Cancer of the Nose. la Mil a aor appeared on my now, and raw rapidly. A my flher but canrer, and my husband died of It. I beoame alarm ad, and eouulud my phyauilaa. His treat ment did no good, and the aora fraw Urges ami wonw In ovary way.untll I had conclinl fU thai I in to die from IU electa. I waa persuaded to tnka 8. H. 8 and a few bottiM cured ma. Thia wi af tar all tha doctor! and other madioinea had (allad. 1 nava bad no ratlin of lb aaaoor. . MRS. M. T. MAJIKV. Woodbury, Hall County, Taxaa. Treatise on Oanrar mailed free. wirr srnciirio co., Atlanta, Oa, oct SIAdStwly 14 PROFESSIONAL CARDS. "'"''"''dentist."" A. S. Graham, D. D.S. nnirt Over J H. Law'i Btore, South Muln tract. Nlwiua oaide or laughing rhs administered for the palnlcaa extraction uf teeth. Oold and porcelain crowna attached to he natural routs nf teeth. thua rvHUIuk the tiar nf ptntea- All operatlnna ucrtaiuinx to ilcntiatry skill f ill- performed. Price rcaamiahlrunri satis faction guaranteed. feb2 DR. B. P. ARRINUTON. ifnee rwmia on Putlon uvenue, over the Hothinir atnre ol C. II. Itlallton e.' Cn. Healdence corner of Woodfin anil Loeuat street. w P. WHITTINOTON, M. P.. Tender hla prnfcaalonnl aervlcca tu the citl- xena of Aaheville and aiirmumliiiK country. lf er: 2D CATTON AVBNI'K. Second Floor Mealdence: INN Woorifln atreet. noxtto d3ni Thkii. K. Daviiikon, Tuna. A. Jonus, Knlclg-h. JAS. i. mantis. Aanrvim Aaheville. JJAVIIISON. MARTIN & JONKS. Attorney! and Cimnacllnra nt I.hw. Aaheville. N. C. Will prmthv In the tlth nud 12th Judicial liiatrirta. nrd In the Supreme Court ol' North Carolina, and in the Federal Court ol the Weatern niatrlet or North larollna. Kefc-r to Bunk of Aaheville. dtfel T. II. CneiB. I . MKHKIMON. fHII Ik MKkMIMOK. Attorneys nnil Counsellor nt l.uw. I'rMCtlee In nil the court, itlliee: Noa. 7 nnd H, Jnhiiatim liuilrilnx iltiu.4 '. w. iosaa. Ohii. A. alirpoKli. J ONIiR K SH1'I'(1KI. Attorneya nt Uw. AahcTille, N. C. trm-eleii In the 8iiierior Courta of Wratern North Curolina. the Supreme Court of the rtutc, und the Teilernl Coiirta nt Aalii'ville. Olttee in lohnaton liuildlnK. wherenue inem fier of the nrm can always he found. dtnovll A. TBNNKNT. Architect and Contractor. Pinna, sneciflcntlona and eatinuilva fur iilaheil. All work in my line cnlltrrcteit fur, Mnd no cltarKca fur tlrawinKa oi ,niitrnela M warded me. Kelerencca whrn ilealred. olfioe: No. la Hendry Murk, North Court Square. Aahrvillr. N. C feliludly g( II. rxil'OI.AXH. II. II. 8. DENTAL ROOMS, . NO. 24 SOUTH MAIN ST., over Oram Ht Wliocert'a Driiu Store. Kmlilencc, No. lis llniley St. fehlltdly H. II. RKKVK8. II. It. H. ! H. K SMITH. II. 11.8 Dm. Reeve & Smith. JKNTAI. , OFTIC'K In Connatiy Building;, over Redwood's Store, Pntton Avenue. Teeth cstraeted without pain, with thencw auieathctu:, aud all cnaea of In irregularity cor- rectcd. tcniau '. RAMSAY, II. U.S. Dental D Office i In Barnard HalldliiK Bntrancca, I'uttnn Avenue uud Main Street. lel.'JOdlv RTHI'lt M. FIKI.Il. Craduate Optlclnti, Muln Street. All mechanical ocular defecta of the eye cor rected. lloura for examination P to 12 a. m., 9 to A u. m. lulu dtf XtlSCELLAXIiOfS. VM. R. PENNIMAN, PROPRIBTOK UP THE ASHEVILLE BRICK WORKS, Aaheville, N. C. P. O. Host P. marlSdly (Jf?ADHELDS FEMALE. P mm ATOP 15 A PtCIFIC "WWHll VII Ir Taviii 0 JSOOK TO' WOMAN "mama moriMKBuummco. atlantabl tp2Mdiwty PRAM ASTRAL 15 ABSOLUTELY SAFE I PERFECTLY ODERLE88I urns In any Lamp wlthaut dingsr of Exploding ar taklno tire. S that you f t tha gtnulna. For aala py BALTIMORE UNITED OIL CO., , AUHBVILLB, N. C. aroa