Four Years on Crutches. For fifteen yesrs I wu afflicted with rheu. mati.rn, four yeareof which I was compelled to go on crutones. Words are Inadequate to express the suffering I enriurad during that time. During these fifteen yean of exls tence (it was not living), 1 tried every known remedy without receiving any beneQt. 1 Anally began on Rwifl'a Specific, s. 8. S.l, which from the first gave me relief, and to day 1 am enjoying the bent of health, and am a well man, I candidly believe that M. S. 8. Is the beet biuod nuriller on the market to day. J. b. TAYLOK, Cuba, Mo. Treatise on Blood and Skin Pisaaaea mall d free. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta Ua. oct Ufidttn-ly PROFESSIONAL CARDS. DR, B. V. ARRINGTON, OfTice roomi on Pntton avenue, over the clothing atorc of C. D. Itlnnton Co. Filling teeth a specialty. Ainu trrntnicnt of diseased Rums, nova dtf Iff P' WHITTINOTOS, M. D., Tcndera his professional services to the clti- sens of Asheville and surrounding country. Office: 3A PATTON AVHNI'R, Second I'loor Residence: lAft Woodtin street. noxL'O d.'lm TllBft. I'. IIAVIIISON, THUS. A. fllNKS, Unlrlgll. Jas. it. Makyik, Asheville. AHhcville. AVIDSIIN, MAKTIN &.IONK8. Attorneys nnd Counsellors nt Law, Asheville, N. C. Will prsi lice in the 11th nnd 121h Judicial rMstricts. find in the Supreme Court of Nurlli Carolitm. find In the 1'cdcrnl Courts of the Western IHntrict of North Carnliuil. Krfcr to Hnnk of Ahhevillc. dtcl t. II. conn. . it. MKKMIUON. OllH & MHKRIMON, Attorneys and Cnunsrllora ut Law. Prnctlce in all the courts. Office: Not. 7 and H, Johnston building. llsc4 r. W. ONRS. rdNliS Kc KHt'FOKf). SKII. A. HIirFOHP. Attorneys nt Law, Asheville, N. C. Practice in the Huftcrior Courts if Western Nortn mrulinii. the Miprcmi- Court ol tin State, and the Federal Courts tit Asheville. Office in Johnston htiililini:, where one mem her of the firm can always Ik- found. dtnnvll A. TIINNIi.NT. Architect and Contractor. Plans, sitcclncntlons nnd estimates fur. nlshed. All work in inv line conlrueted for. and no charges for drawings on contrnets awarded mc. Kefrrcnccs when desired. (llliee: No. IS lleuilry llloik. North Court 8iiiare, Asheville. N. C feliltldlv II. DOUGLASS. D. I). 8. DENTAL ROOMS, . NO. 24 SOUTH MAIN ST., Over Grnnt ft Wlngert's fmg Store. Residence. No. UH Pulley St. fell 1 "lily R. II, KKRVR8, D.D.R. II. K. SMITH, II. U.S. Drs. Reeves) & Smith. DENTAL OI-'FICK In Connally Building, over Hedwood's Store, ration Avenue ann'Sthetic, and all cases of Irregularity eor- rrciru. icoi.nn u. KAMSAV, l. 11. H. Dental ) Otnce I In flarnard llnlliling Hntrunccs, Pntton Avenue nnd Main street. felilMldlv urill'R M. PIKLb, Graduate Optician, Main Rtrret. Alt mechanical ocular defeetn of the eye cor rected. Hours for examination 0 to 13 n. m., SI to ft ti. m. julu dtf MISCELLASEOtS. uiiwiiEnri TrCECliU r,Q. Ai'i sou trAU i a'k i i.'isra. (p2ldatwi IBATT'S ASTRAL ABSOLUTELY SAFE I PERFECTLY ODERLESS ! Burnt In tny Limp without dinger of Exploding or taking Are. Sea that you gat th gonulnt. For Mlo by BALTIMORE UNITED OIL CO., AHMKVILI.R, N. C. aep4 dftcwly WM. R. PENNIMAN. PROI'HIKTOK Ol' THE ASHEVILLE BRICK WORKS, Asheville, ft. C. O. Boat I. marlHrtlT TO WEAK L1EI1 offhrtnt Ironl ths afTseMi of milhM arrera, sarl a7, wailing waakasn, lost manhood, ate., I IB atnd a valasbla InsUss isaslsrii ooulalning full parllenlan lor bona eura. FRI' !' aplsndld aasdlealworkt snmildberMdbrj'stT sua who la asmua aad osblliUUd, Address, Trot. W. C rvHUJI, Hoodua, Coius. nnvfldntwly SBii CURHD IIV (11. II WPUCIAI.IHT Ll T V IMIVWCIAN. .., Ti I A Mottle of medicine I'ree. We war I I I U rant our remedy to cure the worst cases, and the only physicians whodo this fo prevent your being Imimsed iipo', iy mm using false names and who are not linctors. Because others failed Is no rersol for "lot sing this medicine, (live Bsprrss and Post office address. It costs you nothing. Addiess Aaahel Medical Bureau, 'J VI Uronilwny, New fork. lanilTd&wlT 3 vaniHrc sTl'iniiL. OiMINISHI RRADF ELD HEBU ftTn.