.saBfuuaa.i.iiai ''WWWW"!1'1'11 l;Ifeil' !ir Mi J.!: ft 'Xj r vi mm a it ! t ! f' ft THE DAILV CITIZEN. J. D. CAMERON, Editor. H. D. CHILD, Business Manager. Th Daily Citiisn will be punH.hed wry msrnlnK lexcept Monday) at the following ratea tnctly ch: One Yer Six Month! J "" Three Month S" One Month J" One Week 8 Our carrier, will deliver the paper every morning In everv part of the elty to our ub acrlhcre, and partlr. wanting It will please call at the Citiirm Office Apyihtiwno Ratr. Reasonable, ana mane knowa on application at thl office. All tran.lent advcrtlacmcnta mult be paid la aa- The Cmim It the molt extenelvely circu lated and widely reaa new.papr.rra ic Nnr.li Carolina. Ita rilacuaaion of public men and inea.um la In the Intercut ol puom inicirniy, njii itovernment, and pro.pcroua Inilu.try, and It knowa no personal aiicgianccm treating II,. !. The ctrixKN nuhll.hea the dl.natchr. of the A.aociatrd Pre.., which now covert the whole world In Itt acope. it nai otner laein tka of advanced jnurnall.m for srathcrini! newt from all quartern, wltn everytning-carc. tuny edited to occupv tne .manc.i Specimen coplet of any edition will be ten f w in anv imp aenrihia their addreit. narilnw nritiia ten cent, oer line. Obltu arv, marriatie and society noticet fifty centu each (not exceeding ten linet I or fifty cent per inca. In iti comments upon what it colls tin Florida election frauds, the Sprinirticlil Republican justifies thecoinniission of 0111 wrong because it alleges another bus been committed. It charges, on republi can authority, 'hat in the last presiden tial election a large number of rcpublicai votes were thrown out, or hid been kepi off the election books by democratic su pervisors. This is the republican charge It mav be false, or it may be true. If the latter, it ought to find no defenders. I can find none in good murals. It mat find them in the force of bad example and the principle of retaliation for persistetH practice of reprehensible party method. And if true, rebuke comes with bud grnct from a pner that straightway finds jus tification for a palpable violulion of plaii statutes eoverning elections. That vio lation did not stoop to the slow and se cret processes of deceit. It flew at ono at the throat of law and justice with tin full confidence of being sustained. The Republican gets at its case of justi fication in this wav : Judge Swaine, a yet unconfirmed federal judge, avowed lip purpose to prosecute all offenders uguinsi the election law. He and Marshal Mizell whom the Springfield Republican styles "nn active republican and a perfectly fearless officer," resolved that tt woulc be useless to prosecute the democrat ii election officers unless the juries wen "overwhelmingly" republican. Tliejuron in Florida are drawn from n box in whicl are placed 30U names, deposited therein the clerk of thecourt.niiducommissiouii appointed by the judge, who must hco the party opposed to the clerk. Tin clerk, Walter, was a republican, and tin judge appointed one Farrell, a quas. democrat, but without the confidence o his party. These men were to draw al ternately from the box, presumably om of each purty. In fact, the drawing wn so contrived, thut out of twenty-three oi the grand jury, twenty-two were republi cans, and out of the petit jury, the re publicans outiiiMibcrcd the democrat ten to one. This is the statement, not o a democrat, but of the Springfield Repub lican. Then says the Republican: Sheriff Mizell then took steps to com plete the packinv ol the jury with repuli Means, ns opiears from I lie loiiowing let ter submitted in court in n prosecution o one Chaircs and others for violating tin election law: C. C. Kirk. Kan.. Dc i.nncl. Fin: Sir: Vou will it once confer with Mr Bielbv and make out a list of fifty 01 sixty names of true and tried republican). from your county