' ii i CITV D5iPARi,yENT. Mew AditoHwinnuU. Wanted "O." Warned Bo 27R, Wanted Box 407. For Riot-Thi office, situation Wanted "M." Iole Wanted-J. 8. Bixby. Fmb Oyitera 3. B. Strnu... PniRi, etc. T. C. Smith & Co. Metcoroloiclcal Report For the 24 hours ending at 0 p. ni Jnnunry 25, 1890: I). 8. 8IONAL 8KHVICB STATION. Wlnyah Sanitarium, A.hevllle. N. C LAT. 8S.38N. LONO. 82.28 W. BI B . 23S0PT "TEMPKKA I I'KB. 7 a m 88.4 ni0 ft ml Max. I Min. 1.8 48.4 I (15.2 I 2D O Iuily Menn 4H no KPLATIVB "lll'MIIHTY. 7am 48 I p m 0 ji m j U Daily Mean 40.33 AIlSOLl'TK lll'MIUITY. (In grain ler cubic foot ofjilr) 7am i 2 p m I i'pm lailyMean a"8 J 1-J23 J I HB7 ...1.440 PR KCI HIT AttON'.-1 HA K(IM KTBKT- Rain and melted .now Inches 0 . Snow llCor. fur nit. & tcin. ncptn. imnv Mean Inches 311.33 0 I Stalinliary WIND. WBATIIliR Direction. Force(Kcalc0tol0 Direction. II 8 B Clear to fair done l)f po.idblc amount, 0.1 ier cent. K AKL VON Kl'CK, M. I . Observer. The Weather To-Uay, Washington, Jnnunry 25. Indication for North Carolina Kiiir, warmer in in terior, stationary tvniuerture on cuust southwesterly winds. PERSONAI, JIKMTION, C. T. Swiiin, of Knoxille at Battery Park yesterday. Tenn,, Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Kowtnnd and fnmily and maid ure at Battery I'nrk. L. F. Kendnlland wile, of Atlanta, On. are enjoying the comforts of the. Battery Fork hotel. Rtv. and Mrs. V. R. Richard, of riain well, X. J., ure at the Swnnnnnon. They will remain in the city some little time. Mr. and Mrs. William Hacker, Mrs. 0. W. Rhouries, Mis. James F. Loverini; Miss Lovenng nnd Dr. Thomas Wisler. all of I'hiludclihin, compose u Bay crowd at present stopping nt Battery I'nrk. Mr. Asn Lnomis, manager of the Mill dlesborough Inn, was in town Kriil.it niifht lor a few hours, on Ins wnv Ironi New York, where he has lieen making purchases for his hotel at Middles- borough, Ky. Mr. L. E. Halyburton, who was Mown up with dynamite while working on tin Knoxville and Southern railroad va brought to the citv Thursday evening. He is attended by the best physician!, and is doing as well asconld be cxcctcd He is at the single house. Senator Frank Hiscock.of Sew York, is at the Battery I'ark. His wife am' son accompany him. The distinguished visitor will be in the city but n few days when he will lie obliged to re turn to Washington. His wife nnd son. however, will Ik" in the city for Severn 1 weeks. ODUM AND 1-:XI1N. The pajier for A. G. Field & Co.'s min strels, to apiiear here the 30, was put tip yesterday. Mayor Hlantoii talked street pavement nearly nil day yesterday and earrieil n Siecimen of the Holwood block to de monstrate his ideas. James Perkins, a colored youth, ago! nineteen and Rosa Orr, who is one yeni younger than the proposed groom, wcrt licensed to lie married yesterday. "The World," a melo-dramn of the blood and thunder variety will lie pre sented at the Opera Hall some time this season. W. T. Black the agent was in the city yesterday. Joseph Wcitzelbaum, who has lieen in Ashevillr since last June for his health, died nt his rooms on South Main street yesterday morning. His body was nl once taken to bis old home. Testimony from Heaven nnd Earth (Mark 1:0-11 ; John l:2S-3l will be the subject for discussion nt the evangelistic bible class at the Y. M. C. A. rooms at :30 this afternoon. G. S. Powell would like to sec a mile ol the Holwood block pavement put down in Ashevillc. It would be enough to give it a fuir trial, and a beginning of what must eventually come to pass. More taxes were paid at the sheriff's office yesterday than on any day since the payment liegnn. It is entirely