoa Hotel. tlavscelled enlaln. Popular with tonriate, famine, and bnalnrM nes. Bleetrlc ears pan. the door. RAWLt BKOeV, fcbtdlr fropr.. ssndsrs1 Mine. Montgomery Vldettt. There has been rumor on the strifes during the Inst few dnys to the effect that the Telie Saunders mine had been sold to a gentleman of the nnme of Brown from Washington City. These rumors were in pnrt true. To ascertain the facts we called at the Registers office and there learned that on the 23d ult.. Messrs. K. P. and P. C. Sauailtrs sold and con veyed their right and title to the A. H. (founder's horn tract, on which the Trbe Maunders mine is located, to John A. Kirk, of Washington City, I). C, who has since sold the tame property to Messrs. J. C. Spooner and H. P. Taylor, of Wisconsin, The amount received by the Messrs. Bnundcra for the property mentioned in the conveyance papers was $18,000, and the amount stated as received by Mr. John A. Kirk, was $21,000. These 6gures, to say the least, look small when be irputodkluMM ol Uk miot it cub MetW, , G -3-3 0 ? 5' 7 5 i 1 ' 3 a s t bm n a Q '. 9 M i 5 ! H 'IS I 2 3 i Pxj gift ? S f & j 2. 4 Z 1 T 1 sr 2. - o. r s p ? GOT. RTONE INAUGURATED. Home of tka Recommcntlatlona From HI inanaaral Addrcaa, Jackson, Miat., January 14. John Manhal Stone wai inaugurated Gov ernor yesterday. In 1875' when Amrt wri Governor and resigned, and A. K. Davti, colored, wai lieutenant governor and was impeached, Stone was elected the presiding officer of the senate, and became Ames' successor, servine two vears of his term, and one full term four years by election. The iuauirural address was lone. Special reference is made to the re-union nest May at Vicksburg (blue and gray.) The Governor expressed a wish that hearty co-operation be given the move ment. He said the veterans of opposing forces had long since laid down their arms and were now following peaceful avocations, and desired continued neace and friendship. He expressed the belief tnat congress would not pass toe ob noxious election laws to apply to the South, because of the lack of endorse ment from the Northern people. He re commended strongly the abolishment of tne present convict leasing system, and proposed that convicts be employed by the State on State larms. He called the attention of the legislature to the im portnnt subject of the constitutional con ventinn. and said it needed full and careful deliberation and consideration. A WHOLEHALE ROBBERY. Cleveland. Ohio, Short a Matter of 3,000,000. C me Alio, lanunrv 14. A Cleveland. Ohio, special says thnt a morning paper publishes n statement submitted by an expert bookkeeper showing irregularities in the accounts of the city of Cleveland Hcgregating about $3.000,0K. Nearly mi km. miurcj wa. puiu uui uy inc cur without the approval of the council, al though the State laws of Ohio distinctly require thnt every claim be in the reeular 1'iuima ordinance. The publication creates a ereat senna tion. The most startling feature of the report is a table showing that from $1,000,000 to $2,000,000 were paid out and asserted to have been paid out with out any entry in any book to show to whom the money was paid, or for what purpose. A public meeting will orobamv becalled to take action if the council ignores the disclosures contained in the report. A FEW NEWS ITEMS. A truck loaded with bars of silver but- liou was passing through the streets of New ork a lew davs ago on its way to a vessel, to be shipped to Europe. A tnicK log was prevailing at tne time, and some thieves watched their chance and stole two bars, which they sold to a junk dealer. Roth the thieves and the buyer thought they were bars of tin or soft solder, and $14 was paid for what was worth $2,000. The theft was traced up and all parties concerned are now in cus tody. Six well to do farmers living near lola. Kansas, are under arrest for the murder of Columbus Carter, in August, 18N8. The prisoners belong to a band of regu lators known as Land Leaguers. The deceased was charged with a brutal crime, was tried and acquitted, and while on nis way Home was overtaken bv the regulators and shot to death. So the Harnwell tragedy has a precedent on the other side ol the line. The privilege of picking over the city's dirt in New York has recently been let to an Italian, who pays the city $1,552 per week, or at the rate of $80,000 a year. The value of the privilege consists in the bones, rags, tin cans etc., all of which have a ready market ; and also in the possible finds of gold, silver, jewelry and other valuables. This is how the world lives, and the rag picker need not be a pauper. The cathedral of St. John and St. Fin- bar, at Charleston, 0. C, which was burned during the great fire in Novem ber, 1801, is now being rebuilt; and the ceremonies of Inying the corner stone were conaucicq wiin grciti uomp on Sundnv last by Arch hi. nop