registration list fin jurors in the I'ni'ted States court, and forward same to lion. I'. Walter, clerk Vnilcd States court, a nd it is necessary ti have them at oncc.as you can see. I'least acknowledge this. 1 nm. yours truly, John R. Mi'.Kl.L, t'nited States Marshal. Please get the names of the pnrlies at near steamboat and railroad stations iu possible. On t lie trials that followed Judge Swaim refused to admit the letter, which plainly exposed the plot to convict the accused : and the Republican accepts the explnnn tion of a Floridn correspondent of the X Y. Tribune that "the ninrshal had nothing whatever to do with such drawing contemptible quibble, suitable enough fin the Tribune, but we had thought out ol place in the Republican. Practically, tin marshal engineered and directed tin whole scheme. But since the times when the presi dency was stolen for Hayes and bought for Harrison, we see so much ol that kind of villainy that nothing surprises us ex cept the defence of it by men, in priv.itcor general public relations, fair and honest. Amid all the trash, the nonsense, the falsehoods, the ignorance, the malignity which finds its way to some of the Northern papers, there is found a stronger current of sense and truth and . candor and generosity determined to assert itself and resist the purpose ol eternal alienation, misunderstanding and hostility which many have devoted them selves to bring about. It it not pleasant to notice what these malcontents or ma lignant! write; it is sometimes a duty to do so. But it it at nil timet pleasant to hear pleasant words, not because they flatter, but because they indicate good, generous feeling at well at good tense, Recently there was an excursion of two hundred or more Northern men to the new town of Fort Payne, Ala. They were welcomed by Col. J. S. Spnulding, president of the Fort Payne Coal and Iron company, himsell a Northern man. We quote the following from bis address: "We folkt who came here almost a year ago, have learned much from the Southern people, vte nave lounn mem more agreeable than we are. They are more gentle in their m miners and more polished in society. They have softer yokes, and are not to much after money making at we yankeet are. They have been a great help to us in building un this city, and while we have been help to them in many respects, they have taught nt tome valuable lessons. The enter prising men of this immediate vicinity Don't know where we are? Why, you can't tnlM It If you cast your optica down Main Street. - MARTIN'S MARKET. have joined hands with us, and all of ut together, Northern at well at Southern men, have accomplished what vou see in Fort Payne. We have no political or sectional aiiicrctices. vte are getting along harmoniously together." All of which it it pleasant to hear. Many Northern people arc with us. Many things are novel to them, and not like what they are accustomed to in all respects. Hut there it no friction, no hottility, no bad feeling, except with such us seclude themselves, and, like the scorpion under glass, sting themselves to death with their own malignity. What Col. Spnulding says expresses much the lurger and happier exierieuce. A remarkable instance of self control, of heroic devotion, of suppression of nil personal feeling, mid abnegation of passion the most natural and excusable, was presented in Chester, S. C, in con nection with a terrible incident occurring on the Kith. An old gentleman named Hood, aged 75, ha.i been on a visit to one of his sous on Sunday evening and wilt returning home by himself at ti somewhat late hour. It may have been about 9 o'clock, that two successive shots were heard somewhere along the course he must have taken. At o'clock the next morning the dead body of the old gentleman was found riddled with 4hot. The evidence is positive that the issassin