dawly Cd2 BVatlMESS AND PLEASURE. To allay pains, subdue inflammatiun lien I to in sore nnn uiccra, me n prompt ana atiuniiinurv imimn n.v .... tinned by using that old reliable remedy Ik- 1 11 Hl t7..1nt.,... Oil I .iniment I'l . j. II. iumauii For sale by Raysor & Smith, druggists, The onion is a scentuary plant. What's the sense insayinj? thatcatnrrh cannot lie cured when Dr. Safe's Catarrh Remedy is so sure and positively certain Hint the proprietors offer $500 reward i'm nt' catarrh which they cannot cure. A full pint of the medicine is made bv dissolving one nuy rem pui-angc ....u.rlr in wntn1. Sold hvdruuuists 50 cents. The pen! of a bnnnna has a falling in. flection. A L'lilld Killed. Another child killed by the- use nf ' opi att-s given in the form of Soothing sy run, such IIV iiKibiivi I ft'"- . ,I....11.. Id uattirialmr when thev 11'!.. . .....a I.M.t. Iiilrln.i, Ul.l.llJT JAIISUII IU BBI Jll in.uf, ....... can relieve the child ol its peculiar trou- . .. . i- r..i... e .1 Illt'H uy Using lir. ACKcr n OBUjr sjuumsi . It contains no opium or morphine. Sold uy j. a. urant, A defeated bill is like a California rni wav train its noed under. nacklen's Arnica Halve. The liest salve in the world for cuts. hruiKea. sores, ulcers, salt rheum, frver sores, tetter, chupjied nanus, vnuuiniiw, M'iu nnH nil alfitl iruntilinH. and DOSl' tivelv cures Diles. or no nny renuired. It is iimriinteed to crivc ncrfect satisfaction, or inonev refunded. Price 2.1 cents per box. Fur sale hv R.iysor& Smith, 'law That nlmnnnrni di ia tint one nf those things wlucli "goes wimoui suying. SLEEPLESS NIC.IITS. made miserable bv that terrible cough. Shiluh's Cure is 1 he remerl v for vou. CATARRH CURIvU. healtli and sweet breath secured, by Sluloh's Catarrh Rcmt'dv. Price 50 cents. Nasal liyector free by T. C. Smith & Co. A Inalii.ii, mirier anva? "Pockets are not found in ladies dresses now." Where ure they." If you have a painful sense of fatigue, find your duties irksome, take Dr. J. H. .IClX'Iin S J!irsumrillll. il win mm. iuh up, make yen. stroim and vigorous. For , . . o. o I. ,j sjiie uy ituyaoroc oiiiuii, iiiuisi-b. "I was driven to drink," said the man who got out of a cab and went into u barroom. Female Beauty. It is a fortunate thing that all men do not have the same taste in female beauty, for otherwise they would nil fall in love with the same woman, which would lie awkward. Although the preferences of men for different styles ol lorm mid ten ture vary greatly "it is undoubtedly a fact that an nppciirnncc indicative of lienlth is tilcnsini! to all alike. .V woman may Ik- without regular features yet, if hcallltv, she will lie nenutilul to some one niiil nleasiiiL' to nil. A sallow com nlcxion. n dull eve. a system debilitated liv unnatural discharge, in short, all the Us attendant upon the irregularities anil "weaknesses" iieeulinr tu the sex, can lie banished by the use of Dr. Pierce' Favo. rile Prescription. Ask your druggist. The ground ling and the spring poet IkiiIi mine out of their winter uunrters ailllllllHIICtJUBI, . Give the Children a Chance. There is something radicnlly wrong with the health of a child whrn it stems list lens, has Mior or no npiielite, eye sunken and with dark skin beneath. In moat cuwn shnwiiiL' these symptoms the child has worms, and all that il needs is some si in pic remedy, such as Hart sWorm Cream, to exiicl the worms, and the child will aoon be in perfect health again. Pa rents, try it and let your little one have a lair can nee lor nir. Il is said that tenors arc so conceited that thev will even