owing, uccording to Sheriff Reynolds, to a re minder to the dclinducnts that apienicd in Tub Citizen. The officials believe that it will ben difficult matter to get a jury in Buncombe county for either the Berry or Fore mur der enses. Xcnrly everybody of intelli gence within the boundaries has formed nd expressed an opinion. Esquire Swieegond, of Sandy Mush, was in the city yesterday, and reports tbnt nearly every resident of his locality is in the relentless clutches of the grip. Three of Mr. Swiccgood's fnmily are in bed with the grip. Mrs. R. E. Bracket and son of Mc Dowell county were brought in Inst night and lodged in jnil. They are wit nesses in a case before the criminal court next week. The parties wercsuhprenned before but failed to Hppcnr, but sheriff Kevnoitis inclines to tne Deiicl that they will be there this time when wanted. The Mountain Park Hotel, Hot Hprlnirn, J, c, Is firstclnss in every particular, with the best table in the South. Pure nnd abundant water and perfect sanitary ar rangement. Tne scenery is beautiful, climate much milder than Asheville, there being no harsh winds nnd nodusl toirritate weak throats and lungs. The baths in marble pools are the fin est in the world and the thermal waters are an unexcelled specific for rheumatism, (out, sciatica, nervous exhaustion and all diseases of skin and blond. Excellent physicians reside at the ho tel. Trains leave Asheville for Hot Springs at 7.30 a. m., 4.38 and 7 p. m. Excursion tickets, including one day's . board at Mountain Park hotel, $4.60. For rates etc., address Adv. W. 0. Doolittlb. An entirely new stock of white goods, embroidery, Torchon lace and other new Ucesjust to at Bon Marcbt. MOMETHINU ADN1HABI.K. Good Fellowship and RHtlonnl Recreation. We ure indebted to a very intelligent gentleman, a visitor here, for nn iiibight into an institution for young men, and for old ones too, which possesses so many attractions as to tix our attention ut once. It is called the Twilight Club, and its objects are to cultivate good fellow ship nnd enjoy rational recreation. And the term "good fellowship" and "rational recreation" implv something very far ubove the fellowship of a factitious hilar ily, and rises into the realms of i n telle c tual which is emphatically "rational' The very principles of the club set forth unmistakably Us antagonism to dissr pa ted levity and unworthy amusement In tact it sets its lace rigidly against I hose very things which encourage lissi- pation and criminal wastcol' time. Some of the offences ngainst which it inscribes its emphatic no, while they convey a sense ol humor also carry a very grave incaniiiL-. "No debts, no full dress, no defalcations, no late hours, no profanity, no scandal, no hnlKrv.no tree dinueis, no gambling, no dudes, no humbugs"; these, among others, fence out most ol the graver vices, and invite to unconven tional, rational and intellectual enjoy ment. One of the features of the Twilight Club is its fortnightly dinners, not n mere epicurean symposium, but a true "feast of reason and a How of soul." To verily iliis idea a glance at the list of sicakcrs and talkers.and the subjectsthcy discuss, will testily to the ennobling as well as enjoyable features of those dinners. Se lecting only a lew out of a hundred ex- unples, we find the Kev. Ir. Rylance lcakiiig on Religion nnd Social Organi zation, Democracy in England, by Henry 'icorgc, Xevspaiers Gone to Seed, by lames Partem, The Hours ot Labor, by Edward Atkinson, Social purees in the United States, bv Edward Everett Hale; mil so on ml inlin'uum. through a list ol splendid nanus, anil a text of lofty snli- iects that