In " fit, - (Ml 111 a-..' 3 ' i J Mat THE DAILY CITIZEN. J, D.CAMERON, Editor. H. D. CHILD, Business Manager. Thb Daily Citiikn will 1 published every morning ivoi'pt Mon.iny) at the lollwint' ntentrtctly cuah: One Venr J-'J1, Six Month! J'" Three Montha I j1' One Month '. One Week Oarcnrrlera will deliver the paper cvcri morning In everv port ol the elty to oar soli wilier, anil uirtie wanting It will plea call nt the Citiikk Oftioe AnvKHTiuM) KATKa Reaaonnhle.andmadi known on application at thin office. Al trnnalcnt advertiaemcnte muat be paid tn a yanc. The Citiikn la the mml eatenalvely drcti Intcd and widely read newspaper in Wcnten North Carolina. Itn diacuaaion of public men and measure I In the Inter? at of ptililk Integrity, honw rovernnu'nt, and proaiieroua iniluatry. and r known no pcraonal allcginnccin treating pul lie iHRIieK. . The Citiikn punllahra the dlapntchea of th. Aaaocinteri Prewa, which now cover th whole world In lt mine. It hn other fnoili ti.a of ailvanceil Imimullam for gntherlm new from nil quarter, with evrrythingcari fullv edited to ncvupv the amalleat "pace. 8'pecimen eopie of nnv edition will be en' f Te to nnv one vending their nilitreaa. Reading notice ten centa (ar line. Ohltn rv, mnrrinb'e and aoctetv notice lifty cent ench I not cieccuing ten lineal or fifty cent, per Inch. ibAYEBRUARV 10lcttK: THE BKG1NNINU OF THE END, The Wilmington Review of the 13tl ays: There lire just 08 strati saw mills am pluniii(i mills nml clrv kilns on the line o the C. F. & Y. V. R. R., between Hen nettsville nnil Mount Airy, To be exact there are 85 steam saw mills and U plnnini; mills and ilrv kilns. This isoi the old part of the road. There or. others in oix-ration on the new line Ih tween this city and Fayetteville. Then are live of these new. c II nut up. sine work on the road was lieuun, and oilier? will lie in operation at an cnrlv day. All of these mills saw nine lumlier. Tin list as completed which means that th mills between this citv and Fnyettcvill are not included in the count is as tol lows, etc. At first blush this seems extreme! gratifying. It marks the life, the energy the industry awakened in a region one solitary and still, where the mournlu sighing of the pines seemed to breath out the never ceasing lament of solitud and neulcct, and where no echo of iudus try disturbed the solemn silence. Int these dense wildernesses the railroad have pushed their way, and wrought tli chnnge that follows light projected o to the realms of darkness. And it is chunge for which, as a practical qucslim we cannot grieve. A lienifieent nntun bad prepared in her bounteous treasun bouse all these stores to lie used by ma when his wants demanded thcm.justn he had laid away her stores of coa prcpnred in the deep obscurity of Ion departed ages when the disapiearanee i the forest bclbrc the march of liuma progress and population made iuicriwu demand for oilier sources for fuel supph Nothing that nature has so provided ca be spared merely in deference to a'sthct emotions. The forests, grand, solem and beautiful, cannot stand merely Ik cause they are the most attractive God's wouderlul handiwork. They hav their direct nnd practical uses with chit am! indispcnsulilc connection with all u man's movement in the direction civilization, with his necessities fo building, for fuel, for structures, for im plements in the arts, nnd in the appl nnecs ol domestic comfort, or the exac tions of luxury. The forests must used. And in connection with the slate nients of the must lie admit te that the uses so strikingly called to n ticc, are the only uses to which these loi estscunbe applied, and only applicubli through the genius which have mad them accessible nnd attainable. Hutnn energies have been stimulated, industn