Gibbons, as sisted by three biahops and a large num ber of clergy. Bishop Hnid of North Carolina was present. The sons of the Prince of Wales are soon to be elevated to Dukedoms, Prince Albert Victor to be Duke of Cornwall, and Prince George, Duke of York. They were born with silver spoons in their mouths; though indications arc that those same spoons will carry some bitter morsels to their lips. The times are not hopeful to continued happiness for roy alty. It is said that if England plunges bur riedly into war with Portugal, she will be much embarrassed by the sickness of the troops at home, the first relied upon lor offensive movements. More than half the force, officers and men, are down with the grip. But we have ne'er known John Hull to stand back when his blood was up; and it is at boiling pitch now. Canada seems disposed to precipitate matters in the Bearing Straits troubles, equipping war vessels of her own, strik ing a hostile blow at American interests, and then when blood bas been spilt, ex pecting Great Britain to take up the burden of quarrel. We incline to think Canada count without ber host. In Philadelphia on the 12th, Dr. Wm. H. Purness, at the PirstJUniversal church, now in his 80th year, celebrated the sixty-fifth anniversary of his ordination. The aged ministet went through the ser vice, which lasted an hour antl a half, clearly and distinctly, and without ap parent fatigue. The City of Worcester, of the Norwich line, ran on the rocks near BartlcttsKeef light during a thick tog. Some of the compartments remained tight, but moat of tbem were filled with water. The steamer may possibly be saved. The British steamer Tankervillr brought into Philadelphia on the 13th thirteen seamen taken from the sinking steamer Plover lust before she went down eighty miles southwest of Cape Race, N, r. Rev. Rami R. Puller, rector of St. John's Episcopal church, Buffalo, has become hopelessly insane in Switzerland whlle,on a European tour taken in the hope of recovering bodily and mental health. It Is estimated that 1,600 people In Alexandria, Va., arc down with tbeitiAu. ensa. Three have died, and consider, able number are seriously ill. Archbishop Corrigan has gone to Rome to submit verbal and written reports to the Pope. AdeltnA Patti Is singing in Mexico to Muiiiaxsj CALVIN a, BRICE ELECTED. The Head of the Democratic Party Will lt la the Senate. CoLl'MBi'S, Ohio, January 14. Calvin S. Brice was to-day at noon elected to the United States Senate, receiving a major ity of the votes in either brunch of the legislature. In the senate Mr. Shaw, of the Limn district, nominated Calvin S. Brice. Mr. Gaumer, of Zanesville, seconded the nom ination, saying that the nominee was a uruvc noiuicr in urac ui war, nno a Dm Hunt statesman in time of peace. Mr. Schneider, of Cincinnati, nomina ted Murat Halatead. It was received with cheers, hisses and laughter. The presiding officer gave notice that a repe tition of the disorder would lead to the clearance of the lobby. Mr. Massie, of Cbillicothc, nominated ex-Governor Poster. Tbe vote in the senate was: Halstead 1, Poster 14, Brice 19. . In tbe house a call wiv demanded to bring in a member, .Iro'vrn, democrat. Hancock, who was sick, was carried to tbe bouse in a chair. Other members ab sent were: Troeger and Lawler, who is ill, Willis and Blair, republicans. Mr. Hunt, of Sandusky, presented the name 01 lamn s. Brice, which was sec onded by Mr. Belleville, of Montcomerv. Representative Braman named Charier roster, which was seconded bv Keprc scntative Lavlin. On the roll call the vote of Counts for Brice was received with cheers, as was also that of Munson. two of tbe mem bers who were credited with beine bolt ers, amitn.tne third caucus bolter, voted lor L. T. Neal. His vote was received with a subdued murmur. Penncll, a strong Brice man, voted for Poster by mistake, and before he could make u correction tbe house wus in an uproar. 1 ne vote in the house stood : Brice 57. Foster 52, Neal 1. Brice was declared the choice of the house, having received a majority of the votes cast. The result will be canvassed br the senate and house in joint session to-mor row. I ne joint result ol the two branches is as follows: Brice 76, Foster 66. Hal- stead l.Neal 1. A GENUINE BLIZZARD. Effect of the Recent Storm on Western Railroads). St. Pai l, lanunrv 14. A genuine bliz- tard. the first of the senson, raged over the Northwest the whole ot Sunday and part of yesterday, knocking out tele graph wires, delaying all trains and re tarding tne operations of loggers in the pineries. Dispatches from the principal points in the Dakotas, Montana, and as tar west as Spokane Falls, Washington, arc to the effect that on tbe average snow fell about ten inches on the level and drifted badly, owing to strong windi approaching a hurricane which pre vailed. Among the