engage the lust thoiiglitsol tin oiintry. We throw out the hint that here such a ctub might take root and llomish, and would find almiidaiil material not nnl imong residents but among the mimer us gentlemen of culture who resort lilhcr for health and recreation, and who might be glad to pec elegant diversity to manv leisure or weary In tirs. I'KPIINAI. t'OI'KT II(KKI:T, Kcilew of ttume of I lie t'nsei to If llc-ard. The criminal court will begin its Jan uary term on Monday morning, Willi Imlgc Moore on the lunch. There are hirty-niue eases 011 the docket, the usual number U-ing ictty ones. Two murder trials, those of lleny and Fore, will proli- iblv be the most interesting. Ilolh wen trieil nt the preceding term. In the former the iurv disagreed. Eon: was found guilty, but the judge set the verdict aside The K. & I. railroad is defendant 11 two suits. Tliev ure lor alleged tannic to repair bridges. lames Kash and John Treadway will lie called upon to answer to a charge ol lislurbing a religious meeting. Thelacts h.ipmncil twelve months ago, Kash is dsn defendant ill n suit for assault will 1 deadly weapon. The case of the Slate vs. Hunter will no doubt be an interesting one. Unmet irrestcd a man for drunkenness, and on trial the prisoner was acquitted, lie now lirmgs suit through the State against Hunter for false imprisonment. There are two cases for bribery ot the ast election. They are thoseof the State vs. Mike Kellev and John Moore. It is the opinion that they will be dismissed without hearing. In a similar case at the last term the dclciidaut was acquit ted. tiii: ni;tD avkkv, Additional Particular of Tills) t'erj Had l-Aeut. The Washington I'ost gives the follow ing particulars of the lamentable death of young Morrison Avery. It is the sad dest in all its incidents we have almost ever recorded : A distressing accident occurred this morning lv winch Mr. .Morrison K. Avery, 11 promising voung man, lost his lite. Mr. Aver v. who was an assistant toiiouriuilier in the ueolouical survev, oc cupicil n suit of rooms with a couple ol friends, young men of about bis own ige, in the boarding house No. .illi lHlh street northwest. llns moruiuit lie trosc n little before 8 o'clock and walked across the room to the bureau on which there hnpivned to Ik' standing two bot tles, line contained wluskv hut, liore no lalilc to that etlect. 1 he other was plaitilv marked "mire rye whiskey, hut was tilled with carbolic acid, which through exposure to the tiresviice ol sonic foreign ingredients hail liccoinc ol dark lirowu color. .Neither ot Ins room mates snsiiectcd that the bottle ontained but what ihelablc was mark ed, nnd nothing was said when the nil- tiirtiinale young man raised the wrong liottle to Ins lips to take a taste ol the contents. Tliev were all chntteriug pleasantly nl the time and the others were liorritieil at the ehaiiuc that came over their Iricnd. It is supposed that lie must have taken several large swallows, for the poison liegnn to act immediately. Before the other two had realized what had hnpKMicil young Avery had fallen hack unconscious. I Irs. Kozicr Middlcton nnd James S. Cob were at mice summoned from the emergency hospital and did all they could to save the young man's life, workiuit hard even niter it was thought life wus extinct. Ivmctics were given, (respira tion sustained by artificial means, but the neid had completely paralyzed the stomach and there was no possible chance of saving his lilt-. He never re gained consciousness for a moment and died quietly nnd without apparent pain about U.15 o'clock. A Notice to l.ndlen. The ladies are requested to meet at the Hospitul