Mrs. Geo. P. Bjnnnte. a highly cultivate nil estimable inv nf Pres! Ark u-i. ittiilerdateol April M,'KV:)Urlnir the urn. mor of 18X7 mjr eyes bocnme Innsmril. and my stomach and liver h. poleiuily iltsnrilered. Isolhiiifr I ate agreed with me. I took chron. Ip diarrncra, and fur anme time mv life waa deipairadofby slrlane of the ennntrv were consulteil, but the medielnea a.lmh'i.tersil by them ni'ver did me any permanent rood, and I lineicd between life and ilemli. the latter hetnir pre. fernble to the agonies I waa endurine. In May, I8MJ. I beeame diluted with jmv.i.. c ana and their nie.lte nea. 1 ilrnuiieif them i' snd depended solely on Bwiffe Spec i Ho (. 8. 8.1, a few bnit'es of w hich made me permently well well from then until now It Builds up Old People. My mother who la a very old lady, waa phyaieally broken down. The useol Swlft'a Merino (8. 8. 8.) boa entirely restored her to health. B. B. PII.WORTH, Greenyilte, 8. C. Treatise m Blood and Skin Diseases mailed tree. 8 Wl KT BfKUriU CO., Atlanta. Us. Oft -!.tll.fcu'ly I'KOFESSIOXA L CA KIJS. DENTIST. A. S. Graham, D. D.S. 'Wire Over J. H. Law's Rtnre, South Main street. Nltroua oxide or InuKlilns R-ss administered for the painless extraction of trrth. Gold and porrelnin crowns nttm'hrd to the natural route of terth, thu aroldlnii the u of plates. All nnrrnllons ierttiliilnix to dentistry skill fully performed, I'rlces rrnsonnlileatlil entis fnctlon KUfirnnteeil. feha DR. M. K. A It R 1 MiTONi office moms on I'nttifn avenue, over the clnlhlui- store of C. II. Illfilllon .V Co. Residence cortur of Woodlin nml Locust streets. iiiko. I'. (iavihshn. Thus. a. Iiixks Knli lull. , ts. ".. M IKTIN, Ashe llle. A sluvillc. I.W'll'SDX. MAKTIN fc JtlM.St. AMnrncys unit C'liinsrlliir-. nl l.tiw, Aslirvilir. N. C vVill pr . lice in tlic 1 I III ttnd I ..'til Juillciiil Itistricts. '.rd In lite Sui.r me Cnlirl f .Nnrlll .'(.rnliiiit. unit lit tlie I edcrril Courts of the Western district of North Cnrolinn. Krlcr to lliilik of A-ticillc. illsrl r. it. conn. . u. t kknihiin. afjiillll .V MHKHIMIIN. A .torn, v" nn.l Ctiiin-cll.irs tit l.uw I'Mtcikv in nli th-.- ciirti. Ullicc: N'os 7 illl'l . lohtlMon liuildillK .!... t W. W. MINKS ilKII. A. Sill-Posit. jiiM'S ,v :-lll l uHli. Attorneys nl l.nw, AslH-ville. S. L I'tiieties In the Sii(ierlor Cimrts of Western Sorth L'atolinii, tlic Koorvtnc Court nt the State, tllltl the l-'etlcrnl Court" III Allcville. Ollict in jiilm-ilnn liuill;tii:, i lieremu- mem her ol the linn emt nlvviiy- Ik- tumid, ittmrvl 1 J, TKS'NKNT. Arcliitcct and Conlrii. tor. Hlnns, siieclficntions nml cMinmtcN fur tilheil. All work in my line eoiilnu led for. anil no cniirKes for ilniwinits on coniraets awnrileil me. References when denired. iMKee: No. 11! Ilenilry Mock, North Court rtillinre. Ahi villi-. N C fi '.Mlillv II. HOI CLASS. II. I. S. DENTAL ROOMS, . NO. 24 SOUTH MAIN ST., Over tirnnt Ar Winuert's OriiK Store. Keslil. nce, No. H" llnlley St. Irlilndly M. It. KKKVKK, t. . S. I II. K. SJIIl M. Urtt. Kciytt. & Mu 111. In Counnlly HiiIIiIIiik. over Keilwood's Store. I'litttMl Avenue. Teeth extracted without pain, with thenew anivstlietlc. undilll cases of lrniruliirity cor rected. .clilMill.- In llnrnnril lliill.linu l'.ntrances, ration venur unit Main Street. leli'Jllillv riH'K M. FIHUU. Oradnate Optician , Main 8trcet. All inrrhiinlenl ocular defects of the eye cor rected Hours for examination fl to 12 a. in.. If to A o. m. JuHi dtf M ISC'Kl.LA XliOl 'S. WM, R, PENNIMAN, I-KOI'KIKTOK Hi' THE ASHEVILLE BRICK WORKS, Asihcvillc, N. C. i. n. no t p. niarlSdly JfAD FIELDS FEMALE. AENSTRUATION OK MONTHLV MIL KN CUB) l THIS DURMB CnsHsv Qf WLK OMAOtR4" iRtJ WlltlKmBWIU. BE uvutuio TO' mMWMiiortt JIOOK HtADFUlD REGULATOR CO. ATIANTAGA. ep3rtw1y , IRATT'S ASTRAL ABSOLUTELY SAFE I. PERFECTLY ODERLE881 Burn In ". Limp without dnar of Exploding ur taking Art. 8e that you 01 tho