was a negro about oo years old, inflamed with an insane jealousy ol his wile, who hail threatened to shoot any man who came near bis house. He was i r rested with a new ly discharged doubli arrcled gun in liis possession. He was irrcsted nnd imprisoned. Besides his -ion the sberill', he hud two other sons, ncrchnnts in Chester. The excitement was very high, and there was imminent hinger that the assassin would be .nken from jail ami lynched. It was in his emergency that duty to his office. at her than consideration for his dead athcr, displayed itself so nobly in Sherifl Hood. He telegraphed to the (iovernoi i South Carolina at once of the danger f the lynching, calling for the immediate emovnl of the prisoner to a place ol security; and the Governor responded at nice by sending a company ol soldiers to Chester, unci having the prisoner taken :o Columbia. Ill these times of quick violence mid vengeful passions, history mis made few records so tine and noble. The Chicago lutcr-Ocean says: In the beautiful State of Kentucky, in he suu-kissed, sea-cooled llenrgiu. in (ficturcsqne, cliai-'ile-lilessed Tennessee, in Mississippi, and ill Arkansas, incarnate iends for years have been, and now are. tnnloved in I he practice of brutalities hat tire nm equaled by the hideous rimes of the Atricau slave trailers. This is the pleasant wooing to South rn influence to secure Chicago us the silt or the World's Fair if 1NU2: this is the encouraging invitation to jmikc clost tur business relations with Chicago: .his is the friendly spirit which invites to .loser social union. We know it is only .ne p.iK-r that Sieaks, K-ihaps only om ,k?ii that indites; but so long as the Inter-t lectin renews each morning its indignant diatribes, so long will we con clude that it lias n I -rge class of readers who delight in them, just as the hearers f that Boston reverend Joseph Cook hung with delight upon the foul out pourings of his venomous lips. But lis Ac do not ht-lirvc the people of Chicago ire on the whole as bad as we might infer Irom the daily torrent of vice, tlis noncsty and violence poured out through the press upon the country ns .-videlicet of their domestic depravity md lawlessness, so the readers of the Inicr-Ocean may entertain the same .'harity towaids us tun! may not Mievc half they are told. But it is disreputable misiiiess for an influential journal to en gage in, apparently, to delight in. The Baltimore Sun good nnturedly in lulgcs in some badinage at the cxikmisc if Miss Susan B. Anthony, who has i list eleliratcd her 7'Ull birthday, and who ook occasion to express her satisfaction hat she had cscaed the matrimonial noose. The Sun warns her not to tri umph too soon; Indies have liecn known to marry long past her age. The Sun is too generous in its supposition. One iv juld ns soon think of searching aiming the rattling relies of the catacombs ol i'uris for u bride ns to take her who has lived for seventy years engaged in un womanly work, sowing firebrands, cul tivating gall and wormwood, and iin oexiiiK henrt nnd brain lor the pleasures of notoriety. We may do her the justice, however, to sny th.it probably she lias advanced the cause of her sex by liliernt uig the world from siitnr of its prejudices against occupations once pronounced unsuitable to woman. The Montana Thief. The Silver How returns were the sub ject of another judicial investigation in Montana tne ol Her tiny, ami tliev anion showed a majority which would elect the democratic candidates for the legisla ture and make iliui body democratic on joint ballot. There were Vl'J registered voters ill the disputed precinct. Of these iu voted at tne last election. I nree persons voted the republican ticket, and their votes were returned us cust. The republicans, alter the election, produced Inlse nfliduvits to show that many more republicans