every Thursday until further notice, to sew for the Children's Home. Those who cannot sew at the Hospital can send and get bundles of work to do at home. It is hoped all the ladies ol the city will "lend a hand" until the press of work is over. 8iellman's new spring shnped derbies, latest styles and quality, best, prices less. See them at Bon Marehe, 30 South Main street. ALFRKD M'KI.RATH IN JAII.. He Voluntarily Gave Hlinnelf up I.ant Nlutit. Alfred McElrath, the slayer of Charles Rickets, is occupying n cell in the county jail. He was brought in early last even ing by his attorneys, Messrs. Cobb & Mer rinion and T. A. Jones and surrendered to the jailer, nnd so quietly was it all done that not even the police force knew of it until some time later. They did know that he was to lie brought in lust night. Col. Baird, who has had charge otthecase, hud advised his being turned over to the authorities, and his attorneys ns well as his family had consented, The little Icllow was seen at the jnil lust night, lie is little more than a child in sue and claims to be but twelve years old. He is no more than four feet high and very slender, He is a mulatto nnd altogether has a good face, llisconline iiicut does not apiear to bother him in the least, and he is as unconcerned as though he had done nothing. When asked w here he had been since last Tues day night lie replied : "Oh, jes nowhere," and when asked his meaning, he said he hail been at the house of Iriciids and hud slept nights in haystacks and barns. His attorneys had advised him to say nothing of the affair which led to the killing or of the latter itselt and he heeded the advice. His story about his whereabouts since Tuesday night is not credited by the in ice. line of them says that he saw hint coming in yesterday from Shiloh with n companion, and it is their belief that he j was taken there assoon as it was known that he had killed Rickets. ANnil'UHTAMT (IHl'I'I.AR, Hulc-H fiovvmliiK ? Hhlnnlnir of Tobnecaover Ike V. N. V. M, K. The follow iuit will explain itself: Richmond ami IUnviixk Railroad Co., Wi:sti:kx Nokiii Carolina Iuvision. Officii of Si i'Kkintkxiikxt, Asiu.Mi.i.K. X. C. January 1M-, IS1M1. Circular to All Auents: 0i account ol several complaints re ceived Irom dilVcient tobacco warehouses 111 Asheville and iMnvillc, as to discrimi nation against their houses on account ol the allowance of n commission upon every package marked by an nucnl to warehouses paying such commissions, the following rules will apply liereatter: No shipment ol tobacco w ill lie received lv this company unmarked. No agent ol this company will be al lowed to mai k a lobaccu shipment, or any package thereof. All agents of this company are fur nished with a marking pot and brush ami they will allow any shipper to use it whenever so requested. No agent of this company will lie nl lowed to receive a commission for any service connected with his employment in such capacity, other than upon the icgular pay rolls. A failure tocomnlv with either of the above rules will subject the olfeiider to discharge from our service. V. Ii. McllliK, Siqicriulcndcut. For IohmvhmIoii of n llo- Nine year old Doctor Watson Haney was the central limine in nil interesting case before clerk W. T. Reynolds yester day. He had been living with his liroiher-in-law and his uncle brought suit to have possession of him, claiming that the brother-iu-law was not the proper erson to care for him. The case was one where the last- man had the k-st chance, and the brother-in-law was left custodian of the hoy. HelllouN Notice). I'iviue service this morning at North Asheville at 11 o'clock