-t VI. AllnNiAnf, IIITHINKHEt AND PI.EAHI'RK, Ladle Have Tried it, A number of niv indv cimtomcru hnve tried "Mother's Friend," nnd would not lie without lor mnnv tunes its cost They recommend it to nil who nre to be. come mothers, Write The Hrndfield R. Co., Atlmitii Gn., for pni'tieiilnrs. Sold by all drug Risis, The fashionable bub is modest, never wnnts to blow. She You emmot accomplish nnv work n business unless you feel weel. If you feel used up tired out take Dr. J, II. Me Lcnn s Sursapnnlla. It will Rive you hetillh, strength nnd vitnlity. ror snle by If. L. Iticobs, drtiKKist. A in nn with n dinmoud shirt stud Inii"li8 at pneumonia WHY WILL YOU com;!! when Sbiloh Cure will ijivc immediate relief. Price 10 ets., fill cts., and $1. SHll.OH'S CATARRH RI5MBDY positive cure for Catarrh, Diphthcriaund imiKt-r aioutii. The old toicr docs not need ice when lie gets on a suntc. Dr. Acker's KiikIIhH PIIIh Are nctivc, effective and pure. For sick headache, disordered stomach, loss ol aniR'litc. bad comolexioii and biliousness, tliey nave never been eqallccl, cither in America or uliroud. I' or sale by J. a, l, rant. It has lieeomc a common thine; to ask ojcversccsncli weather.' HeiiHllile I'eople will have nothing to do with "cure-all' nieilieiucs t nut are advertised to cure ercrythini; from a chilblain to n broken neck. Kend the list ol diseases that pr, I'iercc's (ioldcn Medical Discoverv will cure : Atleetions ol the throat nnd limes, incipient consumption, disordered liver, sore throat, bronchitis, asthma, catarrh ulcers, tumors, and swcIIiiil'S caused bv scrotum and bail blood : lever and nunc and dropsy. This seems like a cure-all but it is not. I his trreat "Discovert- will reallycureall tlieseeotnplaiiits simply because it nui ilics t lie blood upon which they (IeK'iid and builds up the weak pluees ol the body. Ily ilruKiists. The Frcnchinan says: "When I start nut in search ol a wife I in Kinu to Havre. To allnv iiains. subline tnllaminntion heiil foul sores and ulcers, the most prompt anil satisfactory results tire ol- t.'iiueil liv usinu that old rename remedy Hr.J. 11. Mcl-inn's VolcnnicOil l.inimciit i'or sale by r. L. J.icohs, (IniKKt. Harry Are you sinjtiiiK in the choir nowf Howard .Now, 1 Have jioneu tile church. Hueklcn's Arulcn Mill ve. The hest salve in the worhl for cuts. liruiscs, sores, ulcers, suit rheum, fever sores, tetter, c!utpcil hands, chilblains corns, anil all skin emotions, anil Hsi lively cures piles, or no pay required. It is Kii'nrniitccfl to uive iicrlcct satisfaction, or money rcftindtfl. I'ricc 'J't cents per l,ox. 1'or mile lv K U liicolis. claw The men of average capacity antl more than average industry accomplish most ol the work in lilc. Our Very Hc-nI People: Confirm our statement when wesnvthut lr. Acker's Knnlish Kemeily is in every tvav sunerior to anv and all other urnm rations for the Throat anil I.tinus. In WhoopiiiK Coiil'Ii anil Croup, it is nmiiic and relieves nt inu'c. We offer you n sample bottle lice. IleuienilKT, this kcmeily is sold on a positive guarantee liv J. a. lirant. It's at such a time as this that the country feels the crying need of a uni lorin way ol pronnuneini; iuiiune. " 1 1 AC K M liT AC K," a Instinir and frn- urnnt iKirtume, 1'ncc '. and 0(1 cts. Mlll.till Sll KI-. will inimeiliaieiy re lieve C roll I). WhooiiiiiL' Coiil'Ii and llron- clulis. It is the small thinus that annoy one, A famine of cents is lilt more than a scar city of ten thousand dollar hills. ttlve the Children a C'haiive. There is something radically wrong with the health of a child when it seems listless, has poor or no npctite. eyes sunken nnd with dark skin liencnth. In most cases showiiiu thrse svmiiloins the child has worms, and all that it needs is sonic simple reined v, such us Hart s Wot in Cream, to exicl the worms, anil the child will soon lie in perfect health again. Pa rents, Irv it mid let your little ones hnve a inir chance lor Inc. There arc two reasons why some peo. pie don't mind their own limitless. Due is that they haven't any mind, and the tlicr, that they haven t any business. A Hip Woman. Ilanov is I he woman without bodily ills, but happier is the woman who hav ing I hem knows of the saving projicrlics ol lr. I'ierce's I'nvnritc Prescription. When relieved, ns she surely will Ik- upon n trial of it, she can