geiuln. For Ml by BALTIMORE UNITED OIL CO., AHIIkVinLU. N. c W. K. T. B. A NHW tlRltl), carrfnlly prepared Iiy lead Inn memlirrs of the Ashrrlllr har ion finest parrhmrnt and heavy flat paper), co erlne: all nereaanry points,. Inst out and now oa aalr at the onler of the Citiihn Pvhi.ish wo Co.. No. North Cnnrt annare, 'iMt J KAMSAV, II. U.S. Denial $j$jf Office t fit HINKHM 4ND PI.F.AHI KK, To nllnv pnins, auliilue inHiiiiimiitinn, hcnl liini mrci nml ulccra, the most limnipt nml aiitist'm-torv rcaulta ore ol- Uiiiit'cl Iiy UHinj! that old rt'linhle rcincny, lr.J, H. Mi'Li'iin'sVoU'iinit'llil l.iniincnt. Fur sale by Kiiymr & Smith, ilrugKisiH. There ia onlv one letter i- a mim'a nl iihnlK't, anil tluit is "I;" only one in u uirlH'H. and is "();" only one inamar ried woinnn'H, anil that is "IT." A Dutv lo Vouraelf. It U RiirpriRinu that proole will line a eonimim, ordinary pill when they can ae t'ure a valnnlile l.nnlish our for the Hiinie inniny. Dr. Acker s btinlish pills are a positive cure for siek-headaclie and all liver (roubles. Thev are small, sweet, easily taken, and do not :ripc. For sale iiy j. tiraiit. "1 h sphere of woman is certainly ex tend n.-," said Mrs. Lnshii'gton to her husband, "livery once in n while somi- votnen eoin into the lecture held. 'Ys.M snul lur hnsliMiifl. wenrilv. "everv married man knows that." Hucklen'H Arnica Halve. The IwKt salve in the world for cutw. bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheirii, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chillilo'iii'. corns, anil all skin eruptions, and posi lively cures piles, or no pay required, li is Kii'arantecd to ive perfect satisfaction, or money refunded, rrice -ifi cents per box. For anle liv Rnys-'r& Smith. Maw Fair customer Is this Western lieef? ..astern butcher ( proudly I So, madam, we don't dial in ill-inannereil steers from the rowdy West. This lx.r(, madam, is from a hij-hly cultivated and very refilled cow, formerly of Huston. THAT HACKIXO COUCH can 1 so ouicklv cured hy Shiloh's Cure. Wi guarantee it. WILL. Villi SI l-r-I.K witli iiyspeimiii and Liver Complaint ? Shiloh's Yitiilizcr is Kunrnntecd to cure you. Thev term him pal'licarer. liecausc there would lie something indelicately siil-Kcstive in calling a man a porter who carries a bier. Ih Life worth l.lvliin-r Not il you (jo through the world a dys lieplic. Ir. Acker's Dyspepsia Tnlileis ure a imsitive cure for the worst forms of lysKpsia. Indigestion, Flatulency and Consumption. Guaranteed and for sale hy J. S. Grant. The only way lor a syndicate to raise the price of sardines would he to secure control of all the cottonseed oil in the market. We can nd Do Guarantee Ur. Acker's lllnod lvlixir. for it has Uen fully demonstrated totheeo pie ol this country that il is suerior to all oilier preparations for lilood diseases. It is a positive cure for syphilitic poison iiiK, fliers, l-iiitions and I'imples. Il purities the whole system and llinroiiKhli linilds up the constitution. For sale Iiy J. S. Grant. She love is an evergreen tree? lie Quaint, lint all! well, my love is yew. For lame back, sideorchest, ins.' Shiloh's I'orous Dinner. I'rice 25 cents. SHILOH'S COl'GII and Consumption Cure is sold by us on a guarantee. It euresCousiiniplion. "All the world loves a lover" except the younK lady's la I her mid the tloj;. If you don't want to disgust every body with your offensive breath, cure vour catarrh timn which it deiieutls. $iiliO rewurtl is otfered hy the pniirie in Dr. Slice's Catarrh Kemedv for a case ol catarrh which they cannot cure. It is sold by druK""; 50 cents. When the bride is all the world tn him, it is biirallv true that the whole world iovts the bridegroom. Ulvc the Chlliiren a Chance. There is somcthitiB radically wronj! with the health of a child when it seems lisllcKS, has poor or no iiiietilc. eyes sunken and with dark skin iH'tieath. In most caws