voted, and nn the strvnuth of these nfliduvits the county returning board threw out tlie returns ol the pre cinct in question, thus electing the re- puiiliciin county ticket. At tlie udiemi hearing the other day the republicans count procure nut if men who would say they had voted their ticket. Their affida vits at to others were shown to be lulse. Ut The men thnt were tnid to have ninrk them could not lie round ortraced. There wat a comnlete lireakdown ol the cost- on which tlie theft of Montana wat at tempted. A committee ol' the senate at Washington has the matter now under consideration. It will do well to tuke some account of the facts. Uratlfyliiir to All. The hiuli position attained und the uni versal acceptance and approval of the Pleasant liipiid fruit remedy Syrup of ij;s, nt the most excellent laxative known, illustrate the value ot the quali ties on which its success is based and are absolutely jrrntifyinu; to the California rig Syrup Company. Do you want a tender, tweet and Juicy Steak or Roaat.call at MARTIN'S MARKET, SOH.MaluSt. I MARKETS BY TELKUR4PH. Money and ttecurttlea Cotton -Provlatoiia and Produce, HONKV AND SBCt'RlTIKS. Nkw Yniis:. Feb. is. BichnnxeViuiet but sternly $l.M3V-.B$.H7Vj. Money ensv. 3U. ttiih-Treiniury linlnncrs Uold, tHI.1,07B,. 000; currency, $7.AOI,nno. Government bonds dull but steady 4 cr cents, Sl.U'.'i,: tu kt cents. St. on,. ninic minus ami nut steady. Ala. ClaA '-'afil07 Ala. ClasaU.&a..l12 Nil I'ae.latnuir N. V. Central ...inn (In. 7a. inert loiiUIN. tk W. tifd.. ll Ut ;hi;'4 N. C. Cons., ..li.'.HalNortllern 1'oc. N. C. Cuna., a MtHnlN. I". nul s. C ltrnwn'a...loltyinrlfU'Mall 40 ill Ulli Tenn. Rn lnm linn, . . lunviinrmiinK Kli'll. Alle K. V. I'olnt. Koek Island vnn. cri.t .ia , tVirirlniufls 4H Viruinla Cuna... 4l St. Paul.. HS. Northwestern ...lON'i do nfd 115 Un ptd , IVI i Lack .... Brie Kurtt Tcnn Lake Shore Lou. Ut Nash Mem. Mi Char. Molt Ohio nh. Si Chnt. tllld. ..141 Tex. Pacilic !ink ,.i :tr.'i, Tcnn voni M'n aj iMliM!l'iiiun I'ncitiv H7 HU!N. I. Central.. .1 in innimMa. Pacific 71s H7VWeatcrn Tnlon H3 o untton-Mecti till Hi. I Certificates '.'7 103 illrunswlck .1I COTTON. NKW Your, Feb. IK. Cotton steady. 8Htrs to.i i,v i:i7 liules: niltlillini: uniaiuls ii-i niidillinu Orleans llj. Toial net receipts at nil ooru to.,lav IR.outi. Kxporta to Ureal liritulu 1 1 tiifl: France 770; Continent 0754 Slock UUll.'.'IU hales N'KW Yonk, Feb. IS Cotton Net receipt 2nl3; uroKK 4345 Futures closed steady. sit cn lo 41 Il l'l. Feb 11.13nll.14lAuKUSt....1l.3'.'Hll..13 Mrch....l 1.1 4nl1.15lStpt I O.I17H 10 70 April 1 l.tsnl I Itl'tlct 10.33nlo.3fi Mav 1 1 .UU11 1 1 .'.'31 Nov tO.UlalO.L3 llinr II '.'l-iill.'.'N.lU'C 10.UlnllJ.a3 Jtllv lt.3Uutl.U3Jun tlALVKSTON, Feb 1A Cotton quiet. 10; rctvuits 131N. Nokhiii.k. Feb. IS.. Cotton steady. ll) rect-iots n.m. IUltimohr. Feb. IS. Cotton nouiinid lllv: receiuls '.inno. Huston, Ft b 18 Cotton uuicl aud firm 1 1 1,,: reccutts 034 Wii.uinoto.s, N.C., Feb ts. Cottousteady l(.: rt-ceuits no. I'lill.AUKl.l'iliA. Peb. IS Cotton firm. 11 0- lil. rccc nts liil . Savassaii. Feb. IN. Cotton quiet. rrci-iolN lrat. Nkw OHI.KANS, Feb. IS. Cotton steady, - : receipts natip Moiiii.k. F is. Cotton nominal, 10 U- lll; receipts O.'itt Mkmi'iiis, 1-eU. ts. Cotton firm, lo,; oeipts 7o5. Ai'Ui sta. Feb. IK. Cotton firm, in,; .