o p,'VrTl,,,'','i:"'','V' 1 1 1 1 r- i 3; THE DAILY CITIZEN. J. I). CAM URON, Editor. D. CHILD, Htisiiiess MnntiKiT. H Thb Dailv Citizkn will he nuhlifthrri every niHrinnu tcxt-cpl .Mun.iity) at the I'olluwinH rate. Kinccfy csn: One Yenr. $n.nn Kl Month. .I i" Three Month l.W One Month ni One Week I A Oiircnrricr will deliver the pticr ever morning- In every part of the city to our auh acriliem, and pnrtii" wnntinK it will plea eall nt the ClTlIKN nifiw Aiivrhti.inii Katb Renaonnhle. nndmmli- known on npiillotition nt thia office. All tratmient advertiaemcnta muat be paid in ad vance. I'he Citukm In the moat ratenatvely clreu lan-d anil widely read newnpaier in Western North Carolina. Ita riiaeuaion ofpuhlic men anil meaure In in the intere! of ptililk integrity, lumen rfoveminent, and prnicriim industry, ami it Known no erttonul ullcuiiinecln treatiimpiili lie lamiM. The ClTlIKN piillilH-a the ill.pnu-hc of thi A.aocinU'il I'rctiH. whieh now covert til whole world In ii ciuk- It haw other tni-ili-HvM of advanced toiirimlinn lor natherini. new from all ipitirtiT., with everylllinucari hjllv edited to occupy the ataUct apace. Hjiecltnen coiicn of any edition will tie aen' t "cr to nnv one .cmllne. their n.lrirciia. Readmit notice, ten cent (kt line. Ohitti ary, mnrriaiic and mifltty notice tii'ty cvnl each Inot excrt-ilinu ten linem or fifty wnt' per inch. VYEiiXlvSIMY. MAKCIl 3 lS'.IO As will Ik- seen l)y t Ik- iiiiiiihhki'IIH'IiI ii tliin issue. Till! Citizkn luis passcil inn oilier huntls, mill my ciiniicvtiiiii with i Its editor in cliicl cenwliiulnviili. A-S" ciuteil willi the i.irm lor mi m.-iitv yv.tr iilcntilicil nit 1 have ln-cumc with lite cil and the cimntrv iiml willi .ill their intu eat, a epiirulioti tnnti the p;iici mi. from linn lor w Imiii it was n I'lciiMir to liilmr in iiti.'iviiiilalilv p.-iiiilul. Vet i do not lose my intcii-t in, mid tiu.icl tiient to, The Citizen, wh eh lius licen nl wnyi o dirtily upresemalivc ol llu feelings, llimilus and purpoM-n nt' lit. people ot 'Asheville and iIium ul Wolen North Ciimlinu. 1'inlci- ils new invnci ship the nainc of l lie painr remains; an. so 1 hope llie iiltachtiiciit til ils remit r und palroint will retnain iinsliaken am uncliuii;c(l. 1 feci coiuiilfiil that undu the new management will lie found un questiiined ability and energy to com ntaml success, anil I ask lor my succes sors, both in the editorial chair, and ii the business nianai.'eiiieiit, a liberal lie Htowal of pnlilic eniiliilciuc which 1 lie assured w ill not be misplaced. J. H. Ca.ii:kon. uiAMii; ik Tin. t itizi:n. cerium i iianu'es t'l I lie outicrstiip o The Citizkx have taken place met ssiiat inu some changes in the general manage nicnt ot'tlic p.igier. As indicated almv Col. Cameron, so limn ami l.ivoiiilil known as the ni.'in.iuiiiL' editor, has n signed. He will not. however, entire retire iro,n tne p.inr, ami Ins man friends will lie pleased to learn thai I will continue to cin'riSiUc occasion urticlcs iioiii lime to time as lie in.iv In inclined. an afii:hmki. imimck UvKiuiiiiijj to iiinrr.iw. Tin: Cirizi. win ue published as an ii'icriin.iii p.iH-r mukmi ils npiH-nraiKe at 4 p. in. The regular Siimlay etlilion will lie di coulimied, hut the pa)KT will lie pul lishcd every week day iucludinrf Mmi days. Hereafter mure space will lie devote to