railroads a vast difference in tbe effects of tbe storm is found. The Manitoba, Northern Pacific and North ern Wisconsin division of the Omaha all report but little drilling. Sioux City or tbe southern division of Omaha is suffer ing trom the usual drifts. The river di vision of Milwaukee was not effected, hut tbe Iowa and Minnesota and Han tines and Dakota divisions are bndli drilted. The Minnesota and St. Loui'i and Kansas City too are somewhat cov ered up, the former rather worse than the latter. Ihe worst drifts, however, appear to be on those lines running through northern Iowa nnd southwest ern Minnesota. A Striker's Victory. Rkapino, Pa., January 14. The strike in the nail factory of Brooke Iron Foun dry, at Birdsboro, this county, resulted to-day in victory for the men; the firm agreeing to restore to them the 10 percent, reduction made in their wages four and a half months ago. Some week ago the men asked for this restoration which tbe nrm then refused, and the strike followed. To-day the firm also voluntarily increased its puddlrrs' wages to $3.75 per ton. By the settlement ol the strike 250 men go back to work. Oreaf Fire at Baltimore. Baltimore". Md.. lanunrv 13. Eleva- vator No. 3 ol the north side of the Pa tapsco River, belonging to the Baltimore elevator Company, and used by the Northern Central railroad company was burned to-night with all its contents. The totnl loss is between seven and etht hundred thousand dollars. The British steamship Sacramento, lying along side, was also totally destroyil involv ing a loss of $150,000. The Earl of Cairns Dead. London, January 14. The Enrl of Cairns died to-dny from inflammation ol the lungs. He was born December 21. 1801, and succeeded his fnther April 1, 1885. The Enrl of Cairns became quite prominent several years ago, when as Viscount Gnrmoyle, be was sued for nreacD 01 promise 01 marriage by Miss Fort esq ue, na actress, who obtained a verdict of $50,000 damage against him. He subsequently married Miss Olivia Berens. A Cotton Train Bnrna. St. Lot'is, January 14. While a cotton laden train was running from Perry & Harrison station on the Houston and Texas Central railroad in Texas yester day the cotton took fire nnd the train rushed into the latter station with a long and furious stream of flame follow ing it. Tbe depot caught and it and sev eral cars and about two hundred bales of cotton were consumed. Stormed The Brltlnh Consulate. Oiiimto, January 14. Noisy crowds wandered through the streets last night cheering for the indciendence and Integ rity of Portugal and shouting "down with England." The crowd attacked and stoned the British consulate. The authorities have since placed a police f;nnrd at the consulate to protect it from urther molestation. Maryland's New Senator. Annapolis, Md., January 14. Hon. B. K. Wilson, democrat, was elected L'nited States senator by the following vote: In the house, B. K. Wilson 50; Thomas 8. Hodgson 28. In the senate, E. K. Wilson 18 1 Thomas S. Hodgson 6. Ksnss uranied a New Trial. Chicago, January 14. Judge McCon nell this afternoon granted the applica tion of Kunse for a new trial, but denied the motion as to the other defendants, Cougblin, Burke and O'Sullivan. Local option Defeated. LvNCiinuio, Va., January 14. Local option wis defeated hereto-day by seven majority, A very heavy vote was polled, Russia makes show of desiring sod fjfWius' Paiipv 09ras, SILCOTTS DEFALCATIONS. THE MATTER ARGUED IN THE MOUSE YESTERDAY. Adaaii and Hemphill Champion Either Side A Rather WelKhty Dehate CouareMHlonal Humor The Senate. Washington, Jnntinrv 14. SENATE, Tbe resolutions heretofore offered by Mr. Call in relation to the claims of Florida under the swamp land grant, and in relation to alleged unlawful sclec tions of land in Florida, were taken up and Air. (.all addressed the senate upon them. The burden of his remarks was that the lands which were not swump nnd overflowed, but which were fit for cultivation, had been selected under the swamp land act to the inquiry ol the people's rights. He asserted that two hundred millions ot acres had been sc. lected and approved, in all the States, as swamp and overflowed lands, wh'.le everybody knew that no such extent ol territory (as large as Europe) consisted of swamp and overflowed l.inda. This was a fraud upon the copie 01 the United States for whom the public lunds should be held as a sacred heritage. Ol the sixteen million acres which bud been passed in Florida, under the swamp and overflowed lands act, he asserted that eleven million were high and drv. Mr. numb replied to Mr. (.all. tie suid that the United States had grunted to tbe State ot Honda more than ball ot the lands within its limits. The State contained about forty million acres and more than one half that had been given to the atate lor various purposes, bvery single acre of land so granted hnd