showiiiK these symptoms the child has worms, and all that it needs is some simple remedy, suchas Hart's Worm Cream, to excl tlic worms, and the child will soon lie in perfect health again. I'n rents, try it and let your little ones have a fair chnnce for life. The widow who wears the longest veil of mourning is generally the one who cuts across lots to find another husband. If you suffer from liny affection caused by impure blood, such as scrolula. salt rheum, sores, boils, pimples, tetter, ring worm, take Dr. J. It. MeUnn's Sarsapa rilla. For sale by Knysor & Smith, drug . If love is blind there is no use wasting gns on it. Sl.F.liri.l.SS NIGHTS, made miserable liv I hat terrilili cough. Shiloh's Cure is the reniedv for voti. CATAKKII CI'KI.D, health and ttweel breath secured, hy Shilohs Catarrh Kemcily. Price 51) cents. Nasal Injcetor Iree hy'T. C. Smith & Co. Ilonryed words lielong to the conli ileuce man and the lover. Can't Mleep Nliihls) Is the complaint of ihoitsunils siifl'ering In mi Asthma, Consumption. Coughs. eli Did you ever try l.'r. Acker's t.nglish Kemedy? It is the liest prejianition known for all Lung Troubles. Sold on n positive guarantee at Wm.: and 50c. by J. S. Grunt. The rejected lover who had determined lo hang himself finally compromised to hang his head. The Pulpit and the Mage. Rev. F. M. Slirout, I'aslor Tinted Brethren Church, Blue Mound, Knn savs: "I feel it my duty to tell what wonders Dr. King's New Discovery has done for me. My lungs were badly dis eased, nml my parishioners thought I could live oniv n lew weens, i uiim live bottles of Dr.'Kinir's New Discovery and am sound and well, gaining 20 His, in weight." . , Arthur Love, Manager Love's Funny Folks Combination, writes: "Alter n thorough trissVnnd convincing evidence, I am confident Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, heats 'em nil, nml cures when everything else fails. The greatest kindness I can do my many I housund friends is to urge them to trv it. Free trial bottles nt Raysor& Smith s drug store. Regular sizcs50e.oud$l.UO We suppose it is the old feline instinct of the fiddle-string that makes it nrch its buck nml yell when it meet its beau. Alas, how changed! The rosy cheek is pallid as the dead, And from the eves thnt were so bright the hnppv light has fled. Life has no joy for her to-day; grown old before her prime, She wait In howlcss suffering tor the swilt coining time When death shall set her free From poor, sick women's misery. But if she knew what wonderful cures Dr. Tierce's Female Tnscription hns ef fected In worse cases than hers, she would clutch at the chance of recovering lost health as drowning men catch at straws, and she might be saved. SHILOH'S VITALIZUR is what you need lor Constipation, Loss ol ApH tite Dizziness, anil nll8ymptomsotlJysiepsiu Trice lo und 75 cents per bottle. CUOIJT, WHOOPING COUGH mid Bronchitis immedintclv relieved Dv Shiloh's Cure, Those fellows who dote on their girls sometimes find matrimony a powerful uiitiuoie. A Child Killed. Another child killed hy the use of opi ates given in the form of Sviothing syrup. Why mothers give their children such dcailly poison is surprising when they can nilirve the child oi its ieculiar trou bles by using Dr. Acker's Huby Soother. It contains no opium or morphine. Sold Iiy J. S. Grant. The woman who is least popular with men in general is most apt to make one nan happv in particular. When you arc constipated, have heiid ache, or'loss of apiK'tite, take Dr. J. II. McLean's Liver and Kidney Pillets; thev are pleasant to take and will cure you. For sale by Knysor & Smith, Druggist. The jailer is kmwn by the company he keeps. You cannot accomplish any work or business unless you tecl weel. If you feel used up tired out lake Dr. J. H. Mc lean's Sarsaparilln. It will give you health, strength and vitality. For sale by Rsvsor & Smith, druggists. The man who