local and Western .North Carohti news than ever Im.ire. 1 he absence o theeusiomary an. riling dispatches wil be more than cottiieiisaicil l,,r bv the in creased amount ol city news and the al tentii'll (jived to everylhiii): pel tainiii to thcKrowtll and prusjietity cf Asia vdlc mid the -urrotintlitio cnuutry. In politics the pnjar will remain demo. era tic. The selling price after to-day w ill lie re dueed to tf cents k r copy. Several ol the larger ol the Southern cities I'avc reipicsied S,eielarv Hlaiia to invite the International Aiiieiicat Conference to visit the Siulli In lore tin nicnilx-rs rvtiirn to their homes. The in vitutiiill was issued yesterday. It a pears in this morning's dispatclics. With out doubt it will lie aen pled, and tin trip will be bcuu immeili.ilely Uhiii tin adjournment ol the conference. Ashecille is not represt tiled in the let ters to Sccrclui v 111. line, but she should be. A niccliiiK ofeitizei.H should Ik called anil an invitation issued to this "real body of representative men. It means n great deal to the city. If they nccept, ii melius the greatest ndvertisiiig I lie QueeiiCiiy ol Western North Cnrolina has ever enjoyed. It means that for the time the eyes of the entiie wot Id will U centered on Asheville. It means that every pnier in the world will, on the lol lowiiiK day, swak of the "J"r'"u -' mntcnnd miiKn fi en. scenery of Western North Cnrolina, and ol the generous hos pitality of the icople. Asheville should not delay, An iiivita tion should ul mice lie issued. Now is Aancvillc's opportunity. The supreme court of Mississippi has confirmed the decision of the lower court in t license of Jake Kilrain the prize fighter. The bloody Imltlc lought between Sulli van nntl Kilrain in Mississippi Inst sum- nier is known to every reader, mid that the defeated mnn will I wive to pay n fTini fine and lie two months in jail may seem to ninny like adding insult to injury. The better class of eititrns, however, cannot help but leel that the fellow got only jus tice. He belongs to a class winch the I'nitcd States would not miss if every lust ouclil them died, nntl it is a distinct pleasure to notice that the State of Mis sissippi possesses the necessary backbone to mete out justice to men of this stamp. The final d sKiiilinn of the cnsr against Sullivnn will be wntched with Interest. The announcement I hut George Fran cis Train has started on his tour around the world will be hailed with joy. The only thing where George made a mistake It in trying to outdo Nellie My. He thinks he can place a girdle around the sphere in sixty days. I'erhaps he can, but if he wanted prise, nHectionntely K resented to him by a sum-ring public, t should hnvt started nut to see how long he could be about it. If he had fixed bis time at sixtv vears instead of sixty days, the prayers of a nation would have wished him success in his undertaking. Then srr some men this nation needs, but Train's nunc is not on the list. THOUGHTS TOR THINKERS. Hp is bolmv hlinsulf who is not abova an injury.- Quarles. No one can lay himwlf under obliga tion to do a wrong thing. Life is too short to Is) spent In niindinjj other cople's iauina.s. To be without friend is to fli d tha world a wildeinem, I Lord UaC"U. In I he race uf life it doesn't take pov erty very long to ovectaku lazine.s. Ri'veneisoiily the pleasure of it little, weuk and narrow m ini. JuieaaL Larue cliKilty duth never soil, lml uuly wailuu wit wkila tmmK LuwslL Underslmid lliaf every man i worth Ju t so much us the tilings ara woi tll UOotit w hicli he biiMt hitn.