been uluced under the control ot the legisla ture of Florida. Some sixteen or eigh teen million acres had been granted as swamp and overflowed lands, senator Call had just told the senate that most it it was not swamp, but arable luml. So much the greater was the dereliction of the Senator's State, if it had betrayed its trust. He wished the senntor would say on the stump in his own Slate what he had said here to-day. Without action on tbr resolution, the senate proceeded to executive business, and at 4 o'clock adjourned. HOUSE Mr. McKinlcy, of Ohio, of the committee on ways and means, reported back tbe bill to simplily laws in relation to the collection of revenue. It was or dered printed and recommitted, and Mr. McKinlcy stated that he Hoped to cull it up during the present week. rur, renews, 01 ivansns, niovcn mat the bouse go into committee of the whole for the consideration of a bill to provide town site entries ot lands in Oklahoma. This was antagonized by Mr. Adams, ot Illinois, who wished the house to consider tbe Silcott matter and the motion was deleated, 65 to 07. Mr Bland, of Missouri, demanded the tellers, declaring that a matter involving the nterestsof one hundred thousand peo ple should be considered prior to one which involved only the individual in terests of members. The friends of tin Oklahoma bill were again defeated, 06 .0 108, and Mr. Adams called tin the Silcott report, accompanied by u bill ap propriating $75,000 to reimburse the members for losses incurred through the silcott deiaication. Mr. Adams argued in favor of the bill, holding that the scrgeant-nt-nrms was a public officer, charged first by custom and afterward by sanction of law with the duty of disbursing the salaries ot members. He referred to the defalcation which occurred in the Twenty-second Congress and called attention to the fact that the house at that time voted to re imburse the members out of the contin gent fund. The real question presenting itself now wns not the question of tech nical right or technical wrong. It wus u question whether the members were in some wav to blame for siirmnir their re- ceip'.s, whether the government hnd lost tne money by reason ot their Mint, and whether they should forfeit their money on account of that fault. New members had signed the receipts before they had any legislative power to change tbe luw. Certificates were presented to them and they were requested to sign them in order to get their salaries. If any mem ber had protested against signing the certificates, be must go without his sal ary. Tbe new mrmlicrs were in no wise to blame, and he could not see how an old member could vote against an ap propriation to pay the new members what they were entitled to. If an old member. wit himself to blame his only course was to vote for an appropriation und afterward determine between him self and bis conscience whether he would receive the money himself. Mr. Butterworth inquired whether any member believed that the sergeant-at-nrms was his personal ngent. Mr. Adams thought that there was no such member. No one believed that he had made tbe sergeant-at-arnis his per sonal ugent, though some might believe that by a technical rule of law the scr-geant-at-arms was constituted the agent of the members. Mr. Hemphill, of South Carolina, ad vocated his bill permitting members to bring suit in the court of claims for the recovery of their salaries, and opposed the bill of the majority because he could find no statute declaring the sergcant-nt-nrms to be a disbursing officer. Con gress bad utterly failed, though the mat ter had been culled to its attention after tbe report of the United States treasurer, to make any provision pro tecting the government in case there was defalcation. A plain duty hnd rested on congress to provide that the money taken trom the treasury should lie saieiy handled, and it had not performed that duty, there was about $8,000 of pri vate money in the sergeant-at-artns' office. Surely no one would hold that that officer was a disbursing officer so far as that money was concerned. He thought that the house should not ap propriate public money to pay private debts. If the house wns going to appropriate money to pay members salaries, it ought to be able to tell the amount due, and until it was ascertained how much money was left in the safe was applica ble to payment of private debts, it could not tell how much was nccessnry to pay salaries. The committee could not ascertain positively what money Silcott had taken away with him whether it wns all public money or whether some of it wns privatafunds. Mr. Butterworth Tbut is thequcstion between Silcott and the Government, what we want is what is due us. (Laughter.) Mr. Hemphill We are here not only to represent ourselves, but the government as well. (Applause.) Mr. Butterworth And when a mem ber is