contrast her condi tion with her former one of suffering and appreciate health as none can who have not for a time Ihtii deprived of it. The "I'nvnritc Prescription corrects unnat ural discharges and cures all "weakness" nml irregularities. Prohibition (concluding a lengthv dis sertation on the problem of the ngel And what is vour solution, sir? Ken tuckiim Whisty straight. They '.Menu lliiNlueN." For mnnv veins the manufacturers of Or. Sage's Catarrh Kemedy have oflcrcd, in good faith, $fillll reward for a case of Nasal Catarrh which they cannot cure, The Kcmcilv is sold liv druggists nt only r0 cents, This wondcrhil remedy has fairly nltnincd a world-wide reputation. If you have dull, heavy hendiichc, oli structiou of the nasal passages, dis- harges lulling lioin the head into the throat, sometimes profuse, wntcry, mid acrid, tit others, thick, tenacious, mucous, purultiit, blooily ami piilrul; H the eyes are weak, watery mid iullamed; if there is rinuing in the ears, deafness, hacking or coughing to clear the throat, exKeto- ratioii ol intensive matter, togemer wiiu scabs from ulcers, the voice being chang ed and having the tuisnl twang; the breath ollensive; smell and taste impair ed ; sensntion ol dittmess, with nientul depression, a hacking cough and general debility, vou lire suffering from nnsiil catarrh. The more complicated the dis ease, the greater the iiiiiiiIkt and diver sity of symptoms. Thousands of cases niiinuilly', without manilesliiiu hnlf of the above svniptoms, result in consuinptiou, and cud in the grave. No disease is so common, more deceptive and dangerous, less understood, or more uusuceesslully treated by physicians. A clever man lias invented n s stein of rending music lor the blind. How de lightful! Now they can feel the eloquence of Wngncr'i music without having to licur It. Win n vou nre constiiiated. have head- nche, or loss of appetite, take Dr. J. II. McLean's I,ivcrnml Kidney Pillcta; they arc ptensunt to take nnd will cure you. Far utle by F. L. Jacobs, druggist. F.poch. The transition from long, lingering nnd painful sickness to robust health marks an epoch in the life of the individual. Such a remarkable event is treasured in the mcmorv and the agency whereby the good hea th has been attained is grate fully blessed. Hence it is that so much is heard in praise of Uleetric Hitters. So many feel they owe their restoration to health, to the use ol the Altcrutiv and Tonic. If you arc troubled with any disease of Kidneys, Liver or Stomach, ol long or short standing you will surclv find relief by use of Uleetric Hitters. Sold nt 50c. and $1 tier bottle, nt P. L.Jneobs drugstore. The man who tore his coat thinks rents are increasing. If you have a painful sense of fatigue, nml your duties irksome, take nr. J. II .McLean s aarsanariua. it win nraccyo up, make you strong and vigorous, I'or sale by V. L.Jacobs, druggist. The chief symptom of a cold in the head is a linndkcrclucl. The I'lrHt Hyiiiptoiun of Death, Tired feeling, dull headache, pains in various parts of the body, sinking nt the pit ol the stomach, loss ol appetite, lever- ishness, pimples or sores, arc all positive evidence of poisoned blood. No matter how it became poisoned it must he pari lied to avoid death. Dr. Acker's English lllood Ivlixir lists never failed to remove scrofulous or syphillitic poisons. Sold under positive guarantee by J. S. Grant It doesn't take much of a marksman to draw a bead on heer. The Pulpit and the Blnue. Kev. F. M. Shrout, Pastor United lircthrcn Church, Iliac Mound, Kan savs: "I feci it niv duty to tell what wonders Dr. King's New Discovery has done for mc. My lungs were hndly tits eased, and niv parishioners thought could live oulv a lew weeks. I took liv bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery nnd am sound and well, gaining U6 lbs, in weight. Arthur Love, Manager Love's Funny I'dlks Comiiinntiou, writes: "Alter thorough trial and convincing evidence, I am confident Dr. King's New Discovery tor Consumption, beats 'em nil, atid cures when everything else fails. The greatest kindness I can do my many thousand Incnds is to urge them to try it. rrce trial bottles nt I'. L. Jacobs drug store. Regular