-elf. Receive (wealth or pro iietily) without srniKUiK'e; and be rea l; lo let it U 1M. Aaielum AaioiilUk Selli.-liiiess is lliat Ji'lestille vice which tio one ill fni'glve Inotlp-n, and no una U uilllo'll lllllln'ir. H.'el'lllT. Truth isstiouger ihun error, rig'i'eous nes i.s lron;ei llnl.i eei, ifn ta slrullnur tiia i dealli. I'liillipj lti,i.,U.s, No lieginiiiugs of linage, however S'nall, snvs I'ltilaicli, are lo lie neglei lej beciiiie conlliitiunce uiukes llieiti great. R.'iielits oblige, and ol bgiiiioii is tliru.1 d , .on! uiil'cipti:ed i.bluat on peip.'t u.i. n ul lo n, nlilcli i. Il.itelni llii,,tn, FhcIj ls ms need to tak some forward lep, tU tfslu liUAel tu ulud) Uob.er tliuiK. - ts.jjaycies, Do nnsleia'e in ynui ple-ii ure, ilml V' in leliili lor lln in may coii.iuue, Al w,i - to indulge our uppclllui is locxuu ,oli .Ileal. He- hoi. fnKe lo ll. a pro.ent duty breaks u llii'. ad in llu lo -in and will liuj to ll.iu win. a la' ' a-f.'lollea ilHCauO. j. I i-- Wiii.I llperiior. Many u llitver H cin-hi-d benealh (ho ft-,-1 of the wacfaier. .N.illlie, rich anj in xiiansiiiilo, rc.pl. ic-s ilie.u vt nh uuiy. laiilale na'.uie. -nien Sylvi.u Whoever looks for a friend without invfitVc ioih will never tin.l hImi hti m. k We love oiiim-I vu. uli all our fuult.s, anil ue uaghi lo love our frieuij in like uiauiii't If you were willing to l as pleasant nu. I us iinsioii lu pl.-a-e in your homa a. ton are in tli -couip.tu,- of your m-i.i-Ui s you w-o.ild have the Jiuppiujt luuuj in ,bu world. Temptation ' a necessity, nud nut only a m cfsMiy lull u I let'.n-ti.m. If iuii were lo con ti net a man you wotd I have to Ul lllto hllll a c.'ll till n-ri'"lll age of toaiptal on liial Uti inllll becoaio lull developed. We-have ti low an pstimati of hu man na.ure m ii.'ii ne nu iguie ,h.i. it id re- oad only to i'lf t;il,.et. ll israiier Dnlwehaie itol (n il inoii.-li in t.io t a :h. an I have not learn I I lie . ret ,,( iu . li. n i,: a. i. lie aio.iceau I pare .lenirei, comply we 'd a in in so thai lie siiall produce n i.Ina evil, but never pi. tat In. ii. so tint ue -lul. pro l.l o s.naeiui.i; P.hkI. and ulati i- Iti wurill? If Una "J cui. .v, ui ui, ll,. L).;:'t of Salitruis . na nio.i cui iva.e l v il on theIoba. IL.ls Tliotiglits New si rei g h can often be gained by rbnuui ig loeui l 'U i bugs llie cuinpau-ion-. Hie everv day i llueuces, and bria ilu to Is'.ir Iter- f a -liiT -real and lie. tei l ft.: Wli it e:t i n it U? d me by Ii rid Volition t-.i i olt.'ii be uoc.iuipii.liui Ly iii'liiect m, ins. Kvnip.ion frotn mistnkn Is not ihi f ri iluge of in i. l. il.; bin wiieii our mit taK snie in ol'intai't, vveoit, 'ichoiiier every can .id i;ou.i ler nion; nn J llie la in wiio, on ilt-c r.eii i hiierr.i.s, a kuoivl C.l ;es A-nl cori-.-r; lit .in. is s. aicely ie (III. It 1 to t.ii: CM, i la lincu U littLauuul tiusl.-llJi. I'.-.e S iiith. The nu sl iu.iiatil urn the most en ri lled. L'iile a ana kao s thai the.