-pints 4IIS CiiAsi.psTtiN, Peb. 1M Cotton firm, 10,: receipts 54.1. rsovisioss ANn I'Kom'CK. Cincissati. Fell. 1H. Flour stendy. Wheat Nn. 1! rt-il 77n7Nl... Com No. J lllixt'il 31 lata No. 2 mixeil 'J.I. Fork 1D.2S Bulk meats lirra Whiskey steady l.!t. ClllcAiio. Prb. l M.Cash nuotntlottsto-ilny wt'iv lis lollows; I'lour tluil. v neat No itirinit 75. Corn No. 2 i.,5-n-.,Kt. Oats u. 2 r.l'vnltli. Mess pork 11.70MU. 7.1. l.uril 1 77. Short rilis4.70a4.75. W hiskey l.OS Nkw YnkK. Fib. IS Southern flour unlet Wheat slenilier No. 2 red S4i,. Corn weak No. l 344.1,3-4',.. (lnts fairlv uetlve .March 27tv Colfee March 1ll.2oalll..'lo. Sucnr rclini-il unlet. Molnsses New tlrleans firm l' trolcum relineil here 7 5tl. Cottonseed oil iiuirt 1'ork lirm. I.nril western steam H.I7t... Preiulits steady Cotton 15-t,4d uraiu 5td asked. THE VKRDICT H ihr K-op1f in thai EST A B RO OK In oikv more ithrnil, and that hip Mnt of BOOKS, PICTURES, FANCY GOODS, TOYS ANO NOVELTIES Cunnot Iw U-atin, nnd that we rind that the iimt placrtor H'Htluy (omJi of all drier.,. tinn 1m at H. T. KSTABROOK'N, 12 Suutll Mninstn-et. So sny we nil Tlllt I'KOI'I.I; IIP ASMI-VII.I.H. AT THE LEADING JEWELRY STORE. The rntirv wua-k ot Plated Jewel ry f liH'tudiim fine ItrnnchcH. Buttutm Hitd Hnttt letn. ut K3-0NE-THIRD 0FFI-K3 Rrfjanilmt til' cunt, n we Intend in the future to keep nnthltiK hut Holid "ulil and HterhtiK Silver Jewclrv. ARTHUR M. FIELD. I CAniUR IFWCIFD LLnUIIIU 4hllkbbM South Main St. AHhevllle. ' FURNITURE ANDJNDERTAKING, BLAIIl & BROAVX, No. 30 Patton Avenue, M AFEE BLOCK. OPPOSITE BLAIR'S OLD STAND On I'Vbruiir.v 1H we will open nt tlit1 above Iiouhh our furniture and I'ndertakliiir nusini'HH with full raparity nnd purpone to pleane the public nl niH't every de- iniind in our line. We will keep 011 hand a full line of FirHt-ChiHH Furniture, which we will iMsjioHe of at living priceH. anil alno the lient Htock of I'ndertaker'H Cioodw to be found in Wentem North Carolina. Having a wide practical exierience in em balming and nhippingbodicH, we can umure HutiHfaction to thoHe who retjuire our Her viceH. VV. A. Hi.aik, J. V. Hkown & Son. JanJd dtf Rai.kioii, N. C Last winter 1 was suffering very much from indigestion and general debility, with a broken-down system, followed with chronic dysentery. I tried one bottle of Mrs. Joe Person's Remedy, and found so much relief and improvement I continued itt use until I used the seventh bottle, which restored me to perfect health, and I am now at sound at a silverdollar, W. B, Jordan. A GLEANSWEEP ! The huge stock of CLOTHING Occupying the entire upper floor of our building must and will beclearedout every piece within 00 da,VH,atand below cost . Tli in stock con tains all Hizcs and qualitit of as clean, stylish and desir able goodtsns can be found in Western North Carolina. This closingout of Clothing is for the purpose of giving more attention to the Pry (Soods Department, which will be first-class in every re spect. Don't delay, but come at once and be suited, at a sav ing of from $ :t to $10 a suit. .'(00 pairs pants goingat T'ic. to 4.7.". Overcoats from :;27 to14.7": worth twice that. We are also offering some special drives in Shoes and Dress (ioods for .'JO days to make room for early spring purchases. Yours reseetiull.v. noetic Bros. & Wright 11 X. Main St., Asheville. IXSCKAXCE. j?!KK INSl'RANCIt FIHK. MIT:. ACCIDIOXT. PULLIAM & CO. At the Hunk of A.hrvill.. A8HHVII.I.K. N C. Krimarnt the fiillun ln companies, vil. FIHK. CAHII AMKTS IN Anul" Nevada, nf California t.407 Continental, ol' New Vonl -I.N7.1 llniiiliurir-llretnen.uI'l'.t-rmHnv 1.11'U i'. a. ,x:i3 ,1123 ,11114 London AMfturHner. nf linKlnnd 1,(143, nun NiHKara. nl New ork J.JM Orient, of Hartford I.H07 ,11112 Phienl. of llronklyn S,(i. .17 8t. I'aul Fine and Marine, nf Min- nraota I,fl41 Southern, of New Orleun. 431. WeKtern, ol Toronto 1,11311 Mutual Aceident Aaaoeiatlon tnn Life Iniuranec Coinunny. dtmara ,OR1 IH4 ORNAMENTAL PAINTING. Thank In k cnnllully Ihr dtlmm of AahvvHIr for thrfr lllterul piitntnHKC extrtidtd both to my Fruit bunint'im Mtiil to my Ih fitting, I take pleat utt in niinotiiicfnK that t will con tlnue the Arm under coniiH tt-nt nmnuKcmmt, whlk I will devote my jcrnonal attention to lira and ornamental palntlnjr. my profl dency la which hu ample tcntimony. A con tinuance ofpntronuKe l most mpectfully ankrd. JOHN HA MM ON. jan 1 d.lm MRS. A. P. LaBARBE 159 Patton Avenue. Klrat-Claas Board liy the day or month. Terms made known on application, deetdly J. C. BROWN, MERCHANT I TAILOR, 5 Patton Avenue. iNnt toOraud Central Howl.) anrUdlv T6rWEiwnjM ffmflWlnff from um ttitrtm otjrmihtnl vrrom rt7 daoar. WMUna waknaaa. loaf manhood, ate.. 1 will sand a Taliubl traaUaa f aaalM) conlalalnii full aarUenlan for soma ears, FRH ol oharg. 