awaked, industry rewarded, prosperil, diffused, population increased. So lar so good. But what is apparent is tha moderation will have no voice or advi cate. For a hundred and liftv years them grand pine forests stretching to tin uepth ol a hundred miles along our east ern shores, have been the treasure houst from which successive generations hav deliberately drawn their annual n sources, ns modest income from a iermu nent investment. Now the indications an that the capital stock is to Ik invaded am squandered witn the reckless haste am waste that has obliterated thegrent pint forests ot Maine, New York nnd I'entmyl, vnnia, and rapidly consuming those o Michigan and Wisconsin. The ruinom invasion is now directed upon the South and before another generation ourgrnnil solemn "pincy woods" will have passed into history. The teniier of this genera tion is tn consume everything in its owi day and leave nothing to mtcrity. Tin same avaricious spirit to apply every thing to present uses that has been fol lowed by the extirpation of the buffalo the disappearance of the once cnunihst myriads of wild pigeons, the extinction of the once great flights of the hcautifu paroquet, the rarity of other once numei ous birds and nnimnls, all directly tract able to human waste and greediness narks itself with striking emphasis ii its relation to the forests. No one herd when hull is called. There is tt wild rush to share in the spoil to he gathered We tremble when we hear ol investments in Southern timlerrd binds, for we know what It mean. Hut there will IX no check by the evil until the mischief is all done, when the plains and the hill hall have been stripped and stand ex posed in bare desolation, when the streams shall dry up or be reduced in volume, when long droughts shall parch the land or furious floods shall drown it ; and then the scientist will propose hi theories to remedy that which cannot be remedied, and lorestry commissions hall how how wise it is to repair the waste thut might have been prevented, and de monstrate how easy it ii to provide for future generation other forest! planted by human hand, a if American people bad ever any thought of future genera tions, or If they ever had patience to wait the growth of that which some body else wni to use. The motto of this generation In respect to the forest Is, "lay on Macduff, etc." Don't know where we are ? Why, you can't mUa It If you cast your optica down Main Street. MARTIN'S MARKET. Appeal to moderation is idle. We shall not live to see it, but it is clear that our lorests are doomed to the fate that has lallen on them elsewhere. THOMAS aTkUIHON. The Charlotte Democrat gives us the lollowing idea of the iersonal appearance of this wonderful man ; "Mr. Edison is ns unconscious as a boy, lull and clean of face, five feet ten, with graceful forty-yeur-old rotundity ol tin ore. lie has a certain pallor nnd con siderable ol tne actor cast about his feat ure, and so naive nnd meaning is the 'mile that charmingly runs constantly ibout his mouth, that one might sat he .hii'ks with his lips. He has eves rather muill than large, more blue than gray, .lint twinkle with merriment which it piict and with shrewdness that is half irnctical, half absent and contemplative. Mr. Edison is a great man the world iver, nnd is justly a lion wherever he oes." He "is n great man the world over," renter than wnrrior, greater than orn or, greater than poet For he is one of .hose conquerors who boldly invaded the calms of nature and wrested therefrom ome of its most recondite mysteries and oibdued to the common use nnd purpose f mankind. To such men we owe it .hut the present age has been able to eap in the short bound of hull' a ccnttirj ver more ground thun it hud covered in ,11 the long course of human history. It little more than a century ngo t hat Watt wide available what every child had .uowii Irom creation, theexpansivepow r of steum, chained its powerful volatik orccs, harnessed them, set them to work ind then made possible the work tha i-'ulton first begun, to fill the rivers nud he sea, with vessels propelled by steam subverting nt once all old timesystems ol invigation; oi thut gnve courage to the .