-j i . S'llllellllll.' Ill HI! in U- know, i In. ni.er eiictfis,of roiire, tlul he knowi every thing. I Int l'-l a man know ih.u ib.'rj are lliitus l" lie kllotvtl of wbiCll be is i.'iioraiil. an. I it i- so iniii'ii cu te i out of Id- d. i.nuui of tut. e. sal kliuwk-J.B. FUNERAL CUSTOMS. The inn ii kept tin at Iri h w tkes ue 1 lolh. loi I ho jiiii'puxi uf di lviug a a nil p r ts Tim Mohn'nmi'danalvvav, whetliorin their own I'oimirv or mis of adoption, Lury wil hunt a c i.'.i i of any Lin J. Tne priini ne Ku -in t- nine d a certl- lieuieoi cn:ir n-'er In lm lea l per-oo s lia d lo lie t-lveu lu SiU 1'ului ul the galei ol lieu, en. Tiie naihes of Auslrdia lie Ihe bands of the corps uud pull oul the linger ua.ls tins lot fc ii Hi i. (lie lead will scrutf lt th ir way out uf tin grave and become tauipire. In India up till within tlx pact fete rears, urn ne vote. 1 wile neii.ted Ina I.ineral pria of her dea l hu bind an I Wits lin-ioB uteil by the s.iinu ll.une Inal reduced ll r loved one to asliev lliiring the time of the old It noun m fin- the di'iid holies of all exuep s n i were bllrne I. I he Uns ks somen.., , buried their dead in tha ground, ,t more generally cremated Ilium in liui Uun of I he Itoiii.int. Whun n child dies in Greenland tha native bury n living 1I04 with It Mia dog Is to Ik' 11 ed b Ihe rliil I as a gui la to llie oilier world. Whe 1 qnr..i ,ne ab"iii their strange cititom I boy sat "A Hug cuii liud the way anywhere, " GOOD MAXIMS, fend carefully lo the detullj of enur til llie-s. Biici lflre mnnsy rather than principle, tilritu to do right' fear to do wtouf. Inline not another's rouJU.lua in Lit inns. ObM-rva giMirl mnnnera, I'av your ilebu promptly, runctnnllty IsMter than wisdom. Us your leisure time for improvement. Hxlend to aver . body a kind salutaliuu, 7enlon-ly lalsir for Ihe right. Take rare of tha nennlet and the doU Ibis will lake ears of theinjelves. Grtttirylnir 10 All. The high position nttnincdnnd the uni versal neceptnnee and npprovnl of the plensnnt liipiitl fruit remedy Syrup of Figs, as the most excellent laxative known, illustrate the vnlue ol the quail ties on which its success Is based and arc absolutely gratifying to the California rig nyrup company. Do you want a tendcr,swcct andjulcy Meak or Roaat.call at MARTIN'S MARKKT, SOB. Main St. Nothing on earth sells like our Chili 1m' II envy Nibbed 10c. lloso. Five Miles of llund kereliiefs, nre u jrootl ninny, yet one of our loenlniiitlieiiiiiticinns bus fio-uied thnt tlie new lot of Ilniulker chiefs reeently receiv ed n t Hostic Bros. & Wriji'lit's store will, if laid side by side, reach from here to Next ville. which is five miles away. There are supposed to be a hundred men who are sporting bran new Suitsnbout town boujiht from Pmstic liros. (JcWriyht as they are Koimfotit of Clutliiii:. and are sellino; at first cost to clear away. We al ways have mi hand a complete line of Dry (Soods and Shoes. Yours respectfully. Ilostic IlroH. & WrljjlU 11 N. Main St.. Asheville AT THIS LICADING JEWELRY STORE, l he entire itick ut Plated Jewelry, Ineliiilina fine llmoches. lluttotis nntl Hihit. lets, at l-;3-0NE-THIRD OFFI-1-55 KcKHnllr uf iimt, m we intend In the future tu keep nutlilnic dttt SoMil UnUi Mnl Sterling ttilvrr Jrwelrr. ARTHUR M. FIELD, Firt Nfi FWFIFP kbnallM V I tahahsllf South Main St. Aalicvillc. V. A. Itl.AIIC. .I.V. ItliiiWX FURNITURE AMI UNDERTAKING. No. 33 Pattoii Avenue, M'AFEE BLOCK, OPPOSITE BLAIR'S OLD STAND We