a. in; to-night nt 7.M0 p. m., at Riverside. Sabbath school at both places at 3 o'clock. Kvcrybody iuvited to attend these services Central Methodist church Sunday school at 0.30 a. in. Preaching at 11 .1. in., and at 7.30 p. in., by the pastor, Kev. If. C. Kankin. lieome Vauderblll Cons Inn. (".eo. Vaiiderbilt, with u party of friends and an architect w ho is to erect his house on his projicrty, will arrive in the city on Wednesday. They will Ik- here some time looking over the improvements made and arranging for the work to lie done. rinccliil Notice. Real estate dealers, manufacturers and contractors will confer a great favor by sending in on Monday the information asked tor sonic time since by ollicersol the board of trade as they wish to make up their report in time for the meeting on Thursday. Heath of Mrt. Howard. Mrs. Howard, who came here some time ago from Springfield, Mass., to Ik- treated lor consumption, died yesterday at the home of Mr. N. II. Atkinson. Her husband has been telegraphed, and will rencli the citv ts-day. Hi'St ) l'.iirllifiinke Shock, Caimo, 111., Jniiuiir.v ITi. The olIiitTS ot' the su'iimcr ltd ton koiig piissiii); tip lust rvcninu n-rt n Heavy sliock nl nil (nrtliiniiikc nt llrllfunt Liikc. Tenn., nt 3 u'l-luck yrstvrilnjr nmriiin. A veritnlile panic ensued iuikim the inlmliitnnls ol' tlir lueiilily, who linve not l(irn"t'cn the rrsnlts of the rciit ciirtliiimke nf tnnnv yenrs uiin, when New M.-ulri'l nml inui.li nf the niljneent trrritury sunk Ix-neiitli the waters ol the .Mnsissiiii. iiood I.Hinp ClilmncyH. I ii in now prcpnreil to supply lit wllolc snle nini retnil the liest chimney inmlr; it will not lirenk hv hent. The chimnevs henrine the "I'eerless" trade mark ure Kititrnnteeil to lie unsurpnsscd. Dealers will tlo well to handle them only. J. 11. Law. lion Mnrehe sells the best $1 crush lint yet seen, finer untiles to t'J.tot. New lot of kill uloves of nil makes titled to the Hand, sutislnclion guitrntiteeil. Hon Mnrehe, 0. P. IIAGEMAN, nROKERi Corrcapondtnt tu Doran & Wrlirlit Co., Ltd., 10 Wall St., New Vork. STOCK H, OHAIN, PKOVIHIONIt, PKTKO- LBI'M AND COTTON, Prlvstt wlrt to New Vork snd Chicago. Continuous quotations, actunl delivery guaranteed. Booms 8 and 4, No. 11 Patton ATeuu. 'aal d ASHEVILLE ADVEKTISHMtlXTS. iJELLICO COAL, t AT RETAIL, i For Grate. For Stoves. BEST For utile nt WlioU-milc nnd Kftull hy ASHEVILLE COAL COMPANY, Telephone 36. Hxeluslve Atfciit. (limnetic nnd Stentul for Western North Carolina. OnliT from .vourOroror, our "ROLLER KING" PATENT It ix iiiiiilo in Asliovillo, l'VOl' KNOW," And wo jili'dfi'c our word for it, Hint no WHITER DREAD, BISCUIT, ROLLS, Can lie niiiilo from tiny importoil Flour. ELECTRIC LIGHT Is tlip most popular strain-lit g;oo(ln in this inarkot. Ask your (lrocr fortlioabovi'Iw'aiHls.inanufacturod by tlif ASHEVILLE MILLING CO. Telephone No. 36. LHWIS MAIilU'X, rrcs L. P. Mi'Lora, Vlce-Prcs. Dikuctokc Lewi. MniMnx, M.I. nennlen, 8. II. Ke.il. Ceo. S Powell. C. WESTERN CAROLINA BANK, E- Orcnnlnd Mnr ut. ihms. C A PITAL. 850,000. SURPLUS, 815,000 Htatc, County nil (I Citv Depository lNrn u Onrrnl Iinnkinu HuMiifim, lVpnnit received. EichnoRt bought and noM. Col evtionn mnrtr nn nil nccvuntiilr point. Ttu hninK Fcnturv will rccrlvr rcinl attention, Oniill (inm In thl tlcpnrtincnt, dcpttnitid for four titnuthtt or InuKtr, .nterrat at the rate of 4 ht cvnt. Har annum will he paid. SiRvinl ntUntlon fc'iven to loan on real entitle, which will he placed for tonji time nn rent on tt Mr term. Open from U a. m. to 3 p. m- On 8nturtlit the Huviitjt IhrHrtmcnt will heoput tdl U p.m. Junl.lly 39-THE SHOE ST0RE.