-cuius of Stephenson to applv to land onvevuncc the locomotive engine wliicl, nnv now traverse all continents nud pan bn.h hemispheres, to the nnnihila inn of distance and the reduction ol time ml it is not much more than a centun ince Franklin suutched Mum the cloud: i mystery, the identity of the lightning villi the electric spurk which the philos- pherdelighled in his laboratory toevolt nun his Leydvnjnr.nnd thussuggest iilea vhich expanded until elaborated b A'hcatstone and Morse into theelectri elcgrnph now the instantaneous vcliicl I thought from oneend of theenrth to tin tlicr, girdling the cat til in less tha .'nek's forty minutes. The greatest oi ,11 triumphs was reserved for Edison .'or he has seized upon llicesscntial spirit I the lightning, its brilliancy, a ml mm l the liamlinaiilin of human convenience vbcii night comes on to take the place ot lie god ol day, lighting up our darkness, nuking bright the streets, cheering do nestle life, giving the artisan an extcu ion of his hours of work, adding im ueasurably lo human convenience ami ilcnsure. We will therefore welcome Edison with nore pleasure than if bis name were row ucd with military glory, or if his row were wreathed will) the Kel's lau cl, for we feel lhai he has reached highc iid gone clcciicr into those mysteries vhich we know connect the human aud iiviue natures, but of which we know .ttlc. MOtit-: V. BEACH, We thought until u few days ago that His creature had gone home, otherwise .vc would have noticed bclore this one ot in letters published some weeks since, A'e find he is still writing. We quote the ollowiug to define his status on tin egro question, and beg to be excused .mm farther reference lo one, who di ounces as a prejudice lite Southern wt night say Northern hostility to social quality with the negro, and leave him . consort with those be chooses lor his quids: "There is, to be sure, an intense preju lice ugainsi recognizing the social equal, ty ol the negro, and against the rcpuhli .an party. This prejudice is common .o I lie .-outlt, it is only natural to excc! rom long time opMineuts of the rcpuhli .'an parlv. There arc too, ticople ol in .luence, who are actually vindictive in .heir piciudices to such un extent that it ids us an obstacle to Ashevillc rather .hail a help. I'eople who are eager lor the growth ol this place are also readv to talk of the past ami present (Hilitical ustorv, iiccoinpnnying their talk with such emphatic cxpiessions of opinion ns to mane northern men wary oi settling inning the exponents ol ann-negroism etc." The assassination olu deputy marshal in (1011811111, Fla., is a crime which will rind no justification or delendvr. If it cre for political cITcvt it is a blunder ns well ns a crime, for it is a direct challenge to a power already anxious tn take of- tencc. As a crime it is no more aggra. vated than many similar crime North is well as South brutal and cowardly arousing the anger of every good man to bring the perpetrator to punishment As a blunder, it proves how dcieiitlent the good name of the South, the pence- fulness of our relutioiis with the govern ment, the harmony of our intercourse with other sections, is at the mercv of irresponsible men who have no stake in the welfare of society, who take no re sponsibility for the mischief they icre- trate, and who recklessly