sizes 50c. and $1.00, The lawyers in n case nre like n pair o shears. Thev never cut themselves, but that which is lictwccn. That Terrible Cough In the morning, hurried or difficult breath iug, raising phlegm, tighttiessintheclicst quickened pulse, chilliness in the evening or sweats at night, all or any ol these things arc the first stages ol consump tion. Dr. Acker s l.nglisli Lough Kemedy will cure these fearful symptoms, and is sold tindtr u positive guarantee by J. a, lirant. Contributor How much ought I to get for that poem? Editor Vou ought to get about hlteen years. THE KEV. GUI I. ll.THAVKK.ofRoiir- hon. 1ml., savs: "Moth mvscl! nnd wile owe our lives to SHILOH'S CONSUMP TION CrKE." AKE VOL' MADE miserable by Indiges tion, Constipation, Ihzmcss, Loss ol Apjietitc, cIlow hkin ! Sluloh a tiul12er is a positive cure. A man is verv like a buckwheat cake in this weather. He is disinclined to rise, and if he docs is sour nnd heavy. Do Not Mufltir Any l.onier, Knowing that a cough con be checked in a day. and the first stages 01 consump tion broken in a week, we Hereby gunran tec Dr. Acker's English Cough Kemedy, and will refund the money to nil wlio buy, take it ns ier directions, nnd do not tiiul our statement correct, for sale m- J. S. Orant. An actress who was desirous of pro dicing a new piny called it "Fine Cut" liccuusc she wanted some one to buck her. If vou suffer from nny affection caused Ivy impure blood, such ns scrofula, stilt rheum, sores, boils, pimples, tetter, ring worm, take Dr. J. II. McLean's Snrsapu- nun. ror sate ny r . l jucoos, aruggisi. Tiimmv Pnw. what in "Senntorinl courtesy)" Mr. Figg It means that no Senator is exiecieii to ask another one what he paid lor his seat. l.KJiax KI.IXIR. Its) Wonderful Kflecl on the Liver, Slomsch, Hovels Kidneys) and Blood. Dr. Mozlcv's Lemon Elixir is n pleasant lemon drink that positively cures nil UH t - t. ,...11. KlUHliesn, v.uiiniiinuuii, iiiiogvauoii, Headache, Malaria, Kidney Disease, Diz ziness, Colds, Loss of Appetite, l evers, Chills. Illotchcs, Pimples, Pain in back. Palpitation of Henri and nil other dis- ffiuett cnuapfi liv disordered iiver.stomnen and kidneys, tlic first great cause of all latnl diseases. I iltycenis nnd one dol lar per bottle. Sold by druggists. Pre pared only by II. Mozley, M. D., Atlan ta, (ia. Inion Hot Drop. For coughs mid colds, take Lemon Hot Drops. ror sore tnront ana iironciutis, take Lemon Hot Drops. .. ....I I... III. ,..L. I,,, ll,V,IIO,'l(l,l ,111,1 ,,,, l,,ll, l-cnioil Hot Drops. For consumption and catarrh, take Lemon Dot Drops. For all throat and lung diseases, take Lemon Hot Drops, An elegant mid rename preparation. Sold hv druggists. "5 cents per bottle, I'rtpnicd by II. Mozlcy, M. D., Atlanta. ('.a. Young wife (who lias lust cauelit sight of her husband's face in the mirror I Why, denr, wlmt'sthcmnttcr? Husband (snvngelv) I can I get the combination of this hhinkcil "foiir-in-hund tie." Wife, (sweetly) Well, be careful not to look round this way, dear: 1 m feeding the babv it's milk. 1 t f ft 0H kl l i n I nU.r My MealH. 1 tnke My Roat, A I A', III.OHOlt KNOI'Oll TO T-tKI A i I AM I.AV MV IIANP ON ; irtift'c tht ton, ro SpoII'i I ..... I r Dtti.a CnA f turn, nil 1 1 1 u;.l Hyiiophosphitosof Llmoand f l 13 -)i oni.T v-csnif in, sua lr lent ( 4iuHiiiliMi nn r st ar II. I I (Ml IS NOW I'lil UNO FLESH ON MY BONES AT 'NIK RATS Of A rOUND A HAY. 1 AKIt 1 r P'M AS KAHILY Al I I") MILK." MH II IIISIIMoNY IS NII1IIIMI Hr.W, M'url i KMI ISION IS poINO ViONUkkS lilll.Y. 'I'AKI NO OIIIKS, OOVlJdoiwljf laths sat FOR DYSPEPSIA nnd Liver Complaint rou hnve a printed guarantee on every Kittle ol Shiloh's Vitalizer. It ncrerfuils to cure. A NASAL INJECTOK free with each bottle of Shiloli'8 Catarrh Kemedy. Price 60 cts. A movement is on foot in the Virginia legislature to transfer the sent of govern ment from Richmond to Lynchburg. We think the old conservatism of Virginia will retain the cnpitul where it is. Hut let them build a new cnpitol. The Dally Citizen. Is always alive to the interests of Asheville und its people. Is the most populnr advertising me dium in North Carolina. Is read by a greater numlier of people thnii any other