take bass flattery to themselves. If vou iiiffer from nnv affection caused by impure blood, such as Hciofulu, sail riieuin, sores, uous. piinpiev, truer, miH worin, take Dr. J. II. MeLenn' Sarsapa- rilla. For sale by Raysor c Suiith, drug gists. It has tieen jndicialtv decided that corn is fuel. The juice sit it has long ecn known as it great heater. For lame back, side orcbest, use Sluloh's Porous Plaster, Price 25 cents. SMlLOH'SCOI'l'ill ami Consumption Cure is sold by us on a guarantee. It euresCoHHiimptiou. Il mav tic all right to wait for "deud nun's shoes." but il is folly to go stomi ingnioiinil barefooted during the inter val. A Hare Investment ts one which is gunrnleed to bring you satisfactory results, or in ease ol failure a return of purchase price. (In this safe plan you can buy from our advertised Druggist a bottle of Dr. King's New Dis covery for Consumption. It is gunmtccd to bring relief in every case, when used lor nny affection of Throat, Lungs, Bron chitis, Asthuiu, WlioopiugCougli.Croup, etc,, etc. It is pleasant and agreeable to taste, perfectly safe, and can always lie Yiendfl upon. Trial bottles free at Raysor & Smith's drug store. , The road to happiness uud the road to misery follow the same course. The dif ference is in the traveler, not in the rund liaveled. Cnrahlllly of Consumption. This has been a vexed question among nhvsicinns. opinion. even in the thesame school, being strangely divergent. Of this, however, Hie puimc arc convinced; it is a terribly prevalent disease, nnd the average doctor meet with hut scant success in treating it. Consumption isin reality scrofula of the lungs, und is liable to attack any whose blood is tainted. For driving out the scrofulous humors, and thus removing the predisposing cause, Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis covery is n sovereign remedy. It purities bnd liloiid. heals scrofulous ulcers, and, whatever difference of opinion exists as to curing advanced cases of consumption, it remiiina that munv uronounced "in curable" liave been brought hack from the brink ol the grave to restored nealin and vigor. An editorial in a lloston paper nsks: "Must the tviiewriter go?" Prom its tone we should judge it was written hv the editor's wife. When you ore constipated, have head ache, or loss of appetite, take Dr. J. II. McLean's Liver nnd Kidney Pi I lets; they are plensnnt to take nud will cure you. For sale by Raysor & Smith, Druggist. In five minutes n woman can clean uu a man' room in such a wnv that it will take him five week to find out where she put the things. Can1! Bleep Nticnl Is the complaint of thousands suffering from Asthma, Consumption, Coughs. etc. Did you ever try Dr. Acker's English Remedy? It Is the best Drenarnlion known for all Lung Troubles. Sold on a positive guarantee at 25c. aud 00c, bv J. 8. Grant. You cannot accomplish any work or business unless you feel weel. If you feel used up tired out take Dr. J. H. Mc Lean's Snrsnpnrilla. It will give you health, strength and vitality. For sale by Rnvsor & Smith, druggists. "Hello, Biggs, where yer going o early with thpt big market basket?" "On a post-prandial excursion, old man." "On a what?" "Post-prandial excur sion ; going after dinner, you know." la I.lie worth Living? Not il you go through the world a dys peptic. Dr. Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets are a positive cure for the worst forms of Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Flatulency and Consumption. Guaranteed and for sale by J. S. Grant. "My soles in nnns," as the man said, whed carrying home his new shoes. SHILOH'S VITALizER is what vou need for Constipation, Loss ol Appetite, Dizziness, and ullsymptomsofDyspepsia. Price 10 and 75 cents per bottle. CROUP, WHOOPING COUGH and Bronchitis immediately relieved by Shiloh's Cure. The gnme of bliml man's buff suggests a fellow feeling for u fellow-creature. Happy Hooslers. Wm, Timmons, postmaster of Idaville, Intl., writes: "Electric Bitters has done more for me than all other medicinescom bincd, for that bud feeling arising from Kidney and Liver trouble." John Leslie, farmer and stockman, of same place, says: "Find Electric Bitters to be the best Kid ney and Kidney medicine; made me like a new mnn." J. W. Gardner, hardware merchant, same town, says: Electric Bit ters is jut the thing for a man who is all run down and don't care whether he lives; he found new strength, good appe tite and telt just like he had a new lease on life. Only 50c. a bottle, at Raysor & Smith's drug store. A man is happiest when he can forget all the mean things he knows about himself, THAT HACKING COUGH can lie so quickly cured by Shiloh's Cure. We iruarautcc it. will vou si'i-i-KK witn iivspcpsia and'Liver Complaint ? Shiloh's Vitamer is guaranteed to cure you. The switchmen's interest in the rail roads they represent seems to be flagging. A isutv to Vonrself. It is surprising that people will use a common, ordinary pill when they can se cure a valuable English one for the same money. Dr. Ackers huglish pills are a positfve cure for sick-headache and all liver troubles. They arc small, sweet, easily taken, ami do not gripe. For sale liyj. S. brant. At what age should a voung lady mnrry?" asks n correspondent. "Oh, any tune after she t won. Mhe Was Completely Cured. A daughter of niv customer suffered from suppressed menstruation, and her health wua eoniiiletelv wrecked. At mv suirucstioa she tisetl one bottle of Brnii- field's Female Regulator, which cured her. I. W. Williams, Water Vallev, Miss. Write The Brutliield Reg. Co., Atlanta, On., for particular. Sold by all drug gists. When a man knows that he cannot get out ol the mud bis next impulse is to go in deeper. We Van nnd Do Guarantee Dr. Acker' Blood Elixir, for it has been fully demonstrntrtl to the (ico nic of thin conn trv that it is suiirrior to ull other preparation for blood diseases. It mn jiosiiiyc luic mr avpuimiv f.ji(wmi- ing, I'lcers, Eruptions and Pimples. It purities the whole system and thoroughly luilds up tne constitution, for sale uy J. S. Grant. The Aaheville Dally Cltlcen Ulvea The latest local news. The freshest State news. The best general news. A first-class telegraph service. Full Washington reports. General and iccinl comments. The largest subscription list of any secular paper in the State. The liest advertising medium in tne State. A full staff of able editors and corres pondents. The neatest, newsiest und most enter prising paper in North Carolina. Its rtiorts are always ncvotcd to tne upbuilding and development of the re sources nf the Slate, particularly the Western section Subscription, f(l lT uiiiium; six months: till rent kt month. It takes more iiecks to till the crop of n lianlam pullet lliun it does to till a Kilt' fulo grain elevator. OXB ENJOYS Roth the method and result when Hyrup of Figs ia taken; it ia pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acta Gently yet promptly nn the Kidney. uivcr and Bowel, cleanse the sys tem eflbctiinlly, dispell colds, head aches ami fever and cure habitual conxtipntion. Hyrup of Fig ia the ly remedy ot IU kind ever pro duced, pleasing; to the taste and ac- rvplahle to the stoninch, pramiit in it action and truly beneliciMl in It efli'CU, prepared nulv from the most neanny ami agrwnma uiianre, it many eicelh-nt qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup nf Fig is for rule in ROo and 11 bottle liv all lending drug gist. Any reliable drugirist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. 