and brutally jeopntdite everything which is the sub ject of the solicitude of every thoughtful allien. The South is a grievous sufferer through such wrong-doers; every such deed is denounced at characteristic of he whole section. It wilt continue to suffer until State authorities take hold of he mutter with strong hand, and deter mine that the pence nnd happiness of the whole people shun not lie at the mercy ol a lew cowardly miscreants. Urallfylnic lo All. The high position attained and the mil vrrsnl acceptance and npprovnl of the pleasant liquid fruit remedy Syrup of rig, ns the most excellent laxative nown, illustrate the value ol the ami tie on which its success is based and arc hsnlutely gratifying to the California Fig S ruu Company. Rlr fohn Paunerforte anvanll Ciinnflinn and Hrhring ten trouble between the governments of the United State nnd lircat Britain will be o mien lily settled. Do you want a tender, sweet andlulcy Mteak or at MARTIN'S MARKKT, 50 s. Main St. I MARKETS II V TELEGRAPH, Money and Securities) Cotton IrovlHloiia and Produce, UOMBV AND BKCURITIKS. Nkw Ynmc. Pen Uichune ilull but atenny qt.Hav.'H.Byfe, Monev env S)iiliTrvaaiiry hnlance Hold, $toli OUi nun; currency, so.nui.lioo. Ooverniiiciit lionilN dull but steady i tihk. l.'J''i4: 4Uf pt cent. tnt.o4Vi. State IiiiihU entirely mslected. tin CIiihsA Lu.,n7 INil I'ac.latmor Rl! Ala. Class II. ft .11 U N. Y. Central. ..lull (in. 7. mort KH4IN. K:W.ifil oi S. C. Con.. tl..tU4V'i'Northeni I'm,. :l( S. C. Con.. IIIIWN. I', old "I1 s. C llrown'a...lllU ll'nciticMiiil as tTenn.n 107 IKcndiilK I'rnn. fia 10 IKich. ! A lie U'J lenn. 8et.. ,1a 7 IK. W. I'oint.. It 1 tVlritinlalls 4H iKock lalnnd tl! Viruinia Con... 4l 1st. I'nul ON Sorlliweatem ...1011 do old 114' do old ...14SlilTex. Paeilic Ui I el Ac Luck lilftlllTrnn Coal KcVn S UHlilt'niun I'a.iiic on Krle KiiHt Tenn Lake Shore I.uu. a; Nash Mem. it Char.. MoliMt Ohio Misli. Ac Chat.. Hid. UUIN. J. Cvntral.tlM 1nni..jMo. I'ncllic 72 87 'i Vctern I'nion Hit A4 ICottiin.Mt'cd Oil Idtt.l Ccrtilicntca lid': 103 illrunsnick UO COTTON. Khw Viihk. Felt, in. Cotton tirtn. Sale to-ilav 347 Imles; uiiildlini: upland 11.V10; uiililliim orlcun 11 tl-lll Total nctrcceiii it nil port to-diiy llMUMi. Hxporl toUrvat llrttain ,007. stock ou,i4T oaten 'kw Viihk. Vch. lfl Cotton Net receili riL'O; icroH IIUOA Kuturcs cloned quiet but .tcady. Soles 110 IM 10 hale. Hell 1 1. 1-2(111 ! March.... 11 l'4al l.l'.-.iScpt 10.74;ilO Aurll 11. '.'sail aU'Dct lo.HMHin.4ll iuv 1 1 :t:iai 1 a .sm- 10 i'.'.niu I unc 1 1 a.Hil1.aillec lo.U.'ialU, lulr ll.42all.4ai Galvkston. Ih IS Cotton ateady, 1oA -eceiiil lOK7. N.mi'iil.K, Feb. 15. Cotton steady, 10 -et'itil 41111. Hai.timohk. Feb. IS. Cotton nominal 11LH; receipt 0. llosTtiN, Feb 13. Cotton Arm, 11 tji .vim AN WU.MINOTON, N.C., Feb 18. Cottonateady IOAh: receint 141- I'liii.AOKi.i'tii. Feb IS. Cotton Ann, 11 U III: re,vilit0. Savaksaii. Feb IS. Cotton quiet. 10A receipt 12U4. Nkw iiNi.KAN. Feb. IS Cotton atead HIAki reecilit" 4:i4ll M01111.K. Feb. IS. Cotton Arm, 10U-1U ri'LH-mt OS1! MKUl'lo. Feb IS. Cotton Arm, 10ii re .eipt H41I. Ann TA. Feb. 15. Cotton firm, lo5. eint 1!4S Ciiari.ktos, Feb. 15. Cotton Arm, 109 ICcipt 440. rKOVISIoNS AMI I'MolirCK. Cincinn ATI. Feb. 15 Flour atendy. Wheal No. U ri'il 77U corn No. a mixed Mil 'lata No. 2 mixed 24U. I'ork lO 25 llu neat aieady. hikey ateady l.o'J. Ciiicaoo. Feb 15 Cahnuotntiontiwlny Acre a follow: i-iour nrmer. wneat .v '' norinsT 7.1. Corn So. 2 271 tint No. '.o, Mc pork U.75. I. aril 5.Hiia5.H2V. Short no 4.7O0. ,a. v ninaey i.u;;. Nkw Yokk. Feh. 15 Southern flour wen Wheat mint No. 2 red l.'