secular paper in the State. Is always filled with the choicest read ing matter of the dnv. Hoarding houses fill their rooms by ad vertising in the Cmzi'.N. News, and nil the news, makes the Cit- izkn n general fnvontc, No retail merchant ever made a great success without advertising. Try the ClTIZKN. An advertisement in the Citizen pny the advertiser nn hundred-fold. OXI$ ENJOYS Both the mrtlmil and results when Syrup of Figg is taken; it ia pleasant nnd refreshing to the taste, and acts 'ently yet promptly on the Kidneys, uiver ana Dowels, cleanses the sys tem ellectuallr. dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation, Syrup of Figs is the tny remedy of lis kind erer pro- iiioen, incusing to the taste and ac ceptalilo to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly lieneficinl in its ofli'fta, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and hnve made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of I'igs is for salo in 50c and 81 bottles bv all leading drug giFtfl. Any reliable drugptst who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly fur any one who wishes lo try it Do not accept any institute. CALIFORNIA FIO SYRUP CO. sr." imiictscn. CAL. a: romr, .r. SEND YOUR ORDERS FOR OF All DcHcrlptions, X0TK IIKADS, LETTER HEADS, BILL HEADS. ENVELOPES, CAKDS, CIRCULARS, PAMPHLETS, Or a NcwMpnpcr, If Vou Wnnt One Printed, TO RANDOLPH-KERR PRINTING CO., AHIIKVILLK, .V. C. THE BEST EQUIPPED J0R OFFICE tx TH ESTATE. AT LAHT THI'.T COSIIi ! AL. G. FIELD & GO.'S MINSTIlIiXS. OPEHA HALL, THUAMDAY, JAN. 30th. HE ONE ORIGINAL MINSTREL CO. OF ALL KART11 1 LE0N20," Tint itnvt'TiAN WON11UK WOMKBR. IIBVI1III.ri'lOHrtAT. EDUARDESTUS IISTIIUIII.IIIKIBT, DViii. Vmi, Tlios). llonlcy, AL. ti. i ii:li, The Only Comtdlnns In Minstrelsy, LOUIS KERR AND HIS FAMOUS BAND I- Oraad Prn Strt Farads Dally. CANINE PSYCHICS. CDaecaunlabla Action or a lln at thn llsatli nf 11 or lirnlliar. The following remurkablo instunce of canine sagacity suvors of psychical phenomoim, and will bo interesting alike to lovers of dogs and sliidonts oT psychology. Counciliuan Cliurles A. Sviibom of CHinhriilgo socuivd two Irish suiter mips, a while ago. winch grow into beautiful, intelligont clujfs. Tliey wore oroiner aim sister, anu wera iiameu Xanki I'ooh und Yum Yum. About fix innntlis ugo Mi'. Sanborn gave Yum Yum to a man living in a coun try town soveiul miles from I3oston, and kept "Nank," In the forenoon of two weeks ugo last Sunday Mr. Sunlmrn rode 011 horseback to Hyde 1'urk and return, while Nank trotted guyly ut his side. In the afternoon Mr. San horn and family wont for a drive behind the handsome span, mid tlio dog, as wus his wont, followed at u short tlislunco to the rear. The course takon wan across the Brook linn bridge to Cotlugu farm, at which point Mr. Sanborn saw that his pet was still pursuing tlio car riage, then up the Hi iglilon road toward Allston. A fow minutes later, upon turning around, ho missed the animal, but presuming that Nunk had become confused at tlio press of turnout at that part of tlio road, nnd that he would run homo when ho discovered that he bad lost his muster's team, pave little thought to the matter. But the dog wus not nt home when they arrived, nor did ho put in an ap pearuiico that night. Monday, Tues day and Wednesday passed, and no tidings having Ih-uii received of the hiiiiuhI s tvhe if-uhouts, it was supposed liint he had been Moltm. On Yliurs day, however, a postal was received by .Mr. huuboni from Warren V bile, of aioiiL'lilon, stating that lUo dog hud crawled in lo Hint gent ennuis door yard almost exhausted, and whining piteeously. Friday a messenger was sent 10 rnoiigiuoii to piwuro INuiiki Will k,,l nl, I., I'.,l 1.,,.. .Iu.l -.u,,, ...t.j ... i, ,v, ,,,,,( i,i-m.,. (fir, W lute explained tlio dog hud ob itinaiely h'l'uscd Kusleiiaiiec, und tbut inoriiing hud looked up at tliogemle mini wiih almost human ungiiish de picled on his face, nnd, sorrowfully souoiiig, i spin-u. 11 seems 111.1i the raitliful creature had retraced the Sunday morning tmil to tiyue t unc, auu uil -r riiiiiiiug pre sumably huiiiui-ds of miles buck and loiih 111 bis vainsonii'h lor his master, dicil of n