is in the habit of burn ing the candle at both ends should t.icr oil. If you have a pninlul sense ol fatigue, lind your duties irksome, take Dr. J. H. MelJean's Sarsnparilla. It will brace you up, make vol. si rout! and vigorous. For sale by Riiysur & Smith, druggists. It goes without saying that prompt mail delivery regulations should he en forced to the letter. Mhe Buffered for Twenty Year. My wile has suffered for fifteen years from congestion and painful menstrua tion. After using three bottle .of llratl ficld's Female Regulator she is now able tn do lit r housework and go where slu pleases. J. W. Davis, Moravian Falls N.C. Write Tlic llradlield Reg. Co., Atlanta. On., for particular. Sold by all drug gists. "Are you going to accept the Duke?" "I don't kiuiw yet. We have sixty days to search his title." "When I whs) a Boyl" is an expression almost everv hid has heard his father use as a basis for bom b.istic svli-adiiitntinn. But the buy ol ihe last quarter of the nineteenth ivu mrv may retorl, "when you were n hoy, ami had 'nn nl lack nlgrcnca pplcstoinach ache, you had to take calomel and jalap, but I inn treated to Dr. Tierce's Pleasant Purgative Pellets, sugar coated, and jiit as niie as eh colntc caramels; no blue mass anil castor oil for nit I'd rather light it out with the pain!" We don't wonder that some ieople who try to waltz net discouraged, fhey are consianlly having reverses. The AHhevllle Dally Citizen tilves The latest local news. The freshest State news. The Ik'SI general news. A tirst-chiss telegraph service. -Full Washington reports. General and special comments. Tlic largest subscription list of any secular paicr in the Stale. The best advertising medium in the State. A full staff of able editor and corres pondents. The neatest, newsiest anil most enter prising tmier in North Carolina. Its efforts are always devoted to the upbuilding and development of the re sources of the Stale, particularly the Western section. ub-cription, $0 icr nnnum; $11 six mi nth-.; 50 cents ht month. AdvertlMlntr CKliA TUS nmnr a new business; ENI.ANIWS many an nlrl business; Kli'l'l:S nmny'ii ibill business: h'HSCl 'US many n lit business; SA 17:.S" mnnv it miliiif; business; I'KHSIikVliS nmny n Inrxe business; SIX' I 'A'iS suit-ess in liny business. To advertise iutlieiously, use the col umns of "7 he Liliien. Iivcryliwly remls it; anil in infon f tl'ie returns it nehls ntlvet Users, Us rates are I lie ineiii. est in thrrountiv. 7n K IV JOYS Rolh iIia mo I hod and n-slill when Syrup o' Fig i la sen; it i pleasant nml ri I resiling to the taste ami acta enlly yet promptly nn the r.miieys, uiver ami Hovel, cleanses the sys tem olliihiullv. ilisiwl colds, lieiul- m liea nml li'vem nml cure habitual constipation. Syrup of Fit: is tho ...i.. i- -i' I... ..i ..... Jiny reiuciiy ui us hiiiii cut iiii iluivil. iilpiittiiiir to tbn tiistp ami ac ceptable to tlie sloiiim li, proiniit in its action mid truly lieneliciiil in it olli-ots, prriwreil only I'rom tlie most healthy ami apvciiMe siilistnnces, its many oxcelli'iit innlilict comnuiiil It to all ami have made it the most popular renipilv known. Svnip of Figs Is for sale 111 BOc and 81 Ixittlcs by all lomling drug gists. Any rel!nlili druggist who may not have it on linnd will pro cure it promptly for anv one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any lulistilute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. 