.a-5'.. Corn qui, -No. 2 :.. O it llul .Millcn 2,.. lW March Id 15ain.25. Souar refined firm NtolaMMe New Orlenn nrm. r leuin refined here 7 so. Cottoncvd oiliiuiet I'ork firm. Lord western tenin .2 Freight., firm Cotton 15-iHd: jirnin 5trd THE VERDICT Of the lHroplf i that ESTABROOK In tniv mtrr aluiitl, and tlmt his lint of BOOKS, PICTURES, FANCY GOODS, TOYS AND NOVELTIES Cannot lie beaten, and that we And thnt the iieat pine for Holiday Good of nil decrii- (ion 1 at H. T. EHTABROOK'S, 22 South Main atrert. So any we all Till! I'liOPl.l! Ill' ASIIIiVII.I.H. AT THE LEADING JEWELRY STORE The entire Mock ot Plated Jewelry, Imluillfiu fine Itn .when, ttuttun nml HruY lets, nt 1-8-0 NE-THIRD OFFI-1-JJ KrKnnlle of cont. an we intend In the future tn keep nothing hut KoMd Hold nnd HU-rlinx Silver Jewelry. ARTHUR M. FIELD i FAnrnin ifwfi fr bbnuinu fiikbiii, Houtli Main St. AmIicvIIIc, FURNITURE ANDJNDERTAKIN6. BLAIR & 1JROAVX, No. 30 Patton Avenue, M'AFEE BLOCK. OPPOSITE BLAIR'S OLD STAND On February 1.1 we wil open at tin.' above house our Furniture and 1'ndcrtaklng; IbisineNH with full capacity and purposi to please th( public nnd meet every de innnd in our line. We wil keep on band n full line o First-l'lasH Kurniture, which we will dispose of at living prices, and also Ihe best stock of t'ndertnker'H CmxkIh to be found in Western North Carolina. Having a wide practical e.eiieiice in em miming nnd shipping bodies, we can aspire satisfaction to those who require our ser ices. W. A. Blair, .1. V. Dhown & Sox. Janltndtf Mr. Jim. Cnrter Arrlnuton. of Klnir- wood, N. C, wan curat) by Mm, Jne I'rrtHin'i Rrtnrdv. of n lore on hla fnr. which had been trouliling him for vrnri. Iti lite nnd nnpenrnnct it rrwmlilrd a mrdwliTry, nml wni tierfrctlv rnw. For full purlieu In m of hit cone nrnd for Jinmphlet, to Mrt. Jot I'cnon, Kittrtll, A CLEAN SWEEP ! The huge stock of CLOTHING Ot'i upying the entire tipjier tloor of our building must nnd will boclenml out every ; piece within 5)0 tltiyM.iitnnil bilov eoKt. Tliis stock con tains nil sizes and qmilitie of ns clean, stylish ami uVsii M able uooilnwis can be toiindin Western North Carolina. Tliis closingoiitofClothinfi' is for the purpose of giving : more attention to the Di (Sootls Department, whit will be first-class in every re spect. Don't delay, but come a once and be suited, at a sav ing of from to a suit .'100 pairs pantsgoingntTui to $-r.7.". Overcoats froi $'-.'27i to-14.7"; worth twic that. We are also offering some special drives in Shoes am Dress (ioods for .'10 days t make room for early spring purchases. Yours respectfully, Bostlc Bros. & Wright 11 X. Main St., Asheville ISSCK.WCE. piKII ISSI RANCi;. FIWE. LIFE. ACCIDKXT PULLIAM & CO, At the llnnk of Ahevtllc. ARUKVll.l.n. N. C Rfltrcacnt the fllowinit compiinieM, vii PIRrt. CAMM AHVKTH IN V. 9. Anulo Nevada, of CiiHiiirniu 'J.41iT.H:ta Contlnrninl, of New Ynrit 4,H7"i.(l2 iiiuniiuriC'lirrmen.Mi cnnnnv..... l.l'Jli.unj l.umlnn AvKiirnncr.of linulnnd l.ft4H.Mft Niniiiira, nl New York 'J.'J'AT.WJ orient, of Hnrtmtri .ili;",illt rmrnis. of iirotiitivn n,Al,17W M. l oui fire and .Marine, of Min- neM.ta 1.(141 .ont Anuthem, nl New Or It an 4.'t!,llH4 We-tern, ol Toronto ,o:ut,.ll' AlUtllAl ArC1CInt AHWHIattOU A-Xnu I. He In Ha ranee Company. iltnmr'JD ORNAMENTAL PAINTING. Thnnkln corilinlly the rltlirna nf A.hcvlllr for their lllwral intrnni ratrnill liuth li my Fruit liualnraa nml to my I'nlntlnit, tnkc plraaurr In annnundnii thnt I will von tlnur thr ft rat unilrr tffiiniwt.nt mnnnicrmrnt whll. I will ilcvotc my iirraonnl ntirntlnn to alKn and omamrntat iinlntlnK, my irofl. rlrncy In which tuia aniilr Uailmony. A cm tlnunncv of pntrnnaitc la muat rraicvtluU (nl. J11IIS HALMON. Jan 1 dam MRS. A. I'.LallARllE 159 PmOoii Avenue. I'liat-Claaa tluard by the day or month. Term, made known nu appllrntlon. dceNdly J.ThROWN, MERCHANT 1 TAILOR, as