binkcti heart. And now comcn Inn atranirost part VI 1110 BtOI'V. Al aliout 1 :3d o'clock Friday mora lug .'ti'. :s:iuboi'ii was iiwnkeued at his home in L'nmliridgeport bv ulmtbu thought was the howling of 11 dog in his yard nnd useraleliiiigou the front door. He lislencd inlciulv, but all be ing slill ho coiieied,'d it was a divam caused by his mind being weighted witn tlio oisol' Is.iiiki I'ooh. lie ns jusl dropping a-ai 11 into sound slum her when I lie ui,i:i-s were rcpeniiHl. Again ho li.,leued, i.nd liiarinir iioih iug fui'llicr, bo tviisnismt to full asleep h in-ii iiiu luirii time ne was anuiscU by tlio s.iuiids. Leuirr thoroughly stirred up now, ho wenl to tie win dow, und liHikiuxdou-u into tiie moon- 111 ili'ivuwny, lift l.e.ield, as he sup posed, the mis.,ing pet. lie) wrtll to the door, opvp I ii, nnd in msbid, not N'.iuki I'ooii. Inn Yum Yum, who. paying no ui.cMioii i- Mr. Sanborn or the other inmate of the dwelling. wno liau by tins uni" arisen, bounded upstairs (is if mud: l ieu down hl-umi and out to tlio H.ibles and buck, all the while moaning pitrously, and (Inr.lly dropping al Mr. Suuboi u's feet, uttering a low, mournful cry. This was just before i o'clock in tiie morn ing, and, upon com parisou. was found to bo exactly the time when Nuiiki fooh died licai'loroKen 111 Stoughlou. When it is remembered that Yum Yum might have run back to her old home tit any lime during UiopaMsn months, but never did. and that she choso Unit particular uighl and hour, tlio aigiiillcunco is apparent. She wan ders disconsolately about the premises, spilling in every corner for fitithful .N'unki und apparently sorrowfully la infilling her brother's loss: and Mr. Smiiuoi ii says that ho will never again pan wiiu loyal linn luui il he can help iL Boston Cilobe. Tlia l'utly Jur Crasa. The L'il'ls in Vt'aterbui'v. Conn., pot the "putty jur craw." and tliey made life a burden to the policemen of that town for awhile. Tlio policemen nat urally inferred that all the vouii.t la dies in the street had gono stark mud. Uovics of fiihcinatiiig and beautiful girls were seen to dart suddenly into the street now and then, pounce upou something in the gutter or on the road bed, pick il up, and iheu rulurn to the sidewalk and trip sure uely on. They .fire merely gathering raw material for tlio piilty )ur i r.0.0. Due bewitch ing mnidiHi lluenlly explained what the putty jar business is. "Il k lots of fun, 'said she; "you bel il is. Why, you see, you tcl any kind of a Jar. tbe cuter the heller, ami you gel your fa ther or brother to roll out some putty, nnd you have him cover every purl of tlio jar with tun puny. Have linn suck It 011 about half iui inch thick. Il will stick on of itself. Tuen you uuvo Iota of sport. Siiek cvi ryllung you can think of mid pick up in iho bouse, or ynru, or sii-cci, on uio puny, mid iu very soil of odd tiesi mis. old buttons and screws look prtlly good, and bits uf dolls 11111 u fully rule. What do ai lliinli I did! 1 hiole a KUMiendcr Urn-kloof my fuliiers, nml jubbed ilou Iho jar, and 1 huvo found loiaol things on tlio street tiial look odu and cun ning 011 Ine putty. Kuickknucks fixnu liio lactorki and odds und ends from ioiis look good, too, and tiller you iaw cot the tarall stuck up, then you hnve it bronzed and varnished. Thai's nil tli to is lo tlio pully jar ciaio." Cor. New York Sun. 'I'lii iniiiii'iliute ciiiisf of tlio Driuil- inn ivvolutiun m niiiiiuit to liari bri n tlio riiiiifii' I luil llic cniiit-ii,! tfiiilnl to a I id leu In soi 111 in favor 01 Lis imiy ilMiitiliU'r, w iiu ia iii'i'Miiiully un- iuiul.ii' illi tint people uiitl wIium iiisliiinil in onn ill' llin Hi'li-uns uriucca. it fun'iKiirr iiiiiI a J-'rviifliniun Chicago & Alton U.K. PAHTBHT MOI'TII TO KANSAS CITY AND THE WEST Ahrvi11r to Kflnfm Clly In !17 hmirn, Anhevtllr to lienver In Al houm, Ahrvllle tn Hnn frnnei -n. CullfornlH. nnd Portlnnd, Orrsnn, In A diivii, Holld Vcitlliulrd Trnlnn Ht. t.nulR to Knn- ai Cltv. Krellntnff chnlr enr free. For full Information cull on or write to D. A Ncwland, Dhtrict Pntmrnirrr Affrnt, No. 10 Patton Ave, Anhevllle, N.C. J. CHAHLTON, O. P. A., Chicago. III. MISCELLANEOUS. MACK, STADLER & CO., -MANUFACTURERS