1 nni accept any sulmlltntc. CALIFORNIA FIO SYRUP CO. (V WAHbtSIO Ptl, tt. f wr, r TXANTIC COAST LINW tin and after ttila date the fulltiwlna ached nlea will lit ran over lta"Cotuinlila division." No, as Leaven Columlila A. no p, m. Arrives ntc'harleatoa v an p. m, No. ft 9 Leaves Charleatoa T.IO a. m. Arrives atcointniua il. nn a. n, Connectlna with trains to and from all nulnla nn the c harlotte, CotamMa Au Kuata and Columbia orwnvlllt Kallroada. T. M. MMKHSON, Oen. Paaa. At. J. V. tJUVINH, Uea. eapt. It Looks Like the Hand of Fate. Time hath its revenges. Another of Mrs. Surratt's murderers has been called to the bar of Divine Justice. This time it is Gen. John A. Fosler.of the Union army during the late war. He was a luwyer and prosecuted Mrs.hurratt and saw tne poor innocent woman sutler a ureaiiiui death on the gallows. A dreadful nemesis overtook him. For the lust two years he has been a drunken outcast He was found dead on Tuesday morning in New York, in the rear room 'of n little office occupied hv a man formerly his or deny and wrapped in nn old army hlntiket. It is a curious tact that nearly every one of Mrs. Surral's murderers has died either by suicide or in great deslitu tion. A song-writer says he prefers to turn out lullabies because there is luck In nod numbers. It is a risky business to eniriuc ii chem ist in a war of words, a he is always rendy with a retort. The man who makes the longest pravers can't always get the longest credit tor his purchases. DO NOT FORGET that- AFTER JAN'Y 1 IWEEKLY CITIZEN IS' SI-ONE DOLLAR-SI PER YEAR, Strictly in Advance. enil One Dollar Mini renew .vonr HiibHcription nt once. If you aiv not a subscriber. tins copy ik wnt you mh a Hiunpli', with tlie hope that you will Hubm-ribe. The Sent Family Newnpaper In the State. JAMES FRANK, USAI.KH IN FAMILY GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS Ajicnt for Keema Creek Woolen Mills. North Muln Aaheville, fehltMlv N. C, W. 0. WOLFE. tlver mm acta of the moat lienutilul Monuments and Tombstones Juat received, from the cheniieat Tomtiatunc tu hanilaumc Mununitnta. I hnve mmle a great reduction In price, and it ll pay you to come and look at mv atuek, whether you Imjr or not. Wnn room Wolfe Hullilinir. Court Square. TAYLOR, BOUIS & BROTHERTON, PRACTICAL Plumbers V TinncrM. 'I.I'M MINd, lTKAM AMI GAM IMTT1M1, TIN AND HI. ATI. UllllPINIl. Furmicett and Heater. Jobbing Promptly t I Attended to. No. 43 Patton Ati-nuc, Opera House lluildlug;. llllOdWlY ten rciiacs IN TWO WEEK3 THIRX OF IT ! As a Flnsh Producer tbar ean be n question hut that SCOTT'S EL1ULSI0U 0( Pure Cod Liter Oil and Htpophosphltes Of Lima and Soda I without a rlvaL. Many ha g nud a oon a day by lh ua of it. It coras CONSUMPTION, trsOfUU. aOaJCHITIt, C0U0MI N9 C01DS, AND ALL F0 all 0 WASTING t)lk CAaE. AH fAl.tTIHI.K Alt MII.K. Meaxr hum grl Uty4Hutn aaUkra fir Imllnftoiia. antHilAw It tn Ihnaat O. F. IIAGEMAXa RROKKR. Correspondent to Doran ft Wright Co., Ltd., 10 Wall St., New Vnrk, STOCK , ONAIN, PROVISIONS, I'llTKO LUUM AND COTTON. Private wire to New York and Chlcaao. Continuous quotations, actual delivery guaranteed. Rooms I ud 4, No. II Pattoa Avenae, 'aal d Wantad A