4v rnAHciscn. r, WUIMILIC, HY. VfrV tOMt, M.t. ORNAMENTAL PAINTING. Tlisnkln eonllally Ihe dtliras of Ashev llle fur their lllstral patronaite eatemlrd both to mr Fruit business anil to my 1'alnlln. I tnke ptensure la anniiunclng that I will run Untie the flrel under comietent mnuniirineilt, while I will devote my personal attention til slim anil ornnmental painting, my n"' eleney In which has ample testimony. A con tinuance of pstronaKe la most respectfully ,krf, JOHN SALMON, Jan 1 d3ta GLOBE HOTEL. Centrally Located, Next Court House, Twenty one miles south ol Ashevllle, oa the 8. and A, railroad ; streets wide; aide walks amly anil dry, never muddy. Pleat, ant place tn spend a day, week or month. Pour good livery stables. Pare ootl and prices moderate, 'Hue to all trains. T. A. ALLIiN, Prop., llenilcrsiinvillr, N. C. )R MA LB, An Arlon Snnnre l'l"no, good ns new. Will he sold ehenp. The Instrument may lie seen atC. I'alk's music store. North Main street. T. W PATH in, Jmiilft dt Ailm'r of Hilward Wedilin. 1XSVKAXCB. JlRBINSlll RANCH. FIIIE. LIFE. ACCIDENT. PULLIAM & CO. At the Hank of Aohrvflle, ABHHV1LLR, N. C. Rcprrnrnt the following cnmpanlri, vli FIMK. CAHIl AtKKTt IN 1. R. An1o Neva tin. nf Cftllfornlfc V,17 Continrntnl, uf New Yonl 4.M7R, llnmhurK-srrttien,tf Ofrnmny 1 .1 20, l.tiftiltin AfiHurfxtH'e, nl hnKliitul...., 1 NiiiKiirn, ol Nt'v Vnrlt 2,27, Oriint. of llnrtfortl 1.H07, IMi.cnlx, jf Ittooklyti 0,064, Si. I'muI Fire and Marine, of Min- nemitu 1.A41, Amithi-m, ut' New Orleans :ili Western, ol Toronto i,U3U, Mutual AcL'iik-nt Aftmiclnilon vl.tna Life Inxurunce Compuny. ilttniiri.". ,M3H ,41 2 (11)2 17U 0111 UN JpRl8ThB'8 8ALU. Hy virtue of a ilixd of trutt etet'uted to thr und' rubied hv Johnntonv loni and w fc, ilnted .'id ot AukiinI. km7, and roKtittert'd In Muitk 11 nt pnut' 12:t ol"reiordof mortuatrt in tlie Krfiiiiti r' oitk-e In Aiheville, I will aril nt pultlir uuot on n the Uth day of Marih. Ih'.hi, at tin court lmxt door in Ashevillflnr I'tntli, u certain lol or pit reel of land m miiil devil uf 'ruii fully dencrilied, Mitunted on tin wct Hide of Pr nth Proud venue In -Mheville. N. c, nliout 2 fret north of i'ntton avi ntie, f'ontiim ittf five on French Uroad nv mi and r nninu Imck u'lout 227 frt. In inn thr lit nn whU'h i iMciiH-d thn dwcllitiK lately ovrupli'd liv anid .(tdinntonr JnnrH. H trr tice ) nimlc to a id deed nf irut on reciird tia ulVircmiiit, f- lulldt-ncripnonof a il nroiierty. Thii lth I-Vhr nr , IH'.hi. l.AWKHNCIi I'l'LI.IAM, fehitidnt wed TruMtec. W. 0. WOLFE. over :tmi K-tn ol the mot Ineauttlul MoiiuiuciitH and Totnbtttoiiett iuat received, from the fhrii'ient Totnbatont to hnntlnoinr Monuuuiit. 1 have made a orreat reduction In prlccn, nnd It will pay you to come and look al my mock, whether you buy or not. Wareroom -Wolfe Iluildini. Court Hiunre. NOTICE OF THE INCORPORATION Of Ihe P. A. llemeiiN Woodworks Ititf Company Notice In h-rrl.y ?ivrn n reipdred hy atnt nte thnt on the JH'h dav of p'rhruarv, Ihimi, I. A. Ikminft. Mr K. A. Ih-imnn. I. V Pluck Wfl-lrr r.c-t, H. Powell nnd W.I' Hni -ter. of Aaheville. N C. tiled In the tiffioe ul tiieelerkof the mtprrior court inr Punctunt-e county, Vnrth Carolina, articlen tt atrre inent for the ncorpora ion if tlirma Ivin anil their atiiH'lnte nnd uiveMor an a co"ora titn to le known hy the name of The I'. A (eineiiK WouiiM orkintf Compuny. nnd on thr n-ii.d dny thi yandthrlr iinclritr and am iHaiim were nee irdlnily dulv d- .'hired o Ih- cetoraton under wiid corHirnti' nninr to c ntiniie iueiltnce for thirty e-ra Th m inc-Mftl oihce an. I pi nee id lnutin oa of anid corporation ia to hr Ahcville, N, C. an.l the iMimne-a to te cnried on la n Knir.ii luniher nnd tonU-r hu'iniaii, includiuu tin inuiitdnciiiiT anil aitl- ol fiirniturr. hu I'lttiK h'oi-rM nnd otlit-r atrttcttin. nnd ucnrnill ihehtmtser tiumne-ain nil iia di-t.'tiU. hranche ii nd department!. The cm pi nl tock,divulril into th ura ol one humlml dillrnarn h. a t tiv aitv ill tiiRHiid dtdlura, wllh thr privi Icur oi Inert iianiii it to our liuudr d thou und ditllnn. Ituhvidunl atrnkitoldrra "rr not to lie Haute lor the dt lita ! ihe crpora lion. Ttua February 2t, ihpo. W. T. KKVS Clerk SttKrior totirt Jtuucotnor Co. fth27ilKWlW AXU FlK HAt.K. In pMraunnee of the provi-dnii--. of a crrtnin writt-n contract enecutid Uy and Im ttvwi the inidcr-iKind