OP- PEKFECT FITTING FINE CLOTHING 109 & in Went Third St., Clnclnuatl. For Sale by all Jan: AHlievillc, N. C. P. A. DEM ENS, Manufacturer and Dealer in all kinds of Dressed LUMBER, Door, Saul!, IlliudH, Mouldings, Stairwork, Mantela, Bank and Bar Fixtures, and all kind of Building Material. Hard Wood Lumber Work a Specialty. nnv 1 4 t!1 y Telephone No. 6. THE WINYAII HOUSE, Corner Ilcnrd nnd l'ine streets, Cump Pntton. ASHEVILLE, N. C. Conduvtt'd ns n Snnitnrium for invalids sufreringjfrom diseaaes of 1 he Iiiiik nnd throitt, and under the charge of Dr. Karl von Ruck. Conducted upon the most upproved plans endorsed by the leading memU-rs ol the medical profession. Perfect appointments in every department. 1'or particulars address KARL VON RUCK. B. S., M. D. Dr. von Ruck's city office: No. 30 I'ntton avenue. Rooms Nos. 1, 2 und 3, up Htnirs, Oflice Hours: 11 to 1 o'clock. Practice limited to diseases of the hunts and thront. SCHOOLS. KiikIIhIi and French BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL, FOR YOUNG LADIES AND LITTLE GIRLS, No. 40 French Hrnnd Avenue. MRS. BURGWYN MAITLAND, PRINCIPAL ,FOrmni.r,.r,:,e?.!;ur,0f Mt- AHfllfttvri liy a corpn o comi:iUcnt tcatliert. uitii 11 jy RAVENSCROFT HIGH SCHOOL FOR BOYS. I'or DuanU-ra nml Day Kcllolnra. HEADMASTER, RONALD MACDONALD, B. A., (Oxford.) The r.imti-r Term lieitins Jnnuary 2. I'or further rnrtlculnra, apply to the lleud- muKtt-r, nt Knvetiscroft. Icet N dim p. o. BOX 401. Nothing Succeeds LIKE SUCCESS. Thcrrnnon RAPAM'S MICkniiK KII.I.KK In the niimt wtintlcrful mcd iiinc. In t won line It him ncvtT failed in nny in ntnntY. no matter n hut the dinviiie, trom LHI' HnSY to the nimiilriit dinrune known to the hu man yt(m. The trim title men of to-dny claim nnd prove t hit t v very d I m CUHC it Caumcd by 9licrobcH9 AND RADAM'S MICROBE KILLER I!xterm(nnten the MlrrolH and driven them out m the HVHtt-in. nnd will-11 ttiat in dum you ennntit hnve nn nine or pmn. No mnt tir wlin t the dim-ntte. whether n finile ene of Mularin IVvrr or a etimhiuiitlon uf din eiiMH, wr t'ure them nil nt the unmr time, an wc trcnt all diieuie conntilutionully. Asthttm, Cnnsumptimu Cntnnh, ltroti cnitis, hlicuttmtttitn, htdtivy una Liver Disease, Chills nml Vever, Femnlv Troubles, in nil its forms ft ml, in t'net, every Disease known to the Human System. BEWARE OF FRAUDULENT IMITATIONS. Kre thnt our Trnde-Murk (name a ubovel aptara on eiuh juk- Rend for hook "lUntory of the Microbe Killer." given owny by j. s. ;rant, pit. ti., Rule Aiti-nt. Asheville, N. C. nov!7 illy tu trl sun AMI FOK HAI.Ii. n nurtinntf of the provision of a certain wrlltt n eouirnt-t uiiidr on the liM duv ol June. 1m7. hy ami Ir'Iwwu the undtTniirned 01 the nrt pnrt nni j. a. i . nniwn i . iittirn nnd I'owrlt tit r iihIit of the Hct'tmd part, und hci-niiMv ol the deliiiilt of the Perm mil I repre wuintlve of the ntiid J. A. 1'. lirou n, whohu dieil iiiH'i t In curt u Hon of the nid contract, to pny the in Unit t nnd iiiftallmcntH therein nu-titintH-tl, Hie niil li Maird and I'owtll At i-nidiT huviiiK nutilnrly p'dd their propor tionute purl of the inirreM and iiiNiniltneutft a the niiuie hnve luvrtttd und matured re MKvtivelv. I uliiill Hi-1 1 ut nuhlie iiuetion ntthe court hnuM dour Im the city of AHlievillc. nt U o'elotk 111.. on Wcdncwduv, the lUth day if February. 1hi)o lur cfinh. certain lot In the city uf Ahcvt!1e und hnuiidcd u follow, to wit : HctfinnlnK nt n ntnke In the northern ninr flln of Havwond mret t. in the wentirrt part ol the city of Asheville. 3i liet t-a-t of lirit k ntore and ntn in n line parallel with unid Itrii'k Hlttre 1 10 feet; thence in n line parallel with the RoiithtTtt front ttl tin id Ptorr lu feet to a mnkr; thiniT in h line puraltel with the Unit ft Mime to Nnwlt litlf ithtiut U4-0 lift, thence with mild hnwln' Ine to a ntnke inthi Hnuihcrti uimin of n ifo lit-t rertt rvid iu deed to Kiiwif. helntf the N. V. corner of the Jim tire hit; tlu-Me with JuKllte'ti line to IIhv wood Nireeti thence Willi Maid ntreet to tht ImhIiiiHii, IttinK tin 1 1 nnd ID ud part ot lot to mid 1U iih fihtiwn iu the Anton nurvr. ol the I'tartttm liinda. to which mirvey ref- mice In here made for unaicr