1 p Undid medloEl work 1 aaouldb nad by arary taaa who Is aarrona and doblllutad. AilJnws, rraft r. c rewun, Mood us, cav Horn dftwlr J. W.SCHARTLE, MERCHANT TAILOR 4 N. Main St. frlillodlT Street Car Schedule. Beninnini at .2U a. m. KndlnK 10.00 p. m. Car leavva annar. for Danot.vv hour unit half hour. Car leaves fkiuatv for Mctfce'., Dnulilrday and CamitFatton7 ailniita. after each hour and half hour. Car leave. Mrlkc'a, Donlilednr and Camp Patton 7 minutes lieforc caeh hour and half hour. 8ehlnlf ear eonneet at annarr, Train car ma ta avarv train, one Tails, al lowed earn un.sruirer. 1 nn ASHSVII.LK SI KHJf r Kl, wu, PKl'CX AND MEDICIXUS, T. C. SMITH & GO. Carry the largest stock of Drugs, Medicines and Drug gists' Sundries in Western Carolina. They have ihe handsomest Drug Store in the State. Theirgoodsareall bought forcashsiH-uringextra discounts and prepayment of freight charges. Their trade has grow n rn pidly fr ni month to month, since their opening in Asheville. Well posted laiyers come to this store for the highest grade of goods, at the lowest pos sible prices. A large business can be done on simill profits As their trade grows they arc giving their customers re ductions. ItKlCttMMAKINC. AND LADIES' TAILORING. Mr . Holderby Nou ofienH a FiiKhioiiHlile rr.atnnkiiiK ra- tnliliNhment on llridue strtvt. No. ill. SolieltM the fiittroniiKt of nil theLadira. .innao d:im DlHHolution Notice. The partnrrwhliihcn'ttifiirri-xliitmKliciwern MrMin. I.yninn K Child ha thi day been dUd'itveil Ity tnutuitl cinirnt, Mr Child rrtlr InK from the firm and Mr. Kymnn continuing thr liuMln.- at the Mimr oltitT In the hulldliiK known u "UkiiI Hlm-h.' Mr. Child will ontinue In thr rrnl mtntr lHiim-N and enn be found for the prewnt at thcoHiiToi Moore tt Merrick. A.J. I.VMAN. JOHN CHtl.li. frbx dtll Ui nun TO MACKINAC Summer Tours. PaLACI STCAMCat. Low RT(t Four Trip, par Wak la.tm.Mn DETROIT, MACKINAC ISLAND VoJMy. Hult ft Mri, and Lake Burou Wty Forta, very Woak Dy Between DETROIT ANO CLEVELAND Spwl.l a...). THa 4irtnr J.M. Mr, A..a HA VM Doii l Dally Liu. Biwmii CHICAGO ANO ST. JOSEPH, MICH. OU" lLLUTRrio"praHL-T Rata, anil BiaumnTlck.. will bhi.uiali.u bv your Tick.' Ateat. or aoo.. . ' (. I. WHITC0MB. 0. f. A., Oct. 'T, M., . Oatrait and Ciaraland Btaam Nn. Co. mayl a $2.99 Shoe. Por gentlemen. A oerlecl shoe at a moderate cost Try a pair of our siieelaltle. In amtt. men '.footwear, at tn.oo, S.(K), tann, tV.UH, SJ.no and SJ .00. Kr.ry pair warranted. Ha. amine our aieelaltif. for ladle, at ta.oo, Sa.l9. ta. Ml anil S3. 00, nneaeclled for torn fort, nurahillty and .tylr. In. lit on having the oriirlnal M A Packard Co, 'a Mhora, The arnulnr hav. our stamp un bottom of each .hoe. Hrnl poalpnid to any part 01 tne 1;, a, on recruit of iirter. XI. A. I'ACKARIi At CO., Hroekton, Mass, Cor sale in A.heTillehy H. REDWOOD tt CO. aual I deod Kmoa au w. frl SCHOOLS. KnKlUh and French BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL FOR VOUNQ UDIEI ANO LITTH OIRLt, No. 40 French Broad Avenne. MRS. BURQWYN MAITLANO, PRINCIPAL (For many year. Amoctate Principal of Mt. Vernon In.titute, Baltimore,! AsM.ted by a corp. of corn pen tent teacher., deed dly MISCELLANEOUS. i.ootLinsBskcU.'ward Over thr pH't tight ytnn of our tucmnfiil niMfiiess H in A'hevllle hun rfenionntratnf l u. the Diet that our ilrtermlimtlnn to only purr gondii. 