anil JoPu Mrown -u the 7th dav of tictoltcr, IKhi, nnd on aicoiiut ol lit ftiilu-e o) aild John Prowu itn l of hla M"iKnee, I. M. Hnin. lottimplv wilt the con dition of until tonlrnet. nml hnditiK i h it niter iIo!mk ffrent duiiinKC nnd com . ittiuc wnate m tnd litttd tnid Mrov n lino naiKnvd hia mterrMt thi rem to J. It. Hnin. I whall m pon to ii.e ut puhhc auction lorcah nt tin lotut houae tlo r in the cliv oi Anh ille nt rJu'clotk mertdinn, on Monday, the .'lint iliiv nl Mnnli, Ih'.m, the tract ol land mi w hit It the anid Jtdtn ltrm n n hi retnlotp re aided. I Iuk on the weal utile nl thr I ren h Itri'tid fer nnd lA'twceu iiid river and Hie ;iirniiiii hridvr road and the I tnkty cr ek r-'iid, mhol-iii'tf ihe land- m W. W Xnilih. Nfciiii tiwi-uhv and utlierit I'm iiuire i nr-tlcul'-r lif-HTiiitton Ti let-nx- ia made to tin died iv unlitl in Ponk iu-- t2d, l-'T and X'Jh in the KejttHu r'a odtcv of HuucoadH count nuirUdtda KICIIMONU I'l'.XKSUN. 3I(nday. March io. AMERICA'S GREATEST SOUBRETTE, MATTIE VIGKERS, IComnirnt unnrerssnry.) Huiiporled Iiy JOt). W. DON 1'. R, And an I'scellrnt Comimnv, In Ihe runniest Musleal l. uttu iiy of ihe iirrsent day, J ACQUINIi) UK, Panic and I laiuond). A humorous ami siitlrlenlrclleellun of IJI-li III'IIINI) Till. SCUM'S. rresi nllnit Ine denlnllv te vi ry latest Top Kill t..tiui.t hiirni use Mi di. vs. Imliily liuni'es. Novel Hie Indies, and HiarllliiK Hltuailons. YOU WILL, LAUGH AT The homliiisile and Imiieeiinlous Manaarr, Ihe Irnitlenl nnd iiiiirreisoiue l-riidlnic l.ailv. Hie' lull Mini, the aiHKe sirmk Hill I'osirr, the itrimler nishiiiK Hine Cnr. I .enter, the hiiKr aetor-rntlnit Mnstnr Juinlm, and you will lie eliai'iiied wltli the trials anil auntsBOf Little llalkt l.lrl "JACK " Ciciicral AdiiilisHlou, . .75 Kcucrvcd Hc-atM, l.oo far Hale al awer'a, IS I'attunAve. J?UK RKNT POH OFI'ICIIS. I'our nf those fine rooms nn the second floor of Nn. mi rntton avenue. Also tine larwe room on the ihlrd floor wllh blah cell Iiik, aultahle fur elulis. M. I.. McAFHH, Trustee, feliUI ri3w H011111 4, MeAfee Uloek. F. W. VESEY & SON, FLORISTS AND LANDSCAPE GARDENERS, ftreenhniisi'B, So. Ill Chestnut street, between North Main nnd Mirrlmon Cut Powers, llnlill I'lnnts. Mnrdv Mo rs. te .ele. I.nv out Kroiinds, drive and wn ks, make and ilnnt linls, lionlers etc. PrunlnH fiuit treek and shruhltery a siieelalty. IMenseesll tin tie ur adilresa ua thruuah the mall. All orders promptly Blled. (cum dam HE THOUGHT THEV MEANT HIM. Tha Adventure of "Cash" Cologne In a New York klnrt, Caiwius or "Cah" Col'one, as he is usually named, a well known rraiilcnt of Fauquier county, Vu ri-fcnlly paid hln llriit viHlt to Nr-w York. WlaliiiiR, unlikoao many nu show hln thought for liis wife when nut of Iht siglil, lie tn teri il n lending dry notls sioro for tlie pur)io8o of buying a dreiw imltorn or omt auch auitublf article WnlkitiK up one of the aialea liu wan inoretliun sur-prin-tl to hear notne one in the dim dia taiit'O loudly yell out "Cauli!" Naturally auriiriued he looked in the diri-ction wlienco tho voice came, up poaing Its ownt-r to be a friend or ac quaintance, and that (lotlium'i prover bial looarneiw of hubit rmillid this manner of aiiluto. btill he could see no one that he recognized. Wondering more anil more, atniinishment grew to the boiling over point, when, an if by a preconccr.ed ainul, from all quarters of the room cuun' icrislent cries of "Caiihl Caalil Can)it" This was more than Vir :liiii uiiivalry. In the person of Mr. Co logne, could liear, and, an ut that mo ment a clerk with a locomotive whis tle voice standing right back of him clapped the climax Iiy shouting the name in his very ear. he turned round and re marked: "Look here, yotmi;' fellow, you folks may think you're having a lot of fun with me, hut if you use my name that way again I'll lnvnk your m-ck." It took the propii' lor and six floor half an