Ballclon. Some time ago it wasunnounced that the Japanese government waa open to propoxuhi for Ilia establishment of a stale religion. Whether il bus suited iisolf and its subjucls we have uol liounl: but mean while practical steps Willi the same object have been tukvu ut A coniiiiillue of philoso phers and men of Science uswuibled there lulely Willi the purpowi of "in atiluting a new uatioiuU uhurcb. llieytli'tiw up u cateeliisui "unfutlered by Uio ideiui, iirejudiccs or doLnnas of oiuur eraws, uavuig lor its sole pi Me UIO 1XMJI! Ol iNUlUI'O 111 CUpitulB wiui mo E.ieruai i ruins luugti iiiereiu. u is lo ue a tiuo cliuruli ou a free basis, and l ie autliom urar their iugunuou rrood faith by addrosn lug a manifesto to parents, sludouts nuupuuuoomctira "UiiiiviUj adhesion also lor a subscription, tin doubt. iw religious cuuiioi get luiUi-r way wiiiioui u suuKci'ipuoiv-tiie old ones even seom miglity lolucUuil to dis pense with such refreshers. The Uook or JNulure und the Eternal Truths therein certainly uiuko u broad foundulioii for a creetl so broad. truth, that they would support an in detluile number. lima dillleuilc will urise from tliis fuel when the new church begins to make pitwalylug, Men of science in llulv are all eiitlin biu-stic Dui'winiU's. uiid lie will be pro claimed pitiphel doubtless expositor nu i.', :i t... .1.. i' I, .. yio -wi nui 4I UIUB niui'n4llll, out il will bo very purplexing to siiiiplo dt- vuiea ii me wuoie uioory ol lliuir re ligion should need overhauling from nine ut tuns as new iruiiiH ure Uiscov eiwd. and old ones, eternal though uioy wvro, oecouio exiincl, Luudou ouiiidard. Jonquln Miller 'a Waatarn Home, A slender, sparely built man, well along in years, with long, yellowish wuiiu uuir tuui lay on IiiskIioii uers in curls, snt for a long lime yesterday in front of the Inland hotel, lie was dressed in blue It. moderately well worn and not of the latest cut. At his throat a loose while neck scurf was ncirliLrent ly caught over a diamond collar but ton. On one of his lingers glistened a lurge, brilliant yellow diamond that wus tu slranire Contrast lo the scuinod and tanned band. In spettltiiiir of his iiouiB in uiuoi'uia. liv said: "It is a torrent rial 1 shall live there until 1 tlie. Vou know i went there by almost an accident, but 'it ban brought me satiulactioii und even a fortune, for 1 am a rieh tnun nt lust Three years aro. when 1 went out to California with Col. Howard and Mr. Uutro, we arruurred to plant a little island olf San Diego with trees. We had hurtlly done so when tire killed them. Then 1 went to Sun Francisco aud bought my little tract of ground in the mountains, il is two miles from Oalilund. und 75U fuel above the ocean. 1' or S!iXI ueres I Hiid from 5U lo ti 5 per wro, and now they want to ouy it lor town low. I urn really rich. but I have worked hum," uud the western poet gluix-ed til his haixlened hands. "Il is my philosophy. It is the fouutlulioii of my htteail und long est work. The Life of Christ' lie breaks least 'rommandmeiits who works by the sweat of Ins brow. lu three years 1 have pluntod 1'i.lXij trees. I thought it would only tuko me a short time, but I urn still at it, and 1 aud my mother shuli always live uinong them. Chicugo Tribune. Lorked In lllg llullUliie. An ofileer who was found in lower Uroudway had mora peinounl knowl fdgi of such cipcs than either the sergeant or roundsman. "es," ho said, "il often hapieus Ihut men and somt'liiiien wouicii are locked in buildings in this neiglihoi'lioiHl. Once I was culled to a building in Church street. A young