-39 Ki:.MuT.I TIT NO. LEADERS IN shoes tip ALL GRADES, AMr I-IN II HATS. Special Attention ;lvcn to "Style" and "QiiHlit) " of Goods). Herring & Weaver, - Asheville, N. C. OAK STREET INN, asiiicvii.li-:, N. C, Ilcnutirullv loenti'd In n nrove of on It nnd white nine, with tin tiu niitu nt ih ner ol ouk nnd WtHiilrtn mnvu. near the Feitmle C'olK'Kc and only thiee aqunrc irom the cuurt houwe. We hue a numln-r if rlctfnntly-nimlwhrtl roomn to ncvitnmndnte hoanlem who devlrr a nice. tpiH-t pliuv. nw.-iy imni the luiulw. Nitv roaum, n w furniture, nod fare, flrat-clnna cookiut at ntui'iHitilf prices. aIho, htit nnd cold iKitlm. Or. T. J. HARGANt Iroprlclor, COMPOUND OXYGEN ANDMEDICATED BALSAM VAPOR, All modern nnd lntt't linortTVed met hod for trrntiiitr chmnlL- JIsmim .f ths thront and nur. hy the itihniiiiitni of vnpohid nnd ntotnittd tltiitU hv the pntumntie nnd i-omprcrtwd nir appnriitiifc; nUo Compound Oxygen in i-i'iiiiivtion with the vaporited Hal Ham i the Imlwttm otitaitud from the niitiirnl lirilnm trt-en nenr Aheville.l we mnnutfii-ture n iionte i rrititiunt o (tie Comp-mml (UvKen, which l, equal to the oiliiT treatment, nntl will tv rnt on applK-ntmn l eKirmi, oh reivipt ol price, 9'J. Our iicivm here for llie isnut three year w ilh thtN tretrint hum liern i then o turn nl. hav. hit; cured many viimh thai w -re pronountvd Ii'iihUmm, whtiM n..iiim nnd rriil'-mv can le tilitnineil hy cult inn ut the Sanlttiritim. Ity iM-rmintton we teiei 10 iht tohnwinu welLknowii wenthmen of AhIu-vIIU: H. J. An ton, ra.-M.iyor ; J. I'.. Ktcd. Lici i . , Court ; Kev. it. C. Nan kin, piiMior Flnt Mi thodi .t Church: Kev. W. V. Nrhton. pitbtor I'imt ilHptmt Church; II. T. Cidlins, Capt. Natl Atkinon. CASIPIIFXL'S A majority uf ix-r.oi hnvc llu- inprt ..l..n urc only fifi'tttitlilr In s mi wralhi-f. While watkh. ';lNlil'.R AI.K" In nn rntlun, AI.K i. i-.m-ntiiilly Wimkn llvcnifv. I'rlvntr fiiniilUiit-nn i.nlir llirottKll thrlr Or Htmt. ilinvt. ll Cill. I. INS. I'n.i.lont. MvlNTIKIl. Vi.v.fn-.lilent. THIS WKSTERN DRESSED BEEF AND PROVISION GO. COLD STORAGE.-"- ND. 18 NORTH COt'RT Syl'ARIi. 'Wliolcnalc and Retail Dealer In C1IOICK MliATS. Tclcphoiic Call 4. Our nlm will In? to serve uur cutntncr with mrnta equul in ipinlllvto any thnt can tie tnincd In this or any other ninrkrt. I'leniie Klve sept 19 -INEWIGOODSi- Just In, nnd We arc Going to Sell Them. All kind, of Pry (lnml, Nutlnuii, tireM tlo'iils, CliiKhnms, liuntc.tle, Jeans, I'lnnnrl, nintiket., Hhuet, loitts, lints luLorthem liunuht fnrlriiNtlinn ert nf ntnklntf. Home of them cost nothing anil a hnlt, and will be mid the same wny. We nrr nHenl. tor some nf the lnr Kent factories In the Houth nnd can sell you Mi imr-mnili Jeans, all wool Ailed, for km than you can net them from nny other .tore In the Mtate. We keep OkAIIAM' IIOMII-MAIIK HIKiKi. and will Klve you any style at as low price, as any nlhcr fnetory In the Ittnte, and aunrnntcc every pnlr. A itreat many of ourKooils were bouxlil nt auction and lute In the casun, su we can Kll them lower than yoa will Mnd them at any other slur In the Hint.. Try and . Prices made In the store. Atthcvlllc Dry GoocIm Co., IT Norm Main street, 1st dnur below I'ennlmsn's Hardware Slnrt. J. (). HllWHI.I.. MiinuKrr. LU3IUKR YARD. GEO. F. SCOTT, North Public Square, WINDOWS, - ULINDS, - DOORS, Olass, Putty, Lime, I'la.terlng link, Hlilnul", Material. A Full Line of lMantcl and MouldlngM. IMr-Orders will receive prompt attrntlon. FITZPATRIGK BROS. & ROBERTSON, Dealer In Wall Paper, Window Paints, Oils and Varnishes, Mnsury's Mlsed French and Americas W keep la stock St. Louis and Kantuoky Lsad. $5.00 $4.50 