are now ready, and in vite our friends and the ub lie p'nerally to call and ox- timine our well selected stock of FURNITURE, Which we are offeriugatrock bottom priivH. I'ndertakinp: a special feature. Calls at tended day or night. Telephone, day 75, night Ki BLAIR & BROWN. MRS. A. P.LhDARBK 159 Fatton Avenue. First-Class Board by the day or month. Trrma made knowa a appllcatlua. dccHdlj I consider Mrs. loa- Person's Remedy the best blood purifier thnt is nn the mnrket to-dny, I. H. McAdrn, Charlotte, N. C, August 15th 1880. DKUOS AS'D MimCl.XliS. Shoe Brushes, Hat Brushes (loth Brushes and Flesh Brushes, at T. C. Smith & If). . All the finest a ml most (ov ular brands of Tobacco are sold by T. C. Smith & Co Druggists. Hagland's best Tobacco Seeds, selected for Biincomlii county and for sale by T. C, Smith & Co. liazell's Choice Peifumes. Colognes, Extracts rtnid Sachet Powders at T. C. Smith & Co.'s. We ha ve the best st ock of Pressed II rbs in ounce pack ¬ ages, l. ( , Mmili iV o. We sell the strictly jmre Lead of .1 iki. T. Lewis Ac Bro., as it gives the best satisfac tion. T. ('. Smith & Co. Ilorsford's Bread Prepara tion and Bordi u'sCoudeused Milk at T. C. Smith V Co.'s Drug Store. Sherwin. Williams & Co.'s Beady Mixed Paints, all col ors, in small aim large cans at T. C. Smith A- Co.'s. Buist's Celebrated Seed Po tatoes, all varieties, inst re ceived I v T. C. Smith A: Co., Druggists. One tiros Hood's Sars.i- pnrilla at T. C. Smith A: Co.'s also a gross of Scott's Kmulsiiai Cod Liver Oil. Drydea A- Palmer's Doiihle Setineil Bock Candv Svrnp bv the barrel or less, at T. C Smith A Co.'s Drug Store. Colgate's Soaps and Per- ftmierv in large assortment, at T. ('. Smith Ac Co.'s. A full assortment of Fresh (tardea Seeds just received by T. C. Smith A Co.. Druggists. One Hundred Bushels best Bed Clover Seed, selling out at lowest pricesatT. C.Smith A Co.'s Drug Store. Bluedrass. White Clover. Timothy. Orchard (Srassand Sapling Clover, for sale at T. C. Smith A Co.'s Drug Store. The largest variety of Tooth Brushes, both Knulish and French, also a tine line of Hair Brushes at T. C Smith A Co.'s. Special attention paid to filling I'hysicians" prescri- tions at 1 . 1 . Smith A ( o. Drug Stor. Medicinesdeliv eretl to any part of the city 011 short notice. We have plenty of goods and we are selling them at bottom prices. e move t lit gootls on short profits. T.C. Smith A Co., Druggists. T. C. Smith A Co. lead the prices in the Drug trade of Western t arohnn. lompcti- 11011 mis taKcu a itacKseai.. Fifty gross Diamond Dyes, all shades ami colors, in nnv quantity, sold by T.C. Smith & Co. The best Tea in the market at the price put up in small packages samples free, at T. C. Smith & Co.'s Drug Store. A fresh stock of DeWitt Clinton Cigars came in to day, also n.OOO Klevens. Ihcscare the best five and ten cent ''i".ars in Asheville. T. C. Smith & Co., Druggists. Soda Water all the year round at T. C. Smith & Co.'s Drugstore: also Campbell's winger Ale. O110 Barrel Genuine Delma- tian Insect Powder and 200 boxes Spider Web Sticky Fly Paper just to hand, at T. C. Smith & Co.'s. One cross of Mrs. Person's Iteinedy and a gross of Swift's SiM'ciflc just received by T. C. Smith & Co., Druggists. W. K. T. B. ori.s". I'HIVATIC HOARD. NUW llllCKBI NliVI. rTKNISHHII ALL M(III!KN IMPROVHMHNT8. MRS. N. U. ATKINSON