uiuii came to a third nlory wintiow, and said that he aud a young woman were both locked in. luey had bwn there about three hours, uud had tried every way they could U pick tiiu lock and got out Tiiey wero afraid tu stay there all night for various reasons, but cuiefly on account of thu seunilal it would niuko. "1 tried tlie lock ami thvu asked about the mini who hud the soys. The voung mull said the key were carried by the proprietor, who was out of town, nud tin, porter, who hail lived in Unioklyti, but had moved the wetik before to New York, he didn't know where. Finding it would be impos sible to heiitl for him I went for it lad der. I fun ml one in uisnil half an hour. Tiieiicauiu the tliilti'iilty. The young woman was afraid to come down that way. The man beg ged her to try it, ami did my best lo help him. but she wouldn't stir u step. I'nnilly I lie young man came dowu uiul went to ins home, winch was in the next block west, and col his wife logouplliu ladder uud slay ull ui'dit with tho girl. That was the bust we could do. -New V l ork bus. MiKlara Lloerulll f In Brnita Ail imHirluut uiiiiotiiiccmeiit comes to us from ikime. which ia a new and very welcome proof of llio liberal spirit now prevailing ut tlie Vatican. The famous M.S. Codex B.. of the Old and New Testament, long so jealously guarded, il at iual being published in photographic fnc-siiuile under the au iiocs of the poH and tho rxlitorship of the AblwCvua Luti. Verullone'sco ndjulor in the well known edition. Oun humlivd copies of tlie New Testa ment ure being Issued, which may be hud from llio Folotipia Daiiesi, Homo, in a volume of uboul iltHi pages, at the price of iW lira The llrsl II fly sub scrilicr will also receive four volume of the Old Testament at the sumo rule for eurli. A smuller edition ia also being issued of the lloxnplar 118., (Ju dex Mari'lntlianus. This will consist of Blleopnwof aliout I.IHH) page, the price of which will be SOU lira. Atlie uamm, Two Philadelphia capitalists are at the head of a syndicate who have ac quired tho gas rights of SO.OllO acres of lund In Indiana and intend piping it to Cbifsgii. They are socoiilident that tho Indiana law to prevent gns being piped out of the state will be declared unconstitutional that all the contract have been made. The null CHIaen. I always alive to the interest ol Ashrville and it isronle, I the most popular mlvertisiiiu me dium in North Carolina. Is rend by a ; renter number of penplc tlian any other secular paHT in the State. Is always tilled with the choicest rend ing matter of the day. Hoarding houses till their moms by ad vertising in the ClTtiKN. New, nnd all the new, make the ClT tiKN a general favorite. Nn retail merchant ever made a great nieces without advertising. Try the Citiirn. An advertisement In the Citmrn pay the advertiser an hundred-fold. MISCELLANEOUS. MACK, STABLER & GO,, -MANUFACTURERS OF PERFECT FITTING FINE CLOTHING 109 & in West Tlilrd St., Cincinnati. For Sale by all len - j Ahevllle,, N. C. P. A. DEM ENS, ! MHtinruettirer and Dealer in all kimla of Dmaed 1 LUMBER, Door, Satli, Blinds, Mouldings, Stalrwork, mantels, Bank and Bar Fixtures, and all kinds of Building Material. Hard Wood Lumber Work a Specialty. nov 14 dly Telephone No. 6. HOTEL, t. innate unetpiaied for THROAT AND by the BLUB P. I DUB MOUNTAINS. PURE DRY AIR. For clrculara address COX THE WINYAII HOUSE, Corner Beard and fine streets, Camp Patton. ASHEVILLE, N. C. Conducted as a Sanitarium for invalids suffering'from diseases ol 1 he Iuiiks nnd throat, and under the charge of Dr. Karl von