Patton Avenue, (Neat todrand Central Motel. I tdlvEwTrJEn Sntfrrtna hnm tha tlfU of yoathral arrora, aarly mf.vaaltDiiwaaaDMM, loatmanbond.afa., I wlU and t valuable. IrauiMleealadi eonuinlat fall cwilenlara for bom. aura, PRE! of ehargt. a apUn.llJ BMdiral work i abould U raad bj arerr Ba woo ii narroue and dalilliiaud. addreea, rrof. F. C. VOfTLU, Heodiu, Coauu nnv ilai w I J. W. SCIIARTLK, MERCHANT TAILOR 4 N. Main St. lehstodlt JAMiilt FKAISIC, AMILY GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS Amnt for Mrenil Creek Woolen Mllla. North Mala Aahevltle. N. C. tVhindle NKW liKllll, cnrrftilly tirepared hy lead m Inn memliera nf the Ahrvlll hnr , lineal pnrrhment and hrney flat paper), en erlna all nereaaar prtlMta.Jnat nnt nnd now on aalr at the inner of the Oman PvaL'.M inn n in m one cnnrt mtnrrr. rianlnt DRIVS AXD MEDIC lLf. T. 0. SMITH & GO Carry the largest stock o Drugs, Medicines and Drug gists' Sundries in Western Carolina. They have tin handsomest Drug Store in the State. Their goods a re a I bought forcash sec uringextra discounts and prepnymen of freight charges. Their trade hasgrown rapidly from month to month, since their opening in Asheville. Wei posted buyers come to this store for the highest gradi of goods, at the lowest pos' sible juices. A large business can be dune on small profits As their trade grows they hit giving their customer re- luctions. DRKSH.1UKINU AND LADIICS' TAILORING. Mrs. Iloldcrby Now ofirna a l'ahitnntle lireaemnklnK tiiMinhmcnt un llridue atrert. No. fll. B.iIIi Iip the patronnKc of all Ihel.adlra. inn.'to d.'lnt DiKKolution Notice. The partnenhlpherctiifureeiiiatlnKlKtween Meaar. Lyman H Child hna thla day lieen dlaaulved liy mutual cunarnt, Mr Child retir Inn from the Arm and Mr. Lyman continuing the bualnraa at the anme otHre In Ihe liulldlnii known na "Lciiul lltnck." Mr. Child will continue In the real eatnte btiinra and ran be found for the pit-arm nt throAinul Monrr ft Merrick. A.J. I.VMAN, ... M ii ttl ltun J. V. BROWN & SON, UNDERTAKERS AMI EMBALMERS. nrnca: OVER J. E. DICKERSON S HARDWARE STORE. Bmlialmln and ehlpplnti aiiedalty. Calla attended nlnlit and day. TKI.KPMONB NO. n5. nrtn d Por itrntlemen. A tterfeet ahoe al a miHlrrnie euai 1 ry a pnir m nur tminltlra In rnl e mrn'a fnni wenr, at a.oo, li.oo, an. no. a.uli. m. n, ami ,m. nvery pair warrnnlrd. fta amine our aiwdaltlra fnr Indira at ax no Xlili. J.-Oandf'J.oo. uneicclltd for tum- iitn. fiu'niniii.v anil aiyie. Inalat on havlnir tlle'iirlfftnal M A larltartl Co. 'a Hhuea, The a-rnuine have our ainmp minii-uinuirain amic. wni IHiailiniO III any part of the tt. H. on receipt nf prire. M. A. HACK AKII l CO.. llriKklnn. KUmm. U..r aale In Aaltrvilleliy H. RKI1WOOD A CO. anal 1 denri Kmoa an we hi SCHOOLS. KtiRiUh and French 60ARDINQ AND DAY SCHOOL, FUfl TOUNU LADIil RN0 LITTLE OIRLI, No. 40 Prenrh Itroad Aeeniie. MRI. BUROWYN MAITLANO, PRINCIPAL For many yean Aaanvlate Prlnelfial of Mt. Vemnn Inatltut.. Haltlmora.l Aaelated hy a corp. of com pen trot teacher. nnv Hi $2.99 Shoe. MISCELLANEOUS. Looking Backward Over the ;it eight yenn of our ucce$sttl hutlnent lite in AxhevHIc hna ilemomtruted to ut the fact that oar dcUrmlimtlan to tell only pure Kol. Kunrnnueing wcixht nnd quality, and nuking a tnrnll profit on every thing told, eommendt itself to the good tente of purchntert. Sevond. Thnt desirable euttoniert cannot he gained hy the oft-tried practice of tome denlert in cutting price on a lending ar ticle), hoping to make Itupontomethlngehe. That hartl work nml clone application to businet it the price ot tucevts. That our hutinetts lor 1NSU thowt an In crease over the previous year of 20 per ceat. which is very gratify ing, and for which we wish to thank our many Irlcndt In Asheville and