So. I'M Haywood 8trect. jun'J .' il 1 v liMOATH IIDAKII. A liircr Iiiiiim'. .'list Cnttoii iivetnie Warm connortiii'le room., un street ear line. Terms reiisonulile. octsililm MHH. 1. L. UMATIIItHM Mi A I. LSTATIi. JOHN CHILD, l'nrtierly of Lytimn Ctiiltl , REAL ESTATK LOAX1HIOKER I.diuiH M-rttrfly iiliu-eM nl h imt vrni, FOR A FEW WEEKS ONLY I SPECIAL BARGAINS IN CITY LOTS. Hy I'r.ler nt' the aw nrr I put in nn'enfi thref rnr-' tittte. mily it mnll tiiimunt itli a tin it'll 60 I.otM on C atholic II III, iilemlid tiKHMitnin ivw , miiIv fV mitiiito ittilli lltt i iittrl butler, it frutil S75 to Slo luich, Wftiritini tn ir aitl liM jitbili. Wnrtluloiitib ml three time the munev. Lilretiilailviiui'i tt;nlt tu improve tin- Intu. rH SM.Ii L, .l atiil -I rnoill hulle. wel 11 il t , with ('rt-tiliitt'i. 011 mime In'l, 11 prutrrt it t'iMin ami term ti unit the iMin huH-i Spb nth I itpjair' unity for ttty c ( inuilirtitt iti :ntK nt tenure or to innui a OKininrmiti, ln'i'r. 1-1 K SAI-K OR Ti K I'.NT I! Iiirne tetu itint h"iic, I'.'nttil ri'iiMttirmpei'tivrlv.oii Kiicle wtivt't. Wi t! mlapteil fur chttip hut ! ir tmniilim, lnmt. Mom liberal term urantnt I'hon amlinP pnrtuiil ir with J. M. CAMI'MCI.I., iritiiiiCdn Ki1 t hlate Ireuhr All e.vfi. tittnl unit lit KinititilUf,!. A eom 1 lete toek of the uliove kiioiIm nt (.ham 's nuiii stohi:, L't SIII TII MAIN KTKIiliT. leuli.t.' I'reiiriiitlonB n .Ht-iiilty. m'1i;i tliim 1 1 Ii I.A K-l . i:S I AMI llliST liUI'll'I'l.li IN nn-: sin tu. CHEMICAL AND ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES II. C. Woltcrvck & Co. t-oNsri.tixo em uit ami uimki. tiMiiNkithii nnl-e of v, tnl. i ,-, ,, t'.ml or Coke. Mill erul Wmem. .ertiliv,m, ete. I'KICi: LIST t IN AITI.ICATIOX. MinliiK lirotKTl.v lllvetiinlril, levfloK-il. Iioueilt .mil .nlii. Corrt-..,,ii,l. n,c ,,lieite,l Snini'tii emi lie M-nt l,v imill nr e.iirrtt. It lent iy .."e." eliarKen iuin.t Itc ireniln Kio" w.tniru ii, every puiee. Cliallaiiooitn, Teim. UK. II I'. WIII.TCHH ' K. novfiilfcwl.v MnnitMer. The rJcnt are the CheupoHl. PATENT CHAMPION SAFES, Farrvll & Co., Philadelphia. 3u:ui iliewilm J. C. BROWN. MERCHANT I TAILOR, 5 Pattoii Avenue, INcit tntlmnd Central Hotel.) Mttr'.MlT TOlVEAirflEiJ BnnVriDii from Ui iSwii of youthful ormrt, mrf dKtytwftUnftWMk !, loatm-vubood, to., I wlfj wti4 ft TAltubl trMtt (mIMi oouuinlnf fall prtlcnUrfnr bomcun FREtof fh.rjfc a pUodlil nttlicftl work t AouMbarMdbyavory nut wbo to Dtrrouo md tlbtliitc4. Addrottv Prof. F C VOWJLEM, Bootfus, Cobla, onvft ilfw lv O. F. IIAGEMAN, RHOKKK. -Ciirrr.ionilfnt to oran He WriKht Co., Ltd., 10 Wall IU., Ntw York. HTIICKH, 0KAIN, I'Hi VIHIIINM, I'KTHd- I.BI'M AMI COTTON. I'rlvstr wire to New York and Chlraijo. Cimtlnuuus quotatliins, actual drllvery Kuarsnteed. Koums 8 anil 4, No. II I'attnn Avenue. .! rf DHKSHMAKINU AND LADIKH TAILORING. Sirs. Holderby Now opens a Pa.hlunablt Dreasmsklna t. tnlillnhtnrnt un Hiifliie .trtet, No. fli. Rollelt. the patron. r of all theLsilles. Jnnan dllm BUQQIEI, CAHRIAOEI, BUCKMITHINO. Tn III. rlll.rn. nt A a I. m u 1 1 1 a mA 1 I u I . . street, nrit to Wno.llniry i atalilea. I am hrt i'r-t'umi .nun i-fr 10 no work in mv line. W m.r.n. UhuwIh m iA 1 ' . I . n il UmlbIfImh. b ... . rlaltlea. nml iierlret sailalaetlon (rusrnnteed. "J wnramen are estieneneea and .kllimiand my vhnriiea art siod.raU. ""a B. Bl RnHTTI. MUSIC HOUSE TALK I KNOW That any man may write for catalogues, prices and terms to the manufacturers and rnusio houses of the country; I KNOW-ThnttheSTKIXWAY PIANO is the acknowl edged Standard of the world, and that I have the agency for it. I KNOW That I have Organs and Pianos continually in stock to please all bona fide purchasers. I KNOW That 1 am anxious to please everybody with my prices and all I ASK Is that you give nie a trial. C. FALK, 35 North Main St. WS7 77.. iv'orv, CAUTION Tali ska I.. ItonaUa' nun and nwlvm km aTaniDrtl on to naa- bottom. If Hit ftvitler eon not npplr too. tnl Uiroct to Awlorr oncioslng rffortlfto VV. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE CKNTLKMIN. nn. rsir. ii.st lmn uraia mmi ii. Sl.tMl iKl l VE IIAKIl-SKVr:il MIO nn it .Mii.Mirt-.-ii u 1 1 t hiinr. :..M) I'lll K'K AMI TAHM RH' KIIOB. i.dll KXTItA VAI.I'K CAI MIOK. SM WOHKINnMF.N'H hllllPS. 4.WI anl t.llt HOVS' M'llOOI. KIIOB. All iiuwlr to Cootfm Bittlnn ami tac. $3&$2 SHOES ladi2. 1.7a nhok por MiHNra. n.i Mu.ri.i. Krai strlr. iwi rililaa. W. L. Uaualaw, Brocklaa, Maws. Sol. I IIICHRINU A WKAVIiW. (rlil ll ilHjill THUS. P. HAMILTON A CO., GR0CERS,8 8Kttj)!G 22, Ialton Avenue. frhl a illlm A CARD. Kdltor Aahrvlllr Cltlien: Thst rur many frfrmla may know how we are Benin: nn we will Mate that we look In in Hotel am. Mtnre 9,000 In lvc Weeks. Tooklnlnat Kntunlay over (Tiki. S7 of thnt wna hutrl. hnlanir alurr. Ilnrl reaia Irrrri 2.1 that rinv Had H.immi arrival. In S month-, flurat ik la mammoth Simi fret Innu nnd I A fret w ile. Tell the lia nnir ol the world to iume and ee "ld Chrd" anillr. anil liuy Ronda of ua and aave III to SIA irr cent. nnvlfldtf N. K. CllllliKKTKM Ik HON. THK ASHEVILLE LIBRARY ASSOCIATION, ROOMS. 26 PATTON AVE.. Y. M. C. A. ROOMS. Oiien dally, racrpt Hundaya. from 1(1 a. ra until I p. m., and until A p. m. Th. I.r... nf iiit.M.-l..il... am. . -. S3; A nun., $ 1 nil; A moa., (I ; I mo., Atlrta.i uaiiy u eta. Ofhrera for 1 uo I'mlitrm. chari- w Wonlary: Vlce-I'realdrnt. Thoa A. Iiiiihi a- nnil Tren.urrr, II. . Wataon ; Librarian, Mia. o. J. Hatch. CHIiena and vlaltor. are enrdlatlv IhvIimI to Inaprct th ratnlos-ne and Inarriti. their names aa mrmlirra. JantOdtr W. D. ROWE, DS4LSS is ITALIAN A AMERICAN MAHULKi Orsnlte Munuments. etc. All klnita nf Monu ment e, Tombalonea, llradatonr., Ilrn. and Vaar. made to order la the lateat d.ala-na. ASHEVILLE, N. C Vard At nnnromlie War. houM, auaa dnra schools. Kmrllah and Prn.h BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL FOR TOUNO LADIES AND LITTLE 8IRU, Nfl. Ut fffWrtetl UfnaJ S MRLIUROWYNMAITLAND, . MINCIML trormany years AaatM-late Principal of Mt. i.j.uj L "iii, nanimoiT.l tuSVxl " ,orv ""' it Uaclwrs. aslLa RICHMOND & DANVILLE R. R. CO. I'AMKNOKU UKPAKTWRNT, Wenteni North Cnrolina liininii i l'AKSIiN(ii:K TRAIN tSCHI.IM'l.lt ! il IKl'FKCT Stll'T. 1 ?fth Meriitiati titm ti-.ed win n not utherwi iiuliin'td RAPTItiUMl " l No. fli i No. A3 I J l-aily I I'aily. i ! Lv. KiioVvilfe. I ' " itioth mer.i I a.lnpin ! Ntiftam 1 , " Atheville. . tl' lumi ii;o7i"n , Ar HHnury. oAllann t.Vtpm " lanviHe. j 1.'tL'nm iH'jtiiim i "" Kii hniuntt. j S uipm; 51Jiiin I I" NmIiikIi. i 1 "rim "Mi'nnji r.oliUhoro. I sHlopm 12otMml UMnoti;ton : iMpni i " l.nrht'iirk. t'.' Ifopm , l ITmnt " " anhiTHf t.