Ruck. Concluded upon the most approved plans endorsed by the leading members of the medical prolession. J'erfect appointments in every Ilr. von Ruck's city office: No. 30 Patton avenue. Rooms No. 1. ii nnd 3, upstnirs. Office Hours: 11 to 1 o'clock. Practice limited to diseases of the lungs and throat. THE HICKORY INN." HICKORY, N. C. Electric Lights. Uas, Hot and Cold Water Baths and Toilets on each floor. Cuisine and appointments unsurpassed. FRANK LOIUHRAN, Proprietor. AIKEN. The Popular Winter Pleasure. Piney Suutl Aiken iiossi'sni's tlif (lrifKl I nitftl Stuff iwccjit pointH of fjTeat nltitudo in the Itocky MountaiiiH. Tin wontliM'fully dry. iiiie atnioriphei-e in the rt'Hult of the coinliined influence of its elevntion above the NiirmunditiK fntry (beinj? 400 feet higher than Aunta, 17 mileH diHtnnt, nnd u(5 feet above ta level) a erfeet natural driiiiuiKe in every direction the alinenee in tlie vi cinity of any stream or large body of water and the por ouh nature of the soil. The town is surrounded bv n dense growth of pine woods, through which, there being but few lences, innuinerauie pleasant direction. The population is the prettiest and pleasantest HIGHLAND laving acconmiodationH for very respect. Rooms lnrire gas ami heated by means of niiiiic rooms m addition to tented bysteam. ef14 ft i .'- a".':.i -'i;t Ii.' p " 1 The sanitar.v arrangements are absolutely nerfect. The water, which is clear as crystal, is pumped from two large pnngs on the grounds. 1 hat is brought to the hotel in porcelain lined pails. The table, with which the greatest pains aw taken, is supplied with milk from our own dairy, stocked with IIolstein-KrieHian little. Amusements are provided in the wnyof RilliardRooiu, idies Milliard Room. Howling Alley. Tennis Courts, ete. n excellent orchestra is in Livery stable connected trained saddle horses nre made a specialty. Tor circular and terms address B. P. CIIATFIELD, Proprietor. To reach Aiken from Asheville time. 12 hours route via Spartanburg, Columbia and Graniteville. Leaving Asheville i)..l" a. m., arrive Aiken 8.45 p. m. febIS BUGGIES, CARRIAGES, BLACKSMITNINQ. To the eitltena of Aaheville and vlelnltv I nulil annnttnee that at mv ahnna onColkm atreet, neat to Woodbury's atublea. I am let ter itrrparrd than ever In dn work In my line, v iikuii, ntiiraiea ann larnnaea mamitaet. urrd. KefialrltiK and hora,'.ahoeinaT are aiie. altlra. and nerlret aatlalaetton anaranteed. Mv worliuien are extierteneed and akltlfuland my eharicea ari modrrata. aovS a B, SI SNHTTB, CAROLINA HOUSE, ASIIKVll.LB, N. C. W. A. jHtnc), Jr., Prop'r. Room Refitted. New Furniture. flood Table, Teema Reasonable. jaaTdla Lending Clothiers. - j asm Near Passenger Depot. TRYON CITY, M. C. U NO TROI BLE. We art surrounded MALARIA UNKNOWN. & WILSON, Propr's. Iress KARL VON RUCK, B. S M. D. Resort for Health and ttS TUB SUMMIT lP TUB Hill Region nf South Carolina. cliimite of nny nlui in the waiKs ana drives lead in every 2,500 and the town is one of in the entire South. PARK HOTEL, .p i00 guests, is first-class in and comfortable. Liuhteilbv open wood fireplaces. The fireplaces and the halls are used for drmkinir nurnoses attendance. with the house, in which d2moa FURNISHED HOUSE FOR RENT. JiaV That new and deilrablt koast, until reeeatly occupied by Mrs. Taanaat, M Clayton street, and weU luralahed, will W rented on Rcanonable Terms, To sa early applicant. Address JENKSftJENKS, Real Batata aad Inauraaat Brokars, Jan! dtl Pattoa An,, AabrvtU. tV vta.u-i.-4 tna,t4ltk l'sji

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