afraid to vote himself, what is due him, may not the government feel a little anxious in the presence of moral KrwmJtooftVrtclNirugon'r vLwrgbeev,) Mr. Hemphill There will be plenty of opportunities to snow our moral courage. There is a good deal of difference be tween the kind of independence which people admire, and the kind which rams your hand into tbe treasury and puts money into your pockets. (Applause.) There will be opportunities to show moral courage, which will not have the suspicion of being tinned with the per sonal desire to put into our pockets money to which we are not entitled. Mr. Butterworth Has my friend any doubt that he is entitled to His pay ? Mr. Hemphill Not at all, because I have it. (Laughter.) Mr. Butterworth Then, this is an ex hibition of virtue that does not cost my friend any sacrifice. (Laughter.) Mr. Hemphill I do not know anytime aman can be more virtuous than when it does not cost him anything. (Luughter.) Mr. Butterworth But, is it a lair di vision of labor for you to exhibit the virtue, nnd we to make the sacrifice? (Laughter.) Mr. Kennedy, 01 UUio.lnauircJ wbethir it was not true, that the members on tbe democratic side got tips to draw their money, Mr. Hemphill replied thnt. he had never heard of such a thing, and his denial was corroborated by Mr. Adams, who stated that notliu g ot the kind hud come to tbe knowledge of the committee. Mr. Holmuii contested the proposition that the sergeant-ut-arms was the dis bursing officer. Mr. Blount, of Georgia, spoke in sup port of the bill of the majority, and ridi culed tbe idea of requiring private deposi tors to go to the court ot cluims in order to recover their money. He also strongly opposed the pro rata method of solving the difficulty, declaring that the bouse hud no right to pro rate, and that ii would be a dishonest proceeding. He admitted that there was no express statute making the sergeant-at-arms the disbursing otneer; but the rules 01 the house and tbe custom growing up under tbcra bad constructively made him so. Every pavment of money to the sergeant-at-arms before it was due was on tbe theory that he was the disbursing officer, else the treasury had no right to pay it to him at all. That he was the disbursing officer was shown by requiring him to give bond, by giving him a cashier's teller and bookkeeper, and by re quiring tne members to certity to aim their mileage accounts. He was not afraid to take the position which he did. Any action on his part suggested by feur, and trom which there would come wrong to his fellow members, would be unworthy of him; and no such motive would prevent him from declaring to the house and the country his conclusions as to the rights of his associates. Pending further debute, tbe house ad journed at 6 o'clock. SMALL INDUSTRIES. Dr. J. W. Vandlver'a Southern Seed Farm. Editor Citiien: As you were kind enough to notice my Seed Industry, il your space is not too precious, 1 would like to say a few things about diversified industries in general, etc., my own pi particular. The memorable venr of 1 87fl found me in a nice location lor a town, having ex pended the bulk of what tbe war had left me in an humble cottage home, and a plain, commodious cottage. I wns thinking up some enterprises that did not involve too heavy physical strength lor a man of declining years. I began the seed business. I knew nothing of its detnils, and had just one leading idea about it, and that was that numerous Northern men in the North had grown rich by selling seeds. 1 always did my own thinking, but in this instance I con sulted two or three lending friends and to a man they dissuaded me. The first year I sold seven dollars worth, the next year I sold eighty-five dollars worth, the third year I sold over three hundred dol lars worth, and regularly since I have been widening my circle of patronage, and now I am sending catalogues not only alt over the land of "Dixie," but to Pennsylvania, Ohio and the new States, und even Canada and Brit ish Columbia. This season I count good for $1,000. The rauin idea that I wan ted to make public is thut from first to last, counting everything, I have brought ten thousand dollars to Buncombe county, and furnished the people with seeds better adapted to their use, ana kept thnt much cash from going North never to return. Many of niy patrons became such from local considerations, wbo are now fast patrons from honest convictions of economy. I am indescriba bly grateful lor the home preferences that have been shown me, and especially to the gallant press of the South am I largely indebted. They have lavished good words upon my enterprise, and piled their papers on me us if I bad been a benefactor to the country. Long may they (including Tub Citizen) wave. truly, J. . Vanpiycr. A Card. Editor Citizen: In a communication to the New York World, dated January 12. an erroneous statement wns made in rcenrd to Cant. P. F. Patton. who re cently sold his farm to Mr. Vanderbilt. As author oi tne article l take great pleasure in retracting a statement, which was due to carelessness in gathering in formation, and am sincerely sorry that a lack of personal acquaintance should have caused mcto dothegentlemnn such an injustice. Henry F, Marx. Real Estate Transfers). J. H. Jcnnncrctand wife, Lydia jennneret, to u. vv. rack, 145 acres in Chunn's cove.. .