ANTHRACITE COAL I. K. KAKKIN, CHJhlcr. K. Kay.J. B. Keeil M.J. Pninf. J. R, Kiinkln.J. M Mel.oml. 39 I'ATTtlX AVIiXt'Ii X. I. HARiflANt M. D. i.Umi R A1AI. llinl CARHOKATI-:i HltVKR AtilvN this I. Irur In n mrn.nrr as rt-KMiil. m i.ln ( ilswsuisiliunllllrs. ilNUI-:H - Kvr, nr I'mm the I'ni-tury, U17 llnywiiuil C. M. CAnPRIXL. t'.l'.O. K. Cnl.l.lNH. Hcvrrlury. J. . WIIHT, Auilllor. us a trial. illy l.athi, Penelng Pons All kinds of llullillna frhlndlr Hliadraiid Patent Ilaugcr, Paints and Colors. Window (lis.., botk ItbSillj H. T, COLLINS. President. ASHEVILLE Pure Ioe mnde from Distilled I'utton Avenue. I). V. Waddull, Pre tilt lent. W. W. JJaknarp, Vice President. CAPITAL, 8150,000. THE NATIONAL BANK OF ASHEVILLE THE LARGEST AND OLDEST BANK In WcHtern North Carolina. Tliis Uiink ia authorized by the Stnte Treasurer to receive State Taxes from Sheriffs, and receipt, for same. Interest will be paid on money deposited for fourmonthw or longer, and certificates of deposit issued for same. -IMKKCTOKS) l J V. SAWYER, Kev. J. L. PAKKOLL J.C. MARTIN, GREAT MINERAL "WEALTH HxlNttt in the tuouiitiin uf North Carolina, nnd In now helntf rapidly developed To meet the dt'iunuilR of thoite ownitiK Minernl Properties, we huve made nrrnncementp with Pierre de 1. KickilU, nntl John N. ltank. Metnlluiirmtii. ChctuKt. nnd Mlninu linicineeri. of New York Citv. to nit tuple. nnny nntl repttrt upon all miniiiM prtiluctn uhtnittel hy ui. We helieve thin arrntiKeinent will Ik n inot ncl vimtaKcium one to thane owning undrret oiH-tl Minernl I'rotterttf. nnd will he ol jrcut aHHiititncc in dmponinK of the same. Prof. Nicketlt has charge of the celehratcd School of Mines of Columbia College, And tin a world-wide reputation. The simple fact that he In Interested here will command inrneiliutr attention. Sample ol mi in-rats will he for wanted for immediate Inspection as soon aa they are hrotiKlit to our ottice. If worth anal.VKln, a moderate fee will he choked. If worthiest, no hnrKe will tic made. All analytical churKcn, includitiK Gold, Silver, Iron, Copper, Tin, Corundum, Etc., Wi'l hr ulven uptm application. We make Mineral and Timber Lands a speclnlty. JENKS & JEXKS, Real - Kntatc - and - Insurance, Kooiiiti o & io, McAfee Illoek, 8 Pafton Ave., AfthevIlIc,N. C. W. T flJNMM N PENNIMAN & G0., -JllllSKSa ANn HIAiRiDIWIAiRTE ASIIKVIIXIi, N. V. AOKST8 FOK OUPONT POWDER CO., RICHMOND S10VE CO., CORTLAND WAGON CO., OLD HICKORY WAGONS, STUDEBAKER WAGONS, MOLINE SCALE CO ENQINE8, SAW MILLS, ETC. M COHMICK HARVESTING MACHINE CO. IkM ti MANN, JOHNSON & COMPANY, HI'CCKMSIIHH Tl SHEPARD. MANN ft JOHNSON, AND THE BLAIR FURNITURE CO N .'17 PATTON AVHNI.'B, Wholcualc and Retail Furniture Dealers, And Undertaken. fr-l'romtil nttentlnn uiven to nil order, dnv or nlvtit PLUMBING, STEAM TIN AND SI.ATU ROOFING, Plans and (specification We have thorough mechanics In each Hue business. We can safely Rtiarantce nar patron, BALLARD, RICH Ml1rftT THE"HIKORY INN." . HICKORY, N. C. lilcctric l.itlits. Cns, lint anil Colli Witter Hut lis nnd Tuili ts on ench floor. Cuisine nnd npKiintinents uustirpiissvil. FRANK LOt'VHRAN, Proprietor. THE "BONANZA," Tit It I.KADINO WINK . AND LIQUOR .. STORE . IN THIS STATU. FINIS SAMPLE AND MILLIARD ROOM. J. A. HAHQVARDT, M'g'r. I NO. 43 S. MAIN ST., ASHEVILLE, N. C E. E.EAGAN, Secretary IGE COMPANY, Water. Office: No. 30 Lawrence Pulljam, Cushler. W. W. RARNARD, I), f. WADDELL. 0. W. WILLIAMS, or Wilnilnyton, N. C. W. K. PKNN1MAK. PSAI.BRS IN- AND GAS FITTING, ARCIIITIXTI'RAL IRON WORK. Furnished on Application who have had many years' eiperlcne la their satisfaction la our work, a low hsures & ISOYCC. P