hour lo convince him as to the furls of Ihe cuho mid that no Imrin was meant M:anw hiie he carried on in such a way that half the salesmen went out and gni big Hi:cidrm insurance poll cies good until llle Virginia gentleman waa booked to h-ave town. -Philadelphia Timea A Nteam I'lstar. A couple of traveling salesmen were I lie only oi'i'iip una nl the smoking car. besides an old fanner Warning a little quiet fun at his expense, Ihey begau talking of thenondi'i ful mechanical and other wienlilie iiuproveini'iita of late yeura The farmer did nut apear at) an touibhed as they expected, and mean while un overciuil belonging to one of tlictu caught lire from a ci;;ur. Hy the time half the tail wiu. Iiurittotl theiiwner iiotlcttl it, an i. obvrving lite laugh in the farmer's eye, angrily asked: "Vou saw il; why didn't you loll me it wuh burning?" "Oh," repli' il the tiller of the noil, "I saw wlmt I ihought was smoke, but I didn't know, from whin you were talk ing alwul, bill lliul it iniltl be new kind of nil ul.-lcr that went hy sieaui." I'iiiladelplua Times No Hiipposltluti. "You will notice," Niid the manager of the riniiiaiiy. as he sl'Ps-tl 111 fninl of Ihe curtain 'thai the programme says that seven yeurs are NUpKwed lo elaM hetnei'ii tho mcoiid and I bird acts. In this case then' will Is. no supposition about it The sln-rilT of this county has just taken s-es.ion of the slnu, and I think I i tut it ill lie about seven years UTore we run got the mailer sctllud. The audit nee it now iliMuiat-d." Dniki's Magazine. I lesson for Ilia Candor. Elderly Lady Are these goods fast colorsr Young Salesman No. ma'am, they are not, nllliouh marked aa such. E. U Yuur candor surprises me. Is it usual for you lo bo so honest u ill. cus louicrer Y. S.--N0, ma nia; but 1 got notice that I ill not be wanted here after this evening, so I am gelling in one honest day at leant.-New Yolk I're-s. Probably C'nrreck Mra. Linn Ouist (n-atliuj;) There are S.Tjd lan.'.'iiagi's Mr. Una tiuisi Nome-nsel Who is tlie authority tor that statement? ' It is cmlii' d te Tin- ('i.ioago Times, " "t)ht I forgot i.lsiul Clucajjo." New York Weekly. Could Nnl Lie Without liar. -ack Itodseiit (gushinglyl- Sir, I have come to ask you fur die hand of your daughter. I cannot live without her. Mr. i 1U1L1I1011 No. I dure say you rnn't, wuh your small Income anil ex pensive habits. Mun-s ) a Weekly. Na Free Trade lor Her, rle Pn or -it tt k y ill would voto for prout'tinii, 1 1. t id'.-J you hud tli urlvt lego? Bhehvlyi-Yi-., I l iink I should if you would i:'oimi- Id lm tiie proUjuior. tt . . 1 .. . . Duruiigiuii rii-e 1 re, a. A tsuabtlue' Tboaaas. If ny enenr "tind lu re is buried In th sntnv nml wants assli lance, I wish he'd lm sensiLle enough to say sc. Tiiuo An Iniprnvement. Oaniln (to 8plini,"'ltl with street tele scope) llillln. (iiirilmltll. Hoar's bust tlis? Hplincolll (dhplnyiiif- a hnndful of nlrlielsh- Ilresiirs es looking up. Philo dclphia I'r' ss. DnablssJ Hiss. lie Why, I lovo you so mnrli, Ethel, thnt I'd dio for you if you'd nisrry ms, Hhe-I'd marry yiftl if I boliered U. Nsw York Sun, l.poch. The trnnsition Irom Ioiik. lingering and piiiiiful sickness to roliuat heiiltll murks an epoch in the life nf the Individual. Such n remarkable event is treasured in the memory and the nRency whereby the (food health hns been nttnined is grnte Fully blessed. Hence it is that so much is heurd in prnlsc of Klectric Hitters. 8i mnnv feel thev owe their restoration to health, to the use of the 1'itrnt Alterative and Tonic. If you nre troubled with any disease of Kidnevs. Liver or Stomach, ol long or short standing you will surely fintl relief hv use of Blectric Hitters. Sold nt GOc. aiitf$l er bottle, at Kaysor & Buntn urug store. MISCELLANEOUS. MACK, STADLER & CO., MANUFACTURERS OP PERFECT FITTING FINE CLOTHING 109 & hi West Third St., Cincinnati. For Sule by all Leading Clo'lilerSe Jan22 (13m AHheville, N. C. P. A. DEMENS WOOD WORKING CO., . Manufacturers and Dealers In all kinds of DKeaed LUMBER. Door, Mann, niliidn, Mouldings, Stairworfc, MenteU, Bank and Bar Fixtures, and all kinds oi' Building Material. Hard Wood Lumber Work a Specialty. nov 1tlly Telephone CHOICE MEATS AND POULTRY At Popular Prices, AT THE ASHEVILLE MEAT MARKET, DIARIILI.