$5,004.25 S. H. Reed, commissioner, to Mrs. A. L. Cook, 402 acres in this county 2,000.00 Otis A. Miller and wite, Ellen P. Miller, to (j. L. McDonnld, lotinSkylnnd 72.00 J, R. Jones nnd wife, L. M. Jones, to M. u. Jones, lot. 42 acres in this county 2,000.00 Bond orTcrtnaa. Washington, January 14. Bond offer ings to-day ouu ; all accepted nt 104 for four and a half per cents, and 126 for fours Nomination. Washington, January 14. The Presi dent to-day nominated Tomlinson F. Johnson to he collector of customs at Savannah, On, Those having furnished and unfurnished houses to rent can secure tenants by cull ingon Cortland Bros., Real Estate Agents, 26 and 28 Patton Avenue. Ethel Yes, mamma, I have been con, tiricring the matter, and I think the only way is for you to nersoB.de papa to buy us all a machine, aod lot us learn typs- wsrcrusT, MISCELLANEOUS. J. S. GRANT, Ph. G., Of Philadelphia College of Pharmacy, Apothecary, 94 South Slain St. The Old Year hut drawn to a clout, and with the beginning of the New Year we wish to thank the public for their patronage and recognition of our effort! to do our full duty. We art fully con sclous that it is to them that we owe tbe unexpected success of the past year, in which our business has been more than doubled, and we can only regard it as a new evidence that our business maxims aiesuch as to cause our customers to have confidence in us and attract those who are cautious in dealing with any Pharmacist until they have become fully assured of the nature and extent of bis business principles. In out dealing with tbe public we realise that the most scru pulous cure and honesty are paramount in importance. If these art virtues in all ordinary business transactions, they become sacred duties in Pharmacy, and without them no one can be a true Phar macist. Tbe health, maybe the lUt, 01 those dealing with the Apothecary de pends upon them. We consider it our most sacred duty to shun adulterations and spoiled as well as inferior drugs. They constitute an evil trom which Phar macy suffers no less than tbe public. Tbe evil is not a new one, inaugurated in late years; it has existed as long as there were men whose cupidity was stronger than their sense of justice, and it will doubtless continue as long as there may be men with conceptions of business 0 vague that they expect to purchase gold for the money value of dross. There are no other moral principles required for transacting a Pharmaceutical business than are necessary for any other business. Vnwavering integrity that remains unin Huenced by the visions of gold along tbe road of questionable or deceitful prac tices is tbe only foundation for success that is worthy tbe name; it is so in every pursuit, and more particularly in Pharmacy, where as a matter of neces sity it must be combined with constant vigilance in all directions, so as ( secure all possible safeguards. These are tbe principles which we bare endeavored to live up to, and to which we trust our increasing success is due. We hope onr former pations will show -the same kindness to wai d us in the fu ture that they have in the past, knowing that no action ol ours will ever make them regret a continuance ol their fa vors. Yours truly, J. S. GRANT, Ph. G., Pharmacist, S S. Main St., Asheville. N. C. WHITLOCK'S Special Announcement for the Year and Season of 1890. We invite the attention of the Ladies to our elegant Htock of Dry (Joods, Fancy OooiIh, NotioiiH, Underwear, nnd Hosiery, Centemeri 01oven, Foster (Jlove. Driv ing Gloves, Riding Huts and C'apH, Plusher, China Silks, Feltn, and all stylish mate rials for fancy work. We are closing out the bal ance of our Plush WrupB, Newmarkets and Jackets at low prices. We offerbargains in Wool Blankets, Underwear and Hosiery. Remember that we have moved all Gents' Furnishings into the Clothing department and have now the only com plete Ladies' department in Asheville. The Clothing department adjoins the Dry Goods store, and we offer special induce ments to buyers of Overcoats and Suits. Our stock is the best in the city. Our prices the lowest. Dunlap Hats, Manhattan Dress Shirts, Mother's Friend Shirt Waists are our specialties. Special orders solicited for goods not in our stock, with out risk to purchaser. WHITLOCK'S, 46 4 s. Main St., Comer 1 lt ' i -A.4 i'.ji..a

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