'u ran term weight unit quHllty. anil Hiking H mH;iron' on rvrr.r Ifiuv , eommtml Ittrlftothc goori mnr of purchunm. Steoiid. Thut tlenlmhlt customer! cnunul he gained hy the alt-tried prllee of tome iearrK In cutting price, on a frve leif: nWr, hoping to make It uponsomethln Tlmi hnnl work nnd rouc iipplUntlon iune fe price ol aurrras. Thut our hli.ie loq.lSSII nhnw nn in- . rente m rr tnr prei louM yeitr of an per tent, which In very grMtliying, nnd (or which we with to thank our ninny trlendt In Athreilk nnd IIVlern orlft Cnrolinn. Looking Forward H'r are ctieourngeil to enter upon thr yenr lieforr u with renewal energy nnd n deter mlnntlon to girt our rummer the lienetit of our Inrnwed tuellltlcH for huying nnd wiling the very linen good to fie h11. nt umtl prolltt. Our aloe I now thr Inigent ever ffrred In thin market nnd emlirwera everything in the line of Staple nnd Fancy tiroeerle. Tahle rHceea, Fruit, tlruin, flour, etc. keipectfully. POWELL A SNIDER. THOS. 1. HAMILTON & CO., GROCERS, BIG 22, Patton Avenue. fcl.lfc ili'.in acakd7 IMit-.r Affht vlllr Citinn: Thnt nur many friend nmv kimw how we are getting on we will uttttr thnt we took In In Hotel am'. 8tre $9,000 In 'le MTeckH Took In Iniit Haturdny over $7m. $7.1 of thut wna hotel, bnlnncc Ptorr. Ilotrl rrjcl tered VA that dnv. Had tl.tioo arrivals In A month. Our t ck I mammoth oo feet lonv nnd 1A feet w'de. Tell the ha'anee of the world tu cunir nnd nee "Old Chrd" miile. and buy gondii of u and Ditei' to to UA ier crnt- novlUdtf H. K. CIIKIUiSTCR Ac HON. TMH ASHEVILLE LIBRARY ASSOCIATION, ROOMS. 26 PATTON AVE., i V. M. t A. ROOMS. I Opt n ili.ily. eieept Hunilny. lr-mi 10 a, m. uuttl 1 fi. m., nnd 4 until li p. m. The term of u I uteri pi tun nre: One year J; 0 mi ino: $ mot.., ft ; 1 mo.. AOcttt.; dally if eta. otHcrr lor 1 Hrenldriit. Chnrlm W. Woolaey; VU-e-Preiilfnt. Tho A. Jonen; Hre. and TrcaunT. I. H. Wnton: thrariin, Ml K. J. Hatch. Cltlirim and litor nrt orliuli lnOu-l tu lnnMvt the etiliiloL'iie nnd iiiH-ribe tlulr nnmni no mi'mlirw, Iiui'lMtltf AV. D. ROW'E, IlKAI.KH th-- ITALIAN A AMERICAN MARHI.lv, (niniteMonumriii. ete. Alt kind of Monu ment. 1'omlmtoiirn, HrudntoneN, Irm unit Vne mnile to orilrr In the latet detilKnu. ASHEVILLE. N. C. Vanl At Itiincombe War. houwe. au'JU dam J. N. MORGAN V CO., No. $ Barnard Hulldinir. iScliool nnd College 'JVxt H(H)kH. II full HUH. PtK'l H, HirV tcirv. Koninnce. Huiirrimliv. Trn vel nnd XovoIh. Familv ltd I .. t a aa. ' imnt'H, rs. liiiih'w atui lent- htiiwuh, Oxford IVacliei-H l:l.l.... C I I e II nuMi'ri, ruinn niiiiKN oi nil kind, Inrp'Htock Stationery, Kltink Uookw nnd Office and School SupplicH. New line Dirtier and OentH rockets bookn juHt oiMMied. Fniicy (SoodH and Dolltt. n?M0dlv Chicago & Alton R.R. PAHTUST KOt'TB TO KANSAS CITY AND THE WEST Asheville lo Kan.a. City la 87 hour.. A.hrvlllc to lienver In Al hour.. Asheville lo Aan Pranrl.co, California, and Piirtland, (ireKon, In A dava, Hnlld Ve.tilmlrd Tralna 8t. I.oul. ui k'. ana Cltv. Keellnlna chair car free. ror luu raiiirmation call on or write to B. A. Newlaud. IHatrlct Paaoenrrr Agent. No. III I'atton Ave., A.heville, N C. J. CHARLTON, 0. P. A., Chicago, III. A NBW DKRD, carefully prepared by lead Ina tnemliera nf the A.hllla hmm .na flneat oarchmcat and hraw flat a.m.1. erin all neeeMare polut.Ja.t out and now on .air at ine omit ol tne crrisatt fvaLI.H ran Co , Nn. a North fnnrt Danarr, raalt ''OTEUH. PRIVATE BOARD. NKW HOt'BKI NUWL1 FURNIRHKII ALL MODKHN IMl'ROVKMBNTB, MRS. N. B. ATKINSON, No. SIX Haywood Street, .run"" die pKIVATB HOARD. A large honiie, 818 Paltonneenne. Warm, cotnfortulile room.. On street car line. Terma reaaonable. oetH illlm MK8. J. L. 8MATHHKH. REAL ESTATE. JOHN ClD, I Formerly of l.ymnn Ac Child i,. REAL ESTATE -ANH- LOAN BROKER Str ictly a Brokerage Huliie l.outiM nectirely placed ut 9 uer cent. GRANT'S DRl'ii