Western Sorth Carolina. Lokng Forward Wt urc eitvoururerf to enter upon the yeur before u with renewed energy uml it deter mination to give our customera the Itenetit uf our incrennerl fttcilitieH for buying nnd ne!Unn the very finest nam! to be hud, nt imi profit. Ourtitock in now the fur pest ever altered in thin market nnd emhrnce everything in the line of Staple nud Fancy Groeeriv, Tnble lielieneieu, I'rulta, Ornin. Flour, etc. h'tspcctfulty, H)WKLL & SNIUKR. - A- PROGRESSIVK - AGE. - OLD FOGYISM NO LONGER TOLERATED! I.tfr too nhort I What the ixopk want to henr nhout now it Where They Can Get THE LargcM Amount of Value I' O K TH K .Leant Amount of Money. Not the niimlicr if ytnrn a hoimc hrti been in liunincBR, nor the rewctnhillty of tlirlran iYMtnra rii-nsnnt wnnln nomrthnci ptrnw thr rnr. Iiut monrv thr ptufcrt Wr prrfrr othrrn to do the trumpet hlowlnu. hut wr nrr prcnumptuoim rnotiph to lwllrvr thrqual ity of our Oroct ricn nrr an hi-h nnd prii-rnii ow ns can he found on thin market. Commit your own Intrrvnt when in want of anything in our line nnd drop in nt the corner ot Main nnd Colic kt t recta. A. D. coopi:r. A CARD. Rditor Aaheville Citlien: That rur many frli-nda may know how wr are getting on we will atate that we took In in Hotel nn P-torc 9 9,000 in Vive Weeks. Took In In.t Kntunlny over 7oo. 7S or that waa hotel, tiolnnce atore. Hotel regta. terrd that dav Had fl.iMlo arrival' In .1 month. Our at ek ia mammoth 300 feet limit nnd I ft feet w'le. Tell the lia'nnce of the world to eome nnd are "Old Chcd" amlle, nnd buy ttooila of ua nnd aave 10 to U5 ier .vnt. novlO illf 8. tt. CI1RIIHSTHR tt HON THB ASHEVILLE LIBRARY ASSOCIATION ROOMS. 26 PATTON VE..(Y.M.C.A.R00MS.) Oiien dally, except Sundaya, Irom 10 a. m until 1 p. in., and 4 until 0 p. m. The term, of auliacrlptlnn are: One year i 11 m., ai.ou; mm,, i : l mo., oiicta.: Offlerra lor 1NOO 1'rmldent, Chnrlea W. Woolaryi VliT-l'rralilent, Thoa A. Jonra; Ker. anilTren'-urvr, II. 8 Valon; Ulirartiin, Mlaa K. J. Ilntih. Clllirn. and vlait-ira are eonliatly Invltril to InatK'Ct the i-ntnloifiie nml In.iTiiH their name, aa memliera. Jannodtf W. D. ROWE, niMLtia IN- ITALIAN t AMERICAN MAHIII.F., CranltrMiinumenla, etc. All klmla of.Monu, rrrnta, Tomliatonea, lltailalonea. t'rna and Vnai-a made to or.irr in Ihe latiat ueafna. ASHEVILLE, N. C. Yard At llnncomlie w ar. huuac. auyu dnra J. N. MORGAN CO. No. 3 Barnard Building;. iScliool nnil CollpifP Tuvt itookw, a luli line. 1'oi'tH, J I ih- tltV Mt UI1I1TI.U ltl.i(il,nv,1,. ....j, v., IMVII lll , Travffl anil NovHh, Fninilv UiblcH. 8. S. IiibloH nnd TeHt- anuMitH, Oxford TenHHTH' iJibli'H, iSoiiff IlookH of all kimlH, lnrffentofk .Statiorifry. Itliiiik liookH and OfHi-H iii'iil School Supplies. New Tine Ladies and ('exits' Pocket- jooks jiiHt opened. Fancy ioods and Dolls. fVhlOrtlr Street Car Schedule. Btalnnlna at a. m. Endlna 10.00 p, tn, Car leavea Houare forl)enataver hnuv anrf hall hour Car leavea aqua re fnr Melke'a, I'uuliledny and Camn Hattun7 tnlnntea after each hour and hnlf hour Car leavea Melke'a, Ttouhteday and Camp Pattoa 7 minutra before each hour ud hair hour. tkhedule can connect al aquare. Train ear me ta everv train. One valla al lowed each pntaenirer. THB AllttVtl.l.H arKBHT CO, HOTELS. PRIVATE BOARD. NRW HOU8BI NBWX PI7RNI8IIBD ALL MODERN IMPRVttMBNT8. MRS. N. B. ATKINSON, No, 811 Haywood Street. liin'JSdlv JpKIVATU HOARD. A In rue houae. AIR Pat ton avenue. Warm, cnmfortaiile rnnma, On atrect car line. Temia rt'iiaonnble. nctNilitm MRS. T. I.. SMATHBRR. REAL ESTATE. liriiiD, t Formerly of Lyman & Child ), REAL ESTATE LOAN BROKER Strictly a .Brokerage BunIncM Loans necurely placed at H nrr cent. GRANT'S DRUG STORK If-t SOt'TH MAIN STRRKT. Nearslffhtedueiiitf Crnfta