-n s'lupin' HTtMani' " Hnttliii'irc. J"fim' HVantl " l'lo';i 1 ;.o,in io4 7j,m ' V. (lira t .'''ail. 1.t MTil w i:Tiiorxii . tu I li.iilv. : I1M '.nml ! T '.'i in in I Imilv I. v. rw V'-rk 4:liimi llATpm l 1 :tiipm I " I'hilK linltlmorr. i ti irtttin I ii.hiitKI'nl 1 1 U4ii'ti 1 1 1 il'inin l.vmi't.uru.i .itiiitnl .1ll7iml Kit hmofifl lutivillr. nniiptn i :tnam i h nifiii : HiiAnm 1 Wil'iiniit'nl 1 nni I I'.olil.lMir.i. I -J .'Uipni I A(iiiml ' l.nlimh. i 4-tiim I nii-itn i " Siili.inirv, I 'J 4.'im ' 1 1 1 I'ftMtn i Ar A.hi-vilU- I T'J-ninl 41'Timu " kn.'xvillr. . I ilHHlnnrr.i ! 1 'J I Sinn I K2,"iim Nn .Vt i A. K 8. K R. I No K Imili. I llnllv. tirtr, mn l.v. Ah. i-iilc. Arr.l 7ihi p m IM mniAr. HrniU-raotivllle, " Hil7pm limpm'" Spartnnlnirg. l.v.l?l4opm Ml KI'IIV IIKAM.'II. So.i"l l Hotly riiTpt Sunday. I j Nii."l7 'liioanij.v. ""Aahrvlllr. Ar.r.l.'.fl p m II in anHAr. Watnravillc, " I I AS p m A4iml " Jorrrtt-a. I Tniiam H4Apml" Vrtnrtd. I.v I U to am HlecpliiK Car Service. We tnke pleaaurr In annouiu-tnathelnauKU. ration ot u dml line of rlraunt I'ullman Huf. Ut liriminv Kihiiii Cnra. Im-i wren Hot Hprini:e anil A.htvllle nntl nahintfton. I. C. Nov. U. on thi followiiia mIiiiIuIc: . Jl "No. A2 i'.".'.ini i.T liol Sprinaa, Affrtl Klpni I.Uilll " Aanrtilli-, " 4 :tllpm Tiaomi" Sall.liurv, "lllil.tara il.'.ilniniArr VahlnBton, Lv,lltHiim Cloar and aure connrctlona mnde at Waah. Iimliin lor all iniinta In the North and Knat. Tltr IMilltnnn I'arlor Car now In Ina otarratrd lirlwern 8alial,urv nnd Knoiville on theac trnlna will lie iharnntintird atlrr the com. llirtitYmrnl or the tOrrpina Car run. Niw An anil Al. I ullnia Sleelarra lietweea C.remahoro and Morriatown W A. WINIII KN. II. P A., Aahrvlllr, N. C. IAK. L. TAVI.OK.O. H. A., Wnahinitton. Ii C l or in mli-iiirn. A urnect ahoe at a miHirrate coat Try a pnlr of our aiNHlnltlra In srntir mrn'afootv, rnr, at SA INI, S4 IMl, SA.AII. tV.HW, ta.An and S'.' iki Kvery pnlr wnrrnntnl. Hi nminr our afNi-tnttH-e for tallica at $4.tNI, S3 tin, fi. ii and SJ ini. unrirtlled for om fort, duraliliitv nml atvle. In.l.t on havlnif the'oiiainal M A. Packard A; Co. 'a Hliora. The arnulnr have ouretatnp on iHit'om of each ahoe. Kent itoetpnld to any tmrt of thr I'. . on m-rlpl or lirlce. M A PACKAKH At CO., HriH-kioa, Mass. Por aale In Aaheeillehy H. RKDVOOD A CO. sua 1 1 ileiHl amos su we frt Chicago & Alton R.R. FAATBAT ROUTB TO KANSAS CITY AND THE WEST Aahrvlllr to Kanaas City In ST hoars. A.hevllle to lienver la Al hours. A.hevllle to Man I rami. o. California, and P..rtlnnil, lirriiiin. In A dnva. Holill Ve.titiulril Trains Ml. l.nuU fln Vmm saa city. Krcllnlna chair car Ire.. Por full Infotmatlon call on or writ to B. A. Newland, IH.trict PaMenavr A ami. No. Hi I'atton Ave., AaEevlllc. N.C. J. CHARLTON. (V V. A.. Chicago, III. J. Na MORGAN & CO., No. 3 Barnard BnlldlntT. Scliool a ti College Text ItooliH. ll full linn. PnotM. II in. tory, Uoniancu, Hiojrraphy, Travel and NovpIh, Fnmily Itililtx). M S 1tit.1i.. nml Tour. nmentH, Oxford TeiuiherH' Hiblm, Song Book" of all klndH.larneHtock Stationery. IMnnk Books nnd Office and ftonooi isuppliPH. New line LndicH nnii danta' Piw.L-of- bookH juHt otened. Fanny 2.99 Shoe. uuuub auu UOIIH. fcUOals n tM in i f ;'' -J-"-ja'' "- " ..T,"Sawaiaai.aaaia.aaaaaiaaasaiaaaasaa