particular ity. KUIIMOMJ I'K.tiUrtO.N. 3nn11 dtd TI1U LAK0U8T AMI 1I1.HT HUl U'I'lil) IN Till KOI Til. CHEMICAL AND ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES or II. C. Woltcreek&Co. CONHri.Tlxn CIIKUIMT ANU IIININa KKftlNKHMM. Atinl Hen nf Mr tn ), t ireti. Coat or Coke, Min eral V litem, Fertiliieni. etc. PKICU 1.IHT ON APPLICATION. MlnlnK proficrty inventlKiited, developed, houuht nnd noli I. CorreHpondtntv nolle! ted. Huinplen can he Hitt ly nudl or eii'trni. If dent hy exprefm. ehnrifeti ntunt be prepaid, Axi-mii wanted In every place. Chattanooga, Tcmit DK. II O. WOLTCKRt'K, Mnnnj-ter. novfl dAtwly Street Car Schedule. HcKlnnlnK nt B,it3 a. m. ItiullnR 10.00 p. m. Cnr leaven pmre for lepolTcry hour nnd half hour. Cnrli nvcn Hrpinre for Melke'H, Dnuhledny nnd Cnmp I'nlton 7 tnlnutct after each hour and half hour Car leave Mrlke'p, fouh1fdy and Cnmp Pntton 7 minute before each hour and hnlf hour. Hchrdule cam connect at llquare. Tniln enr me t every train. One valine al lowed ench pn Men iter. THU AHUUV1LLB STRUCT RY. CO. Leading Clothiers. 2 c!3m Near Paraeufjrcr Depot. W. 0. WOLFE. Over 300 sets of the most beautiful Monuments and Tombstones J'ved.from the cheapest Tombstone to hand Home Monuments. I have made a Krent reduction in prices, and It will puj you to come and look at my stock, whether you luy or not. Warcroom Wolfe Building, Court Square. TAYLOR, BOUIS & BROTHERTON, PRACTICAL Plumbers & Tinners. I'LL'MHINO, STBAM AND GAS PITTING, TIN AND SLATB ROOPINO. Furnaces and Heaters. Jobbing Promptly t 1 Attended to. No. 43 Patton Avenue. Opera House Building:. luini) liXiWlT The Best are the Cheapest. PATENT CHAMPION SAFES. Farrell & Co., .Philadelphia. au20 riArwftm ORNAMENTAL PAINTING. Thanking cordially the citizen of Anheville for their liberal patronage extended both to my Fruit bunincni and to my Painting, X tnke pleasure la announcing that t will con tinue the first under competent management, while I will devote my personal attention to ign and ornnnirntal painting, my profi cirncy in which hnt ample testimony. Aeon tlnunnce of patronage Is most respectfully axked. JOHN SALMON, jnn 1 d.lm TLANTIC COAST LINE on nnd after this date the following sched ides will he run over Its "Columbia Division.' No. n.H Lenves Columbia ft. 20 p. m. Arrives nt Charleston 9.30 p. m. No. 82 -Leaves Charleston 7.10 a. m. Arrives at Columbia 11. AS a. m. Connecting with trnina to and from all points on the Charlotte. Columbia ft An irustn nnd Columbia ft Greenville Railroads. "I'nuy. T. M. KMKRftON, Oen. Pass. Agt. IiKVINK. Oen. utt. I. 1. 'fKl'HTKlt'S 8A1.B OF Kit AL K8TATB. Py virtue of n power of snle cnntnlned In a deed of trust executed to me on the 3d day of June, 1HNN. bv W J Budderth, to secure the payment of cert n in notes therein men tioned, winch said died Is registered In the otlice of the Register of Deeds of Huncomtw count v In Hook 13 nt page 4'tfl of mortgatre records, ami by reason of the failure of said V, J Kudderth to pnv or cause tn be paid the snld notes with Interest whin due, I will sell tu the Iduhest bidder for cash, at public auc tion nt the court house door In Asheville. on Mtturdny, the Hth day of February. IHwO, the real estate described in said deed of trust, described as foil own: Beginning at a stake on the ent margin ol William street In the south ern boundary line of a tract conveyed t I, F Hmilh by Natt Atkiimon and wile on the '.'.lil dny of August, lHMrt. and runs with the cant margin of Wil'ism N itn W 1U8 feet to n strike in the same, thence N 6n B loat feet to a stnke. thence 8 13 UH' U 00 7-Hiofeet tt a stnke in ssld Houthern boundary line, thence 8 47 15' W HH 15-100 feet to beginning, being more fully described in snid deed of trust. W. B. OWYN, anA d4t sun Trustee. J. W. SCIIARTLE, MERCHANT TAILOR 4 N. Malu St. ftbSOdlT MRS. A. P.LaBARBE 139 Patton Avenue. l'lrat-Class Board by the day or mouth. Terms made known on application. deed dljr ANKW DBHD, cartfulljr prepared by lead Inic membera of the Asheville bar ion finest parchment and heavy Bat paper), cor erlnx all necessary points, Just out and now on aalr at the office of the Citiisn Publish: inn Co., No. North Conrt aV)an. llaalat