eye, cntnract, color tiliatfnetw ld l,vht. otijectH flfmtinjt teinrr the cyea atag trrritiK blinding, wrnk aiuht, ilccaylnjc fix lit, Hhort HiKh.riliKiiM, overn'Khteiluew, double vision. niKht hlindneaa. aun tilindneaa, nerv ou nnd parnlyird aiKht, ure aiHcdily rtllerrd and aometituea reatorcd by wearing Hawkea Cry at allied Lenaca. Han Arrived The eMrt optician. Mr. Id the city, teprcRrniintf Hawkea' new Cry a tal lied Lenses. Ther Klanaea have won the ad- mirution of nil who have uaed them. Their mile are unprecedented everywhere. They enn lie worn any length of tin e nt one alttlng nnd fiive a mnrveloua clenrnean of viaion. Ilundrtda have had th ir fright improved by their uae. They atand unrivalled In their Kplendid reputntion. No charge for ttttlng. aep3 dOm TI1U I.AKCIiST A Nil BUST RUUIHPBD IK THB SUfTH. CHEMICAL AND ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES op H. C. Woltcrcck & Co. CONfttl.TINU CM KM INT AND U INI HO RNOINRRia. An nly tea t Metnl, Orca. Coal or Coke. Mta erni waters, fcrtmicra, etc. PR!CB LIST ON APPLICATION. Mining property inventlented. develooed. bought and mild. CorrriHndrnce aolldted. Hnm 1 ilea enn ) at-nt bv ninil or exnreaa. It ent hy eiprt-na. chnrgea muat be prepaid Xrnin wiintcri in every puicc. Cliattaiioofca Tenn PR. H C. WOLTCRKt K, nuvft dAcwty Manager. RICHMOND & DANVILLE R. R. CO. PaaaKauna Okia ktm knt. Weatern North Carolina lliviaion PASSKNGtiR TRAIN RCHBUl'tB. 1 In RrracT RafT. i'ill 70tb Meridian time uaed when not otherwi. indlcaed. KA.TliorMi. "No. Ill rNo.'A3"i linlly. I Pally. I Lv. Knti.ville. t until mer.) aniiptnl KiWnm " Anlieville, ll'.'4'iam aili7pm Ar. Hallatiury, I (1113am HAIlim " Knnville. U.SKnm I lDVtmm " Richmond. I .l.nipml mnaml nu.,-,,.,,, I 1 ,'j,m 1 ..oam " Coldahoro, I ainpm ISollpm ' Wilmington I Ooopinl LynrhliurK I2upm 1 1 '.'mam 71ipm UAaam NAopml Ni'nnm II aiipm III 4.7am 211am I 1 aopm I " WaahinKton ' llnltiniore, " I'hila.. " New York. WKKTIIill'NO. SoTAil i'No. 8i"i" 1 naiiy. 1 nniiv, 1 . New Vork, 1 1 2 1.1am I .1llpm CI1II11.. 7 annul I A7pm tlalliniore. I tl4.,ainl 1l.'liiiml W nliliiKt'n 1 1 :'4iiiii 1 1 1 ntlpm l..viu,hliurif,i A4iipml AOTntn I KUhniiind, I flinipni I a.'liiiim I llunvlllr. I h4ilptnl hfiruim WilinitiKt'iii "lllliam " iloltlahoru, I aaopml fifiupm Kal.lKh. J 4 4i)ml lllllainl MnllHl.rv."l 1 Jn,.m 1 iV lVa..,n 1 Ar. Aaheville, I 7aaain 427pm Hn,ville, I lllinli inrr. 1 liaiAnml H2Apm No. AA I A. Ik 8. R. R. I linilv. I Rb."A4" Uaily. 7 on p m 807 pa. 3 40 p a no, ,. , n.noinr, nrr, mini amlAr. llrndrraonville, " I a a ... 1 . , .. T unijim'- Himrtniliiurg, lv.l MI'RHHV HRANCH. '" " No7 Yal tllnllyeicept Wunda.v.l I No. t'7 "ttUlamil.v. Aaheville, "Ar.TS AlTp m II IfiamiAr. Wavni-avilic, "MAApm A4Mpm" Inrrrtt'a, " 700am n4.1iui" Weatflcld, l.v.l 10 am 8lccpliiK Car Service. We take nleaaure In announctnathclnnuan rnllon of a daily line of elegant Pullman lluf. fvl lirawlnif MoomCara. Iietween llotaprlng. and Aah.'Vllle and Waahington, I). C, Nov. U, un I lie following avheilule: ' 6Bt I"" ' ' ' TNorila' I a anjim l.v Hot 8iring., Arrl fl l npra 1 A4im " Aaheville, " I 3lpm 71 limnl" Rnll.lmry, " llaAam OA.'lanilAjTJVahlnBton,Lvt Otlpni Clnac and .ure ennnectlona made at Wuk. Ington for all iiolnta In the North and Kaat. The Pullman Parlor Car now Ik Ing operated between Hnlialiurv and Knoivillt on thee tralna will lie illacontlnuid after th com. niciicvmrnt of the HUf ping Car run. Noa. mi anil Al. Pullmai. Hleeicr Iwtweea. Orcrualioro and Morrlatown. W. A. WI.NIIUHN, Tt. P A., Aahawllla M r JAM. L. TAVI.IIR.C. P. A., wnahington, P. C The IJcKt ure the Cheapest. IIF.R1S.'9 PATENT CHAMPION SAFES Farrcll.& Co., ' Philadelphia. auao dAwftm stSSKBBSt n.ivai

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