-NO, 18 NORTH COURT SOl'ARE.-FHONT. WESTERN DRESSED BEEF AND PROVISION CO. Telephone Call 4. THE WINYAII HOUSE, Comer Heurd and I'ine streets, Camp I'atton. ASHEVILLE, N. a Conducted 11s 11 Suniturium for invnlids sutrrrinfrom diseases of Ihe Iiiiiks and tlinuit, und under the charge of Dr. Kurl von Kuck. Conducted upiin the most approved phins endorsed hy the leading memlicrs ol'tlie inedicul prolcssion. 1'erlccl uppuintnients in every druiirtmcnt. Knr particulars address KAKL VON RUCK. B. S., M. D. lr. von Ruck's cilv oHice: No. .10 Patton avenue. Rooms Noa. 1, 2 and a, up stairs. Uthcc Hours: 11 to 1 o'clock. Practice limited to diseases of the hums and throat. THE"HICKORY INN." HICKORY, N. C. Klectric 1-ij.liis. tins, Hot and Cold Water Uatbs und Toilets on each floor. Cuisine anil apHiimtnents unsurpussed. FRANK LOl'VHRAN, Proprietor. AIKEN. The Popular Winter Resort for Health aad Pleasure. OS TUB St'MMIT OP TIIE Plncy Sand II1U Region of South Aikfii poHsi-Hsi's the ilrii'Ht climnte of tuiy plmre in the r.iit.'tl States t'XH'pt puintH tf ureat altitude in the ltocky Mountaiiirt. Tin wniiilei fully dry, ure utmonphere ia the result of the combined influence of its elevtition above the HiiiTounilinji; country (beinj; 400 feet higher than Augusta, 17 niiles distant, and "i(i."i ftvt above w-a level) a perfect natural drainage in every direction the absence in the vi cinity of any stream or large body of water and the por ous nature of the soil. The town is surrounded by a dense growth of pine woods, through which, there being but few fences, innumerable pleasant walks and drives lead in every direction. The population is 2,r00 and the town is one of the prettiest and pleasantest in the entire South. HIGHLAND PARK O.TE.L, s1'' ifc Having nccomniodations for .'U.O guests, is flrstJasH in every ii'spect. llooins large and comfortable. Lighted by gns and heated by means of open wood fireplaces. The public rooms in addition to fireplaces and tlie halls are lien tel by steam. The sanit ary arrangements nre absolutely perfect. The water, which is clear as crystal, is pumped from two large springs on the grounds. That used for drinking purposes is lirouglit to I lie noiei in porccinm niieu piuin. mu mum, with which the greatest care is taken, is supplied with milk from our own dairy, stocked witn noistem- nesian cuttle. Amuse u'liients are provided in the way of Billiard Room, iillinrd Koom, Howling Alley, Tennis Courta, etc. Lathes' llilli An excellent orchestra is in Livery stable connected with the house, in which trained saddle horses are made a specialty. For circular and terms address B. P. CHATFIELD, Proprietor. To reach Aiken from Asheville time, 12 hours route via Spartanburg, Columbia nnd (Jraiiiteville. Leaving AHheville D.Ji") a. m., arrive Aiken 8.45 p. in. fehlB clltno t JAltlliS FRANK, IISALSS IN FAMILY GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS Ageat for Deem. Creek Woolen Mills. North Mala fcbiodlr AahcTille, N. C. Near PaMenscr Depot No. 16. Carolina attendance. TLANTIC COABT LINB nn and after this date the following seaee). utes will lie run over Its "Columbia tMvlstoa.n No, BB l-eavea Columns 6.30 p. at. Arrives at Charles toa SO p. as. No, S3 Leaves Charleston T.lOa. a. Arrives atColamMa. 11.66 a. sa, Connectlna with trslns to and rroas all points on the Charlotte, Colombia at Aai auata and Columbia (a OrsenvUls JtailroaAs. unr. l . Pa . DMnKm'n. wm. rmmm ,.V. ib-r.s MseaaaTM-IBWsMbasI

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