STORK, J 80l'TH MAIN KTKKKT. NearttlghtedneiMif Cn.M even, cHtnrai't. eolor hltndnetn. uld ivht. olijrctt HitHlinR Itrfore tlie eyes. tiiii KerittK hhiidiitr. wruk KlKht, decnylnK HiKht, nhiirt NlKhirdni-M, overttKhtrdiicu, doulilr vitlun. nli;ht htiudnin, tun bllndnemi. tierv and pa ml. vict I ttlKht, are uperdlly relieved nnd pumetime rentorrd by wearing Hn hm' Crvtuli d l.tn. Han Arrived. The eert optirian, Mr. Cunnlnjhmt.ii in ihr Hty. ti'prtwiitinit Hnwkr new Cryntal- lit-d lniH'. Thew KlaHHCR have won the ad mlrmion f nil who have and them. Their ttaleit are unprci-edentrd everywhere. They cm n lie wiim any ImKth of time at one vtttlnjf uml Hive a marvelituM elrameai of llon. Hundndt Imve had thtir siKht improved l- thclr ue. They itHnd unrivalled lit their ptrnilld rrputHtion. No ehariie for At tinn. nep3 dtlra T1IU I.AROH8T AM HHST Kfil'l lVlCI IN TU K MM'TH. CHEMICAL AND ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES. II. C. Woltcrcck & Co. l.iMMI l.TI; 1'HKMtHT ANt MINI Nil MNUINHHttH. AnnlytHH of Mt tnK Oren, Coal or Coke, Min rrul Watrm, Fertilitera, etc. t'KICIi LI8T ON APPLICATION. Minlnii urotirrtv Invratiinted. develoneit. Imuuhl and mild. lrrrHin(U tHY aolicltrd. liamplcii can lie nt by mall or eprr. It tent by mprvmi. rharKr muit lie prepaid KrntM wnntcd In every place. CltnttanoogH, Tenu. HH. II t. WOI.TCRKCK. nuvl dtVwIy Mnnuirer. RICHMOND & DANVILLE R. R. CO. PAKSFMiKa lIKPASTUIiKT. Wcatern North Carolina lliviaioit. HAKHKNDKR TRAIN 8CII Klll't.K. .IX KPPKCT Hxpt. IfUl 7Mn Meridian time ucd when not otherwti lndieued. h4HTMorKll. I No, fll j No. S3 L.i,f."ij,.a'.!ii. l.v. Knovellle. ; I itMhiner.l tfollpml Hfifinm ' A. Neville. l1l;4oaml 3;07ra Ar Snli.liury, Iia:iam lintltim - iianviue. i tiii.ant luupm " mehinond.ra3iiim nlflnraj" " RiiIiIkIi. ri r.iiml'7:iliarai llolil.lioro, aiopm ISAOum WiminKton l..rn.-liliuri(, .i.hlnvton Hnltitiiore, I'hiln.. New York. JliHlpni! i 1 '.' jooml'tT &nm I 7 lupin ."..1am ar.opml H'joiimi 1 1 '."ipm ! o47am I Uilnml IXilpm Wlt.THorMI. .o. Au i No. ft" 1 J imily. I liitllv. i l.v. Sew V.irk.VllM.lnm'f aopm. " " I'hiln., 7 "Hum I HA7pml " llnlliinorr. I U4.-,uin, li.'tupm! " Wn.liinKt'nl 1 1 l'4nin 1 1 1 impm I " l.ynetihurk.i aiopm I 1li7iiin " kli-liniond. i Hiinpnii 'J.'ioruni " I luu villi. N4lipni Ml.liim1 " WIPnlnKt'n i P oi mm i " iloliliiuru, il.'iopini AlHipin! HiiIiIkIi. I 44llpm I llllilllll " HnlUlmrvr"!'l 1' lAnm 1 1 i UA'iin i Ar. A.hetliir, Timmi 4V7nm ' Knoivillr, I iuiitliiiirr.1 IlillSimi! KJ.-.,m No. An 1 A. Jit M. K K. Iiallv. j No. A i Daily. USA iinnl.v. Aahvillr. Arr.l Toil l m lo2'.iamlAr. Henderson villr. " eu7pm I l"l pml " Snartniiliiiri.-. Lv.l I4 p in MI'KPHV IIKANCH. No. I A i i Uallr except aonilay.n ' NoT 17 UlOnmll.v. A.h.vllli-: Arisflfloni 1 1 1(1 umlAr. Wayneavllir, "I I AO u m n4n.m " Jarrett'.. "ITOOani 14Apin" Westnrld, Lv.l H 10 am HIvcpltiK Car Service. tc take plea.ure In announrlna thrlnauau rntion of a dally line of clraant Pullman Huf tet Urnwlnu KoumCara, between Hot Hprlnii. anil A.heville and Waahlnaton. L. C, Nov. H. on the following aebedulei ' o. Art 1 ' No. S9 1 J liripm Lt Hot Hprlnaa, Srrl A lilpm 4 3flpm 1 1 jr.. in 1 1 unpm npin A.neviiie. 7l2lm" Kall.liury. II Aaam I Arr Wa.hlnKton Lv C Iom and sure connection, mad. at Wash- Inaton lor all point. In thr North and Uh.i. The Pullman Parlor Car now being oueratrd tietween Hall.liury and Knosvlll. on the train, will be di.conllnurd after the com mencement of the Mlrrplna; Car raa. No., no und Al, Pullman Mleeocrt between llreenalxiro and Moniatown. W. A. WINH1IKN, n. P A., . . - . - Aahevlll., N. C. J AH. L. TA VLtlM.O, P. A.. Wn.hluirton, D. C The lSeat are the Cheapest. PATENT CHAMPION SAFES Farrell & Co., Philadelphia. aullOdatwom ' . ill i iflr''' yiM Sm.trnfimM .1 :k

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